Kadlec Ranch Rescue

We are permanently closed as of 2023

Photos from Misfit Felines's post 07/22/2024
Photos from Familiars Foster Network & Rescue's post 07/18/2024

Did you know?

Behind Second Chance Thrift, is a nonprofit called Second Chance Animal Advocates? All the profits from the thrift store go to help the mission of SCAA, which is to help animals with medical costs in Dane and Rock Co.

In 2024, SCAA expanded its reach to help with emergency surgery costs for our beloved pets.
On average, each week, it receives 8 requests. PER WEEK (between spay/neuter requests and surgery). The surgery fund was started with the goal of helping ONE FAMILY, PER MONTH.

This is where you all are SO IMPORTANT. If you are able to do a $1,000, $500, $100, $50 or even $5 donation, we would be so grateful! But of course, we are ever so grateful if you simply stop by the store and help that way too!

Our friends at Northern Compass Boutique held a plant sale for us back in May, and we recently got together with Heather to receive the donation. If you or your organization want to hold a fundraiser for SCAA, we are happy to help!

Second Chance Thrift is located at 603 W Main St in Stoughton

Monday Closed
Tues-Thurs 10-5
Fri 10-4
Sat 10-4
Sunday Closed


Last chance to order shirts! The limited edition will not be available after tomorrow!

#operationargyle t-shirts 04/30/2024

shirt orders are now open!

#operationargyle t-shirts The long anticipated shirts are now available to order! All proceeds go to covering Argyle's $10k vet bill with UW Veterinary Hospital. While every other platform charges transactions fees on your payment, Zeffy delivers 100% of it to nonprofits. Zeffy is funded solely through contr...


Congratulations to Holly Hartley!!! She was our winner for my Operation Argyle raffle!!!!


🎟 🎫 SOLD OUT! 🎟 🎫
Drawing hopefulling coming later today!
Thank you to everyone, and good luck!

If there was any doubt about this boy being worth this surgery, he is already up and walking. There is still work to do, but he's looking great! Check out the video in the comments.

Raffle tickets are still available from Angela Kadlec

Donations can be made to Misfit Felines via Facebook, PayPal, or Venmo

Watch for shirts coming soon!

If you haven't already, like and follow Misfit Felines!

Photos from Kadlec Ranch Rescue's post 04/23/2024

Only 15 spots left!


If there was any doubt about this boy being worth this surgery, he is already up and walking. There is still work to do, but he's looking great! Check out the video in the comments.

Raffle tickets are still available from Angela Kadlec

Donations can be made to Misfit Felines via Facebook, PayPal, or Venmo

Watch for shirts coming soon!

If you haven't already, like and follow Misfit Felines!

Photos from Kadlec Ranch Rescue's post 04/22/2024

is still going! We have 29 slots we still need to fill!

Bucky's Varsity Meat GC is up to $100!!!

Pm me ( Angela Kadlec) to purchase!

Accepting Cash, Check or Venmo

See the Misfit Felines page for updates on how he is doing. As a quick FYI, he's doing great and home with his foster.

Photos from Kadlec Ranch Rescue's post 04/18/2024

Argyle’s first surgery was a success! His guts are out of his chest cavity and he now has room to breathe! I'll share some pictures in the comments.

Thanks to those that have purchased tickets and/or shared. There are still some left.

Photos from Kadlec Ranch Rescue's post 04/17/2024

🎫🎟It's Raffle Time!!!!🎟🎫

UPDATE: You are all amazing! Half the tickets are already sold. If you are still thinking about getting in on this, you better make up your mind quickly!!

Angela has decided to run a raffle to raise funds for Argyle of Misfit Felines. His story is below.

*Items are worth over $450 dollars.
*For a donation of $20, you will receive one entry into a drawing for a Ninja Woodfire™ Pro Outdoor Grill with Built-in Thermometer & Premium Package & a gift certificate to Bucky’s Varsity Meats.
*For a donation of $100, you will receive six entries into the drawing.
*Only 100 entries will be available!
*All donations must be made by 5 pm on May 1st, or until sold out (whichever comes first). *Drawing will occur within a day after the raffle closes.
*To receive your entries, donations can be made to Angela Kadlec via Venmo - -Kadlec, cash or check (reach out via Facebook Messenger).

All donations will go directly to Argyle's care.

If you would prefer to donate in other ways, there are additional options at the bottom of his story. Please note donations made via these other methods will not earn entries into this drawing.


From Misfits:
Today we ask for help to save a life 💕 Argyle was found last week, when he drug himself onto a kind person’s porch asking for help 💔.
He was taken to a stray hold where he sat for 72 hours. Argyle was emaciated, covered in fleas, and desperate for love and attention. On Friday night we pulled him at the end of his hold, prior to euthanasia, with the understanding that he was a rear-paralyzed cat and likely incontinent.
However, we soon found out this was not the case. Argyle was likely struck by a car. He was clearly once a pet, but is not neutered and was struggling to survive outdoors. Sadly this is the fate of many cats, discarded when they are no longer kittens, or lost outdoors once they reach sexual maturity.
After confirming that he had a fractured pelvis at another clinic, today he had a consult at UW Veterinary Care with an orthopedic specialist. During this appointment it was found that he also had a traumatic diaphragmatic hernia, which is basically a tear in the muscle of his diaphragm allowing his organs to shift position. His vet team felt he was a solid candidate for surgery.
Today they hospitalized him to prepare for surgery. Tomorrow, Argyle will receive a life-saving surgery to repair the hole in his diaphragm. Once he has recovered from this procedure, he will receive an orthopedic surgery to fix his femoral head fracture and pin the pelvic fracture on the opposing side in order to give back function to both rear legs. He is currently able to ambulate, but not normally.
This series of surgeries will give him the best chance at a normal life. Argyle is a happy and precious boy who wants to live! His vet team felt euthanasia was a consideration for financial reasons, but not for quality of life purposes - he can recover with medical intervention. He is on excellent pain medications and clearly appreciative to be loved and fed.
Anyone who works with us knows that we love to help the hard cases, the hot mess express felines, the unwanted, the last chance cats. Argyle is the definition of our name, Misfit Felines. He is broken, but we have an opportunity to fix him. We feel we owe it to him to give him a chance at life. He wants to live!
However, Argyle’s surgery costs are estimated to be $7k to $9k. We are begging for help to save this sweet boy. He was let down by humans and now we will work to lift him up, to give him a life of comfort. Please consider a donation to Argyle’s care. Any amount is so appreciated and makes a difference.
Donations can be made via PayPal or GiveButter, or Facebook. Donations can also be made directly to our account at UW Veterinary Care (under Misfit Felines Inc).
GiveButter: https://givebutter.com/eBC3X7
Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=HWDWVUUB8PAQW&mibextid=Zxz2cZ
UW Veterinary Care: 608-263-7600


🙀🙀🙀 Our wet food cupboard is almost bare!! We currently are caring for over 50 cats and kittens!! We are in desperate need of the following:

- #1 need- Wellness canned kitten food
- Tastefulls canned kitten food
- Pet-Tinic
- Churu ( being used to give medications)
- Any other wet food on our lists is appreciated.
- Canned food and Nulo hard food can also be purchased at www.misfithills.com if your wanting to shop local.

The other big need is Fussie cat dry food for the 8 cats we have at the Cafe waiting to be adopted. They can be purchased from M.E.& My Pets by calling Mary at 262-473-8350 and they will be picked up by the Cafe. The bags are also on our lists but are cheaper at ME & My Pets and your supporting a great local store. They also have the buy one get one free deal on Fussie cat canned food our Cafe cats eat approx 230 cans a month! Let them know they are for Susie Q's Rescue.

Amazon- https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2GW0VZRSDUC0B?ref_=wl_share


As always we greatly appreciate your support. We could not save as many without you! 😽

*We are a 501c3 non profit organization all donations are tax deductible*


If you are a rescuer, you will understand this. Please use this post to help others that dont.

Easter (and any holidays) are terrible on rescuers.

If you are a friend of a rescuer, or trying to get a rescuer to contact you over the easter period, this is a time to have some empathy and patience. You may think "hang on, they get holidays and will now have time to do my thing", no, it's the exact opposite.

You have spare time, they have no time. They have plenty of guilt.

Everyone Wants a Piece of Them

Requests for help go through the roof as people want to go on holidays, foster carers need to give animals back, the roads are carnage of car strikes, pounds are full and everyone "suddenly" finds animals with their spare time.

Nearly all the vets are closed. Rescuers have to face surge pricing with emergency vets and very long waiting queues for treatment. In some cases they simply dont have the money and they have to hang on till Tuesday.

Vets are also, broken. Smashed. They are seeing case after case come in and they are having desperate conversations with people who are in incredible grief.

Mixed in with this real life tragedy, are people who simply expect you to solve their problems.

"Hey my dog ate some chocolate I have no money for vet bills, you can help me get a vet cant you" (because you are also a magician, and a bank).

All of a sudden, everyone they know wants them to drop what they are doing to deal with an animal issue. Because of all that spare time.

Nothing is private anymore.

Phone calls from strangers "who were given your number", 1 am "why aren't you awake" ,messages . . old work colleagues people who thought you might "give some advice".

Every possible angle is used to get to you. (including the "hey come to lunch at my place" method which then once you are there, turns into a request to take someone's animals)

People are completely unaware or simply don't care that 10 other people have also asked that same rescuer on the same day, to also take on their animals, drop a family lunch to drive to the vet, make a phone call to hear about a problem or just "take these cats or I will kill them, I am going away tomorrow"

And about that lunch.

Family, partners, friends have long ago lost any patience with your lack of time.

There is pressure to spend time at long social gatherings and NOT rescue animals. To sit through long discussions about nothing over lunch, drive to visit people or go to religious events.

Getting dirty looks checking the phone, or the inevitable backhand comments from a drunk uncle about "you should shoot them".

Divorce rate? Su***de? Alcoholism? You bet.

They also probably just dealt with a death.

You woke up this morning to eggs on toast and TV? They may have spent the night trying to keep an animal alive.

Minutes after it dies, they are expected to smile and be social. Hang out with Karen and go to the shops.

Still seeing the blood or hearing the gasps and cries.

Smelling the cleaning product.

You did remember to clean your hands didnt you.

They get sent photo after photo of animals suffering, in pain or dying. All day. Usually from people who are right there with that animal . . but want someone else to deal with it. Common sense disappears.

Whilst this goes on . . (and this is true) there is a barrage of interested onlookers attacking them online, looking for any angle or a weakness to make them break. For fun.

The key ways you can help a rescuer?

- Give them back their time, they need it.
- Be prepared to do things for yourself.
- Dont give out their number or break the boundaries they have
- Dont "just ask them for advice", every one does that. Use google.
- Have empathy for what they are dealing with and if you can, help them.

You may feel like they are ignoring you, tbey arent.

They have 10 apples, 50 people want 3 apples each, who misses out. What dies. Who gets left behind.

Rescuers dont get paid for this, and if they do get paid it's a pittance and they wear the guilt and criticism, then the rescuer is screamed at to take more animals than they could ever take "because she gets paid"

Rescuers live all day with the incredible pressure to do more and guilt for doing too much, or not enough. They are in a constant downward spiral and possibly only just hanging on, you may be the one that breaks them or helps them out of that spiral.

Your issue is not the only one they are trying to deal with. Take some action and time, help a little, you will be amazed the difference it makes.

Above all, just be good to people. It absolutely matters.

Funds for Sick Kitty, organized by Holly Hartley 03/25/2024

Funds for Sick Kitty, organized by Holly Hartley Due to some unfortunate circumstances, we are asking for help in recouping funds for a fellow frien… Holly Hartley needs your support for Funds for Sick Kitty


Hey everyone we are a little behind on ticket sales! If you have not grabbed your tickets yet please grab them now!!

Click link donate 35.00 times how ever many tickets do you need?



I want to THANK the woman who called Rock County Sheriff on me this morning!

I want to thank you bc you saved a life. You see I was driving to work the morning along the river road (H) and stopped when I saw a cat sitting at one of the fishing pullouts. The cat sauntered away and had a collar on so I figured it was ok and taken care of. Continued onto work. But unknowingly you set into motion a rescue mission that lasted most of the day!
The deputy followed up your call by contacting me ...to make sure I wasnt dumping cats...(we had a good laugh) but he did mention he went to the pullout and the cat was STILL there...which immediately sent a red flag with me (veteran rescuer). I got a friend/former KRR foster to go check and sure enough the cat was still there. She was able to catch him, bring him in and get him scanned for a chip. Guess what..HE WAS CHIPPED!!! And his owners were on the other side of the river!!! Long story short he had gotten out and disappeared. They had given up hope...he had been missing for 6 MONTHS...until today they were reunited with their kitty ❤️. We'll never know the story this cat has to tell but tonight he is safe and home with his family. So thankyou...you did the right thing calling me in.

*And though funny...Im serious. You didnt know me. You DID do the right thing and you should pat yourself on the back. I would have done the same thing.


Thank you to Petfinder Foundation for awarding Misfit Felines a 2024 Kia Pet Adoption Grant. We are using this grant to reduce adoption fees for our “Forgotten Felines”, those who have been waiting longer than usual for their forever home.

Join us this Saturday at Petsmart Janesville, 2700 Pontiac Place, from 10am to 2pm, to meet Sparky & Muffin. They have waited seven months for a family, and their adoption fee has been reduced to $100 for the pair 💕

These sweet boys were saved from euthanasia, with hours to spare, each needing an eye removed. Sparky is outgoing, independent, and talkative. He enjoys pets and to perch nearby. Muffin is more shy, but a very sweet lap boy. Both are around two years old and love attention, playing with a feather wand, and cuddling.

Who could say no to “the bad-eye boys” as we affectionately call them? Learn more at https://www.misfitfelines.org/available-animals, or apply now at tinyurl.com/adopt-misfit-felines


Any rescue friends able to help out with a situation in Edgerton? Pm me- Angela Kadlec

Photos from The Cat's PawJamas Rescue's post 01/16/2024
Photos from All About Fixin''s post 12/27/2023

Happy Holidays everyone! Just an FYI...I got a couple messages about an old Adoption Event post resurfacing. This was an old post...2022 I think that someone recently "liked" and popped back up again. KRR is closed and has been since Jan 2023. There is NO adoption event for us. BUT if you're looking...I encourage you to check one of the many adoption events put on by...Misfit Felines, Familiars Foster & Rescue Network, Cats Pawjamas, 9 Lives, Madison Cat Project, Susie Q Rescue...etc. Thank you!

For those wondering... I am doing great. We had a wonderful Christmas with friends and family. Eric and I have been traveling a lot this year as well as getting to spend a lot more time together. Looking forward to 2024 and some renovation projects at home. I hope everyone is well and healthy and may you have a wonderful Holiday Season!

Photos from Kadlec Ranch Rescue's post 12/08/2023

Quick shout out for these beauties. Poppy and Marigold (yes, two orange sisters) are still looking for their furever humans. They are being spoiled as ever in their foster homes, but they are really hoping they could spend their first Christmas with their new family. They are sweet girls that love attention from their people. They are just over 6 months old, so they have plenty of kitten left in them. Poppy is a cute little girl that will probably remain on the pettite side. Marigold is a beautiful marble tabby with a super silky coat.
These two are a bonded pair available to adopt through Misfit Felines. Their adoption fee is reduced to $150 (basically 2 for 1). Apply today to meet these two. Foster is willing to do meet and greets in her home in Stoughton. You will find the application at linktr.ee/misfitfelines



Thank you so much to everyone who donated or shared our campaign! We have surpassed our fundraising goal and are blown away by the support we have received!

We are keeping the campaign open for the rest of the day! Any donation is beyond appreciated and will go towards our mission of saving tiny lives.

👉To donate, please click here: https://www.paypal.com/donate?campaign_id=VH3CGHCHGDALL


It’s time! Our Holiday Fundraiser is live and open for bidding. There is something for everyone!

We are a volunteer-run organization and you can be assured that 100% of your contributions go directly to help the 250 plus felines in our care.

Pick up dates available in Stoughton and Janesville, WI for winning bids.

Register and Bid: tinyurl.com/MisfitAuction

Want your organization to be the top-listed Non Profit Organization in Janesville?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

I want to THANK the woman who called Rock County Sheriff on me this morning!I want to thank you bc you saved a life. You...



Janesville, WI

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Janesville, 53548

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Community Foundation of Southern Wisconsin, Inc Community Foundation of Southern Wisconsin, Inc
121 N. Parker Drive
Janesville, 53548

Matching Personal Philanthropy with Community Need.

YWCA Rock County YWCA Rock County
1735 S. Washington Street
Janesville, 53546

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PO Box 463, 1818 MILTON Avenue STE 100
Janesville, 53545

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21 S. Jackson Street
Janesville, 53548

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PO Box 1211
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