LIFE Medicine

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from LIFE Medicine, Alternative & holistic health service, 8670 Wolff Court, Suite 250, Westminster, CO.


Donate Tuesday May 14. See link below. Thank you!

Support Aamir's Recovery Fund, organized by Aamir Subhan 09/08/2023

In the realm of healing this peer needs financial support, so he can recover from a horrible incident. Please consider reading the story and donating to his cause:

Support Aamir's Recovery Fund, organized by Aamir Subhan Dear friends and cherished community, I am Aamir Subhan, a devoted social worker and p… Aamir Subhan needs your support for Support Aamir's Recovery Fund


Such wise words…

How do you cultivate spirit in your life? How do you tend the spirit of the earth, the trees, the rivers, the oceans, the endangered?

“We were told that we would see America come and go. In a sense, America is dying from within because they forgot the instructions on how to live on earth. It's the Hopi belief, it's our belief, that if you are not spiritually connected to the earth and understand the spiritual reality of how to live on earth, it's likely that you will not make it.

Everything is spiritual. Everything has a spirit. Everything was brought here by the Creator, the one Creator. Some people call him God. Some people call him Buddha. Some people call him Allah. Some people call him other names. We call him Tunkaschila... Grandfather.

We are here on earth only a few winters. Then we go to the spirit world. The spirit world is more real than most of us believe.

The spirit world is everything. Over 95% of our body is water. To stay healthy, you've got to drink good water. ... Water is sacred, and the air is sacred.

Our DNA is made out of the same DNA as the tree. The tree breathes what we exhale. We need what the tree exhales. So we have a common destiny with the tree.

We are all from the earth, and when the earth, water, and atmosphere are corrupted, it will create its own reaction. Our Mother is reacting.

The Hopi prophecy says the storms and floods will become greater. To me, it's not a negative thing to know that there will be great changes. It's not negative. it's evolution. When you look at it as evolution, it's time. Nothing stays the same. You should learn how to plant something. That is the first connection.

You should treat everything as spirit and realize that we are one family. It's never something like the end. It's like life. There is no end to life.”

~Floyd Red Crow Westerman

"We are all connected; we all belong."

The Coming Collapse of the U.S. Health Care System 01/24/2023

It will be a rough transition, but I still believe an alternative health care system that is about HEALTH and CARE, and not profit and greed will be for the best.

And it appears that a collapse may be the only way that our entrenched current medical model will set the stage for creative incentive.

The Coming Collapse of the U.S. Health Care System The nursing strike in New York is emblematic of the huge stresses the U.S. health care faces coming out of the pandemic


A new L.I.F.E. Medicine Newsletter is out!

Big changes are happening this fall 🍂

If you haven't received your update and would like to be added to the list, take a look at the link below to subscribe 📨

Physicians aren't 'burning out.' They're suffering from moral injury 10/16/2022

Physicians aren't 'burning out.' They're suffering from moral injury Wellness officers? Code Lavender teams? Mindfulness meditation? These aren't the solutions to physician burnout and moral injury.


Patient Onboarding and Patient Liaison Specialist

Clinic offers ketamine (and future legal psychedelics) assisted treatments, neurofeedback and polyvagal theory-based sound healing protocols.

Master or excellent communicator. KIND in all situations, but FIRM with office policies and boundaries.

Virtual and/or in-person. Approximately 15 hours/weekly with opportunity for more.

Thank you.


The Woman in the Body (i) / The Womxn in the Body
-Rage for Reproductive and Body Autonomy

Dear Womxn,

Medicine has been an inconsistent ally. I am sorry.
Medicine empowers womxn to assert body autonomy. Sometimes. Medicine still medical-izes birth, and causes trauma. I am sorry. Medicine still fails in many ways. I am very sorry.

Let’s speak now of reproductive autonomy. Body autonomy.
The right to choose if you want to get pregnant, remain pregnant. Firstly, I am an ally. My clinics are allies. If you are in need…

I see that womxn, empowered womxn, are a danger to many institutions. This is why the church tries so hard to take away your rights, and minimize your authority, in multiple ways. Your power to sustain life is just the beginning, and men in power clearly fear that. There is no mistake in my mind that reversing the 50-year precedent of Roe v. Wade has mostly to due with subjugation and controlling womxn than promoting life.

Men in power create rules that serve their power, their control, their scared child self that remains unresolved in his own trauma. Trauma received through generations of the patriarch, drowning in its own self-inflicting suffering.

Sexism, misogyny, is pervasive, so pervasive, even internalized (ii), that we can miss it. Hiding in plain sight. Eyes wide shut. These expressions were coined, clearly, because some still see, and have always seen, the injustices, the transgressions, the micro- and macro-aggressions against womxn. Every moment of every day.

R**e is one example where I witness it -- having patients, friends, a daughter, past partners, family members, and present significant other that could be or have been assaulted, r***d, by men. Men within their own families. Neighbors, trusted neighbors. Sick, disturbed, troubled men.

Girls and womxn forever changed in a few moments that felt like a lifetime. Why? Because these wounds seem impossible to share, let alone heal. Thus, these wounds last an eternity for most womxn. Yet men often go unpunished, or punished minimally. A travesty.

I know in my Heart, and mind, that r**e is the worst crime. Oh, How I Could Just Kill a Man (iii). I don’t believe that perpetuating violence ends violence, but I don’t think I could resist the temptation of raging against a man who abuses his power in the worst of ways. Without self-reflection, or responsibility for his male forefathers, or his heirs.

R**e is the worst offense. A crime of power, of cruelty, and one that plants a seed of persistent suffering, literally inside the womb of an innocent child, an aspiring womxn, any womxn, that then lies broken—a little or a lot. Forever changed, likely repressed, even if they appear not.

That is the power of womxn. To receive the darkest of humanity. To have stolen dignity. Yet through it all, to persist, and have the potential to heal, to rise, from shock, to shame, to disgust, to anger, to rage. To Rage Against the Machine (iv). It’s time. Womxn, and allies of womxn, it’s time to rage. Sometimes in secret. Sometimes out loud. But with steadfast persistence and unity, even when we don’t agree on every step of the journey.

I ally myself with an ultimate goal of equity for any oppressed person, or group. Holding another. Supporting each other. En masse. Stand Up (Fight with Tools)v. Create a small group. Channel the power of community and accountability. Watch it grow. How May I Help? (vi)

Share your inspirations/resources. Some of mine are below…

In solidarity,

Brent Jaster, MD

At Heartmind Medicine and LIFE Medicine, we ally ourselves to: support womxn, close the gap of health disparities, and support gender equity. Receive support for: Mental Health/Wellness -- We empower you to persist despite the challenges that meet you daily, since birth; Reproductive Choice -- We connect you with resources to assert body autonomy; Relationships -- Ask us about individual, couple, and group offerings; Parenting -- Offerings in development include boys2men, MightyGirlz (vii), Non-Binary Beings, Empowered Youth from (Before) Birth…

Inspirations and Resources

(i) The Woman in the Body: A Cultural Analysis of Reproduction. Emily Martin, Beacon Press, 1992.
*Thanks to my Professor of the course: Sociology of Medicine, UC Davis, 1995. When I realized I should have been a Sociology major, and was forever imprinted with the harm medicine can do, while spurting its oath of First do no harm. Note: Hippocratic Oath actually says to “abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous”.
(ii) Camara Phyllis Jones, MD, MPH, PhD. Levels of Racism: A Theoretic Framework and a Gardener’s Tale. American Journal of Public Health. 2000;90:1212–1215.

TEDx Emory -- Allegories on "race" and racism.
(iii) How I could Just Kill a Man, Cypress Hill, Cypress Hill, 1991
(iv) Rage Against the Machine, California-based band.
(v) Stand Up, Flobots, Fight with Tools, 2007. Denver, Colorado band. East High School Graduate!
(vi) How Can I Help? (Stories and Reflections on Service). Ram Dass and Paul Gorman, Knopf, 1985.
(vii) A mighty GIRL (The Woman in the Body (i) / The Womxn in the Body
-Rage for Reproductive and Body Autonomy
Dear Womxn,
Medicine has been an inconsistent ally. I am sorry.
Medicine empowers womxn to assert body autonomy. Sometimes. Medicine still medical-izes birth, and causes trauma. I am sorry. Medicine still fails in many ways. I am very sorry.
Let’s speak now of reproductive autonomy. Body autonomy.
The right to choose if you want to get pregnant, remain pregnant. Firstly, I am an ally. My clinics are allies. If you are in need…
I see that womxn, empowered womxn, are a danger to many institutions. This is why the church tries so hard to take away your rights, and minimize your authority, in multiple ways. Your power to sustain life is just the beginning, and men in power clearly fear that. There is no mistake in my mind that reversing the 50-year precedent of Roe v. Wade has mostly to due with subjugation and controlling womxn than promoting life.
Men in power create rules that serve their power, their control, their scared child self that remains unresolved in his own trauma. Trauma received through generations of the patriarch, drowning in its own self-inflicting suffering.
Sexism, misogyny, is pervasive, so pervasive, even internalized (ii), that we can miss it. Hiding in plain sight. Eyes wide shut. These expressions were coined, clearly, because some still see, and have always seen, the injustices, the transgressions, the micro- and macro-aggressions against womxn. Every moment of every day.
R**e is one example where I witness it -- having patients, friends, a daughter, past partners, family members, and present significant other that could be or have been assaulted, r***d, by men. Men within their own families. Neighbors, trusted neighbors. Sick, disturbed, troubled men.
Girls and womxn forever changed in a few moments that felt like a lifetime. Why? Because these wounds seem impossible to share, let alone heal. Thus, these wounds last an eternity for most womxn. Yet men often go unpunished, or punished minimally. A travesty.
I know in my Heart, and mind, that r**e is the worst crime. Oh, How I Could Just Kill a Man (iii). I don’t believe that perpetuating violence ends violence, but I don’t think I could resist the temptation of raging against a man who abuses his power in the worst of ways. Without self-reflection, or responsibility for his male forefathers, or his heirs.
R**e is the worst offense. A crime of power, of cruelty, and one that plants a seed of persistent suffering, literally inside the womb of an innocent child, an aspiring womxn, any womxn, that then lies broken—a little or a lot. Forever changed, likely repressed, even if they appear not.
That is the power of womxn. To receive the darkest of humanity. To have stolen dignity. Yet through it all, to persist, and have the potential to heal, to rise, from shock, to shame, to disgust, to anger, to rage. To Rage Against the Machine (iv). It’s time. Womxn, and allies of womxn, it’s time to rage. Sometimes in secret. Sometimes out loud. But with steadfast persistence and unity, even when we don’t agree on every step of the journey.
I ally myself with an ultimate goal of equity for any oppressed person, or group. Holding another. Supporting each other. En masse. Stand Up (Fight with Tools)v. Create a small group. Channel the power of community and accountability. Watch it grow. How May I Help? (vi)
Share your inspirations/resources. Some of mine are below…
In solidarity,
Brent Jaster, MD
At Heartmind Medicine and LIFE Medicine, we ally ourselves to: support womxn, close the gap of health disparities, and support gender equity. Receive support for: Mental Health/Wellness -- We empower you to persist despite the challenges that meet you daily, since birth; Reproductive Choice -- We connect you with resources to assert body autonomy; Relationships -- Ask us about individual, couple, and group offerings; Parenting -- Offerings in development include boys2men, MightyGirlz (vii), Non-Binary Beings, Empowered Youth from (Before) Birth…
Inspirations and Resources
(i) The Woman in the Body: A Cultural Analysis of Reproduction. Emily Martin, Beacon Press, 1992.
*Thanks to my Professor of the course: Sociology of Medicine, UC Davis, 1995. When I realized I should have been a Sociology major, and was forever imprinted with the harm medicine can do, while spurting its oath of First do no harm. Note: Hippocratic Oath actually says to “abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous”.
(ii) Camara Phyllis Jones, MD, MPH, PhD. Levels of Racism: A Theoretic Framework and a Gardener’s Tale. American Journal of Public Health. 2000;90:1212–1215.
TEDx Emory -- Allegories on "race" and racism.
(iii) How I could Just Kill a Man, Cypress Hill, Cypress Hill, 1991
(iv) Rage Against the Machine, California-based band.
(v) Stand Up, Flobots, Fight with Tools, 2007. Denver, Colorado band. East High School Graduate!
(vi) How Can I Help? (Stories and Reflections on Service). Ram Dass and Paul Gorman, Knopf, 1985.
(vii) A mighty GIRL (

It’s Allergy Season—Suffer Less! Can Allergies Impact Mental Health? 04/21/2022

It’s Allergy Season—Suffer Less! Can Allergies Impact Mental Health? Histamine affects sleep, causing more alertness/energy, in the same way that anti-histamines cause people to feel tired/fatigued. So when environmental allergies kick in, imagine an increase in Histamine levels, runny nose and inflammation, less ability to breathe through the nose, and worse sleep.....

ADD/ADHD – Your Attention Difficulties May Be Something Else. Hear my story… 04/15/2022

ADD/ADHD – Your Attention Difficulties May Be Something Else. Hear my story… -There are Alternatives to Stimulants -Caffeine and Ni****ne May Make Things Worse *This information is for educational purposes. Make an appointment with us to discuss integrative/holistic treatments for ADD/ADHD and other mental health & wellness concerns, or with your regular medical provider. Ph...

Brent Jaster, MD, returns to patient care. Updates. The Future... 04/13/2022

It feels good to be back, and see a lot of faces in the office or on telehealth.

Check back soon for the latest blog on ADD/ADHD--Alternatives to stimulants; It may be a completely different diagnosis; My story...

Thank you for spreading the word, as we recalibrate and rebuild, post-covid.

Brent Jaster, MD, returns to patient care. Updates. The Future... LIFE Medicine is shifting towards Integrative Holistic Mental Health & Wellness. We will still provide Lifestyle, Integrative, Functional and Evolutionary Medicine, but with this different angle. Optimizing sleep, reducing stress, improving and stabilizing mood, utilizing breath through known life...

Opinion | Why So Many Doctors Treat Their Mental Health in Secret 03/31/2022

If you are a physician and need help (or know one that does) please reach out to me…

In Solidarity,
Brent Jaster, MD

Opinion | Why So Many Doctors Treat Their Mental Health in Secret The culture of medicine means no crying, no sleeping, no making mistakes. And no getting help.

We All Have Trauma. Does it Hold You Back? 03/20/2022

We All Have Trauma. Does it Hold You Back? The Wisdom of Trauma - Healing services for trauma in Denver Colorado


Optimal Mental Health & Wellness! We are beginning our transition to a clinic that focuses on your happiness.

How can we help you achieve more joy in your life?

We offer alternatives to medication or prescription medications when needed. Also, we can provide nutrition, lifestyle, and supplement recommendations.

Integrative Holistic Mental Health & Wellness Care!

Reduction of central neuropathic pain with ketamine infusion in a patient with Ehlers–Danlos syndrome: a case report 03/10/2022

Reduction of central neuropathic pain with ketamine infusion in a patient with Ehlers–Danlos syndrome: a case report Ehlers–Danlos syndrome frequently causes acute and chronic pain because of joint subluxations and dislocations secondary to hypermobility. Current treatments for pain related to Ehlers–Danlos syndrome and central pain syndrome are inadequate. ...

Op-Ed: Prove everyone wrong in the new year: Run your age 01/02/2022

How will you "run your age" in 2022? *No running required!

Op-Ed: Prove everyone wrong in the new year: Run your age A New Year's resolution to run your age in 2022 could thwart midlife cynicism.

The Road Taken 01/02/2022

Photo by Oliver Roos on Unsplash

The Road Taken The last two years have given most people the chance to reevaluate priorities, and consider: what is working and what is not; what gives meaning and what leaves us wanting; what feeds and nourishes the heart and what leaves us disconnected, disenchanted, or hopeless. For LIFE Medicine, nearing the 7...


The Road Taken

The last two years have given most people the chance to reevaluate priorities, and consider: what is working and what is not; what gives meaning and what leaves us wanting; what feeds and nourishes the heart and what leaves us disconnected, disenchanted, or hopeless.

For LIFE Medicine, nearing the 7th year, there is a clear current towards something new. Not fully defined, but obvious in its intention, and acknowledgment of the barriers to Health and Care, and the current needs of so many people. Thus, in 2022, by April, we will transition to an Integrative Holistic Mental Health & Wellness focus. In addition, I am feeling a strong pull to cut the tethers of health insurance contracts that cloud and confuse and burden the relationship between health care professionals and those seeking help.

Most of my discontent and that of patients has centered on insurance—who pays, how much, for what. It is intricately crafted system that has promised better quality care for less money, and higher satisfaction for everyone. It is one of the biggest lies of my professional life, and I can no longer participate in good faith or with hope that I can make it work for all invested parties.

While the poet Robert Frost made famous The Road Not Taken (emphasis mine), I prefer to focus on the road before me, The Road Taken, without regret, with a knowing heart. But I do hope it is not “the one less traveled”, rather filled with fellow travelers who see or feel that the trajectory of the other road is inauthentic, unfulfilling, and unsustainable. I trust the road taken, despite the unknown, the fear, the uncertainty, will make “all the difference” to me and the people I serve—my children, my partner, my family, and patients/clients.

In health and healing, and wellness for all…


Our new space for Ketamine Assisted Treatments!

Coming Out: Implications for Health 10/12/2021

My take on National Coming Out Day. Thanks for reading and sharing.

Coming Out: Implications for Health October 11, 2021 Written by Casey Linke, FNP-C Today is National Coming Out Day. As anyone in the LGBTQ+ community can relate: coming out is an incredibly nuanced experience that never really ends. Today, I want to focus on one element of coming out that is mentioned less in the media—the idea of ...

Perfection Is Not the Goal in Lifestyle Medicine 09/20/2021

If you've been feeling overwhelmed keeping up with your healthy habits during the pandemic, you're not alone. Read this for a shift in perspective.

Be well,
Casey Linke NP

Perfection Is Not the Goal in Lifestyle Medicine Let’s be real with one another: life isn’t easy. The last year and a half, in particular, have been grueling for many of us. Whether you’re a health care worker, an essential worker on the front line, a parent, a teacher, or anyone making difficult decisions constantly in the face of the COVID...


Casey Linke NP will be returning to LIFE Medicine soon to provide telehealth visits!

Home - Heartmind Medicine 08/08/2021

I am excited to announce that the website for our sister clinic has officially launched -- Ketamine Assisted Therapy, Neurofeedback, and Sound Therapy .

An area I feel a lot of passion...

Stay strong through these wild times; Get support when needed; And cultivate that Heart!

Home - Heartmind Medicine Heartmind Medicine Cultivating the Heart, Soothing the mind Change Your Life The Beginning Heartmind Medicine materialized from the acceptance that … Home Read More »


Entheogenic/Psychedelic Medicine!

Seeking smart, efficient, personable, easy going (easy to work with), independent person to help launch powerful psychedelic medicine practice. Ketamine therapies initially. M**A and Psilocybin in next 2-4 years...

Help needed starting next week! Part-time, contracted, to start, but opportunity for FT employee status if you are an excellent fit.

Opportunity for continued role in the clinic—IVs, marketing, communications, Neurofeedback technician, Neurotherapist, Psychotherapist, management...

Some trainings can be provided.

Wishing you well.


Are you interested in IV Therapy?

We are poised to launch this service in the clinic, and looking for the right person to lead it.

The clinic now also has a cash side with Neurofeedback, Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy, Sound therapy, and is focusing on integrative holistic mental health (inclusive of the gut brain!).

Please message us if interested. Thank you for spreading the word.


Integrative Holistic Mental Health (and primary care)…

Do you need emotional/mental support for enhanced wellness, performance, health/healing?

Experience life-enhancing (life-changing) care at LIFE Medicine and Heartmind Medicine!

We will:

Work with you to find alternatives to medication, when appropriate.

Ensure your nutritional status is adequate, and optimized with high quality supplements and plans, and informed by the latest research, and emerging ideas and treatments in neuroscience, psychology, and personal growth/spirituality.

Offer testing that includes: Gut health (and your GutBrain), Genetic Testing that may help choose optimal medications and avoid inadequate harmful medication, and Genetic Testing for mutations that may relate to depression, anxiety, obsessions/compulsions, sleep, and more.

Provide multiple styles (and price points) of Neurofeedback.

Allow access to Brain Maps that can shorten the number of sessions one might need in psychotherapy, and can suggest potential focus areas—trauma, mood challenges, etc.

Administer Sound Therapies for trauma, higher performance, relaxation, focus, sensory processing, and more.

Prescribe Ketamine services for rapid improvement in depression, suicidal thoughts, ..., and side benefits of personal and spiritual growth.

Facilitate Personal Growth/Spiritual Guidance/Healings with powerful teachers, and coaching.

If this sounds exciting to you, please visit our website to schedule* today, or call 800.651.7126.

We look forward to working with you to promote emotional and mental wellness and improve your quality of life.

*Some services provided through Heartmind Medicine, and will be available in near future.

-- Cool Photo by Ivan Slade on Unsplash --


Honoring International Women’s Day... To the fabulous women and girls who show up big every day, and to a future that raises all girls to women that can be valued, nurtured, celebrated and supported, as they do for so many. Blessings...

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8670 Wolff Court, Suite 250
Westminster, CO

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

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