Women's Integrated Health Care

Women's Integrated Health Care

We are an obstetrical and gynecological group of specialist physicians, and nurse practitioners whose purpose is to provide comprehensive and quality medical care. "Our group was formed because we share common beliefs, ideals and goals - primarily that our patients come first, without exception."


Women's Integrated Health Care is hiring a full-time medical assistant and we're looking for someone good, like you! Here are the details:

Job description
Medical Assistant Duties and Responsibilities
Provide clinical assistant to OB/GYN providers
Prepare rooms and ensure supplies are ready, ordering more when necessary
Reviews schedules and prepares patient charts at least one day prior
Escorts patients to exam room. Records reason for visit, takes vitals (including height)
Assist in examinations
Administer vaccinations
Assists provider with procedures, such as: IUD insertion, colposcopy, endometrial ablation and other GYN related procedures
Orders labs and follows up to ensure timely results
Answer phone calls, respond to patient questions, and take messages
Medical Assistant Requirements and Qualifications

Successful completion of Medical Assistant program
1+ years of experience working for a healthcare practice
Familiar with medical terminology
Excellent communication and organizational skills
Demonstrates successful teamwork
Only candidates with experience will be considered. Hourly salary commensurate with experience.

Job Type: Full-time

401(k) matching
Paid time off
Retirement plan

8 hour shift
Monday to Friday
Work Location: Multiple locations

If you or someone you know think you're a good fit and would like to join our team, or would like more information please send your resume through Indeed.com, or by fax to (810) 606-9400.


Women's Integrated Health Care Women's Integrated Health Care


Meet Dr. Sara Papple, our newest member to the Women's Integrated Health Care team! Dr. Papple received her Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree from Michigan State University and completed her Residency at Ascension Macomb Oakland in Warren Michigan. We're very excited to have her on board!
Now accepting new patients!
Please call (810) 606-9190 to schedule an appointment.

Women's Integrated Health Care Women's Integrated Health Care


WE'RE HIRING! Full-time experienced Medical Assistant needed immediately.
If you or someone you know is looking for an awesome place to work then come join our Team! Women's Integrated Health Care is located in Grand Blanc with additional offices in Davison, Fenton, Clarkston, Marlette and Sandusky. Complete job description can be found on Indeed.com, where you can submit your resume, or fax it to (810) 606-9400.


One of the diagnostic tests you will have during your pregnancy is ultrasound. The first ultrasound is typically done in the first trimester to confirm the pregnancy, determine the number of fetuses, and estimate how long you’ve been pregnant. If your pregnancy proceeds without complications, the next ultrasound is typically done around 18-20 weeks and will assess several things including fetal anatomy and often the gender of the baby as well. Other ultrasounds may be indicated based on how the pregnancy progresses. Here at Women’s Integrated, we offer the convenience of on-site ultrasounds to save you both gas and time!


Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a treatment option for menopausal women or women who have had a hysterectomy and are experiencing uncomfortable symptoms such as hot flashes and va**nal dryness. HRT may relieve hot flashes and night sweats, help you sleep better, ease va**nal dryness and itching, make s*x less painful, help prevent fractures caused by osteoporosis, and lower your chances of dementia. However, HRT also has some risks, including increased chances of endometrial cancer, blood clots, stroke, and breast cancer. If you are bothered by the symptoms of menopause, discussing the pros and cons of HRT with your doctor may be your first step toward finding relief! Contact us at 810-606-9190 to schedule an appointment.


August is also Immunization Awareness Month. Keeping up with vaccines is important for adults and children, including during pregnancy. The CDC recommends that a pregnant woman be vaccinated against whooping cough and flu during each pregnancy. COVID vaccines are also now recommended for all starting at age 6 months. Pregnant women are more likely to become severely ill with COVID and the COVID vaccine helps protect against serious illness. Safeguard your health and vaccinate yourself and your children. You’ll be glad you did!


Have you heard of uterine prolapse? This condition occurs when pelvic floor muscles weaken, and the uterus slips down into or protrudes out of the va**na. It can happen at any age but often affects postmenopausal women who have had one or more va**nal deliveries. Risk factors which increase the chances of uterine prolapse include giving birth to a large baby, difficult delivery or trauma during childbirth, advancing age, obesity, chronic constipation, and prior pelvic surgery. To reduce your risk of uterine prolapse, you can do Kegel exercises, try to avoid constipation, avoid heavy lifting and avoid weight gain. As always, if you are concerned about a possible uterine prolapse, do not hesitate to make an appointment with our office today at 810-606-9190.

Sun Safety: Information for Parents About Sunburn & Sunscreen 08/08/2022

Now that summer is here in full force, you and your little ones are probably spending more time outdoors. It is important to protect them and yourself from the sun so you can all enjoy summer safely. See the following article for some great tips on sun safety for the whole family: https://bit.ly/3zEE5oK

Protect yourself and your family, then get outside and enjoy the summer!

Sun Safety: Information for Parents About Sunburn & Sunscreen Sunscreen can help protect the skin from sunburn and some skin cancers but only if used correctly. Keep in mind that sunscreen should be used for sun protection, not as a reason to stay in the sun longer.


Welcome to August! This month is National Breastfeeding Month, so let’s explore some of the benefits of breastfeeding. For infants, the benefits are many and include decreased risk of asthma, obesity, type 1 diabetes, severe lower respiratory disease, ear infections, GI infections, and SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). Breastfeeding mothers have a lower risk of high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, ovarian cancer, and breast cancer. Breastfeeding your infant definitely presents challenges and is not right for all moms for a variety of reasons, but let’s be inspired by this quote from Dr. Ruth Petersen: “Breastfeeding provides unmatched health benefits for babies and mothers. It is the clinical gold standard for infant feeding and nutrition, with breast milk uniquely tailored to meet the health needs of a growing baby. We must do more to create supportive and safe environments for mothers who choose to breastfeed.”


We are now into the second half of this year- have you had your well-woman visit yet? Consistent check-ups with your OB-GYN are important for your health and can prevent future problems or take early action if concerns are present. If you have not seen us this year, make your appointment today. Make your health a priority!


Considering a pregnancy after age 40? There are some pros to a later pregnancy, including a higher chance of stability in your life and in your career, more life experience leading to being more prepared for parenthood, and medical advances making a pregnancy in your forties safer than ever before. Cons include a higher risk of complications, declined fertility, and a longer recovery time for your body following pregnancy and childbirth. If you decide to pursue a pregnancy after 40, a pre-pregnancy appointment with your provider is recommended. Making healthy lifestyle changes such as losing weight, stopping smoking and exercising regularly now will also benefit you and improve your chances of a healthy pregnancy.


If you are a woman who is past menopause, you may have questions about postmenopausal bleeding. This is defined as va**nal bleeding that occurs a year or more after your last period. It can be caused by va**nal dryness, noncancerous growths such as polyps, and in about 10% of women it can be a sign of uterine cancer. So, while this symptom is more than likely not serious, you should definitely make an appointment to have it checked and the cause determined. Better safe than sorry!


Irregular periods are common among menstruating women and can have several causes that aren’t due to underlying disease: physical or psychological stress, smoking, medication side effects, family history, and menopause. However, if you have consistently very short or very long cycles it is a good idea to make an appointment with your provider to investigate possible causes. If you have irregular cycles and want to get pregnant, you may benefit from tracking your ovulation or speaking with a fertility specialist. As always, our practice is here to help if this is a concern for you!


Are you familiar with group B strep disease? Group B strep is a bacterium commonly found in people’s intestinal and ge***al tracts. Most of the time these bacteria are not harmful and don’t cause symptoms. However, sometimes they invade the body and cause infections known as GBS disease. GBS disease is important for pregnant women to be aware of as it can cause serious illness in newborns. About 1 in 4 pregnant women carry GBS bacteria in their body. Your physician will test you when you are 36-37 weeks pregnant. If you test positive, you will receive IV antibiotics during labor to protect your baby from being infected. The antibiotics are a very effective method of keeping babies safe from group B strep infection, so you can rest easy that if you do test positive, your baby can be safe.


Have you felt your baby move yet? If you are early in your first pregnancy, this is likely something you are eagerly anticipating. Feeling those first movements (also called quickening) usually happens between 16 and 25 weeks of pregnancy. First-time moms usually feel the first movements later in the pregnancy than moms on a second or third pregnancy who are more familiar with the feeling. As the pregnancy progresses the movements become more distinct and you will feel them regularly. If at any point the movements seem to stop for a longer than normal period of time or decrease significantly, please contact your provider for advice on how to proceed. If you are currently waiting to feel those first movements, rest assured that they will come and before you know it you will feel them all the time (especially when you’re trying to sleep)!


If you are currently in menopause or have already been through it, chances are good you have experienced hot flashes. 8/10 women experience hot flashes, and on average they continue for approximately seven years. There is no known way to avoid them completely, but it can help to avoid known triggers such as stress, caffeine, alcohol, spicy foods, tight clothing, and heat. Some simple things you can try at home include dressing in light, breathable clothing, using fans and possibly a “chill pillow” at night, practicing deep breathing when a hot flash hits, and exercising regularly. If your hot flashes are significantly impacting your life and the above suggestions are not enough, please reach out to your Women’s Integrated provider for additional medical help to assist you in managing this challenging time of life!


All of us here at Women’s Integrated would like to wish a very happy Father’s Day to all the dads, grandads, stepdads, soon-to-be dads, and anyone who is a father figure to someone! You are important and valued, and we hope you have a wonderful day and are able to celebrate with those you love!


Summer travel season is finally here! If you are looking for a little adventure but don’t want to spend the time or money to travel a great distance, see the following article for some great day trips right here in our beautiful home state. We hope all of you have the chance to get out and have some fun this summer. Fun and relaxation are good for you in more ways than one!

Visit https://puremi.ch/3NemGcg


Even though our practice focuses on providing care to women, we want to take time today to recognize and honor the men in our lives and wish them a happy Father’s Day this weekend. Whether you are a father, grandfather, stepdad, uncle, or father-figure to someone, we are thankful for the important role you play in your children’s lives. We celebrate you and hope you enjoy your special day!


Did you know that your chances of getting a urinary tract infection (UTI) are higher in the summer? One reason is simply the higher temperatures which make it easier for the bacteria which cause infection to grow. You can decrease the risk of this by avoiding tight clothing or fabrics that don’t breathe. Dehydration also raises the risk of developing a UTI, so take care to drink plenty of fluids in the summer. When travelling or out and about, try to empty your bladder when needed and do not attempt to hold your urine for extended periods. Also, always practice good wiping/hygiene practices in the restroom and remember to urinate after s*x. If you believe you have developed a UTI, please do not hesitate to call our office for the appropriate treatment. Complications can result if UTIs are not treated.


Now that summer is here, you may have questions about taking your newborn out into the warm weather. Here are a few tips for enjoying summer weather with a new baby:
• Infants less than 6 months should be kept out of direct sunlight. Dress them in cool, comfortable clothing including a hat, and apply sunscreen 15-30 minutes before going outdoors.
• Babies under 6 months do not need water to stay hydrated. They should only drink breast milk or formula at this stage.
• When possible, limit your time outdoors between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. when UV rays are strongest.
• Watch for signs of overheating or dehydration, such as sweating, irritability, heat rash, diapers that are not as wet as usual, or lack of tears when crying. If any of these symptoms develop, take your baby to a cool environment immediately, offer fluids, and remove any layers of clothing.
Plan ahead and keep these tips in mind, then enjoy your summer with your new baby!


Morning sickness is no fun, but more than half of all pregnant women experience it, especially during the first trimester. It is defined as nausea with or without vomiting and can occur at any time of day, not only in the morning. It can also cause nausea when smelling certain foods or other odors. It is generally easily managed at home, but you should contact your healthcare provider if vomiting is severe or several times per day, you feel dizzy or lethargic, or you can’t keep down food or fluids and are losing weight. Take heart, morning sickness often subsides by the middle of your pregnancy. This too shall pass!


Ovarian cysts are a fairly common occurrence among women with more than 3 million cases annually in the US. They are often asymptomatic and discovered during a pelvic exam. Two types of ovarian cysts occur: functional cysts and pathological cysts. Functional cysts are linked to the menstrual cycle, are not cancerous, and often resolve on their own in two to three menstrual cycles. Pathological cysts are abnormal growths that may develop before or after menopause. They are also often not cancerous but can grow large, burst, or cause your o***y to twist. These types of cysts will generally require some type of medical intervention. If you have pain or other concerning symptoms, see your provider for evaluation.


Do you struggle with incontinence? This is a problem common among women and can impact your daily life significantly. Our office offers urodynamics testing which is used to diagnose a variety of problems with the urinary tract. The results from your testing will assist your provider in recommending the appropriate treatment. You may be referred for urodynamics testing if you experience incontinence, urinary urgency, frequent urinary tract infections, or difficulty urinating or fully emptying your bladder. Please contact the office if you have further questions or are interested in urodynamics testing.


Today is National Women’s Check-Up Day, so consider this a friendly reminder to schedule your annual well-woman visit if you haven’t already done so this year. This visit is the time for a physical check-up, discussing and scheduling routine screenings, as well as a chance to ask questions regarding birth control, preparing for pregnancy, menopause, or anything else on your mind! Regular well-woman visits are an important part of maintaining your good health, so schedule yours today!


Happy Mother’s Day from our providers and staff to all the moms, moms-to-be, and all those who are a maternal presence to someone else! All of you fill such an important role and we couldn’t get by without you. We sincerely hope you have a wonderful day this Sunday and feel well-celebrated!

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1 Genesys Pkwy. , Suite 1
Grand Blanc, MI

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 4:30pm
Tuesday 9am - 4:30pm
Wednesday 9am - 4:30pm
Thursday 9am - 4:30pm
Friday 8:30am - 12pm

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