Daniela Freda Acupuncture

Daniela Freda is a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner in California integrating acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. Daniela Freda, L.Ac.

offers an individualized holistic approach to support your body back to balance. You'll find links and information about holistic health and acupuncture to treat a variety of health conditions including migraine, acute and chronic pain, sports injuries and women's health.

Timeline photos 03/07/2022

This is an excellent summary of how lifestyle changes and self-care can help reduce your migraine episodes. Acupuncture is a wonderful tool to keep your body under threshold to prevent migraine and headache attacks.

Have you ever wondered why one day something will trigger a migraine attack, but on another day you can enjoy that trigger without consequences? The Threshold Theory helps to explain that.

We each have a migraine threshold, an invisible line where any additional stimuli will push us over the limit for a migraine attack. All of our triggers push us closer to this line, and all of our protectors allow us to get farther from this line. The Threshold Theory can help empower us by emphasizing that even though we may have a million migraine triggers, we also have migraine protectors. If we want to attend a big event, we can ensure that we get a good night’s sleep and try to avoid any unnecessary stress the week leading up to it. We can put ourselves in the best possible position to ensure our triggers haven’t added up too high before this event.

‘Trigger tyranny’ describes how our lives can easily become consumed by trying to identify and avoid anything which may trigger a migraine attack. We fear our next attack so we avoid any foods that we enjoy, any social activities which may be too loud or stimulating, basically anything that brings joy into our lives. We are plagued with guilt over ‘I shouldn’t have drunk that’ or ‘I knew I wouldn’t be able to do that.’ We end up blaming ourselves for our . Sometimes we can do everything “right” and we still may get a . Some of us have chronic or intractable migraine, and know that our attacks are almost certainly going to be there despite our best efforts. We need to know that this is never our fault. We have a brain disorder, not a personality flaw.

What are your most powerful and protectors?

Frequent migraines? Eating fatty fish may offer comfort - Harvard Health 10/07/2021

Eat fish high in Omega3's to reduce migraine frequency. https://www.health.harvard.edu/diseases-and-conditions/frequent-migraines-eating-fatty-fish-may-offer-comfort

Frequent migraines? Eating fatty fish may offer comfort - Harvard Health People who suffer from chronic migraines could find relief by increasing their intake of the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, found in fatty fish like salmon, herring, sardines, mackerel, and trout...

Combatting migraines with different treatments 09/29/2021

Great interview with Dr. Courtney White on creating a rescue bag with tools for migraine treatment and ease. She includes medications along with ice packs, and neuro-modulator devices. Dr. White also mentions mindfulness meditation as an important tool for migraine management. I would include peppermint oil/muscle rub to place on the forehead, temples, and neck. Herbal teas like ginger for nausea. And, acupressure points.

Combatting migraines with different treatments FOX 29's Mike Jerrick and Karen Hepp meet with Dr. Courtney White of Jefferson University Hospital as she talks about her experiences with migraines and the rescue bags she uses to help combat migraines.

When I Couldn't Find Relief, Needles Helped My Menopause Symptoms 06/05/2021

This is a great article on how acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine can help with perimenopause and menopause symptoms. https://www.healthline.com/health/menopause/acupuncture-for-menopause-how-this-alternative-therapy-brought-me-relief

When I Couldn't Find Relief, Needles Helped My Menopause Symptoms Alternative medicine like acupuncture can be a viable option for relief from menopause symptoms.

Timeline photos 04/01/2021

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Spring is the season of the Liver. The Liver organ connects to the eyes. If you are noticing eye strain from extended computer use, try this natural eye stretch idea from biomechanist Katy Bowman.

The ciliary muscles of the eye are an example of a non-skeletal muscle that adapts to your habits. The distance between your eye and the object you are looking at dictates the amount these muscles contract. Computer-using, indoor-living eyes utilize the shortest position of these muscles (a mere fraction of their range of motion). This week, cross-train your eyes by focusing on stuff far away (which causes these muscles to relax). Look up at the tops of the trees and make out the silhouette of a bird. Don’t just look, but SEE...what your eyes are capable of!

3 Simple Seated Exercises for Seniors to Strengthen the Immune System 03/12/2021

Qigong (pronounced "chee-gong") is a gentle movement therapy. Below are three Qi Gong video routines from the Holden QiGong YouTube channel that are perfect for seniors and people of all ages:

1. 20-Minute Gentle Qi Gong Exercise Routine for Seniors - Seated or Standing (21 mins): https://youtu.be/MASRvOPXhZM
2. 3 Simple Exercises to Improve Balance (6 mins): https://youtu.be/xWxMYgcadWc
3. 3 Simple Seated Exercises for Seniors to Strengthen the Immune System (9 mins): https://youtu.be/6n845nMQP0Y

3 Simple Seated Exercises for Seniors to Strengthen the Immune System Your immune system is your body’s defense system (as you probably know). Think of your body like a fortress. Your immune system is the protection against pot...

Is Your Sinus Headache Really A Migraine in Disguise? - Migraine Again 12/18/2020

If you regularly have "sinus headaches" that aren't a symptom of a sinus infection, you may be having migraine episodes. This helpful article explains the difference between sinusitis headaches and migraine. https://www.migraineagain.com/when-sinusitis-is-actually-a-migraine/

Is Your Sinus Headache Really A Migraine in Disguise? - Migraine Again Nearly 9 out of 10 presumed cases of sinus headache are actually migraines. Learn how to tell the difference with our symptoms checklist.


These are some great ideas on celebrating Thanksgiving with friends and family while staying safe.

Q: Okay, okay! You convinced us. “Normal” Thanksgiving is off this year. But how CAN we celebrate safely?

A: Focus on the spirit of the holiday. Stay outdoors. Keep it small. Don’t travel. Get creative. Keep your distance.

Yes, unfortunately, the usual Thanksgiving traditions are *a very bad idea* this year for the vast majority of us who couldn't do a 14-day quarantine before the holiday.

Dr. Robin Schoenthaler, a writer and radiation oncologist at Massachusetts General and Emerson Hospital in Boston, has been blogging about the pandemic. She wrote this amazing post about her own decisionmaking around Thanksgiving in the time of COVID. We love this quote: “So basically Thanksgiving is like ‘The Children’s Illustrated Guide To A Super Spreader Event.’”

Funny, but not funny.


Problem areas for this holiday (and yes, many other winter holidays too) include:
✔️ multiple families/households coming together
✔️ several generations coming together when they don’t normally
✔️ indoors
✔️ no masks
✔️ eating & talking
✔️ long duration, plus
✔️ lots of travel around the country.
(Also we really recommend her blog, it is terrific.)

We hope we have convinced you that hosting or attending a traditional Thanksgiving gathering is off the table for this year.

But what do we do with ourselves on Turkey day? Here are a few safer alternatives. Take your pick, or mix and match!

🔥 Have an outdoor gathering of local friends & family. You can spend some time together (keep it brief) and enjoy some hot apple cider or pie. Since you are not likely to be wearing masks while you eat and drink, keep your distance between household bubbles! Too cold? Have a bonfire--or just wear your snowmobile suit!

📮 Secret Turkey your neighbors. Write anonymous thank-you notes and drop them in neighbors’ mailboxes. Challenge them to do the same to spread the spirit of thankfulness all over your neighborhood.

🥫 Have a food drive. Post on Nextdoor that you’re collecting donations, put a bin on your doorstep, and let people drop off non-perishable food. Then take it to the local food pantry.

🍗 Cook Thanksgiving dinner in advance and drop off trays to your family members. You can leave it on the porch or meet them at the door. Have your ingredients delivered from the grocery store and stock up on aluminum trays this week!

🙏 Do some mindfulness meditations that focus on gratitude. Just google “gratitude meditation” for dozens of options.

💭 Take a pause and think about the things you’re not going to miss. The holiday season can be a lot of stress, expense, and extra work--and even sometimes seems like more work than it's worth. Maybe taking a year off is something to celebrate for you. Maybe there’s something you’re a little bit grateful to not be doing.

💰 Donate the money you would have spent on hosting a big meal to your favorite charity.

🦃 Go for a wild turkey "hunt." In most parts of the country, you can find wild turkeys wandering the woods or even suburban neighborhoods! See if you can spot some. Or, go on a neighborhood walk and see if you can spot some turkey decorations. Note: wild turkeys are protected. Please do not actually hunt them without a license.

🦞 Take this pause to try out some new Thanksgiving recipes that might have been too risky for a big family event. Learn what was on the original Thanksgiving menu.

🏃‍♀️ Run a virtual Turkey Trot. This one even has t-shirts and medals! https://www.thevirtualrunchallenge.com/virtual-turkey-trot-run/

🦅 Learn (maybe for the first time) about the real history of Thanksgiving and the central role of the Wampanoag native people in that harvest. Find out what native people inhabited the place where you live before Europeans arrived. You could even make a recipe from their food tradition to honor the important role that Native Americans played in the origin story of the United States, at tremendous expense to native ways of life. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/21/us/thanksgiving-myths-fact-check.html

💓 Perhaps most importantly: ask yourself what this holiday really means to you. 👪 Is it family? Then commit to protecting your family this year. 🥧 Is it pie? Well then by all means, enjoy some pie! Do the things that mean the most to you in a way that satisfies you. Be sure to ask your kids what the holiday means to them, too--it will probably give you a whole new perspective on Thanksgiving!

Hopefully, that gives you a few ideas for how to have a safer--and still very thankful--big day.

Recognizing Miscarriage as an Occasion for Grief 10/25/2020

Recognizing miscarriage as an occasion for grief. This is an important article for anyone who has had pregnancy loss (and for people who love and support them).

Recognizing Miscarriage as an Occasion for Grief Many people experiencing miscarriages feel isolated or blame themselves, often because pregnancy loss is still veiled in secrecy.


BIG NEWS! My practice is moving to a new location in the Castro in October 2020. Details coming soon! In the meantime, I will continue to see patients at 543 Castro Street through September 25th.

We have been in this location since 2006. Here's an award we received from the San Francisco Guardian in 2009, "Best Recovery Zone."

FDA Updates on Hand Sanitzers with Methanol 07/10/2020

The FDA has added more sanitizer brands to the list that contain dangerous levels of methanol, including Blumen. Please be careful with sourcing hand sanitizer and wash your hands with soap and water before eating. Here's the full list: https://www.fda.gov/drugs/drug-safety-and-availability/fda-updates-hand-sanitizers-methanol?fbclid=IwAR2xj0epbV2BIIlAC5_O-x3hgewbQSuQTjcOTkWxut4lfVaOa-49QNwIe1E

FDA Updates on Hand Sanitzers with Methanol FDA Warns consumers and healthcare professionals of Hand Sanitizers contaminated with Methanol

Scientists Start To Tease Out The Subtler Ways Racism Hurts Health 06/04/2020

Racism contributes to health disparities. I notice that many holistic practitioners only focus on the individual choices that patients make- eating an organic diet, exercising, meditating and other behaviors. These are important measures for health, but we need to address the social determinants of health- which requires social and political action. Black Lives Matter.

Here's an overview of how racism affects health. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2017/11/11/562623815/scientists-start-to-tease-out-the-subtler-ways-racism-hurts-health?fbclid=IwAR0oV5O4L4vYo5G6YOm1qBkbw3kEBt8azHO2rLf0odRUsfsTFia7ZAe61wo

Scientists Start To Tease Out The Subtler Ways Racism Hurts Health The biological effects of lifelong exposure to racism or other sorts of discrimination can be complicated, scientists say, but likely tap into the same mechanisms as other types of chronic stress.

Coronavirus Tales: NYC vet does sidewalk acupuncture for animals in pain 04/13/2020

This is heartwarming- New York City veterinarian can't see patients in his office, so he does their acupuncture treatments outdoors. https://nypost.com/2020/04/11/coronavirus-tales-nyc-vet-does-sidewalk-acupuncture-for-animal-patients/?fbclid=IwAR1k3fBr1iC7QQ7_J-v0bHumlzvfmTQQmN682vAS6GEve1jYn0PbQXTyiXQ

Coronavirus Tales: NYC vet does sidewalk acupuncture for animals in pain Dr. Jeffrey Levy of House Call Vet NYC can no longer see animals in their homes, so his in-need patients are coming to him.

April 2020: Holistic Support with Telehealth Appointments 04/03/2020

Newsletter for April 2020: Telehealth Appointments are now available. https://mailchi.mp/ea09be2cbf79/april2020-telehealth

April 2020: Holistic Support with Telehealth Appointments

That Discomfort You’re Feeling Is Grief 03/31/2020

Please read this helpful article on how to support yourself emotionally through these trying times. David Kessler is an expert on grief. Practice compassion for yourself and others.

That Discomfort You’re Feeling Is Grief

Nourishing new mothers: Traditional postpartum diets to soothe the body and soul 03/11/2020

Taking a reading break from COVID updates? Here’s a lovely read about the different cultural food traditions for post-birth. I love reading about all the delicious soup recipes.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/on-parenting/nourishing-new-mothers-traditional-postpartum-diets-to-soothe-the-body-and-soul/2020/03/09/faf59bdc-5325-11ea-929a-64efa7482a77_story.html?fbclid=IwAR2mprIjojC2dNFWLPkQ3UeuvB8npDsu14rfhwTzmveBaDkxhCkTKOPM4ZY -wrapper

Nourishing new mothers: Traditional postpartum diets to soothe the body and soul From Asia to Latin America, recovery from childbirth often includes a culinary component.

Sick of singing 'Happy Birthday' while washing hands to fight coronavirus? Try these pop hits instead 03/06/2020

Wash your hands for 20 seconds to prevent illness. Here are fun songs as alternatives to Happy Birthday. https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/music/story/2020-03-03/coronavirus-hand-washing-20-seconds-happy-birthday-10-songs?fbclid=IwAR0JORulbWn0PU4-tE7Jaxac79ENkRxZ9xJ1CDRVmBn_Iu-r568XSrrH-zY

Sick of singing 'Happy Birthday' while washing hands to fight coronavirus? Try these pop hits instead To help prevent the spread of coronavirus, the CDC recommends washing your hands for 20 seconds, or "Happy Birthday" sung twice. Here are 10 way better songs to sing.

16 Ways To Practice Self-Care That Cost Next To Nothing 02/25/2020

This is a great list for self-care practices that are available to almost everyone. Youtube is a great resource for guided meditations, qigong videos, yoga and stretching videos, relaxing music, and so much more....https://www.huffpost.com/entry/cheap-self-care-practices-low-cost-budget_l_5e3b4ae0c5b6f1f57f0ababe?fbclid=IwAR39ScYTMOo7x3uYpP66iH8J_qUviWvtqCItL9F5j41aNPM-zqe7Tqft7rc&guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZmFjZWJvb2suY29tLw&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAAC32LsOasV7GOjkbcVzFHhO9pZNV2aV3hucIkvULa8fJlFHn_4F9UzMOOrZZACkLTv2Zi5UrXENS64IBT_HRhDVKoiH_68qpRPN1XLuSWf5YF83uwzSfl7yQ3odvre9eEJCETSDOb_mNku48ExcrG6RyEZ-t5df6kUiq6Uot2U_

16 Ways To Practice Self-Care That Cost Next To Nothing Self-care doesn't have to be expensive. Here are some super-affordable ways to take better care of yourself, starting now.

Your Cervical Mucus Is Beautiful 02/06/2020

"Your Cervical Mucous is Beautiful" has some wonderful microscope images of cervical mucous. In my practice, I speak to patients about observing cervical mucous to identify stages of the menstrual cycle, and especially identifying ovulation for fertility.

The author Lauren Young writes, "In addition to being beautiful, cervical mucus is functionally important. It lines the cervix, va**na, and v***a, creating a protective barrier between a woman’s body and the environment. The mucus also plays a major role in fostering healthy bacteria, protecting from pathogens, helping s***m reach the reproductive tract, and even signaling disease and pregnancy issues to clinicians." Read more here: https://www.sciencefriday.com/articles/cervical-mucus-health/?fbclid=IwAR0SHi7TdVOpvpkF3Dk0PhEsP2kVaBVtLgM2Wy9k5B7chTxE1GT4VWSsyrc

Your Cervical Mucus Is Beautiful The protective substance is an important barrier between a woman’s body and the environment. Here’s how researchers are using it to understand health.

Acupuncture 'lessens chemotherapy neuropathy' 01/21/2020

Study results of 120 patients undergoing chemotherapy found 68% felt relief in their neuropathy when treated with acupuncture. The acupuncture treatments were performed weekly for ten sessions. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-manchester-51195500?fbclid=IwAR1CWDXINUz_3yId_RiOCbuJVL4HKYEs8_iBUeKMw27QWTgccVqIReAwt4A

Acupuncture 'lessens chemotherapy neuropathy' A trial found 68% of cancer patients who suffer with neuropathy saw their symptoms lessen.

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4200 18th Street, Suite 203
San Francisco, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 10:30am - 7pm
Thursday 11am - 7pm
Friday 11am - 7pm
Sunday 10:30am - 7pm

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