SCE Fitness

I am a NESTA, ITCA Triathlon & Endurance Sports Nutrition, and BioMechanics certified personal coach...Here to help make you great!!!

Physical fitness has been a huge part of K.Jay's life and the lives of others for over 13 years. Before he was a trainer, he spent most of his life unhappy with the decisions he made. He was overweight, tired, and looking for a change. He spent time learning from past failed experiences and found that hard work does pay off. In 2015 he become an IRONMAN triathlon 140.6 2015 finisher, he is a top 1

Photos from SCE Fitness's post 07/27/2024

Achieve your goals at SCE! đŸ‹ïžâ€â™€ïž

Whether you're searching for performance training, help with nutrition, personal training, or assistance in injury prevention we're your one stop shop!

Learn more at


Has your personal trainer taught you the value of rolling?

It's probably the most underrated and underutilized fitness tool out there. Here, Kim and Kerrie use rolling to help them prepare for a much better workout with better results!


Only the best helpers on clean up crew! đŸ§čđŸ§Œ

It's easy to agree, a clean gym is always the best gym!

Photos from SCE Fitness's post 07/22/2024

Cami is CRUSHING the sled! A great way to work just about every muscle group.

Strength, cardio, core... it's all there!

Photos from SCE Fitness's post 07/20/2024

"Can I eat that?!"

Nutrition is a big part of what we do at SCE, and it can be the difference between training and trying. Balance is key! Our members of SCE definitely enjoyed these gorgeous treats 🧁

Photos from SCE Fitness's post 07/18/2024

It's never too early to start training (and it's never too late either)! The next SCE Fitness generation is stepping up! đŸƒâ€â™€ïžđŸ‹ïžâ€â™€ïž

Photos from SCE Fitness's post 07/18/2024

A lot of NEW and shiny around here! Equipment upgrades give that 'kid in a candy store' feeling, but without the carbs.


Hypoxic training is a key part of building your respiratory system's efficiency. A more efficient respiratory = bigger performance gains! đŸ’ȘđŸ’Ș


The smiles say it all, don't you think? Congrats Tristan Todd - Ironman CDA 2024 Finisher!

IRONMAN .fitness IRONMAN 70.3 Coeur d’Alene


Did someone say "Pull Up Contest?!" Must have! Who won? K.Jay or Heather... What say you? đŸ’ȘđŸ’ŻđŸ”„đŸ”„

Photos from SCE Fitness's post 07/09/2024

Making the gym an even better place to work toward your fitness goals! The classic brick interior ambiance is getting some improvement: Floor leveling and reinforcement to accommodate more equipment and weights. Improving infrastructure... kind of like training! :)

Photos from SCE Fitness's post 07/08/2024

Fitness through Fellowship in action. What a great time at Joel & Kalin's home! Great hosts, great food... and GREAT people. We love our SCE family!


The Next Couple Months:

For the next couple weeks we will be starting internal and external construction. We will no longer be an eye sore but a light externally for you, for potential new family members, the streets and our neighborhood.

We are starting something we wanted to do at the very start; I am so excited for us all! It’s truly something special where we are heading, Where we are going and how many of you are directly responsible for this happening, each of you have a hand in this
thank you for all you do!

This week on Wednesday & Thursday we will have some inner construction going on. We are leveling out the floors so our Olympic weights have a solid place while also bringing conformity, congruency and shifting our classes with some new vibrancy.

Please bare with us as we are making this place better, things will be a little wonkey but at the end we will have a Post Pandemic Grand Opening that would love to have those of you that know why we do what we do be part of it in some ways. As we get closer I’ll give lots of options and opportunities for those that are interested.

Thank you for desiring to be apart of each other’s lives- im truly thankful for you and thank the Lord for each and EVERYONE of you often!â˜đŸŸ

Photos from SCE Fitness's post 06/24/2024

Take this and be reminded by it often.

I am at a loss of words when I think about today’s Ironman. I am specifically talking about our very own, Amanda Jones, Kallin Spencer and Triston Todd
 I think about what it takes to do hard things.
I’m not talking about racing, no not at all. I’m talking about allowing your self the access to training your body, your heart and your mind for not just what’s happening in the moment of life but anything that may arise as an unexpected hardship of life do.

Most times what we see is not the incredible war that has to be waged deep within the recess of our soul. What, who and how we behave has everything to do with our ability to overcome when everything around us and even inside of us says we cannot. But STILL you put the next foot in front of the other that’s what we call maturity, power and courage.

“I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.l” Nelson Mandela

I came in this morning to the race never seeing waves the size they are at the beach at CdA. Truly remarkable in how something in each race, event or in life pulls at us to adaptive,fail or quit.

It’s easy, pick one, you’re gonna do what you have been trained to do or you will be untrained to do what you don’t.

I sit here thinking of those that I have ben blessed to coach. Your truly incredible becouse you show up, ask questions and build your tool built day in and day out- you are not trying your training by asking questions and gaining depths of self by asking questions we never knew to ask about ourselves. The strain is what causes the gains which gives birth to a depth that only a goal can help produce.

You WIN when you set goals and accomplish them, when you have people that love and care for you, have accountability and desire to be the best version we were created to be. I have soft spot for those that overcome while I hear about cancers, death of loved ones, divorces, you name it we all are going through it; such as many sessions of life.

Let us not grow weary in doing what is good but let us persevere in speaking truth in love with grace and gentleness.

I can’t thank you enough for all that came out today to cheer everyone on with us
I love you guys so much!!!

Mathew 8:24-27

Suddenly, a fierce storm struck the lake, with waves breaking into the boat. But Jesus was sleeping.
25 The disciples went and woke him up, shouting, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!”
26 ¶ Jesus responded, “Why are you afraid? You have so little faith!” Then he got up and rebuked the wind and waves, and suddenly there was a great calm.
27 ¶ The disciples were amazed. “Who is this man?” they asked. “Even the winds and waves obey him!”

When we believe everything changes!

Creamy Sun Dried Tomato Turkey Meatballs - Real Healthy Recipes 05/25/2024

Hi ya! Just wanted to say happy Memorial Day, travel safe and enjoy the time with your family and friends!!🎆

Here are sown awesome recipes that will help you enjoy food and have you asking yourself “how in the world can this be healthy” because it taste so delicious-enjoy!!

Creamy Sun Dried Tomato Turkey Meatballs - Real Healthy Recipes This is one of my current favorite weeknight dinner recipes. The combination of creamy sun-dried tomatoes, spinach, and tender turkey meatballs feels perfect

Photos from SCE Fitness's post 05/20/2024

We are heading to the track again tomorrow from 4:15-8am. If this is your first time we will be seeking your Vo2max 1mile run. If you have accomplished this task you will be moving on to the next step. If you’re interested in running your best consecutive miles come join us and come be apart of the team!

Like always bring an open and strong mind, tenacity and your roller!
I will be your pacer in how to run more naturally
1. 10min mile
2. 9min mile
3. 8min mile
4. 7min mile
5. 6min and if there as any one wants to attempt to do a 5min mile I will not be able to run that with you Tommorow. Still healing from last week but come Friday we can get back to it, just let me know.

If you’re interested message me and I’ll give you the address,see you soon!đŸ’ȘđŸŸ


If any one is interested in what it takes, how it looks and what are all the specifics to running your fastest mile and beyond I will be taking us on through the how too’s on Track day Tuesday May 7th at 5am-10am. Bring an open and strong mind, tenacity and your roller!
I will be your pacer in how to run:
1. 10min mile
2. 9min mile
3. 8min mile
4. 7min mile
5. 6min and if there as any one wants to attempt to do a 5min mile I’ll be there with you all the way!

If you’re interested message me and I’ll give you the address, see you soon!đŸ’ȘđŸŸ

Photos from SCE Fitness's post 04/22/2024

The day Hezekiah came into the world, my heart sank as I had to give my son away before I even got to know him. As Abraham gave his son Isaac, I had to surrender mine.

Looking around the hospital room right after Kiah was born, I saw over 12 doctors huddled all around my child doing all they could to revive him. What seemed like hours was minutes of my faith in the greatest measure being tested. As I let Hezekiah go, I took care of my wife and left my baby in the hands of the doctors and the sovereignty of my Lord.

God gave me my son back that day. The child I had prayed for just as much as I did for a wife was back in our arms- praise God!!!

Many of you have been able to see him grow up and I can’t be more proud, grateful and thankful for how his love for the Lord, his family and others is incredible and only something God could have done. You, my boy, are so incredibly genuine, you make me want to be better
. You are truly a gift who has planted so many seeds in our family and others lives- it is Christ in you that is making life something I couldn’t have ever imagined.

You have handled bullies with such grace and mercy by forgiving them every single time, loving on them and being their friend. You have transformed many of our neighborhood kids, kids in your school and in your class. Your teacher cried with us as she poured out her heart about how much you make a difference in helping people feel welcome in class and helping those who need help. Your classmates who lost marbles (points) in class when you were gone one day, told you that if you were there, they wouldn’t have lost them because you know how to single-handedly pull everyone back in to focus.

This year in your first year of basketball, only two special awards were given out — most improved and not surprisingly yours, Leadership. (Also- if there was an award for most points scored all season, that would be yours also)!

You receiving this award for leadership in your first Basketball Team is just another validation that Christ is doing big things in you my love.

I want to look back at this one day with you and keep pointing you back to the Life Giver and the incredible character He has established in you- you are leading others to love God and to love others.

Keep living for Him my love!!â˜đŸŸ

Photos from SCE Fitness's post 03/27/2024

I can’t express the incredible time I had with you all this weekend
thank you so much for letting me come along on your journey!!

100 miles completed special congratulations to Lindsay Niensted for the completion of 100 miles and over 16,000 elevation gain- incredible!!!đŸ”„

We set goals, trained to accomplish them and you all did with attention to the minutia; the power is in the details- congratulations everyone!!!đŸ„ł

Super proud of you all and super grateful to have had the opportunity to hang out with you and your families!!!đŸ€

Fyi I will be putting out a video of the event and all the sweet moments it had to offer; truly amazing weekend spend with friends!!

This week is your post race week. Take it slow, when you come in see me and we will be working on these subjects:

1. 1 on 1 with me to talk about the race, how it went, how we can maximize your results now and in the future and what lies ahead for you. We want to be reveling in your victory so that what ever goal lies ahead impacts you on the most meaningful level.
2. Rolling
3. Dynamic/ static/ ballistic and restorative stretching.
4. Post Race WOD
5. Hot & Cold Therapy

Let’s let those bodys repair, recover and grow and I’ll see you at some point- I’m here all week.

Title: | Run Coach Certification | Running ... 01/25/2024

Most people who run just walk out the door and start running. They concern themselves with training-related variables, such as weekly mileage, length of long runs, pace per mile, and heart rate, and sometimes give even more concern to the proper angle and lighting of their post- workout Instagram photo.

They pay little or no attention to how they run. Proper running technique is the first step in becoming a runner or preparing for a race. You wouldn’t play in a tennis tournament before learning how to hit a backhand or enter a triathlon before learning how to swim.

Learning how to run more skillfully can help prevent injuries and enable runners to tolerate greater training loads since they will be undertaking the training with better skill. To become a better runner, start by running better.

Running has an under-recognized neural component. Just as the repetition of the walking movements decreases the jerkiness of a toddler’s walk to the point that it becomes smooth, the repetition of specific running movements can make a runner smoother and improves running economy—the amount of oxygen used to maintain a given speed.

Extraneous movements, unnecessary muscle contractions, incorrect placement of the foot on the ground in relation to the runner’s center of mass, and inefficient absorption of force at foot strike increase the use of oxygen to maintain a given speed, all of which make a runner uneconomical and can even cause injury.

Conversely, smooth, coordinated movements and the recruitment of the fewest muscle fibers needed for the task decreases the use of oxygen, which makes the runner economical. With countless repetitions, the motor unit (muscle fiber) recruitment pattern becomes ingrained, allowing for smoother running mechanics, a more efficient application of muscular force, and greater propulsive forces. Once a runner learns and ingrains proper running mechanics, he or she will be better able to handle and even thrive off the training. And he or she will run faster.

Are your interested in running economy, injury prevention or just learning how to run for the first time correctly; here at SCE we are teaching "old dogs" new tricks. It all started with me now that I am 45 years old I am still hitting longer and faster miles than I ever did when I was in my "prime" playing select soccer. Its not just the coach its many in my gym that have taken the steps to becoming the most capable not just athletes but people that take care of others because they have first taken care of themselves.

They hurt less, they struggle less and they concur more than the above average person. This is what happens when you feel good, you have the potential to think less about yourself and more about others.

we are not trying we are training; come check us out here:

"What makes us different"

Title: | Run Coach Certification | Running ... Found on Google from


Our super special member of the month is Kelly Mollet!! Congratulations Kelly on not only loosing 42+ pounds of fat but getting lost in the journey; you’re not trying your training! Your moving towards a greater understanding of yourself waking up early, getting in the gym before the birds get up, going to work and taking care of business at home with your wife and your kids, I’m so proud of you
it’s a blessing to see you flourishing- congratulations brother, keep up the great work!!!💯

If you see Kelly say hi and hit him with some good word of encouragement, as iron sharpens Iron so shall we sharpen one another!!â˜đŸŸ


Where the Battle is Won or Lost

It’s not that you lack the ability to grind or that you don’t have enough grit, it’s much simpler than that. It’s much easier to start something then it is to finish what we started out on. Where the battle is won or lost is wrapped up in ONE word- discipline.

Discipline in some areas are easy for you but in others they have rocked you to your core. We can’t be great at everything and we need each other to help us in certain areas of our life and that’s ok!

You’re trying harder every year to get where you want to go by trying and not training. It’s like playing darts without a dart board and every year it’s more frustrating having a desire to be your very best for others but you find yourself right back where you were and in many cases worse off. Believe me I know, I have been in the health industry since 2008 starting with the Bible and learning how to be healthy from the inside out. I lost 72 pounds of fat in the first 8 months, went on mission trips doing the grunt work that I felt blessed and capable to do. I enjoyed taking care of the task no one wanted or could do. I was just thankful to be alive and to feel a sense of calling, purpose and being healthy in my physical body. But even more, my soul was finally at rest; something I never had before 2008. I kept many men before me that challenged me to think and live the way the good Lord intended, I was also encouraged with the tools that allowed us the knowledge to build a ministry that encourages us to live a healthy life inside and out no matter the amount of crazy surrounding us. We are learning to go up stream and not the lazy river of life; you can float down the lazy river on your vacation that you have worked for:

Physical health is the wellspring of energy and possibility that will fuel every other area of your life whether spiritual, emotional, or financial.

We want you to know how to fight the good fight and win more often in the trenches, in the normal day to day stresses and in times of tragedy.

I didn’t learn this in my studies at Moody Bible Institute, I learned how to win by failing ALOT and learning from those experiences. I never started winning races until I learned how to lay them down.

There is a process here and we want to share that with you in the life coaching program. For each person as individual and unique as you are, with a fingerprint unlike another soul on the planet, so is the program that we create for you.

First you’re playing with the wrong people and you’re not rowing up stream. You’re going in the way of the world where obesity is at its all time high. 72% of Americans are obese, unhealthy and unhappy. You’re going down a stream on a lazy river ride where less than 20% of Christians read their Bible. You’re going downstream where the divorce rate remains over 50%
.Who wants to play darts with no dart board, who wants play soccer with no soccer ball, who wants to watch football with no refs
who wants to live with people that flail around in life with no sense of direction or purpose? If you want to change the world it starts with one person; yourself. Then watch how many people you will be able to influence.

If we can learn how to get the plank out of our own eye we will be able to see more clearly and we will have more grace because we have walked through tragedy ourselves and have found victory in the midst of it all. What confidence and humility we will have to help our fellow man.

Motivation and will come from living our life according to our priorities where your feet hit the ground without trying. We are playing darts with the intention to win and win we shall! It’s just a matter of time in training ourselves, where our will is natural, an organic part of your life.

Discipline is where you have made a decision and when the morning comes your feelings take a back seat. You pick yourself up by your boot straps and ask God to meet you where you are and He does EVERYTIME. Perhaps just not exactly as we thought however, we just have to give Him the opportunity-God does not give us overcoming life He gives us life as we overcome- hence faith grows up.

Just like the man with the withered hand, we don’t know exactly when Christ healed him as He asked the man to stretch out his hand, but somewhere in those short moments the man was healed. There are many stories in the Word that encourage, remind and impress upon our hearts the truth.

Sometimes there is immediate healing but mostly it’s a process of our own will and leaning how to trust. Let go and to let God is the point because He is sure to do it. Give Him a chance to show up. Once we do that the problems of the world don’t disappear but the way we handle them changes. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. Mathew 5:14-16

"If you will return, O Israel," says the Lord
-Jeremiah 4:1

Our battles are first won or lost in the secret places of our will in God’s presence, never in full view of the world.

The Spirit of God seizes me and I am compelled to get alone with God and fight the battle before Him. Until I do this, I will lose every time.

The battle may take one minute or one year, but that will depend on me, not God. However long it takes, I must wrestle with it alone before God, and I must resolve to go through the hell of renunciation or rejection before Him. Read that again.

Nothing has any power over someone who has fought the battle before God and won there.

I should never say, I will wait until I get into difficult circumstances and then I’ll put God to the test.

Trying to do that will not work. I must first get the issue settled between God and myself in the secret places of my soul, where no one else can interfere.

Then I can go ahead, knowing with certainty that the battle is won.

Lose it there, and calamity, disaster, and defeat before the world are as sure as the laws of God.

The reason the battle is lost is that I fight it first in the external world. Get alone with God, do battle before Him, and settle the matter once and for all.

In dealing with other people, our stance should always be to drive them toward making a decision of their will.

That is how surrendering to God begins. Not often, but every once in a while, God brings us to a major turning point-a great crossroads in our life. From that point we either go toward a more and more slow, lazy, and useless Christian life, or we become more and more on fire, giving our utmost for His highest— our best for His glory. -Oswald Chambers

6 Proven Ways to Improve Your Mountain Biking | SCE Fitness 12/29/2023

đŸšŽâ€â™€ïž Is mountain biking a major part of your life? Since it's the off-season, what better time than now to set yourself up for an awesome 2024.

Check out our newest blog by Coach Seth to learn more ways to improve your mountain biking (that you haven't tried yet). It's time to get ahead of the competition before race season!


6 Proven Ways to Improve Your Mountain Biking | SCE Fitness If cycling and mountain biking is a major part of your life then it's time to improve your skills, and get ahead of the competition!


This last year ( & further past) has brought some major growth, in loosing weight, persevering where life hits you hard but bouncing back through the tools in training and not trying harder.

We have had 10 people making serious weight lose moves this last year loosing anywhere from 20 to 50pounds!! Conveniently, every one of you are on my Master Nutrition/life coaching program and that weight lose number is still going up so congratulations to you all!!💯

This month I wanted to highlight someone that has made all this possible by taking the advice, the tools and the time to meet me consistently through out the years. You were among the first to be my genie pig before I got all the pieces to finally build this master class program, so thank you brother!!

Greg Bogart your amazing man that I love and look forward to seeing every day,someone that is trustworthy that when you speak people believe you!

We have been through so much together, to much to be said here but every year we do hard things together and that’s something that goes well beyond words

What an inspiration, leader, a person of valor that never gives up and rubs off positively on others; your fun and your resolve is endless learning like many of us how to fail well walking through hardships feeling impossible at times but never let it break you!

This month when you see Greg Bogart say hello and let him know you care; as Iron sharpens Iron so shall we sharpen one another!

Thanks for sharring your fitness journey and more importantly your life with everyone here at SCE!!!â˜đŸŸ


Hear from Andrea about why SCE Fitness in Spokane is different than your normal gym. She felt it the moment she walked in the door. "Everyone is focused on their own goals, but they’re also really warm and welcoming. It feels like home. It’s family."

At SCE, our goal is to help you achieve your purpose with energy, vitality, and clarity, and we do that by training and not trying. There's a world of difference between the two. đŸ’Ș

TRYING means working harder than before, and TRAINING is a systematic approach built around your goals and guided by someone who understands the human body and all that goes into improving health and performance. It takes into account injury prevention, recovery time, myofascial release, managing cortisol and inflammation, releasing ATP, building better blood delivery systems, getting proper nutrition and, of course, K.Jay's favorite, sleep.

That's the difference between training and trying. If you're ready to train and you NEED it, SCE can be a great fit for you.

👉 Contact us today!

Roots of Change - 3 Areas of Focus - Transformation | SCE Fitness 10/30/2023

The roots of Change are developed through 3 areas of focus CULMINATING together to produce radical transformation!

✅ Soul - the deep down reason you got started
✅ Mind - will lead you to action or inaction
✅ Body - inspired by the soul

Desire, will, and motivation will come when we keep reminding ourselves of the truth.

👉 Read more in our newest blog:

Roots of Change - 3 Areas of Focus - Transformation | SCE Fitness The roots of Change are developed through 3 areas of focus CULMINATING together to produce radical transformation!


Hear from Greg about why SCE Fitness in Spokane is different than your normal gym. He had come into SCE 5 years prior after he had been diagnosed with COPD. There was 70% scarring in his lungs. We showed him that this was not the end and there was light at the end of the tunnel. He is excited to have built back what he'd lost!

At SCE, our goal is to help you achieve your purpose with energy, vitality, and clarity, and we do that by training and not trying. There's a world of difference between the two. đŸ’Ș

TRYING means working harder than before, and TRAINING is a systematic approach built around your goals and guided by someone who understands the human body and all that goes into improving health and performance. It takes into account injury prevention, recovery time, myofascial release, managing cortisol and inflammation, releasing ATP, building better blood delivery systems, getting proper nutrition and, of course, K.Jay's favorite, sleep.

That's the difference between training and trying. If you're ready to train and you NEED it, SCE can be a great fit for you. Contact us today!


God put each of us on earth for a reason and we have each been blessed with unique qualities and traits to help us achieve that purpose. At SCE Fitness, our goal is to help you achieve your purpose with energy, vitality, and clarity. We do that by training and not trying.

Hear from some of our members about why SCE Fitness in Spokane is different than your normal gym.

We're excited to share this NEW video!

Thanks to The Marketing Crew for creating this amazing video!


I know I don’t share alot of what we do here specifically at SCE fitness but today I wanted to share a little slice of what a Saturday can look like- there is a reason for everything, something to think about as you perhaps even challenge your self to work through this with attention to your own fitness level, injury prevention and good stewardship of your body.

Be carful its tougher than it looks😅

Saturday October 7th 2023

Challenge Pin Available: Complete 4 sets of the WOD below💯

đŸ’„Please say HI đŸ‘‹đŸŸ to someone you don’t know today, we have so many amazing people here now, let’s step a little outside of our comfort zones and smile, say high and let’s continue to do hard things together!đŸ€
đŸ’„Reps are lower but weight is higher!
đŸ’„Back to back exercises unless break is specified
đŸ’„Do NOT eat during your workout, drink water only and use your breaks to increase your ability to further expend your full glycogen storages. You can use electrolytes but don’t use anything with calories. If you want to keep your volume with high intensity take my Hammer Endurolytes- game changer for those intermittent fasting! See me for more information on any of this, PLEASE ask questions if you have themđŸ™đŸœ

1. Roll
2. NEW Dynamic Stretches: If you have gone through them all pick 3 of your favorites only.

3. You can pick any cardio machine to accomplish this task:

1. 5min in zone 2 (60-70%) 1min in zone 3 ( 70-80)
2. 5min in zone 2 & 1min (80-90%)
3. 5min in zone 2 & 1min @ maximal
4. 8 Chin-ups
5. 8 Dumbbell Rows
6. 8 Slight Inclined Chest Press
7. 8 Dips
8. 18 Push-ups

9. You can pick any cardio machine to accomplish this task:

1. 5min in zone 2 (60-70%) 1min in zone 3 ( 70-80)
2. 5min in zone 2 & 1min zone 4 (80-90%)
3. 5min in zone 2 & 1min @ maximal zone 5
10. 8 Heavy Bulgarian Lunges
11. 8 Box Jumps
12. 8 Pistol Squats
13. 8 Power Jump Lunges
14. 18 Light Snatches đŸ’„Please do NOT do this exercise without me. I’ll do this exercise before you get started and I’ll be watching to make sure this one does not get away from us. It’s an easy one to do wrong!
15. Repeat 1-14 x4đŸ’ȘđŸŸ

16. End with 1500 Steppers; you can break this up with others in sets of 200. If you see someone waiting let’s do this together, no more than 3 at once. This should allow you to accomplish this at a faster rate of speed each time you take your break. Get your sweat towels and drink plenty of water, hydrolysis will place the biggest roll for energy in our fasted workout- let’s destroy this thing, we got this!!đŸ‘ŠđŸŸ

Sunday October 8th 2023

90min run in zone 2 (60-70%)

đŸ’„For those racing this coming weekend: Monday and Tuesday is a full recovery and rest days. Restimulation will begin on Wednesday.

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Videos (show all)

Hear from Andrea about why SCE Fitness in Spokane is different than your normal gym. She felt it the moment she walked i...
Hear from Greg about why SCE Fitness in Spokane is different than your normal gym. He had come into SCE 5 years prior af...
What Makes Us Different?
We can do impossible things when you have a good program, family and friends behind you!!â˜đŸŸ( that’s my Jesus finger not ...
Deka Fit with a SCE twist
 great Job Johnny!!💯
Awesomeness, way to go on the Guantlet Challenge today Cami!!đŸ’„
If our focus is on success OVER commitment we will have neither
We must commit ourselves to commitment, getting lost in ...
Happy New Year from SCE Fitness! We look forward to another year helping those in our community reach their health & fit...
What we mean when we’re a kid-friendly gym đŸ€—..........#spokane #spokanefitness #sceteam #kidfriendly #pnwgym #fitlife #s...



104 W 3rd Avenue
Spokane, WA

Opening Hours

Monday 5am - 10am
4pm - 6:30pm
Tuesday 5am - 10am
Wednesday 5am - 10am
4pm - 6:30pm
Thursday 5am - 10am
Friday 5am - 10am
4pm - 6:30pm

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215 W 2nd Avenue, Ste B
Spokane, 99201

We are committed to teaching all levels of Pilates work to all levels of clients.

Catalyst Fitness Catalyst Fitness
2718 E 57th Avenue #107
Spokane, 99223

Catalyst Fitness Spokane has one-on-one training, semi-private training, and small group training, t

Female Elite Female Elite

Female Elite brings together the world's finest female athletes in a unique setting that builds community along with athletic performance and personal growth. Female Elite focuses ...

Through Thick or Thin Fitness & Nutrition Through Thick or Thin Fitness & Nutrition
4402 N Division
Spokane, 99207

Through Thick or Thin Fitness & Nutrition - Fitness Training + Customized Meal Prep for fitness pros

Wicked Faith Fitness Wicked Faith Fitness
603 E Holland Road
Spokane, 99206

Conquer Training LLC Conquer Training LLC
Spokane, 99208

Patience. Perseverance. Passion.

Shockman's Fitness & Batting Cages Shockman's Fitness & Batting Cages
311 S Cedar Street
Spokane, 99201

Serving Spokane since 1996. Premiere Personal and Sports Training Facility and Batting Cages. Washington Nationals of MLB work out facility.

Tyler Piper Personal Training Tyler Piper Personal Training
8121 N Division Street
Spokane, 99208

Body by Michelle Body by Michelle
221 N Wall Street Ste 200
Spokane, 99201

Personal Training/ Group Fitness

MUV Fitness North Spokane MUV Fitness North Spokane
603 E Holland Avenue
Spokane, 99218

RESULTS – RESULTS – RESULTS! MĂŒv Fitness is dedicated to helping members achieve their fitness goals. Visit one of our (4) Spokane locations TODAY!

Fountain Pitching Academy Fountain Pitching Academy
2411 W 14th Avenue
Spokane, 99224

Indoor softball pitching lessons based out of Spokane, WA. We have a large facility with six full-le