Lifestyle Performance Training

Helping clients achieve their health & fitness goals by building habits to allow them to keep their results long term. Contact us to get started!

We do this by providing top personal training in a safe, private, & welcoming environment without judgement in our studio. At Lifestyle Performance Training, your goal is our goal. Whether you want to lose weight, build muscle, improve your balance, or boost your fitness, our personal training gym in Tempe, AZ, helps you get results. We offer one-on-one personal training by experienced coaches who


It’s easy to look at someone else’s success & try to reverse engineer their strategy.

And sure, sometimes that can be helpful.

But here’s something to keep in mind: the systems, habits, & strategies they’re using today probably aren’t the same ones they were using when they started their journey.

What works for them now isn't necessarily what you need to get started.

If you set the bar at “amazing,” it can feel almost impossible to take that first step.

This is true in business, health, fitness—really, in anything. Comparing your situation to someone who’s already successful can make you feel like you don’t have what you need to begin.

But let’s be real: saying you need to “learn more” or “get everything in order” before you start? That’s just a crutch. It’s an excuse that holds you back from focusing on what actually matters.

I’m all for optimizing and improvement—small changes, 1% gains, & tiny habits. That’s the foundation of real growth.

But don’t let the idea of what’s optimal stop you from even starting.

An imperfect start can always be improved.

I’ve been there. The first draft of my book sat for 10 years before I even looked at it again.
I did it with my business, which I had to walk away from the first go around.
I did it with my health and fitness. When I had to restart after my back surgery, it took time to find what truly works for me now, not when I was at my peak physical shape.

But obsessing over a perfect plan? That won’t take you anywhere.

So ask yourself: what’s really holding you back?


The reason you’re struggling to see results usually comes down to one simple thing…

You aren’t staying consistent with the foundational process responsible for 90% of your progress.

Here’s the truth: once you’ve got the Lifestyle Performance Training Transformation going, it’s all about making small tweaks along the way to keep you moving forward.

It’s not about constantly overhauling your program or jumping from one diet to the next just to keep things “interesting.”

No, it’s about the small, steady changes.

And honestly? Sometimes it’s boring.

But that’s the secret—*consistency* is what drives success.

If you’re not consistent with eating in a deficit, moving more, and strength training, you won’t see the results you’re after.

The key is building strategies and systems that make it easier to stick to these 3 basic principles, day in and day out.

You don’t need to confuse your muscles by jumping from CrossFit to Orange Theory to HIIT.
You don’t need to flip your diet from low carb to high carb to keto.
And you definitely don’t need to “fix” your genetics or blame your metabolism.

What you *do* need is to focus on and *master the basics*.

That’s where 90% of your progress comes from.

If you want to know how to master the fundamentals of health and fitness in your life, DM me with the word “BASICS,” and we’ll talk about how this approach can fit into your lifestyle.


What Are Your Non-Negotiables?

Is working out just a “maybe” for you? Is spending time with your family something you *hope* you can squeeze in?

It’s time to identify what truly matters in your life and make those things non-negotiable. This is crucial—because if you don’t, you’ll keep letting yourself off the hook.

Take a hard look at what’s most important to you. Do your actions align with what you claim matters most?

This summer, I took the time to ensure that my priorities are in extreme alignment with my actions. Remember, if something is truly important, you’ll find a way to make it happen. If it’s not, you’ll find an excuse.

So, which are you finding?

Today, I challenge you to choose 4 things that will become non-negotiables in your life. Reply with at least one of them below for accountability. Here are my four:

1️⃣ Personal prep time every morning, making breakfast & lunch for work.
2️⃣ Work out at least 3 times a week, no excuses.
3️⃣ 2 week nights are reserved for family time, no matter how busy work gets.
4️⃣ Clear boundaries between work hours and family time.

Now it’s your turn👇🏼 What’s at least one thing you will commit to making a non-negotiable?


This is my client Kenneth. With a major

When we first started working together, he had one dream: to become a firefighter. But he knew that to get there, he’d have to conquer the CPAT & BURST test—an obstacle that can stand between you and your interview. Kenneth wasn’t going to let that stop him.

He trained with me by choice for about 3 months, but here’s the thing—he realistically hit his goal in just 2 weeks!

What’s important to highlight here is that fitness isn’t just about the physical—it’s about your entire lifestyle. It’s about mental and emotional fitness, too. Kenneth recognized that, and that’s what made his transformation so powerful.

Fitness has always been a core principle in my life, and it’s what I brought to every session with Kenneth. I gave him the tools, the training, and the mindset he needed to not just pass the test, but to become the firefighter he always dreamed of being.

And you know what? He did it.

Kenneth was honest with himself and with me, and that’s what made all the difference. His success is a testament to what happens when you align your goals with the kind of person you want to become.

Having trouble setting goals that keep you accountable?

Send me a DM, and let’s see what your vision is. Together, we’ll align a pathway that keeps you consistent, focused, and ready to achieve the life you’ve always wanted!


✖️Unlock the Power of True Commitment✖️

In today’s world of constant distractions, it’s easy to live in a haze of half-hearted efforts, never fully committing to anything. We spread ourselves thin, dabbling here and there, but never truly going all in.

But let me tell you about a client of mine. She lost 40 pounds in the past year. How? She committed to a specific goal and stuck with a clear process. No magic tricks, no sacrificing her life’s joys—just focused, consistent effort.

Here’s the thing: Too often, we get lost in our vague desires without ever committing to a concrete task. But clarity leads to direction. When you commit to something specific, the next step becomes clear, and your choices start to align with your goal.

The only thing standing between where you are now and where you want to be is your commitment to a specific task. But fear often holds us back—fear of choosing the wrong goal, of making the wrong decision. Here’s the truth: You can always adjust your path. What matters is starting now.

There are about 125 days left until 2024 ends. Imagine what you could accomplish by then if you fully committed to a goal today. Once you make that decision, the world has a way of helping you reach the finish line. 👌


Ask all your Fitness questions and we will answer.


The Real Transformation Starts Within.

Changing your body? That’s the easy part. But changing how you see yourself? That’s the real battle.

Your body image can either propel you toward your goals or sabotage your efforts entirely. It’s why 85-90% of participants on shows like *The Biggest Loser* regain the weight they fought so hard to lose—and often, they gain even more. Why does this happen?

Because when you’ve been carrying a poor self-image or a distorted body image for years, it becomes deeply ingrained in your unconscious mind. And as soon as your willpower weakens, you’ll find yourself slipping back into old habits, back into that familiar identity.

This is why you might find yourself on the endless cycle of dieting—losing weight, gaining it back, and starting all over again.

But here’s the hard truth: You’ll keep hitting that wall until you address what’s going on between your ears.

Your thoughts shape your beliefs, and your beliefs shape your habits. And your habits? They determine your results.

So how do you break the cycle? How do you align your self-image with your goals?

You start by winning the inner game. When you change the way you see yourself, matching your actions and beliefs with your goals becomes second nature. And that’s when real, lasting transformation happens.


You will become what you think about.
Researchers estimate that you have between 50,000 – 70,000 thoughts each day.
That’s up to 70,000 chances to either build yourself up or tear yourself down.
The conversations you have with yourself will either bolster your performance or sabotage your best efforts.
If you’re constantly thinking about the things you fear, the things you dread, & all the things you’ve done “wrong”… You’re going to simply continue that cycle.
Unless you break out of it.
In the beginning stages of working with clients, this is one of the biggest hurdles we need to overcome at the start.
If you begin to focus on positive things, your capabilities, your potential, & really dig in & build those skills to drive & create something amazing, & allow yourself to see that vision & take action on the steps to get there.
You will get there... because you become what you think about.
Building mental strength will help you have productive conversations with yourself so you can perform at your best.
Don’t believe your self doubt, keep focusing on doing your best & your brain will automatically start looking for the positives of every situation.


We are all obsessed with getting to the next level in life.
Yet, very few want to do what’s needed to get there.
If you’re not where you want to be, it’s because you’re not ready for it, you haven’t prepared enough for the opportunity because if you did, you’d be there.
Seems simple, but it’s true.
We are only given in life what we can handle, nothing more & nothing less.
If you want more, you need to BECOME more so that you can handle more.
When I look back on my business 6 years ago, I personally wouldn’t be able to manage where I am today if I was given this opportunity then, because my character wasn’t developed enough to withstand the pressures of today; the same holds true for what’s to come…
Today, I don’t think I’d be able to handle where my business will be in 5 years, because I’m not there yet. Haven’t developed that far yet.
But I’ll get there by continuously working through the challenges & adversities so that I’m stronger, & more capable of handling what’s in front of me.
New levels bring upon new challenges. Stop wanting everything now, & endure the process. That’s where you grow and develop.
Having goals is great, but stop focusing on the result, & start asking yourself WHO YOU NEED TO BECOME to get there.


You can now order our branded insulated bottles with cups with your own personalized message!

Customize by adding your name or a short motivating message to keep your workouts going with cool hydration!

Use the QR code or check the link in the comments!


How to get in the best shape of your life:

Old Way:

Starvation level of calories
Endless cardio
Rely on motivation and willpower

New Way:

Develop the mindset & identity of your future self
Consciously design positive habits
Create a winning environment


Why Focusing on Motivation & Willpower is Holding You Back From Your Best Self

One common theme I hear a lot from people who have conversations with me are:

“I just can’t stay motivated or on track with my progress”
“I don’t have enough willpower or time to achieve my goals”

Etc etc.

This is the wrong way of looking at your lack of success.

In fact, inside of the Lifestyle Performance Transformation Program, we don’t even use the words motivation & willpower, because it’s short-lived energy that does not last.

There is one thing that matters much more.


Environment is the invisible hand that shapes human behavior.

In the years I’ve been coaching, I’ve come to understand that your habits are not a product of your motivation, talent, effort or genetics.

Your habits are a product of your environment.

If we all agree that to reach your goals, you need the correct habits of the type of person that is capable of achieving those goals?


And if the environment is the main element that shapes your habits.

Then, how you consciously design your environment is one of the biggest factors for your own success.

That’s why it is one of the main pillars inside of the Lifestyle Performance Transformation Program.

When most other coaches focus only on calories, fasted cardio & “positive thinking”.

We focus on what actually matters & will get you results.

Here are 3 examples of what we do inside of our program that makes your results automatic:

1) Automate positive habits.

For example, putting your shoes, socks, & workout clothes at the front door every morning for your walk.

Buying smaller plates or portion control with your meals.

2) Surround yourself with winners

Who you surround yourself with matters.

A lot.

Being in a community with other people who are just like you, have the same goals, & same similar lifestyle, to build each other up when things get hard, is so important.

3) Subtract negative influences.

This one is simple, instead of having the cookie jar on your countertop that you see 20X a day, replace that with a bowl of apples, for example.

This goes for any habits that are not in alignment with the goals that you have.

Your transformation can become 10X easier when you consciously design your environment for success.

The best approach to your own success is to design an environment that favors you & makes the positive decisions easy, & that’s exactly what we focus on in week 1.


What’s the secret sauce to the Lifestyle Performance Transformation Program?

It’s not the process, the process is simple.

-Eat in a caloric deficit
-Protein, fiber & water with most meals
-Working out 2-3x per week
-Walking 7-10k steps per day
-7-9 hours of quality sleep

There it is for most people to get very good results.

The secret is the coaching that helps you execute.

Coaching specific to your goals, lifestyle, stressors, schedule, & challenges.

Most people know what to do… It’s not for a lack of knowledge or information.

But a lack of specific implementation guidance & coaching…

That’s what the Lifestyle Performance Transformation Program is designed to do.

If you’re ready to finally reach your goals & want to get into the best shape of your life, send me a DM with the words: Lifestyle Performance Transformation and we will have a conversation about what it would look like for you.


Darren came in with a referral from some of his family members that were already working with Austin.

Unlike most clients that come in Darren was already making exercise part of his regular lifestyle.

The problem was his only experience with working out were his team workouts from when he was younger and he was running into the issue of not having the 2+ hours a day to fit into his adult schedule.

With Austin he was able to learn how to make a workout of the same volume and intensity fit into less than 60 minutes.

Now, Darren feels confident in being able to keep exercise a regular part of his adult life without compromising the quality of the workouts he does.

Having trouble finding a way for exercise to work for your lifestyle?

Send me a DM and we can see what your challenges are, and figure a plan to get you consistent and focused!


If you place your satisfaction of yourself in the achievement of the goal, you will always feel stuck.

For example…

The wrong approach:

“Once I lose weight, then I’ll feel good about myself…”

Weight loss is not the “fix to feeling better about yourself.

The confidence & certainty in yourself isn’t found at the finish line

It’s built along the journey through your actions.

The better approach:

“I can start feeling good about myself right now by choosing to prioritize my health & body.”

This is why it’s so important to stop telling yourself that you’ll start tomorrow, on Monday, the 1st of the month, or in the New Year.

You can start building that confidence by following through on the things you say you are going to do with yourself, right now, in this moment.

Even you reading this post until the end shows that you want it, & you are ready to bet on yourself.

So, pat yourself on the back, be easy with yourself, & start building up those small wins as soon as possible.

It builds up compound interest in your mind.

When you’re ready to make that start, & start seeing results for the rest of your life, send me a message.

We’ve been waiting for you!


Are you looking for a place where you can feel Safe, Confident, and Supported in your fitness journey?

We understand that stepping into a crowded gym or group class can be overwhelming, or even cause a panic attack, especially if you’re just starting out. That’s why at Lifestyle Performance Training, we’ve created a private training studio that prioritizes your comfort and safety.

Our studio is designed to be a peaceful and supportive space, where we limit the number of people allowed in at any one time. This means you can focus on your fitness goals without the stress of a packed gym or the pressure of being in a large group. All this plus a program custom built to your specific needs and designed by your trainer.

Whether you're working on building confidence, recovering from injury, making a major transformation, or just prefer a more private setting, our studio offers the perfect environment to help you thrive. Our team is here to support you every step of the way, so you can feel safe, secure, and confident in your fitness journey.

💪 Ready to take the first step? We’re here when you’re ready!


The Locus of Control:

I was having a conversation with a client about this the other day.

This concept explains the extent to which people believe they have power over events in their lives.

A person with an internal locus of control believes that he or she can influence events and their outcomes.

Someone with an external locus of control blames outside forces for everything.

Which one are you?


Free Giveaway Alert

If I were to audit your current nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle routines…

Then give you customized advice on what to focus on in the last 5 months of 2024..

Would you be interested in that?

Comment "me" down below.


Focus & concentration can be difficult to master.

Sure, most people want to learn how to improve focus & boost concentration. But we live in a noisy world & constant distractions can make focus difficult.

Most people don’t have trouble with focusing.

They have trouble with deciding.

The key to maintaining long-term focus is deciding to concentrate on processes, not events. All too often, we see success as an event that can be achieved & completed.

If you want to be a great writer, then having a best-selling book is wonderful. But the only way to reach that result is to fall in love with the process of writing.

If you want to be in the best shape of your life, then losing 20 pounds might be necessary. But the only way to reach that result is to fall in love with the process of eating in a healthy and sustainable way & consistent exercise.

If you want to become significantly better at anything, you have to accept the process of doing it as part of your regular lifestyle.

You have to fall in love with building the lifestyle of someone who does the work, rather than merely dreaming about the results that you want.

Focusing on outcomes & goals is our natural tendency, but FOCUSING on processes leads to more results over the long-run.


It’s important to make sure “progress” expectations are realistic for your unique goals, lifestyle, & health levels.

The fitness industry is full of over promises with fads & trends that prey on people's insecurities.

This has created an initial trend of having unrealistic expectations when you first start your journey.

A rule of thumb I like to say is this:

Your results may take longer than you want, but will happen faster than you realize.

Getting results takes time, & most importantly, learning how to maintain those results takes even longer.

But, you can, & will get there.

The worst thing you can do is compare your progress to someone else’s.

No two people are the same.

Lifestyle, health markers, genetics, history, etc.

Focus only on your own journey, & what you can control.

And with the right plan of action, maybe the Lifestyle Performance Transformation Program ;)

You can’t lose.


When you hear about a dramatic transformation (like someone losing 100 pounds) or an incredible success story, the only thing you know is the result.

You don't hear anything about the process that came before it or about the habits that led to the eventual result.

It's natural to think that we need the result, the transformation, the overnight success.

But that's not what you need.

What you need are 3 things:

An aligned mindset.
Better habits.
And a consciously designed environment.

How in shape or out of shape are you? A result of your habits.

How happy or unhappy are you? A result of your mindset.

How successful or unsuccessful are you at reaching your goals? A result of your environment.

It’s so easy to OVERestimate the importance of one defining moment and UNDERestimate the value of making better decisions on a daily basis.

The desire to achieve results quickly fools you into thinking that the result is the prize.

Which is why you see so many people lose weight to only stay unconfident, unfulfilled and unsatisfied.

But here's the truth...

Becoming the type of person you want to become — someone who lives by a stronger standard, someone who believes in themselves, someone who can be counted on by the people that matter to them — is about the daily process you follow and not the ultimate product you achieve.

Focus on that. Not your abs.

Please tag someone who you think could benefit. 🙏

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7890 S Hardy Drive Suite 115
Tempe, AZ

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 8pm
Tuesday 8am - 8pm
Wednesday 8am - 8pm
Thursday 8am - 8pm
Friday 8am - 8pm

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