The Rooted Womb

Full Spectrum Doula/birth keeping, Prenatal, Restorative, and Womb Yoga, Education, Placenta encapsul

Photos from The Rooted Womb 's post 07/08/2024

Forever and Always sweet girl 🤟🏼 “Mother-love is not inevitable. The good mother is a great artist ever creating beauty out of chaos, her heart is a vast and potent place, capable of holding joy and sorrow, strength and vulnerability, all in the same beat.. Her love is fierce and tender, the wild embrace that shields and nurtures, teaching us to be both gentle and strong. To mother a child is to step into the river of time and leave a legacy of love and resilience that flows through generations.”

Photos from The Rooted Womb 's post 07/03/2024

✨...and sometimes it may work better that way.✨

🦌In nature, when labor begins, mammals will intuitively retreat to a quiet, dark, private place to birth their young.

🤰🏼In our society, when labor begins, women head to a bright, loud, unfamiliar hospital with strangers to birth our baby.
..And then we wonder why it is so difficult.🤔

The actual physiological process works remarkably well when undisturbed.👏

The human body is brilliant and wise.

The uterus knows exactly how much force to exert on the baby, to protect both baby and body. 💪

The baby knows when it is time to be born. 🕰

The body knows when it feels safe to release and open. ⭕️

Often, when it seems like something is “wrong”, it is our body doing exactly what it was designed to do: wait, rest or pause.

Birthing is not an act of doing, but of being.

✨We birth from within. ��✨We don’t need to be rescued.

✨We need to be supported.

✨We don’t need to be managed,

✨We need to feel safe to surrender.

✨We don’t need to be pressured to work harder,

✨We need courage to trust our intuition.

Sometimes medical intervention is needed. Sometimes baby may need a little assistance.

Does that mean you failed? Your body failed? No! Even in an emergency, you can still follow your intuition.

Birth is like a giant trust fall. It tends to work better when we surrender. 🤲

👉Did you need a dark, quiet place in labor?🌙
from pain free birth


Michel Odent, French obstetrician and childbirth specialist said,
“To change the world, we must first change the way the babies are being born.”

Women in society talk about child birth as if it’s a ticking time bomb, about to blow up and go wrong. As if it is an inevitable dangerous situation 🥴

But if those persons had a clue as to what typically causes complication in birth, they’d change their song and dance.

Iatrogenic care is the primary cause of most all labor and birth complications. Iatrogenic means “relating to illness or complication caused by medical examination or treatment” Of course, things can go wrong in home birth, sometimes. I can tell you from my own personal experience, as well as the experience of the colleagues who attend in the same capacity that I do, those emergencies are rare; few and far between. Complication is far less likely at home, but incredibly likely in hospitals.

👀Did you or someone you know have a complication in a birth, out of home?

👀Do you know why it happened or what caused it?

🤰🏼You hemorrhaged after your hospital birth?
Let’s talk about what drugs/synthetic hormones were put into your body, with or without your consent/knowledge. Let’s review how that placenta was birthed. Was your stomach/uterus pressed on vigorously after birth?

🤰🏼You had a third degree tear that required reconstruction? Let’s talk about what interventions were allowed to occur or occurred without one’s knowledge and consent. Were you numb in any way? What position were you in while pushing? Was there coached pushing involved?

🤰🏼You needed an emergency cesarean because your baby’s heart rate tanked/spiked or your blood pressure crashed/went through the roof? I’d wonder if you were enduring the harmful and overactive intervention of constant fetal monitoring? (bands on your belly) Was there Pitocin or an epidural in the mix? Any other drugs or synthetic hormones? Was your labor spontaneous or an induction?

Last but absolutely not least, we must include the variable that you were lied to by your provider as to what happened and why - it’s not even rare, unfortunately. I’m sure that is triggering for some, but the large majority of mainstream prenatal care providers pride themselves on cleaning up the messes they created themselves. Often, they lie (knowingly or from a place of ignorance/indoctrination) to the family as to why XYZ is/was necessary. Ultimately, they end up being praised for causing a complication, cleaning up their mess, and “saving the mom and baby” 🥴 This is iatrogenic care, and the leading cause of complication in child birth. This is also what keeps women weak minded and disempowered.

When you don’t allow interventions, constant monitoring, synthetic hormones or pharmaceutical drugs, follow your body and intuition instead of provider governing/instructions, and refuse inductions, things will more often than not play out in a straightforward manor; the way physiological birth is intended to.

Like I said, complications can happen at home, too. Complications are most likely in any place where labor is being managed, monitored, and shoved into a textbook one-size-fits-all box. A woman’s head space is another place that complication breeds and manifests. That’s a different topic for another day!

In past births of your own or those you attended, did you witness or experience a complication that was caused in an iatrogenic manor?
How was that experience? 👀

Photos from The Rooted Womb 's post 06/21/2024

Arriving on my 40th day postpartum and the summer Solstice ☀️ so perfectly aligned 💜
Time for reflecting and transmuting as we step into the Next chapter 💜
“The first 40 days after the birth of a child is a sacred window of time. It is a crucial period for rest and recovery for the mother, and the foundations of lifelong health for the baby.” – Heng Ou, The First Forty Days

The postpartum period is not just about bouncing back. It’s about slowly finding your new rhythm and honoring the changes in your life and body. The first 40 days are a time to honor your body, to nourish it, and to let it recover from the incredible feat of giving birth.

We also land on the Summer Solstice ☀️
As the solstice gives us the longest day it also invites us to pause and reflect on the balance of light and darkness in our own lives. The summer solstice is a time to celebrate the light of the sun and the light within ourselves, a time for reflection and growth 💜
As the sun reaches its highest point in the sky, its radiance reminds us of the power and beauty of light, life, and the nature of the life/death/rebirth cycle 🔻☀️🧙‍♀️🌺🌿🌗🌙🍄♾️

So it BE 🤟🏼

Photos from The Rooted Womb 's post 06/18/2024

My sweet girl is such a smiley happy baby! Ffion is growing so fast she is over 10lbs and out of her newborn clothes 🥰🌺 we love her to bits 💜


“Bringing a daughter into this world through free birth is an act of pure, unbridled love—a dance of trust between nature and nurturing, where the first breath is taken in the arms of freedom, and the first sight is the unfiltered light of a mother’s unwavering strength.”

Photos from The Rooted Womb 's post 06/09/2024

My dear friend Karley .schoeff_photography captured these beautiful photos of Ffion for me and I can not thank her enough 💜😭💜 she says she is just starting out but you can see what a talented photographer she already is! Thankyou so very much I will cherish these forever 💜

Photos from The Rooted Womb 's post 06/09/2024

Look at how their love ripples through time 🤟🏼💜😭
Today is such a bitter/sweet day, celebrating their lives on the day we lost them 20 years ago … it makes my heart full so much love was created from them, and spending today with Jonny and allll of our children filled me with so many happy memories of my own childhood :) how lucky I am to have had such loving parents in our short time together they taught me so much! Missing their physical presence so very much, always, but especially this Season of life …
they always wanted a granddaughter — my little miss (like my dad called me!)
♾️💜🤟🏼 Forever and always 6/8/04

Photos from The Rooted Womb 's post 05/18/2024

🌙🌺Ffion Magdalyn Lane 🐉🍄

Ffion (Feee— On) is a Welsh name (my ancestry) meaning “Foxglove”, which is the beautiful pink flower in the last photo! I had planted these flowers 10yrs ago around my parents headstone and then last Christmas I had posted this picture in remembrance of my father for his birthday and realized those flowers I planted so long ago were foxgloves!!! I knew it was special then and it stuck 💜 Matt and I’s love for jiujitsu also drew us to this name as it is shared with a top female athlete in the sport 🙂

Her middle name, Magdalyn, (mAG-duh-Lin)

We wanted something strong and beautiful much like this sweet precious girl will become 💜
🌺 Magdalyn is a version of Magdalene,
a symbol of the multifaceted beauty of the divine feminine. ✨ A goddess figure embodying the essence of femininity, empowerment, Sovereignty, and mysticism. The name Magdalyn represents a tapestry of meanings:

🔮 in Her power she guides seekers on paths of enlightenment, holding the keys to ancient mysteries. 💫 Magdalyn teaches us to embrace our wounds for spiritual growth and emotional healing. 🌿As a goddess, she reminds us of our harmony with nature and the sacredness of the Earth. 💃 Celebrating the divine nature of physical love, Magdalyn brings a sacred perspective to our sensuality. 🌟 Like a beacon of courage, she defies norms and encourages us to walk our own path, embracing autonomy and Sovereignty 🔻🧙‍♀️♾️🌙🤟🏼

And so it be darling 💜🧙‍♀️🤟🏼😭♾️🐉🌗🌺🍄🌙

Photos from The Rooted Womb 's post 05/18/2024

Littel Ta**us ♉️

Photos from The Rooted Womb 's post 05/14/2024

And SHE is here 💜🔻🌙

This sweet precious little gift joined our tribe at
2:38 am Monday the 13th 🔻💜😭🌙 what a beautiful way to close Mother’s Day ..
her name is Ffion ,
havnt decided on the rest yet but will update,
I’m so grateful for this rite of passage and to have tapped into thIs Power of birth— and what a truly Sovereign, undisturbed birth I had! Couldn’t have gone any other way but so absolutely divinely aligned , I’m so incredibly impressed with myself and this babies strength🔻
So grateful for all my support and the women caring for me through this sacred postpartum time, we are truly blessed to know you 💜🧙‍♀️♾️🤟🏼


“🌙✨ “Guess Dates ✨🌙

Let’s talk about the myth of due dates and the ripple effect it can have on childbirth while I steam . 🤰 I am currently past mine just a few days but I’m prepared for another couple weeks and all would still be perfectly divine and well..

First off, due dates are often treated as gospel, but the reality is they’re more like educated guesses based on the average length of pregnancy. They don’t account for the unique timeline of each baby’s development or the natural variations in gestation.

What’s more, the pressure to induce labor once that date passes often leads to a cascade of interventions, from artificial hormones, induction, to cesarean sections, that carry huge risks and are not evidenced based just because you are passed a made up timeline! These harmful practices completely disrupt the most magnificent interplay of hormones and physiology we know as Sara Buckley beautifully writes on the “hormonal blueprint of birth”.

But here’s the kicker: the assumption that a baby must arrive by a certain date or else risk complications overlooks the crucial fact that major brain development often occurs in those final days of pregnancy. Nature has a way of timing things perfectly, and forcing a baby out before they’re ready can disrupt this delicate process.

So, when will your baby come? Turns out, it’s not up to a date on a calendar, but rather a complex interplay of hormones between mother and baby. Research suggests that a hormone released by the baby’s lungs triggers labor, signaling to the mother’s body that it’s time to give birth.

And let’s not forget about the lunar connection. 🌕🌑 Women’s cycles are often synced with the phases of the moon, suggesting that a lunar calendar might provide a more accurate estimate of due dates than our current system based on the sun/Gregorian calendar.

So, next time you’re counting down the days until your little one’s arrival, remember: it’s not about a date on a calendar, but about trusting in the wisdom of your body and the natural rhythms of nature.🧙‍♀️🌗💜🔻🤟🏼🐉🌙

Photos from The Rooted Womb 's post 05/03/2024

😭😭💜 I am absolutely blown away, just had a long happy cry when I opened the box I felt so much love and care 💜

My baby girl will cherish this forever, just like Ari has (he still totes his around today)!
This is the second blanket made for me for my sweet baby by “another mother” Pam Anderson 💜 I feel in my heart my own mother would have wanted to make me something like this :)
Thankyou for the thoughtfulness, time, and effort you put into this gift, it is incredibly beautiful and so perfect for her, I can’t wait to wrap her in it!!
Makes me feel so held and seen and loved, I greatly appreciate you reaching out and caring for me!


“Beauty is life
when life unveils her holy face.
But you are life
And you are the veil.
Beauty is eternity
gazing at itself in a mirror.
But you are eternity
And you are the mirror.”
-Kahlil Gibran

“Make space, make space.
Make space for the new that is being born.
Make space for the tendrils of life
that are poking their heads up
from beneath the ground
where they have lain hidden.
All that is coming into being is asking you to notice it and to give it space.”


🔻 "The feminine is not interested in abstract theories and logical reasons. Feminine wisdom comes out of the marrow of bone, out of the suffering of experience—the fish that comes out of the gut, not the bird out of the head. Like the primitive woman, the feminine makes the passover into maturity when it experiences itself as part of the cosmic rhythms of nature, at the same time looking straight at the reality of the here and now, the present that is instantaneously shifting. That truth is non-negotiable."

Marion Woodman

Photos from The Rooted Womb 's post 04/28/2024

Reflecting 💜🔻🧙‍♀️
I’m deeply appreciative of the meaningful connections I’ve been able to make in my life and the incredible support I’ve received from such wonderful humans in this tribe ♾️
💜I could not do this without you💜

Baby Moon is on her way earth side any day now, if you feel called to support I am pretty set on everything we need except for postpartum support/nourishing food 🤤 my dear friend made me a “meal train” link if you’re able to help and I have a baby registry 😘
Thankyou for all you do sweet family xoxox

🥘Meal train-


“Birth is not only about making babies. Birth is about making mothers—strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength.”

My brilliant photographer .schoeff_photography —Karley Schoeffler 💜

Photos from The Rooted Womb 's post 04/27/2024

Reflecting 💜🔻🧙‍♀️
I’m deeply appreciative of the meaningful connections I’ve been able to make in my life and the incredible support I’ve received from such wonderful humans in this tribe ♾️
💜I could not do this without you💜

Baby Moon is on her way earth side any day now, if you feel called to support I am pretty set on everything we need except for postpartum support/nourishing food 🤤 my dear friend made me a “meal train” link if you’re able to help and I have a baby registry 😘
Thankyou for all you do sweet family xoxox

🥘Meal train-


“Birth is not only about making babies. Birth is about making mothers—strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength.”


Yoni steaming after 38 weeks can offer several benefits for labor preparation! The Institute, renowned for its expertise in this area, has gathered valuable data supporting its efficacy.

**Labor Preparation**: Yoni steaming helps relax and soften the cervix, potentially aiding in the dilation process during labor. This natural method can promote a smoother and more efficient birthing experience. (Contraindicated during pregnancy!)

**Postpartum Healing**: After giving birth, yoni steaming can assist in toning and rejuvenating the pelvic floor muscles. This can aid in faster recovery from childbirth, reducing discomfort and promoting overall well-being for new mothers.

**Limiting Birth Complications**: By supporting pelvic health and circulation, yoni steaming may help prevent or alleviate common issues such as perineal tears and hemorrhoids but also can help with high blood pressure/pre-eclampsia among other more severe concerns ! This proactive approach to labor prep and postpartum care can contribute to a smoother transition into motherhood.

**Holistic Healing**: Yoni steaming is a holistic practice that honors the body’s natural processes. It encourages self-care and mindfulness, providing a nurturing space for women to connect with their bodies and promote healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels.

With evidence-backed benefits and the expertise of the Institute, yoni steaming emerges as a valuable tool for women seeking to optimize their birthing experiences and postpartum recoveries 💜🔻🧙‍♀️🌗♾️

Photos from The Rooted Womb 's post 04/21/2024

“If we want to change the world, we need to change how we birth” - Michel Odent

🔻With Women, Not the System🔻

There is a primal, limbic imprint at birth that correlates with behavioral and emotional strengths/difficulties later on in life , our body stores these memory’s unconsciously.. When a baby is first born they are completely vulnerable and fully open to receive love, their experience becomes wired in the nervous system as the new comfort zone where Anything imprints a valid experience of love... Unfortunately often times a violent experience is imprinted through a system of dominance, subordination, and patriarchy within the medical technocratic model where birth is seen as an emergency rather than a natural and pure unfolding that our bodies are designed to do..

As adults we recreate this reality though we have the tools within ourselves to change that story! We can Heal transgenerational trauma by taking your power back and accessing the sacred potential of a womyn that can be reached! This requires full acceptance of autonomy, you must face birth, and face yourself... there are practices and lessons on this journey but nothing will be more worth giving all of yourself to
Just a few things to read, there is sooo much to share with you:
Indie Birth Association

“Portal” YolandeNorris-Clark
Dr Nathan Riley
Dr Rachel Reed
Kemi Johnson
History of Birth- Tina Kassidy
physiology of birth- Sara Buckley
Ina May Gaskin- Guide to childbirth
Penny Simkin
Birth as we know it- Elena Tonetti
Evidence Based Birth
Or****ic Birth
“In your own time” by Sara Wickham


“If we want to change the world, we need to change how we birth” - Michel Odent

There is a primal, limbic imprint at birth that correlates with behavioral and emotional strengths/difficulties later on in life , our body stores these memory’s unconsciously.. When a baby is first born they are completely vulnerable and fully open to receive love, their experience becomes wired in the nervous system as the new comfort zone where Anything imprints a valid experience of love... Unfortunately often times a violent experience is imprinted through a system of dominance, subordination, and patriarchy within the medical technocratic model where birth is seen as an emergency rather than a natural and pure unfolding that our bodies are designed to do..

As adults we recreate this reality though we have the tools within ourselves to change that story! We can Heal transgenerational trauma by taking your power back and accessing the sacred potential of a womyn that can be reached! This requires full acceptance of autonomy, you must face birth, and face yourself... there are practices and lessons on this journey but nothing will be more worth giving all of yourself to
Just a few things to read, there is sooo much to share with you:
Dr. Nathan Riley
Dr. Rachel Read
History of Birth- Tina Kassidy
physiology of birth- Sara Buckley
Ina May Gaskin- Guide to childbirth
Penny Simkin
Birth as we know it- Elena Tonetti
Evidence Based Birth
Or****ic Birth
“In your own time” by Sara Wickham

Photos from The Rooted Womb 's post 04/18/2024

“Giving conscious birth is woman’s vision quest par excellence”

Gathering things for this fiery little soul, its almost time 💜🧙‍♀️🔻

Photos from The Rooted Womb 's post 04/14/2024

When women gather 🔻🌗💜♾️🧙‍♀️

In the circle of women, a tapestry unfolds,
A lineage woven in threads of a deep Red, crimson and gold.
From ancient whispers to modern-day sighs,
The red thread binds us under the same sky.

Alchemy dances in the flicker of flame,
As stories untold find their voice, unchained.
Each wombyn a vessel of wisdom and grace,
Carrying secrets of time and space.

Through cycles of moon, through cycles of life,
Weaving magic through laughter and strife.
With every shared tear and every shared laugh,
We transcend the mundane on our healing path.

Hands held in sisterhood, hearts intertwined,
The red thread connects us, soul to mind.
From the womb of the earth to the depths of our souls,
We honor the alchemy that makes us whole.

So gather, dear sisters, in this sacred space,
Embrace the power of this ancient grace.
For in the red thread lineage, we find,
The magic of healing, transformation refined.

Rhiannon Lenore 🔻🧙‍♀️💜♾️🌗



Photos from The Rooted Womb 's post 04/07/2024

What an incredible journey, Thankyou for being a part of it 🔻life is moving so fast and so slow I havnt had a chance to post some really beautiful moments that have highlighted this pregnancy, Thankyou to the women that move me , love me, and hold me through this precious time 💜 I wish I could have had alll of you here , but you are in one form or another 🧙‍♀️💜

Photos from The Rooted Womb 's post 04/07/2024

What an incredible journey, Thankyou for being a part of it 🔻life is moving so fast and so slow I havnt had a chance to post some really beautiful moments that have highlighted this pregnancy, Thankyou to the women that move me , love me, and hold me through this precious time 💜 I wish I could have had alll of you here , but you are in one form or another 🧙‍♀️💜

This poem was written on Ari’s first birthday, still so powerful for me.. through this next vision quest I hope to write the next version of myself into Being 🧙‍♀️🔻♾️💜🌗

This is just one part of a 3part poem that’s still in the works but it’s about my rite of passage/birth/journey.. (a rough spoken version of it link is at the bottom..)

• ..Sovereign.. •

You have journeyed to the depths with me,
traveling through time and space to unknown places,

a Descent…

Riddled with metaphors and healing incantations,
calling in the wise ones who first walked these nations..

Sacred space pulsing,

hands drumming the beat of my breath and blood,

tuning In-to the rising Sun☀️

Unraveling ones Self—

Only to be held by the many moons face-
a moment in space so perfectly aligned by divine design…

We remember…
We embrace…
Ecstatic Union, full of Grace …

🔻Fully Embodied 🔻
Hecate stands guard with two torches,
Inanna ,
holding Love in one hand
and War in the other

We walk in both worlds at once

keeper of the Dark and the Light

🌞The Sun is coming ☀️

Balance will Always find its way …

The Rapture and the Rise …

Thee Undoing
Thee Becoming …

(Hold silent space)

Through this invitation.
this investigation.
This Initiation
coming Home…

A rite of passage,
A true test,
No less than a vision quest🔻🧙🏼‍♀️🌗🌞

Our porous hearts are wide open , filling up our cups in the
presence of Her.

You teach me of Love
and I teach you of Depth in return..

As Our walls fade a heaviness looms in my sacred bowl…

a toll once taken .

Illuminating boundaries,
keeping me In,
I sift through the shadows burning sage in every nook ,
a glimmer of hope in the faint glow of my ancestors,

—-an ancient burn…

A flickering prance….

burning what no longer serves , serving new narratives of Truth,

A Sovereign dance….

I feel the bones shifting in Right Relation..
Rib cage cracks open,
Revealing every shade of Green ,
to be Met, to be Heard, to be Seen..
witnessing my- Self .

I am Enough,
I have within me all that I need…

Gathering seeds I build strength to call on my power,
Sat Nam I whisper ,
my name is Truth, Truth is my name ,

🕉One in the same 🕉

Opening like the lotus flower…
Mani Padme
Unlocking the treasure of my own Power with-IN,
Red Rays of Life begins Bursting through my skin,

Emanation of Warrioress dreaming,
A Fierce Enchantress weaving
Red Thread lineage,

facing demons in Gaia’s Womb ,
Birthed from the Great Mystery—-,
Unveiling the entombed
through Her-story—-

Tension, release, and exaltation through every act of Love——-

O Holy Priestess

communing with what IS below, reflecting that which IS above——-

O Red Road Journey,

Unseen Spiraling,
evolving, revolving a cyclical trance—

Burning tongue vibrating Rose rhythms,
It all started with “do you think you can teach me to dance?” ——

Maiden shapeshifting to Mother,

Twin Flame truly Seeing his other…

bearing witness,

reclaims the Hunt
—billions of years of creation code particles,
pe*****te the Goddess of Loves Womb of the Cosmos,

Entering from the blackest part of the galaxies——
Fractalled grains of Karma awakens the feminine, turning every stone, she shines light on every fallacy——

Eternally blooming in Her own time catalyzing visions into reality ——

💜We return to Love💜

Again and again,
A Source of divine kindling,
Flumes vortexing In and out, we go around but we knew the only way was always Through…

A living emanation of Venus ,

flowing through undulations of received Love magnetized in my Wombs viscosity —

Divine Sophianic Consciousness

Ain Soph..

fully expressing Her Luminosity ——

Transcending now what it means to be Loved, I no longer seek that from above ☝️…

reaching deeper and deeper —-In——
Beginnings Ending
Endings Begin. ——-

Om Bolo Shri Sat Guru Bhagavan Ki

the only True teacher of Truth is the teacher with-IN. …——-

Pouring out everything that no longer serves this sacred place…

An embodied Knowing.

A living altar.

A saving Grace…..

Needing no external validation, we walk Holy ground in our own Right.

Ancient writings can only mirror the Truths we wear on our backs,
for the Truths we walk now are tattood on our bones, since our time in the Womb🔻
…Holy slumber..

Wild feet grounding in cold rivers,
Claiming our Heathen birthright on the only uncultivated land left…

….Holy waters ….

Cradling me softly while I rock and rage with the moons power ,

standing on the bardo…

the Liminal Realm
….between death and rebirth…

shedding old narratives my soul must confront…

Between stories,

jelly-like and formless,


~In-between particle and wave ~

oscillating through light and darkness
co-creating bonds of meaning and movement,

…….A body prayer….

Friend, you are the guiding light between orbits,
While I integrate and assimilate opposites
You hold space for my shadow,
touching my tongue to tail…

An emerging..
A primordial pulse…

Sea-Goat and Lion roaming the soft delicate space between—-

They didn’t tell me the Sacrifice would be unseen——-
Love is the marrow,

miracles made of Blood and Bone…

…..Ancient Unwinding ….

……Galaxy Roaming …..

Surrendering to Her scent on then wind…

to a hungry longing for feminine wisdom and instincts,
connecting with the mysteries
Of Beauty
Of Blossoming
Of Sacred purpose…

Rhi-claiming our soles against the contours of the earth,

traveling in synch now with the hearth-

-fire -
…….glowing deep inside

Please I beg,
Release desire-

…..Pausing for rest….

A Reclamation

In and Of its Self -
a sleep so deep We must find our way back to our bodies,
Sensing our way to the heart of the matter…..

I step through the portal ,
you catch my breath,

Attuning to the deep wisdom of Source that is our shared understanding ,

Of a life of dancing
From one point to the other,
The Great Mother formulates

🔻Pain into Power🔻
…..Experience to Knowing…
O Alchemista….


(a Transitive Verb:
Is to regard with reverential respect;
with a deep R-E-V-erence ,
Not passive action ,
But to Revere 🔻
One to be honored -
with mingled
Respect and Awe🔻☀️🧙🏼‍♀️

We midwife responses to life grounded in humility…

Standing in the gravitational centre of the heart ,

🔻the vessel with-IN🔻

where the Truth of Love
and the Love of Truth
……come together(two-get-her)….

Cycling through sevens
with my Beloved••• in perfect
a -tune -meant —-
One gives the Drum while the other beckons the motion,
reflecting the tides of the ocean

The Heart-Rhythms…..

The Waters Flow….

waxing and waining
Breathing in our Son 🌞

A Death, Life, Rebirth cycle of Love IS complete.
Spiraling back to the beginning
Ye, who walks with me

(Part 1)

💜🌗🧙‍♀️🔻♾️. Spoken Word Link:

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753 S Walnut Street
Boise, 83712

The beautiful studio is now closed. But this amazing place is now open as a personal retreat center. Please visit the webpage for more detailed information.

Boise Yoga For Life Boise Yoga For Life
4477 W. Emerald Street, C250
Boise, 83706

Boise Yoga for Life improves flexibility and strengthens the body while relieving stress and calming

Wild Poppy Birth Wild Poppy Birth

Birth & Postpartum Doula Services Through my support I will work as a guide during your pregnancy and birth to provide individual preparation for your unique childbirth experience...

Yoga for Life Boise Yoga for Life Boise
3065 N. Cole Road
Boise, 83704

Yoga is for everyone regardless of age & body type. $15-$18 per class with advance registration.

Curvy Gal Yoga Curvy Gal Yoga
Boise, 83703

Curvy Gal Yoga offers a safe space for those who identify as a woman, and wanting to practice yoga. Here we come together to to support each other & to celebrate EVERY body no matt...

Studio Lotus Yoga Studio Lotus Yoga
1150 W State Street #310
Boise, 83702

Re-emerge & find enlightenment. Vinyassa & Hot yoga serving the North End & Downtown Boise 1150 W State St. Suite 310

Yoga In Home Yoga In Home
Boise, 83709

Online Yoga Studio for all who are Care Givers. Which aren't we all in some way. We offer classes and mediations too all. Practice anywhere that works for your journey of life.

Hyer Birth Doulas Hyer Birth Doulas
Boise, 83706

Hi! My name is Rebecca Hyer. Im a birth doula, lactation counselor, and childbirth educator. I’m here to give you the tools to have the birth experience that best fits you and your...

True North Yoga True North Yoga
1512 N. 10th Street
Boise, 83702

True North Yoga has two studio spaces in one location offering hot, warm and non-heated yoga. Live your best life. Start today!

The Vault The Vault
The Vault 404 S. 8th Street, Suite L138
Boise, ID

A studio for you to have an experience of yoga, community and love. It's simply love.

Baby Love Birth Services Placenta Encapsulator Baby Love Birth Services Placenta Encapsulator
Boise, 83646

I am able to process your placenta into capsules or tincture or salve. I have a variety of goodies t