West Point SOSH

The Official Page of the Dept of Social Sciences at the US Military Academy. No FOUO (for official use only), or classified information should ever be posted.

Welcome to the official of the Department of Social Sciences at the US Military Academy. This page allows us to share the activities of the Sosh Department with cadets, faculty, alumni, and the general public and to generate interest and support for the department

The Sosh Department's Mission is to educate, train, and inspire the Corps of Cadets so that each graduate is a commissioned le

Photos from West Point SOSH's post 08/02/2024

Cadets Dawson Clifton and Gabriel Kunze pioneered a new AIAD in…📍🌍N’Djamena, Chad!
Coordinated through the U.S. Defense Attaché’s Office, our cadets were afforded an extraordinary opportunity to learn about various initiatives at the U.S. Embassy, including U.S.-Chadian cooperation on development and stability, regional security, and counterterrorism in the Lake Chad Basin (LCB) as well as other border areas.
Fluent in French, Cadet Kunze spent each morning serving as the primary English instructor at the Chadian Military Academy, also known as the Groupement des Ecole Militaires Inter Armées (GEMIA), where his students ranked from lieutenant to major general. With little guidance or preparation, Cadet Kunze navigated this challenging assignment as a true professional and developed important adaptive, interpersonal, and cross-cultural skills in the process.
Cadet Clifton was tasked by the Pol/Econ section to serve as a control officer to assist with the evaluation of programs in the LCB region where Boko Haram and other terrorist organizations operate. His exceptional work culminated in an opportunity to co-author a State Dept cable as well as several other deliverables. His placement provided invaluable insight on terrorism in the LCB and the Sahel, which as an Arabic major and Terrorism minor, will contribute enormously to his academic endeavors during his firstie year.
Additionally, while they spent the bulk of their time on their individual projects, they were able to attend country team meetings, the DoD synchronization meeting, and the Ambassador’s media update. They met General Abdelkerim Deby, brother of the President of Chad as well as a USMA grad, Ambassador Laskaris, visited the Chadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and tagged along with the Office of Security Cooperation (OSC) as they completed projects and attended meetings throughout N’Djamena. They also met with nearly 20 specialists from various organizations, including Ambassador Nuhu from the Lake Chad Basin Commission, various UN entities, and local police forces. They even got to try camel and pigeon meat, and cross the Chari river in a Pirogue with the Deputy Chief of Mission!


The Department of Social Sciences is hiring! We are accepting applications for Academy Professor (FA47) positions in American Politics, International Affairs, and the Combating Terrorism Center, as well as for the Professor, USMA (PUSMA) Deputy Department Head position.

For more information, visit https://www.westpoint.edu/work-at-west-point/commissioned-officers/permanent-faculty

The application deadline is September 30, 2024.

Photos from West Point SOSH's post 07/18/2024

The U.S. Army Psychological Warfare AIAD offers a transformative experience designed to deepen cadet understanding of psychological operations (PSYOP). Conducted with both PSYOP and Special Forces units, this AIAD focused on the sophisticated strategies used to influence perceptions and behaviors in modern warfare. The purpose of the project was to equip cadets with the skills and knowledge needed to effectively understand psychological operations, emphasizing the creation of propaganda, the development of artificial personas, and the integration of multimedia elements such as music to enhance the emotional impact of PSYOP campaigns. Through this experience, cadets gained valuable insights into strategic planning, ethical considerations, and the potential career paths both within and beyond the Special Operations Forces community.

Photos from West Point SOSH's post 07/12/2024

💰🗣 When money talks, cadets listen 🫡

From the barracks to the banks of Europe, five cadets embarked on the History of Western Economics AIAD to explore the evolution of economic ideas and institutions from the late Roman Empire to the present day. Throughout this unforgettable journey, they studied how predominant philosophy, technological innovation, access to naval ports, military funding, and the distribution of wealth influenced institutional development.

Led by MAJ Caleb Stenholm and CPT Sara Downing, cadets traveled to Italy, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and Belgium to develop their individual theses. In Rome, cadets visited CiFE and several historical sites to learn how property rights and rule of law enable trade. A lecture from the University of Florence and a visit to a few art galleries illuminated the rise of the merchant class and how the Catholic church shaped the development of banks as savings and lending platforms. In Amsterdam, cadets reflected on equity financing and the wealthy colonial European powers that such financial systems produced. A visit to Edinburgh and the University of Glasgow gave cadets insight to the Scottish Enlightenment, namely Adam Smith’s emphasis on specialization and naval trade and the nascent development of national banks. Lectures at Kings College London and Cambridge distilled how the world became increasingly interconnected as colonial powers drove international trade, two world wars entrenched interdependent military industrial bases in Europe and North America, and sanctions as a form of economic warfare. Cadets ended their trip in Belgium, learning how the EU stabilized European trade and finance and how NATO generates economies of scale in military deterrence for its members.

The trip’s theme is simple: more inclusive institutions generate more wealth and, often, a more equitable distribution of that wealth. Our cadets are deeply grateful to have experienced that notion in many cultures and contexts this summer. GO SOSH!

Photos from West Point SOSH's post 07/10/2024

Spotted in Botswana: Dr. Ruth Beitler and cadets dodging hippos in a dugout canoe through the Okavango Delta! 🛶 🦛

(don’t worry, they’re fine)

Earlier this summer, Dr. Beitler partnered with Dr. Darren Hudson from Texas Tech University to lead cadets and students on an AIAD that spanned four countries to learn about economic development and sustainability in Botswana. The trip kicked off in London where the group engaged in team-building activities before heading to Africa. Importantly, this enabled cadets to bond with their new travel buddies while also enhancing civil-military relations.

United Kingdom ✈️ Botswana

Next up was Botswana, where they spent the first two days with visits to the US Embassy, which included briefings by the Defense Attaché, State Department officials, USAIAD and Peace Corps. These informative briefings provided context for the rest of the itinerary, including visits to the Agricultural University to meet with faculty and tour horticultural farms. They also visited a diamond processing plant to learn about the industry that has made Botswana an upper middle-income country. From the capital of Gaborone, they traveled north to the Okavango Delta where they camped in the bush for several days, sharing meals with the local population, learning about life in the Delta, and observing wildlife. The group wrapped up their Botswana tour further north in the Kasane National Park and Chobe River.

Botswana 🚌 Zambia

After a long drive up to Zambia, the group visited a rural village to learn about traditional lifestyles. They met with the Prime Minister of the village, who explained the relationship between the government and local chiefs. The group capped off the Africa portion of the trip with a visit to Victoria Falls, one of the Seven Natural Wonder of the World.

Zambia ✈️ Germany

For the final portion of the trip, the group traveled to Germany to debrief with AFRICOM officials. This included meetings with BG Rose Keravuori (J2), BG Eero Keravouri (Deputy J5), USAIAD, Chief of Staff and officials dealing with civilian harm and mitigation. They also visited the Dachau Concentration camp and Neuschwanstein Castle.

Photos from West Point SOSH's post 07/01/2024

Our cadets recently returned from a life-changing cultural immersion AIAD in Cambodia. Joined by five cadets from the , this impressive group accomplished quite a bit in just three weeks. Shortly after their arrival, they made a visit to the Cambodian Royal Military Academy, where they met with the Superintendent, toured the academy’s facilities, and traded pins with Cambodian cadets. The cadets also visited the U.S. Embassy to learn about ongoing efforts to deepen the bilateral relationship and were even able to meet with Secretary of Defense Austin who also happened to be visiting Cambodia!
The bulk of the trip was spent volunteering with an NGO (Projects Abroad) on a community development project. With the goal of building a library for an elementary school, the cadets persevered through extreme heat and regular heavy downpours. Their hard work included pouring and setting the foundation, building a fence to serve as a retention wall, laying brick and plastering the entire building, and installation of the roof. By the end of the trip, the library was nearly finished and a small community garden was set. The cadets were also able to spend time with the school children, playing games and helping them learn English.
Projects Abroad also facilitated fantastic opportunities to learn about Cambodia’s rich culture and history. Acclimating to plates including snails, fried tarantulas, silkworms, ants, chicken feet, and frogs, the food was both interesting and delicious. One of the major highlights was the trip to Siem Reap where the cadets explored Angkor Wat (the 8th Wonder of the Modern World) and the Angkor Thom temple complex. The cadets later visited one of the Killing Fields to learn about the Khmer Rouge’s tragic impact on the country, and also toured the notorious S21 prison camp, where prisoners were interrogated and tortured before being taken to the Fields. These experiences not only broadened the group’s cultural horizons, but also strengthened their teamwork and adaptability in diverse environments.

Photos from West Point SOSH's post 06/24/2024

On their AIAD in Skopje, North Macedonia, Cadets McKenzie Daffin and Katherine Clayton were given unique opportunities to witness how the U.S. supports its NATO allies through training and advising, planning multinational training exercises, and providing humanitarian aid. Thanks to LTC Sean Rufolo, CPT Katja Nordwig, and their fantastic team at the U.S. Office of Defense Cooperation, our cadets were able to work closely with the Ministry of Defense (MOD) and learn about the planning process for NATO exercises such as Immediate Response and Swift Response. They were also invited to join the engineers deployed to Exercise Resolute Castle to see the construction projects underway to support Swift Response, set to take place next summer. One of the highlights include the opportunity to take part in the Pre-Deployment Site Survey (PDSS) at Krivolak Training Area with the Vermont National Guard and military members from Greece, Montenegro, and the Netherlands. They also shadowed a Security Force Assistance Brigades (SFAB) Team who was working with a Macedonian battalion to train and advise their soldiers in logistical and tactical expertise.
With much of their second week spent learning about various U.S. humanitarian projects in North Macedonia, the cadets deepened their understanding of the strategic importance of such initiatives. Additionally, the cadets joined a country team meeting at the U.S. Embassy, which provided a unique opportunity for them to see how each embassy section contributes new information. Also at the embassy, they got to meet the new CBRNE (chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, environmental) and Cyber teams and observe a demonstration on how they’d respond to an emergency. Other highlights include spending time with a special forces team out of the Texas National Guard, hiking up to the Millenium Cross on Vodno Mountain, exploring the Old Bazaar, and traveling to Thessaloniki, Greece for a weekend trip.

Photos from West Point SOSH's post 06/17/2024

Cadets Colby Buzzelli & Tyler Catapano just wrapped up their AIAD in Belgrade, Serbia, where they interned with the U.S. Office of Defense Cooperation (ODC). Thanks to the ODC Chief, LTC Danny O’Connell and his team, the cadets were afforded fantastic opportunities to learn about US-Serbian military relations, attend high-level events including the opening of the Vrtogos shooting range, and meet with cadets from the Serbian Military Academy, where they traded patches and pins, and developed friendly relationships with the cadets. They were also able to visit each section of the embassy, attend several meetings with the U.S. Ambassador, and attend a lunch with the Chief of the Serbian General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović, and BG Chris McKinney, EUCOM’s Deputy Director for the Security Cooperation and Partnering Division and Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Office. Other highlights include immersing in Serbian culture and enjoying authentic Serbian food at dinners with the ODC staff.

Photos from West Point SOSH's post 06/17/2024

It is almost time for the SOSH Department to welcome a new cohort of faculty members! Before we do that, we'd like to recognize some of our faculty's tremendous accomplishments that capped off the 2024 academic year. Here are a few of the highlights:

- Dr. Scott Limbocker was awarded the Dean’s Early Career Award for Scholarship Excellence.
- MAJs Will Putt, Vince Shaw, and Rachel Kim were recognized for their successful completion of the Academy's Master Teacher Program.
- The following members of the junior faculty were awarded the Department of Social Sciences' William F. Murdy Award for Teaching Excellence at our recent awards ceremony: MAJ Heather Jebb, MAJ Pat Kelly, CPT Jeff Yao, and MAJ Hisham Yousif.

Congratulations to all for their outstanding achievements! GO SOSH!

Photos from West Point SOSH's post 06/14/2024

Here are some more photos from this year's SOSH Awards Ceremony, highlighting achievements in some of the department's academic minors and extracurricular activities! Congratulations again to all and GO SOSH!:

- Dr. Rachel Yon presents the BG Russell Howard and Mrs. Julie Kay Howard Award for Excellence in Terrorism Studies to CDT Eugene Lee ('24)
- Dr. Scott Silverstone presents an Award for Excellence in the Rupert H. Johnson Grand Strategy Program to CDT James Whisenhunt ('24)
- Ms. Nicole Walker presents the George W.P. Walker Award for excellence on the Army Debate Team to CDT Randy Story ('25)
- COL Suzanne Nielsen presents the BG Amos A. Jordan Award for Excellence in the International Affairs Forum to CDT Ryan Gentry ('24)
- LTC (Ret.) Frederick Black Jr. presents the COL Frederick H. Black Sr. Award for Excellence in the Domestic Affairs Forum to CDT Thomas Ward ('24)

Photos from West Point SOSH's post 06/14/2024

The photos are in! SOSH would like to take a moment to share pictures from this year’s SOSH Awards Ceremony, where we recognized the outstanding achievements of cadets and faculty. Thanks again to the many friends of SOSH who graciously support this awards ceremony each year. Congratulations to all of the recipients! Included in this post are the following recipients:

- COL Nielsen presents the COL Hugh McGee Award for Excellence in Social Sciences to CDT Rachel Radvinsky (’24)
- COL Rosol presents the COL Dana Mead Award, for Excellence in International Affairs (Security Studies and Foreign Policy Track) to CDT Martayn Van de Wall (’24)
- LTC Robinson presents the BG Herman Beukema Award for Excellence in American Politics to CDT Alec Wells (’24)
- COL Wojtaszek presents the USMA Class of 1930 Award for Excellence in Economics to CDT Elisabeth Ake (’24)
- Dr. Frank Luntz presents the CPT John Ryan Dennison Iron Legacy Award for Excellence in Public Policy to CDT Daniel Vrablic (’24)
- Ms. Carol McQuinn presents the U.S. Daughters of 1812 Award for Excellence in SS307: International Relations to CDT Joanna Halfhill ('25)
- Mrs. Dana Meese Mlikotin presents the Edwin Meese Award for Excellence in SS252: American Politics to CDT Mason Harris (’26)
- COL (Ret.) Margaret Belknap presents the Belknap Award for Excellence in Finance to CDT Creighton Morgenfeld (’24)
- Mrs. Ramona Meese presents the BG James Golden Award for Excellence in SS201: Principles of Economics to CDT Mark Clemons (’26)


Please join us tomorrow as we celebrate the outstanding accomplishments of our newest SOSH alumni!

Photos from West Point SOSH's post 05/16/2024

Sosh Paper Awards! Last week, the Department of Social Sciences recognized cadets in SS307 International Relations for their excellent performance on the "Sosh Paper" this semester.
Among more than 520 students, the following 15 cadets submitted papers recognized by the SS307 faculty as the best in the course: Evan Asuncion, Skyler Chauff, Adelaide Crow, Jackson Davis, Pierson Ederle, Jackson Grefe, Noah Hale, Joanna Halfhill, Bethany Jablon, William Knowlton, Aidan Looney, Sander Margolin, Jasmine Munoz, Jeremiah Phillips, and Sebastian Witt.
Fantastic work!


Lincoln Brigade members Faith Chamberlain, Bryan Groves, John Nagl, and Nelly Lahoud reconnect at a recent event at the U.S. Army War College.

Photos from West Point SOSH's post 05/01/2024

On Monday 29APR, the West Point Finance Club hosted a fireside chat with Suni Harford, former President of Asset Management at UBS controlling a record $1.2 trillion in invested assets, and Douglas Sieg, CEO & Managing Partner at Lord Abbett. Thank you, Ms. Harford and Mr. Sieg, for sharing your time with our cadets and faculty!

Photos from West Point SOSH's post 04/24/2024

Exciting day at the Department of Social Sciences! We hosted the Honorable John Tien, Former Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security. Secretary Tien participated in a fireside chat with cadets enrolled in the core American Politics course, guest lectured in a national security seminar, and engaged in professional development sessions with SOSH faculty and cadets from the Academy’s Asian American and Pacific Islander community. Throughout the visit, Secretary Tien shared valuable insights from his remarkable career, which included teaching American Politics in SOSH, serving as a White House Fellow, and commanding in combat. We are grateful for his visit and investment in our cadets and faculty!
Dean of the Academic Board-West Point West Point - The U.S. Military Academy

Photos from West Point SOSH's post 04/24/2024

The Department recently hosted the “2024 SOSH DC Reunion” for former faculty and academic majors. 100 members of the Lincoln Brigade enjoyed catching up with their colleagues and learning about recent events across the Department. Connections across SOSH remain strong even for those years removed from their experiences at West Point and the Lincoln Brigade will continue this legacy well into the future. Special shout out to SOSH alumni from the Class of 2007 for their group photo at the reunion! Go SOSH!

Photos from West Point SOSH's post 04/18/2024

Last week SOSH's International Affairs Forum hosted Dr. John J. Mearsheimer, USMA '70 and University of Chicago R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor of Political Science for a fireside chat with Dr. Charlotte Hulme titled the 'The Current and Future International Order.' Dr. Mearsheimer also discussed Chinese grand strategy and shared his assessment of global politics with Grand Strategy and Scholarship Program students. Thank you for your insight, sir!

Photos from West Point SOSH's post 04/12/2024

This past week, economic majors in SS484, International Economics, visited UBS to learn about foreign exchange markets. The cadets interacted with UBS leaders, economists, analysts, and traders to develop a better understanding of how currencies are valued based on a variety of macroeconomic factors. They also had the opportunity to see how trading floors operate and developed a greater appreciation for the complexity of how trades occur.

Photos from West Point SOSH's post 04/10/2024

SOSH turned out for PT with the SUPT early this morning! This PT session recognized Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month with the community coming together to support their battle buddies and strive toward living honorably. If anyone needs assistance, the 24/7 SHARP hotline is 845-659-7467.

A good workout also helps prepare the mind (and spirit!) for grading cadet papers. Go SOSH!

Photos from West Point SOSH's post 04/10/2024

Last week, the Department was pleased to recognize accomplishments and milestones for several members of the SOSH team. MAJ Josh Woodaz earned an award for his ex*****on of the International Security Seminar and Mr. Luke Gallagher was recognized for his continued excellence in OEMA's support to the Army. The Department also provided new blankets to MAJ Carson Homme and CPT Matt Fiorelli to welcome the new additions to their families. Go SOSH!

Photos from West Point SOSH's post 04/09/2024

The Department was proud to promote David Hilden to Major! MAJ Hilden is a first-year instructor who teaches SS307 Introduction to International Relations. Congratulations to David and his family!

Photos from West Point SOSH's post 04/09/2024

Cadets in the American Politics program gained firsthand insight into the role of lobbyists and interest groups through the generous support of LTC (Ret) Bill Taylor, West Point Class of 1995, and co-founder of Veterans Guardian. LTC (Ret) Taylor and his VP for government affairs, Mr. Brian Johnson, described their experience working with members of Congress and other officials at the federal and state levels.

Photos from West Point SOSH's post 04/04/2024

Dr. Scott Silverstone and six cadets with the Grand Strategy Program explored the origins of the Ancient Athenian empire in Greece over spring break, with visits to the battlefields of Marathon, Thermopylae, Plataea, and the Salamis Strait, the US Office of Defense Cooperation. And they caught the Greek Independence Day Parade!

Photos from West Point SOSH's post 03/13/2024

Last week, cadets and faculty from the American Politics Program traveled to Washington, D.C. to experience American Politics in real-time. Participants observed first-hand how informal actors shape, pressure, and frame formal institutional behavior. Dr. Frank Luntz, a Department of Social Sciences Senior Fellow, facilitated cadet and faculty interactions with six United States Senators, fourteen members of the House of Representatives, and the Senior Vice President of CNN. Cadets also met with Ed Meier (OMB Associate Director of National Security) and toured the United States Supreme Court.

Highlights from the trip included:
- Hearing stories of character, moral courage, and past military failure lessons learned from Representative Mike Gallagher (R-WI-8).
- Asking Senator James Lankford (R-OK) to describe the pressures he felt working against his party to push for bipartisan immigration legislation.
- Hearing House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY-8) make the case that substantive bipartisan legislative accomplishments are still happening despite accusations of congressional gridlock.
- Singing House of the Rising Sun with Representative Dean Phillips (D-MN-3) on lead guitar the same day he ended his longshot campaign for President.
- Receiving an exclusive tour of the U.S. Capitol from Representative Tom Suozzi (NY-D-3) hours before President Biden would address a joint session of Congress at the State of the Union.

These engagements are truly invaluable, and they make real what our cadets learn in the classroom. Most importantly, our hope in American institutions renew when we witness selfless sacrifice and authenticity from our elected representatives. Go AP!

Photos from West Point SOSH's post 03/11/2024

At the end of February, cadets and faculty from the American Politics Program’s Domestic Affairs Forum traveled to Washington, D.C. to attend the National Governors Association Winter Meeting. This experience provided cadets with the opportunity to grow in their understanding of state politics and the unique challenges of policy implementation across disparate regions in the United States.

Facilitated by Department of Social Sciences Senior Fellow, Dr. Frank Luntz, cadets had the incredible opportunity to engage with several state governors including Gov. Wes Moore (MD), Gov. Gavin Newsom (CA), Gov. Glenn Youngkin (VA), and Gov. Doug Burgum (ND). Cadets visited the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Agriculture, meeting Secretary Mayorkas and Secretary Vilsack.

Cadets also met with ABC journalists Rick Klein and John Karl and even participated in a tour of the Washington Post!

These engagements allowed the cadets to learn firsthand about the interplay between state and national politics and to see the importance of character and virtue in maintaining the health of our governmental system.


The cadets of the Model United Nations (MUN) team traveled to San Francisco to compete at the University of California Berkeley MUN conference (UCBMUN). The team had a strong finish, taking home 7 individual awards, including a “Best Delegate” finish for CDT Jonathan Weikel—his second time taking this top honor in his first year on the team!

In addition to competing at the conference, the team also visited long-time MUN sponsors Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hicks. The team thanks them for their hospitality and their generosity and support for the team’s continuing legacy!

UCBMUN Awardees:
Best Delegate: CDT Jonathan Weikel, ‘27

Outstanding Delegate: CDT Faith Riccobene, ‘26

Honorable Mention: CDT Evie Mongoven, ‘27

Verbal Commendation:
-CDT Nathan Davis, ‘25
-CDT Knox Watson, ‘25
-CDT Adrian Bird, ‘27
-CDT Thomas Welch, ‘27

Photos from West Point SOSH's post 03/08/2024

Congratulations to both Jonathan Dove and Mike Simms on their promotions to Major! These talented American Politics instructors represent the very best Sosh faculty has to offer our cadets. These well-deserved promotions signal that these two officers have unlimited potential. Well done!

Photos from West Point SOSH's post 02/22/2024

Congratulations to both Colonel Mike Rosol and Colonel Jordan Becker on their promotions. Sosh is incredibly lucky to have talented and spirited leaders like you both who educate, develop, and inspire future leaders of the Army and the Nation. West Point - The U.S. Military Academy West Point Superintendent Dean of the Academic Board-West Point .usma

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Welcome to the official of the Department of Social Sciences at the US Military Academy. This page allows us to share the activities of the Sosh Department with cadets, facutly, alumni, and the general public and to generate interest and suppoprt fo the department

The Sosh Departments Mission is to educate, train, and inspire the Corps of Cadets so that each graduate is a commissioned leader of character committed to the values of Duty, Honor, Country and prepared for a career of professional excellence and service to the Nation as an officer in the United States Army.

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