Ancient Order of Hibernians Nassau County

Ancient Order of Hibernians: Hewlett, Wantagh, Glen Cove, Hicksville, Lynbrook, Port Washington, Elmo


I am excited to share that registration for our Project Children Picnic and 5K Fundraiser is now open!

This promises to be a wonderful community occasion, as we come together to mark Project Children’s partnership with the "Monaghan Peace Campus", and to celebrate Project Children’s archive opening at the peace campus in October 2025. See below for the event details.

📅 Date: Sunday, October 20th 2024

📍 Location: Rockland GAA Center, 160 Old Orangeburg Rd, Orangeburg, NY 10962

🕘 Time: 10:00am

We hope you can support this fundraiser for Project Children and join our 12 wonderful ambassadors, as we bring our community together and reenact one final Project Children Picnic, with the option of a 5K.
The registration fee is $50 per person, and you can sign up to the Project Children Team by clicking here or by using the below QR code.
To be guaranteed your size for the Project Children training top, please register by August 20th.

This event welcomes the community to come together, and honor Project Children and it is optional to run the 5K, but you must register to be part of the day.

We can guarantee a fun morning for all age groups with music, food, and celebrations galore.

For anyone who would like to support Project Children but are not able to be there on the day, you can still donate to the fundraiser by clicking below

Project Children truly appreciates your support for this special occasion, and we hope to see you there. Please sign up today!

Project Children Volunteers


Do Americans have such a short memory?

The misinformation effect:
When our memory for past events is altered after exposure to misleading information.

False memory:
A memory of an event that is entirely false or partially distorted.

The Youth of America need to be taught the true facts.

After the debate, so called "fact checkers" the Press, Cable News, Washington News, and NY Radio are claiming that the debaters were wrong to say in the first 2024 presidential debate.

Not only do late-term abortions and partial-birth abortions still occur, babies are being killed after an abortion, and that the one party supported it.

The Fact-Checkers are wrong, the statement is true!
It still happens, here are some facts they forgot to check.

1977: Dr. C. Everett Koop, later U.S. Surgeon General, told the American Academy of Pediatrics, "Well, you know that infanticide is being practiced right now in this country…I am concerned that there is no outcry…I am concerned about this because when the first 273,000 German aged, infirm, and re****ed were killed in gas chambers there was no outcry from that medical profession either, and it was not far from there to Auschwitz."
Dr. C. Everett Koop titled his speech, "The Slide to Auschwitz."

1995: Partial-birth abortionist Dr. George Tiller said, "We have some experience with late terminations; about 10,000 patients between 24 and 36 weeks and something like 800 fetal anomalies between 26 and 36 weeks in the past 5 years."

1997: Ron Fitzsimmons, executive director of the National Coalition of Abortion Providers, admitted on national TV that he "lied through [his] teeth" when he "just went out there and spouted the party line" about how rare partial-birth abortions are.

2001-2003: Illinois State Senator Barack Obama opposed bills that would have mandated that a child born alive as a result of a botched abortion be given medical care.

2003: The U.S. Senate voted 64-33 to outlaw partial-birth abortion. Of the 33, 29 were Democrats, 3 were Republican, and 1 was an Independent.

2007: Senator Joe Biden, who voted for the ban on partial-birth abortion in 2003, changed his mind and said the ban on killing a baby who is 80 percent born is "paternalistic."

2019: The pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute admits that at least 12,000 late-term abortions take place annually in the U.S.

2019: New York State Gov. Andrew Cuomo signs a bill that removes legal penalties to any medical staff personnel who intentionally allow a child born as a result of a botched abortion to die.

2019: Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam said that if a mother sought to abort her baby, but the baby was born anyway, "the infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and her family decide, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother." He added that the baby would be "kept comfortable" before they put him down or let him die.

2019: Montana Gov. Steve Bullock vetoed the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act, a law that would have required children born alive who survived an abortion to be treated like any other human being.

2019: The Born-Alive Infant Abortion Survivors Protection Act was blocked by Senate Democrats Bernie Sanders, Amy Klobuchar and Elizabeth Warren; all were presidential candidates.

2019: The Washington Post conceded that at least 10,000 late-term abortions take place each year.

2023: All but two congressional Democrats voted to kill the Born Alive-Infant Abortion Survivors Protection Act.

Americans have such a short memory...
It is time the media stopped lying and covering up for those who support late-term abortions, partial-birth abortions and infanticide.

Please research before you vote again.

Thank you Mr. Donahue for the reminder.


Bill Wall, Visiting Utah Beach, 80 years later.



Photos from Ancient Order of Hibernians Nassau County's post 05/24/2024

Legislator Rose Marie Walker shared:
Our Tradition Continues…..
Our Annual Memorial Day Parade will once again kick off at 9 AM from Barclay Street in Hicksville (a new location for the start). We will turn left  onto Broadway, continue to Old Country Road, turn right proceed to Jerusalem Ave. Turn left and continue to the Hicksville Middle School . The ceremony will begin at the Monuments at 10:30.

 I cannot begin to thank the Hicksville Fire Department, Chief Mike Murphy and the Parade Committee for taking this on when our Veteran’s Organization said they can no longer do it….
Please come out to honor those that gave their lives for our country, all our veterans and all those still serving to protect our freedoms today.

🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸GOD BLESS AMERICA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Photos from Ancient Order of Hibernians Nassau County's post 05/17/2024

BREAKING: Pro-life activist Lauren Handy sentenced to 4 years and 9 months in prison for protesting in front of abortion clinic

Pro-life advocate Lauren Handy was sentenced to 57 months in prison with credit for 9 month already served on Tuesday for violations of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act. Handy and others were arrested in 2020 after they blocked the entrance to an abortion clinic. They were then convicted on felony conspiracy against rights and a FACE Act offense in 2023

Handy, along with John Hinshaw, Heather Idoni, William Goodman, and Herb Geraghty were convicted of the charges. Another codefendant, Jay Smith, pleaded guilty to the charges and served 10 months in prison. Others yet to be sentenced and did not plead guilty face up to 11 years in prison for blocking the clinic.

Handy and the others brought ropes and chains at the time and used them to tie themselves together sitting on chairs by the entrance. As they sat by the entrance they sang hymns, prayed, and said that the abortion clinic was killing babies. Handy had used a false name to set up an appointment at the clinic where she said she would be obtaining an abortion. The group said that the clinic was killing babies after they were born.

Leading up to the sentencing hearing, Handy shared a statement.

"It has been close to 9 months since I was abruptly ripped from my community. This has led me to think long and hard on what to say about my sentencing today in federal court," she said. "Some drafts were angry and righteous while most were just a tearstained longing for my loved ones back home. Yes, this time has been challenging but I refuse to be jaded. Why? Because life goes on... even in jail."

Handy has been in jail pending the sentencing hearing after the conviction. She made the post via the Progressive Anti-Abortion Upraising (PAAU) page, an organization that she oversaw.

"So today... I am at peace with myself and my future. I will go into court with my head held high and heart open. Choose Courage Over Comfort. Lauren Handy, Director of Activism, PAAU."

Hinshaw and Goodman are expected to be sentenced later May 14th or 15th.


Ancient Order of Hibernians Nassau County

Louisville Cardinals vs Notre Dame Fighting Irish
- Second Prize $1,000, and a Third Prize $500

3 Prizes total with only 250 Tickets Printed
Contact any Member for information.

The AOH is the Oldest Fraternal Catholic Charity still operating in America.


Charlie Chaplin, he died in 1977 at age 88.
He left us 4 statements:

(1) Nothing is eternal in this world, not even our problems.
(2) I like to walk in the rain, because no one can see my tears.
(3) The most wasted day in life is the day we don't laugh.
(4) The six best doctors in the world...
1. sunshine,
2. Rest,
3. Exercise,
4. diet,
5. Self-esteem
6. friends.

Keep them in all stages of your life and enjoy healthy life...
If you see the moon you will see the beauty of God.....
If you see the sun you will see the power of god..
If you look in the mirror, you will see God's best creation.
Believe it then.

We are all tourists, God is our travel agent who already made our itineraries, bookings and destinations...
Trust him and enjoy LIFE.
Life is just a journey!
Live today.


Proposed NY State EQUALITY AMENDMENT is on hold, it was struck down by upstate judge -

ALBANY — An upstate judge ruled Tuesday that a proposed abortion rights amendment should be stricken from the statewide ballot this fall because lawmakers missed a critical constitutional step.

Justice Daniel J. Doyle, a Supreme Court judge in Livingston County, said New York's Democratic-led Legislature erred when it voted to place the amendment on the ballot before either getting an opinion from the state attorney general or, if no opinion was forthcoming, waiting 20 days before voting.

The proposed Equal Rights Amendment (aka Equality Amendment) is scheduled to be voted on by New Yorker's on Nov. 5, 2024. The proposed amendment was pushed forward by the NY Lawmaker in Albany back in 2021 and 2022, if held to it would, among other things, enshrine abortion rights in the New York Constitution at a time when other states are seeking to restrict access to abortion services.
It was decided not to put it on the 2023 ballot, thinking the 2024 Presidential election would be more effective in getting it passed.

Current Democratic lawmakers vowed to appeal — there isn't time to start the amendment process over and have it appear on this year's ballot — and reverse the ruling by Judge Doyle.


Can they get away with murder?

It is hard to find the words to describe the actions of the British government and the injustice they have imposed on bereaved families this week.

At the stroke of midnight on Tuesday, April 30th, the British Government's
“Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Act” came into full effect. Behind this innocuous title is the coverup of multiple killings.

The Act immediately closed down 38 inquests linked to 76 deaths. Families will be left without basic findings of the cause of death of their loved ones. It also closes investigations into hundreds of unresolved killings carried out over 30 years of conflict. It ends the rights of the injured and bereaved to have access to the courts. Behind these cases are families who have fought for up to 50 years for justice and truth.

This Act has been opposed by all political parties on the Island of Ireland, by victims groups, the EU and UN Human Rights bodies, and the US Congress.

The Irish Government has now instigated a legal case in the European courts as these actions run contrary to the European Convention on Human Rights and the Good Friday Agreement.

The British Labor Party has committed to revoke the legislation if they come to power in the upcoming general election. The British Government has consistently acted to cover up their actions during the conflict. Families campaigned to secure disclosure, information, and inquests.

When the British could no longer frustrate the legal process they closed it down. The British Government and military have always portrayed themselves as referees and peacemakers between two warring factions.
Now the truth has been exposed. The pattern across cases is consistent. The British military, and agents, engaged in killings with no effective investigation, followed by years of cover-up.

The British military was involved in establishing, arming, and directing loyalist paramilitary gangs, allowing killing to proceed and protecting agents.

The pattern across 30 years of British involvement in the conflict is consistent. They were involved in commissioning, murdering, and covering up the killing of citizens North and South. In order to continue that coverup they have closed down all investigations into all killings.

I believed that the British attempts to stall and frustrate justice were in the hope that families would give up their quest. That was never going to happen. It now appears that justice is to be denied to ensure that no living British political or military figure will end up in court or exposed for their role in their dirty war in Ireland.

The families will continue their campaigns, and the British Government will have to defend its actions in a European court. It would be hoped that a new British Government would scrap this act and return to their previous agreements with the parties and the Irish Government.

The British Government was an actor in the conflict. The British Government should play a part in delivering justice, truth, and acknowledgment if we are to build a process of healing and reconciliation. Their actions this week are an injustice to bereaved families and an insult to all.


Spectacular presentation last evening.
Denis Mulcahy, 50 years of Project Children.


March for Life Ireland 2024
2024 Speakers Include: Wendy Grace (MC), Peter Sands (MC),
Lois Mclatchie, Dr. Calum Miller, Carol Nolan TD,

Shining A Spotlight On Ireland’s Abortion Law And Calling For Positive Supports For Mothers, and all Women

Our Next March: Save the Date "Monday, 6th May"
That is a Bank Holiday - Monday, 6th May, 2:00pm, 2024
We will be Marching in Dublin from St. Stephen’s Green to Leinster House.

Join Us In Advocating For Change, Unity, and Empowerment For Women, Mothers, Daughters and Their Babies.
Be A Part Of Something Bigger – Let’s Make A Difference Together.

HOPE to See You There!


- To make History: You need to be present.

Join us for an Irish Republican Commemoration at the
Fenian Monument in Calvary Cemetery.

Saturday April 20, 2024 at 11am



John Obrien

Join Project Children for a screening of
"How to Defuse a Bomb - The Project Children Story"
7:00pm on Wednesday May 1, 2024


Madison Theatre at Molloy University ,
1000 Hempstead Ave, Rockville Center, NY 11570

Kindly co-hosted by Dermot F. Kelly, Brian J. Sharkey, and Molloy University.
They are pleased to unveil our upcoming plans for our 50th anniversary celebrations in 2025.
Pre-screening reception from 6:00PM, as well as an opportunity for a meet-and-greet with Project Children co-founder and chairman, Mr. Denis Mulcahy.

Only a small number tickets available so please pre-register here MOLLOYUNIVERSITYPROJECTCHILDREN.EVENTBRITE.COM

Narrated by Liam Neeson and directed by Des Henderson, this is an inspiring documentary focusing on the hard work of Project Children, a charity whose work helped protect the children of “The Troubles”. Offering over 23,000 children a six-week summer reprieve from the intrinsic, sectarian violence in Northern Ireland, this extraordinary tale resonates to all that is good in this world.

Aisling Irish Community Center
Team Aisling
Irish Consulate NYC
New York State Ancient Order of Hibernians
Nassau County Board of the Ancient Order of Hibernians
Ancient Order of Hibernians Nassau County,
Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians , Nassau County,
LAOH, St Dymphna, Division 8, Glen Cove,
LAOH, Yonkers, Division 19
AOH Myles Scully - Division #1 Yonkers
Grand Council of Emeralds Inc.,
United Irish Counties Association of New York, Inc.
The Society of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick of Long Island, Inc.
Monaghan Society of New York
Croston Flood Recruiting, Consulting & Events


Join Project Children for a screening of
"How to Defuse a Bomb - The Project Children Story"
7:00pm on Wednesday May 1, 2024


Madison Theatre at Molloy University ,
1000 Hempstead Ave, Rockville Center, NY 11570

Kindly co-hosted by Dermot F. Kelly, Brian J. Sharkey, and Molloy University.
They are pleased to unveil our upcoming plans for our 50th anniversary celebrations in 2025.
Pre-screening reception from 6:00PM, as well as an opportunity for a meet-and-greet with Project Children co-founder and chairman, Mr. Denis Mulcahy.

Only a small number tickets available so please pre-register here MOLLOYUNIVERSITYPROJECTCHILDREN.EVENTBRITE.COM

Narrated by Liam Neeson and directed by Des Henderson, this is an inspiring documentary focusing on the hard work of Project Children, a charity whose work helped protect the children of “The Troubles”. Offering over 23,000 children a six-week summer reprieve from the intrinsic, sectarian violence in Northern Ireland, this extraordinary tale resonates to all that is good in this world.

Aisling Irish Community Center
Team Aisling
Irish Consulate NYC
New York State Ancient Order of Hibernians
Nassau County Board of the Ancient Order of Hibernians
Ancient Order of Hibernians Nassau County,
Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians , Nassau County,
LAOH, St Dymphna, Division 8, Glen Cove,
LAOH, Yonkers, Division 19
AOH Myles Scully - Division #1 Yonkers
Grand Council of Emeralds Inc.,
United Irish Counties Association of New York, Inc.
The Society of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick of Long Island, Inc.
Monaghan Society of New York
Croston Flood Recruiting, Consulting & Events


( See Video )


DETAILS regarding the "The Kevin Bell Repatriation Trust" to be
held at the Irish American Society of Nassau, Suffolk & Queens, Inc.

On Sunday, April 14, 2024, Doors open at 2 pm.
- - Donations will be taken at the door - -
Various musical acts will be performing on the day.

There are tickets available for a super raffle;
1st Prize is two tickets to the All-Star Irish Caribbean Cruise and
2nd prize is six nights and seven days in a beautiful cottage in County Clare.

Photos from Ancient Order of Hibernians Nassau County's post 04/03/2024

Terrific commemoration for the 1916 Rising on Easter Monday.
Congratulations to the Committee
John O'Brien Photos




As we reflect on this Good Friday, our hearts are drawn to the profound sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. We are reminded of the darkness and despair that enveloped the world; a time when everything good seemed lost, and hope fleeting.

In many ways, we may feel a similar darkness surrounding us today, especially when we consider how pervasive abortion has become as the culture of death looms over our society. The disregard for human life can weigh heavily on our spirits, leaving us disheartened and anguished.

However, just as Good Friday was not the end of the story, we know that there is hope and redemption awaiting us.

Through Christ's sacrifice on the cross, we are reminded of the power of love, forgiveness, and redemption.

No matter how bleak the circumstances may seem, there is always hope for renewal and transformation.

As Easter Sunday draws near, let us embrace this message of hope with fervent passion. Let us continue to believe in the inherent dignity and value of every human life, from the moment of conception. And let us resolve to stand up for the truth in the face of adversity.


This morning, Jeanne Mancini had the honor to stand in front of the Supreme Court and speak to those gathered outside—along with the doctors represented by Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF)—as the court heard the oral arguments for FDA vs. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine.

By stripping away critical safety measures on abortion drugs, the FDA is prioritizing the interests of the abortion industry and abandoning its responsibility to protect women's health.

Did you know one out of every 25 women who take abortion drugs seek treatment in the emergency room?

The sad reality is that abortion drugs are much harder on the women’s health.

At today’s rally, I noted that according to the FDA’s own, but limited data collection, since the drug was approved in 2000, at least:

4,218 women experienced adverse effects from the drug.
1,049 were hospitalized as a result of the drug.
604 experienced severe blood loss.
418 suffered infections.

Beyond these dangerous physical side effects, numerous studies have shown that women who undergo abortions show higher rates of depression, anxiety, PTSD, and substance abuse.

My heart breaks for every woman who goes through any of this.

The FDA’s actions are a grave betrayal of its duty to protect public health and pose a direct threat to the lives and health of countless women, girls, and the unborn children whose lives the abortion drugs are intended to take.

Stand with us in this crucial moment by supporting the March for Life as we call on ALL officials to recognize and uphold the right to life and the safety of mothers everywhere.

Photos from Ancient Order of Hibernians Nassau County's post 03/26/2024

( Some thoughts: whoever worded the Referendums needs to go back to Class..
This Irish Resolution is similar to the Propositions that will be on the 2024 Ballot for New York State November 2024.
I only hope it is defeated there as well. )

IRISH REFERENDUMS: Voting closes on family and care constitution changes ( BBC March 8, 2024 )

Polls have closed in two referendums on changing Ireland's constitution regarding family and care.
Voters were asked if they wish to expand the definition of family to include those not based around marriages.
They were asked if they wish to remove a reference to the role of women in the home, and put in one recognising care provided by family members.

Polls opened at 07:00 local time and closed at 22:00.
The Irish Electoral Commission said 3.3m polling information cards were delivered in advance of polling day.

In order to vote, a person needed to be aged 18 or over, an Irish citizen, registered to vote and ordinarily reside in Ireland.

The Irish government announced in December that the referendums would take place on International Women's Day.

Turnout figures;
Turnout across the country is understood to have been low early in the day, with some polling stations quiet.
However, voter numbers rose later, with turnout at one polling station in Dublin reaching 46% by 8.30pm, with 50% turnout at some stations in Cork city and parts of County Limerick, according to RTÉ, the national broadcaster.

Polls remained open until 22:00 for most of the country, with earlier closing on some coastal islands.

Voting closed at 15:00 on two County Donegal islands, Tory and Gola, with a 37% turnout in the former and 28% in the latter, RTÉ reported.

Counting gets under way at 09:00 on Saturday morning.

What are Irish voters being asked?
At the polling stations on Friday, voters were given two ballots - one white and one green.

The white ballot asked if voters wanted to accept or reject the Thirty-Ninth Amendment of the Constitution Bill - otherwise known as the family amendment.

This proposes inserting the words "whether founded on marriage or on other durable relationships" into the constitution.
The existing protection afforded to families under the constitution, as currently written, only extends to families built around a marriage.

However, if the amendment is passed, different family units would have the same constitutional rights and protections.
If rejected, the current wording will remain the same.

Voters were also given a green ballot. This referred to the Fortieth Amendment of the Constitution Bill - or the care amendment.
This amendment proposes to delete wording which references the role of women in the home.

It also proposes inserting the following wording with gender-neutral language: "The state recognizes that the provision of care, by members of a family to one another by reason of the bonds that exist among them, gives to society a support without which the common good cannot be achieved, and shall strive to support such provision."

( my thoughts: whoever worded these changes needs to go back to English Class, )


Good Friday Silent Vigil on Behalf of Preborn Children
March 29, 2024 10:30 AM to NOON
Nassau University Medical Center,
2201 Hempstead Tpke., East Meadow.
Pro-life adults, teens, and families are invited to take part in this
peaceful Face the Truth event for the protection of life in the womb.

Please join the LI Coalition for Life and be a visible reminder to the public that abortion is not healthcare.

We stand in unity on the public sidewalk in front of the hospital.
Your participation for even part of the time is
Signs provided (east end of hospital) or bring your own.
There are no political signs allowed.

Please stand 5'-10' feet apart for better messaging to the public.

Information – contact the LICL: 631-243-1435; or [email protected].





Who wants to help Peter Cottontail this year?

Want your school to be the top-listed School/college in Hicksville?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

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Do you know about the Legend of St. Brigid’s Cloak? The legend of Brigid’s cloak is often told. It’s the story about the...
Sinn Fein 2023: Easter Rising ceremony in Dublin but on a Sunday. (The Parade seems better than the Speech. )
Remember to be aware! Do not let someone else’s personal view influence your opinion. Even ANTI-SOCIAL MEDIA like face-b...
SEE FATHER STU in a group p
Irish America's role in the Rising - Ireland's Exiled Children  ( 1 of 4 )



P. O. Box 203
Hicksville, NY

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