DeBorja Physical Therapy

We help you overcome pain and stiffness and move and feel better with on hands on PT and MFR Therapy. deBorja Physical Therapy
848 W. 36th St.

Baltimore, MD 21211
Contact: Angie deBorja, PT, DPT, CLT


How do you keep moving forward when things get tough? It's important to know your "why". If you're why is strong enough, you'll be willing to put aside the easy route, the Netflix, the carry out, the extra hour of scrolling, the extra half hour of sleep.
Journaling daily your why for reaching your goal is a step in the right direction, even it is on you mobile device, or on your mobile calendar. Do whatever it takes. Good things are in store for you.
Let's connect and accelerate your healing journey


You were doing so well until the pain started getting in the way.

You had lost 10+ pounds before with regular walking but had to stop working out and going to the gym because of the pain.

You just want to get back to the routine you had. You fear that you're getting old and that getting around will get harder and harder. It doesn't have to be this way.

Myofascial release can help. Let's find the source of that unrelenting pain. It could be several areas that you need addressed, not just the area where you hurt.

Book your session or a phone call today.


I was introduced to John F. Barnes myofascial release training when I was seeking additional training to help my patients recover from breast cancer surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation side effects.

As a a certified lymphedema therapist and physical therapist, my interventions were helpful, but my patients were still suffering with residual symptoms.

After beginning myofascial release training, I began to implement the technique into my practice and discovered dramatic improvements in clients with longstanding issues and who had reached a plateau.

It is now a primary approach I use in helping others with their pain and mobility problems. Combined with postural, soft tissue, and total body movement assessment, it helps paint the big picture to determine where the sources of the problem are. Learn more and book your session at


If you're struggling with unrelenting pain and stiffness, know that the benefits of myofascial release for lasting relief are many. Here are just a few: reduce or eliminate pain, self empowerment, return to active lifestyle, prevent/reduce flare ups, treat the source, reduce recovery time. Combine this with movement assessment and retraining, and you'll be on your way to restful sleep, ability to enjoy walks with the dog, reaching to put your socks and shoes on with ease, and getting stuff done around the house that's been put on hold. Learn more and book online at


Do you know how to find your neutral pelvis? It's a really important part of low back health, whether or not you have low back problems or you want to prevent injury. Here's a 2 minute video to learn how:


Your fur baby at home wants to play, wants to go for a long walk, wants to be silly with you in the yard. Maybe you're hesitant to take them out for that long walk because of that nagging sore area that's been there for months. Really, it feels like longer than that. It's within your reach to be able to do these things. All you have to do is schedule your care at to gain answers, guidance, and lasting relief and ease with mobility.


Example scenario: Persistent nagging pain in your elbow doesn't necessarily mean the problem is in the elbow. For example, the elbow could be the problem, but the pain also could be referred pain from an issue somewhere else in the body, such as the shoulder muscles. That shoulder issue, could be the result of your head and neck posture from looking down at your phone or laptop. It's important to look at your whole body as a system when determining how to treat. Your body functions and get things done just like a multi-departmental organization. The organization can only run as well as how all the departments that make it up run. Seemingly unrelated body areas could be the root of your unresolved pain, especially if testing, imaging and full work up of the elbow doesn't turn up anything helpful to your recovery.
Book your session at to explore for all the potential causes and to experience authentic and lasting relief.


There are a lot of ways you can get relief for your chronic back pain. It's difficult to know which to choose. I put together a free virtual workshop on overcoming back pain and sciatica, even if you feel like you've tried so many things already.
You can check it out at


You deserve to be active and move with ease, without the anxiety of when the gripping shot of pain will appear, without the squeezing twisting knot that starts to creep up in your low back, or the hot iron that starts to light up in your hip and groin. If you've tried other modalities and have had limited results, there is hope available to you. Learn more and book online at


"Hi Grandpa!

It's me, your fort-building buddy! I miss playing forts with you, but I know your hip hurts when you get down on the floor. It’s no fun when you’re in pain, and I want you to feel better so we can build the best forts ever!

Mommy told me about this place called deBorja Physical Therapy. They have this really cool thing called John F. Barnes Myofascial Release that helps with hip pain. They know just how to make it go away so you can play with me without hurting.

I can’t wait for us to get back to our awesome fort adventures. You’re the best grandpa, and I want you to feel great again! Go here:

Let’s get you back to playing with me.

Your Fort-Building Buddy,

Your Little Grandson Bradley"


Let’s talk about using a Theracane for neck tightness 😃 (Pardon the crazy hair in this video!)

In brief, the Theracane is a handy "cane' shaped tool with k***s that you can use to release achy knots in various parts of the body. It can help you loosen more than stretching alone.

So, here are 4 easy ways that you can do just that:

💡 Hold it overhanded, and use the k**b at the end to find tight areas at the back of the shoulder.

💡 Explore for tender ropy areas and treat by rolling the tender area back and forth.

💡 Select one spot and maintain pressure there for at least 2 minutes, breathing deeply into it.

💡Try this at top of the shoulder (at the side of the base of the neck), then move your head forward and to the side as you maintain pressure with the Theracane.

The Theracane is a helpful tool to help those knotty areas you feel at the end of the day. In conjunction with postural strengthening and self myofascial release strategies, you can keep that nagging neck tightness and pain away.

To get more customized help, book a session at


“Go ahead and hand out encouragement like everybody needs it...because they do”
- Stacey Donavan


"Hi Grandma!
It's me, your favorite 7-year-old! I know it's not fun when your hip hurts and you can't get down on the floor to play with me. I miss our games and silly times together. I want you to feel better so we can have more fun!

Mommy told me about deBorja Physical Therapy. They have this super cool thing called John F. Barnes Myofascial Release that helps with the pain. They know exactly how to make your hip feel better so you can play with me without any owies.

I can't wait for you to be able to chase me around and play on the floor again. You’re the best grandma ever, and I want you to feel amazing!
Let's get you back to your awesome self. Here's their website!

Love you lots,
Your Little Granddaughter Jojo"


🌟 Reclaim Your Life with deBorja Physical Therapy & Myofascial Release! 🌟
Active and independent-minded adults! At deBorja Physical Therapy & Myofascial Release, we're dedicated to helping you regain your vitality and live life to the fullest. Our expertise in John F. Barnes Myofascial Release (JFB MFR) offers a holistic approach to addressing chronic pain and mobility issues. We combine this gentle but powerful approach with physical therapy and movement retraining so that you are empowered to return to the activities you have been missing out on. Learn more at


Do you know someone who has had axillary node dissection to evaluate for breast cancer? This surgical procedure, involves the removal of lymph nodes from the axilla (underarm area) to check for the spread of cancer. While this surgery is crucial for effective cancer management, it can pose significant risks to shoulder function and overall mobility. I wrote a blog post in the past that reviews the potential risks after the procedure. Check it out here:


🌟 Transform Your Life with JFB Myofascial Release 🌟
Did you know that myofascial restrictions could be causing your chronic pain? At deBorja Physical Therapy & Myofascial Release, we use John F. Barnes Myofascial Release to help adults find lasting relief, even if they've already tried other modalities.

Our gentle, hands-on technique targets tight bands in your connective tissue, improving blood flow and reducing inflammation. This can alleviate pain from conditions like migraines, fibromyalgia, and back pain. When combined with movement retraining, you are on way to getting out on the trails again, taking your morning walks, and returning to your Sunday morning bike rides.
Don't let pain control your life. Discover the benefits of MFR and reclaim your health. 🌟


Chronic pain may bend you, but it will never break you. With each small victory, you reclaim your strength and move closer to a life of renewed hope and possibility. Start your journey at


I like to make instructional videos so my clients have something to reference when they do the self-treatment strategies they learn in the office at home. They get more than photos and print instructions on a piece of paper.

Over the past year-and-a-half I've tallied up over 150 short videos I've made for self-treatment strategies of various conditions from the head to the foot, catered to the person's specific needs discovered during their visits. Clients are empowered. I can't believe how the number of videos in my library has grown! If you know someone who is struggling with a pain or tightness issue that won't go away, have them check out



Struggling with unrelenting heel or foot pain? Take a minute to watch...


Are you a perfectionist? Afraid to put yourself out there because you might make a mistake? Perhaps you think why bother because you won't be able to do it right anyway?

We get tied up in these feelings and ideas of ourselves, thinking that if we mess up or aren't picture-perfect people won't like us, or we won't reach our goals or be successful because we might make a mistake or make the wrong decision.

But all we're really doing is keeping people (and our dreams and goals) at arm's length.

What a relief it would be to give up being perfect, for being YOU.


If you aren't seeing results with fixing your nagging shoulder pain and stiffness don't stress, we can help!

You're probably closer than you think. And you may just need to tweak your daily routine.

After working with my clients, I've had the opportunity to peek under the hood of their routines and efforts and have seen common mistakes most people make.

Could you be making them too?

❌ Focusing on only improving shoulder motions that hurt and not the movements of other areas of the body.

❌ Resting and avoiding movement completely.

❌ Emphasizing strengthening exercises only.

❌ Not modifying their daily routine and body mechanics to promote healing.

❌ Pushing through the pain.

Don't beat yourself up if you are!! We all make the decisions we feel are best for us at the moment. They're just part of the process!!

It's just good to be aware so you can shift and adjust.

And remember, we're here to guide you and help you get on the right track!

Want customized help? Go to


🌟 Hey lovely people! 🌟 Chronic pain and tightness don't have to be your everyday reality. Myofascial release therapy is here to help you break free from the chains of discomfort. Imagine waking up each day feeling lighter, more flexible, and ready to embrace life to the fullest. This isn't just about relieving pain; it's about empowering you to live your best, most vibrant life. You have the strength and the right to feel amazing every single day.

I'm here to guide you on this transformative journey. Together, we can release those tight spots, release the deep seated roots that are stifling you, and bring back the ease and joy of movement. You deserve to feel at home in your own body. Let's take this step towards a pain-free, empowered you. 💖 Book your session online at


Some goals are reachable today and others are farther down the road. That's perfectly okay. Just put one foot in front of the other. Focus on the process. Break everything down into bite-sized steps.

You'll get there before you know it!

You are talented and unique.


When I opened my practice 1 1/2 years ago I was nervous and excited.

I felt unsure, overwhelmed and unprepared. Do you ever get the feeling that you are totally awkward and aren't good enough at what you are doing? I certainly felt like that for a long time…

I had no clue how much learning and being out of my comfort zone would be in store for me.

I had no idea what or how many steps and at bats I needed to take…

I just knew I wanted to use my unique approach to help individuals overcome their pain and mobility problems, and regain an active and high quality lifestyle.

I could never have dreamed that the business I started would grow, would be so personally fulfilling, and connect me with so many amazing people.

When you are moving forward with baby steps…taking one action and then another to learn and grow…some day you’ll look back and be amazed at how much you accomplished, produced and contributed to the world.

Keep moving toward your goals a little bit every day even if you have setbacks. The lessons you learn and the personal growth you experience will transform you!


Here are 3 common amongst clients who get the best results in overcoming their chronic unresolved pain so they can be active again.


Let’s clear a few things up 🤔

There’s a lot of chatter about shoulder pain within the health and wellness industry.

For example, here are 4 common MYTHS I hear all the time:

💬 "Shoulder pain is a normal part of aging/getting old." Not so. Shoulder pain is frequently a result of either impaired mobility, or altered stability in the areas above and below the area. Knowing which one to address and when is a large part of your healing journey.

💬 "I just need to rest it a little while longer." Rest can lead to further tightness, aching, and immobility. Targeted movement therapy at specific points in your journey, when there has been adequate healing and recovery, will help you get back to doing the workouts you miss.

💬 " I can do a few shoulder exercises and it will be fine." Not necessarily. Those exercises you select from your internet search may be helpful if you have front of shoulder pain, but not with the achiness you have at the base of your neck on the right side.

💬 "I can probably get a steroid shot for it and it will be fine." This can be true in some cases, but if you're not addressing the problems that may be present in the neck, upper back, or pelvis, it may be just a matter of time until the pain returns.

Unfortunately, these tales are doing more harm than good. Not only do they feed you entirely false information, but they can make you doubt yourself and your ability to achieve your fitness and strength goals, right?

My advice?
⭐ Get looked at by a professional so you know what you need to do for a speedy recovery and you don't lose precious time.
⭐Do your self-care.
⭐Stick to what works for you and don’t be swayed by the deafening chatter.

You’ve got this! 👏

P.S. Want to know how I help my clients with unrelenting shoulder pain? Check out the link here


Some people can see every problem but don’t look for the solution.

If you only focus on obstacles like not having enough time or money, you won't see the opportunities to get around the limitations and reach your dreams anyway.

What if you focus on the time you DO have instead? What if you made a list of everything you CAN get done with a small budget?

There's always a solution if you look for it!


Nothing makes my day more than waking up to messages like this…

"Dr. Angie is amazing! By the end of my first package I was feeling fabulous and moving better than I had in years. She started by addressing pain and mobility issues in my ankle/ plantar fasciitis as well as excruciating back pain. She uses a gentle approach and explains everything that she is doing.” , one of my amazing physical therapy and myofascial release clients.

PS - Want to know how you can get results like this too, head to


Stay cool and safe this weekend! Powered fans outside in this weather are a wonderful thing!


I'm feeling grateful today. A patient told me this morning that things are definitely going in the right direction.

"I'm not as stiff all the time and feeling looser in the back and hips."

Over the past year this issue has kept her from enjoying her 2 mile walks. It's only been a few sessions. She's in her 70s. Staying active and independent is a top priority for her. She is on her way to walking the scenic college campus near her home daily without sudden shooting pains into her buttock and down her thigh!

Help is available to you:

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Let’s talk about using a Theracane for neck tightness 😃 (Pardon the crazy hair in this video!) In brief, the Theracane i...
Chronic pain may bend you, but it will never break you. With each small victory, you reclaim your strength and move clos...
Struggling with unrelenting heel or foot pain? Take a minute to watch... #heelpain #physicaltherapy ...
3 traits of clients who get the best results overcoming unresolved or unexplained chronic pain and get back to the activ...
Here are 3 common amongst clients who get the best results in overcoming their chronic unresolved  pain so they can be a...
Do you have aches and pains from working from home, even with the standing desk, new office chair you bought, and those ...
Your healing journey is not linear. Here is
"Speed mode" success story. Want to be able to place your foot down without shooting pain? I can help.
What is myofascial release?
My first time trying out the Infinity Hula Hoop! A fun and a great way you can get a core workout while watching your la...
Presnow day in Hampden yesterday between patients. Excited to get my waist long hair cut at Flaunt Hair Boutique . Styli...
Come in for a visit and get checked out!  Your Happy New Year will thank you for it!



848 W 36th Street
Baltimore, MD

Opening Hours

Monday 9:30am - 4:30pm
Wednesday 9:30am - 4:30pm
Thursday 9:30am - 3:30pm
Friday 9:30am - 4:30pm

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