The Sentinel Group

Photos from The Sentinel Group's post 11/29/2023

Kingdom Storytelling, George Otis


While the focus of our forthcoming documentary is on the dramatic transformation of the infamous border town of Whiteclay, Nebraska, it is necessary to first explain the historical events that led to its becoming a spiritual stronghold and deathtrap for Natives from the Pine Ridge reservation just across the border in South Dakota.

We believe this story will prove to be as instructive as it is inspirational. Please pray for us as we enter this crucial final phase of filming and editing. See more at


Please Consider Sentinel Group in Your Year-End Giving

December premium:
We will send you Lonnie Riley’s book, By Faith: Living in the Certainty of God’s Reality for a $55 minimum one-time donation or a $35 minimum monthly recurring donation.
In obedience to God’s direction, Lonnie and Belinda Riley gave up a comfortable lifestyle to move to a dying town in the mountains of Kentucky. Their motto has been to help people in very practical ways and to share Jesus. In the last 20 years they have established a number of ministries to provide help and employment in a tri-city area in Appalachia, and they have seen 4,000 people in their county give their lives to Jesus. They have lived out extraordinary faith in their life and ministry, and Lonnie’s book on faith is balanced, encouraging, and challenging.
Click on link to read email which includes the latest update on the Hope in the Shadows project–The Gates of Whiteclay and The City of Wynne (the Texas prison revival)


The consequences — including poverty, domestic and sexual abuse, and su***de — affected nearly every Lakota household. And with one out of every four babies being born with fetal alcohol syndrome, the future was stripped as well.
It was a catastrophe 115 years in the making, and until godly warriors like Doug Peterson and State Senator Tom Brewer stepped up, nothing changed.
Both men were particularly troubled over allegations of bootlegged liquor and human trafficking. To find out more, the Attorney General authorized a seven-month intelligence gathering operation involving individuals who had previously served as scouts in Afghanistan and Iraq.
The results of the investigation were more than enough to justify non-renewal of the liquor store licenses. Even so, dark forces were at work, and the case ultimately went all the way to the Nebraska Supreme Court before justice prevailed. Read more at


In recent months, a small band of Pine Ridge Natives has been stepping out in this bold confidence. God is present! And he is telling them exactly what he wants them to do.
Not surprisingly, this divine partnership has focused on notable areas of concern for the Lakota people — a list that includes substance abuse, witchcraft, and youth traumas.
See more at


Please consider a donation to help us complete our next documentary, The Gates of Whiteclay, the initial video in the Hope in the Shadows series of God’s transformation of three desperate communities in the United States.

Have you ever wished you could give more? A foundation is providing a generous matching gift - up to a total of $40,000 - to help Sentinel Group complete The Gates of Whiteclay.


Magical or Moral Thinking?

God doesn’t attach Himself to our plans and programs, he attaches Himself to people – humble, contrite, repentant people. Read more at

Photos from The Sentinel Group's post 03/16/2022

George Otis Announces a Big Change
"The journey from low expectations to spiritual nonchalance and presumption takes less time than a walk around the park.
But it is not God who is small. It is our hearts and attention spans.
Make no mistake about it. The Almighty wants to be known for who he is: The One whose voice is the sound of many waters and whose eyes are like flaming fire; the One whose greatness is unsearchable and whose deeds are awesome; the holder of the keys to death and hell; the Alpha and Omega… and the great I AM." Read more at

Please Consider the Sentinel Group in your Year-End Giving 12/29/2021

Give a one-time donation of $50 or more by Dec. 31, or sign-up for a monthly donation of $25 or more, and we will send you the book by Rev. Dr. Alistair Petrie, "Transformed! People - Cities - Nations: 10 Principles for Sustaining Genuine Revival." Alistair is the Executive Director of Partnership Ministries in Canada.
To receive a tax-deductible receipt for 2021, your envelope must be postmarked on or before Dec. 31, or your online donation at must be before midnight Pacific Standard Time on Dec. 31.

Please Consider the Sentinel Group in your Year-End Giving Please Consider the Sentinel Group in your Year-End Giving 28 Dec. 2021 Greetings! For thirty years, the Sentinel Group has provided inspiration and hope for the Body of Christ around the world by tel


National Repentance, Prohibition, and Abortion
by Larry Lane
“It may be they will listen, and every one turn from his evil way, that I may relent of the disaster that I intend to do to them because of their evil deeds.” Jeremiah 26:3 [ESV]


George Otis Provides Exciting Details on New Film
One of the stories takes place in Texas prisons.
Hardened criminals are being saved in droves. In 2011 alone, the Wynne Unit recorded an astonishing 600 baptisms. That’s 25 percent of the facility’s total inmate population! And these conversions and baptisms continue at a torrid pace to this day.
But there is much more.
Three defining elements set the Texas story apart from mere jailhouse religion — personal deliverance, institutional transformation, and the outflow of revival into the hopeless neighborhoods that are feeding our prisons and morgues." Read more


Larry Lane - "In the Discovery Weekend we lay out the principles we have learned from studying revivals that have transformed entire regions. In every transforming revival we studied, desperation drove people to pray and fast without consideration of comfort or time. This level of desperation - frequently fueled by devastating circumstances - is missing in many communities I have taught. Christians were unified in recognizing their need for revival, and they sincerely desired it. But in every community I have presented revival principles, including the principle of desperation, it was only a matter of time before the Discovery Weekend faded into the background, and life returned to normal. A desire for revival remained, but not the level of desperation necessary to trip the wire that leads to awakening and transformation.
I am not casting stones. I find my own heart stands in contrast, not comparison, to those desperate saints who triggered revival. As Leonard Ravenhill once said, “If you can live without revival, you will.” Despite the rapid decline and erosion of our nation, the increase in desperation is negligible - in part, because these national problems have yet to reach our front porch." Read more at


THE CHURCH HAS LEFT EGYPT Larry Lane - 'Our congregations are filled with anxious and uncertain believers, reeling from the previous week’s world events. The response from many leaders appears to be, “If we can just get back to the way it was before COVID, our churches and people will be better.” News flash: We can’t go back to Egypt. If we as leaders do not correctly understand the problem – that the Church is now in the wilderness, moving toward the promised land – then efforts to return to Egypt’s pre-COVID stability will be fruitless. Worse than that, they will fail their people and harm them at one of the most critical times in world and biblical history.' Read more at


The prayer of Jesus to strive for relational unity in the Body of Christ (John 17) and Paul’s admonition that the members of the body cannot say to each other “we have no need of you,” cannot be set aside out of self-preserving fear.
If there was ever a time to push past our tribal differences to serve one another, it is now. More than ever before in our lifetime, we need each other.
Read more -

Why Are We Going to Give Our Products Away? 06/23/2021

We Must Get Our Message Out!

We will now offer most of our products for just enough to cover our hard costs (royalties for music required per sale, DVD covers, and disc reproduction). We are doing this in order to remove the financial barriers that limit access to our stories. Once we are able to complete the set-up, we will also stream most of our documentaries for free. Read more at

Why Are We Going to Give Our Products Away? The Sentinel Watch - 23 June 2021 Greetings! We Must Get Our Message Out! by Larry Lane People often forward to me reports of revival or revival initiatives from around the country, with the question


Preparing for Christ's Return
“See, I will send the prophet Elijah to you before that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes. He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents; or else I will come and strike the land with total destruction.” Malachi 4:5-6 (NIV) Read more at

The Sentinel Group 05/21/2021

Check out the Sentinel Group's Vimeo page -

The Sentinel Group The Sentinel Group is a community of cutting-edge researchers, filmmakers and ministers dedicated to the task of preparing needy communities for spiritual revival…


Visit two formerly desperate communities in Kentucky that God has radically transformed in the last fifteen years.
Lonnie & Belinda Riley and Doug & Linda Abner are humble, caring, and yet bold people who have been God's point persons in Lynch and Manchester. Lonnie & Doug will each teach two sessions, and you will have the opportunity to ask questions and to learn more of the principles that can prepare the way for revival in your community. Read more about how the presence of God breathed life into these two towns.


WHEN OUR HEAD FIGHTS OUR HEART by Larry Lane - "We seem to think that whenever we deem ourselves ready and willing, Jesus will be there as if we determine when we will encounter Him. That is not what the Word tells us. We are warned in Hebrews, 'Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts.' There are moments and seasons when Jesus is drawing near. It is up to us to adjust to Him and obey His prompting, lest we miss a Divinely designed moment." Read more at


Southern Exposure by Larry Lane.
Revival fires visited Union troops during the Civil War with at least 100,000 conversions. A great move of God also took place among the Confederate Army with at least 150,000 conversions (some chaplains believed it was closer to 250,000).
During one of the Confederate baptismal services, the Union soldiers on the other side of the river heard the singing and literally began to sing along in worship. Read more at


According to author and founder of The Sentinel Group
, George Otis, the primary characteristic of a REVIVAL / TRANSFORMATION CATALYST is DEEP HUMILITY. Any student of revival knows the man of God in the center of the picture. (Duncan Campbell). Duncan was a dedicated servant of God, anointed to preach and used mightily in his generation leading thousands to Christ. Yet he was not the catalyst of the Hebrides Revival, he was purely an instrument. The unknown humble ladies on either side of him were what George would call “Transformation Catalysts”. These elderly sisters along with other “hidden ones” spread across the Nation had cried out to God in humility and hiddenness long before the outpouring arrived. One sister was blind, the other crippled, yet both hearts were fully alive in Christ and on fire for His purposes on Earth. Mostly unrecognized by the masses even to this day, these two women were clearly visible to God and catalytic in their prayers for revival.
George recounted a story to us last week of yet another humble catalyst I had never heard of. His name was Hector McKinnon. Hector, like the sisters, also sought the Lord in unceasing prayer for revival in the Hebrides. Often alone, Hector prayed earnestly, relentlessly for an outpouring of the Spirit that would turn callous hearts back to JESUS completely. One day he prayed all day for God to send Duncan Campbell to his town to minister. God answered his prayer with a resounding YES! during his prayer time. Before the day was over Duncan was quickened supernaturally right before he spoke at another meeting to leave immediately and come to Hector’s town to minister. They never communicated once, God just orchestrate it by His Spirit. Believing the word he heard in prayer, Hector got the church ready for the visiting minister. Duncan came, gave the message and just like usual the people left the church. It was a little disappointing until they walked outside the church. To their amazement, they noticed the hillside seemed to be moving. When they looked closer, they noticed It was filled with the same people who were in the service now prostrate on their faces before God in the fields in tears crying out for mercy. An eyewitness of that revival also recounted how from that moment on the Spirit began moving quickly across neighboring islands like a tidal wave off the hillside!
It takes deep humility forsaking your life to follow Christ and boldly proclaim His truth in love. Yet I believe that perhaps for many in our day it takes an even deeper humility to move past the spotlight and embrace the Secret Place where the only audience is God! Today I sense God wants to encourage the hidden prayer warriors across the world that even if you have no platform, audience, massive following, abundant finances or a notable invite to minister somewhere, to remember the Catalysts of the Hebrides. They birthed a historic revival finding Gods favor apart from all those things we think are so necessary to succeed in the kingdom. I believe God wants to encourage you today to not lose heart and remember a massive DOOR is already open for you to the Secret Place where the Father is waiting. Dont simply wait to be an instrument of revival, be a catalyst in prayer right now. He is listening, ready to move and pour out a radical blessing on you, your church, your city and your Nation. Come Lord Jesus!
“But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you [a]openly.” Matt 6:6"


These thoroughly researched and documented stories tell how God transformed desperate communities as Christians prayed and obeyed what God spoke to them to do. The changes were so radical, most people would not believe they were possible, much less think of praying for them.
The DVDs make wonderful gifts, and we pray the lower prices will encourage you to share these documentaries with others. Transforming revivals often have cascading effects. Several of the later stories Sentinel has documented have occurred after people whose hearts were stirred by watching an earlier video decided they wanted the same thing for their community, and devoted themselves to prayer for that to happen. See more -


"While trying to wrap my brain around the surreal realization that our freedom of speech was quickly disappearing before my eyes, I was arrested by this simple statement in Hebrews 11: “By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family” (11:6). I heard the still, small voice of the Lord speak into my heart, 'What ark are you building for your grandchildren?'" Read more...


Can You Hear Me Now?
by Larry Lane
In the chaos, confusion, and consternation swirling in our nation, I hear the voice of God piercing the darkness, “Can you hear Me now?”
Have we been guilty of trying to fix the nation before we fixed ourselves? Have we prayed for national awakening while neglecting the need for local and, yes, personal revival? Read more at


George Otis Jr. - Beholding the Power of God

In the opening verses of Psalm 62, David makes a declaration that, upon first hearing, comes across as either unremarkable or extraordinary depending on how one parses the words. He claims that God is his exclusive remedy in the face of adversity. There is no other possibility — his soul finds rest in “God alone.”

This phrase appears no less than four times in the opening verses, an echo designed to make David’s message and intention emphatic. He wants it to stand out in a setting where those around him are placing their confidence, not in God, but in spiritual counterfeits, stockpiled resources, and charismatic strongmen. - See more at


BLACK FRIDAY SALE - 30% discount on Transformations documentaries - Fri., Sat., & Sun. - Also, see more new revival resources.

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