For 30 years, we've driven positive change for youth across continents to reach their full potential.

We firmly believe that when young people are educated, employed, and active participants in society, they hold the key to solving the most challenging problems our world faces. For over 25 years, we have been at the forefront, leading and sustaining collective efforts to tap into the immense talent and potential of the global youth population, which now stands at a staggering 1.2 billion. Our core

Photos from IYF's post 07/19/2024

¡Arranca la tercera fase del programa : Manufactura de Vehículos Eléctricos! una iniciativa diseñada para empoderar a personas jóvenes de universidades públicas en México con las habilidades necesarias para impulsar la industria automotriz hacia un futuro más sostenible e inclusivo.

Este programa es posible gracias al apoyo de . Green Generation se enfoca en el desarrollo de competencias orientadas a la transición energética, preparando a las nuevas generaciones para integrarse exitosamente al sector productivo formal con trabajos bien remunerados.

Gracias a Grupo Alenia por su colaboración en el diseño del curso, a los Maestros Christian López y Juan Espino en la estructuración didáctica del programa; así como a José de Jesús Alarcón Córdova, Rector de la Universidad Politecnica de Apodaca, y a Víctor Manuel Rosales Muñoz, Rector de la Universidad Tecnológica de Puebla UTP junto a su staff por su invaluable apoyo en la implementación de este piloto.

¡La colaboración público-privada nos acerca cada vez más a un futuro verde, sustentable, próspero e inclusivo!
The third phase of the program: Electric Vehicle Manufacturing has begun! This initiative aims to equip young people from public universities in Mexico with the skills needed to drive the automotive industry towards a more sustainable and inclusive future.

This program is made possible thanks to the support of the . Green Generation focuses on skills development oriented to the energy transition, preparing the new generations for successful integration into the formal productive sector with well-paying jobs.

Special thanks to Grupo Alenia for their collaboration in designing the course, to Professors Christian López and Juan Espino for structuring the program, and to José de Jesús Alarcón Córdova, Rector of the Universidad Politecnica de Apodaca, and Víctor Manuel Rosales Muñoz, Rector of the Universidad Tecnológica de Puebla UTP and their staff, for their invaluable support in implementing this pilot.

Public-private collaboration brings us closer to a green, sustainable, prosperous and inclusive future!

Photos from IYF's post 07/19/2024

¡Celebramos la graduación de la primera generación del programa NetworkingIT-Ciberseguridad! Esta iniciativa ha capacitado a más de 2,400 estudiantes del CONALEP en siete estados de México en ciberseguridad desde 2023, brindándoles formación en hardware y software. Además, ha empoderado especialmente a las mujeres jóvenes para que sigan carreras exitosas en el sector de TIC.

NetworkingIT-Ciberseguridad es posible gracias al generoso apoyo de Bécalos, Nacional Monte de Piedad, Fundación Coppel y la Cisco Networking Academy. Agradecemos también al Colegio Nacional de Educación Profesional Técnica (CONALEP) que ha sido un aliado invaluable.

Gracias por acompañarnos Gabriela Espinosa Rogel de Bécalos, Alejandra Angarita Chahín de Nacional Monte de Piedad, Rebeca De la Vega, Directora Regional de Cisco Networking Academy LATAM. Y de CONALEP a Camilo García, Secretario General; Francisco Javier Zavala, titular de CDMX; Susana Guerrero, Secretaria Administrativa; Javier Castillo, Secretario de Servicios Institucionales y María Magdalena González, Directora del Plantel México-Canadá, anfitriones de esta celebración.

We are celebrating the graduation of the first cohort of the NetworkingIT Cybersecurity program! Since 2023, this initiative has trained more than 2,400 CONALEP students from seven states in Mexico in cybersecurity, providing them with training in both hardware and software. It has also empowered young women in particular to pursue successful careers in the IT sector.

NetworkingIT-Cybersecurity is made possible thanks to the generous support of Bécalos, Nacional Monte de Piedad, Fundación Coppel, and the Cisco Networking Academy. We also thank the Colegio Nacional de Educación Profesional Técnica (CONALEP), an invaluable ally.

Special thanks to Gabriela Espinosa Rogel from Bécalos, Alejandra Angarita Chahín from Nacional Monte de Piedad, Rebeca De la Vega, Regional Director of Cisco Networking Academy LATAM, and from CONALEP, Camilo García, Secretary General; Francisco Javier Zavala, Director of Mexico city; Susana Guerrero, Administrative Secretary; Javier Castillo, Secretary of Institutional Services; and María Magdalena González, Director of the Mexico-Canada Campus, who hosted this celebration.

Our Tools & Approaches 07/16/2024

IYF bridges the skills gap for young people by transforming TVET systems to equip them with in-demand skills. An ILO, World Bank, and UNESCO study highlights the widening skills gap due to disconnected TVET programs, hindering young people's potential.

We're addressing this challenge by transforming public TVET providers, ensuring young people develop demand-driven skills. By working directly within these systems, we're not just bridging skills gaps—we're reshaping the future of education and employment for tens of thousands of young people every year. Around the world, our bridging the skills gap approach connects young people with opportunity in the world's most dynamic sectors.

Explore how IYF is leading the way in TVET transformation and helping youth develop the skills they need to thrive! Read more about our initiatives on our blog!

Our Tools & Approaches Tools for Youth Agency Programming Our Youth Agency programs equip and inspire young people while creating the conditions for them to contribute and thrive. This work ranges from the development of life skills to the practice of civic competencies; from helping youth engage in community decision-mak...

Photos from IYF's post 07/16/2024

¡Feliz Día Mundial de las Habilidades de la Juventud!

En el marco de esta celebración, reconocemos la importancia fundamental de potenciar las capacidades de los jóvenes, brindándoles las herramientas necesarias para que puedan alcanzar sus metas.

Hoy celebramos las habilidades desarrolladas por las y los participantes del programa Conectad@s, una iniciativa que busca formar competencias para su desempeño en el sector digital, específicamente en soporte TI y análisis de datos. Cabe destacar que este programa va más allá, fomentando también el desarrollo de habilidades socioemocionales como la gestión emocional y el relacionamiento interpersonal, esenciales para la búsqueda y colocación laboral.

Iniciativas como ésta, enfocados en el desarrollo de habilidades, son fundamentales para abrirles a las personas jóvenes las puertas a un futuro lleno de oportunidades. Creemos firmemente en el poder transformador de las juventudes y estamos orgullosos de apoyar iniciativas que las empoderen.

Conoce más sobre este programa en: https://iyfglobal.org/country/colombia

Happy World Youth Skills Day!

On this day, we recognize the crucial importance of empowering young people's abilities to provide them with the necessary tools to achieve their aspirations.

Today, we celebrate the skills of the young people in the Conectad@s program, which aims to develop competencies for the digital sector, specifically in IT support and data analysis. Moreover, this program helps them develop socio-emotional skills such as emotional management and interpersonal relationships, which are equally important for job seeking.

Programs like this, focused on skill development, are essential for opening doors to a future full of opportunities. We firmly believe in the power of youth to transform the world, and we are proud to support initiatives that empower our young people.

Learn more about this program at: https://iyfglobal.org/country/colombia

Homepage - Passport to Success 07/15/2024

On , we are thrilled to share that the Jamaica Information Service (JIS) has highlighted the remarkable success of our 'Passport to Success' (PTS) program, an evidence-based, participatory curriculum that promotes the development of essential life skills, through face-to-face and virtual learning training.

Through the efforts of the MYF Jamaica - Multicare Youth Foundation (MYF), PTS has brought life-changing opportunities to young people and adults in Jamaica. The program empowers at-risk youth with crucial life and employability skills, significantly impacting their futures. The success of the curriculum is evident in the enthusiasm of participants, including those in correctional facilities, where it has been transformative.

In Jamaica, PTS has been instrumental in reducing school dropout rates, improving educational outcomes, and enhancing employability. This initiative is part of a broader effort to combat crime and violence by targeting at-risk youth in underserved communities.

Read more about the impact: https://jis.gov.jm/myf-scores-big-with-impactful-passport-to-success-curriculum/

Life skills are crucial for today's workplace. Our PTS stands out with a proven track record impacting over 250,000 young people through more than 5,500 trainers in 20 languages. Join us in shaping tomorrow's leaders! Learn more about our PTS program: https://www.passporttosuccess.org

Homepage - Passport to Success Passport to Success Concierge is a brand new free, online version of PTS designed specifically for the hospitality sector.

Photos from IYF's post 07/15/2024

On this , we are excited to celebrate the incredible achievements of our Young Leaders during their Spring session. Their deep engagement and active contributions are truly inspiring!

Designed in partnership with Burberry Group plc, The Burberry Foundation, and with the fantastic support of Burberry volunteers, the Young Leaders participate in biweekly skills workshops, learning sessions, and engaging roundtable discussions.

Recently, a collaborative Career Panel Session with Burberry volunteers offered Young Leaders insights into the creative and fashion industry, reflecting on the variety of career pathways, important skills needed to enter the workforce, and how to better prepare for what lies ahead. View highlights from the session below!

In partnership with Burberry Group plc and The Burberry Foundation, we are committed to continuing by amplifying youth voices and inspiring the leaders of tomorrow.

Learn More: https://iyfglobal.org/blog/introducing-2024-burberry-inspire-young-leaders-programme


Burberry Inspire Partners: Community Youth Center of San Francisco, CSV Milano, Heart of Los Angeles (HOLA), Hong Kong Youth Arts Foundation, Future for Youth Foundation, ガールスカウト日本連盟 (Girl Scouts of Japan), Girls Inc. of New York City, New York Edge, OnSide

Photos from IYF's post 07/12/2024

¡IYF celebra con orgullo la graduación de la primera generación de Capital Juvenil!

Con el generoso apoyo de Bécalos y la Asociación de Bancos de México (ABM), empoderamos a más de 2 mil estudiantes de Colegio Nacional de Educación Profesional Técnica con las herramientas y el conocimiento necesarios para convertirse en la próxima generación de profesionales en la banca y servicios financieros.

Además de la formación académica, Capital Juvenil fomentó la vinculación entre las personas jóvenes y las oportunidades laborales, a través del desarrollo de habilidades para la inserción laboral, reforzadas con eventos de reclutamiento presenciales y virtuales liderados por los principales bancos de México.

Capital Juvenil se consolida como un programa pionero y de alto compromiso social, al transformar las políticas de contratación de la banca mexicana y brindar oportunidades para mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas egresadas, quienes se integran al sector financiero y bancario.

El evento de graduación contó con la distinguida presencia del Dr. Arturo Pontifes, Director General de CONALEP, el Mtro. Francisco Javier Zavala, Titular de la Unidad Operativa Desconcentrada para la Ciudad de México de CONALEP; Gabriela Espinosa, Gerente en Bécalos; Martha Cecilia Ramírez, Representante de la ABM y Blanca Estela Hernández, Directora de plantel Tlalpan I de Conalep.

IYF is proud to celebrate the first class of Capital Juvenil graduates!

Thanks to the generous support of Bécalos and the Asociación de Bancos de México (ABM), we have empowered over 2,000 Colegio Nacional de Educación Profesional Técnica students with the tools and knowledge needed to become the next generation of professionals in banking and financial services.

Beyond academic training, Capital Juvenil fostered connections between young people and job opportunities by developing skills for job placement, reinforced by in-person and virtual recruitment events led by Mexico's leading banks.

Capital Juvenil has established itself as a pioneering program with a high social commitment, transforming hiring policies in Mexican banking and providing opportunities to improve the quality of life for graduates entering the financial sector.

The graduation event was honored by the presence of Dr. Arturo Pontifes, General Director of CONALEP; Mtro. Francisco Javier Zavala, Head of the Decentralized Operational Unit for Mexico City of CONALEP; Gabriela Espinosa, Manager at Bécalos; Martha Cecilia Ramírez Fuentes, Representative of ABM and Blanca Estela Hernández, Director of CONALEP Tlalpan I campus.

Digital Development 07/10/2024

We had a fantastic time engaging in today's Natural Language Processing Community of Practice (NLP-CoP) session! Eric Couper, IYF’s Digital Development Director, shared IYF’s journey with Microsoft Copilot alongside peers from Mercy Corps and MSF. Key discussions included the practical uses of AI, cost considerations, privacy concerns, and where these tools excel or fall short. Thank you to everyone who participated and engaged with us!

With on August 12 approaching, we are reminded of the theme “From Clicks to Progress: Youth Digital Pathways for Sustainable Development.” Our discussions at the NLP-CoP session underscore the transformative power of digital tools in achieving the , particularly through the contributions of young people.

Learn more: https://iyfglobal.org/digital-development

Digital Development Download the Leveling Up in AI Skills presentation. As seen at the Microsoft Global Nonprofit Leaders Summit!

Photos from IYF's post 07/10/2024

Esta semana celebramos un gran logro con la ceremonia de cierre del programa Equip Youth en Coahuila.

Desde el 2021, Conalep y Colegio de Bachilleres, gracias al generoso apoyo de Caterpillar Foundation, se embarcaron en la transformación sistémica de más de 60 planteles de bachillerato en 3 estados del norte de México.

Esta transformación incluyó la activación de especialidades técnicas como Programación, Enrutamiento de Redes y Automatización de Procesos Industriales, además de enseñanza de habilidades socioemocionales, herramientas para la búsqueda de empleo y promoción del Desarrollo Juvenil Positivo.

En Coahuila agradecemos especialmente al liderazgo y compromiso de:
- Lic. Leonardo Jiménez Camacho, Director General del COBAC. Colegio De Bachilleres De Coahuila
-Ing. Alfio Vega de la Peña, Director General de Conalep Coahuila.

¡Sigamos trabajando juntos para crear un futuro lleno de nuevas oportunidades para las personas jóvenes!

This week, we celebrated a significant milestone with the closing ceremony of the Equip Youth program in Coahuila.

Since 2021, Conalep and Colegio de Bachilleres, thanks to the generous support of Caterpillar Foundation, have embarked on the systemic transformation of more than 60 high school campuses in 3 states in northern Mexico.

This transformation included the activation of technical specialties such as Programming, Network Routing and Industrial Process Automation, as well as teaching socioemotional skills, job search tools and promoting Positive Youth Development.

In Coahuila we are especially grateful to the leadership and commitment of:
- Lic. Leonardo Jiménez Camacho, General Director of COBAC. Colegio De Bachilleres De Coahuila.
- Ing. Alfio Vega de la Peña, General Director of Conalep Coahuila.

Let´s continue working together to create a future full of new opportunities for young people.

Youth in Evaluation | Eval4Action 07/09/2024

We are a proud champion of youth in !
During Youth in Evaluation week, join us & 600+ other signatories in adopting the Youth in Evaluation manifesto & taking action for meaningful youth engagement in evaluation!
Sign today: eval4action.org/youth-in-evaluation

Youth in Evaluation | Eval4Action A call to action to meaningfully engage youth and young evaluators in evaluation

Photos from IYF's post 07/09/2024

¡Nos complace compartirles la reciente visita de Susan Karlshoej, Directora General de TK Foundation, y Heidi Locke Simon, miembro del consejo directivo de Teekay Corporation!

La visita se centró en celebrar los logros del programa Green Generation MX, financiado por TK Foundation y llevado a cabo por IYF, que culminó su fase piloto con éxito en la Universidad Tecnológica Paso Del Norte en Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, México.

Este programa fue diseñado específicamente para transferir y fomentar, en las personas jóvenes, habilidades en materia de eficiencia energética y ciencia de datos, aplicables tanto en el ámbito industrial como en la vida cotidiana. De esta manera, buscamos empoderar a las nuevas generaciones para que sean agentes de cambio y contribuyan a un futuro más sostenible.

La reunión contó con la valiosa participación de docentes, alumnos, personal académico, líderes locales del sector industrial y el rector de la UTPN, Phd. Ulises Martínez; quienes compartieron sus experiencias y visiones sobre el futuro del programa, enriqueciendo aún más la experiencia.

Green Generation MX: ¡Empoderando a jóvenes para un futuro verde!

We are pleased to share the recent visit of Susan Karlshoej, General Director of TK Foundation, and Heidi Locke Simon, Teekay Corporation board member!

Their visit was to celebrate the accomplishments of the Green Generation initiative, which was financed by the TK Foundation and executed by IYF and successfully concluded its pilot phase at the Universidad Tecnológica Paso Del Norte in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico.

This curriculum was created expressly to provide young people with skills in energy efficiency and data science that are useful in both the industrial sector and everyday life. Our mission is to equip the next generation of changemakers to contribute to a more sustainable future.

At the meeting, instructors, students, academic staff, local business leaders, and UTPN's Rector, PhD Ulises Martínez, offered their experiences and views on the program's future, improving the whole experience.

Green Generation MX: Empowering youngsters for a sustainable future!


IYF is proud to announce our commitment to the manifesto! We are dedicated to advocating for and enhancing the real and meaningful engagement of youth in evaluation. By collaborating with young and emerging evaluators, we aim to ensure that youth voices are integral to the design, development, and use of evaluations. Join us in celebrating as we share the importance of youth involvement in evaluation processes. Together, we can foster a sustainable, inclusive, and equitable world framed by social justice and equity.

Opinion: Latin America’s prosperity depends on bridging the skills gap 07/05/2024

As we approach on July 15, we're excited to spotlight our partnership with Caterpillar Foundation through the EquipYouth initiative.

Together, we're addressing the skills gap by providing students with hands-on experience, technical skills, life skills, and higher-order thinking abilities.
Since 2016, EquipYouth has strengthened TVET systems in Brazil, Mexico, Panama, and Peru. With 85% of participants completing their training and 63% securing employment, the initiative is making a profound impact. Success stories like Clarissa's, who graduated in 2021 and secured a job at Grande Moinho Cearense, showcase the transformative power of this program.

We invite you to read more in our co-authored opinion piece on Devex, "Latin America's prosperity relies on closing the skills gap:" bit.ly/3Qaif61

Opinion: Latin America’s prosperity depends on bridging the skills gap Today’s generation of young people holds the key to Latin America’s economic prosperity, but a looming skills gap threatens the opportunity. Bridging this challenge requires an ecosystem approach.

How Skills Training in Zimbabwe Creates Economic Opportunity and Inspires Hope 07/03/2024

The aftermath of the pandemic in Zimbabwe has posed significant challenges, particularly for young people grappling with economic hardships and joblessness. Vulnerable groups such as young women, orphans, and individuals living with HIV/AIDS have borne the brunt of these impacts.

Through the Pathways program led by Catholic Relief Services, IYF is at the forefront of Household Economic Strengthening. From detergent manufacturing to baking and producing face masks, youth learn through innovative self-directed learning booklets and practical demonstrations. Blessing, a young Zimbabwean, is one of them. She found her entrepreneurial spirit through Pathways. Starting with a detergent-making booklet, she ventured into petroleum jelly production, now contributing significantly to her family’s income and community’s needs. Her journey exemplifies the resilience and determination of youth in creating economic opportunities despite adversity and the transformative power of skills training.

At IYF, we're committed to nurturing these success stories, and empowering youth to thrive despite global challenges. Join us in celebrating their determination and resilience as we lead up to on July 15th. Together, let's recognize and support the vital role young people play in building a peaceful and prosperous future!.

To learn more about her stories and many other inspiring stories read our blog post! https://iyfglobal.org/blog/how-skills-training-zimbabwe-creates-economic-opportunity-and-inspires-hope

How Skills Training in Zimbabwe Creates Economic Opportunity and Inspires Hope Blessing Ncub


Queremos dedicar un momento para agradecer y celebrar a cada uno de los donantes que nos han acompañado en la misión de empoderar a la juventud. Estamos profundamente agradecidos con todas las personas que, con gran generosidad, han donado para apoyar esta causa. Su apoyo es invaluable para las innumerables vidas de personas jóvenes que estamos transformando juntos.

¡Continuemos empoderando a las nuevas generaciones, encendiendo sueños y promoviendo el cambio juntos!

Para ver el impacto de su generosa donación, consulta nuestro Reporte de Impacto 2023 en español: https://iyfglobal.org/reporte-de-impacto/

Para contribuir al empoderamiento y desarrollo del potencial de las personas jóvenes, haz clic aquí: https://iyfglobal.org/donation

We wanted to take the time to thank and celebrate every single donor who helped in the accomplishment of our mission. We are extremely grateful to all the incredible souls who generously donated to support our mission. Your support means the world to us and to the countless young lives we're impacting together. Let’s keep empowering youth, igniting dreams, and fostering change together!

To see how their generous donation made an impact check our Impact report in Spanish: https://iyfglobal.org/reporte-de-impacto/

To contribute to the empowerment and development of youth potential click here: https://iyfglobal.org/donation

Empowering Youth Employment through Nearshoring in Latin America 07/01/2024

Nearshoring has created new opportunities for Latin American youth in the ICT sector, but many face significant barriers to accessing these roles. Challenges like limited education and healthcare access, and a gap between formal education and job market demands, hinder their progress.

At IYF, we're bridging these gaps and empowering thousands of young people. Through our initiatives across Latin America and the Caribbean. Our programs focus on technical training and life skills development, equipping youth with the tools to thrive in competitive industries. Through 15 impactful programs like Google Colombia, Google LAC, and Networking Mexico, IYF has equipped over 35,500 young people with essential tech skills. By capitalizing on the advantages of nearshoring we are helping young people acquire the skills needed to access these new opportunities and have a positive impact on their communities through economic and technological development. Together, we're building a future where every young person can thrive!

As we approach on July 15th, join us in celebrating the potential of young people as agents of peace and development. Stay tuned for more inspiring stories and initiatives leading up to this significant day!

To learn more check out our blog post! https://iyfglobal.org/blog/empowering-youth-employment-through-nearshoring-latin-america

Empowering Youth Employment through Nearshoring in Latin America Latin America has seen a surge in employment opportunities in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector due to nearshoring—the practice of outsourcing business processes to nearby countries. Global technology companies are turning to Latin America as a solution to labor shortages a...


Happy International Pride Day! 🌈

Today, we proudly celebrate love, diversity, and acceptance. At IYF, we envision a world where every young person can thrive, free to express their authentic selves.

From supporting LGBTQI+ youth through our programs to fostering inclusive workplaces where everyone feels valued, respected, and empowered, we're dedicated to building a brighter, more inclusive future for all.

Let's stand together in solidarity, spreading love and acceptance across borders. Together, we can build a world where everyone's uniqueness is celebrated and cherished.


Photos from IYF's post 06/26/2024

As systemic racism and the imperative of decolonizing development took center stage, IYF embarked on a profound introspection. We conducted surveys and developed an action plan accordingly to strengthen diversity, equity, and inclusion within our organization.

Our initiative outlines concrete actions targeting four key areas:
1️- Equity in Internships: We're revising policies to ensure equitable access for all young people. From BIPOC to LGBTQ+ youth, we're removing barriers and fostering diverse talent pipelines.
2️- Representation Matters: We're committed to increasing BIPOC staff at all levels, setting concrete goals, revising recruitment strategies, and removing systemic barriers.
3️- Diversity Training: Diversity, equity, and inclusion will become fundamental to how we work. From mandatory DEI training to context-specific onboarding, we're embedding these principles into our organizational DNA.
4️- Community Engagement: Youth voices will steer our commitment to localization. We're reexamining partnerships, prioritizing BIPOC-led organizations, and pushing for DEI conversations within the INGO community.

Our journey towards diversity, equity, and inclusion is ongoing. Stay tuned for updates on our progress and join us in championing change within our spheres of influence. Together, we can create a more equitable world.

➡️To learn more: https://ow.ly/9Oj150SoBjM


Desde el año 2016, EquipYouth ha dejado una huella imborrable en Brasil, México, Panamá y Perú. Este programa ha sido fundamental para fortalecer los sistemas de educación técnica y vocacional (TVET) y equipar a las nuevas generaciones con las habilidades prácticas y relevantes que demanda la industria actual.

Con una tasa de finalización del programa que alcanza un impresionante 85%, EquipYouth se enorgullece de ver cómo el 63% de sus graduados logran insertarse exitosamente en el mercado laboral, ocupando puestos en sus áreas de interés. Más allá de las estadísticas, el verdadero impacto de EquipYouth reside en las historias de transformación personal y profesional que cada participante lleva consigo.

Conoce más sobre EquipYouth y las inspiradoras historias de sus participantes en nuestro Reporte de Impacto 2023 en español: https://iyfglobal.org/reporte-de-impacto/


Since 2016, EquipYouth has been making waves in Brazil, Mexico, Panama, and Peru by strengthening TVET systems and honing practical, industry-relevant skills among our youth. With an astounding 85% program completion rate and 63% of graduates landing jobs in their desired fields, we're witnessing real, tangible change unfold. But it’s not just about numbers it’s also about stories of participants. Clarissa, a graduate of EquipYouth in 2021 and secured a job at Grande Moinho Cearense the following year thanks to the training she received in both technical skills and emotional intelligence.

To learn more about this program and success stories of program participants check our Impact Report in Spanish: https://iyfglobal.org/reporte-de-impacto/

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Videos (show all)

¡Feliz Día del Estudiante en México!En IYF creemos en el poder transformador de la juventud y estamos comprometidos a ap...
Ready for the last level in this series? We are excited to share Linda’s favorite refreshed Principle for Digital Develo...
Ready to level up? “Anticipate and mitigate harms” is Eric’s favorite refreshed Principle for Digital Development for se...
Happy World Creativity and Innovation Day! Ready to go to the next level? Meet Rhonda who is part of the Digitally Curio...
Come and celebrate World Creativity and Innovation Day with us! We are thrilled to share Kaitlyn’s definition of the ref...
Commemorate #InternationalWomensDay with us as we honor the strength and determination of the women engaged in IYF progr...
This #InternationalWomensDay, March 8th, we’re amplifying the voices of the participants in IYF's programs who are break...
Black History Month Spotlight. Check out this inspiring video, where Baltimore City teens are trained in mental wellness...
There's still time to make a difference! Through December 31, the Chair and Chair Emeritus Matching Fund will DOUBLE you...
En esta temporada para compartir alegría y buenos deseos, únete a nosotros en el espíritu festivo mientras, Susan Reichl...
Meet Miguel and Danae, inspiring future leaders in the green jobs sector. They're part of the Energy Efficiency Fundamen...
Audio Trailer: Emerging Leaders: The podcast, episode 2.



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