Evoke 100%

Helping people to help themselves


🌟Meet Ulf Lidman, the heart and soul behind Evoke 100%!

💪With two Master's degrees in Intercultural Communication and Crisis Counseling, Ulf brings 40 years of experience in working with people.

From refugee camps in the Middle East to victims of abuse and human trafficking, Ulf's passion lies in helping individuals reclaim their lives and create sustainable change from within.



At Evoke 100%, we are dedicated to providing support for individuals in need. 🌈

From newly arrived refugees to exiting gang members, we've implemented our programs in various contexts.

Learn more about our mission to empower and uplift communities!


We need your help!

The world is in dire need of individuals who are evoked to rediscover their true potential, despite the circumstances in which they live.

To continue doing our work, we need your support.

Visit our website to make a donation to our cause. No matter how big or small, every bit helps us to continue building on the Evoke 100% mission.

Click here: https://evoke100.org/.



Do you know what our commitment to our programme participants entails?

Individuals who fulfil a year in our programme will have a 100% success rate in creating the life they envision for themselves!

Click on the link in our bio to learn more.


At Evoke 100%, we are grateful for the support of people and companies like you. 🙏

Your contributions help us continue our important work in empowering individuals to overcome challenges and thrive.

Learn more about our impact and join us in making a difference: https://evoke100.org/.


💫Evoke 100% empowers individuals to move beyond their past and create the life they envision.

Through our programs, we help survivors of toxic environments, including domestic violence, extremism, and more.

Discover how we're making a positive impact by clicking here: https://evoke100.org/.



We’re proud to have Heroes Academy SA as one of our partner organisations.

Heroes Academy SA facilitates workshops for boys and young men between the ages of 13-18 in low-income areas in South Africa.

South Africa is a country plagued by Gender-Based-Violence crime against women and children. One of their primary objectives is to create a new narrative by instilling core values in male school students, with the aim of deconstructing toxic masculinity to enable the boys to grow up as positive role models in their families and community.

Read more about them here: www.evoke100.org.


You can help us to get Cape Town Evoked in 2023!

Simply head over to our GoFundMe campaign and see how your donation can impact the work we are doing: https://bit.ly/EvokeGFM.


Discover the power of Evoke 100%! 🌟

Our unique approach puts each individual at the center, providing them with tools for healing and empowerment.

From exiting gang members to survivors of domestic violence, refugees, and more, we've helped transform lives.

Click on the link in our bio to learn more about us.


We’re all about helping people move through the trauma of their past so that they are empowered to build better foundations for their future.

Find out more about the process of getting evoked here: https://evoke100.org/.



PathLight, with centers in the three largest urban areas of Belize, is running mentoring programs for students between 12-19 years old. The challenges of poverty makes it more demanding to evoke the inner strength, gifts and sustainable futures in these fantastic young people. The daily contact with creative mentors and counselors releases the participants to think outside the box and believe in a bright future.

Find out more about what they do, and how Evoke 100% supports them: https://bit.ly/EvokePathlight.


Did you know you can donate to our cause securely with Stripe?

Stripe is a leading online payment gateway, trusted by millions globally.

Any donation will be highly appreciated and enables us to help others : https://evoke100.org/.


By helping others evoke their deepest potential, we believe we can unlock the inherent power people have to live the lives they always wanted to.

Read more about our work here: https://evoke100.org/.

Photos from Evoke 100%'s post 03/30/2023

We had an amazing time in Belize with our partner organization, Pathlight. During the past week, we presented a leadership training seminar to enable the attendees to maximize the leadership they have in their organization.

By doing this, we believe that Pathlight will be better equipped to fulfill the important work that they do.



We’re excited to announce the launch of our new website!

Finding out what we do and how you can contribute to our efforts is now easier than ever.

Click here to take a look: https://evoke100.org/.


We need your help!

We provide evidence-based training and ongoing supervision for organizations reaching out to individuals who have been victimized by abuse. We do this with the help of your financial contribution.

If you’d like to get involved with Evoke 100% as a donor, click here: https://evoke100.org/.


You have the power to make a difference in the lives of those affected by abuse.

If you’d like to donate to support Evoke 100% and our work, simply click here: www.evoke100.org.

All donations are welcomed and appreciated!


Curious about our work and recent engagements? Be sure to visit our up to date blog section on our website! We frequently post insightful articles here so that you always have a bird’s eye view on our activities.

Learn more: https://evoke100.org/.



“Be all you can be and do it your way. When you own your own journey, you will succeed!”

These words by our director, Ulf Lidman, ring true for the Evoke 100% mission!

Want to get involved? Click here: https://evoke100.org/.



Through our partnerships with organizations in Belize and South Africa, Evoke 100% has managed to make a lasting impact in the lives of many individuals who have had to endure several hardships in their lives.

Find out more about our partners here: https://evoke100.org/.


We don’t promote any single religion or ideology. Instead, we place the needs of the individual front and center to provide them with the tools they need to build a strong, solid foundation for the future.

Find out how you can support us here: https://evoke100.org/.



Our work is focused on helping people move away from the past to a new, more sustainable way of living so that they can reach their true potential.

Our commitment: individuals who fulfill a year in our program will have a 100% success rate in creating the life they envision for themselves.


Evoke 100% provides evidence-based training and ongoing supervision for organizations reaching out to individuals who have been victimized by abuse.

Find out more about our work here: https://evoke100.org/.

Be inspired by Kolping's words - EVOKE 100% 02/18/2023

It is fulfilling for me to see the behaviors of the boys changing and their moral compass shaping into that of tolerant, accountable and critical thinking young men. I am fueled by the realization of the influence, the guidance and mentoring that our facilitators have on the boys in each and every workshop. It’s like giving an opportunity to my younger self to be a better man when i grow up.

Be inspired by Kolping's words - EVOKE 100% It is fulfilling for me to see the behaviors of the boys changing and their moral compass shaping into that of tolerant, accountable and critical thinking

Dion: How do you feel about your work in Belize City? - EVOKE 100% 02/16/2023

Working with teens is a privilege and an honor because it helps me to help them to activate and realize their innate potential. The training that I have received from Evoke 100% has helped me realize that each individual have the capacity for success. My role is to love my students along their journey and I’m loving it.

Dion: How do you feel about your work in Belize City? - EVOKE 100% Working with teens is a privilege and an honor because it helps me to help them to activate  and realize their innate potential. The training that I have

How can I express how impressed I am? - EVOKE 100% 02/14/2023

I just got off Zoom with the mentors in Belmopan, Belize. Under the leadership of Mariam, this team is just thriving. Beverly, Jovaughn and Jhonique are the role models and co-travelers with a group of students who come from backgrounds where they are no strangers to abuse, poverty, addictions and challenges that many of us would not know how to handle at a young age.

How can I express how impressed I am? - EVOKE 100% I just got off Zoom with the mentors in Belmopan, Belize. Under the leadership of Mariam, this team is just thriving. Beverly, Jovaughn and Jhonique are the

A short greeting from our board member Therese in Sweden. - EVOKE 100% 02/11/2023

It's so exciting being on this board and to hear about these wonderful organizations in Cape Town and Belize. Truly amazing, the power of helping people to help themselves!

Therese works in the North of Sweden as a social worker specializing in gender based violence.

A short greeting from our board member Therese in Sweden. - EVOKE 100% It's so exciting being on this board and to hear about these wonderful organizations in Cape Town and Belize. Truly amazing, the power of helping people to

Heroes Academy graduation - EVOKE 100% 02/09/2023

Evoke 100% is proud to partner with the dynamic organization Heroes Academy in Cape Town

Heroes Academy graduation - EVOKE 100% https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlCi2xrKOqI&t=17s Evoke 100% is proud to partner with the dynamic organization Heroes Academy in Cape Town

A greeting from Erica at PathLight in Belize - EVOKE 100% 02/04/2023

Erica is the DIrector of the mentors we are working together with in Belize.

A greeting from Erica at PathLight in Belize - EVOKE 100%

See you soon South Africa! - EVOKE 100% 01/31/2023

I have just finished the core training with our two partnering organizations in Cape Town. What an incredible time it has been.

Both the organizations are doing an incredible job in reaching out to people in challenged areas where poverty and gender based violence is widespread.

See you soon South Africa! - EVOKE 100% I have just finished the core training with our two partnering organizations in Cape Town. What an incredible time it has been.

Leading through discourse! - EVOKE 100% 01/27/2023

How do you effectively work in an environment where there are many challenges? Poverty, criminal gangs, drub abuse, load shedding, injustices, gender based violence.....these are huge reasons why people's defense mechanisms are peaking. This results in discourse and resistance.

You cannot guide a person who does not want to be guided. Neither can you help a person who doesn't want to be helped.

Leading through discourse! - EVOKE 100% How do you effectively work in an environment where there are many challenges? Poverty, criminal gangs, drub abuse, load shedding, injustices, gender based

Philisa Abafazi Bethu - EVOKE 100% 01/25/2023

This is the name of the incredibly dynamic organization in Cape Town that is our latest partnership organization.

This week I have the privilege to take their leadership team through the first phase of the Evoke 100% training program.

It is exciting to get to know each other and to share knowledge that will make us even sharper at what we do: Helping people to help themselves!

Philisa Abafazi Bethu - EVOKE 100% This is the name of the incredibly dynamic organization in Cape Town that is our latest partnership organization.

Knowledge is power that unleashes and evokes our inner resources. - EVOKE 100% 01/22/2023

It is very intentional that our organization is called Evoke 100%.We firmly believe that all we need to become our very best is already there within ourselves. Our job is never to provide solutions and answers to people, but to evoke this from each individual that we have the privilege to encounter.

Knowledge is power that unleashes and evokes our inner resources. - EVOKE 100% It is very intentional that our organization is called Evoke 100%.We firmly believe that all we need to become our very best is already there within

Training involves interaction and processing - EVOKE 100% 01/21/2023

How do we make the material we are learning relevant to our work and our context?Important processing as new knowledge is being absorbed.The training with Heroes Academy is going great!

Training involves interaction and processing - EVOKE 100% How do we make the material we are learning relevant to our work and our context?Important processing as new knowledge is being absorbed.The training with

Tomorrow we start the training of Heroes Academy. - EVOKE 100% 01/18/2023

This is what Sivu had to say as he is looking forward to the core training program.

Sivu is one of the facilitators at Heroes Academy.

Tomorrow we start the training of Heroes Academy. - EVOKE 100% This is what Sivu had to say as he is looking forward to the core training program.

Excitement in Cape Town - EVOKE 100% 01/16/2023

I am so thrilled to be here in South Africa. I arrived last week and have already had a chance to sit down and strategize the trainings with our two partnering organizations here in Cape Town.

Eed is a dynamic woman with a real heart for young people in the townships. She is the founder of Heroes Academy, an organization that has as its mission to be role models for young boys.

Excitement in Cape Town - EVOKE 100% I am so thrilled to be here in South Africa. I arrived last week and have already had a chance to sit down and strategize the trainings with our two

PathLight in Belize - EVOKE 100% 01/13/2023

Our partnering organization in Belize is called PathLight. After recovering from the devastating hurricane a couple of months ago, the mentors are all gung ho in supporting and coaching the young people in their program.

This week we are doing online mentoring and counseling supervision with the mentors in the three different centers in Belmopan, Belize City and Orange Walk.

PathLight in Belize - EVOKE 100% Our partnering organization in Belize is called PathLight. After recovering from the devastating hurricane a couple of months ago, the mentors are all gung ho

Heroes Academy in Cape Town, South Africa - EVOKE 100% 01/10/2023

Happy New Year everyone!This year is starting off with something fantastic. We will be doing the first training sessions with the staff of Heroes Academy in Cape Town.Make sure you go to their webpage and get to know this dynamic organization.You’ll be hearing a lot about them here on Latest NewsEvoke 100%’s core training is about crisis counseling and Motivational Communication (MI).

Heroes Academy in Cape Town, South Africa - EVOKE 100% Happy New Year everyone!

Rebuilding after hurricane Lisa in Belize - EVOKE 100% 11/16/2022

Several of the staff members of PathLight had their homes destroyed in the big hurricane a couple of weeks ago.Many of the teenagers in the program lost everything. Worst hit was Belize City.

Traumatization can lead to strong crisis reactions. We talk about the importance of allowing ourselves to go through normal reactions. This is an important part of managing crisis.

Rebuilding after hurricane Lisa in Belize - EVOKE 100% Several of the staff members of PathLight had their homes destroyed in the big hurricane a couple of weeks ago.Many of the teenagers in the program lost

Hurricane Lisa struck Belize. - EVOKE 100% 11/04/2022

Right now the staff of our partnership organization PathLight in Belize are in a crisis mode. The hurricane hit the country hard. Several of the staff members have had their homes destroyed. Roofs where flying off. Water was soaking everything.

There are reports of homes being completely destroyed. Electricity is still not back on. I received the information from the Director of PathLight.

Hurricane Lisa struck Belize. - EVOKE 100% Right now the staff of our partnership organization PathLight in Belize are in a crisis mode. The hurricane hit the country hard. Several of the staff members

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