West Point Department of Geography & Environmental Engineering

Government organization account | official page of the Department of Geography & Environmen

The mission of the Department is to enhance the intellectual, character, and military development of all cadets within the context of a core course in physical geography, a three course engineering sequence, five distinct majors, and a diverse offering of elective courses and to support the continued development of faculty and staff. We offer majors in Human & Environmental Geography, Environmenta


🎓📕Publication announcement!🦠🔬

MAJ Brad Vass, one of our new additions to the GENE team, co-authored an article that was recently published in Aerosol Science and Technology!

MAJ Vass, along with his colleagues at the University of Florida, researched ways to improve the performance of air samplers at detecting pathogens from diseases including E-Coli! This work brings to light new ways to monitor and combat infectious diseases.

Congratulations to MAJ Vass and his fellow researchers, well done!

Photos from West Point Department of Geography & Environmental Engineering's post 08/05/2024

🔬🧑‍🔬Environmental Science close to home!🍄‍🟫🍄

Plenty of AIAD and research opportunities exist within or backyard. CDT Tommy Gargan recently gained valuable research experience here at West Point and neighboring Middletown.

At Middletown, Tommy visited local wastewater treatment facilities, learning how local communities manage environmental infrastructure.

Meanwhile at West Point, local mushroom samples were gathered and tested to determine which soil causes the greatest amount of metal uptake.

Photos from West Point Department of Geography & Environmental Engineering's post 07/31/2024

Who’s an NCO or soldier you want to give a shoutout to?

Earlier this summer, several of our instructors led the Land Navigation training for Cadet Basic Training. However, none of that would have been possible without the support of the officers, NCOs, and Soldiers from B Company, 2-327 Infantry, 101st Airborne Division!

Colonel Read visited several training sites, recognizing the support provided and thanking several NCOs and Soldiers with a Department coin for their superb efforts!

101st Airborne Division (Air Assault)
West Point Superintendent
Dean of the Academic Board-West Point

Photos from West Point Department of Geography & Environmental Engineering's post 07/31/2024

🇬🇷GIS Faculty head to Greece!🛰️

Earlier this month several of our GIS instructors presented research at the International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Forum in Athens.

Major Kelly presented findings that examined the accuracy of new LiDAR technology, while Captain Gramlich presented findings from research that used ground penetrating radar to map Revolutionary War-period grave sites! Both did a phenomenal job advancing their field and representing the Department and West Point!


New name, same excellent quality of cadet education and mentorship!

👉For updates related to English, check out our new page
👉For updates related to Philosophy, check out our new page
Learn more about how West Point is transforming to better prepare our graduates for future warfare!

Photos from West Point Department of Geography & Environmental Engineering's post 07/12/2024

🚨New Faculty Friday!🚨

Lieutenant Colonel Radunzel is a returning GEnE instructor, rejoining the department after obtaining his PhD from Kansas State University 🐱🟣

Branch: Infantry
Commission Source: USMA ‘06
Hometown: Woodville, Wisconsin
Hobbies: Fiction writing, camping our National Parks
Family: Wife Jill (also USMA ‘06!) and six kids!
Bucket list destination: “Greenland and Antarctica - I love cold, barren, windswept places and the histories of polar exploration. I would love to walk in the places where the polar explorers walked.”

Welcome to the team LTC Radunzel and family!

West Point Association of Graduates
Dean of the Academic Board-West Point
West Point Parents

Photos from West Point Department of Geography & Environmental Engineering's post 07/10/2024

💻🌲Enhancing battlefield awareness!🌊🛜

Several of our Cadets continued their summer research from the USMC Mountain Warfare Training Center to the US Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) at Vicksburg, Mississippi, where researchers showcased the latest in virtual technology and environmental modeling!

Combining data gathered from the field and emerging technologies helps our Cadets understand and solve the challenges facing our changing world 🌎

Photos from West Point Department of Geography & Environmental Engineering's post 07/08/2024

🥊Civil Affairs training continues!🗣️🗣️

Cadets Steinhart, a Human Geography major, and Sirchio had the opportunity to intern with the 95th Civil Affairs Brigade at Fort Liberty, North Carolina this summer.

During this time, Sam and Noah participated in advanced negotiations scenarios that prepare CA teams for deployments to a wide variety of cultural settings. Additionally, our cadets had the chance to step into the ring for some special operations combatives training! In between all the hard work, Sam and Noah had the chance to relax at a Fayetteville Woodpeckers game and explore the Outer Banks of North Carolina.

Our human geography majors have plenty of amazing opportunities for summer experiences that enrich their understanding of our diverse world 🌎

Dean of the Academic Board-West Point
West Point - The U.S. Military Academy

Photos from West Point Department of Geography & Environmental Engineering's post 07/05/2024

🚨New Faculty Friday!🚨

Let’s give a warm welcome to another new addition to the GEnE Team!

Captain Cline is an Engineer officer coming back to West Point after graduating with her Master’s degree in Environmental Engineering from the The University of Texas at Austin (hook em!) 🤘🐂🟠

Branch: Engineers U.S. Army Engineer Regiment
Commission Source: USMA ‘15
Hometown: Tampa, Florida
Hobbies: “Running, looking at rocks, contemplating how to clean water, casual birding, general adventuring!”
Favorite place on Earth: So far - Iceland. The extremes were breathtaking - the vibrant greens contrasting the dark mafic rocks and spanning glaciers neighboring dormant volcanoes. The waterfalls and geology were otherworldly. Plus there were so many sheep!”

Photos from West Point Department of Geography & Environmental Engineering's post 07/03/2024

🌲Into the Woods!💻🛰️

As part of one of our summer AIADs, three cadets from our GIS program traveled to the U.S. Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Training Center in Bridgeport, California.

While there, the group collected forest data, including tree species, diameter, height, and position, important date used to test the accuracy of a global forestry model. The group learned about carbon storage, particularly in wetlands, and received insights from DOD foresters and GIS professionals on forest growth and tree survival, and the use of data layers for future warfighter support.

Cadets Magann, Crusan, and Krebs would later continue their research in Vicksburg, Mississippi with the US Army Corps of Engineers. Stay tuned for another update!

Photos from West Point Department of Geography & Environmental Engineering's post 07/02/2024

🌲⛰️Incoming faculty getting to know the neighborhood🏔️🥾

Earlier this week some of our new instructors took some time to hike through the nearby Black Rock Forest. The event showcased the Hudson Highlands beautiful landscapes and habitats that are prominently featured in several GEnE courses.

Our hike finished at a beautiful view of Sutherland Pond, the highest natural pond in the region at 1,246 feet!

Interested in joining the GEnE team as an instructor? Reach out for info!

Photos from West Point Department of Geography & Environmental Engineering's post 07/02/2024

🇺🇸Studying the art of peace building!🕊️

Cadet Cortis recently completed an AIAD through GENE’s Center for the Study of Civil Military Operations (CSCMO) in Washington, D.C.

While in DC, CDT Cortis worked with the DT Institute, researching methods to conduct war-games with civil society organizations to improve conflict resolution strategies with military forces. Outside of the research, Adelle also had the chance to visit various sites and meet with several organizations on Capitol Hill!

“As a future officer I am excited to use the skills I have learned and connections I have made during my time in DC”

Where will your degree take you?

Dean of the Academic Board-West Point
West Point Admissions
West Point Parents

Photos from West Point Department of Geography & Environmental Engineering's post 06/28/2024

🚨New Faculty Friday!🚨

Ending the week on a high note, let’s introduce one of the newest members on the GEnE Team!

Major Vass is coming to us after obtaining his PhD in Environmental Engineering from the University of Florida 🐊🟠🔵

Branch: Medical Service Corps
Commission Source: USMA ‘09
Hometown: Lakeland, Florida
Hobbies: “Finding ways to lead, feed, and entertain 4 boys…and fixing the stuff they break!”
Family: Married 14 years…4 boys, a dog, and a partridge in a pear tree
Favorite place on Earth: Maggie Valley, NC, during family vacations. The scenery is beautiful, cel service is terrible, and family is cherished.

Welcome to the team MAJ Vass and family!

Photos from West Point Department of Geography & Environmental Engineering's post 06/26/2024

🌹Pushing the boundaries of 3D visualization🛰️

Earlier this summer, Cadets Lee and West participated in an AIAD in partnership with the University of Southern California’s USC Institute for Creative Technologies in Los Angeles, working with scientists and researchers to improve immersive media options for military training.

During their time, our team used small unmanned aerial systems to create 3D maps of local landscapes, including the Rose Bowl! Cadets Lee and West also presented some of their findings to a panel of experts.

Dean of the Academic Board-West Point
West Point - The U.S. Military Academy
West Point Parents

Photos from West Point Department of Geography & Environmental Engineering's post 06/22/2024

Until the next post! 🫡

The GEnE family recently recognized several outstanding faculty members who are departing for various follow on assignments!

COL Greifenstein, who came to GENE in 2020 after spearheading COVID mitigation efforts at Keller Army Community Hospital, will be serving with the Defense Health Agency!

Dr. Kate Newhart, one of our incredible civilian professors since 2021, will be joining the faculty of Oregon State University as an assistant professor of environmental engineering! Go Beavs! 🦫

MAJs Korman and Lee, having completed their three year assignment as junior faculty, are returning to the operational force. MAJ Korman will rejoin the paratroopers of the 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Liberty, North Carolina, while MAJ Lee heads to Fort Irwin, California and the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment-Blackhorse!

West Point - The U.S. Military Academy
West Point Superintendent
Dean of the Academic Board-West Point

You will all be sorely missed by the faculty, staff, and most of all Cadets!

Photos from West Point Department of Geography & Environmental Engineering's post 06/21/2024

❄️🌋So long and farewell from Iceland 🇮🇸

Our AIAD to the land of fire and ice concluded recently, with our cadets getting a few more experiences that drove home the unique landscape and the Icelandic people’s relationship with it.

Some cadet reflections:

▫️ “It has once again made me realize that there are questions to be asked and explored everywhere about our planet.”
▫️ “I think the entire EV203 class could have been taught in Iceland. Being able to visualize what we learned in the classroom allowed me to further understand our world and its processes.”
▫️ “I learned a lot about how Iceland adds to the world in ways I did not know before. We learned about the sagas, Icelandic bands…filming spots…it’s nice to see how such a small population has influenced the world.”

Interested in learning about volcanoes, glaciers, or the people who live amongst them? Join the GENE team and any of our majors!

Dean of the Academic Board-West Point
West Point - The U.S. Military Academy
West Point Parents


🌎☀️It’s the June Solstice y’all!!! (At 4:50pm EST)☀️🌎

Since the Northern Hemisphere is tilted toward the Sun in June, it receives more sunlight during the course of a day. The North Pole's tilt toward the Sun is greatest at the solstice, so this event marks the longest day of the year north of the equator.

This effect is greatest in locations that are farther away from the equator. In tropical areas, the longest day is just a little longer than 12 hours; in the temperate zone, it is significantly longer; and places within the Arctic Circle experience Midnight Sun or polar day, when the Sun does not set at night. (Timeanddate.com)

Now the season has *officially* started, what are you planning on doing this summer?


Photos from West Point Association of Graduates's post 06/18/2024
Photos from West Point Department of Geography & Environmental Engineering's post 06/18/2024

🪓🗺️Order From Chaos!🧭

Cadets Hollar and Vertuli were the first of several groups participating in a summer AIAD with the 95th Civil Affairs Brigade at Fort Liberty, North Carolina.

Civil Affairs, one of three SOF branches, are the Army’s experts in the human domain, training in cross cultural communication, human geography, and conflict analysis. CA teams regularly deploy to austere environments and are charged with building local networks and helping commanders understand civilian populations.

During their AIAD, Tommy and Evan got the change to see what goes into SOF CA training, including intense medical scenarios, data analysis, and even joint training with MARSOC! Stay tuned for more updates from our Cadets at the 95th!

Photos from West Point Department of Geography & Environmental Engineering's post 06/17/2024

🏞️Hitting the ground (and water) running!🐟🧪

CDT Pauley, an Environmental Science major, is upstate at the Norrie Point Environmental Center, assisting in a series of projects.

“I hit the ground running on Sunday by putting together many of the hydrophones that we would be using for our project, monitoring the acoustics of Atlantic Sturgeon!”

“Tuesday was a long day, waking up early to deploy the hydrophone array on an ebb tide followed by 4 hours or so of testing our transducer and characterizing the sound. The following days all varied wildly but ranged from changing batteries throughout the Hudson River Valley to helping establish an eel ladder at Crum Elbow Creek.”

Dean of the Academic Board-West Point
West Point - The U.S. Military Academy
West Point Parents


🇬🇷Summer faculty update!🏛️MAJ Kelly, one of our GIS instructors, took some time during his trip to Greece to capture digital scans of Ancient Greek history and architecture! How many of you knew that the West Point crest features the helmet of Athena?

Photos from West Point Department of English and World Languages's post 06/13/2024

What better way to learn about the world then going out and seeing it?

Photos from West Point Department of Geography & Environmental Engineering's post 06/12/2024

💧Environmental Engineers and Scientists at work!🚰

CDT Yang, an Environmental Engineering major, and CDT Terrones, an Environmental Science major, are working together in Chantilly, Virginia for an AIAD exploring water treatment solutions.

Grace and Daisy have conducted water quality tests, examining levels of alkaline, phosphorus, and other substances in samples from the local area.

Our duo have also toured water treatment plants and collected more samples for testing!

Interested in studying the science or engineering behind the water we drink? Join the GEnE team!

Dean of the Academic Board-West Point
West Point - The U.S. Military Academy
West Point Parents

Photos from West Point Department of Geography & Environmental Engineering's post 06/11/2024

🇮🇸Update from the far north!🤿

Our AIAD to Iceland continued their travels across the “Land of Fire and Ice” with some awesome sites:

▪️Thingvellir Park, right in the middle of the main rift and is the first meeting site of Iceland’s democratic assembly (who nailed that trivia question?)
▪️Reynisfjara Beach, a famous site of black sand, amazing columnar basalt, arches, and pinnacles
▪️Snorkeling at Silfra, where our cadets got an up close view of the glacier fed rift and lake

🧌🤔Still no troll sightings, but our react-to-mythological-creature drills are wired tight 🫡

Dean of the Academic Board-West Point
West Point - The U.S. Military Academy
West Point Admissions

Photos from West Point Department of Geography & Environmental Engineering's post 06/10/2024

Not exactly the type of “fieldwork” that most academics are used to!

Dr Kalkstein, one of GEnE’s fantastic civilian faculty members, recently completed the grueling “Civ-Mil Experience,” or CivMX. The CivMX was a 72-hour field experience that gave volunteers a taste of Army training, including patrolling, ruck marching, sleeping in the woods, water confidence obstacles, among other challenges. Through these experiences, CivMX is designed to give civilian faculty and staff a better understanding of the cadet experience at USMA.

Aside from completing the CivMX, Dr Kalkstein was recognized as the land navigation champion and outstanding member of 2nd squad! Great job Dr K!

Dean of the Academic Board-West Point
West Point - The U.S. Military Academy

Photos from West Point Department of Geography & Environmental Engineering's post 06/10/2024

Using the latest technology to protect our people!🚁

Cadet Tommy Flanagan, a GIS major, is in Fort Carson, Colorado using the latest in small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS) technology as part of his Academic Individual Advanced Development.

Tommy, along with G&EnE’s MAJ Kelly, CPT Gramlich, and Mr. MacIntosh, is using sUAS-collected data to identify hazards in Fort Carson’s numerous helicopter landing zones. The data collected and analyzed will help army aviators stay safe during training operations!

Not too bad for a summer internship 👌

Dean of the Academic Board-West Point
West Point - The U.S. Military Academy
West Point Superintendent
West Point Admissions

Photos from West Point Department of Geography & Environmental Engineering's post 06/09/2024

“To forget the dead would be akin to killing them a second time” -Elie Wiesel, Holocaust survivor and author of Night.

Earlier this summer, several cadets and MAJ Aaron Korman travelled to sites in New York City and Poland 🇵🇱 as part of GEnE’s Holocaust Remembrance AIAD in partnership with the Miryam Institute. Cadets visited numerous memorials, museums, and historical sites that told the story of human suffering.

▫️Cadet Alex Chung () reads survivor testimonials in Warsaw
▫️Listening to a tour guide explain the layout of Majdanek concentration camp
▫️A reminder to never forget

Dean of the Academic Board-West Point
West Point Superintendent
West Point - The U.S. Military Academy

Photos from American Geographical Society's post 06/08/2024
Photos from West Point Department of Geography & Environmental Engineering's post 06/08/2024

Learning STEM with Catfish and Caterpillars! 🐛 🐟🌧️

GEnE supported the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math camp this past week!

60 middle school students joined us at the Hudson River to explore fish biodiversity, meteorology, water chemistry, geology, and invasive spongy moth caterpillars!

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🇬🇷Summer faculty update!🏛️MAJ Kelly, one of our GIS instructors, took some time during his trip to Greece to capture dig...
Environmental Engineering & Science
COL Oxendine and family's retirement!!
Alumni Review BTS
US Air Force Thunderbirds Conducting Flyover at USMA


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