Lotus Core Physical Therapy

Lotus Core PT is a PT clinic focusing on all things pelvic health & returning you back to function.

To book your appointment, click on the link: https://lotuscorept.janeapp.com/

Photos from Lotus Core Physical Therapy's post 09/02/2024

Ouch! Your lower abdomen feels uncomfortable, or in*******se is painful. You may also notice a heavy sensation around your va**nal opening, like a tampon that’s falling out.

These could be signs of a uterine prolapse.

Learn how you can manage these symptoms!

Photos from Lotus Core Physical Therapy's post 08/31/2024

Common Frustrations Bladder Prolapse Edition:
Click on the Link in Bio to read the blog on strategies to overcome these frustrations!

✨Physical Discomfort:✨
Pain, pressure, or heaviness are among the most common complaints I hear from patients

✨Urinary Issues:✨
Urinary leakage and frequency are the second most common complaints.

✨Impact on Daily Life:✨
Bladder prolapse can make physical or social activities feel limiting. Many women stop doing their favorite activities out of fear of worsening their symptoms or due to embarrassment.

✨Emotional and Psychological Effects:✨
Bladder prolapse can lead to anxiety, embarrassment, or feelings of isolation. Remember, you are not alone. Starting a conversation about your experience with close friends, healthcare providers, or family members can help alleviate these feelings.

✨Treatment Challenges:✨
Finding relief or deciding if surgery is the right option can feel overwhelming.

✨Surgical Options:✨
If non-surgical methods don’t provide relief, surgery may be considered. Discuss the risks, benefits, and expected outcomes with your healthcare provider to make an informed decision. Since this is a personal choice, the more information you have, the more confident and comfortable you’ll feel in making the best decision for yourself.

Contact Lotus Core Physical Therapy to book your appointment - link in bio!

🚨This post is for educational purposes and is not to treat or diagnose a medical condition.


New Blog: Find out practical tips to mange your bladder prolapse! Click on the link in bio and stayed tune to learn more about pelvic organ prolapse.


Let me re- introduce myself…

My name is Susan Miller, Doctor of Physical Therapy. I am the owner and physical therapist specializing in pelvic health at Lotus Core Physical Therapy.

I have been a physical therapist for almost 10 years, graduating with my Doctorate degree from Regis University in Denver, Co. After graduation, I started to specialize in pelvic health and orthopedic conditions and feel a huge passion for women’s health and providing holistic care.

Fun Facts:
📍Originally from Columbus, Ohio (go Buckeyes)
📍Physical Therapy is a second career
📍Worked at Walt Disney World in the product development department for almost 8 years
📍Love the mountains, tolerated the beach
📍Learning to speak German (Deutsch)
📍Dog lover and dog mom (yes I am that person) to a two year old chocolate lab, Emma and in my heart to Jake, my pup of 14 years that passed away in March 2022
📍Average skier but pretend I am better
📍Sucker for a Hallmark movie
📍Love a good bottle of Champagne
📍Have a new found love of Pilates and re learning to love strength training
📍Played Softball into college but now I am scared a ball will hit my face
📍Love to read but fall asleep quickly after a few pages

Now you know a little bit more about me, I hope to see you soon in the clinic

Photos from Lotus Core Physical Therapy's post 08/26/2024

Stages of Bladder Prolapse: What You Need to Know**

Bladder prolapse, also known as cystocele, happens when the bladder drops into the va**na due to weakened pelvic floor muscles. Here’s a quick guide to the stages:

1️⃣ Stage 1: Mild prolapse, bladder slightly drops but doesn’t reach the va**nal opening. Symptoms may be minimal.

2️⃣ Stage 2: Moderate prolapse, bladder closer to the va**nal opening. Symptoms include pelvic pressure and urinary issues.

3️⃣ Stage 3: Advanced prolapse, bladder reaches the va**nal opening, causing discomfort and visible bulging.

4️⃣ Stage 4: Severe prolapse, bladder protrudes outside the va**na. Medical intervention is often needed.

👩‍⚕️ Don't freak out! Understanding the stages helps in managing symptoms and finding the right treatment. Also, remember you are not alone! Share your experience in the comments!


Photos from Lotus Core Physical Therapy's post 08/24/2024

You feel something falling out down there, and you’re freaking out! You might be experiencing leakage, a slower urinary stream, or pressure.

These could be signs of a cystocele, where your bladder pushes into the anterior wall of your va**nal canal.

Join me to learn more about what might be happening and how you can treat it.

Photos from Lotus Core Physical Therapy's post 08/15/2024

You are pregnant and have started looking into different options for pain control during labor and delivery.

Or, you are hoping for an unmedicated birth but the idea of intense labor pain makes you nervous.

Did you know that an over-the-counter TENS unit can help improve pain control and delay the need for an epidural?

Read the latest blog on how how the TENS unit can help with pain control, click on 'Link in Bio' to read

Stick around for more pelvic health education


🎉🌞 Another trip around the sun complete (45 to be exact! 😳)

Well, I can’t stop the aging process or slow down time (trust me, I’ve tried!), so I’m just here embracing it. Grateful for my health and creaky joints, my adventures and Tums when I travel, and all the laughter WITHOUT peeing that comes with aging!

Photos from Lotus Core Physical Therapy's post 04/12/2024

For the first time, I was selected to participate on a jury (passed the room with the stickers), and it was eye-opening and informative. Trust me, I initially had the thought, "Ugh, I don't have time for this!" But that definitely changed when I walked out of the court room the following day.

The trial I participated in lasted a day and a half, with the jurors deliberating for about five hours into the next day. It was emotional, heavy, and mentally challenging, but also hopeful. A group of random strangers came together to discuss this case, challenge each other, listen to each other, and identify our biases—all done in a respectful way. I was impressed with how we collectively were able to come to a decision that we all felt confident in.

So, what does this have to do with physical therapy?

While it's not an exact comparison, there are certainly underlying connections that play an important part in achieving a successful outcome between the two.

The themes are as follows:
⭐️ Commitment and Responsibility
⭐️ Importance of Participation
⭐️ Advocacy & Support
⭐️ Community Impact

Just as I did with the fellow jurors, I hope this is how I can work with a patient along with the above points to create a successful outcome to their care. Also, I have witnessed patients finishing up their care with a different, positive sentiment after participating in pelvic health physical therapy.

Read more on my most recent blog on my extended thoughts on the above:
click on the "link in the bio"
(copy and paste above)


Today, on April 10th, 2024, I have been called to fulfill my civic duty by serving on a jury. It's a responsibility that many of us in the United States share at some point. This is my third summons, and it's the first time I've progressed to wearing a juror sticker. Each time I've been summoned, my initial reaction has been, "Ugh, I don't have time for this." This made me reflect on the commonalities between jury duty and pelvic floor physical therapy.

Photos from Lotus Core Physical Therapy's post 04/09/2024

Change is hard. Starting something new is difficult. Creating habits takes time.

Did you know there five stages when you want to start something new or make a change?

💭 Pre-contemplation - Not Ready
💭 Contemplation - Getting Ready
💭 Preparation - Ready
💭 Action
💭 Maintenance

This is the Trantheroetical Method
What stage are you in?

MARCUS, BESS H.; SIMKIN, LAUREY R.. The transtheoretical model: applications to exercise behavior. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 26(11):p 1400-1404, November 1994.

Photos from Lotus Core Physical Therapy's post 04/07/2024

That’s Chicago!

Couldn’t more proud of my nephew, in his final show . It was so special to see all the people that came to cheer him on. He has a bright future ahead of him.

Can’t wait to see what you do next!

Photos from Lotus Core Physical Therapy's post 04/04/2024

A crucial part of your first pelvic floor physical therapy session is Informed Consent. A skilled pelvic health therapist will explain what they are doing to gain consent before and during the exam. You should feel informed throughout the process, and if you feel uncomfortable at any time, tell the therapist, and they will stop the exam OR provide space to ask additional clarifying questions.

Check out yesterday's blog on What occurs in your first pelvic floor physical therapy session - click "link in the bio"

Dr. Susan Miller PT, DPT, is a licensed pelvic floor physical therapist and the owner of Lotus Core Physical Therapy in Colorado. She welcomes both in-person and telehealth appointments for Colorado residents, as well as coaching calls for clients residing out of state.
Book at www.lotuscorept.com


You have been referred to Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy by your doctor, a friend, Instagram, TikTok, etc. but you’re unsure about what to expect or even why you are being referred to pelvic floor physical therapy.

Dive into the latest blog about what to truly expect in a pelvic floor physical therapy session. You will learn about each step of the session from history to the examination and your role in the process.

Can this process be awkward? YES!
But is it worth it? also, YES!

Click 'Link In Bio' or go to www.lotuscorept.com/blog


posted “in this week’s   post, .susanpelvichealthpt emphasizes a crucial piece of advice for all of us: ADVOCATE, ADVOCATE, ADVOCATE. 🌟

🔍 Did You Know? Your intuition about your health is invaluable. As your partners in health, we believe in the power of advocacy. It’s essential to find healthcare providers who truly listen and engage with your concerns. Trust and communication form the cornerstone of effective care. Remember, you know your body best. Let’s empower ourselves to advocate for our health. 💪🗣️✨



Happy Easter from the two employees at Lotus core PT
🐣 Emma is searching for any bunny 🐰 to come say hi!
Hat and outfit inspiration by listening to Cowboy Carter!

Photos from Lotus Core Physical Therapy's post 03/28/2024

Seven Movements to Approach with Caution!

As the body undergoes changes, adopting movement strategies to alleviate pain and restore function becomes crucial. Below are common movements that may need to be approached with caution or avoided, depending on the discomfort you are experiencing:

1) Lunges (forward or lateral)
2) Crossing leg
3) Single-leg stance (i.e putting on pants or slipping into a shoe)
4) Going up and down stairs (sideways movement may alleviate discomfort)
5) Getting out of a car one leg at a time
6) Rolling over in bed with legs separating
7) Lifting heavy objects in a wide squat

Dr. Susan Miller is a licensed physical therapist and the owner of Lotus Core Physical Therapy in Colorado. She welcomes in-person and telehealth appointments to Colorado residents, as well as coaching calls of residing out of state. along with coaching opportunities if you are out-of-state.

🚨This post is for educational purposes and is not to treat or diagnose a medical condition. Perform any exercises at your own risk or consult a medical provider prior to starting an exercise program.


❓Have you experienced sharp pain radiating down your leg while climbing stairs or rolling over in bed?

❓Do you notice a grinding sound near your groin when walking?

❓Are you compelled to sit down due to pain when putting on leggings?

If you answered YES to these questions, you may be experiencing Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP), specifically P***c Symphysis Pain.

There’s a common misconception that experiencing aches and pains during pregnancy is normal. While it’s true that pregnancy involves significant changes in the body as you nurture a growing baby over 40 weeks, these discomforts shouldn’t hinder your day-to-day activities. Pelvic floor physical therapy can play a crucial role in restoring function and alleviating pain during pregnancy.

Dr. Susan Miller is a licensed physical therapist and the owner of Lotus Core Physical Therapy in Colorado. I welcome in-person and telehealth appointments to Colorado residents, as well as coaching calls of residing out of state along with coaching opportunities if you are out-of-state.

🚨This post is for educational purposes and is not to treat or diagnose a medical condition. Perform any exercises at your own risk or consult a medical provider prior to starting an exercise program. 🚨

Photos from Lotus Core Physical Therapy's post 03/25/2024

Struggling with P***c Symphysis Pain during pregnancy? You're not alone!

Pregnancy brings many changes, but it can also bring discomfort, especially in the pelvic region. P***c Symphysis Pain (PSP), also known as symphysis p***s dysfunction (SPD), is a common complaint among expecting moms. If you're experiencing sharp pains in your pelvis, difficulty walking or moving, or discomfort when changing positions, it could be PSP.

Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy can be a game-changer in managing your pain

With targeted exercises, gentle manual therapy, and education, I can help your pain, improve movements and quality of life during pregnancy.

Dr. Susan Miller is a licensed physical therapist and the owner of Lotus Core Physical Therapy in Colorado. I welcome in-person and telehealth appointments to Colorado residents, as well as coaching calls of residing out of state along with coaching opportunities if you are out-of-state.

🚨This post is for educational purposes and is not to treat or diagnose a medical condition. Perform any exercises at your own risk or consult a medical provider prior to starting an exercise program. 🚨

Photos from Lotus Core Physical Therapy's post 03/24/2024

2024 2015

With a bit of extra time on this Sunday morning, Ben and I took a little stroll down memory lane to my PT school,

The first picture is an older and wiser version of me still working on figuring out how to navigate my PT career.

Second picture is a bright eyed, ready to step out in the world seeing where I fit into this career.

It brought back many memories of mixed emotions especially seeing students studying on a Sunday morning. While the past years have had their share of ups and downs, I finally sense that I’m settling into something that feels right.


While lifestyle and diet changes are the primary strategy for managing constipation, a pelvic health physical therapist can offer guidance on various conservative treatments.

Learn about three effective abdominal techniques that you can try to alleviate bloating, enhance bowel movement frequency, and improve colon transit.

Click on 'LinkinBio' or head to www.lotuscorept.com/blog

Photos from Lotus Core Physical Therapy's post 03/18/2024

Vaginal dilators can be very intimidating, which is why they often end up in a drawer, unused.Remember, the purpose of the dilators is not to evoke negative feelings but to serve as a tool to reduce pelvic floor dysfunction.

Below are 3 overarching guidelines to use va**nal dilators:

1) Familiarize yourself with the dilators. Before inserting them into the va**nal canal, check in with yourself to see how you feel about the dilators. Touch them and assess if they cause any anxiety.

2) When using the dilators, aim to keep your pain levels below a 3/10 or at mild pain level. Pain tolerance varies from person to person.

3) Use the dilators for about 10 minutes per session, although it may take longer to reach a relaxed state. Prior to using the dilators, you can perform stretches or breathing exercises to help with relaxation.

If you still feel intimidated or are not experiencing success with using va**nal dilators, pelvic floor physical therapy can help guide you in meeting your individual needs and teach your specific strategies to make the dilators successful.

🚨This post is for educational purposes and is not to treat or diagnose a medical condition. 🚨

Lotus Core Physical Therapy is owned by Dr. Susan Miller PT, DPT and is located in Englewood, Colorado. She is accepting in-person and virtual visits along with coaching opportunities if you are out-of-state. Specializing in pelvic health and orthopedic conditions our mission is to provide a safe and inviting environment, teaching you strategies to feel empowered in your daily life.


Happy 3.14159 (π) Day!


If you're confused about why a provider prescribed a va**nal dilator for you, check out the latest blog post on the benefits of va**nal dilators. You'll also discover some helpful tips on how to use them effectively.

Photos from Lotus Core Physical Therapy's post 03/11/2024

Oh, Dilators! Are they collecting dust in a drawer, or do you not know how to use them, or do they feel really intimidating? Follow along this week to make them less scary, so you can dust them off and start using them.

🚨This post is for educational purposes and is not to treat or diagnose a medical condition. 🚨

Lotus Core Physical Therapy is located in Englewood, Colorado accepting in-person and virtual visits along with coaching opportunities if you are out-of-state. We specialize in pelvic health and orthopedic conditions. Our Mission is to provide a safe and inviting environment, teaching you strategies to feel empowered in your daily life.


The looooonnnnng Road to the Endometriosis Diagnosis

On average it can take 4 to 11 years to diagnose Endometriosis. Endometriosis requires a multidisciplinary approach that integrates medical, psychological and physical interventions. By raising awareness, advocating for timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment, and providing comprehensive support, a team of professionals can assist you in improving your life while managing this debilitating condition.

Dr. Susan Miller is a licensed physical therapist and the owner of Lotus Core Physical Therapy in Colorado. She welcomes in-person and telehealth appointments to Colorado residents, as well as coaching calls of residing out of state. along with coaching opportunities if you are out-of-state.

🚨This post is for educational purposes and is not to treat or diagnose a medical condition. Perform any exercises at your own risk or consult a medical provider prior to starting an exercise program. 🚨

Photos from Lotus Core Physical Therapy's post 03/04/2024

March is Endometriosis Awareness Month!

There is a long road to reaching an Endometriosis diagnosis, on average it can take 4-11 years.

Sadly, many women are dismissed when they bring up painful periods or heavy bleeding to their providers. They are also overlooked when reporting pain during in*******se, abdominal distension, abdominal cramping, fatigue, or difficulty with defecation.

If you are struggling with these symptoms, reach out to find a supportive team of providers who believe in you.

🚨This post is for educational purposes and is not to treat or diagnose a medical condition. 🚨

Lotus Core Physical Therapy is located in Englewood, Colorado accepting in-person and virtual visits along with coaching opportunities if you are out-of-state. We specialize in pelvic health and orthopedic conditions. Our Mission is to provide a safe and inviting environment, teaching you strategies to feel empowered in your daily life.

Photos from Lotus Core Physical Therapy's post 03/01/2024

Join us in supporting women's business owners!

SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, March 16th
➡️ in Littleton is Hosting a WOMEN'S WELLNESS EVENT

➡️ Time: 12:30 pm (optional) 5K/1.5K Walk
1:00 to 3:00 pm Wellness Event

➡️ Location: 8116 W. Bowles Ave Unit D Littleton, CO 80123

➡️ Cost: Donation based, starting at $5

➡️ All Proceeds will be donated to (a place for domestic violence Victims)

➡️ Lotus Core PT will be a vendor at the Women's Wellness Event

🚨A raffle will take place at 2pm;
Lotus Core PT will be giving away a Squatty Potty


February is American Heart Month, and as we close out this month, what better way to raise awareness than by gaining a deeper understanding of the silent killer for women: HEART DISEASE!

Learn about risk factors, signs and symptoms and how you can take control to reduce risk of heart disease. Click on the 'linkinbio' or head to www.lotuscorept.com/blog for more information.
🚨 This blog is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat or diagnose any medical condition. Perform any exercises at your own risk or consult a medical provider before starting an exercise program. 🚨

Dr. Susan Miller PT, DPT is a licensed pelvic floor physical therapist and the owner of Lotus Core Physical Therapy in Colorado. She welcomes both in-person and telehealth appointments for Colorado residents, as well as coaching call for clients residing out of state.

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Videos (show all)

Uterine prolapse occurs when the uterus slips down into the vagina due to weakened pelvic floor muscles. Knowing the sta...
I can’t pass up national dog day (a day late). Here is to the cuddle bug, food crazy, early riser two year old, Emma. We...
Understanding the Stages of Cystocele: Here’s a quick guide to help you understand where you might stand: —Stage 1: Mild...
Are you looking for tips, tricks and education on Pelvic Health?  You will find a plethora of information on the Lotus C...
Sunday Fun-day hike at North Table Mountain #chocolatelab #northtablemountain #newterrianbrewery #dogsofdenver
Bladder triggers are common and quickly become habitual. If you hear water running, put your key into the door, or drive...
Creating compression with your muscles can help provide pelvic stability during pregnancy especially if you are experien...
It is crazy to think it has been two years since Jake passed away.  He still holds a special place in my heart and we st...
I offer different times and types of visits to help with your busy schedule. What are you waiting for?  Link in bio to l...
So many thoughts and feelings arise when a patient tells me this! One of them is disbelief!  I collaborate with numerous...
This is your opportunity to ask questions, learn more, and win FREE products and/or services not only from Lotus Core PT...


770 W. Hampden Road Ste. 105
Englewood, CO

Opening Hours

8am - 3pm

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