Dr. Garces-Webb Psychological and Consulting Services, LLC

Dr. Garces-Webb Psychological and Consulting Services, LLC

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Dr. Garces-Webb provides therapeutic and consultation services for children and adults. She also provides tailored programming for businesses.


Women’s History Month is a celebration of women’s contributions to history, culture and society and has been observed annually in the month of March in the United States since 1987. Women’s History Month 2023 will take place from Wednesday, March 1 - Friday, March 31, 2023.

Why Do We Celebrate Women’s History Month?

Women’s History Month is a dedicated month to reflect on the often-overlooked contributions of women to United States history. From Abigail Adams to Susan B. Anthony, Sojourner Truth to Rosa Parks, the timeline of women’s history milestones stretches back to the founding of the United States.

The actual celebration of Women’s History Month grew out of a weeklong celebration of women’s contributions to culture, history and society organized by the school district of Sonoma, California, in 1978. Presentations were given at dozens of schools, hundreds of students participated in a “Real Woman” essay contest and a parade was held in downtown Santa Rosa.

A few years later, the idea caught on within communities, school districts and organizations across the country. In 1980, President Jimmy Carter issued the first presidential proclamation declaring the week of March 8 as National Women’s History Week. The U.S. Congress followed suit the next year, passing a resolution establishing a national celebration. Six years later, the National Women’s History Project successfully petitioned Congress to expand the event to the entire month of March.

Women's History Month Theme 2023

The National Women's History Alliance designates a yearly theme for Women's History Month. The 2023 theme is "Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories." This theme recognizes "women, past and present, who have been active in all forms of media and storytelling including print, radio, TV, stage, screen, blogs, podcasts, news, and social media."
History.com has information on Women's History Month plus a great clip that is only 1:19 minutes long.

to see original article check:
Women's History Month 2023, History.com Editors, https://www.history.com/topics/holidays/womens-history-month , accessed March 1, 2023, Publish by A&E Television Networks

Photos from Dr. Garces-Webb Psychological and Consulting Services, LLC's post 02/20/2023
I'm Fine. (short film) 08/26/2021

Saying “I’m fine” doesn’t mean that you truly are. As much as folks may hope for this, traumas do not simply go away if they are buried or ignore. If you are not fine, there are professionals who can help. Not sure where to start, give us a call. We will be more than happy to direct you to some resources.

Short film by Rachel Isabella Wiggins.


I'm Fine. (short film) I'M FINE (written and directed by Rachel Isabella Wiggins) is a story with no beginning and no definite end-- simply, a glimpse into Shane's (Justin Jackson)...


Great news!

Dr. Garces-Webb is now accepting Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance and new patients.

Call 256-836-0885 to schedule an appointment.


This illustration does a good job highlighting 1) the potential impact of carrying unprocessed traumas, hurt, and experiences and 2) the point that not everything is always as black and white as it may seem. There may be more to the story.


The below video is a follow-up on the letter exercise we discussed in January. There is also reference to a few other exercises/activities that may be of interest.

Four Surprising Ways to Get a Better Night’s Sleep 04/17/2021

Are you achieving between 7 - 9 hours of sleep? If not, take a look at this article for strategies to help increase your amount and quality of sleep.

Four Surprising Ways to Get a Better Night’s Sleep Research suggests that practicing gratitude, forgiveness, mindfulness, and self-compassion may improve our sleep during stressful times.

Stuck on an Escalator 04/10/2021

This is one of my favorite videos.

Sometimes taking a different perspective or using a different strategy can help when feeling stuck.


Stuck on an Escalator funny video about two people on an escalator when it breaks down


This is a short but great clip regarding the difference between pleasure and happiness.


A raw, unapologetic depiction of life from the perspective of author Jenny Lawson, whose daily living is impacted by depression and anxiety.

“When I look at my life I see high-water marks of happiness and I see the lower places where I had to convince myself that su***de wasn’t an answer. And in between I see my life. I see that sadness and tragedy in my life made the euphoria and delicious ecstasy that much more sweet. I see that stretching out my soul to feel every inch of horrific depression gave me more room to grow and enjoy the beauty of life that others might not ever appreciate. I see that there is dust in the air that will eventually settle onto the floor to be swept out the door as a nuisance, but before that, for one brilliant moment I see the dust motes catch sunlight and sparkle and dance like stardust. I see the beginning and the end of all things. I see my life. It is beautifully ugly and tarnished in just the right way. It sparkles with debris. There is wonder and joy in the simplest of things. My mother was right. It’s all in the way you look at it.”

~ “Furiously Happy”


Below is a short exercise as we step into this year. You might find this exercise particularly interesting if you are one who likes to create vision boards, set goals, or enjoy activities that incorporate reflection.


We know that although Christmas is a joyful day for many, it is not for all. If you find yourself in the latter group, this post is for you. I would encourage you to come up with a plan for tomorrow if pictures of trees with presents pouring out from underneath or posts with are triggering for you due to financial hardship, loss of loved ones or any other heavy factors that you have had to deal with this year. Below are a few ideas to help get your own ideas flowing.

1. Make tomorrow a “No social media” day. This will help with limiting the influx of presents and family-laden pictures that you would otherwise see.

2. If staying away from social media platforms seems to be too difficult, consider temporarily hiding posts from those you know will be sharing content that tends to be hardest for you emotionally.

3. Remind yourself that your definition of “blessed” may be very different than someone else’s. There is limited value in comparison during this time of year.

4. Embark on the day in a manner that feels most comfortable, enjoyable and sacred to you. Where do you typically find your joy? Embrace that. Consider new/different activities for distraction. Or, just be. That can be a very beautiful thing.

However, you decide to approach tomorrow, may you feel grounded and at peace.


The stars were amazing the last few nights. I have found myself taking in the stillness of the evening and the speckled brightness on more than one occasion. There was something very peaceful and spiritual about it. And to be quite honest, there was also something very moving about the darkness being punctuated with the beauty of the light. Simultaneously, I felt my smallness in the greatness of this world AND the intimacy of being in that very moment and in the very place that I occupied. I felt wrapped in goodness, while standing alone in my driveway, in the dark, looking up. I still felt wrapped as I walked into my home, almost as if I was taking with me the spirit of the season.

I recently spoke about the need for taking a pause when feeling overwhelmed in a clip on the Integrative Wellness Consulting page. I try to be very intentional about enjoying the holiday season. There are a lot of things I want to do between November and early January. In fact, I want to do all the things. I think part of this is sparked by the fact that I am indeed a Christmas baby; I also grew up in the Midwest where I would wake to snow-covered world on Christmas day. I recall late Christmas Eve nights prepping for the morning, as well as the years we were blessed with parranderos (individuals caroling Puerto Rican style---that’s a thing). There is plenty of sentiment attached to this time of year. The lights bring me joy; the witnessed kindness brought on by the season evokes a greater sense of gratitude. Anticipating time with family and friends brings my heart to overflowing. In response, I try to take it all in…every single bit…to where there is a chance that I “do” too much Christmas.

Too much Christmas? Is that even a thing? It could be. Too much Christmas happens when boxes are being checked off versus actions being intentional and in the moment. So, this year, I’ve done things slightly different. Although Christmas is approaching more quickly than I would like, I am relishing the moments and am reminded that “Christmas” does not end on the 25th; it goes beyond that, in many ways. The season is much more memorable when you are able to enjoy the moments versus do the season.

I encourage you to maximize the time you have in this season by recognizing that the season is more than a day or days. It can extend beyond, even if only in spirit and intention. One way in which you could potentially maximize and ground yourself in the season is by identifying five things for which you are grateful or joyful. Gratitude is not just for Thanksgiving. It is the essence of our day-to-day living. Five things; more specifically, five things within the last 7 – 10 days.

I’ll go first.

I am thankful for those who are committed to the health and welfare of others. I am especially grateful for those who participated in the COVID-19 vaccine trials and for those who have been among the first to receive the vaccine.

I am thankful I have a private practice in which I can walk alongside others, providing support and a sounding board, as they maneuver through their life’s path. I am both humbled and honored by this privilege.

I am thankful that I have been able to enjoy the sights and sounds of the holiday season. I am also thankful for those who have been very intentional with their outside decorations; I am very aware that driving to see the lights has been the only way some individuals have been able to safely enjoy the season.

I am thankful for a husband who has a servant’s heart and who works to be the hands and feet of Christ. He never ceases to amaze me.

I am thankful for couch cuddle time and Christmas movie binges with my son. He has been exposed to the Home Alone series. There are no words that can capture my reaction to his unadulterated, unbridled laughter.

Those are my five. You may find that it is very easy to come up with your own five things that have occurred within the last 7 - 10 days. Or, it may be three or two things. That part does not matter. What does matter is taking the time to be intentional and in the moment.

Please know, it also matters if you find that you cannot identify at least one glimmer of joy or hope, especially if this has been the case for some time. I would encourage you to view this as a sign that you may need to reach out to a close friend or to someone who can help. If you are struggling with finding someone to turn to, reach out to us. We will do our best to connect you to resources appropriate for you.


A reminder for my fellow mental health professionals...

Sometimes, the goal for the day is met when your client is simply seated in your chair, and you are present.

This is part of the process.


It has been a busy day! However, in the middle of it, I had 15 minutes to spare for a quick jog on this lovely path. I was greeted by the babbling of a nearby creek; I could hear the birds as they were calling to each other. Mother Nature was beautiful and like candy to my eyes no matter where I looked. The breath of fresh air was a welcomed change from being inside. My head was refreshed and cleared for the afternoon of patients and patient-related duties. If all you have is 15 minutes, take it. Do something that empowers/refills/refreshes/soothes (pick a verb!) you. Fill your cup and drink from it. This is self-care.


Overheard this morning (as stated gently by my husband to my son):

“Don’t lose your joy because work is not going the way you want it. It makes up a small part of your day.”

Though spoken to a child, this is relevant to all of us as adults.

SELF-CHECK: How often do you allow something small to steal away your joy for the day?


Several thoughts on this Thanksgiving Day:

The holidays are a great time for celebrating, but they can be hard. I am fully aware that there are many who are alone for a number of reasons, to include losses or isolating due to COVID-19. My heart goes out to you. To those who are able, consider Zoom, FaceTime, or any other platform to help connect and not feel alone. To those who are setting one plate less at the table, please allow yourself room for grace and kindness as you grieve. It is okay to feel sadness on a day often filled with joy. Your heart can be filled with both. There is no judgment here and I hope there isn't any on your end as well.

On a much lighter note, don't forget to eat breakfast today versus merely "saving room" for all the food later. I would extend this to say, ''Don't forget to take care of yourself in all the ways you typically would.'' Today is no different in this regard.

For those struggling with guilt or eating-related concerns, try to be intentional with what goes on your plate. Choose only those food items you absolutely want to eat and then enjoy them... Savor them... Take your time eating them... If you feel guilt, acknowledge it and then see if you can allow that guilt to pass on, without engaging with it.

Move a bit. Consider using your after (or pre-) meal time as an opportunity to go for a hike or a walk by yourself or with your family. It may be fun to turn the walk into a game by guessing how many houses you will see with fall decor versus Christmas decor. Winner gets first dibs at dessert... You might also see if you can turn that walk/hike into something more by taking note of the sights, sounds, smells, and other sensations you may be experiencing.

We all know that things have been so "different" this year. There have been plenty of difficult moments to last us for some time. And, throughout this year, there have been some incredible moments. Some of those moments have been quite obvious. Others have been sneakily glorious. On this day of Thanksgiving, consider speaking/acknowledging some of those moments aloud. Sometimes speaking or writing about the good helps lower the volume related to the rough moments.

I wish you safe and enjoyable moments today and this holiday weekend. I also wish for moments of comfort and care.

Happy Thanksgiving.


The following clip is on guided imagery. As you engage in guided imagery, simply come up with images that are comforting to you if a cabin scene does not invoke comfort.


The "Our Daily Bread" shared a story regarding a question posed by the "London Times" early 20th century. The question simply asked "What's wrong with the world?" Apparently there were a number of responses; however, the one that read the loudest was reported to be from the writer G.K. Chesterton. His apparent response?

"Dear Sirs, I am."

This sentence, although quite short in structure, hints at ownership, accountability, and the danger of complacency. I read it as a subtle challenge encouraging folks to be a vehicle of change, using whatever they have (whether it is their voice, their minds, their hands or other means) to change this world for the better. It is human nature to see what we don't have and what we cannot do, but I encourage you to take a step back and take a note of what you can do, even if that 'doing' may seem small. One never knows the ripple effect that may happen.


It would seem as if we could all enjoy a bit of intentional relaxation. As such, I am sharing a relaxation clip from several years ago. You may find the original at Integrative Wellness Consulting. This particular clip is titled “Simple Relaxation.”


This has been circulating among friends on Facebook and in texts. I do love the underlying message... For many people and for many situations, there are choices that can be made (Again, not always and not always for everyone). As you are choosing your hard, give yourself the permission to make the choices that will work best for you and the ones you love. And, as you pick, it is okay to take a pause and choose again if your first choice leads you down a path that ultimately is not good for you.



“The simple phrase of ‘forgive, investigate and invite’ can be enormously helpful. If we have transgressed, we can set the intention to “forgive” ourselves for this wrongdoing, understanding that we can’t change the past, remembering that we aren’t perfect, and realizing that we often make mistakes out of ignorance, confusion or upset feelings.”



Depression and other mental health conditions can leave you feeling completely alone. If you ever thought, "Nobody understands" or "Nobody can help," please know that you are not alone. 1 in 5 Americans struggle with a mental illness. 1 in 5! Let's make this more personal. For every 5 individuals you know and love, there is one person who is struggling with depression, anxiety, PTSD, Adjustment, or any other mental health condition. You are not alone...and there are avenues for help and support.

NAMI is a great resource for many. Also, if you reside in the HSV/Madison or the surrounding area, you may reach out for a free 10 minute consultation call with me. I may be able to direct you towards a path that will work best for you if I am not the most appropriate fit.




A friend recently shared this on her page and I do believe there is truth to this. When things feel chaotic and so uncertain, it can feel as if there is everything is out of your control. However, we do have some control over whether we react to a situation or respond to it.


Today, as your feed is flooded with reminders, stories, and words of encouragement related to 9/11, I encourage you to be intentionally kind to those around you. We do not know their personal stories and the pain they may be carrying. Be kind to yourself as well. That is equally as important.


Here’s a casual (one-sided) chat about “Walk and Talk.”

Interested in learning more?

Call: 256-836-0885


Contemplating scheduling an appointment?

DID YOU KNOW.....Appointments with a psychologist may be reimbursed through a flexible savings account (FSA), health savings account (HSA), or a health reimbursement arrangement (HRA).

Ecopsychology: How Immersion in Nature Benefits Your Health 07/25/2020

Nature can offer many benefits across several aspects of one's life. For example, there are physical, emotional, cognitive, and spiritual associated benefits, some of which are discussed in the attached article. I, for one, feel better when I have had the opportunity to spend time outdoors, regardless of what I am doing. I have, for some time now, contemplated expanding my services to blend the benefits of the therapeutic experience with the outdoors. I am very excited to announce that I now have a service option that allows for the engagement of both. It is called ''Walk and Talk.''

Call (256) 836-0885 to schedule your first "Walk and Talk" appointment.

Ecopsychology: How Immersion in Nature Benefits Your Health A growing body of research points to the beneficial effects that exposure to the natural world has on health, reducing stress and promoting healing. Now, policymakers, employers, and healthcare providers are increasingly considering the human need for nature in how they plan and operate.

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

A Partner In The Journey

Our life experiences can stretch us in unimaginable ways. Although we can likely identify moments of great happiness, love, or peace, we can also point to the periods marked by intense pain, uncertainty, sadness, or fear. There may have been crazy good times as well as times during which it felt difficult to merely breathe. This is the nature of our individual journeys; we are influenced by the factors and experiences unique to us.

Sometimes, our negative life experiences can leave us feeling overwhelmed and desperately grasping for answers. In fact, there are times when one can feel quite stuck, lost, and directionless. However, there is still opportunity for hope fueled in part by acceptances, resolve, action and faith. The experiences of our lives do not have to dictate who we are; rather, we can allow them to help define who we choose to be as we move forward in our respective journeys.

My goal is to serve in the most helpful way possible as you move towards your destination. I may recommend a different path, slower steps, or even a temporary pause. My clinical approach can be described as collaborative, supportive, and transparent; I tend to draw from multiple theoretical orientations to provide perspective and to aid in my client’s decision-making process. For those considering my services, I may be contacted at 256.836.0885. Brief consultation calls are available to help determine if my services are appropriate for you at this time.

Available services:

Videos (show all)

The below video is a follow-up on the letter exercise we discussed in January.  There is also reference to a few other e...
Pleasure Versus Happiness




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