CrossFit Renaissance

Helping busy motivated individuals get fit and healthy since 2009. Coaching+Community=Results

CrossFit Renaissance has been a leader in fitness and nutrition since 2009 in the Port Richmond neighborhood of Philadelphia. Our coaches are at the top of their game and know how to bring the best out of our members. They are experts at making the Workout of the Day right for each client in the class! CFR will provide the way, BUT you've got to show up and do the WORK!

Photos from CrossFit Renaissance's post 09/02/2024

Happy Labor Day! 🇺🇸💪

Today we want to acknowledge our amazing team at CrossFit Renaissance! 😀

They are moved to help others because they believe in our program because they have seen the results personally and in others.

And they want to make a positive impact by helping our community become happier and healthier versions of themselves.

We are grateful for their hard work, care for our members, desire to grow, and willingness to lead from the front.

Thank you for all that you do for CrossFit Renaissance! ❤️🙏


For 15 years, CrossFit Renaissance has delivered life-changing results to people of all ages and fitness levels. We follow the CrossFit formula that combines consistent training through constantly varied, functional movement with sound nutrition and community support and accountability to build a program that never gets old.

In a typical one-hour CrossFit group class, athletes complete modified versions of the same workout together, and the coach will guide you through step-by-step.

We will help you safely start your CrossFit journey, no matter how fit you are. You don’t have to be fit to start because our professional coaches teach you the foundational movements and adjust workouts to your fitness level.

We know from experience that if you start today, remain patient and consistent, work hard, and have a good time while doing it, you will look back in 90 days, 1 year, 5 years, or 10 years, and will say it was the best decision of your life.

Your journey to the life you want to live starts with a no pressure 20 minutes conversation.

Give us a 👍 and we will send you the link to book your appointment!


It’s been a challenging week.

But we don’t want it to be easy.

Because if it CHALLENGES you


So let’s dig in and drive those results🔥🔥🔥


That Ab 🔥🔥🔥

Gotta love it!😍


The results you are looking for are possible.

You just haven’t been consistent enough to see them yet.

Our constantly changing workouts will keep you engaged.

Our professional coaches will make sure you are doing the movements the right way and working hard.

And our driven and supportive community will welcome you when you walk in, and will high five you when you are done.

Our formula makes getting consistent easier!


We’re looking for 10 people who want to kickstart their health and fitness this September to participate in a 6 week program at CrossFit Renaissance in Port Richmond Philadelphia..

This program is ideal for people who are…..

👉 Ready to look and feel better in your own skin
👉 Frustrated by trying to do it on their own but not seeing the results they want. .
👉 Are tired of feeling tired and want to experience a lift in energy!
👉 Need to actively address all of the stress in their life.
👉 Are sick of trying diet after diet without sustainable results.

This program is designed for those who are ready to take 2024 to the next level!

We’ll combine the best of what we have to offer at CrossFit Renaissance to get you the results that you are looking for in the New You 6 Week Challenge.

Interested? Comment “Kickstart” below and we’ll reach out with steps on how to apply.


The days of wondering if you are doing it right are behind you.

On day 1 of our On Ramp program you begin to work with a coach who will tell you and show you how to do the movement correctly and safely.

They will review your movements and make corrections.

Coaching makes the difference.


This is my 12 year old’s food log for today.

They were standing at the pantry reaching for another pack of crackers

And couldn’t understand why I was insisting on fruits, vegetables, or protein if they wanted anything else to eat.

We have been talking about macronutrients since they were little - emphasizing balance instead of restriction.

So far they aren’t great at keeping track in their mind during the day.

But when they saw the food on paper they stopped arguing.

Knowledge and awareness is so important.

This is how we start to change the trajectory of the health of our families and our community.

If you don’t know this stuff- you have to learn so that you can pass the knowledge on to your kids. Empower them to make healthy choices!

Do you want to learn the basics of healthy eating and a balance nutritious diet?

Comment - FOOD - below and we will send you the details about our free nutrition series!


Are you ready for a fresh start?

To reinvent your vision for a happy and healthy future?

To renew your belief that you are capable of taking the action needed to change?

It’s what we do here.

It’s who we are.

Will 2024 be the time for your Renaissance?

Book a Free Intro today to learn what your journey forward will look like. Link in bio.


This crew gets their workout in before many of us are out of bed! 5:45-6:45am.

They show up, work hard, and then head out for their day. And they have created a community that provides support and makes it fun.

They make the time work because they know that is how they will ✅ off their workouts consistently each week.

And they are feeling great and seeing amazing results

Their goals are bigger than their excuses.

Are you willing to get up early in order to look and feel great?

If you are, comment SUNRISE and we’ll reach out with more info.


How will my body change with regular CrossFit Training?

The short answer - It depends on your goals. CrossFit training and nutrition habits can be adjusted to produce a variety of changes to your body - all of which are beneficial.

CrossFit will lead to many different positive changes in your body including strength, endurance, flexibility, balance and power, which all result in overall improvements in your health.

Through a combination of functional movements, varied exercises, rep ranges, distances and durations, your body will make an awesome transformation🔥

Scared of getting “bulky”? We hear that a lot. But here is the truth: gaining significant muscle takes A LOT of work in the gym and in the kitchen. It won’t happen accidentally from one CrossFit class a day and eating a clean diet.

Our high intensity workouts lead to metabolic flexibility- which means you improve how efficiently your body uses its fuel. You’ll be more efficient and effective at burning fat and can lead to a change in body composition.

The changes to your body from regular CrossFit workouts is more than just a leaner look. Other health benefits can include:

😀Improved blood lipid profile
😀better blood sugar control
😀lower resting heart rate
😀 improved blood pressure
😀weight loss

Changes in your body don’t happen with workouts alone - you have to work on nutrition as well. Prioritizing whole, natural foods, high quality protein carbs and fats vitamins and minerals will support workouts and help you recover and minimize soreness.

The quantity of food you intake is also critical. Eating more food than you need for life and workouts leads to weight gain. So finding the appropriate amount of food for your goals is critical.

Photos from CrossFit Renaissance's post 07/30/2024

Oh cool - an easy hack!

Is this what will work for me?

Is this the new way that will finally help me make that change?

Listen, I GET IT. I have a twinge of optimism with each new article or book I read - only to get to the end and see these 10 factors said one way or another. 😂.

I get sucked into those 20 minute IG info posts like everyone else. With my finger on the button because I feel emotionally drawn in - like they are speaking to ME!

But as someone who has been in the business of helping others eat healthier and reach their goals for the last 7 years - I am here to tell you this:

At the core of it all, these 10 basics of nutrition are the agreed on factors for a healthy diet that promotes activity and longevity and will help you avoid lifestyle related disease.

The “hack” is figuring out what works for YOU long term.

And that takes an honest assessment of your current diet, a clear plan, practice, evaluation, pivot to improve and more practice.

You can do it on your own.

Or you can work with a coach who can help you get to results faster and provide accountability along the way.

We wish we could snap our fingers and make it happen - but guidance from a coach on how to avoid common mistakes is what we can offer.

Book a Free Intro and let’s map out your plan today!

Comment 😀 below and we’ll send you the link to schedule today!




Just a little lifting with friends.

3-3-3-3-3 OH Press
2-2-2-2-2 Push Press
1-1-1-1-1 Push Jerk

*Each round as heavy as possible.

For some that was 35/45/55 pounds. And for others it was 110/130/150.

Members choose weights based on what they are capable of on that day.


We can talk all@day long about our gym!

Our incredibly talented and knowledgeable coaches

Our dynamic and supportive community

And our CrossFit programming that challenges and changes you.

But you don’t have to take our word for it.

95 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ reviews on Google like this one.


📣Don’t miss this opportunity!📣

Our RenFit program has 2 openings!!

Do you want to build strength and improve your conditioning?

Do you love working out with other funny high energy women who want to cheer each other on?

Do you need someone (or an awesome tribe) to hold you accountable and encourage you to get to class?

Do you live to work toward new goals and celebrate when you achieve them?

This program is all of that and more!

Openings are rare - because everyone sees results and enjoys it so much! 🎉🎉🎉

So don’t wait! If you are interested, book a free No Sweat I@tro to get you on your way.

7pm M/T/Th
11am Sun

Give us a DM, or a 👋 in the comments and we will send you the link!


Are you a busy adult who wants to make a change in their life?

You know health and fitness changes are needed

And you have lots of food and fitness TikToks saved

But you can’t seem to get any momentum.

Is that you?

What you need is a knowledgeable coach - in person!

A training program designed to deliver results over time

Workouts that are always changing so you don’t get bored.

And a group of people just like you who will keep you on track and encourage you along the way.

We’ve been transforming the lives of busy motivated neighbors in Port Richmond since 2009.

Are you next?

Give us a ‘HELL YEAH’ or a 👋 Below and we will send you a link to schedule your Free Intro.


“I’m not here for a stroll in the park!”

-Tony, Personal Training Client


Regular routine getting boring?

That’s not an issue here.

Workouts here change daily and are designed to lead clients to results 🚀when done consistently.

If you are ready to shake things up to get the most out of your hour at the gym, let’s talk!

Book an intro to learn more. Link in bio.


Some call it a tribe.

To some it feels like family

And others love the feeling of community.

It’s even been called a cult!😱🙄

Without understanding the collective energy that fills the room when we get together, you may just see a gym and a group of members.

But here’s the simple truth.

We are better together. We are STRONGER TOGETHER.

And that feels amazing! And it keeps us showing up.



Scaling is the process we use to make the workout appropriate for each individual in the gym.

Most people do not walk in our doors able to do strict pull ups.

These are a few options that we use to help individuals who are working toward their first pull up to gain upper body pulling strength.


To improve your total fitness, you have to address all 10 of these general fitness skills.

Spend too much time focusing on one and develop a weakness in another.

Our constantly varied programming sets you up to work on each area on a regular basis.

👉 Come to the workouts consistently (minimum 3x a week)

👉Do the workouts you love as well as the workouts you know you will struggle with - TRAIN YOUR WEAKNESSES🔥

👉 If you are going to invest your time and money, make sure it’s worth it! Get a coach to improve your mechanics and efficiency to get the biggest bang for your buck.

We aren’t trying to make you the best - dancer, runner, biker, etc.

We train you in all areas so that we raise your over all ability and truely imtpve your total fitness.

So you can fearlessly engage in any activity that comes your way!

Photos from CrossFit Renaissance's post 06/27/2024

The cooldown is part of the training! And it isn’t just about your muscles. It’s also about your nervous system!

Improving our ability to shift gears from the sympathetic nervous system that we train and intentionally during workouts (fight or flight) 😅😤

Into a parasympathetic state where the body can rest and recover is increasingly important in our daily lives.😀☺️

How often do you find yourself in a high stress situation and you just can’t shake it off? Your heart rate stays elevated, you are distracted for the rest of the day, and then you are exhausted for hours afterward.

To address that situation , you can train! Push hard during your workouts to stimulate your body’s ability to handle stress. Then do the cool down to train your body how calm down.

The goal is an adaptable nervous system that can flex between pushing hard and resting.

So don’t skip the cool down! Stretch, breathe and downshift post workouts as often as possible. That 5 mins is part of the training!!

We are doing more than just getting strong here.

We are improving how we function in our lives.


Getting ready…

For whatever he sets his sights on next!

We aren’t training the best {insert specific sport here}.

We train kids to discover that they are capable of being strong, enjoy being active, and to be more athletic than when they started.

Sometimes that means training a kid who otherwise sits in front a screen and games for hours a day.

Sometimes that means training a kid who plays outside in the alley and bikes around the playground times a week.

Sometimes that means training a kid who plays multiple sports and wants to gain a competitive advantage by building strength.

Just like in our adult classes, the coach tailors the movements and weights to the individual so that everyone progresses at their own pace.

We train kids to enjoy fitness and to be happy and healthy as they grow up.

We have spots open in our ongoing programs and in our summer mini camps!

Teen Weightlifting
Youth CrossFit

Intro to CrossFit
7-11 yo
12-17 yo

Give a 👋 and we will send you the details!

Photos from CrossFit Renaissance's post 06/23/2024

We braved the heat and had some fun last night at the Union Game. But we’re a tough bunch - and can make the best of whatever comes our way!

Special thanks to Eliseo for bringing the RV and creating a fun space for us to hang out before the game.

Photos from CrossFit Renaissance's post 06/19/2024

Announcing our summer youth programs running in July!

Intro to CrossFit July 8-11
Ages 12-17 1-2p
Ages 7-11 2:30-3:30

CrossFit - Level 2 July 22-25
Ages 12-17 1-2p
Ages 7-11 2:30-3:30p
* completion of Intro to CrossFit or approval by Coach Jess required

$99 per week
Spots are limited

Our Ongoing programs continue in July!
Teen Weightlifting Monday + Thursday 4:15-5p
Youth CrossFit 7-8p

Comment “Kids” or “Teens” below and we will send you registration information for camps and ongoing programs.

Questions? Call or text (267)408-5453 for more information.


To the dads who prioritize their workouts

So they feel better.

So they are healthier.

So they lead by example.

So they can have more energy to engage in an active life with their kids.

So they can show up as the best version of themselves



You know that saying -

You can’t out exercise a bad diet?

Still true.

Choose Whole Foods: meat, vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds.

Minimize or eliminate processed foods.

Balance your macros by controlling your portions on your carbs and healthy fats, and eating adequate protein (from animal OR vegetable sources)

Cut out sugar in drinks, deserts and snacks.

And eat an amount that sustains energy and fuels your workout but not in excess that leads to weight gain.

You know 👆👆👆 but you still aren’t doing it? You need a coach to give you some action steps and provide accountability.

We are accepting 5 motivated individuals for 1:1 Customized Nutrition Coaching.

Comment FOOD below for details.


We have 5 spots left!!

Don’t miss out on this limited time only opportunity that starts June 3rd.

The Foundations program combines our traditional On Ramp program with the energy, support and encouragement of a group - meet other newbies and get started together!

The program kick starts your new journey into CrossFit.

Here’s how we do it:

✅ Introduction to the fundamentals - not to become an EXPERT but to become more familiar with the movements and start to learn how to do them effectively and safely.

✅ Great combination of technique and conditioning - the workouts will begin to improve your conditioning from day one and will build over the 7 classes.

✅ Small group setting - lots of attention to establish good form, and learn new skills.

✅ Start your journey with a group of people who are right where you are - at the beginning of a CrossFit journey.

✅ Save some $. Grab a spot in Foundations and get started for only $149! (save $100 on our ongoing On Ramp program)

✅ Push past fear - want to feel capable? As the saying goes “Feel the fear and do it anyway!”

✅ Feel confident as you move into our group CrossFit program on 6/14. So you can hit the ground running and make this your best summer yet!

We start on June 3rd and currently have 7 spots available.

Class dates: 6/3, 6/4, 6/6, 6/10 and 6/13

DM or Comment “foundations” below and we will send you the link!

Want your business to be the top-listed Gym/sports Facility in Philadelphia?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.


Our head coach Bill Shiffler has a long and incredibly deep background in fitness and nutrition from his days as a competitive natural bodybuilder, to his years of training powerlifting/strongman. Bill is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS). He has picked and trained his coaching staff with knowledge and high expectations. Our coaches are at the top of their game and know what they are looking for in an athlete. CFR will provide the way, BUT you've got to show up and do the WORK!

Videos (show all)

At the end of the Free Intro, you get to make a choice.  To sign up on the spot, or to walk out without committing.    C...
Coincidence that their group ticket sales for last night’s game included a CrossFit gym and the Phanatic did a deadlift ...
Carving out time to get in your workout can be challenging b in the beginning.  For our 5:45am crew, getting up early an...
Repost @crossfit・・・Do you have to be fit to start @CrossFit? Short Answer: No, you do not need to be fit to start CrossF...
We kicked off our 6 Week Olympic Lifting Course yesterday! 🏋️‍♀️Coach @carter_rob.a broke down the snatch.  Drilling and...
If you are ready to take action, DM is today with your goal.  We’ll walk you through the process to get started.
Philly proud!  Philly STRONG💪WTG 🦅!
I am looking for motivated individuals who are ready to work to make their health and fitness goals a reality in 2023. I...
She’s stronger than she knows.  💪We are grateful to have the opportunity to help our members discover what they are capa...
Celebrate your wins big and small.  It’s just the positive reinforcement your body and mind needs to continue to push da...
Bright spot from a few weeks ago at the CFR Total event.  ❤️@darthrobbie with a PR deadlift.  👏👏👏We love how our communi...
“Constantly varied functional fitness…”Means that some days we lift, and some days we don’t.  It means some days the con...



3251 Cedar Street, Unit B
Philadelphia, PA

Opening Hours

Monday 6am - 8:30pm
Tuesday 10am - 8:30pm
Wednesday 6am - 8:30pm
Thursday 10am - 8:30pm
Friday 6am - 7:30pm
Saturday 9am - 12pm
Sunday 10am - 12pm

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