Àse Yoga Studio & Tea Room

Àse Yoga Studio & Tea Room

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Àse (ah-shay), which means "and so it is," affirms our life force, the source of energy. Àse yoga is an energy practice that transforms lives.

One breath at a time, we unblock and balance our energy centers to release our limitless potential. Àse Yoga Studio and Tea Room is a beautiful and serene sanctuary nestled in East Falls. It's conception came out of direct experience with the Power of Àse experience in health and healing. In experiencing Àse, we activate the subtle, yet powerful, energy centers which enables us to breathe correc


Did you know there is an art to relaxing? When we say "art," we mean the ability to become centered, healthy, and whole. Life constantly presents us with challenges or problems. Our way of reacting has a lot to do with our conditioning. That way leads to us harming ourselves because we're unaware of the tension we're accumulating. Smoking w**d, drinking, and overeating stimulate us; it doesn't relax us. Meanwhile, our minds become imbalanced, and our bodies break down.

In these modern days, we suffer not from plagues but stress-related disorders. Illnesses such as diabetes, hypertension, migraines, asthma, ulcers, and digestive disorders arise from tension in the body and mind. But it doesn't have to be that way. At Ase Yoga, we learn the art of relaxing our muscles and releasing emotional and mental tension to fulfill our purpose in life. Relaxing is complex. It's not simply going to bed. We may think we're relaxed, but we're not. We must release the inner tension of the body, emotions, and mind to truly relax. We must balance our energy.

Join us tomorrow as we practice relaxing and transforming from within. Experience Àse Wellness, where every 15,000 daily breaths count towards a healthier, more balanced you. You're making the right choice for your well-being.


Is it possible to start over? Absolutely. But to do so, you mustn't forget the past; instead, you must learn from it. The past is not a burden but a valuable teacher that equips us with knowledge and wisdom for the future. Every morning provides us with an opportunity for a fresh start. If you've ever been in an emergency room, like more than 130 million Americans, some get to start over, while others don't. Each year, at least 8,500 people die in the emergency room. But when we walk out, we rarely think that we get to start over again. But we do. We shouldn't take life for granted, for the moments are precious. They are not precious because we get what we want but because we get them.

When we get to start over or experience a rebirth, it's a chance for change. Have you heard someone say, "You're not the same"? That's a compliment because everything changes. Only a co**se stays the same. Life is a series of changes and renewal. As much as we want things to remain the same, they change. Appreciate the opportunity to start over when you wake up; see it as a rebirth. Appreciate waking up; see it as a resurrection. Let go of the negativity and embrace the opportunity that life gives you to walk out of that emergency room. Practice the Co**se pose, where we die before we die, but we come to life.
Experience Àse Wellness, where every 15,000 breaths counts.


Is it possible to start over? Absolutely. But to do so, you mustn't forget the past; instead, you must learn from it. The past is not a burden but a valuable teacher that equips us with knowledge and wisdom for the future. Every morning provides us with an opportunity for a fresh start. If you've ever been in an emergency room, like more than 130 million Americans, some get to start over, while others don't. Each year, at least 8,500 people die in the emergency room. But when we walk out, we rarely think that we get to start over again. But we do. We shouldn't take life for granted, for the moments are precious. They are not precious because we get what we want but because we get them.

When we get to start over or experience a rebirth, it's a chance for change. Have you heard someone say, "You're not the same"? That's a compliment because everything changes. Only the Co**se stays the same. Life is a series of changes and renewal. As much as we want things to remain the same, they change. Appreciate the opportunity to start over when you wake up; see it as a rebirth. Appreciate waking up; see it as a resurrection. Let go of the negativity and embrace the opportunity that life gives you to walk out of that emergency room. Practice the Co**se pose, where we die before we die, but we come to life.
Experience Àse Wellness, where every 15,000 breaths counts.


We understand what we want to understand. Have you ever heard anyone say, "I don't understand?" Maybe you've said it yourself? When we can't understand, it is because of the mind. Caring for our minds is essential to understanding, and our health, success, and prosperity. We're so obsessed with our outward appearance, yet we rarely care for our minds.

Understanding is not something that can be taught or given to you. It's our natural intelligence. I'll tell you a little secret: when we don't understand, it's usually because of the ego. Thats right, our ego doesn't like what's being said, so we resort to not understanding. However, learning to meditate encourages understanding or natural intelligence. We become aware. When that happens, we avoid repeating the same mistakes. No longer do you say, "I don't understand." When that happens, we say, "I understand," and transform, bringing hope and optimism into our lives.


Who doesn't worry every now and then? Some of us worry more than others. However, as Swami Satchidananda Saraswati taught, worrying never benefits anyone. It only spoils even the little we might do. He advises us to "go with full confidence. Just say, 'I'm doing all that I can.' That's it." Trust life. Don't worry.

It's a challenging journey, but one that leads to freedom. When we worry, we cling to something that no longer exists and overlooks what's right in front of us. This pretense leads to self-deception, anxiety, and tension, hindering our peace and happiness. But remember, we have the power to choose not to worry. Instead, we can choose confidence, a path that leads to freedom from worry. Worrying accomplishes nothing. It doesn't make things happen. Experience Àse Wellness, where every 15,000 daily breath counts. www.aseyogastudiotearoom.org.


Happy SuperBlue Full Moon: A rare celestial event known as a 'Super Blue Moon' will occur Monday night. A supermoon occurs when a full moon appears larger and brighter than usual because it's at its closest point to Earth in its orbit. A blue moon happens because this is the second full moon in a calendar month. A blue moon is a sight to behold; in this case, it's the third full moon of summer. We may not see this unique combination again until 2037.

Ase Yoga offers a Super Blood Moon-releasing ritual. Since this is a time of heightened energy and intensity, we will experience yoga nidra to relax, rejuvenate, let go of what no longer serves us, and embrace new beginnings. Join us in this unique moon-releasing ritual as we explore deep emotion, completion, and spiritual growth.

What do you want to bring into your life?

Experience Àse Wellness, where every 15,000 daily breaths count. www.aseyogastudiotearoom.org. Reserve your space. 267.886.8600

Photos from Àse Yoga Studio & Tea Room's post 08/18/2024

Thank you to everyone for participating in our annual Àse Yoga at the Beach Retreat. With the sounds of the Atlantic Ocean, we meditated and practiced our Àse Flow, which helped us relax and let go of worries and tension. Even the children joined in the practice. Did you know that most of our physical ailments are stress and tension-related disorders? Learn the Art of Relaxation at Àse Wellness. We have been going to the beautiful Lewis Beach for our annual retreat for over twenty years, and the experience keeps growing.


Ãse Yoga on the Beach Retreat. Did you know when you’re relaxed you’re more receptive to?www. Aseyogastudiotearoom. Org

Photos from Àse Yoga Studio & Tea Room's post 08/11/2024

When life doesn't go as we want, it may be going as it should. That means life is guiding us to the best thing for us. Simply put, an optimum life is not mediocre. Unfortunately, most of us ignore that life wants what's best. Instead, we seek the fleeting pleasures of this world.

Life, being what it is, makes us uncomfortable as a way to speak with us. It nudges us to wake up. It tells us that just because you have a job doesn't mean you have a purpose. That's why most of us are merely surviving. With nearly 36 trillion cells and numerous energy connections, don't you think you should be doing more than surviving? Two ways have become clear to me: Reclaiming your peace and happiness and living with purpose. Experience Ase Wellness, where every 15,000 breaths we take daily counts toward our purpose.

Welcome To Àse Tea House

Welcome to Àse Tea House


It has been eighteen days since my last post. That time has been filled with reflections and completions for me. How many things have you told yourself you will do that you never complete? But it's also been a time of breaking down and breakthroughs. Breaking a repetitive habit can lead to a breakthrough. It takes courage to resist our daily social media fix.

In the beginning, it feels like a breakdown, but once you become aware of it, the breakdown can become a breakthrough, bringing clarity and purpose to what you want to express and do. To do that, we must care for our minds, which brings us clarity. With that clarity, we don't just click on stuff; we become mindful and fulfill our purpose. We all have a purpose to fulfill, so take the time to grow, set your intentions, and live with purpose.

When I did, I completed my fourth book and memoir, "The Glorious Morning Light." Enjoy your life, and fulfill your purpose. Experience Àse Wellness. www.aseyogastudiotearoom.org.


Happy Full Moon! It's that time again, but most importantly, another opportunity to absorb the Full Moon energy. I've learned that we often hear but fail to listen truly, causing our lives to remain unchanged. Whether we listen or not, this Full Moon holds spiritual value, representing growth, strength, and transformation. During this Full Moon, we establish intentions. Consciously choosing the direction and focus of our thoughts, actions, and energy is essential. The moon illuminates us as a light source in the darkness, offering insight and guidance. Take advantage of this auspicious time to manifest your dreams. All of us have obstacles to leap over or overcome. Step back, shift, and focus on building toward your most incredible life. Learn from the past. Know that every experience you've had is a step towards your purpose in life. Become still—stop being a sheep, living in a crowd. Become calm—stop believing yourself to be what you're not. Let go of the fear of your greatness. Experience Àse Wellness.


Celebrating over twenty years of Àse Yoga on the beach. Beautiful weather, perfect experience.Experience Àse Wellness.www. aseyogastudiotearoom. org


Celebrating over 20 years of Àse Yoga on the Beach Retreat. Beautiful day, and perfect experience. Relax, Release, and Rejuvenate. Reserve now for our August retreat. Experience Àse Wellness, where healing happens.


Never give up, regardless of the circumstances around you. All of us have an appointment for greatness. Less than one percent of us hear the call because most are hearing impaired. This condition is not congenital; we are not born with this hearing loss. We acquire it from our environment, where nonsense and lies often surround us. But remember, this hearing loss is dangerous and life-threatening. It cuts us off from our greatest.

It's time to change our mental and maybe even physical environment. Start listening to the truth. And remember, never give up. No matter what is happening around you. Clean your ears. Know that everything that happens brings us closer to our destiny for greatness. Stop wasting time and energy wanting to go back to mediocrity. Knowing what happens to us is not the problem; it's our inability to hear what our experiences are telling us. Change your conversation. Words are energy. What you tell yourself, you put in motion. See your greatness. Transform yourself, and I say again, never give up—Experience Àse Wellness, where we never give up. www.aseyogastudiotearoom.org. Share Àse Wellness...

Join us for Àse Yoga on the beach on Saturday, July 20, 2024. For more infor:[email protected]


Life is uncertain. We may lose our job or something valuable to us, experience grief and betrayal, and have a bank account that is zero. Cancer may visit us. These are not unique; they are part of the shared human experience. How we respond to these challenges makes a difference.

Many of us may default to a victim mentality, a state of mind where we feel powerless. But the choice is up to us. Some people see their troubles and become victims; others, through their choices, become warriors. To be warriors, we have to be responsible. The word 'responsibility' means the ability to respond. That ability comes from opening our second and third chakra. We've got the power to choose our mindset!

By using my ability to respond to my well-being, I became inspired. Like a recovering alcoholic, I distanced myself from acquaintances, situations, and thoughts that triggered my victim mentality. Instead, I focused on the positive and accepted life's challenges with realistic optimism. In doing so, I became the master of my life, breaking free from the constraints of victimhood. It's a liberating feeling, and it's within your reach too.

Be responsible: Reflect on the shortness of life to overcome recurring emotional breakdowns. Our priorities become clear when we reflect on our mortality. Realize that having a positive mental state in the present is vital to your success. To do this, practice self-love and gratitude. Let go of our negative thoughts about who did what to us. Open your heart and experience life, health, and prosperity. See your vision for your life—and take steps to fulfill them -Experience Àse Wellness, where every breath counts.


Whenever we think or offer negative advice, we create bad karma for ourselves and others. Actually, we're changing the nature of reality. But the question becomes, why are we negative? Look deep into it. What is the negativity? What is the cause? Life is invaluable. It has given us the capacity to love and grow. And even allowed us to become enlightened one day. And yet, we are full of negativity!

Despite the gift of life, we often find ourselves embroiled in negativity. This pessimism, however, hinders us from truly embracing life's offerings. Yet, if we delve into the roots of our negativity, we'll discover its inherent foolishness. Understanding this can be transformative. When we realize there's no valid reason for negativity, it simply dissolves, leaving behind a space for positivity to thrive.

Negativity is a ugly. but common disease. We won't do anything if we think we can't do something. Because our very thoughts will create the situation. So what if someone tells you that you can't? You can cry, get upset, feel bad. You can even agree with them and think it wouldn't be possible. No one has ever created anything on a negative. When someone tells you something is impossible, don't take it personally. Just get to work and watch the blossoming of possibilities. But remember, everything is energy. Put your energy into doing, not the can't. Be full of gratitude. Life is short. Enjoy to-day. Live fully experience Àse Wellness.

Photos from Àse Yoga Studio & Tea Room's post 07/10/2024

Àse Yoga on the beach on July 20, 2024. Celebrating over twenty years of healing on the beach.

Have you ever practiced yoga near the water? If not, you’re in for a fantastic experience. The element of water is sacred. Being close to the water creates a gentle, calm feeling, fostering a peaceful atmosphere. Water flows and soothes and nourishes, but it also cleanses. Without water, stagnation and disease set in. If our emotions block, anxiety, and tension gently increase, which leads to stress. Water holds the life power to refresh and balance our whole system. Consider drawing some powerful ancestral energy for self-healing and inner power. Let the waters of your soul be free.

So, if you’re ready to practice, join us on July 20, 2024, as we connect with water bounding east by the mighty Atlantic Ocean and on the west by Rehoboth Bay and Indian River Bay. Contact: 267.886.8600. We have a van that will be leaving before sunrise. Water is the greatest healer.


Eat your dessert. Enjoy life.


Experiences are how we learn, so don't be so hard on yourself. A lot has to happen for us to evolve into our true selves. Unfortunately, many of us abort the process by becoming something other than ourselves. We escape from the challenges we have to face. We play it safe until we take our last breath. We never learn the lessons from our experiences. But it's wisdom, not knowledge, that comes out of your own experience. Wisdom is learning from your own experiences.

I have learned four things in life: One is that family is more about biology; a true friend is about love. Many families don't even speak to one another; some do out of obligation, but a friend exists out of love. Two: We settle for people and do things in our lives out of fear. Fear is poison. Three: Everything that holds us back is in our minds. It's not what we were born with; it's how we think that determines our success. Our mindset is a powerful tool. Fourth, attachments to people, clothes, jobs, old bills, thoughts, stuff, and money cause suffering. Let go of the attachments; all of it is useless. Get rid of it.

Start life anew. This is the epitome of my life experiences—Experience Àse Wellness, where every breath counts.


There is no retirement when you discover what you want to do. Some people call it finding meaning or purpose. It's not as easy as it sounds because most of us exist to survive, not for purpose. What we retire from is the survival game. We are always in survival mode, whether driving Uber or working for a law firm, whether we have a degree or not. How can we claim a master's degree when we have not mastered our life? When we're surviving, we can't think clearly. Energetically, our root is blocked. No vital life force is flowing. We exist in boredom, suffering, and conflict - quite simply chaos. Let go of surviving and start living. When we do, some tension will occur. But as the Ancient Kemetics said, "We should do nothing with a false heart.

Yet, we see it daily: people working with false hearts. They go to work feeling trapped. In doing so, we become unstable, unreliable, or even dangerous. It's time to move from living at the root to experiencing the crown. When we do, who we have become transforms into who we are. We live with purpose, not desperation. Retirement, what used to be a radical idea of exiting from work, doesn't happen because our work is not done. Instead, it becomes a transition to a life driven by purpose and meaning. Stop postponing your enjoyment.

Ase Tea House is coming soon. It is a creation of meaning, tranquility, and a profound moment of total balance.


Be grateful for the day. Use it wisely. We get another opportunity to forgive ourselves and others. Carrying around grudges is like wearing dirty clothes and never cleaning yourself. Be grateful for the day by loving yourself, your uniqueness, and your rareness. Instead of cursing what is happening to you, try to understand it. Be grateful for the day. Soften your face and smile. Be grateful for the day. Use it wisely. Not everyone made it. So, no matter what burden, challenge, or obstacle you face, remember that you have the most crucial part----the day.

Experience Àse Wellness, where every breath counts. www.aseyogastudiotearoom.org


Do you play the blame game? Blaming others for our unhappiness, lack of prosperity, and lack of fulfillment. But is it really their fault? Of course, people can make decisions and do things that we don't like. But blaming is downright dangerous because it assumes we are powerless. That is not true. You are power.

Blaming others may make us feel better momentarily, but it leaves us spiritually incapacitated in the long run. Blaming deprives us of our power to act. We render ourselves incapable if we hold someone else responsible for our unhappiness and lack of prosperity. Blaming turns us into victims while taking responsibility turns us into warriors. Instead of blaming the rock you stumble over, take responsibility for not being aware of the rock. Practice transforming yourself. Let go of blame. Reclaim your power.
Experience Àse Wellness, where every breath counts.


Affirmation: The power to succeed and achieve is within each of us. We are the masters of our own success, attracting it with our individual power.

Yesterday was the summer solstice, a highly spiritually energized day. Today, we experience the Full Moon, which will peak at 9:07 p.m. in Capricorn, offering rare spiritual energy. Solstice Full Moon, back-to-back energy provides us with what we need to move forward. Have you set an intention? What do you want? Life is not magical; it's mystical. Feel the full moon energy as it showers us with positive energy through its divine rays. It's telling us to be receptive, to bring light and awareness into our lives.

We all encounter challenges in relationships, finances, inner conflicts, emotions, health, or careers. Yet, we often spend more time complaining and worrying than actually taking action. It's time to break this cycle. This is a perfect moment for reflection and rejuvenation, to manifest and illuminate your spirit.

Connect with nature. Listen to the birds. Let the sun pe*****te your soul, and let the moon calm, relax, and heal you. Let it make you fertile to fulfill your meaning in life. Turn in your victim card; the Solstice Full Moon will illuminate your power if you let it. None of this happens; we must do it. We're living the way we think. Thoughts govern actions. Take advantage of nature's rare, abundant positive energy: Moonlight meditation, Opening your Mind, Gratitude Ritual, Nature Walk, Letting Go, and Love.


Happy summer solstice. It arrived today, Jun 20, at 4:50 PM. It's the longest day of the year. With our fast-paced, material-focused, high-tech social media-addicted society, we take our days for granted. We neglect our spirit. All we know is that it is hot. But if we take a moment to be still, mindful, and conscious, and if we take a moment to appreciate what the universe is giving us, our lives might change. What have you been doing for the last six months? We call it the past. The Sun, also known as Ra, represents creative energy, light, power, and enlightenment. Ra heals and restores us.

After the upcoming Solstice, we will experience a full moon, enhancing manifestation energy. Life wants us to succeed and to find our purpose. However, sometimes, we need to let go to move forward. Let go of ignorance in the form of misunderstandings, limitations, and past experiences. Allow your true self to take its rightful place in this world. Stop conforming to others' expectations and beliefs about where you should be. Many of us remain where others have put us, but we must progress. The summer solstice is a time to manifest what we truly desire and tap into our power. No one else can set you free; you must liberate yourself. It's time to evolve—Experience Àse Wellness, where every breath counts. www.aseyogastudiotearoom. org


So life isn't going the way you expected? Are you experiencing rejection, loneliness, and defeat? Despite working hard, are you still waiting to see the results you expected? Did you believe you had found your dream life, only to feel lost now? You're not alone. It's called existential frustration, which refers to the confusion surrounding our existence and the search for meaning in our experiences. In simple terms, it's chaos. Remember, you're not crazy. It's not just a mental struggle but a spiritual one. It's normal and even healthy to experience some stress and conflict in life. After all, it's our experiences that push us to take action and grow.

Struggles, rejections, and obstacles are not always harmful or pathological. Instead, they can be transformative opportunities and blessings that move us from anger to peace, from dis-ease to ease, from poverty to prosperity, and from mediocrity to greatness. The struggle is between our false selves and our true self, our ego and spirit. We can either succumb to the ego by feeling sorry for ourselves or unlucky. Or we can choose to let go, move forward, and evolve into our true, powerful, divine selves. Remember, in every struggle, a seed of growth and self-discovery is waiting to be nurtured and realized, paving the way for a more fulfilling life.

Embark on a journey with Ase Wellness, where every breath counts, every step leads to self-discovery


Fear creates chaos in our lives. Many things, situations, and experiences can provoke fear. Fear is a sign of weakness, whether it arises from others' perceptions or life's challenges. With fear, we often dwell on how others see us, what they think of us, or what they are not giving us. So much of what we don't do with our lives is out of fear.

Strengthening our mental, emotional, and spiritual energies is the antidote against fear. Of course, it is not a simple endeavor, but it is necessary for a fulfilling life. Once we realize that fear comes from inner conflicts, we work on gaining confidence and courage by confronting our fears. Give yourselves the gift of transforming fear into fearlessness. We've been afraid too long...

Experience Ase Wellness. www.aseyogastudiotearoom.com


Experiences, we all have them. However, ignoring our experiences can have severe consequences for our lives. Poverty, racism, discrimination, miseducation, evictions, layoffs, abuse, dysfunctional relationships, toxic marriages, grief, illness, stress, and the lack of love can threaten our well-being. Because we not, our body, not even our mind, we're pure spirit.

Our experiences are spiritually potent—so much so that even when our experiences change, we're still under their power. Why? Most of us feel impotent and powerless, so we respond as victims no matter what we experience. It's called existential conditioning. Through our systems, we're conditioned to act the way we do. While we were not born that way, we've become that way from the messages we've received throughout life. Someone doesn't want us to know our power. Why?. Because when we do, we act and think differently. We become conscious.

Our DNA carries the power, ability, and will to live fully. It's not merely a desire but our innate ability that transforms our lives. We are a manifestation of power, yet we've reduced this manifestation to physical, psychological, and emotional weaknesses. Get unstuck. Affirm who you are to the world. Know that you're a perfect likeness of the All-powerful. If we believe it, we can create -experience Àse Wellness. www.aseyogastudiotearoom.org.

Excepted from The Glorious Morning Light, by Dr. Alston

Photos from Àse Yoga Studio & Tea Room's post 06/15/2024

When you wake up in the morning, remember that one of your greatest gifts is the ability to transform. We don't have to be the way the world made us; we can be who we are. The journey of Transformation is challenging and comes with obstacles, but every step of the way is worth it. Consider this: we change from being a seed to an embryo, an infant, and a toddler. If not, we'd remain a seed. Our very existence is the result of Transformation. Why is it that we stop growing? Why do we insist on being a statistic rather than embracing our spirit? We've become predictable and not our greatest selves.

We talk about how we used to be and why we are the way we are. Never, however, do we speak about our possibilities and potentialities. We are all created with the inherent ability to change and grow. Transformation is a natural law. We have the power to change regardless of our past or present situations. It's time to get back on our journey and stop waiting on the sidelines. Let's welcome well-being, determination, and the ability to make things happen. Achieving this requires practice, awareness, and setting intentions. Let go of the darkness and embrace the light. Live life to the fullest! Experience Ase Wellness, and live your greatness.

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Pollinate your life
Life is always full of ups and downs, like riding a wave. Some people will stand by you during the rough times, while ot...
Happy Full Moon! It's the Wolf Moon in Leo, with the Sun in Aquarius. Many people ignore the moon's phases, but its ener...
Happy Full Moon! It's the Wolf Moon in Leo, with the Sun in Aquarius. Many people ignore the moon's phases, but its ener...
Happy New Moon! This is a perfect opportunity to start fresh. Take some time to reflect on your life and set intentions ...
Live Beloved, Live
Thank you @6abcactionnews for the interview 🙏🏿 Experience Àse Yoga, #whereeverybreathcounts
Flowing with the Water
Do you know where you're going to? Do you like the things that life is showing you? Where are you going to?




4054 Ridge Avenue
Philadelphia, PA

Opening Hours

Tuesday 11am - 12:30pm
6pm - 7:30pm
Wednesday 11am - 12:30pm
6pm - 7:30pm
Thursday 11am - 12:30pm
6pm - 7:30pm
Saturday 8am - 9:30am
Sunday 9am - 10:30am

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