West Point Department of History

The official page of the Department of History at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. Army officers. Army or Department of Defense.

Welcome to the official page of the West Point Department of History. Here you will find information and media highlighting the scholarship and activities of the students, faculty, and staff of the United States Military Academy as we instill “wisdom through history” in the next generation of U.S. The Department of History's mission is to educate, train and inspire the students of the Uni


Congratulations to today’s newest members of the !

The continues!

Congratulations to the ten cadets who traded their USMA crests for gold bars today as they graduated and commissioned as second lieutenants in the U.S. Army.

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Congratulations to American History Major Cadet Anna Caroline Robinson on her selection as First Captain of the United States Military Academy Corps of Cadets for the 2024-2025 Academic Year! Wisdom Through History!


Photos from West Point Department of History's post 08/07/2024

To end the summer for the History Department, 10 cadets participated in the third iteration of “Mapping the American Revolution in the Hudson Valley," which aims to digitally map locations from the American Revolution using the latest technologies. For this particular rendition, cadets researched and sought locations of events from September through November 1776. These included the locations of the British landings on the east shore of the Bronx, the Battle of White Plains, and the events surrounding Fort Washington. The AIAD developed individual research skills, especially as they waded through the urban landscape of NYC to find long-lost locations. Look for the public posting of the multi-part digital website of the cadets' work in a few weeks!


As part of the Arriving Faculty Workshop, the Department of History conducted a staff ride of the Battle of Gettysburg with all our new faculty from July 9-11. The staff ride focused on demonstrating pedagogical methods at a historical location, assessing leadership at different levels of war, the intersection of war and society, and examining decision-making in the midst of uncertainty.


Congratulations to US Women’s Rugby on their bronze medal! Every cadet an athlete!

Every cadet is an athlete!

Class of 2020 alumni, Capt. Sammy Sullivan is officially an OLYMPIC MEDALIST winning bronze🥉in women's rugby sevens today!

Congratulations to Sammy and the entire USA Rugby team on this amazing accomplishment!

West Point Superintendent | West Point Commandant | Dean of the Academic Board-West Point | U.S. Army | West Point Association of Graduates | Army West Point Athletics | U.S. Army World Class Athlete Program | Team USA | Olympics


Congratulations to our West Point Olympians! Good luck in Paris!

Best of luck to Capt. Sammy Sullivan, USMA Class of 2020, as she takes to the rugby pitch to represent Team USA in the Olympics!

Match Schedule (EDT):
Sunday, 10:30 AM vs. Japan on CNBC
Sunday, 2:00 PM vs. Brazil on CNBC
Monday, 9:30 AM vs. France on USA

All matches can also be seen on Peacock.

U.S. Army | U.S. Army World Class Athlete Program | West Point Superintendent | Army West Point Athletics | USA Rugby | West Point Association of Graduates

Photos from West Point - The U.S. Military Academy's post 07/28/2024
Photos from West Point Department of History's post 07/24/2024

From 11-13 July 2024, faculty and staff from West Point’s Resnick Center for Holocaust & Genocide Studies and the Center for Oral History travelled to Quebec City, Canada, to meet with LTG (R) Roméo Dallaire, the Force Commander of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Rwanda during the Genocide against the Tutsi. General Dallaire recently made the momentous decision to donate his personal archive, one of the most important genocide-related collections of the 20th century, to West Point. His donation and oral interviews are a tremendous honor and contribution to the U.S. Military Academy, the Resnick Center, and our mission to prevent occurrences of mass atrocity.

Photos from West Point Department of History's post 07/22/2024

This summer, the History Department sent cadets and faculty to France to study the Harlem Hellfighters of World War 1. After going to St. Mihiel cemetery, the cadets were able to analyze historically some popular legends of the Americans in WWI. The first was the Lost Battalion, truly a conglomeration of companies from the 77th U.S. Division that became encircled in the Argonne forest by German forces. Their magnificent stand is well remembered by the memorials we found around the area. The second was journeying through a valley where Sergeant Alvin C. York made a heroic stand, personally killing and capturing about 150 German soldiers. The cadets were able to lay a wreath at the Meuse-Argonne Cemetery and retire the colors, paying respects to our fallen at the largest American military cemetery in Europe. In Paris, they visited the Les Invalides Museum in Paris. Built originally as a retirement home and hospital for veterans, the impressive grounds today house the Military Museum of France, and the former Royal Chapel where some of France's most famous citizens are interred. There cadets had the chance to learn about French military history and visit the Tomb of Napoleon. All the cadets and instructors learned much during this summer educational trip.

Photos from West Point Museum's post 07/20/2024

“Much of the History we teach was made by the people we taught.”

Photos from West Point Department of History's post 07/19/2024

This summer, the History Department sent cadets and instructors to study the Harlem Hellfighters of World War 1 in France. After learning about the "Rock of the Marne," they visited the Musée France 40 Véhicules Museum in Fismettes, where they were given a tour of the ongoing work to expand on this impressive collection. Theywere immersed in the incredible history of France as our team visited the Underground Citadel Museum, a key WWI site for the French originally built by King Charles IX starting in 1567. The logistics network and protection offered by the underground site was astounding. From there, they climbed into and on top of Fort de Vaux, a French fortification in the Verdun defensive belt, which was brutally bombarded with artillery and captured by the German army in 1916. Additionally, our team was invited to lower the flags at the St. Mihiel American Cemetery, honoring the fallen Soldiers, nurses, and volunteers buried there.

Photos from West Point Department of History's post 07/18/2024

Earlier this summer, the History Department sent ten West Point Cadets and three instructors to France to study the 369th Harlem Hellfighters and the American Expeditionary Force from World War 1. They jumped right into the action by visiting the Croix Rouge Farm site where the 42nd Division bravely attacked a strong German position near the Ourcq River. Then they visited the Oise-Aisne American Cemetery right next to the Meurcy Farm, a deadly fight for the 165th Infantry Regiment in the same campaign. In Chateau-Thierry, they discussed the 3rd Infantry Division’s legendary stand that earned them the sobriquet “Rock of the Marne.”

Photos from Dean of the Academic Board-West Point's post 07/15/2024
Photos from West Point Department of History's post 07/12/2024

Last month, two Department of History instructors, Captain Andrew DeFabio and Major Anthony Guerrero, presented at The Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations at the University of Toronto, Canada. Their lightning round panel titled “Progress as a Tool of America’s Empire” featured scholars presenting their work on environmental, diplomatic, autobiographical and historical memory in relation to U.S. foreign policy. Both Captain DeFabio and Major Guerrero received valuable feedback to improve on and refine their research and historical skills.

Part 2: The Road to Solferino with Dr. Schneid 07/11/2024

For Academic Year 2024, Dr. Rick Schneid was the resident Charles Bowl Ewing Chair of Military History at United States Military Academy History Department. During this time, he sat down with Jeff Browne, an independent historian, to discuss the Battle of Solferino and Italian Unification. Dr. Schneid is a Napoleonic Scholar and a leading authority on Italian Military History during the time of Napoleon. Before his year long service at West Point as the Ewing Chair, Dr. Schneid served and is still serving as the Herman and Louise Smith Professor of History at High Point University, which he has held since 1994. In this two part series, Dr. Schneid covers the context of the conflict that culminated with the Battle of Solferino in 1859 in Italy. In part two, he focuses on comparing the Napoleon I and Napoleon III and the first and second French Empires, which places the Battle of Solferino and the Italian Wars of Unification within their historical contexts.

Part 2: The Road to Solferino with Dr. Schneid Jeff interviews Dr. Rick Schneid, an expert on Napoleonic history.

Photos from West Point Department of History's post 07/10/2024

On the final day in Japan for the World War 2 Defense of the Pacific Staff Ride, cadets visited the US base Torii Station to learn about contemporary Pacific security considerations from 1/1 Special Forces Group and from 4th Marine Regiment. Cadets gained a better understanding of integrated deterrence in the Pacific and asked thoughtful questions based on their understanding of the historical challenges the US armed forces faced in executing campaigns in the Pacific Theater during World War 2. Special thanks to 1/1 Special Forces Group and 4th Marine Regiment for welcoming the staff ride team and providing such helpful insights. Also featured is a picture of the map that the cadets used to navigate daily between stands.

Photos from West Point Department of History's post 07/10/2024

On the last day experiencing the Battle for Okinawa for the World War 2 Defense of the Pacific Staff Ride, cadets began the day by visiting the LTG Buckner Memorial, located where LTG Buckner died after being struck by shrapnel from enemy fire and where EB Sledge experienced intense fighting near Kunichi Ridge. With the help of Cadets Matt Knutson and Renzo Almodovar’s presentations, cadets considered the role of senior US and Japanese leaders throughout the campaign. Cadets then visited the Okinawa Peace Memorial Park and Museum, where the final battle for the island took place. Cadets Clifford and Pool gave powerful presentations on the intense final resistance by the remaining elements of the Japanese 32nd Army at Mabuni Hill and on the harrowing experience of the battle for the civilians on the island. Cadet Pool recounted the story of Tomiko Higa, a 7-year-old at the time, who survived over 30 days on the battlefield fending for herself. In the museum, cadets further spent time considering the civilian accounts of the battle and came away with a somber appreciation for the devastating cost of the battle. Many remarked that Mabuni Hill and the Okinawa Memorial Park were the most impactful stands on Okinawa.

Part I: The Road to Solferino with Dr. Schneid 07/09/2024

For Academic Year 2024, Dr. Rick Schneid was the resident Charles Bowl Ewing Chair of Military History at United States Military Academy History Department. During this time, he sat down with Jeff Browne, an independent historian, to discuss the Battle of Solferino and Italian Unification. Dr. Schneid is a Napoleonic Scholar and a leading authority on Italian Military History during the time of Napoleon. Before his year long service at West Point as the Ewing Chair, Dr. Schneid served and is still serving as the Herman and Louise Smith Professor of History at High Point University, which he has held since 1994. In this two part series, Dr. Schneid covers the context of the conflict that culminated with the Battle of Solferino in 1859 in Italy. In part one, he focuses on the lead up to the Battle of Solferino.

Part I: The Road to Solferino with Dr. Schneid Jeff interviews Dr. Rick Schneid, an expert on Napoleonic history.

Photos from West Point Department of History's post 07/08/2024

On the third day in Okinawa for the World War 2 Defense of the Pacific Staff Ride, cadets considered the Japanese 32nd Army’s main defensive line anchored at Shuri Castle and the last major amphibious invasion of World War 2 against the Japanese Naval Headquarters outside of Naha. Cadets also had the opportunity to delve more into the history of Okinawa at the Prefectural Museum. Exploring the underground headquarters of the naval element posted on Okinawa was an intense experience – particularly as cadets considered the significant effort it took conscripted Okinawan civilians to dig the tunnels by hand and US Soldiers and Marines to clear the tunnels. Cadets also considered the challenge the Japanese army faced in surreptitiously withdrawing 40,000 soldiers to their final defensive positions at the end of May 1945.

Photos from West Point Department of History's post 07/08/2024

On the second day in Okinawa for the World War 2 Defense of the Pacific Staff Ride, cadets engaged with the challenge of the US 10th Army encountering the Japanese 32nd Army’s first line of extensive defensive positions located along ridgelines running east-west across the island. Cadets Matthew Knutson and Chris Zuzich gave detailed briefs of the intense fighting along Kakazu Ridge, while Cadets Joaquin Kull and Sophia Zhang-Fernandez captivated the group with the determination of the defenders and attackers on the Maeda Escarpment. Particularly compelling was listening to the Medal of Honor citation for medic Desmond Doss while standing atop Hacksaw Ridge and considering the daunting terrain he faced and the selflessness he demonstrated to evacuate casualties. The sobering day ended with a discussion of the intense fighting described by EB Sledge while at Wana Draw.

Photos from West Point Department of History's post 07/07/2024

On the first day in Okinawa for the World War 2 Pacific Defense staff ride, cadets delved into the history of the Ryukyuan Kingdom at medieval castle ruins at Nakagusuku Castle. They then transitioned to World War II and considered the factors that contributed to the Japanese decision to defend Okinawa and the US’s decision to invade in the spring of 1945. Cadets discussed where and how to conduct beach landings on Okinawa and developed a sense for the outstanding scale of the Hagushi Beach landings on 1 April 1945 when 60,000 US Soldiers and Marines landed on the first day.

Photos from West Point Department of History's post 07/06/2024

During the team's final day in Hawaii, cadets discussed the Japanese raid of December 7th, 1941. We began the day at the site of the Opana radar, which first spotted the incoming planes. Then we traveled to Wheeler Army Airfield and discussed the Japanese plan compared to US defensive plans. The final stop at the Pearl Harbor Arizona Memorial and Museum powerfully wrapped up the consequences of war and events of World War 2 era Hawaii. Special thank you to the Kahuku Training Area Range control for giving us access to the Opana Radar site. And thank you to the Shi family for hosting our entire team and spoiling us with great food on our way out of Hawaii!"

Photos from West Point Department of History's post 07/05/2024

While in Poland this summer, cadets and officers on the Modern Poland AIAD did not miss the opportunity to study the military history of Poland. Highlights of their excursions included a trip to Kosciuszko’s Mound. Situated in a 19th century fortress, the mound honors a hero that West Point and Poland share in common – Tadeusz Kosciuszko. Our cadets also visited a local museum dedicated to the WW1 Battle of Lodz, a WWII and Cold War tank museum in Poznan, and the Warsaw Uprising Museum – commemorating the August 1944 battles of the Polish Resistance.

Photos from West Point Department of History's post 07/04/2024

On Day 3 of the World War 2 Pacific Defense staff ride, cadets took part in a challenging and strenuous run on the beach followed by hikes to ridgeline and coastline pillboxes, and stands led by cadets Kartik Chowtkur and Jacob Owens. Discussion focused on early 1940s development of radar and anti-air networks which dotted Oahu's north shore. The following day, Cadet Elijah Pool briefed the challenges of logistics across the Pacific and across the island. Cadets toured Schofield Barracks and the Lualualei Naval Reserve discussing the past and current activities to provide logistics to the Pacific region. A special thank you to Schofield Barracks Range Control and Naval Base Pearl Harbor Operations for helping with coordination for these events.

Photos from West Point Department of History's post 07/03/2024

On June 8th, cadets and officers on the Modern Poland AIAD were honored to receive a private tour of the Polish Sejm, the “lower house” of the Polish national legislature. While in the Sejm, cadets were shown the “staff of the Marshall of the Sejm” with which the Marshall of the Sejm opens and closes sessions in a century’s old tradition, by striking the floor three times. Cadets also saw a memorial for the members of the Sejm who were killed during World War 2, which was a very long list. The tour concluded with the cadets touring the chamber itself, where the Sejm’s 460 members legislate on behalf of the Polish people.

Photos from West Point Department of History's post 07/02/2024

On Day 2 of the World War 2 Pacific Defense Staff ride, cadets Matthew Clifford and Joe Manning briefed the team on the development of Pearl Harbor as an American port and the post World War 1 defensive construction across the island. It was a busy day with visits to Fort Kamehameha, USS Missouri, USS Bowfin, Pacific Aviation Museum, and the Diamond Crater fire direction control Pillboxes.

Photos from West Point Department of History's post 07/02/2024

After the United States Military Academy's graduation this year, 12 cadets spent a week preparing for a staff ride focused on the Ancient and World War 2 defenses of the islands of Oahu and Okinawa. Supported by the West Point Museum and the Archives and Special Collections, each cadet researched and prepared two presentations for the staff ride. On June 1st, those cadets accompanied by three faculty set off on 14 days of travel, study, and adventure. The team's first days of travel and arrival on Hawaii saw preparations paying off. Cadets used 1:50,000 maps for navigation to all staff ride stands. Day 1 focused on King Kamehameha's 1796 invasion of Oahu. The Honolulu Punchbowl crater and Nu'uanu Pass demonstrated the climactic battle on Oahu. Cadets Joah Miller and Hannah Shi briefed stands on the offensive and defensive actions of the grand invasion of 1,200 war vessels which landed at Waikiki and drove the Oahuan army up the Nu'uanu valley.

Photos from West Point Department of History's post 07/01/2024

This summer, 10 cadets took the Department of History summer course HI399: Modern Poland. This course gave the cadets the opportunity to study Polish History in the classroom at West Point for two weeks, followed by two weeks of “on site” study throughout Poland – Krakow, Auschwitz, Lodz, Warsaw, Poznan. Throughout this course, Cadets studied how the Polish nation and idea of independence survived periods of foreign occupation and oppression. The cadets focused on the period 1772-1918, when the Russian, Austrian and Prussian states occupied Poland, and the period of N**i and Communist Oppression 1939-1989. Cadets learned much about this important US ally, and how the Polish people were able to gain and regain their sovereignty.

Photos from West Point Department of History's post 05/31/2024

Cadet David Sweeten, Class of 2024, is a military history major currently serving as a Spirit Officer in Company A2. The Department is happy to highlight his devotion to service, his volunteer attitude, and his positive contributions to the field of History.

Beyond his duties within USCC, David is actively involved in the Military Division and takes on challenges. David is an active member of the Combat Grappling Team and uses this wonderful skillset to teach new members of the team. He has also served as a member of the Flag Football team, Area Hockey team, and Ultimate Frisbee team, while volunteering to help as an Honor Board President.

David is passionate about studying History and working to become a first-rate Army officer. David is excelling academically. David served on the recent 498 Panel for Cows where he explained his experience with the course to the rising Firsties. David has also written on culture as a driver of tactics in war and is pursuing research into this topic.

He will be headed to Fort Wainwright for his first duty station.

Photos from West Point Department of History's post 05/24/2024

Yesterday, the Department of History recognized 18 cadets during its annual awards ceremony. These 18 cadets all accomplished great things, both in and out of the History classroom. It was a privilege to publicly recognize them and their accomplishments this Academic Year.

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Videos (show all)

Cadet Awards Ceremony
Cadets in Major Jessica Rudo's HI101: History of the Army of the Republic ended a great semester with a trip to the West...
Colin McNulty Promotion
Cadet Conrow


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600 Thayer Hall
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This is the official page for the US Army's Center for Junior Officers.

West Point Writing Program West Point Writing Program
758 Cullum Road, Jefferson Hall 122/129
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Official account of the West Point Writing Program. Following, RTs, likes, and links ≠ endorsement

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West Point Department of English and World Languages West Point Department of English and World Languages
745 Brewerton Road
West Point, 10996

Official FB Page of the United States Military Academy's Department of English and World Languages.