Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates

Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates - Child, Adolescent & Adult Psychiatry. We are academically oriented and evidence based.

Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Allentown, Collingswood, New York, Delray Beach and Virtual to all of PA & NJ. In office Psychiatric appointments in Rittenhouse, Philadelphia and at our Main Line of Philadelphia location in Paoli, PA. Virtual Psychiatric Telehealth appointments offered to patients living in New Jersey, New York and Florida (based on provider licensing). Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associate


Dr. Kristine V. Spano, Psy.D. is now offering Neurodiversity Evaluations (Autism Spectrum Disorder Testing) and Neuropsychological Evaluations (ADHD & Learning Disabilities for Accommodations) for Adults 16+ at Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates.

Dr. Spano is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist in PA & NY.

For a complete list of services, visit RittenhousePA.com or contact scheduling: 267-358-6155 x 1.

Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates additionally offers in-office and virtual Psychiatric appointments to children, students & adults for anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, ADHD, Women's Mental Health, Substance Use Disorders and others. Our providers are licensed in PA, NJ, NY, DE, FL and others.


Dr. Pagnani of Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates discusses reasons why someone may want to schedule an appointment to see a mental health professional for Anxiety.

There are certainly normal levels of anxiety, and up to a certain point, anxiety is important and helpful. For example, if an individual has an exam at school or a presentation at work, it may motivate them to prepare. However, if anxiety levels become too high, they can cause individuals to lose sleep, have poor focus, to have difficulty being present in the moment, to have upset stomach, changes in appetite, changes in libido, and cause other distress for the individual.

Behavioral modification (for example, working on sleep hygiene, decreasing caffeine and avoiding illicit substances and alcohol), psychotherapy and even medication management can be very effective for the treatment of anxiety disorders.

Finally, other health conditions (for example, a hyperactive thyroid, certain neurological conditions and mood disorders) can cause someone to feel more stress, and may mimic primary anxiety disorders. Seeing a specialist to perform a full evaluation, workup and then work with a patient to devise a holistic plan, can be an important step to someone finally getting relief.

Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates is a private psychiatry practice with about 25 academically oriented psychiatrists, psychiatric nurse practitioners and psychotherapists serving the Philadelphia area and all of PA, NJ, NY and FL via tele-psychiatry. Visit RittenhousePA .com.

Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates is NOT advocating for or against the use of any mentioned psychiatric medications or treatment for any individual. Any side effects mentioned are not a complete list of potential side effects and all risks and benefits of a medication should be discussed with an individual’s provider at an appointment.

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Timeline photos 01/01/2024

Happy New Year from your friends at Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates! A new year presents an opportunity to focus on self-care and compassion. If you have been struggling, please do not hesitate to reach out and get the care you deserve. www.RittenhousePA.com.


Dr. Pagnani of Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates discusses some of the advantages AND disadvantages of telehealth (virtual) psychiatry. It is very important for both patients and providers to assess appropriateness for care, when deciding to work together long-term. Telehealth has been tremendously helpful for increasing the availability of mental health providers to rural areas in the US and areas that are underserved by mental health providers. With that said, it may be more difficult for providers to read body language, assess for signs of withdrawal, do urine toxicologies and check vital signs. There may be other considerations as well, including state and federal regulations for prescribing certain medications and others.

Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates is a private psychiatry practice with about 25 academically oriented psychiatrists, psychiatric nurse practitioners and psychotherapists serving the Philadelphia area and all of PA, NJ, NY and FL via tele-psychiatry. Visit RittenhousePA .com.

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Timeline photos 12/25/2023

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas from Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates. Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates is a private practice of outpatient psychiatry that treats children and adults, and has a focus on college & graduate student mental health. In-office and virtual appointments with local providers.


Dr. Pagnani of Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates discusses Latuda (Lurasidone) a second generation antipsychotic (SGA) that can be extremely effective in treating bipolar depression and schizophrenia. He discusses that this medication must be taken with food (at least 350 calories for proper absorption) and has various side effects, some of which are discussed in this video.

Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates is a private psychiatry practice with about 25 academically oriented psychiatrists, psychiatric nurse practitioners and psychotherapists serving the Philadelphia area and all of PA, NJ, NY and FL via tele-psychiatry. Visit RittenhousePA .com.

Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates is NOT advocating for or against the use of any mentioned psychiatric medications or treatment for any individual. Any side effects mentioned are not a complete list of potential side effects and all risks and benefits of a medication should be discussed with an individual’s provider at an appointment, before starting, stopping or making changes to a medication regimen.

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Elizabeth Wray, CRNP joined Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates in 2021. She obtained her Bachelor's of Science in Nursing from Drexel University and her Master's of Science in Nursing from Wilkes University. She additionally served as a Health Care Specialist with the US Army Reserves, providing emergency medical treatment and primary health care to veterans and their families at Willow Grove Joint Reserve Base. She is Board Certified to prescribe psychiatric medications and evaluates patients and provides psychiatric medication management for adults (18+) living throughout Pennsylvania and New Jersey via tele-health virtual appointments at Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates.



Dr. Pagnani of Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates discusses possible side effects of lamictal (lamotrigine). This mood stabilizing medication can be rather effective for preventing both manias and depressions, and unlike many mood stabilizing medications, may have low risk for weight gain and sexual side effects. With that said, it needs to be titrated slowly, as it does carry the risk of Stephen's Johnson Syndrome, Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis and Asceptic Meningitis (all rare, but possible side effects).

Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates is a private psychiatry practice with about 25 academically oriented psychiatrists, psychiatric nurse practitioners and psychotherapists serving the Philadelphia area and all of PA, NJ, NY and FL via tele-psychiatry. Visit RittenhousePA .com.

Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates is NOT advocating for or against the use of any mentioned psychiatric medications or treatment for any individual. Any side effects mentioned are not a complete list of potential side effects and all risks and benefits of a medication should be discussed with an individual’s provider at an appointment, before starting, stopping or making changes to a medication regimen.

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Dr. Pagnani of Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates discusses lamictal (lamotrigine) and its use in acute bipolar depressions. While this medication can be very effective at preventing bipolar depressive episodes, it can take several months for a patient to achieve an effective dose (due to its risk of Stephen's Johnson Syndrome, a very serious rash) and individuals in an acute depression may benefit from stabilization with another medication, while this is being titrated safely.

Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates is a private psychiatry practice with about 25 academically oriented psychiatrists, psychiatric nurse practitioners and psychotherapists serving the Philadelphia area and all of PA, NJ, NY and FL via tele-psychiatry. Visit RittenhousePA .com.

Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates is NOT advocating for or against the use of any mentioned psychiatric medications or treatment for any individual. Any side effects mentioned are not a complete list of potential side effects and all risks and benefits of a medication should be discussed with an individual’s provider at an appointment, before starting, stopping or making changes to a medication regimen.

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Dr. Pagnani of Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates discusses Lamictal (lamotrigine) and indications for its use. Lamictal is a medication that is frequently used in bipolar disorder as a maintenance medication (preventing both manias and depressions for individuals with BPAD).

Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates is a private psychiatry practice with about 25 academically oriented psychiatrists, psychiatric nurse practitioners and psychotherapists serving the Philadelphia area and all of PA, NJ, NY and FL via tele-psychiatry. Visit RittenhousePA .com.

Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates is NOT advocating for or against the use of any mentioned psychiatric medications or treatment for any individual. Any side effects mentioned are not a complete list of potential side effects and all risks and benefits of a medication should be discussed with an individual’s provider at an appointment, before starting, stopping or making changes to a medication regimen.

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Dr. Pagnani of Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates discusses Intuniv (Guanfacine) which is an alpha-2 receptor agonist that can be used in the treatment of ADHD in Adults. Intuniv (guanfacine) is FDA approved in children, but off-label for treatment of adult ADHD. However, it may be a good option for Adult ADHD, particularly as it does not have the abuse potential that one finds with controlled stimulant medications like adderall, ritalin, vyvanse and concerta. Intuniv opposes the sympathetic tone, and results in smooth muscle relaxation. It's through this pathway that it can result in hypotension, bradycardia and other cardiac changes. It must be titrated (starting off at a very low dose, and slowly increasing) so that one's body (blood pressure & heart rate) can adjust. It can also cause other side effects, such as (but not limited to), headache, fatigue, upset stomach, constipation, irritability, rash, nightmares and others. It must be taken under the direct supervision of a trained medical provider.

Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates is a private psychiatry practice with about 25 academically oriented psychiatrists, psychiatric nurse practitioners and psychotherapists serving the Philadelphia area and all of PA, NJ, NY and FL via tele-psychiatry. Visit RittenhousePA .com.

Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates is NOT advocating for or against the use of any mentioned psychiatric medications or treatment for any individual. Any side effects mentioned are not a complete list of potential side effects and all risks and benefits of a medication should be discussed with an individual’s provider at an appointment, before starting, stopping or making changes to a medication regimen.

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Rosemarie Vickery, CRNP joined Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates in 2022. She is a Board Certified Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner with over 30 years of nursing experience. She has an appointment as a Clinical Associate at the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Nursing and treats individuals suffering with Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar Disorder and ADHD. She additionally has a special focus on treating individuals suffering from Eating Disorders and has a variety of clinical experiences with over 10 years of experience working with this population. She is scheduling virtual tele-health visits for patients living throughout Pennsylvania at Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates, providing psychiatric evaluations and medication management.



Dr. Pagnani of Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates discusses hypnagogic (while falling into sleep) and hypnopompic (while coming out of sleep) hallucinations. These phenomenon are normal and will occur at least once, for most individuals. With that being said, they can be rather distressing, and psycho-education about them, can be very important to prevent anxiety related to sleep, which can result in insomnia (or worsening of insomnia). With all of that being said, hypnagogic and hypnopompic hallucinations do tend to occur more often in individuals with narcolepsy, insomnia, and some mental health conditions, so if someone is experiencing these conditions, it may be prudent to speak with a mental health professional. However, they are NOT to be treated with antipsychotic or neuroleptic medications, as they are not true hallucinations.

Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates is a private psychiatry practice with about 25 academically oriented psychiatrists, psychiatric nurse practitioners and psychotherapists serving the Philadelphia area and all of PA, NJ, NY and FL via tele-psychiatry. Visit RittenhousePA .com.

Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates is NOT advocating for or against the use of any mentioned psychiatric medications or treatment for any individual. Any side effects mentioned are not a complete list of potential side effects and all risks and benefits of a medication should be discussed with an individual’s provider at an appointment, before starting, stopping or making changes to a medication regimen.

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Dr. Pagnani of Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates discusses gynecomastia (the swelling of breast tissue, in both men and women) that can occur with antipsychotic medications and the pathophysiology related to this side effect. Individuals taking neuroleptic or antipsychotic medications (particularly haldol [haloperidol], prolixen [fluphenazine] and risperdal [risperidone] may be more likely to have this side effect, which can be rather distressing to the individual, particularly if they are not aware that it can occur. Dopamine (D2) blockade in the tuberoinfundibular pathway of the limbic system can increase prolactin levels (causing hyperprolactinemia) via a negative feedback loop, which can cause this to occur. Finally, individuals with hyperprolactinemia can also have discharge from their ni***es (even men) and it can cause amenorrhea in women.

Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates is a private psychiatry practice with about 25 academically oriented psychiatrists, psychiatric nurse practitioners and psychotherapists serving the Philadelphia area and all of PA, NJ, NY and FL via tele-psychiatry. Visit RittenhousePA .com.

Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates is NOT advocating for or against the use of any mentioned psychiatric medications or treatment for any individual. Any side effects mentioned are not a complete list of potential side effects and all risks and benefits of a medication should be discussed with an individual’s provider at an appointment, before starting, stopping or making changes to a medication regimen.

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Dr. Pagnani of Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates discusses Gabapentin (Neurontin) and its clinical utility for the off-label treatment of anxiety and insomnia. This medication has abuse potential (although, it is generally thought of as having less abuse potential than anxiolytics and sedatives like benzodiazepines (xanax, ativan, va**um, klonopin) and other hypnotics (ambien & lunesta). Individuals should only take this medication under the direct supervision and direction of a medical professional.

Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates is a private psychiatry practice with about 25 academically oriented psychiatrists, psychiatric nurse practitioners and psychotherapists serving the Philadelphia area and all of PA, NJ, NY and FL via tele-psychiatry. Visit RittenhousePA .com.

Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates is NOT advocating for or against the use of any mentioned psychiatric medications or treatment for any individual. Any side effects mentioned are not a complete list of potential side effects and all risks and benefits of a medication should be discussed with an individual’s provider at an appointment, before starting, stopping or making changes to a medication regimen.

Visit our Youtube channel, click all videos and search topics youtube.com/

Timeline photos 07/03/2023

Please be considerate of our veterans and remember proper firework etiquette this holiday. Please limit fireworks to the first 2 hours after dusk, avoid lighting fireworks outside of the July 3rd - 5th window, please notify neighbors about any fireworks that you'll be setting off (including time) and have fun! www.RittenhousePA.com


Dr. Pagnani of Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates discusses Gabapentin (neurontin) and its mechanism of action. He discusses its FDA approved indications including partial seizures, post-herpetic neuralgia, neuropathic pain, fibromyalgia and alcohol dependence and some off-label uses (such as the treatment of anxiety, and alcohol withdrawal). Gabapentin (Neurontin) is a controlled medication in some states, and does have abuse potential (albeit, it is thought of as having less abuse potential than benzodiazepines or other pain medications like opiates). As this medication has various side effects (including abuse potential) it must be taken under the direction and supervision of a medical provider.

Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates is a private psychiatry practice with about 25 academically oriented psychiatrists, psychiatric nurse practitioners and psychotherapists serving the Philadelphia area and all of PA, NJ, NY and FL via tele-psychiatry. Visit RittenhousePA .com.

Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates is NOT advocating for or against the use of any mentioned psychiatric medications or treatment for any individual. Any side effects mentioned are not a complete list of potential side effects and all risks and benefits of a medication should be discussed with an individual’s provider at an appointment, before starting, stopping or making changes to a medication regimen.

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Helen Rice, CRNP joined Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates in 2021. She completed both her Bachelor’s and Masters of Science Degrees from The University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing (Summa Cum Laude). She is Board Certified to prescribe Psychiatric Medications and is a licensed Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. She is proficient in Mandarin Chinese and in addition to treating patients with mood disorders, anxiety disorders and ADHD she specializes in Pain Reprocessing Therapy (PRT) for the treatment of fibromyalgia, irritable bowel/bladder, pelvic pain, migraines, tension headaches, and chronic pain from musculoskeletal injury (see our webpage for additional information). She is scheduling new patients living throughout all of PA and NJ via virtual tele-health appointments at Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates.



Dr. Pagnani of Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates discusses some of the side effects of Gabapentin (Neurontin) a medication that is FDA approved for partial seizures, post-herpetic neuralgia, neuropathic pain, fibromyalgia, alcohol dependence and can be used off-label for anxiety and insomnia. Medications like gabapentin (Neurontin) should only be taken under the direct supervision of a medical provider.

Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates is a private psychiatry practice with about 25 academically oriented psychiatrists, psychiatric nurse practitioners and psychotherapists serving the Philadelphia area and all of PA, NJ, NY and FL via tele-psychiatry. Visit RittenhousePA .com.

Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates is NOT advocating for or against the use of any mentioned psychiatric medications or treatment for any individual. Any side effects mentioned are not a complete list of potential side effects and all risks and benefits of a medication should be discussed with an individual’s provider at an appointment, before starting, stopping or making changes to a medication regimen.

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Dr. Pagnani of Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates discusses the term (and class of psychiatric medications) coined "First Generation Antipsychotics." The first of these medications was FDA approved in 1954 (Thorazine/ Chlorpromazine) and they share D2 blockade as their primary mechanism of action in the mesolimbic pathway, with the purpose of decreasing the positive symptoms of schizophrenia (hallucinations and delusions).

Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates is a private psychiatry practice with about 25 academically oriented psychiatrists, psychiatric nurse practitioners and psychotherapists serving the Philadelphia area and all of PA, NJ, NY and FL via tele-psychiatry. Visit RittenhousePA .com.

Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates is NOT advocating for or against the use of any mentioned psychiatric medications or treatment for any individual. Any side effects mentioned are not a complete list of potential side effects and all risks and benefits of a medication should be discussed with an individual’s provider at an appointment, before starting, stopping or making changes to a medication regimen.

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Timeline photos 06/19/2023

Happy Juneteenth from the providers at Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates! For information on our services, please see www.RittenhousePA.com.


Dr. Pagnani of Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates discusses that some psychiatric medications take time for patients to adjust to. For example, antidepressants and mood stabilizers can have transient side effects (like lower energy, upset stomach and headache for example) and sometimes slowly titrating a medication, can allow them to adjust. If a medication has a very long half-life (like prozac or trintellix) every other day dosing can be utilized, to help a patient adjust to lower blood levels of a medication, before titrating upwards to a clinically significant dose for their primary psychiatric condition. However, this needs to be discussed with one's mental health provider, as for many medications, every other day dosing will NOT have this effect.

Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates is a private psychiatry practice with about 25 academically oriented psychiatrists, psychiatric nurse practitioners and psychotherapists serving the Philadelphia area and all of PA, NJ, NY and FL via tele-psychiatry. Visit RittenhousePA .com.

Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates is NOT advocating for or against the use of any mentioned psychiatric medications or treatment for any individual. Any side effects mentioned are not a complete list of potential side effects and all risks and benefits of a medication should be discussed with an individual’s provider at an appointment, before starting, stopping or making changes to a medication regimen.

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Dr. Pagnani of Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates discusses EPS (extra pyramidal symptoms) that can be a side effect of antipsychotic medications. Some of these symptoms include Parkinsonism (cogwheel rigidity, masked facies, decreased arm-swing, bradykinesia), dystonias, akathisia and Tardive Dyskinesia (TD). EPS is caused by D2 blockade in the nigrostriatal limbic pathway. There are other possible side effects and any medication trials should be discussed directly with a treating mental health provider. With that said, these medications can be extremely effective for some patients.

Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates is a private psychiatry practice with about 25 academically oriented psychiatrists, psychiatric nurse practitioners and psychotherapists serving the Philadelphia area and all of PA, NJ, NY and FL via tele-psychiatry. Visit RittenhousePA .com.

Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates is NOT advocating for or against the use of any mentioned psychiatric medications or treatment for any individual. Any side effects mentioned are not a complete list of potential side effects and all risks and benefits of a medication should be discussed with an individual’s provider at an appointment, before starting, stopping or making changes to a medication regimen.

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Nicole Palaio, MS, LPC is a Licensed Clinical Therapist who joined Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates in 2022. She received her Bachelor’s Degrees in Crime, Law & Justice and Psychology from Penn State before earning her Master's Degree in Community and Trauma Counseling from Philadelphia University. She is a certified trainer for Pennsylvania’s Mandated Reporter Training Program and Practice Self-Regulation (PS-R). She practices evidenced-based care and utilizes Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Motivational Interviewing (MI) and Trauma-Informed interventions to assist individuals improve emotional regulation, interpersonal and communication skills, self-concept and self-worth. She specializes in working with individuals struggling with anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, mood disorders, relationship difficulties, trauma, PTSD and others. She additionally has a focus on couples therapy, and works with individuals living throughout Pennsylvania via tele-health appointments.



Dr. Pagnani of Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates discusses Effexor (venlafaxine) an SRNI or selective serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor that is used for the treatment of depression and various anxiety disorders. This can be a very effective medication, but as it has a short half life, it can also cause significant withdrawal when tapering or trying to stop. Doing so, should be under the supervision of a mental health professional.

Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates is a private psychiatry practice with about 25 academically oriented psychiatrists, psychiatric nurse practitioners and psychotherapists serving the Philadelphia area and all of PA, NJ, NY and FL via tele-psychiatry. Visit RittenhousePA .com.

Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates is NOT advocating for or against the use of any mentioned psychiatric medications or treatment for any individual. Any side effects mentioned are not a complete list of potential side effects and all risks and benefits of a medication should be discussed with an individual’s provider at an appointment, before starting, stopping or making changes to a medication regimen.

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Dr. Pagnani of Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates discusses Doxepin (Sinequan, Silenor) a tricyclic antidepressant (TCA) that has been used in psychiatry to treat depression since 1961. This medication is FDA approved to treat insomnia (at very low doses) and anxiety as well.

Tricyclic antidepressants are not as commonly used as some other antidepressant medications (like SSRIs and SNRIs) as they tend to carry increased risks for side effects (including, but not limited to, cardiac arrhythmias, seizures, increased intra-ocular pressure, dry mouth, constipation [and paralytic ileus], urinary retention, sedation, orthostatic hypotension, tachycardia and others). If an individual develops suicidal thoughts while taking an antidepressant (or at any time, whether they take a medication or not) they need to seek immediate medical attention. TCAs, like doxepin [Sinequan, Silenor]) can be extremely effective (with all of this being said) and for some individuals who do not respond to other treatment modalities, they can be an important next step for the treatment of their depression.

Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates is NOT advocating for or against the use of any mentioned psychiatric medications or treatment for any individual. Any side effects mentioned are not a complete list of potential side effects and all risks and benefits of a medication should be discussed with an individual’s provider at an appointment, before starting, stopping or making changes to a medication regimen.

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Dr. Pagnani of Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates discusses the use of Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors for the treatment of OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder). It is not uncommon for individuals with OCD (and bulemia) to require higher doses of SSRIs for symptom control than the doses utilized in treating Major Depressive Disorder and other Anxiety Disorders.

Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates is a private psychiatry practice with about 25 academically oriented psychiatrists, psychiatric nurse practitioners and psychotherapists serving the Philadelphia area and all of PA, NJ, NY and FL via tele-psychiatry. Visit RittenhousePA .com.

Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates is NOT advocating for or against the use of any mentioned psychiatric medications or treatment for any individual. Any side effects mentioned are not a complete list of potential side effects and all risks and benefits of a medication should be discussed with an individual’s provider at an appointment, before starting, stopping or making changes to a medication regimen.

Visit our Youtube channel, click all videos and search topics youtube.com/

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Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates in Philadelphia and Paoli, PA. www.RittenhousePA.Com

Call Amy to discuss making an appointment: 267-358-6155

We have two office locations - Rittenhouse District of Philadelphia & Paoli, PA (one block from the train station), providing Psychiatric outpatient medication management and therapy for children, adolescents and adults.

Dr. Pagnani is an Instructor at The Johns Hopkins Hospital's School of Medicine, for the department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, a supervisor of Medical Interns and Residents at Jefferson Hospital and an elected member of The Young Professionals Board, for Uplift, The Center for Grieving Children. He is the Founder and Medical Director of Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates, and maintains a private practice at our Rittenhouse location.

Jessica Plocher CRNP, Elizabeth Milburn CRNP, Rachel Reis CRNP, Loretta Sernekos, CRNP, PhD, Kimberly Joffe, CRNP and Richard D'Amato CRNP are Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners who trained at the University of Pennsylvania to perform initial psychiatric evaluations and provide medication management to their patients. They are Board Certified to prescribe psychiatric medications and each have their Masters Degrees in Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing from the University of Pennsylvania as well. They maintain "Collaborative Agreements" with Dr. Pagnani & the physicians at Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates (maintaining a high level of competency and supervision) and are able to provide outpatient psychiatric care for individuals struggling with Mood Disorders, Anxiety Disorders, ADHD, Autism and addiction, at a more affordable rate and with only a minimal wait, compared to many outpatient Psychiatrists in the Philadelphia area.

Kristine Spano, PhD, Sonya Mendelovich, BSW, MBA and Lauren Carone, MA are psychotherapists who trained in CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy). Our Therapists all have experience in teaching and/or supervisory roles. Experiences include providing state-board approval trainings for social workers, marital and family therapists, licensed counselors, and doctoral residents, training and speaking on the Recovery Oriented System of Care in collaboration with Philadelphia's DBHIDS, and Instructing at the Penn Beck Community Initiative through the University of Pennsylvania.

Of note, if you are already working with a therapist or would like a specific type of psychotherapy, we are happy to not only work with your current therapist, but also to provide resources for therapists outside of our practice. We pride ourselves in collaborating closely with our patients' providers.

Videos (show all)

Dr. Pagnani of Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates discusses reasons why someone may want to schedule an appointment to s...
Dr. Pagnani of Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates discusses some of the advantages AND disadvantages of telehealth (virt...



1528 Walnut Street, STE 1414
Philadelphia, PA

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Monday 9am - 8pm
Tuesday 9am - 8pm
Wednesday 9am - 8pm
Thursday 9am - 8pm
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