The Soulistic Haven

Holistic Counselling, Sxxual Empowerment & Intimacy Coaching, Energy Healing 🌻 Jo, Adelaide SA


The relaxation response is far more important to our health and well-being than just feeling “less stressed!”


Online Holistic Counselling (via Zoom) is a convenient way to receive support no matter where you are in the state, country, or even the world. It may be suitable if:

✨ You are unable to travel due to mobility challenges

✨ You lack services in your area

✨ You are short on time

✨ You need to balance sessions around work, family and home commitments

✨You are travelling

✨You require discretion due to concerns for your personal safety or due to your current situation, and don’t want to be seen attending in person sessions

There are limited after hours sessions available should you be unable to make a session during business hours.

If you would like to book an appointment, to arrange a free 15 minute connection call, or have any questions regarding Holistic Counselling, please contact me via DM and I will get back to you.

Jo x


The perfect way to spend a cold and wet Winters day - wrapped up in bed learning how to play my beautiful new Ukulele 🎶

A few years ago I would have been too scared to try anything I feared I would fail at. I love how much I’ve grown and how much fun and play I now bring into my life 🙌

I’ve never played an instrument before (except one terrible attempt at the harmonica 😳), and I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing (I don’t even know if I was playing it the right way up 🤪😂), but my goodness did I have the best morning trying to embrace my creative side!!

It’s amazing what happens when we challenge our limiting beliefs and thought patterns! 😄

Watch this space! I’ll be strumming around the fire entertaining folks in no time 🔥🤭


The Holistic Approach to Counselling! ✨

Flick me a DM to find out more or to book an appointment.


We CAN choose what energy to surround ourselves in!

We CAN choose what energy to GET OUT of ✨

Leaving a toxic environment doesn’t mean you gave up or failed. It means that you know your worth and that you’re choosing to prioritise your peace and happiness over stress and negativity ✌️✨🫶

Be mindful of how your energy changes in certain environments and around certain people. Friends, family, your relationship, your workplace, your community groups, your home!

If you leave those environments feeling heavy, frustrated, sad, unheard, unseen, invisible, demoralised, distressed, troubled - it’s time to change your environment.

It’s time to GET OUT! Prioritise your PEACE and HAPPINESS! Because YOU’RE WORTH IT ✌️✨🫶

Much love, Jo x 🌻


We currently have a Naturopath, a Holistic Counsellor, Empowerment & Intimacy Coach, and an Energy Healer in this collective, and are looking to expand on the services the Wellness Hub can provide to the local community.

The room will be shared with another practitioner but is available Monday-Wed and we would love someone to join us on a long term hire arrangement.

Depending on your needs, we are open to 1 or 2 day long term hire, should you not require the full 3 days.

There may also be the opportunity for casual room hire for practitioners who may only see clients every now and then.

If you (or anyone you know) would like more info, please reach out via DM at my business page .soulistic.haven

Jo 🌻


I never imagined the stars could actually align like they have ✨

In the space of 4 days the most amazing opportunities fell into my lap and I just had to grab them with both hands.

I quit my other job, gave notice on the space I have been leasing for the Soulistic Haven in Brighton, and now I’m about to embark on a brand new journey with a completely fresh slate and a new outlook.

I feel incredibly empowered and proud as I’m taking a huge risk, going against a lifetime of conditioning and external expectations and creating the life I want and deserve!

I can’t wait to share more with you in the coming weeks about all the exciting changes coming to the Soulistic Haven.

Much love, Jo x 💋

*xcoach *xualwellness *x *xpositivity


So many of these days us just long to be heard 😔
It’s an awful feeling when we build up the courage to be vulnerable with those closest to us and share what has been causing distress or difficulty in our life and we are met with a lack of interest, empathy and care, unwanted advice or comments that downplay how we are feeling. Things like biased opinions, saying what they think we want to hear, the dreaded one upping of who has the bigger problems or just turning it into a b*tch session.
This can make us feel like our difficulties or problems arent valid, important or are even insignificant.
Sometimes, worse than that… they just aren’t present and listening at all. They are on their phone, pottering around, preoccupied with their kids. They may be trying their hardest to be supportive and feel like they are listening, but when they aren’t truly present it makes you feel like they don’t care, that your problems aren’t valid (or as important as theirs) and that you aren’t worthy of being heard.
This is where I can help! 😊 Through talk therapies including Holistic Counselling or Sxxual Empowerment Coaching (depending on your needs) I provide you that safe and non-judgemental space to be truly seen, heard, witnessed and start to work through the challenges or difficulties you are currently facing.
I offer appointments in person or via video call, which means I have the ability and flexibility to support clients wherever they are located or after hours.
**For more info, feel free to reach out via DM. Jo x 🫶💜


As another working week starts, remember to stand in your power, set your boundaries, and don’t let anyone treat you with disrespect or make you question your worth!


How the times have changed ✨☮️


A lot of the time you may not even notice that you’re enabling someone’s toxic traits. You might think you’re just being a supportive partner or friend, but often you are just fueling the fire, giving the toxic person the attention and validation they crave and thrive on, inevitably keeping the toxic cycle spinning so fast you struggle to jump off!


I feel this one deep in my bones!!
For as long as I can remember I have put other peoples wants and needs before my own, even if it meant missing out on experiences or things I knew would make me happy. I was taught from a young age to always put others first and that it was far more important that other people were happy than that I was happy.
Re-wiring these beliefs and realising I am worthy of happiness and of putting myself first has been a game changer!!
If you struggle with these often deeply rooted unhelpful, people pleasing beliefs, I would love to support you to to re-wire them and start to prioritise your own happiness! Flick me a DM to see how I can help. Jo x 🌻


“The best view comes after the hardest climb” 🧡💚
Last weekend I pushed myself way out of my comfort zone. I hiked along a stunning coastal trail (no stranger to hiking), but it involved climbing up and down some very steep and rocky sections that I literally had to climb on my hands and knees to avoid falling flat on my face or falling metres to the ground.
My goodness… the view was so worth it and I felt so incredible and grounded afterwards. So glad I took the SLR with me to capture nature at its finest! No filter - just the magic of nature 💚


I have just had a space open up this Friday afternoon for a Holistic Counselling or Somatic Sxx Coaching appointment.
Reach out via DM if you would like to snap up this spot!
Much love, Jo x 💋

Photos from The Soulistic Haven - Somatic S*x Coaching's post 24/02/2024

When you have a goal to achieve it is so much easier to stay focused! 19 to go! 💪

Photos from The Soulistic Haven's post 06/02/2024

Tips for your Tuesday! ✨
Personally, I’ve always felt so much calmer when I escape into nature, but it’s only been in recent years that I’ve realised just how much my senses have played a part in that. I now make sure I consciously take note of what I can see, smell, hear, touch, taste when I am in the forest or by the beach and it is extremely calming and grounding. Nature is definitely my medicine. Much love, Jo x


Sometimes, a post will appear in my social media feed that’s especially triggering and distressing to me. Recently though, I’ve also experienced situations where a close contact continuously posts things that trigger me.
The hard thing is, this is actually something that I’ve done a lot of healing work around and generally doesn’t impact my daily life too much, but lately every time I open social media there is a post reminding me of it. The constant posts have started triggering those strong emotions in me again and now it’s starting to affect my mental health, mood and well-being. I am actually fearful of opening my socials apps because I don’t want to be triggered. I feel like I am held hostage.
My mental health is too important to me and I have worked way too hard to let myself slip because of social media posts.
A lot of us find social media can have a really big impact on our mental health. So to protect my mine, regardless of the who’s posting the material that triggers me, or the relationship I have with them, I have decided that I will unfollow (or in some instances unfriend) them on social media, even if the rest of their posts aren’t particularly triggering.
It isn’t anything personal, it is just an act self love and self care, because I deserve to scroll my social media feed without the fear of being triggered daily. Love Jo x 💜


Climbing to the top of a rock, just to watch the sun set from the best spot on the beach… hell yes! 🧡💛


Just a standard day in my life! ✨☀️🫶🤣


So excited to share that “I am now a certified Somatic Sxx Coach!” 🙌💋
After an enormous year of studying, I finished off 2023 on an absolute high by graduating from .s* 😻
What many saw as an unconventional path, I saw as a crucial service for those individuals who feel they don’t have a safe space to talk about or explore their s*xuality or who feel too ashamed or scared to speak to friends or family about this often taboo topic.
I will be opening more appointment times in 2024 to allow for this new service.
I can’t wait to start supporting individuals to feel empowered in their s*xuality, their pleasure and their connection with their bodies.
Much love, Jo 💋
*xcoach *xcoaching *xeducationmatters *xeducatorforlife *xedforall *xualhealth *xualempowerment *x


It may have taken 12 months, but I finally hung this divine photo of my gals and I, in our bras and knickers, proudly on my kitchen wall!! festival was the most empowering experience of my life and I love that every time I walk into my kitchen I will be reminded of the day we strutted our stuff down the Main Street of Victor Harbor and celebrated our feminine strength and beauty 💜✨
*xcoach *xeducatorlife


“I will no longer mutilate and destroy myself in order to find a secret behind the ruins”
I’m loving reading books filled with spiritual journeys, self discovery and wisdom at the moment. It really is incredible to see the world from a different perspective and to get the brain thinking about all that is and all that can be!
Siddhartha has been the perfect travel buddy for a fleeting work trip to Brisbane and back today. Opening my eyes to all the possibilities! ✨✨


Woohooo!!! There’s no better feeling than setting yourself a goal and absolutely smashing it!!
What a way to kick off my love affair with Pilates - a massive 20 classes in 31 days!! KX40 Spring Challenge, you kicked my butt but I’ll be back for more!


Achieving this qualification really was one of the most challenging things I have ever done. Along with learning how to support and empower clients, it also focused on a lot of personal reflection and development.
This meant having a good hard look at myself, being raw, vulnerable and diving deeply into my own thought patterns, beliefs, traumas, self limiting behaviours. Actually owning my sh*t and starting to heal it!
I had many days where I would be in tears whilst studying as something in the material had triggered me or opened my eyes to the fact I had been living a life that wasn’t true for me or filling my cup. That I was living a life based on my perception of what other‘s expected of me.
The knowledge I received through these studies changed my life and how I see the world around me - and for that I am so very grateful 🌻
I opened my own holistic business to support people that feel like they have no one to talk to, or aren’t being heard when they try reaching out to those closest to them. And to provide a space for people that have tried the more formal talk therapies and found them colder and clinical when they would prefer a softer, more heart centred approach 🫶💜
I have recently opened up a couple of extra spots for new clients, so if you would like to take the more holistic approach to working through life’s challenges, please send me a DM to make an appt or for further info.
Much Love, Jo x 🫶
*xcoach *xeducator


An enormous week of playing catch up for the KX40 challenge. Only my 2nd week of pilates and somehow achieved 5 classes in 5 days!
Everything still hurts and aches, I feel like I have no oomph left in me - but I’ve almost caught up after only starting on day 8 of the challenge 🙌
I’ve always been scared of trying new things because of a fear of failure and judgement. Not feeling good enough, fit enough, skinny enough or even just for looking silly. This challenge is definitely as much about improving my mindset and self belief as it is the physical benefits.
9 classes in 12 days! Feeling so proud and determined 💪
*If your unhelpful beliefs are holding you back from trying new things, impacting your self confidence and living the life you want, please send me a DM. Empowerment & Somatic S*x Coaching along with Holistic Counselling could be just the thing you need to improve your confidence and bring more fun and pleasure into your life! It certainly changed mine ✨🫶💜soulistic.haven
*xeducators *xcoach


An amazing moment last night belting out this song in my living room with some beautiful friends! Singing the words out aloud, dancing and reminding ourselves that the greatest love of all really is inside of us 💜
The relationship we have with ourselves is truly the most important one we will have and influences so many aspects of our lives. Self love and self acceptance isn’t always easy - but we must make the conscious choice to practice this every single day 🫶
*xeducators *xeducator *xcoach


Pleasure doesn’t have to be s*xual. It can also be the simple things in life that make our heart sing & our bodies warm & fuzzy! A long hot bath, time in nature, laughing with friends, a warm embrace, fresh sheets, achieving a goal, an open fireplace.
So many wonderful benefits come from allowing yourself to experience and receive pleasure.
How will you bring more pleasure into your life this weekend?! 💜💜💜💜
The Soulistic Haven - Somatic S*x Coaching
The Soulistic Haven
*xeducator *xcoach *xcoaching


KX 40 Challenge 2023! Well, KX 33 Challenge as I was out crook for the first 7 days - but I am determined to achieve this goal of completing 20 Pilates classes from 30 Oct to 8 Dec. Setting a goal and achieving it is such an empowering feeling!
I hadn’t done a Pilates class in 2 years so let’s just say, week 1 has been just as much a mental battle as it has been physical.
The body is aching, the legs are so wobbly that I lost balance and fell off the reformer platform this morning while I was standing on it mid lunge (thank goodness I managed to land on my feet and not my face 🤦🏼‍♀️🤣), and I have found muscles I never knew I had, but I have pushed thru and I am absolutely loving it! 🙌
4 classes down, 16 to go!! 💪

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Videos (show all)

My first attempt at moving a Monstera to a permanent water display 🪴I can’t wait to fill The Soulistic Haven’s new heali...
A long weekend spent in nature! This trail started peacefully with the sun shine and sea breeze and ended up with me alm...
Over the past week the universe has not only given me the signs I needed that it’s time to close one of the toughest cha...
I could never have imagined a mystery flight would have also made a life long dream come true. It took 40 years but I ha...
Shine bright! Believe in you! May your light inspire others ✨#heal #empower #shinebright #inspiration #wellness #wellnes...



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