
UNTRAFFICKED™ is a national nonprofit that offers a comprehensive approach to stopping domestic child grooming and trafficking.

We use deep intel and advanced technology, as well as collaborate with other organizations to combat this issue. Most Americans are unaware that children are being groomed by pedophiles, predators, and traffickers every day. New and innovative ways are required to combat the demand, raise awareness to this nationwide epidemic, and provide safe environments for survivors of child trafficking. Untra

Photos from Untrafficked's post 07/22/2024

Untrafficked is honored to present at the 2024 International Summit Against Human Trafficking.

To learn more about Untrafficked, you can visit our website: www.untrafficked.org



Keep going Laila Mickelwait!


Happy Independence Day

The history of the United States is marked by strong, prayerful, willing people, to stand up against tyranny against those who choose to oppress people.

Similarly, we join the brave in taking a stand to combat child trafficking across our great nation.

To learn more about how to support us, join us, or protect your children, visit our site at www.Untrafficked.org


🚨It’s Time To Untraffick America 🇺🇸

Collaboration is key to making operations like this a success. Now, these children will need months and even years to heal and be restored.

To learn more about how to protect your children, join the Guardian Alliance. www.Untrafficked.org

To read the article, click on the link below.


We’ve previously exposed how OnlyFans puts women and risk and leaves them vulnerable to exploitation. An increasing number of young female content creators report degrading and violent requests, abusive and predatory treatment, as well as doxxing, image-based abuse and stalking. We also published an account from former OnlyFans recruiter Victoria revealing how women were exploited and degraded on the platform.

But it’s even worse. A growing number of reports expose OnlyFans hosting – and profiting from – illegal and abusive content, including videos of children, r*pe and non-consensually produced or shared material. It facilitates men’s abuse of women and makes it profitable – and takes its 20% cut in the process.

This platform can never be safe. It can never be ethical. Claims to the contrary disregard the pain and suffering of the women and children who have been r*ped, exploited, humiliated and violated on OnlyFans.

Read more >> https://www.collectiveshout.org/rape_child_exploitation_non_consensually_shared_content


🙏🏼Prayer Request🙏🏼

Dear Untrafficked family,

This is Allison Madrigal, CEO and Founder of Rescue America, an affiliate of ours that has been combatting domestic s*xual exploitation and trafficking for over 10 years. They exist to rescue, revive, and restore the s*xually exploited. They do amazing work!!

Allison was diagnosed with a brain mass and is undergoing brain surgery this morning.

Please keep her, her family, and the Rescue America team in your prayers.

Thank you 🙏🏼

To learn more about Rescue America, you can visit their website at www.RescueAmerica.ngo


The P*rnhub s*x trafficking crime scene is planning to shut itself down in 5 more U.S. states this summer because it doesn’t want to spend the money required to keep children off the site.



This was the recently released official statement of the Board of Elders at Gateway Church regarding the resignation of their pastor Robert Morris.

We will keep you all updated as we learn of any additional information.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the victim(s) directly affected by Morris’s actions.

If you want to learn more about child grooming, s*xual exploitation, and trafficking and/or learn how to protect your children from it, join the Guardian Alliance.



One of our Untrafficked board members sent this to me. It was very kind of him.

Being in the arena is not easy…but it’s good.

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

— Theodore Roosevelt


An ode to Memorial Day

Done are the toils and the wearisome marches,
Done is the summons of bugle and drum.
Softly and sweetly the sky overarches,
Shelt’ring a land where Rebellion is dumb.
Dark were the days of the country’s derangement,
Sad were the hours when the conflict was on,
But through the gloom of fraternal estrangement
God sent his light, and we welcome the dawn.
O’er the expanse of our mighty dominions,
Sweeping away to the uttermost parts,
Peace, the wide-flying, on untiring pinions,
Bringeth her message of joy to our hearts.

Ah, but this joy which our minds cannot measure,
What did it cost for our fathers to gain!
Bought at the price of the heart’s dearest treasure,
Born out of travail and sorrow and pain;
Born in the battle where fleet Death was flying,
Slaying with sabre-stroke bloody and fell;
Born where the heroes and martyrs were dying,
Torn by the fury of bullet and shell.
Ah, but the day is past: silent the rattle,
And the confusion that followed the fight.
Peace to the heroes who died in the battle,
Martyrs to truth and the crowning of Right!

Out of the blood of a conflict fraternal,
Out of the dust and the dimness of death,
Burst into blossoms of glory eternal
Flowers that sweeten the world with their breath.
Flowers of charity, peace, and devotion
Bloom in the hearts that are empty of strife;
Love that is boundless and broad as the ocean
Leaps into beauty and fullness of life.
So, with the singing of paeans and chorals,
And with the flag flashing high in the sun,
Place on the graves of our heroes the laurels
Which their unfaltering valor has won!

- Paul Laurence Dunbar 1872 – 1906


Gregory Cameron Barnes passed
away peacefully on May 21, 2024, in
Dallas, Texas at the age 66.

Greg was born on May 3, 1958, in
Austin, TX to Ben Barnes and
Martha Morgan Carmine.

Greg spent his childhood and early years in Austin before moving to Brownwood, Texas where he graduated from Brownwood High School. Greg continued his education at Texas Christian University (TCU) where he earned his degree in finance and was a member of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity. After college, Greg settled in Dallas, Texas, where he met Cindy Kelly Barnes. Greg and Cindy married and were blessed with two wonderful children: Ben Barnes and Kelly Barnes, and two grandsons.

Greg spent his last days selflessly serving as the Director of Donor Development of Untrafficked, a leading national nonprofit that focused on combatting domestic child trafficking. Greg also had several business interests and served in multiple ministries and at his church in Dallas, Texas. He was loved, cherished and brought immense joy to all that knew him. Wherever he went, he made a difference. He was a mighty man of God. His legacy will live on in all of us.

Greg is pre-deceased by his mother, Martha Morgan Carmine. He is survived by his sons, Ben Barnes II and Kelly Barnes; his father, Ben Barnes and his wife, Liz McDermott Barnes; and his sister, Amy Barnes Hazucha, and his two grandchildren.

In Austin: A funeral service to commemorate Greg’s life will be held at 10am on Tuesday, May 28, 2024 at Weed-Corley Funeral Home at 5416 Parkcrest Drive, Austin, TX 78731.

In Dallas: A celebration of life service will be held at 3:30pm-5:30pm on Thursday, May 30, 2024, at the Dallas Country Club at 4155 Mockingbird Lane, Dallas, TX 75205.

Greg will be missed by all…


Keep going Exodus Cry Laila Mickelwait

In the studio this week recording the audiobook for “Takedown: Inside the Fight to Shut Down P*rnhub for Child Abuse, R**e and S*x Trafficking.”

I’ve already shed a few tears while reading 😭—it’s an intense process to read aloud what I’ve spent the last 3 years writing in silence.

I am excited to share this with you all soon. ❤️


This was a great memory. However, if we don’t focus on continuing to build innovation and scalability into our technology platforms, evil will win.

Thank you all for your continued love, prayers, and support as we scale Untrafficked to serve the most vulnerable and to confront the most diabolical and deceptive criminals in our nation.

To learn more about us, or make a donation, visit our website. www.Untrafficked.org

Photos from Untrafficked's post 04/26/2024

We were honored to be a sponsor of the Child and Youth Protection Catholic Leadership Conference in St. Louis!

We enjoy working with faith-based organizations across the U.S. as we train them via the Guardian Ministry Alliance best protect children and families in their Diocese.

To learn more, visit our website. www.Untrafficked.org



We want to give a shout out to Haynes Boone for the significant amount of pro bono legal work they’re providing Untrafficked. *xtraffickingawareness


We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all frontline organizations who collaborated with “Not In Our City” for Night of Hope 6, our most successful event yet. It is through your partnership that millions around the globe will find liberation from human trafficking.

Thank you for joining forces with us.

Not In Our City Bethel Chandler Grand Canyon University


Untrafficked followers, are you able to see our posts? We want to make sure that Meta is not downgrading our algorithms.

Please hit like or respond.




Developed by a team of experts in law enforcement, child psychology, cyber security, and more, the Untrafficked® Guardian Alliance is a comic book-style handbook that educates families about how to protect themselves from these predators, all while making the conversation easier and more engaging for families.


🛡Learn about what is child-s*x-trafficking and grooming in the United States

🛡Identify signs of change in behavior of your children due to grooming

🛡Learn how to address your children with care, love and respect

🛡Learn how to monitor your children’s online and social media activity, cell phone calling, texting, and chat activity

🛡Learn how to initiate healthy talks with your children about school, parties, friends, strangers

🛡Learn how to impart good boundaries on your children Learn how to stop the grooming of your children by traffickers and predators




This was an amazing event!


Untrafficked is fired up to join dozens of anti trafficking organizations, hundreds of churches, and many law enforcement agencies and public officials to combat trafficking in the great Phoenix area!

Photos from Not In Our City's post 02/17/2024

Do you believe grooming is happening to children today
in the U.S.?

Photos from Untrafficked's post 01/31/2024

🚨🚨Breaking: Untrafficked is now partnering with domestic hotels in an effort to stop child trafficking in the hospitality space.

January is national human trafficking awareness month, and Untrafficked is making significant strides in the fight to combat domestic child s*x trafficking.

This is an important partnership as hotels are often a destination for traffickers to take children to sell them for s*x.

Feature in these photos are Untrafficked table tents that invite patrons to join the Guardian Alliance so they may obtain the proper training to protect their families.

Untrafficked also conducts comprehensive scenario-based trainings for hotel employees, and provides technology solutions that helps hotel staff better monitor their common areas for traffickers and victims of trafficking.

To learn more about Untrafficked, visit our website www.Untrafficked.org

*photos featured are in Sheraton Market Center near downtown Dallas, Texas.




Border patrol apprehended child two s*x offenders, a convicted murderer and a man convicted of endangering the welfare of a child.

Click on link to read full article: https://www.foxnews.com/us/child-s*x-offenders-murder-convict-captured-trying-enter-us-illegally

To lean more about Untrafficked and how to protect your children, visit our website at www.untrafficked.org



Join the Untrafficked® Guardian Alliance™ and become a part of a dynamic community of thousands of Guardians that have taken the pledge to protect children across the U.S.

Click on link to join www.Untrafficked.org

Established in December of 2022, The Guardian Alliance™ features the Guardians Handbook which is made up of carefully and thoughtfully composed scenario-based curriculum with the goal to inform and equip parents and legal guardians on how to become well-trained defenders of their home.

It guides parents on how to best protect their children from being groomed by s*xual predators and traffickers online and within the community.

This approach to the program invites parents into their everyday experiences.

The Untrafficked® Guardian Alliance™ Parent Handbook was intentionally designed to educate parents on the following:

• Understanding of what child s*x trafficking and grooming is in the United States
• Identifying signs of change in behavior of children due to grooming
• How to address children with care, love, and respect
• How to monitor children’s online and social media activity, cell phone calling, texting, and chat activity
• How to initiate healthy talks with your children about school, parties, friends, and strangers
• How to impart good boundaries on children
• How to stop grooming of children by predators and traffickers

We keep our Untrafficked® Guardians current on Untrafficked® news and events, sector-specific news, and special announcements and notifications through the Guardian Hub™.

Should you have any questions, please send us an email at [email protected].



January is National Human Trafficking Awareness Month.

🛡Most American don’t know that their children are being groomed every day in America.

🛡Learn about what is child-s*x-trafficking and grooming is.

🛡Learn how to protect you children.

🛡Join thousands of other Americans and become a Guardian today.

To learn more, join the Guardian Alliance, or give, please click on our website: untrafficked.org



⭕️ BREAKING: Untrafficked partners with doTERRA in a $20,000 match campaign to untraffick America.

⭕️ January is national human trafficking awareness month! doTERRA will match your generous donations for the entire month of January!

⭕️ Click on link to learn more about this wonderful partnership: https://doterrahealinghands.org/match-program/fundraiser/572/fight-domestic-child-trafficking

To learn more about Untrafficked, you can visit our website: www.untrafficked.org
- - -
About doTERRA Healing Hands

“Engage in good with us”

Transcendent power comes from people locking arms in pursuit of purity. Differences become strengths. Barriers become steppingstones. Progress prevails. Together with you, we can help dōTERRA® revolutionize the essential oil industry and what it means to be a company with a conscience.

By 2030, our goal is to help dōTERRA triple their impact with the people we empower, communities we serve, and lives we improve. Join us as we to help the world heal.

Want your organization to be the top-listed Non Profit Organization in Dallas?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.


UNTRAFFICKED™ was established to stop child s*x trafficking, help survivors heal and give them hope for a brighter future.

We developed a platform to educate and equip our members across the United States one house at a time. We also collaborate with well vetted anti s*x-trafficking organizations in order to bring support and operational structure to compassionately and effectively serve s*x trafficking victims.

It will take collaboration to protect our children and win this war.

#untrafficked #untraffickamerica #11istooyoung

Videos (show all)

🚨🚨JOIN THE GUARDIAN ALLIANCE🚨🚨Developed by a team of experts in law enforcement, child psychology, cyber security, and m...
⭕️ BREAKING: Untrafficked partners with doTERRA in a $20,000 match campaign to untraffick America.⭕️ January is national...
I Didn’t Know
🚨PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN🚨To stop the grooming & trafficking in the USA, we must learn to protect our children. 🛡Sign up to...
Protect your children. Become a Guardian. www.untrafficked.org
We had an amazing time training 672 youth and teen ministers to become GUARDIANS at the LIFE TEEN annual Catholic Youth ...
🚨🚨BREAKING🚨🚨                              This is unacceptable.                            To stop the grooming & traffi...
Mom’s…it’s time to untraffick America 🇺🇸
Most American don’t know that their children are being groomed every day in every neighborhood in America. Protect you c...
It’s time to take a stand! Learn how to protect your family and community! Become a Guardian today! www.Untrafficked.org


100 Crescent Court, Suite 700
Dallas, TX

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850 Central Parkway East, Suite 120
Dallas, 75074

We help PISD graduates who have experienced adversity succeed in college and life.

Texas Central Bleeding Disorders Texas Central Bleeding Disorders
12700 Hillcrest Road, Suite 191
Dallas, 75230

TexCen provides education, advocacy, and community to individuals living with bleeding disorders across Northern Texas.

Catholic Charities Dallas Catholic Charities Dallas
1421 W. Mockingbird Lane
Dallas, 75247

Catholic Charities of Dallas calls the community to action to join us in addressing the root causes

Mosaic Family Services Mosaic Family Services

Mosaic is a safe haven for survivors of human rights abuses, including human trafficking and domestic violence.

Clayton Dabney for Kids with Cancer Clayton Dabney for Kids with Cancer
6500 Greenville Avenue, Ste 342
Dallas, 75219

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