BYU Marriott School of Business

Education, Scholarship, Service • Official Page of the BYU Marriott School of Business Named in 1988 in honor of Marriott International founders J.

Willard and Alice S. Marriott, the Brigham Young University Marriott School of Business is recognized around the world as one of the best places to hire graduates with high ethical standards. Approximately 2,000 undergraduate students and 1,000 graduate students are currently enrolled. Nearly two-thirds of students are bilingual, underscoring the school’s emphasis on international businesses. The

Photos from BYU Marriott School of Business's post 06/12/2024

The BYU Marriott School of Business is proud to share the new 2024 U.S. News & World Report rankings for graduate programs across the country. Congrats and thank you to all the deans, faculty, staff, alumni, and students who put in so much effort to make our programs so amazing.

Photos from BYU Marriott School of Business's post 06/04/2024

Whether it be in a traditional classroom or in the canyons for his rock-climbing class, Peter Ward, associate professor of experience design and management (ExDM), teaches his students how to interlace their academic and spiritual studies.

In his rock-climbing class, Ward encourages students to connect with God as they spend time in nature. In the classroom, Ward invites students to conduct their own personal gospel study for 10 minutes at the beginning of each class period.

Learn more about Ward and his work with students in the ExDM program:

Business Class to Europe 05/23/2024

Every spring semester, groups of students embark on the Business Fundamentals in Europe study abroad to Paris, Rome, and London, where they combine cultural exploration with academic growth. Students gain firsthand insights into international business as they complete required BYU Marriott courses and tour companies in the area.

This study abroad organized by the Whitmore Global Business Center gives many students the unique opportunity to prepare them for their major, or in some cases, the guidance and experience they need to choose a major.

Learn more about the experiences of students on the Business Fundamentals in Europe study abroad:

Business Class to Europe The 60 students who enroll in BYU Marriott’s Business Fundamentals in Europe study abroad don’t just get a taste of life in Paris, Rome, and London. Instead, they get to feast on these destinations as they spend three weeks in each city touring companies, visiting cultural sites, and completing....

'Women can influence the world for good.' A conversation with Dr. Bridget C. Madrian 05/03/2024

Our very own Dean Brigitte Madrian was interviewed on Studio 5!

She discussed her decision to come to BYU from Harvard, how faith in Christ can help young adults cope with stress and build confidence, what becoming a “mighty leader” looks like, and much more.

Watch the full interview:

'Women can influence the world for good.' A conversation with Dr. Bridget C. Madrian She has reason to boast, but chooses humility and kindness. Dr. Bridget C. Madrian shares that women can influence the world for good.


Our 2024 grads are putting on their caps and gowns this week and will soon be entering the workforce. What advice do you have for these incoming BYU Marriott graduates?

Photos from BYU Marriott School of Business's post 04/18/2024

After receiving a challenging diagnosis of vocal cord nodules or “nodes,” Macy LeCheminant altered her plans of becoming a professional vocalist and was eventually led to pursue a degree in experience design and management at BYU Marriott.

Read more about Macy’s journey to studying at BYU Marriott and how health challenges have led her to embrace a spirit of optimism in her life:

Photos from BYU Marriott School of Business's post 04/15/2024

When choosing a major, Aaron Adams looked for which career path would enable him to touch others' lives and help him become a better person. After looking at the jobs different majors would lead to, Aaron felt led to the human resource management program.

Learn more about Aaron’s choice to study HRM and his experience in the program:

On the Move 04/11/2024

Growing up, Ethan Ritchie moved all around the world, living in different countries and different states within the United States. This quickly taught Ethan to appreciate diverse cultures and beliefs.

Now Ethan is applying that same openness and willingness to learn to his studies as a student in the master of information systems program.

Read more about Ethan, what it was like for him to move around the globe growing up, and how he was guided to study IS:

On the Move “We’re moving,” was a phrase Ethan Ritchie, a student in the master of information systems program, heard often in his childhood. As he moved eight times to different states and around the world, Ritche gained an appreciation for people of different backgrounds and beliefs. It is with this ope...


Eva Witesman, a professor in the MPA program and director of the Ballard Center for Social Impact, believes in creating a better world and works toward it as she teaches courses on statistics, social impact, and prosocial business strategy. In the classroom, she emphasizes the important of unity to her students—with each other and in the organizations they will work for.

Learn more about Witesman, how she was inspired to get an MPA and a PhD, and her experiences as a professor:

Photos from BYU Marriott School of Business's post 04/09/2024

After growing up all over the world and working in several different career fields, Ben Nzojibwami was led to pursue a career in business.

Now MBA class president, Ben has found his place in BYU Marriott’s MBA program.

Learn about Ben’s switch from education to business, what it was like to grow up around the world, and the leap of faith it took to move his family from Canada to Utah to earn his MBA:


Today we’re celebrating 41 years since the dedication of the N. Eldon Tanner Building, home of the BYU Marriott School of Business.

So tell us, what are some of your favorite memories in the Tanner Building?

Read more about the Tanner Building in our most recent issue of the Marriott Alumni Magazine:

Mindset Matters 04/03/2024

Developing a “growth mindset” in the workforce and in life can have a powerful impact.

The BYU Ballard Center for Social Impact supported a group of researchers from BYU Marriott and other universities that aimed to figure out why entrepreneurship trainings in Tanzania were not producing the desired results.

Discover how the implementation of “growth mindset” training, in addition to business skills training, gave entrepreneurs in developing countries the confidence they needed to go out and implement what they were learning:

Mindset Matters In the quest to alleviate poverty, BYU researchers are discovering how a growth mindset matters as much as a skill set.

Photos from BYU Marriott School of Business's post 04/02/2024

After taking a computer science class in high school, junior Hailey Bronson decided that she would never code again.

Now an information systems major, Hailey has learned from life experience how to love the journey of doing hard things.

Read about how Hailey gave up competitive soccer to pursue her academic goals and how learning Germany on her mission taught her that she could study information systems:

Photos from BYU Marriott School of Business's post 03/29/2024

Over here at BYU Marriott, we’re celebrating Easter a little different than your average business school.

We created a reflective space and encouraged students to ponder the significance of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice and His triumphant rise from the tomb.

Happy Easter weekend, everyone!

Photos from BYU Marriott School of Business's post 03/25/2024

Joseph Edmund discovered his passion for serving in the military while growing up in North Carolina and hearing about family members that had served. He soon began academically and physically preparing to meet the demands of the Air Force so that he could become a pilot.

Now a student at BYU, Joseph continues to prepare to one day become a fighter pilot as a current member of the Air Force ROTC.

Read about Joseph’s experience in the AFROTC and his participation in Fly NATO:

Photos from BYU Accounting's post 03/22/2024

Congrats to these two accounting students for being named All-Americans at the 2024 National Intercollegiate Championships for racquetball.

Photos from BYU Marriott School of Business's post 03/21/2024

Jared Sturgell has always believed in the power of serving others.

Most of his service has come during his commission in the US Army, but Jared also has found opportunities to serve as a volunteer advisor to the BYU Army ROTC.

Now an MBA student, Jared is learning to applying his leadership experience and problem-solving skills to the business world.

“I had a great time leading soldiers and building teams, and now I’m forging a new path on the business and strategy side,” Jared says.

Read more about Jared:

Photos from BYU Marriott School of Business's post 03/18/2024

The perfect school-work-life balance does not always look balanced.

Lulu Gilbert, a senior studying accounting, has learned that expecting life to balance perfectly doesn’t work for her. “During midterms or finals, my work-school-life balance is a lot heavier on the school side. During big times for work when we have events or I'm working on a project, it shifts more toward the work side. Then if I'm coasting really well at work and school, then I can spend more time going hiking or hanging out with friends.”

Learn more about Lulu’s involvement in the BYU Marriott Student Leadership Advisory Council, why she was drawn to the accounting program, and how she finds balance:

Escaping the Hustle Culture 03/14/2024

A study published by Glen Kreiner, BYU Marriott alum and current chair of the Department of Management at the University of Utah, found that setting work-non-work boundaries can act as a buffer against burnout.

These boundaries could look like prioritizing time for self-care, knowing when to call it quits for the day, finding trusted mentors, or not letting electronics overpower your life.

What non-work boundaries have you set to avoid burnout and foster a healthy work-life balance?

For more practical tips on finding a healthy work-life balance, take a look at “Escaping the Hustle Culture,” a feature from the Fall 2023 Marriott Alumni Magazine:

Escaping the Hustle Culture Practical Tips for Finding a Healthier Work-Life Balance

Photos from BYU Marriott School of Business's post 03/12/2024

Aaron Scribner used every ounce of grit and determination he had while recovering from a grisly zip-lining accident that occurred two weeks into his first semester at BYU. Since making a full recovery, Scribner has gained a new confidence to do the things he loves.

“The accident redesigned my life and gave me what I needed to get me to the place I am now.”

Learn more about Aaron and how he has found ways to incorporate his love of the outdoors with his ExDM studies:


The BYU Cybersecurity Team took home first place in last weekend’s Rocky Mountain Region Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition, securing them a spot in the National Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition.

The team, coached by IS associate professors Justin Giboney and Clay Posey, is comprised of students studying information systems, cybersecurity, and computer science.

Speaking of the impact of these competitions, Giboney has said: “Competitions push students’ secular knowledge, instill them with confidence that blessings come to those who act in faith, and allow them to share BYU’s uniqueness with the world."

Exciting news! BYU's cybersecurity team just clinched FIRST PLACE in the Rocky Mountain Region Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition! By defending servers, managing business requests, and engaging hackers, they've proven their prowess once again. ⁠

Next Stop --> National Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition! ⁠

Experience Design Study: Attending campus devotionals increases student sense of connection 03/07/2024

A new experience design study shows that a sense of belonging can have a significant positive impact on student academic performance, retention, and mental health.

Student activities such as going to BYU athletic events, joining clubs, and playing intramurals rank high on connection; devotionals rank even higher!

ExDM professors Brian Hill and Patti Freeman collaborated on this research with Texas A&M and analyzed experiences from students in the introductory experience design course, “Creating a Good Life.”

Experience Design Study: Attending campus devotionals increases student sense of connection Professors asked BYU students how they anticipated their experiences on campus would impact their feelings of connectedness to BYU. While the top-ranking activity was playing for a BYU athletic team, something only a few students have the privilege to do, the next thing on the list was something…

Photos from BYU Marriott School of Business's post 03/06/2024

Brett Hathaway, assistant professor of global supply chain, didn’t always know what he wanted to do in his professional life.

Hathaway’s career has seemed like a long winding trail as he has traversed varying professional pursuits. But as Hathaway's love for hiking has taught him, the rewards that come from determined and consistent efforts to pursue your goals are well worth any upward climb.

Learn more about Hathaway and his journey to becoming an assistant professor at BYU Marriott:

Reaching a Y in the Road 03/04/2024

After not getting into her desired major at BYU Marriott, Tehani Travis had to reevaluate. The next year, she applied to two different majors and got into both. The experiences she had during that previous year led her towards HR, a path she would not have originally taken but is glad she did.

Discover more about Tehani’s journey to HR, her experiences in the major, and advice she has for current students:

Reaching a Y in the Road The first time senior Tehani Travis applied for a major at the BYU Marriott School of Business, she was sure it was the right path for her—but she didn’t get in. The next year, after much preparation, she applied to two majors and got into both. In front of her, two paths extended into the futur...


Dallas Teshima, BYU Marriott finance alum, used the skills he gained in M COM 320 to pitch his team’s guacamole to the global CEO of Walmart. This advanced writing class offered at BYU Marriott, is helping alumni all over effectively and powerfully communicate in the workforce. How has it helped you?

Photos from BYU Marriott School of Business's post 02/28/2024

This month, BYU Marriott welcomed MBA students from 16 different universities for the second annual Faith & Belief in Work Case Competition.

Scientologists, Muslims, Sikhs, Jews, Baptists, Catholics, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, atheists, and more gathered from all over the country for the BYU Marriott Faith and Belief at Work Case Competition. Students shared their unique perspectives and solutions on how we can strengthen the workplace through diversity and expression of faiths.

Brenna Porter, a BYU Marriott MBA student who helped organize the competition, explains its purpose: “The big idea is to help everyone be able to live their beliefs, and that looks different for everyone. You should feel free to live your faith and not hide it, because that makes you a better employee and coworker.”

Photos from BYU Marriott School of Business's post 02/27/2024

“I really love the vision, mission, and values that BYU Marriott holds: faith in Christ, integrity, respect for all, and excellence. They're all rooted in concepts that are tied to the gospel of Jesus Christ. The ability to tie in gospel principles with my everyday life is something that really motivated me to be here.”

Since being drawn to BYU Marriott and global supply chain, Jacobo Grimaldo Alvarez has strived to help people find belonging and community as a copresident in BYU Marriott’s Student Leadership Advisory Council.

Learn more about Jacobo’s journey to Brigham Young University and his experiences at BYU Marriott as a global supply chain major here:

Photos from BYU Marriott School of Business's post 02/21/2024

Today students stopped by the Service Fair in between their classes to participate in quick, stop-and-go service projects. We love seeing our students take time out of their busy schedules to serve in a variety of ways.

Photos from BYU Marriott School of Business's post 02/20/2024

Few people go from being an artist to a data scientist working for the Department of Defense, yet Laurel Galli-Graves is one of those few.

After studying art as an undergrad, Laurel found herself wanting a career that would more tangibly impact people in the public sector. This desire led her to BYU Marriott’s MPA program where she discovered a passion for analytics and coding.

Learn more about Laurel’s path to becoming a data scientist and her fellowship in the US Digital Corps here:


Winter semester is now well underway. Temperatures are low, but the views are breathtaking.

Photo Credit: BYU Photo

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Videos (show all)

Introduction to the BYU Rollins Center
Portal Entryways
Merry Christmas from BYU Marriott
Nate and Vanessa Quigley
BYU Marriott Entrepreneurship Rankings
Andy Scoggin
Jeff Hawkes
Robert Parsons - 2017 Alumni Achievement Lecture
Forbes Ranks BYU Marriott MBA
Ringing in the Rwandan Stock Exchange
Happy Thanksgiving 2016!
Dean Lee Perry - April 2016 Finals


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