EKU Education Abroad

Follow our page to find out about opportunities for study abroad through EKU! We have events all sem

We have events all semester long to help you plan your journey abroad!


EKU Education Abroad Student Spotlight!
Today's Student Spotlight is Josie Kaye
Country and Semester of program: Argentina Summer 2024
Major: Homeland Security and Spanish
Hometown: Oakland, NJ

Describe your Education Abroad Program:
While studying abroad in Argentina, I took both the Psychology of Trauma and the Dictatorship and Democracy classes. I loved being able to learn about different aspects of Argentina through historical and psychological lenses. Some of the faculty-led excursions included a Tango class and a Milonga, Central Bank Museum tour, La Bomba de Tiempo, EX-Esma and Espacio Memoria, and the Evita Museum! I was able to use this information to fully understand excursions we went on.

How did the experience differ from your expectations?
Before studying abroad, I thought a lot of the time would be required things together as a group. This was the opposite, while we did have class and excursions which were all together, I had more free time than anticipated.

Favorite thing about studying abroad?
I really loved learning about other people and the different culture while I was there. Meeting locals, talking to them, listening to their background. All of this made me so appreciative of having the ability to study abroad because some of the locals have never been out of the country.

Suggestions for future study abroad students?
Go out of your box because you will not regret it. This is a once in a lifetime experience and take advantage of that.

How do you think this experience will impact your future plans?
This coming fall I have decided to do an independent study on a movement which occurred in Argentina. While there I learned a lot of Spanish which will help me in the future. I also think knowing other cultures will enhance my ability to appreciate more in the future.

Is this a good program for other students in your major?
I do not necessarily think the classes will benefit my Homeland Security major. Although I was intrigued by the classes and think it is important to have a lot of general knowledge, I do not think these classes were directed towards my major.


EKU Education Abroad Student Spotlight!
Today's Student Spotlight is Hannah Cundiff
Country and Semester of program: Greece, Winter 23/24
Major: Forensic Psychology
Hometown: Somerset, KY

Describe your Education Abroad Program:
I took PSY 299: Psychology of Nonverbal Behavior.

How did the experience differ from your expectations?
The teaching style was drastically different than I expected, in the best way possible. I thought it would be the typical sit down in a room and be lectured at regarding the assigned reading and other class material. Instead, we had casual conversation while exploring the cities we were in. I feel like I learned more in this class than in any other I have taken because we applied the learning to the real world, we were seeing for the first time.

Favorite thing about studying abroad?
I enjoyed the different style of teaching, but I most enjoyed the new experiences I got to make with friends. I did not know anybody else on the trip, but this ended up being for the best. I created a closer connection and friendship with the two girls who ended up being my roommates during the trip than anyone in the States. Just taking long walks to nowhere in particular during our free time was my favorite thing to do.

Suggestions for future study abroad students?
Do not let fear of the unknown stop you from experiencing new things in life. I had never been to an airport, let alone another country, before this trip. If you are scared though, take a group trip even if no one you know will go with you. Going with a group ensured that there was at least one person who knew what they were doing, and you can just ask them questions and follow them through airports if you get confused.

How do you think this experience will impact your future plans?
I plan to study abroad more after experiencing it once. I was also thinking of staying in Kentucky for graduate school even though I really want a career in a different state. Luckily, after my study abroad experience, I feel confident in my ability to succeed in an out of state graduate school and career. I gained confidence in myself to do new things on my own which gives me a more reassured sense of self and trust in myself.

Is this a good program for other students in your major?
I highly recommend this class to other students in my major because it is by far my favorite psychology course I have taken. The things learned are more impactful and fun than any other course.


Winter has so much to offer with CCSA!


EKU Education Abroad Student Spotlight!
Today's Student Spotlight is Alondra Aguirre-Aceves!
Country and Semester of program: Seville, Spain - Spring ‘24
Major: Criminal Justice & Spanish
Hometown: Florence, KY

Describe your Education Abroad Program:
I took all the advanced Spanish classes provided to me during my Spring semester! As a native Spanish speaker, the classes were easy for me, but I also learned new cultural things about Seville in one of my classes. I ate lots of typical Seville foods, which were amazing as well. The program, ISA, held faculty-led excursions such as taking a weekend trip to Lisbon, Portugal, a day trip to Gibraltar, UK, and a two-day trip to Cordoba and Granada! The trips were planned perfectly and gave me the chance to visit the most well-known monuments in each place! Along with those trips they held excursions in Seville where we got to visit the Alcazar and Seville Cathedral, both beautiful places!

Is this a good program for other students in your major?
If you are a Spanish major, photography major, or even an international Business Major, then, yes! ISA in Seville provides not only good courses for different majors but also have a beautiful environment for learning! There’s always something new to learn about, such as La Féria de Sevilla, Semana Santa, Toreros, etc.!

How did the experience differ from your expectations?
I didn’t have high expectations when coming to study abroad in Seville. Although, it rained almost the whole semester and before coming here I heard that Seville rarely got any rain. Other than the rainy days and the difference in mealtimes, Sevilla has been a wonderful experience!

Favorite thing about studying abroad?
I have a few favorite things about studying abroad. One was that I was able to meet lots of new wonderful people. I also loved that I was able to travel around Europe for lower prices than expected! Planning trips and day/night out with friends were such great and memorable experiences.

Suggestions for future study abroad students?
Don’t be afraid to get out of your comfort zone! Meeting new people and friends while being abroad allows you to have a better study abroad experience! Going out and learning about the culture also allows you to meet locals and have more knowledge about your specific abroad country. Also, take advantage of the opportunity to travel around Europe at a low price, you make many memorable experiences that way as well!

How do you think this experience will impact your future plans?
It helped me understand Spain’s culture and traditions a bit more. Taking the courses I was in taught me more about immigration and migration between Africa to Spain. This will help me in the future when I go to Law School for immigration law.

Anything you'd like to add?
I had an amazing time abroad and able to enjoy different foods, drinks, snacks and many more things! I enjoyed being able to travel around Europe both inside and outside of Spain. I met lots of great people and made lots of memories. Studying abroad in Seville, Spain was an amazing opportunity!


EKU Education Abroad Student Spotlight!
Today's Student Spotlight is Corinne Campbell!
Country and Semester of program: England Winter 2023
Hometown: Garfield, KY

Describe your Education Abroad Program:
I studied British Visual Culture through art museums and exploring historic areas.

How did the experience differ from your expectations?
What differed the most was the food. I expected to see beans at every meal, but I only saw them one time in two weeks.

Favorite thing about studying abroad?
I made a new friend while I was abroad, and I got to learn a lot about different rights movements in British Culture and how they were similar and different to the American movements.

Suggestions for future study abroad students?
Get out of your comfort zone but be safe about it. If you want to go out at night to see what the night life is like, do it! But make sure to take a friend or two and don't split up.

How do you think this experience will impact your future plans?
This experience allowed me to start thinking about going to other countries that are less traveled by Americans and gave me confidence while traveling.


EKU Education Abroad Student Spotlight!
Today's Student Spotlight is Grace Nadler!
Country and Semester of program: South Korea Fall 2023 & Spring 2024
Major: English Literature
Hometown: Maumelle, Arkansas

Describe your Education Abroad Program:

I got the privilege to study with both Isa TEAN abroad at Hanyang University in the fall and USAC at Kookmin University in the spring. Both are such great programs and great schools in Seoul South Korea that have increased my love and interests in study and in travel.

Is this a good program for other students in your major?

I am an English Literature major who was able to fill up my entire fall semester at Hanyang with classes in British and American Literature, Poetry, and Writing, all taught in English. However, at Kookmin, English Literature is not so popular, but luckily for me, my minor is in Asian Studies, so Korean history and culture classes became my focus for my spring semester. Now, class registration for any major at any university both big (like Hanyang) or small (like Kookmin) is competitive here in Korea; however, with some patience, dedication, and plenty of courses to choose from, anyone can get the number of classes and credits they desire.

How did the experience differ from your expectations?

The biggest thing that exceeded my expectations in studying abroad is the simple fact that I wouldn't want it to end, hence the reason I extended my stay for another semester. It has not all been easy, but I have come to love this city, these people, my schools, and my church. It truly all was a blessing I did not see coming. However, an expectation I had to lower since moving to Korea is the simple friendliness in everyday life I had back in the States. In Korea, the 빨리 빨리 (fast pace) culture is no joke, and I've come to realize that no one really wants or cares to talk, exchange compliments, or give a smile or a nod. It's not just the language that prevents these things, It's the culture and ideologies of Koreans that I've noticed are not the same as my own.

Favorite thing about studying abroad?

Other than the people; my friends, professors, and church community, my favorite thing about studying abroad in Korea are the cafes. I know it sounds silly, but being a student who loves coffee, studying, and reading a good book, the cafes and aesthetics are endless in Korea. Plus, they stay open late and are never far from reach. My favorite café at Hanyang University was a 4min walk from my dorm and stayed open until 11pm every night, and I'm pretty sure they stayed open a bit later during exam weeks. I became a regular there, and not only was their coffee great, so was music, customer service, and all-around atmosphere. It's the little moments and memories like this that make up the whole experience of living in a new place, and that is what I love most.

Suggestions for future study abroad students?

My suggestions, thoughts, advice for all future abroad students, is that this is going to be the beginning of so many firsts for you, so try your best to be present, especially when things get hard. If you can be present and tankful in bad, you'll notice that it cannot even compare with how great the good is. So, if you want to have a study abroad experience that good and memorable, no matter how short or long your stay is, be present and remain grateful. Oh, and don't be stupid, please have some 눈치 (common sense), you learn a lot when you simply pay attention.

How do you think this experience will impact your future plans?

Having this opportunity to study abroad for a year only gets more excited to do it again, even with all its ups and downs and uncertainties. I have grown so much this past year and my prayer is that I can do it all again before I graduate. Next time, in a new country, at a new school, experiencing a new culture, and capturing new memories.


Through the Study Abroad office, we have four students who are completing a four-week student teaching experience in Ireland. They are:

Kalyssa Barwick – Elementary
Alexa Dziatkowski – Music
Hunter Story – Music
Courtney Woods – Elementary

What an incredible experience for these Colonels!


Who would win this version of the NYT Connection game?


EKU Education Abroad Student Spotlight!
Today's Student Spotlight is John Hutchinson!
Country and Semester of program: Greece Fall 2023
Major: English
Hometown: Georgetown, KY

Describe your Education Abroad Program:
I went for almost four months to Greece where I got to go to the American College of Greece. I got to see many given by the program and on my own seeing islands, ancient sites, intercultural exchange, and more.

How did the experience differ from your expectations?
I did expect it to be hard but other than that I was trying to keep my expectations open because I did not know anything about Greece except the old stuff. I was pleasantly surprised by the culture, the English, the school system, it was all small things that made it good.

Favorite thing about studying abroad?
Meeting people from just about every continent. It was truly a mix of every culture in the school where I met local Greeks, but I also had classes with people from Africa, the Middle East, east Asia, Australia, and so on.

Suggestions for future study abroad students?
Don't be scared to step out of your comfort zone. While studying abroad, I was already out of my comfort zone so taking those steps further just makes the process easier the more you get into learning.

How do you think this experience will impact your future plans?
I'm currently working with study abroad students after my program and I want to investigate further options for the future if helping students abroad would be an option for me along with my original plans.

Anything you'd like to add?
Studying abroad is something I will never regret, and I think everyone would benefit from somewhere abroad whether it only be for a few weeks or a year, it's all worth it.

Photos from Eastern Kentucky University's post 03/22/2024

We have an exciting opportunity for students who are studying in East/Southeast Asia for 8+weeks! The Freeman-Asia scholarship is taking applications until April 2nd. Don't miss out! Contact [email protected] with any questions.



Welcome back Colonels! We missed having you in the office, make an appointment and let's talk study abroad!

Photos from Eastern Kentucky University (EKU) Honors Program's post 03/18/2024



EKU Education Abroad Student Spotlight!

Today's Student Spotlight is:
Name: Brennika Debus
Major: Communication Studies
Study abroad term: Spring 2023
Hometown: Oconomowoc, WI

Describe your Education Abroad Program:
My program consisted of excursions around Kenya that allowed me to get a taste of the people and cultures that exist in the country. We spent several days exploring the coastal city of Mombasa, interacted with local tribes and wildlife at the Masaai Mara National Reserve, and visited museums and cultural centers where we learned more about Kenya's rich history. I lived, ate, and attended classes on campus throughout my study abroad program. I shared my room with another university student from Uganda who quickly became one of my closest friends while and Kenya and still to this day. My day-to-day schedule allowed for the flexibility to have experiences beyond the excursions provided by my program.
Is this a good program for other students in your major?
One of the best aspects of my study abroad program was the classes that I took. As a Communication Studies major, I am most familiar with discussion and project-based classes here in the States. I was surprised by how similar my classes were structured in Kenya as well. I was able to hear from professors as well as students about their opinions regarding topics like social problems, global media, and communication styles across various cultures. I would recommend this program to other CMS majors as way to fulfill degree requirements while gaining new perspectives.

How did the experience differ from your expectations?
This experience exceeded my expectations. I never thought I would fall in love with Kenya the way that I did. I tried not to have any preconceived ideas before arriving in Kenya, but I still had doubts about how I would fit into a new country. I did not expect the Kenyan people to be so welcoming and inviting. I also did not expect such delicious food. I had never had Kenyan or even African food before studying abroad, but the food was fresher and more flavorful than I could have expected.

Suggestions for future study abroad students?
I would recommend that students make every effort possible to make connections with other students while abroad. Having a community of people to help you along the way is not only helpful but also comforting as you transition abroad. I would absolutely recommend using your resources! There are so many people available to you as you prepare for your program and while abroad. Never hesitate to reach out!

How do you think this experience will impact your future?
This opportunity taught me how much I want to experience the world. Because of study abroad, I know that I someday would like to live and work abroad. Having this immersive experience proved to myself that I can take the leap and go on an unconventional path. I do not think I would have the confidence to move abroad if it was not for the success of my study abroad experience.

Anything you'd like to add?
GO STUDY ABROAD! You Will not regret it!


Have you studied abroad? We want to hear about it! Fill out a Student Spotlight to be featured on our socials! https://www.eku.edu/studyabroad/student-spotlight/


Huge congratulations to our 2024 Spin the Wheel winners! We are so excited for your adventures this summer!


CLASS is SO proud to say we had several of our students win SPIN THE WHEEL SCHOLARSHIPS! 🤩🌎
Spin the Wheel Scholarships provide coverage for the student chosen to go to a specific study abroad program! CLASS was lucky enough to be able to sponsor one of these scholarships!
Morgan Traywick is a music industry major, and is going to study in Ireland in the summer!

"When they brought me the flyer and I signed up I wasn't expecting much to happen, but I won!
I was so excited. I think its really wonderful that I am able to travel across the world to pursue things related and beneficial to my major. I think it will bring a lot of perspective to the areas in music industry that I want to study."

Congratulations Morgan!

Photos from Eastern Progress's post 02/05/2024

The Spin-the-Wheel event is TODAY, January 31st, at the O'Donnell Auditorium in the Whitlock Building at 4pm! The Spin-the-Wheel Scholarship is a summer study-abroad experience, with complete program costs and airfare covered by the University.

Applicants must be present to win unless they are in class!

For more details, please click the link: https://studyabroad.eku.edu/spin-wheel-scholarship

Photos from EKU Education Abroad's post 01/29/2024

The time to Spin-the-Wheel is approaching THIS Wednesday, January 31st at 4pm in O'Donnell Auditorium!

We are so excited to grant 10+ lucky winners a FULL Scholarship for a 2024 Summer Study Abroad Program!

Here is a glimpse of some of our summer 2023 winners and their time abroad!

Home 01/23/2024


Win a FULL Scholarship for a 2024 Summer Study Abroad Program!
(Includes Program Cost, Tuition, & Flight)

Spin-the-Wheel on January 31 at 4:00pm in O’Donnell Auditorium!

Apply TODAY at https://studyabroad.eku.edu/spin-wheel-scholarship

Application Deadline: January 23, 2024

Home Welcome to Study Abroad through Eastern Kentucky University! Learn about the benefits study abroad can do for you.

Home 01/22/2024


Enter for a chance to spin the wheel and win a FULL scholarship for a 2023 summer undergraduate study abroad program!

To enter and more details:

EKU College of Business
EKU College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences
EKU College of Education & Applied Human Sciences
Eku Nova
Eastern Kentucky University (EKU) Honors Program

Home Welcome to Study Abroad through Eastern Kentucky University! Learn about the benefits study abroad can do for you.


Welcome back to campus, EKU students! Stop by the Crabbe Library in the Education Abroad office to learn how YOU can study abroad! Follow us to stay updated on all our events this semester!

Don't forget to sign up for a chance to spin the wheel and win a FULL scholarship for a 2024 summer undergraduate study abroad program! The deadline to enter is Tuesday, January 23rd!

Find out more at: https://studyabroad.eku.edu/spin-wheel-scholarship


Don't forget to sign up for a chance to spin the wheel and win a FULL scholarship for a 2024 summer undergraduate study abroad program!

The deadline to enter is January 24th!

Find out more at: https://studyabroad.eku.edu/spin-wheel-scholarship

Photos from Eastern Kentucky University College of Health Sciences's post 11/01/2023
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Videos (show all)

Student Spotlight
The Spin-the-Wheel event is TODAY, January 31st, at the O'Donnell Auditorium in the Whitlock Building at 4pm! The Spin-t...
Welcome back to campus, EKU students! Stop by the Crabbe Library in the Education Abroad office to learn how YOU can stu...
Don't forget to sign up for a chance to spin the wheel and win a FULL scholarship for a 2024 summer undergraduate study ...
“Celebrating the Scholarship of Discovery, Integration, Application, Teaching & Learning, and Creative Endeavors across ...
“Celebrating the Scholarship of Discovery, Integration, Application, Teaching & Learning, and Creative Endeavors across ...
✈🌎Where in the world is your classroom? Come to our Spring Fair & Workshops on February 22-23 from 10am to 2pm to learn ...
The Spin-the-Wheel event is TODAY at the O'Donnell Auditorium in the Whitlock Building at 4pm! The Spin-the-Wheel Schola...
Make 2023 the best year by studying abroad at EKU! We have programs available for EVERY major across the globe. Go for a...
Education Abroad Office Moved!
Join us TODAY on September 8th between 10am to 2pm at Powell Plaza for our Education Abroad Fall Fair! Where in the worl...
Join us TOMORROW on September 8th at the Powell Plaza for our Education Abroad Fair! Learn about all the opportunities Y...





521 Lancaster Avenue, Keith 129
Richmond, KY

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Tuesday 7:30am - 5pm
Wednesday 7:30am - 5pm
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The page of EKU Pi Sigma Epsilon