Seattle University Army ROTC

Seattle University Army ROTC program develops, trains and mentors young men and women to be the next generation of commissioned officers for the US Army.

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Photos from Seattle University Army ROTC's post 08/21/2024

****Nurse Summer Training Program (NSTP) Internship****

Cadets Cowles and Marshall (Nurse ‘24) competed NSTP!

From Cadet Cowles: “It was such an incredible experience to train here (and travel through Europe!!) we made it to 5 countries and got to participate in an ERPS (en route patient staging) mission as well as a trauma training!! I’m so excited to be an Army Nurse a year from now!”

Both Cadets continue to represent Seattle University and the United States Army with distinction. As senior Cadets in the Brady Battalion, they will mentor Cadets, plan and resource training, and take the Brady Battalion to new heights. We are fortunate to have such a great relationship with the College of Nursing and access to all of the unique training opportunities Cadet Command provides.

“Strike Forward!”

Photos from Seattle University's post 08/16/2024
Photos from Seattle University Army ROTC's post 08/13/2024


Congratulations to Cadet Ian Pretto for earning the coveted Air Assault (AASLT) wings. Cadet Pretto completed both Cadet Summer Training and AASLT this summer! We’re excited for his future and know that he will continue to excel.

“Strike Forward!”

Photos from Seattle University Army ROTC's post 07/29/2024

****Brady Battalion Weekly Accomplishments****

Congratulations to all our Cadets (and 2LT’s) for their remarkable performance and displayed leadership. 2LT’s Kadima and Lanza recently ran the Jack & Jill Downhill Full marathon. Both completed the 26.2 miles in under 4 hours! Additionally, Cadet Yamamoto completed Basic Camp and is one step closer to contracting. CDT’s Prada and Pretto graduated in the 5th Regiment and CDT Blumenfeld in the 6th Regiment of Cadet Summer Training! All achieved high marks and excellent peer evaluations. Also pictured are CDT’s Dia, Jauregui, Kuo, Verhasselt, and Huerta. These Cadets are in various stages of training. A shout out to our Cadre members for attending graduations and motivating each of our future Officers. Summer training is truly a team effort!

“Strike Forward!”

Photos from Seattle University Army ROTC's post 07/27/2024

****Nurse Lieutenants****

We are super proud to announce 2LT’s Valdes and Childs passed the NCLEX and are officially Army Nurse Lieutenants!! The NCLEX which stands for the National Council Licensure Examination is a computer adaptive test that is required for nursing graduates to successfully pass to be licensed as a Registered Nurse. These Officers worked hard and studied diligently. Now, it’s off to Fort Sam Houston, Texas for BOLC. Well done and congratulations!

“Strike Forward!”

Photos from Seattle University Army ROTC's post 07/19/2024

****Cadet Summer Training and Airborne ****

Brady Battalion Cadets continue to excel through summer training! Cadet Cowles (Nurse ‘24) just earned her Airborne wings!! Her wings look pretty amazing with her Air Assault wings! She will be one of the only Nurse Officers with both!! Also, a huge congratulations to Cadet Wrightquick (MBA Sports and Entertainment Management ‘24 - Green to Gold) for graduating Cadet Summer Training and for being selected as the Commander of Troops for his graduation!

“Strike Forward”

Photos from Seattle University Army ROTC's post 07/15/2024

****Summer Activities****

Congratulations to our most recent Cadet Summer Training (CST) graduates - CDT’s Bryant and Gunsby. With many more Cadets following in their footsteps, these Cadets represented the Brady Battalion with distinction. Also pictured are LTC Haley Middlebrook and MSG David Wetzel who took time out of their busy schedules to celebrate the Cadets’ accomplishments. Seattle University has also participated in the “One Army” recruiting event supporting the national Family Community Career Leaders of America (FCCLA).

“Strike Forward”

Photos from Seattle University Army ROTC's post 06/13/2024


Today, LTC Haley Middlebrook contracted Cadets Griffin Walden and Christian Alina. These excellent Cadets have met all the standards to contract (GPA, ACFT score, medical screening, and a strong ROTC performance). Both Cadets will attend training at Fort Knox, Kentucky later this summer. Griffin follows in the footsteps of his mother who is an SU Army ROTC alum and a fantastic supporter.

Congratulations to our newest contracted Cadets.

“Strike Forward!”

Photos from Seattle University Army ROTC's post 06/09/2024

****2024 Brady Battalion Commissioning 2/2****

More photos of the commissioning ceremony!

“Strike Forward”

Photos from Seattle University Army ROTC's post 06/09/2024

****2024 Brady Battalion Commissioning****

Congratulations to the Army’s newest Second Lieutenants! In a well attended ceremony at Seattle University, family members, senior administrators, academic leaders, and other supporters witnessed the commissioning ceremony for 11 new Army Officers. Special thank you to LTC William Swenson - Seattle University Alum and Medal of Honor Recipient for his inspiring remarks and for his time amongst countless competing commitments.

“Strike Forward”

Photos from Seattle University Army ROTC's post 06/07/2024

****Commissioning Rehearsal 2/2****

“Strike Forward”

Photos from Seattle University Army ROTC's post 06/07/2024

****Commissioning Rehearsal 1/2****

Tomorrow is the big day!! Congratulations to our newest commissioned Officers!!

“Strike Forward”

Distinguished Graduate 06/07/2024

****Seattle University Distinguished Graduate****

Cadet Jaiden Childs (Nurse ‘24) has been an incredible Cadet, student, peer, leader, and will soon be an Army Lieutenant! We are so proud of all she has accomplished and know that she will represent herself and Seattle University with distinction as she begins her career!

“Strike Forward”

Distinguished Graduate Graduate Spotlight: Jaiden Childs, ’24, will embark on her nursing career as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Army.

Photos from Seattle University Army ROTC's post 05/23/2024

****Rappelling with Dean de Castro****

Today was a special lab as the Brady Battalion conducted our annual rappelling training. We were honored to train our special guest, Dean Butch de Castro (College of Nursing). In support of all the donations the College of Nursing received from SU Gives, Dean de Castro made good on his end of the bargain by rappelling off of the Casey building. Thank you to the Washington Army National Guard and to all who supported today’s training. Dean de Castro was a great sport and even presented nurse challenge coins to commemorate the event and our partnership.


****Memorial Day Remembrance****

Join us for a picnic to commemorate Memorial Day and the sacrifices those have made for our country.

We will start at 3:30pm this Friday, 24 May 2024. The picnic will be at Union Green.

The Union Green is located on the north end of campus. Situated between the Pigott building, the Fine Arts building, Hunthausen Hall, and the Administration building. This is a centrally located green space.

“Strike Forward!”


****2024 Commissioning****

Please join us in celebrating the commissioning class of 2024. We will recognize the achievements of this class as well as the influencers, family members, administrators, professors, and Cadre members who helped get them to this day.

“Strike Forward!”

Photos from Seattle University Army ROTC's post 05/16/2024

****Contracting AND Birthday****

Today, we celebrate Cadet Masee Anderson both for her birthday, AND for her contracting! After a longer than expected time to contract, Masee remained positive, motivated, and continued to display resilience. Masee is a great addition to the ranks of contracted Cadets. Surrounded by her family, friends, and peers, it was an awesome day to celebrate.

Photos from Seattle University Army ROTC's post 05/04/2024

****Cadet Achievement****

Every participant crossed the finish line of the grueling 18.6 mile Norwegian Foot March earning the coveted Bronze badge, with a few of them having already conquered it before. The men were required to complete the event in 4 hours and 35 minutes, while the women had a standard time of 5 hours and 25 minutes. Among those with multiple successful attempts were CDT Miller, CDT Barnhart, CDT Baek, and CDT Cowles. Notably, CDT Miller emerged as the first finisher, clocking in at an impressive three hours and seven minutes. Great job, Cadets!

“Strike Forward!!”

Photos from Seattle University Army ROTC's post 04/30/2024

****Spring Training****

This past weekend the Brady Battalion completed their spring quarter Field Training Exercise (FTX). The training consisted of warrior skills instruction, day and night land navigation, and STX lanes. The intended outcome was to prepare the MS3s to successfully lead the types of missions they will see at Cadet Summer Training (CST). Additionally, the senior Cadets planned and resourced the training while the underclass Cadets gained experience! This FTX was successfully completed with Pacific Lutheran University allowing the Cadets to meet and learn from other Army peers. This combined training simulates the “real Army” that these future Officers will soon experience. All Cadets performed to a high standard!

“Strike Forward”

Photos from Seattle University Army ROTC's post 04/08/2024

****Familiarization and Qualification****

The Brady Battalion conducted range operations this weekend. The Cadets were trained on fundamentals of marksmanship. Additionally, they were familiarized with how to run a range and weapons qualification. Many Cadets improved their skills and their own individual scores.

Another shout out to MAJ Nathan Rolls for the pictures he took during the training.

“Strike Forward!”

Photos from Seattle University Army ROTC's post 04/07/2024

****Cadet Support to Admitted Students****

Today, more than 900 admitted students attended Admitted Students Day (ASD) at Seattle University. Our Cadets, led by Cadet DeMint, assisted with directing students and family members around campus. Additionally, several prospective Cadets attended an information brief to learn about ROTC and scholarship opportunities.

"Strike Forward!"



March 25th was chosen because it was on that date in 1863 that the first Medals of Honor were presented to six members of Andrews' Raiders. To its Recipients, the Medal of Honor represents more than recognition of combat actions.

Today we honor all those who have served and sacrificed. A special recognition of MG Patrick H. Brady. MoH recipient for actions on 6 January, 1968.


For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty, Maj. Brady distinguished himself while serving in the Republic of Vietnam commanding a UH-1H ambulance helicopter, volunteered to rescue wounded men from a site in enemy-held territory which was reported to be heavily defended and to be blanketed by fog. To reach the site, he descended through heavy fog and smoke and hovered slowly along a valley trail, turning his ship sideward to blow away the fog with the backwash from his rotor blades. Despite the unchallenged, close-range enemy fire, he found the dangerously small site, where he successfully landed and evacuated two badly wounded South Vietnamese soldiers. He was then called to another area completely covered by dense fog where American casualties lay only 50 meters from the enemy. Two aircraft had previously been shot down and others had made unsuccessful attempts to reach this site earlier in the day. With unmatched skill and extraordinary courage, Maj. Brady made four flights to this embattled landing zone and successfully rescued all of the wounded. On his third mission of the day, Maj. Brady once again landed at a site surrounded by the enemy. The friendly ground force, pinned down by enemy fire, had been unable to reach and secure the landing zone. Although his aircraft had been badly damaged and his controls partially shot away during his initial entry into this area, he returned minutes later and rescued the remaining injured. Shortly thereafter obtaining a replacement aircraft, Maj. Brady was requested to land in an enemy mine field where a platoon of American soldiers was trapped. A mine detonated near his helicopter, wounding two crewmembers and damaging his ship. In spite of this, he managed to fly six severely injured patients to medical aid. Throughout that day Maj. Brady utilized three helicopters to evacuate a total of 51 seriously wounded men, many of whom would have perished without prompt medical treatment. Maj. Brady's bravery was in the highest traditions of the military service and reflects great credit upon himself and the U.S. Army.

Photos from Seattle University Army ROTC's post 03/21/2024

****Cadet Spotlight****

Cadet Alexander Perez truly has left his mark on the Brady Battalion, Seattle University, the surrounding community, Joint Base Lewis-McChord, and the United States Army. As a graduate student, Soldier, parent, and Cadet, he has achieved the highest success possible while extending his influence. He’s an excellent recruiter, and student. He’s earned Distinguished Military Graduate for his academic and ROTC success. He’s been inducted into the National Society of Leadership and success. He was recently recognized as the Volunteer of the Month at JBLM! He was able to represent his academic program and ROTC while traveling abroad this past summer. He designed and resourced the coin for the campus wide Veterans Day 5K. He has supported all of 8th Brigade Cadet Command by presenting the Green to Gold recruiting presentation at JBLM. He participates and coaches intramural basketball at Seattle University. Above all, he’s a great leader for our Army. Congratulations to AJ for making the most of his college experience while promoting so many causes.

“Strike Forward”

Photos from Seattle University Army ROTC's post 03/11/2024

****Cadet Achievements****

The nation’s top Army ROTC Cadets have been attending the George C. Marshall Award Seminar since 1978. The seminar was originally held in Lexington, Virginia because Virginia Military Institute was the alma mater of General George C. Marshall, who as Army Chief of Staff, grew the U.S. armed services from about 170,000 to more than eight million Americans in uniform by the end of World War II. After the war, as Secretary of State, Marshall formulated and successfully enacted the massive project to rebuild Western Europe – now known as the Marshall Plan.
Two hundred seventy-four of the top Army Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) Cadets, representing colleges and universities from across the nation take part in seminars and round table discussions with Army and Defense experts on critical defense and geopolitical matters, and the profession of arms.

The MG Patrick H. Brady ROTC Battalion was honored to select Cadet Jaiden Childs (nurse) as this year’s recipient of the George C. Marshall award. Cadet Childs has exceeded every standard set forth both academically and professionally. She volunteers her time, she’s an incredible recruiter, she mentors the entire nurse cohort, and she will soon an be excellent Army Nurse.

“Strike Forward!”

Photos from Seattle University Army ROTC's post 03/10/2024

****Cadre Achievement****

Congratulations to our very own Senior Military Science Instructor - MSG David Wetzel, on achieving 20 years of active federal service in the United States Army! We are fortunate to have his experience and expertise as he trains future leaders. He has an incredible ability to coach, train, and assess leadership. Enjoy a small trip down memory lane….

“Strike Forward!”

Photos from Seattle University Army ROTC's post 03/08/2024

****Morale Breakfast****

This morning the Brady Battalion had a team breakfast where the senior Cadets cooked and everyone had an opportunity to eat and bond. After eating, we handed out many awards from fall and winter quarter including, the Inspiration Award that was given to CDT Marshal. Great job on rounding out winter quarter and good luck on final exams!

“Strike Forward!”

Photos from Seattle University Army ROTC's post 03/05/2024

****Winter Field Training****

These are some great photos of Brady Battalion Cadets training this past weekend at Joint Base Lewis-McChord.

Another shout out to MAJ Nathan Rolls for capturing such awesome pictures. MAJ Rolls is incredibly gifted and we are fortunate to be the
subjects of his expertise!

“Strike Forward!”

Photos from Seattle University Army ROTC's post 03/04/2024

**** Winter Field Training****

This weekend the Brady Battalion completed their winter Field Training Exercise (FTX) at Joint Base Lewis-McChord. One of the many skills the battalion had the opportunity to train was day and night land navigation. Additionally, Cadets trained on “warrior tasks”, situational training lanes, fieldcraft, and how to lead in a field environment.

The Cadets performed well and our MSIII’s (junior Cadets) are one step closer to Cadet Summer Training (CST).

“Strike Forward!”


****HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS - Scholarship Opportunities****

Calling all high school seniors! The National Army ROTC Scholarship Application is open until Monday, 11 MARCH 2024. If you want an opportunity to join the Brady Battalion and compete for a full tuition scholarship, please login and start the process! If you have questions or need assistance, reach out to Mr. Shawn Dodge at [email protected]

We look forward to adding to our amazing Cadet population!

“Strike Forward!”

ROTC - Military Science Department - Seattle U Gives 02/29/2024

SU Gives!! Please help support our amazing Cadets and their training. Every amount helps and is much appreciated. Thank you.

ROTC - Military Science Department - Seattle U Gives The Military Science Program has instructed well over 9,400 students since its inception. Over 1,400 officers have received commissions in the U.S. Army upon completion of the program. The MG Patrick H. Brady Battalion at Seattle University is a five-time winner of the MacArthur award, an award t...

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Videos (show all)

A Day In the Life of an ROTC Cadet!
****Ranger Challenge****Check out our amazing Brady Battalion Cadets and our Ranger Challenge team through the lens of M...
Another great day to train!  Leadership lab for the Brady Battalion!
Seattle University Class of 2020 Commissoning Ceremony




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