Empower Pelvic Health

Here to help men and women with any and all symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction they experience!


We hope you are staying safe and having fun! Enjoy your Labor Day!


We hope everyone stays safe this long weekend! In observance of the Labor Day holiday, our office will be closed on Monday September 2nd. We will reopen on Tuesday September 3rd!

It's looking like it's going to be a rainy one, and we hope you are watching the weather and perhaps enjoying the couple days of cooler temps.

See y'all on Tuesday!


If you are interested in learning more about this position, please email us at [email protected], and we will send you a full job description.

Photos from Empower Pelvic Health's post 08/30/2024

In just two short weeks, we will be at the Galveston Women's Conference , and we're so excited to catch up with current members of the Empower Family and meet new ones!

And, as a special little something, we will be giving away an Empower Pelvic Health reusable bag to the first 200 ladies who stop by our booth. Those popping by will also have an opportunity to spin to win a FREE 30-minute Pelvic Floor Muscular Assessment!

Tickets are still on sale to attend this conference whose keynote speaker is acclaimed actress and New York Times bestselling author, Jennifer Grey!

We hope to see you there!


Our Restore Your Core workshop 24hrs from now might be full, but don't fret! It's coming around again, and we want you to have an opportunity to be the first to know.

A waitlist is now open for the next Restore Your Core workshop, date tbd!

If you were curious about this event but couldn't make it this Saturday, use the link 🔗 in our bio to join our waitlist and find out first the details for when it comes around again.


Short answer: never!

Regardless of if you are three weeks postpartum, three years, or three decades, pelvic floor therapy can help with postpartum symptoms.

While we love working with mommas who are early in their postpartum journey to begin working on pregnancy's impact on the body and hopefully prevent "common" postpartum symptoms from happening in the first place, we see mommas who are at every stage in the postpartum experience. Whether you have one, two, or eleven little ones, it is never too late to seek out care for symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction.

Mommas experiencing:
urinary leakage
pelvic organ prolapse
low back/hip pain
c-section scar sensitivity
diastasis recti
can benefit from pelvic floor therapy here at Empower at any point in their postpartum journey.

If you are curious about what care looks like here at Empower for postpartum mommas and want to schedule a discovery call, use the link 🔗 in our bio to contact us today!


Restore Your Core is almost here, and those coming are in for such a treat!

Brittany Sudbrook, PT, MSPT, FAAOMPT, owner of Empower Pelvic Health, will be leading us through a jam-packed workshop all about engaging and activating your core postpartum, post tummy tuck, or those who maybe have always struggled with core activation. From education to practice sessions and a Q & A, this workshop will be incredible start to finish!

In addition to the content and practice, we will be sending all the participants how with goodies to help them apply what they have learned to their everyday life. The core is so important in so many ways and understanding how it works and why it's important can make such a big difference in day-to-day life.

Event Details:
Date and Time: August 24th from 9am to 11am
Location: Empower Pelvic Health, 1120 NASA Pkwy Ste 320 Houston, TX 77058
Registration Fee: $15
Current Availability: 6 spots
How to register: link 🔗 in bio

Questions? email us at [email protected] or call us at 346-677-0150 and ask for Emily.


📣📣 VENDOR ANNOUNCEMENT- Empower Pelvic Health - Come find their booth at this year's Galveston Regional Chamber of Commerce 17th Annual Galveston Women's Conference on September 13th at Moody Gardens. 👉 For more information, visit www.galvestonwomensconference.com or call the Galveston Regional Chamber of Commerce at 409-763-5326.
Become a vendor here: https://galvestonchamber.chambermaster.com/events/details/2024-17th-womens-conference-vendor-booths-13126


We're getting so close to our Restore Your Core event!

You really don't want to miss this workshop led by Brittany Sudbrook, PT, DPT, FAAOMPT, owner of Empower Pelvic Health.

She will be taking us through several different topics all about reactivating and reengaging your core after baby or post-tummy tuck. She will then be leading us through several practical sessions to help practice what you've learned before finishing everything up with a Q&A.

Seriously, everyone will walk away having learned something new they can apply to their day to day lives!

And every attendee will come home with some goodies they can use to implement what they've learned.

Event Details:
Date and Time: August 24th from 9am to 11am
Location: Empower Pelvic Health, 1120 NASA Pkwy Ste 320 Houston, TX 77058
Registration Fee: $15 - link 🔗 in bio
Current Availability: 6 spots

Questions? email us at [email protected] or call us at 346-677-0150 and ask for Emily.


Help us welcome to the world the newest member of the Empower Family!

Momma and baby are doing well, and momma shared with us that her birth went well. We are so excited for her and her little one!

Please help us congratulate this momma and welcome her baby by leaving a 💙 in the comments below.

If you, or someone you know, is pregnant, give us a call or use the link 🔗 in our bio to schedule a discovery call today!


Seriously, this event is jam-packed with sooooo much great information!

Our two-hour Restore Your Core workshop is coming up in a few short weeks, and we couldn't be more excited! Brittany Sudbrook, PT, MSPT, FAAOMPT, founder of Empower Pelvic Health, will be taking us through a timeline positively bursting with fantastic tips, tricks, information, and answers to questions you didn't even know you should be asking.

Who better to help you learn how to reactivate and reengage your core postpartum or post-tummy tuck than a woman who, after her own delivery, healed her four-finger diastasis and other postpartum symptoms using her extensive knowledge of the musculoskeletal system and then decided to dedicate her craft to helping others do the same?

You will not find a more thorough and informative workshop on this topic at this length anywhere around here!

Half of our available spots have already been taken, and it's only been four days! You do NOT want to wait on reserving your spot.

Event Details:
Date and Time: August 24th from 9am to 11am
Location: Empower Pelvic Health, 1120 NASA Pkwy Ste 320 Houston, TX 77058
Registration Fee: $15
Current Availability: 8 spots

Questions? email us at [email protected] or call us at 346-677-0150 and ask for Emily.


We are so excited to welcome to the world another push prep baby!

Baby is beautiful, and momma and baby are doing well.

There is truly nothing like getting to be a part of our push prep mommas' journeys, and we cannot wait to meet little one when momma comes for postpartum care!

Help us congratulate this momma and welcome baby by leaving a 💙 in the comments below.

If you, or someone you know, is pregnant, give us a call or use the link 🔗 in our bio to schedule a discovery call today!


Join us for a two-hour workshop all about rebuilding your core! Whether you are postpartum, post tummy-tuck, or just want to focus on building your core strength, this event is for you.

Brittany Sudbrook, PT, MSPT, FAAOMPT, the founder of Empower Pelvic Health will be leading us through topics such as the benefits of a strong core and pelvic health in daily life and athletic performance, the common symptoms and signs of weak core muscles, the role of the core muscles in stability, movement, and overall health, and more!

She will then be taking us through sessions on core activation and engagement and integrative core exercises, followed by a Q and A.

You will not find a more comprehensive and life-applicable workshop at this length for this price!

We will be hosting 15 women who are ready to restore their core and see the impact it has on their lives.

Event Details:
Date and Time: August 24th from 9am to 11am
Location: Empower Pelvic Health, 1120 NASA Pkwy Ste 320 Houston, TX 77058
Registration Fee: $15
Current Availability: 15 spots

Questions? email us at [email protected] or call us at 346-677-0150 and ask for Emily.


This is your last chance to register for our Nutrition and... Fertility Workshop this Saturday from 9am to 11am!!

You really do not want to miss this event co-hosted with the lovely Kacie Mire, RDN, LDN. She will discuss everything from the fundamentals of Fertility Nutrition to Foods & Nutrients that Enhance Fertility and more.

We will also have the opportunity to taste test some recipes that fit into a day of fertility-focused eating!

Brittany Sudbrook, PT, MSPT, FAAOMPT, Founder of Empower Pelvic Health, will also be chatting with us about how to physically and emotionally prepare your body for conception, from soft tissue work to gentle movement activities and more!

It doesn't get better than these incredible ladies who are both so passionate about empowering women in their journey to wellness and a better quality of life.

And, on top of it all, you will not leave empty handed. You will be leaving with various resources that tie into what Kacie and Brittany discussed.

Current Availability: 5 participants
Cost: $15 per person
How to Register: Link 🔗 in bio!

Event Timing: Saturday July 13th, 2024, from 9am to 11am
Event Address: 1120 NASA Pkwy Suite 320 Houston, TX 77058
Contact us at (346) 677-0150 or [email protected]


"We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness—-That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security."
The Declaration of Independence, July 4th, 1776

We hope that, regardless of what you are doing today, you are taking time to remember the courage and bravery it took to decare our independence and freedom all those years ago.


We are so grateful to Kacie for joining us for our Nutrition and... Fertility Workshop on July 13th!

Because she is so awesome, we wanted to introduce you.

Kacie Mire is from Thibodaux, LA, and currently lives in Houston, TX with her husband and their golden doodle, Echo Marie. In her free time, she loves to travel, hangout at the beach, read, cook, spend time with her family, and buy any groceries she can from local farmers. As a women’s health dietitian, she is passionate about equipping women to live happy, healthy, thriving lives through science-backed and easy-to-implement nutrition and behavior changes.

We're excited for those joining us to get to chat with her on the 13th!

In case you haven't heard,
Current Availability: 9 participants
Cost: $15 per person
How to Register: Link 🔗 in bio!

Event Timing: Saturday July 13th, 2024, from 9am to 11am
Event Address: 1120 NASA Pkwy Suite 320 Houston, TX 77058
Contact us at (346) 677-0150 or [email protected]


We are so grateful to Kacie Mire, RDN, LDN for joining us for our Nutrition and... Fertility Workshop on the 13th! She will be chatting with us about the Fundamentals of Fertility Nutrition, Foods & Nutrients that Enhance Fertility, Foods That Don't Enhance Fertility, and more, and we are so excited!

Her passion for and expertise in women's nutrition is inspiring, and we can't wait to hear what she has to say.

Brittany Sudbrook, PT, MSPT, FAAOMPT, Founder of Empower Pelvic Health, will also be chatting with us about how to physically and emotionally prepare your body for conception, from soft tissue work to gentle movement activities and more!

Stay tuned for a spotlight next week all about who Kacie is!

Current Availability: 9 participants
Cost: $15 per person
How to Register: Link 🔗 in bio!

Event Timing: Saturday July 13th, 2024, from 9am to 11am
Event Address: 1120 NASA Pkwy Suite 320 Houston, TX 77058
Contact us at (346) 677-0150 or [email protected]


A week from today our office will be closed in observance of Independence Day on Thursday July 4th. We will reopen Friday July 5th for our normally scheduled office hours.


We are three weeks out from our very first Nutrition and... Workshop, and this time, we are focusing on Nutrition and... Fertility!

This is going to be such an enlightening event with Kacie Mire, RDN, LDN joining us to discuss everything from the fundamentals of Fertility Nutrition to Foods & Nutrients that Enhance Fertility and more.

We will also have the opportunity to taste test some recipes that fit into a day of fertility-focused eating!

Brittany Sudbrook, PT, MSPT, FAAOMPT, Founder of Empower Pelvic Health, will also be chatting with us about how to physically and emotionally prepare your body for conception, from soft tissue work to gentle movement activities and more!

It doesn't get better than these incredible ladies who are both so passionate about empowering women in their journey to wellness and a better quality of life.

And, on top of it all, you will not leave empty handed. You will be leaving with various resources that tie into what Kacie and Brittany discussed.

Current Availability: 12 participants
Cost: $15 per person
How to Register: Link 🔗 in bio!

Event Timing: Saturday July 13th, 2024, from 9am to 11am
Event Address: 1120 NASA Pkwy Suite 320 Houston, TX 77058
Contact us at (346) 677-0150 or [email protected]

Photos from Empower Pelvic Health's post 06/20/2024

Some bits and pieces from our newest blog post all about false negative prolapse screens and the importance of standing internal assessments.

Use the link 🔗 in our bio to read the rest today!!

Birth Education Classes & Events | doulightfulbeginning 06/20/2024

Calling all 2nd and 3rd trimester mommas! Only 2-3 spots left⬇️ it’s not to late to sign up!

Birth Education Classes & Events | doulightfulbeginning Comprehensive childbirth education classes offered. Deposit waived if hired as your doula.

Photos from Empower Pelvic Health's post 06/17/2024

Are you struggling with discomfort or pain during s*x? Don't let it hinder your relationship or your happiness any longer! At Empower Pelvic Health, we specialize in helping individuals just like you overcome these challenges with expert care and compassion.

Our dedicated team of therapists understands the sensitive nature of this issue and provides personalized treatment plans tailored to your unique needs. Whether you're experiencing pain due to muscle tension, scar tissue, or other underlying causes, we're here to help.

The Empower Difference:
🌟One-on-one care with your Doctor of Physical Therapy, NEVER a tech or aid, in 60-minute treatment sessions.
🌟Private treatment rooms providing a safe and comfortable environment.
🌟Whole-body, hands-on integrative approach to treatment, looking for the root cause of your symptoms.
🌟Partnering with our patients to develop individualized treatment plans specific to each patient’s unique needs and goals.
🌟High-caliber care from your Fellowship-trained physical therapist in the top 1% of therapists in the country.

You are not alone! Take the first step towards reclaiming your intimacy and improving your quality of life. Contact us today at 346-677-0150 to chat with our Patient Care Coordinator. Let's work together to make pain-free intimacy a reality for you!

Empower Pelvic Health
Pelvic Floor Therapy & Wellness
1120 NASA Pkwy Ste 320
Houston, TX 77058

Rediscover joy and connection in your relationship. You deserve it!

*x *x

Photos from Empower Pelvic Health's post 06/15/2024

Join us for our first Nutrition and... Fertility Workshop with Kacie Mire, RDN, LDN!

She will be taking us through the fundamentals of nutrition and fertility, answering questions like, why does food matter for fertility and why preconception nutrient stores matter, and more!

She will then be taking us through a day of fertility focused nutrition with the opportunity to sample some of the recipes and take home the others.

Brittany Sudbrook, PT, MSPT, FAAOMPT, owner of Empower Pelvic Health, will also be discussing how to physically and emotionally prepare your body for conception, from soft tissue work to gentle movement activities and more!

And don't fret! You will not leave empty handed. You will be leaving with various resources that tie into what Kacie and Brittany discussed.

Availability: 15 participants
Cost: $15 per person
How to register: Link 🔗 in bio!

Event Timing: Saturday July 13th, 2024, from 9am to 11am
Event Address: 1120 NASA Pkwy Suite 320 Houston, TX 77058
Contact us at (346) 677-0150 or [email protected]


We wanted to offer a heartfelt WELCOME to the newest push prep baby here at Empower! 🤩

Momma and baby are doing so so well, and baby came into this world with no complications and NO TEARING!!!

We are so incredibly proud of momma, and we look forward to meeting her little one when she comes for postpartum care.

Join us in congratulating this momma and welcoming her little one by commenting 💙 in the comments down below.


If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Don't let the gimmick that sounds amazing set you back in addressing your pelvic floor dysfunction.


We are so excited to be hosting one of our Empower Preferred Providers in June for a Birth Education Class! You won't want to miss this!

It’s been a LONG time coming, but I’m happy to announce I’ll be having my FIRST childbirth education class on 6/22! Please comment or PM to sign up or ask any questions! I am also happy to announce that I am now the EXCLUSIVE doula for Empower Pelvic Health!

A little bit about me… I was a high school educator for 12 years. 7 years into teaching, I had my 1st child in an unmedicated hospital setting. After that, the doula I used suggested I become a doula, so I did (while still teaching)! A few years later, I had my 2nd child at home with midwives and doulas. I resigned from teaching in 2022 and worked at home in marketing for 2 years at which point I decided I missed supporting families SO MUCH that in March 2024, I decided to go back to doula work and start my dream of providing quality childbirth education classes for the Southeast Houston area.

I completed my doula training in 2018. Since then I have attended trainings for acupressure, Spinning Babies, HypnoBabies, and BengKung Belly Binding and will use elements of all I have learned in my birth education course. I have experience with hospital births, home births, and births at birth centers. I’ve been there for first time moms, repeat clients, VBAC moms, and C-Section moms. Please visit www.DoulightfulBeginningsBirthCare.com for reviews on my doula services.

I look forward to serving you and your growing family!


I had a chat with a new patient just last week and felt like in this instance sharing is definitely caring!

A lot of times when the pelvic floor is talked about, even without mentioning the pelvic floor specifically, we talk about how strong it is. "Is my pelvic floor strong enough for delivery?" "How can I strengthen my va**na after baby?" "I think my pelvic floor is pretty strong because I do kegels every night before bed."

While strength is a factor that should be addressed in therapy, it is NOT the end all be all to pelvic health. In fact, strength is a smaller component in therapy than tone is. We often think that if your pelvic muscles feel tight (high tone) that must mean they're strong. This is often not true.

Most of the time, we see patients who have a tight (high tone) but weak pelvic floor. They're pelvic floor muscles are unable to fully contract because of the tone and even if they do all the kegels in the world, they are unable to strengthen the muscles because they aren't contracting properly.

At Empower, we believe that addressing tone issues best allows us to address pelvic floor dysfunctions, and we often need to down-train the pelvic floor (decreasing tone) and then strengthen the muscles. Each individual patient has their own unique combination of strength and tone, and each individual patient deserves care that is as unique as they are.

If you walk into a pelvic floor therapy clinic, and the best they have to offer is kegels, biofeedback, or worse yet, not looking at your pelvic floor at all, just know that there is better care out there, and you deserve it.

If you are dealing with pain, leakage, constipation, or any other pelvic floor dysfunction symptoms and have done the kegels and the Dr. TikTok tricks and still feel not quite right, use the link 🔗 in our bio to contact us today!


Today, we pause to remember and honor the sacrifices of those who gave their all for our nation. Their courage and commitment will forever be etched in our hearts.

As you celebrate in your freedom today, please stay safe and take care of one another!



In observance of Memorial Day, Empower Pelvic Health will be closed on Monday May 27th. We will reopen on Tuesday May 28th with our normally scheduled hours. Please stay safe this holiday weekend as you remember and honor the brave souls who gave everything for the freedoms we enjoy.

Photos from Empower Pelvic Health's post 05/23/2024

TLDR: N went into spontaneous labor on her due date after completing our push prep program. She labored unmedicated for 80% of her delivery, and she and her husband applied what they learned during push prep throughout her labor. She went on to deliver her baby with NO PERINEAL TEARING, pushing for only 40 minutes!

We are so overjoyed for N and her husband and cannot wait to meet baby when they come for postpartum care.

We hope you had the chance to read her entire story as it is empowering and inspiring! If you are interested in preparing for delivery in our push prep program, use the link 🔗 in our bio to reach out to us. Our Patient Care Coordinator will give you a call to chat about any current symptoms you are experiencing and what to expect during end of pregnancy care.

It was such a pleasure working with N and her husband, and we are so thankful to her for letting us share her story!

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Videos (show all)

Congratulations to the lucky lady who won our giveaway while at the Hive’s Wellness Night Out! This was such a fun and s...
Taking patient care to the next level here at Empower Pelvic Health 💙 #patientcarecoordinator #officemanager #pelvicfloo...
Behind the scenes 🎬 #houstonpt #houstonpelvicfloorphysicaltherapist #lovewhatyoudo #houstontx
We are so excited to announce that our very own Cassidy McNabb is our new Patient Care Coordinator! 🤩She has done a stel...
✨ Are you massaging your POO 💩?A colonic massage can be a great way to help alleviate gas 💨, bloating 🤢,and constipation...
✨Running with the pelvic floor in mind✨Many men and women suffer from urinary incontinence while running. Poor running m...
✨Empower Pelvic Health✨Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy Coming January 1, 2022🎉same great place, same great service, just a...



1120 E. Nasa Parkway, Ste 320
Houston, TX

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 6pm
Tuesday 8am - 6pm
Wednesday 8am - 6pm
Thursday 8am - 6pm
Friday 8am - 4pm

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