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I am an intuitive healer and a certified herbalist. I raise my herbs and make medicine I raise my own herbs as they are foods that give the body nutrition.

I believe that the more knowledge one has about all available nutrition is paramount to health and happiness. If there is something you have read about that might help you, I may grow it. If you are looking for knowledge, I can help you find it. I do not claim to be a physican or claim that anything I grow can "cure" you. Namaste


As long as there is one upright man, as long as there is one compassionate woman, the contagion may spread and the scene is not desolate. Hope is the thing that is left to us, in a bad time. I shall get up Sunday morning and wind the clock, as a contribution to order and steadfastness.

Sailors have an expression about the weather: they say, the weather is a great bluffer. I guess the same is true of our human society—things can look dark, then a break shows in the clouds, and all is changed, sometimes rather suddenly. It is quite obvious that the human race has made a q***r mess of life on this planet. But as a people we probably harbor seeds of goodness that have lain for a long time waiting to sprout when the conditions are right. Man’s curiosity, his relentlessness, his inventiveness, his ingenuity have led him into deep trouble. We can only hope that these same traits will enable him to claw his way out.

Hang on to your hat. Hang on to your hope. And wind the clock, for tomorrow is another day.


(Signed, ‘E. B. White’)




Intuitive Astrology: Capricorn Full Moon July 2024

On July 21st, 2024, we welcome the second Capricorn Full Moon of the year. The first was back on June 21st and arrived at the beginning of the Capricorn zodiac. Now, with our second Capricorn Full Moon arriving at the end of the zodiac, it brings us to the endpoint of our story.

If you cast your mind back to the end of June, was something weighing heavy on your spirit? Were there uncertainties or a sense of uneasiness? Was there something you needed to take responsibility for but perhaps have not?

Whatever heaviness was brewing for you towards the end of June is now going to come back into your world to be completed. Something will come to a head, and an ending to the story you have been working on will be experienced.

Endings can be painful, but they do bring clarity and understanding. When something comes to an end, there is generally no more discussion, just a knowing that the chapter has closed. The sooner we accept the ending, the easier it becomes to step forward into the new beginning that is waiting for us. Of course, it is never that easy.

The Second Capricorn Full Moon
Under the second Capricorn Full Moon, it does seem that a heaviness is lifted for us. Perhaps we may have moved through something difficult or challenging, but now we feel that we are on the other side of it. Perhaps we have felt put through the Universal ringer, but now we can finally take a breath.

The Capricorn Full Moon of June conjured some hard work and perhaps some tough lessons for us, but it seems the door is closing and with that comes a peace and perhaps even a sense of victory. We have completed our challenge, we have made it to the top; we can see the full picture, and with that, hopefully a sense of wholeness and fulfilment prevails.

We may have to wait for the July Full Moon to deliver all of its offerings before we can feel this sense of fulfillment, but it does seem the Universe is dishing out some just rewards for us.

The Capricorn Full Moon & Eris, The Goddess of Discord and Strife
Eris, the warrior Goddess, is active under this July Full Moon, indicating some heated emotions or perhaps a need to stand up for ourselves. Eris is considered the sister to Mars, and while it has the same fiery spirit and can inflame emotions, she is also about returning to a state of harmony.

Eris is sometimes considered the Goddess of Discord and Strife, but she is not creating strife for the fun of it. She observes where there are issues and she brings them to the surface. She can see where discord is hiding and she has the power to awaken it, so we can fix and harmonize the situation once and for all.

Eris doesn’t hide away from what is difficult and neither does our Capricorn Moon, so we may definitely feel the need to confront all that is coming up for us. If we truly want a clean ending, we have to address it all.

The Sea Goat As Our Full Moon Guide
Capricorn is represented by the Sea Goat, a mythical animal that is half goat, half fish. The Sea Goat is unlike other animals but it is only through accepting itself and working with its unique body that it is able to receive its gifts.

When the Sea Goat learns to master walking and swimming, when it leans into what it has been given, that is when it finds success. That is when the Sea Goat can learn the magic of the mountains and the sea. That is when the Sea Goat can become like no other animal.

We can lean into the messaging of the Sea Goat under this Full Moon. How can we step into our unique body and our unique set of circumstances and push through it? How can we become the masters of our lives so we too, can learn the magic that is waiting for us?

The Sea Goat will be helping us with this mission all the way until the December Solstice, but the time to begin is under the July Full Moon. The time to begin is at this final Capricorn Full Moon of the year.

A Rebirth is on the Way
It is rather auspicious timing of the Universe to bring us these two Full Moons in Capricorn. Full Moons tend to bring up things we need to release, and Capricorn tends to bring up things that are heavy. Perhaps the Universe is giving us permission to let go of all that is heavy. Perhaps it wants us to let down our heavy burdens and say, no more. We are no longer required to carry them.

The Capricorn Full Moon can definitely stir burdens for us and pile them high on our shoulders, but there is a release that is on offer, too. We must take this release. We must allow ourselves the grace to let go of all of it.

Finally, the Full Moon is also connected to Pluto, the planet of Death and Rebirth. Pluto is only a few degrees away from this Full Moon but resting in Aquarius. This is known as an out-of-sign conjunction.

Pluto’s presence offers the promise of something new rising from the ashes, but perhaps it is just out of reach. Perhaps we will have to wait patiently to see what new rebirth is in store.

So, let go of all that is heavy. Know you deserve a lighter load. And keep in your heart that a rebirth is on the way.



As humans, we all connect through energy, but for empaths, this connection is much deeper. They have a natural gift: heightened sensitivity to the energy around them, allowing them to tune into other people's emotions effortlessly and see the world profoundly.

This deep connection makes relationships challenging, as empaths are always attuned to their partner's emotional state, sometimes without realizing it. This sensitivity is both a blessing, enabling them to deeply understand others, and a burden, making it hard to maintain their own emotional boundaries.

Empaths' exceptional ability to sense others' emotions and energies makes them deeply intuitive. When they form close connections, it's on a heart-to-heart level, opening up their energy and making them vulnerable to others' emotions. This can lead to overwhelming emotions and exhaustion, especially when they absorb their partner's energy. As a result, maintaining long-term relationships can be challenging, and empaths often need alone time to recharge.

Empaths may struggle in relationships because their strong emotions can cloud their intuition, making it hard for them to trust their gut. They often find themselves in relationships with narcissistic individuals because they tend to look for the good in people and overlook warning signs. This can lead to toxic dynamics. When trust is betrayed, empaths may stay in the relationship despite feeling unloved, building emotional walls and questioning their partner endlessly, trying to decipher the truth rather than listening to their intuition.

Empaths have a healing ability that attracts people with emotional wounds, which can be draining as they constantly support others. Their immense compassion leads them to forgive easily, making them vulnerable to mistreatment and abuse. They may blame themselves for issues in relationships and enable toxic behavior by taking all the responsibility.

Empaths may enter codependent relationships if they absorb their partner's suffering, causing emotional distress. They often prioritize their partner's well-being over their own, leading to emotional exhaustion and neglect of their own needs. Their sensitivity to emotions makes it challenging to deflect intense emotional energy, affecting their own emotional state.

Empaths can sense emotions in their environment and convert negative vibes into positive ones. However, absorbing others' energy can lower their own vibration and lead to emotional turmoil. Their ability to form intense connections can create deep bonds that feel like accelerated love but may fade once apart.

Navigating relationships with individuals who play mind games is difficult for empaths, as they value honesty and struggle to understand manipulation. This hinders genuine connections. They quickly see through fake personas and lose trust in dishonest partners, causing frustration and conflict.

Empaths openly express their emotions but may withdraw if their partner doesn't reciprocate, leading to feelings of isolation and disappointment. Over time, they can become disillusioned in relationships as they seek deeper connections. Their emotional sensitivity and ability to sense lies, deceit, manipulation, or inauthenticity can prevent them from forming meaningful bonds.

Empaths thrive in loving relationships with compassionate partners who appreciate their sensitivity. However, after experiencing toxic relationships filled with deceit, manipulation, and disrespect, they often become emotionally exhausted and disillusioned. The constant emotional turmoil and the need to absorb and manage their partner's negative energy can lead to significant emotional depletion.

Over time, the repeated exposure to such draining dynamics makes empaths crave peace and solitude. They prioritize their well-being and seek to heal from the emotional wounds inflicted by these toxic relationships. Choosing to be on their own allows empaths to regain their strength, restore their energy, and reestablish their emotional boundaries.

In this space of solitude, empaths can focus on self-care and self-discovery, free from the burden of managing others' emotions. This healing process helps them find inner peace and clarity, making them more resilient and better equipped to protect their energy in the future. Ultimately, empaths often prefer solitude because it provides the sanctuary they need to heal and flourish without the constant drain of toxic relationships.

By embracing solitude, empaths can find happiness on their own terms. They are no longer at risk of emotional manipulation or walking on eggshells to avoid conflict. Instead, they can create a life filled with peace and self-fulfillment.

Free from the need to constantly manage others' emotions, empaths can focus on their passions, interests, and personal growth. This independence allows them to build a stable and joyful life where their energy is preserved, and their emotional well-being is prioritized.

- Alex Myles


Make the ULTIMATE Magical Home With Witchy

Decorating Ideas & More

To make sacred space means to cleanse and prepare an area for divine connection, like a “sanctuary” in a church. You can make your entire home into sacred space. The first step in making your home a magical home is to envision it as one big magical circle. Learn how to make a magical home with cleansing, protection, gardening, and witchy decorating ideas.

Magical Protection

We all know that our homes protect us from the outside world. It also gives us privacy. But when we make our homes magical, we also have to think about spiritual protection. If you’ve never energetically cleansed your home, this will be your first step to making your home magical. This is also something to repeat once a month (preferably on the new or waning moon) or whenever you feel the need.

Cleansing Your Magical Home

A spiritual home cleansing is a removal of negative energy that has either invaded or built up. I’ve found the most powerful way to cleanse a home of negative energy is a smudging ritual. Some of the most powerful herbs for smudging are: white sage, rosemary, and palo santo (among others). Research how to do a smudging ritual and then cleanse your home. Don’t forget to open the windows or doors to allow the negative energy to escape. This is crucial.

Make red brick dust and sprinkle it over the thresholds of your magical home.
Make red brick dust for the thresholds of your home.
Set Up A Magical Barrier
Following the cleansing ritual, set up a magical barrier. The first way to do this is to bless your doorways, windows, and any entry-way into your home. You can use a bit of olive oil, essential oils, or any kind of oil and draw a protective symbol on each window and door. For example – a pentacle, triquetra, cross, runes, etc. This same blessing ritual can also be done with a bit of holy water or moon water.

Add Protective Elements

After you’ve the cleansing and blessing, add other protective elements to your home:

protective bags containing herbs, objects, stones (hang them on doors, over windows, under beds, etc)
salt in the windows and over thresholds
hang dreamcatchers in bedroom windows
iron horseshoes over doorways
pictures of angels, deities, ancestors, etc.
place four guardian statues in the four corners of your property
red brick dust sprinkled over thresholds
plants with protective properties around the home
Last but not least, call on your gods and goddesses, angels, guardians, guides, etc. to protect your home from all negative energy.

Herbs in the kitchen and plants in the halls. Witchy decorating ideas should always include the elements.
A magical home should have all 4 elements represented.
Witchy Decorating Ideas
Now, this is the fun part. With these witchy decorating ideas, the enchanting effects are really amped up. Depending on the objects and placement, these elements will draw in abundance, health, love, peace, success, etc.

Add Fire & Air

The best witchy decorating ideas center around the four elements. By hanging wind chimes at your doorways and around your house, you’re adding pretty, whimsical sounds and invoking the air element. One of my favorite methods of enchanting my home is to use candles. We have candles in nearly every room. Light them and watch your home’s ambiance change from mundane to magical! You’re calling on the element of fire by doing so.

Earth & Water

Houseplants bring in that earthy energy. African violets, succulents, and ivies are my favorite but experiment with different houseplants to see what you like best. Be careful what kind you get – some are toxic to pets and children. Place around your home for earthy, healing energies. Rose quartz, amethyst, and selenite are great for the home. Small water fountains and vessels of water honor the water element in your magical home.

Magical Elements for the Witchy Home
Houseplants Stones Misc.

Ivy Rose quartz Candles
Christmas Cactus Selenite Windchimes
African Violet Citrine Dreamcatchers
Jade plant Amethyst Mirrors
Bohemian dreamcatchers are a nice witchy touch to any magical home.
Make your own dreamcatchers to hang in the bedroom windows.

Altar Set-Up

Another special way of adding magic to your home is by setting up an altar. Be as discreet or as elaborate as you’d like and as your lifestyle allows. Find a tabletop surface, wall shelf, bookcase, etc. on which to place your altar. Preferably, it should be out of reach of pets and small children (unless you want to make it a pets or childrens’ altar).

Types of Altars

Make an altar to represent the four elements: earth, air, fire, water. Or set up an altar to honor your gods and goddesses. OR create a meditation space. Add stones, seashells, feathers, and herbs to the altar. Pictures of angels, deities, ancestors, etc. work well. Place candles, incense burners, oil diffusers, and more on your altar. The choices are endless!

Set up altars in your magical home to honor the elements, ancestors, and the gods.
Altars are typically found all over a witch’s magical home.

The Magical Home’s Garden

What magical home would be complete without a garden? Some people say “I have a black thumb”. I used to say this, too. It’s truly about putting in time and effort, and eventually you’ll learn what grows well in your climate and what doesn’t. Purchase or grow plants that are native to your area. You will have plants that are acclimated to the land where you live and easy to grow. They will also attract and supply food or shelter for essential wildlife such as bees, butterflies, rabbits, birds, etc.

Magical Wildlife Energy

When you grow native plants around your home, you invite mother nature to take up residence. Those positive energies will translate to positive energy inside your home, as well. If you don’t have a yard, grow plants in pots on a balcony, patio, or even in a sunny window! Herbs do well in pots, and so do many flowers.

Butterfly & Bee Gardens

If you’re a pagan and have never considered helping your local wildlife by planting native and beneficial plants, please consider it. Since starting a butterfly garden, my family has gotten so much enjoyment out of it. My kids get to see the stages of a butterfly’s life cycle – from egg, to larva/caterpillar, to chrysalis, to an adult butterfly. Not only is it wonderful for your home’s magical energies, it’s also entertaining and educational!

found on https://otherworldlyoracle.com/magical-home-witchy-decorating-ideas/?fbclid=IwAR3VdC-dgjEd83EbVnR-KOsdYRZf64Z-mfWcHmXJUljSMUGkx94p6PG5rjY


YOUR NEW MOON IN CANCER MOONSCOPE JULY 5 2024 YOUR NEW MOON IN CANCER MOONSCOPE JULY 5 2024 - The moment the tide turns in our favour – we need to take action – and set sail.


Saturn is about to go Retrograde!

June 29, 2024, at 19° Pisces ~ November 15, 2024, 12° Pisces

Saturn spends a good portion of the year in retrograde, so while we are somewhat used to this energy, it is a power day not to be ignored! The day Saturn stations retrograde brings a clue as to what lessons the Universe has been encouraging us to master. Pay attention to the lessons that are brought your way on this day, as they are likely to be part of a larger theme you have been working through. Saturn Retrograde is our chance to finish off our homework and ensure that we have, indeed, mastered the lessons that have been coming our way. Saturn Retrograde can also bring gifts and rewards too, as we finally master a new chapter of our lives.


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My friend Celene makes these extrodinary malas..........

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Address The Ego

In order to stop our racing me-centered narratives, first we need to make peace with what’s arising in our minds and hearts and to see it as it is. What is the ego, or what we think of as the ego, doing?


From the moment of your birth, you have served as an agent of change, setting forces beyond your comprehension into motion across the surface of the earth and beyond. You can exert conscious control over this transformative energy simply by examining your intentions and endeavoring always to promote peace, positive energy, and passion in your ideas and actions.


The straightforward approach to practice is worthy. As the Nike ad says, “Just do it.” Become still, quiet the mind, sit like the mountain and sky—stable and undivided in the face of everything that comes up.


Blue hearts for all the Dads in Heaven who won't be with us on Father's day


Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: the potential for greatness lives within each of us.


We have no right to ask when a sorrow comes, "Why did this happen to me?" unless we ask the same question for every joy.


You have to realize that some things are minor, some things are major. Your ability to make things minor—in other words, to see a setback as not such a big deal—is an important mental skill.


The more we can rest in our vast, broken-open heart without flinching—and the more we can cherish the body we have no matter how limp or exhausted or disfigured—the more equipped we are to inhabit with courage the life with which we’ve been entrusted.


Can you really, truly apply the teachings of emptiness and radiant compassion and stand on your own two feet as a warrior in the world? If you can, no one can ever take that away from you. Then, perhaps, you are truly walking the path.


The product of your art is a snapshot of the state of your mind in the moments of creation.


We cannot discuss the truth. And words cannot express it. They can only ever point us to the present moment experience of the now.

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