Equilibrium Soul

Intuitive Healer Adelaide Reiki Seichim & Karuna®️ Master | Shamanic Ama Deus Reiki | Lords of Karma


Raise your vibration ✨

What does this mean?
What can this look like?



I have completed my Human Design Level 1, which now means I am able to bring this to you- which I’m pretty damn excited about! 🎉

𝐀𝐍𝐃.... I will be continuing on with Level 2 & 3 over the next few months to bring you more goodness, insight and validation ✨

Keep an eye out as I will be releasing and introductory offer very soon for you to have your Human Design Reading 🔮 more to come soon…



The Lion’s Gate Portal, peaking today 8/8 and making is more magical this year is the numerology of 8 ✨

This is a powerful time for spiritual transformation and manifestation. As the star Sirius aligns with Orion and the Sun in Leo, we are bathed in high-frequency energy that amplifies our intentions and connects us to higher consciousness. This is the perfect moment to set bold intentions, embrace your inner power, and step confidently into your highest potential. (Especially now with 5 planets retrograding. We can use the extra spiritual boost!)

Open your heart to the infinite possibilities the universe has to offer. Keep a focus on your heart chakra during your meditation practices 💚

One of my favourite meditations I sit with during this time is by Stephanie Kojec, on YouTube. I personally always have a profound connection to this energy.
If you’re looking for one to do today, to harness this energy, I have popped her 2024 meditation is here for for 👇🏼


I open my heart and soul to the infinite abundance of the universe. I align with the divine light of Sirius and boldly step into my true power. ✨


Heal, so you can see that attention is not love, attachment is not connection and the bare minimum is not effort.



The world 𝐍𝐄𝐄𝐃𝐒 𝐘𝐎𝐔 to turn it 𝐀𝐋𝐋 up.

Let’s raise the vibration and let these energies spill into the world ✨



My dad has bees.Today I went to his house and he showed me all of the honey he had gotten from the hives. He took the lid off of a 5 gallon bucket full of honey and on top of the honey there were 3 little bees, struggling. They were covered in sticky honey and drowning. I asked him if we could help them and he said he was sure they wouldn't survive. Casualties of honey collection I suppose.

I asked him again if we could at least get them out and kill them quickly, after all he was the one who taught me to put a suffering animal (or bug) out of its misery. He finally conceded and scooped the bees out of the bucket. He put them in an empty Chobani yogurt container and put the plastic container outside.
Because he had disrupted the hive with the earlier honey collection, there were bees flying all over outside.

We put the 3 little bees in the container on a bench and left them to their fate. My dad called me out a little while later to show me what was happening. These three little bees were surrounded by all of their sisters (all of the bees are females) and they were cleaning the sticky nearly dead bees, helping them to get all of the honey off of their bodies. We came back a short time later and there was only one little bee left in the container. She was still being tended to by her sisters.

When it was time for me to leave we checked one last time and all three of the bees had been cleaned off enough to fly away and the container was empty.

Those three little bees lived because they were surrounded by family and friends who would not give up on them, family and friends who refused to let them drown in their own stickiness and resolved to help until the last little bee could be set free.

Bee Sisters. Bee Peers. Bee Teammates.
We could all learn a thing or two from these bees.

Bee kind always.

~author unknown
📸 Autumn Skye Morrison


What is this funny looking picture?

This is a body graph.
You may have seen it before, you also may not have. But this chart here, gives us so much insight to ourselves and our soul, our personality, our purpose.

You know how they say we choose our path and our experiences for this life before we arrive in this world, then we forget?

Well, this is somewhat the blueprint of what our soul chose.


۞ 𝐇𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧 ۞

The past few weeks I have been diving into decoding my Human Design chart. I have gained so much insight on myself.

For me as a 1/3 Generator, it’s given me understanding 👇🏼

✨ That following my passions, doing what lights me up is EXACTLY what I am meant to be doing.

✨ Why I love a good rabbit hole or new interest because I will investigate it and spend time being obsessed learning all about it- BUT why this can lead me to also feeling as though I don’t know enough to do it, share it, etc.

✨ Why open ended questions seem to bamboozle me! And understanding that I need Yes/No questions to make decisions.

✨ Why I need to follow my Gut instincts.

✨ My purpose.

Just a few things so far, I am still integrating and learning BUT shortly I will be able to give you the same insight and breakdown with your chart to help 𝓨𝓸𝓾!

Comment below 👇🏼 or PM me 📧 if you would like to learn more about it.

I will be sharing more on this soon 𝓪𝓷𝓭 releasing availability 🥰


As time goes by,
You will loosen your grip on that rock,
The one you always thought was home,
And you will realise that home is not a place,
It’s a state of mind.
Let it go.
As time goes by,
You will learn to see yourself more clearly,
The girl who was always too much of one thing,
And too little of another, was actually
Everything she needed to be.
Let her out.
As time goes by,
You will let the simple things become the big,
And you will allow the big things to become the simple,
And that readjustment will be,
The day you really start to live,
Let it be.
As time goes by,
You will be forced to say goodbye many times,
And your soft little heart will shatter but,
It will still beat and that will bring you,
All the purpose you need.
Let it beat.
As time goes by,
You will stop choosing wealth over peace,
You will stop choosing money over time,
And you will see that the treasures you need,
Are in the smiles and the laughter.
Let them in.
As time goes by,
The moments you remember when your life flashes past,
Are never the awful memories my friend, it’s the joy,
The summer nights, the lazy days with loved ones,
The midnight chats and the morning hugs,
Let them happen.
Let them all happen.
' As Time Goes By' by Donna Ashworth


Get ready! Three days to go before Saturn Rx brings in some twists to make your head spin!

Saturn Rx begins June 29th. Be prepared for some karmic plot twists. 🪐✨


Occurring (Today) Friday, June 21st

This Full Moon is creating necessary endings in the areas that rule Capricorn such as: career/jobs, personal goals, dreams, ambitions, & financial security.

With Cancer Season beginning (yesterday), this Full Moon may be an extra emotional one for some of us. It’s a -feel the feels-don’t hold back the tears- type of Full Moon. While others may want to buckle down and get their lives back in order. On either side of that see-saw, be sure to ground often and find healthy ways to channel the heavy energy. Cleansing and purging work and home spaces is an excellent way to not only refocus, but it also invites both Cancer and Cap influences. Creating order (Cap) within the home (Cancer) will keep stress and anxiety away.

The polarity between a Cancer Sun and a Capricorn Moon is that of finding a better balance in our work life (Cap) and our home life (Cancer.) The Cancer Sun influence is encouraging us to nurture ourselves more and spend more time with loved ones. We were not born to work 24/7. With that said, avoiding responsibilities will not make them disappear. The Capricorn influence wants us to be more determined, responsible, and complete our daily tasks… while remembering to not get lost in all this work and practicing self-care often.

Capricorn’s ruler Saturn, (which transits retrograde next week) rules over limitations, self-discipline, &karma. This Full Moon just may force us to rethink the level of productivity & integrity we carry. While a Cap Moon ushers us into a time of due diligence, it’s also making us recognize how we react to life’s difficulties. Are we ignoring what makes us uncomfortable? Are we pretending nothing is wrong when there’s loads to fix? Are we being honest with ourselves? Are we making time to find solutions? Are we being kind and honest?

When I am serious & determined about what I want, I will manifest my wildest dreams✨

Wishing you a beautiful Full Moon🌙

✍️ Credit: Moon and Cactus


Begins on Thursday and kicks off the Winter Solstice ❄️🦀♋💙

When the Sun is in Cancer we move inward. We seek out the soothing comfort of our homes and our families. We seek what makes us feel safe, secure, and protected.

The Crab is the animal/symbol for Cancer. It represents the basic shelter and foundation we need to survive. It also symbolizes the comfort a home provides for us and keeps us safe from a potentially dangerous world.

Keywords: I feel.
Cancer is a water sign and is very emotional. So while rest and reflect in the comfort of our home is what we need now, we still may feel the weight of the world more intensely. The polar opposite of Cancer is Capricorn — a sign of great determination. Cancer’s tarot card is The Chariot — a card of outer strength and willpower. So when things feel too heavily for us to bare, remember to look toward your inner strength to get through it.

Things to consider:
Feelings may run high, but that also means our intuition and imagination will be too. Keep an extra focus on your intuition and look to it for guidance. Get creative over the next 4 weeks and go beyond your limitations. Oh, and take lots of soothing baths!

One major lesson to learn now would be to try & allow things to roll off your back, so to speak. Don’t let other people’s opinions ruin your mood, attitude, or day. Remember: how people react is a reflection of what they are currently going through — it will most likely NOT be able you. Remember, remember: if it does ruin your day…your feelings are justified. So feel them. Then ask yourself, why am I offended?

Cancer Affirmation:
I am divinely safe and protected. I trust my intuition & wherever it takes me. My emotions make me stronger than I realize.

Wishing you a beautiful Cancer Season ✨

✍️credit: Moon and Cactus


✨ 𝐒𝐚𝐲 𝐢𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐞...


This 👏🏼



The worst thing you can be is not fat,
or ugly,
or stupid.

The worst thing you can be,
is not different,
or awkward,
or ‘too much’.

The worst thing you can be,
is locked in a prison of your own self-doubt,
riddled with insecurities,
afraid to venture out into this life,
lest the world see who you really are.

In short,
the worst thing you can be,
is someone else.

When you were only ever meant to be


✍️ Donna Ashworth
🎨Lisa Aisato


When a woman awakens and starts to own all of herself, letting go of the need to cover up or defend herself and instead accepts all of her idiosyncrasies, fears, wounds, false programs, flaws, icky moods, fat thighs, sweaty armpits etc and supports her unique imperfect self instead of judging, rejecting and wishing that she were different or like somebody else, she has entered the promised land of freedom and self empowerment.

She starts to drop the posing, defence mechanisms, competitiveness, jealousy and all the false gods that she previously used as crutches, false images or places to hide parts of herself... What is left is a Woman of Strength, courage, fortitude and a woman that is compassionately understanding towards others because she is able to give to others what she has given to herself... She becomes fearlessly authentic, she finds her Voice, there is no longer shame, therefore she no longer needs to hide or change any part of herself... She's able to overcome any fears of rejection for being true to herself.

Ironically, when a woman claims and accepts her shadow, that which she rejected and suppressed about herself transforms from being dysfunctional to being a strength and the energy that it was previously draining from her becomes available to her. Such a woman gives others permission to accept themselves as they are, her own freedom becomes contagious.

Through being openly relaxed in her Power she empowers others.

Author : Caroline de Lisser

Artwork: The Dinger, A Wild Woman by K A Ball Ph, D. KABALLART.com

Shared: Sacred Divine Feminine


Just casually waiting…. 😉


Today, I’m writing a 𝓡𝓮𝓿𝓲𝓮𝔀 on an experience I had this week.

Thursday night I had the opportunity to try a 9D Breathwork session with Shauna at Reiki Healing Haven.

Now, I have attended Breathwork sessions before and experienced the shifts and breakthroughs.

But this, this is something else.
It takes a lot to leave me speechless and it did just that. I haven’t had a release or shift like that EVER. it is a different experience.

Shauna took me through a journey for Releasing 5 Primary Trauma Imprints. It was incredible, is all I can say.

I’m still integrating what came up to release, it may take me a couple more days, maybe longer, however I have already felt in me a lightness, a shift of energy in me that had been stored in my body.

But I do highly recommend giving this a go. There are other journeys you can do and I loved that this Breathwork was for a specific need.

Shauna was a such a great guide and support through the entire experience.




Our outer most planet the Master of Truth & Radical Transformation slowed down yesterday & begun its annual retrograde period, until Oct 11th.

Roughly half of us have Pluto in Retrograde the day we were born. So this transit may not effect those folks that much. If you are one who has Pluto in a difficult aspect or position in your natal chart, this retrograde just might effect you. Providing you w/the opportunity to go deep within and face all that is uncomfortable. Regardless, even though Pluto is retrograde for most of the year, it still carries energetic influences that will be noticeable. *The beginning of this shift could bring a bit of confusion as we adjust to the new energy.

Pluto is the planet of death & rebirth. When Pluto is in retrograde we are forced to reflect on making necessary changes & transforming in the life area or the house where Pluto sits in your natal chart. For instance my Pluto is in the 8th -- ironically, the house of Death and Regeneration. My natal Pluto is not in Retro. So when Pluto does go retrograde, I like to utilize this time to reflect on my drive toward self-reliance, how I use my resources to achieve the things I desire, & to let go of controlling behaviors.

Pluto should be viewed as enlightening - as he shines light on all things that are hidden in the deepest darkest parts of our subconsciousness. All our passions, desires, & fears all come to the surface now. He wants us to eliminate the old, out dated & suppressed - which can manifest into spiritual muck that ends up weighing us down when Pluto is direct. Pluto knows what's best for us. He only wants us to release and be free.

*Note that Pluto is in Aquarius ♒

May you rid of what you no longer need🖤

✍️📸Moon and Cactus


Time to check in with yourself.

It can be easy to abandon yourself and keep in this cycle where things can the become clunky, we can become stuck, energy doesn’t flow, things don’t come easy because you’re in a place of lowering your vibration without realisation sometimes.

When you choose yourself, you’re sitting in a higher vibration of love, you’re choosing things that are right for you and saying no to things that don’t vibe (or set boundaries), things became effortless, they flow.

So my question to you is~
Have you been 𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓼𝓲𝓷𝓰 yourself Or, 𝓐𝓫𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓸𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰 yourself lately?





So many cosmic energies happening all at once and today is no exception! It’s a beautiful Scorpio Full Moon ✨

We are still in Eclipse Season, Mercury is still Retrograde, & now a Scorpio Full Moon + Pluto, Scorpio's ruler, goes retrograde May 2nd. Phew! Emotions are at an all time high.

The cosmos is throwin' powerful transformative energy our way.

We are being ushered into a wonderful time of death, rebirth, and expansion. Forcing awareness upon us; we need to dig deep beneath the surface and let go of *what we already know* needs releasing in order to forward. The idea here is to walk into the summer season as an evolved version of ourselves.

Scorpio Moon and a Ta**us Sun provides us with the opportunity to create more balance between what we think we want (Ta**us) and what we need (Scorpio). Utilize this influence by making necessary changes within your life/relationships and expressing compassionate truths. The Sun's energy wants us to be happy and find pleasure in our every day. However, the Moon's energy wants us to go beyond that surface and find truth among the complexities of our soul. It's best to find balance between both energies.

The hidden message behind this Full Moon is to not to be afraid to get to the bottom of an issue. Let's own our power and rid ourselves of restrictions, limitations, and old out-dated beliefs.

This a very freeing, healing time.

Be ready to let go.
Be ready to be reborn.
Get excited for what's to come.

Wishing you a beautiful Full Moon!

✍️Moon and Cactus


When you start to heal, you realise there is better for yourself. You start to undo all the conditioning and patterning you have been conditioned to accept.

So, heal sis, heal ✨


Have a wonderful week 😉


It’s all about the process, so you can enjoy the view so much more ✨


Do you have a burning question you need an answer to? These cards will give you a simple answer. So,

Settle your mind.
Take 3 deep breaths in and out and connect with yourself.
Ask your question.
Pick your card.

Drop your number in the comments, I will post the reveals in the comment section later today 🔮


𝓗𝓪𝓹𝓹𝔂 𝓜𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓪𝔂...

Feel like pulling a few cards for yall to start your week.

What do you need to hear?

Drop your name below and I’ll post your individual card later tonight ✨

Deck: Affirmations~Words Of Wisdom


'The Great Mother in Her many aspects - maiden, raging warrior, benevolent mother, death-dealing and all-wise crone - unknowable and ultimate wyrd is now powerfully reemerging and rising again in human consciousness ...

Isis, Mawu-Lisa, Demeter, Gaia, Shakti, Dakinis, Shekhinah, Astarte, Ishtar, Rhea, Freya, Nerthus, Brigid, Danu call Her what you may has been with us from the beginning and awaits us now.

She is the beauty of the green earth, the life-giving waters, the consuming fire, the radiant moon, and the fiery sun. She is Star Goddess and Spiderwoman; she weaves the luminous web that creates the universe. As earth, the great planetary Spirit-Being, She germinates life within Her dark womb.

After thousands of years of life-denying and anti-evolutionary patriarchal cultures that have r***d, ravaged, and polluted the earth, She returns.'

~ Monica Sjoo & Barbara Mor, "The Great Cosmic Mother"
Art: Alyona Askarova

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