Centred Sol

Transformational Coach and Intuitive Guide.

Helping mystical deep-thinkers thoroughly step into the clarity of purpose, connection and identity they aspire towards through reweaving outdated energetic anatomy.



Daily ritual is not locked to tradition it's a LIVING NEED.
The primary ancestral lineages of our Mother’s Mother, Mother’s Father, Father’s Father, and Father’s Mother form the ROOTS of our being.
These lineages carry within them the epigenetic MEMORY of generations past, shaping our biases, nuances, personality, and capacity to navigate existence. 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦

Ancestral epigenetic memory is one of the PRIME FORCES animating us, a silent guide whispering through our DNA.
This memory is NOT abstract; it is a PALPABLE force formed through the habits, behaviors, and repeated actions of those who walked before us.
Each step, each decision, and each triumph of our ancestors has left an INDELIBLE MARK on the morphic resonant fields that shape our reality today. ✨

To honor our ancestors is to ACKNOWLEDGE this deep connection. It means recognizing the sacrifices, struggles, and resilience that have allowed us to be here.
Our ancestors endured wars, famines, migrations, and personal tragedies, each hardship a TESTAMENT to their strength.
This practice grounds us in the REALITY of our heritage and draws strength from it. Daily rituals - lighting a candle, offering food, speaking their names, or holding a moment of SILENCE - forge a bridge between the past and present, creating a sacred dialogue with Spirit.


In doing so we DISMANTLE entitlement and privilege. We strip away the illusions of individualism and self-made success to KNEEL HUMBLY at the FEET OF DIVINITY, acknowledging that we are but the latest chapter in a long, UNBROKEN lineage. 🛐
This recognition fosters PROFOUND HUMILITY, reminding us that our lives are built on foundations laid by COUNTLESS ancestors whose hopes, dreams, and perseverance have paved the way for US.


Relational intimacy with the Spirit world, nurtured through DAILY RITUALS, directly impacts the quality of life we lead.
It is in these moments of reverence and connection that we find TRUE GROUNDING, humility, and a sense of BELONGING.
By honoring our ancestors, we embrace the TOTALITY of our existence, acknowledging the unseen threads that bind us to the past and weave our future.


Photos from Centred Sol's post 15/06/2024


Navigating your inner landscapes is like repeatedly hiking a mountain, the journey is COMPLEX, demanding practical steps to achieve Self-Mastery and integrating our inner aspects.

Start with mindfulness practices like JOURNALING and MEDITATION. 🧘
Therapy provides structured support, making this lifelong process MORE MANAGEABLE.

Distractions, deeply embedded in modern society, are not mere nuisances but systemic issues.
Set clear, manageable goals and create DISTRACTION-FREE ENVIRONMENTS.
Tools like time-blocking and digital detoxes help reclaim focus. Advocate for workplace policies that prioritize DEEP WORK over constant connectivity and mental well-being.

Healthy self-assertion is CRUCIAL for confidence, but DISTINGUISH IT from harmful narcissism.
Self-assertion means KNOWING your worth and setting boundaries without devaluing others. Regular self-reflection and seeking feedback maintains this balance. ⚖️

Community and interdependence are vital BUT have downsides like groupthink or dependency.
Engage with communities that encourage critical thinking and personal growth while balancing community involvement with periods of SOLITUDE to nurture INDEPENDENT THOUGHT. 💡

The journey to self-actualization should inspire WITHOUT OVERWHELMING.
Acknowledge setbacks as part of the process and maintain a realistic tone. Sharing stories of incremental progress can illustrate that Mastery is achieved through small, CONSISTENT steps.

Balancing single-pointed focus with flexibility is essential. Develop a clear vision of your goals but remain ADAPTABLE.
Life’s unpredictability requires ADJUSTING PATHS without losing sight of your ultimate purpose.
This balance is key to navigating personal growth and external challenges.

Recognize that each person’s journey is shaped by UNIQUE cultural, socio-economic, and personal factors.
Sharing diverse perspectives fosters a more relatable and SUPPORTIVE environment. 🫂

Metaphors like "hiking the inner mountain" are poetic but must be broken down into PRACTICAL ACTIONS!
Establish daily routines that include reflection, physical activity, and creative expression.




EVERYWHERE distractions wait, ready to ensnare and consume us.

Not just mere inconveniences; but DARK, HUNGRY forces designed to derail us from our true purpose.
The path to self-actualization is perilous, and the stakes are LIFE OR DEATH. Only through UNWAVERING focus and purity of intent can we hope to navigate this treacherous terrain without losing our Soul to the wolves of VICES, ADDICTIONS, and CALAMITY.


Modern society is a RELENTLESS MACHINE, designed to siphon our time and attention.
Every moment is a battle, with screens vying for our focus, endless tasks demanding our energy, and societal expectations PRESSING US INTO CONFORMITY.

Social consciousness conspires to PREVENT mastery, branding self-focus and personal development as selfish or egocentric. Yet, it is precisely this narcissistic self-centeredness that is CRUCIAL for cultivating the confidence and steadfastness necessary to follow our true path. 🤔

To develop mastery, we must move beyond distraction.
This REQUIRES purity of purpose, a single-pointed focus on our intrinsic motivation.
It is not enough to simply want; we must be willing to DEFEND our desires against the ONSLAUGHT OF DISTRACTIONS that seek to destroy us.
This is a WAR for our Soul, and the battlefield is littered with the remnants of those who have been consumed by their own vices and addictions. 😦

Horribly there are those who THRIVE on chaos, their only motive to take for their own self-gain and personal agenda. These predators are DRIVEN by a DARK HUNGER AND VIOLENCE, feeding on the weakness and distraction of others. 😈
To protect ourselves, we must cultivate a RUTHLESS dedication to our own path, allowing no one and nothing to sway us from our course.


The journey to mastery is not for the faint of heart. It demands a BRUTAL honesty with ourselves, acknowledging the depths of our distractions and the ways in which we sabotage our own progress.
It requires developing an inner strength that fortifies us against external pressures and internal doubts.

If you need Ritual Support or a Shamanic Clearing to remove blocks in your path, DM me!


🎨: Agnus (2022) by Konstantin Korobov

Photos from Centred Sol's post 13/06/2024


To achieve harmony we must INTEGRATE the various facets of our inner selves: our inner child, our inner elder, our inner trickster, and our true self.
Neglecting any one of these aspects can lead to the development of OVERBEARING SHADOW EGO PERSONALITIES, resulting in HARDCORE NARCISSISTIC COMPLEXES that wreak havoc on our lives and the lives of those around us. 🔴🔥

Such narcissism is NOT JUST A PERSONAL FAILING; it can DESTROY genuine empaths who come into contact with ego maniacs.
These encounters can be SOUL-DESTROYING, leaving empaths ENSLAVED by psychopaths who refuse to engage in sincere shadow work. 🖤⚡💔

- The inner child embodies our innocence, wonder, and vulnerability.
- The inner elder represents wisdom, patience, and perspective, guiding us with the lessons learned from experience.
- The inner trickster, with its creativity and playfulness, challenges us to question the status quo and think outside the box.

The Soul acts as a BRIDGE between our inner and outer worlds, making it imperative to find unity and HARMONY.
This unity allows us to engage with the BROADER, more nuanced COLLECTIVE reality in a RESPECTFUL and AUTHENTIC manner.
The Soul, personality, and mind form a complex and beautiful tapestry, and maintaining relational sensitivity is delicate but CRUCIAL for the broader network of humanity. 🌐

When individuals are mentally unwell and refuse to engage in self-work, their instability can disrupt entire CULTURES, nations, and EVEN THE WORLD!
History has shown us that the unchecked egos of leaders can lead to CATASTROPHIC consequences.
To awaken and activate GLOBAL psychological and Soul-based wellness, we must strive for harmony and connection WITHIN OURSELVES.
This means INTEGRATING all parts of our psyche and avoiding the isolation or inflation of single aspects.


So this is not just a personal journey but a COLLECTIVE IMPERATIVE!
When we find harmony within we can contribute to a more STABLE and CONNECTED world.
Each individual's mental and spiritual health AFFECTS the larger tapestry of humanity.
This holistic approach fosters a world where genuine engagement, respect, and understanding FLOURISH.



..such a subtle and INSIDIOUS trap!

Many fall into Spiritual arrogance on this life journey.
It arises when the ego, rather than dissolving in the light of Spiritual insight, CLOAKS itself in the guise of Spiritual SUPERIORITY.
This arrogance is the belief that one's spiritual achievements place them ABOVE others, creating a dangerous illusion of enlightenment while STUNTING TRUE GROWTH. 😲

Arrogance forms as a DEFENSE mechanism to protect the ego from the discomfort of HUMILITY and the VULNERABILITY of TRUE SPIRITUAL GROWTH.
It feeds on the stories we tell ourselves: that we have achieved a higher state of being, that our insights are more profound, that our practices are more "ADVANCED".
This narrative is a comfortable shield that prevents the ego from confronting its own shortcomings and insecurities. Instead of fostering GENUINE development, Spiritual arrogance creates a stagnant ILLUSION of progress. 😞

Unchecked this leads to IMBALANCE.

It can cause us to CRASH AND BURN, as the inflated ego inevitably COLLIDES with reality.
When we believe we have "nothing left to learn", we CLOSE ourselves off to new insights and experiences, halting our spiritual evolution.
This arrogance can also damage relationships, as others perceive our condescension and withdraw, leaving us ISOLATED in our "perceived" superiority.


To dismantle Spiritual arrogance, we must develop internal and external systems and relationships that CHECK OUR EGO.

Internally, this involves cultivating a practice of humility and self-reflection.
Regularly QUESTIONING our motives and acknowledging our limitations keeps us GROUNDED. Mindfulness practices, such as meditation and journaling, help us observe the ego's tricks and gently steer us BACK TO HUMILITY. 🧘

Seeking feedback from trusted mentors, peers, and Spiritual communities is CRUCIAL.
These relationships serve as MIRRORS, reflecting our blind spots and KEEPING US ACCOUNTABLE! ‼️
Surrounding ourselves with those who CHALLENGE us, rather than those who reinforce our delusions, fosters GENUINE GROWTH. 🐉

Encourage open dialogue and EMBRACE constructive criticism to DISMANTLE the stubborn walls of arrogance! ☺️



DISPLAY your authentic self!

SHED the heavy cloak of inauthenticity and step into the light of your true nature!

Picture the peacock, a creature of Graceful majesty, unapologetically flaunting its vibrant feathers. In its display, we see a reflection of what it means to live AUTHENTICALLY: bold, beautiful, and UNAFRAID!


Many who suffer from depression find themselves ENSNARED in the drama triangle, addicted to the roles of victim, persecutor, and rescuer.
They perpetuate their suffering, seeking validation through the ENDLESS cycles of conflict and despair.
The false and the shy, the fake and the meek, fear the BRILLIANCE of creative expression.

They cower at the thought of stepping into their power, of being SEEN in their FULL, UNFILTERED GLORY.
This fear keeps them TRAPPED, their light DIMMED by the shadows of their insecurities. ⚡

Those who CHOOSE to live authentically leave BEHIND the victims and the sullen.
They rise ABOVE the heaviness of the downward spiral, propelled by the joy and light-heartedness that comes from being TRUE TO ONESELF!
Light CONQUERS darkness, and the Grace and BEAUTY of a genuine, Divine connection OUTSHINE the hatred and disdain for life that anchor so many in despair. 😦💔


Being triggered by the light of others is a GIFT, an OPPORTUNITY FOR GROWTH!
When the brilliance of another's authenticity irritates our own Demons, it REVEALS the areas within ourselves that NEED HEALING!
Instead of cowering in fear or lashing out in envy, we can CHOOSE to learn from these triggers, to let them guide us towards our own light. 🤲

The beauty of living authentically is in its SIMPLICITY and POWER!

By shedding the MASKS and EMBRACING who we truly are, we FREE OURSELVES from the CHAINS OF DEPRESSION! ⛓️
We no longer need to seek approval or validation from others, for we have FOUND IT WITHIN OURSELVES!
The drama triangle DISSOLVES, and we step into a new reality where joy and connection are the norm, NOT the exception.

In this new reality, we become like the peacock, UNAFRAID to display our true colors.
Our authentic light becomes a beacon, attracting REAL and TRUE SOUL CONNECTIONS!



Confidence, the inner fire, MELTS the layers of false ego and the facades of inauthenticity surrounding us.

When we EMBODY the light of authenticity, we radiate a force so powerful that it pierces THROUGH the pretenses of those we encounter, REVEALING their true selves.
This is not arrogance or hubris, but a DEEP-SEATED ASSURANCE that stems from knowing and OWNING our own story, unflinchingly and unapologetically. 😎

To reach this state, one must embark on an arduous journey of self-work.
It requires a RELENTLESS commitment to self-discovery, an ongoing process of peeling back the layers of societal conditioning and personal trauma.
Therapy plays a CRUCIAL role in this endeavor, offering a safe space to explore our deepest wounds, confront our fears, and DISMANTLE the triggers that keep us bound to OLD PATTERNS OF BEHAVIOR.

This is not a quick fix, but a LIFELONG PATH of healing and growth.

When we do the work, we begin to RELEASE our attachment to the superficial - the masks we wear, the validation we seek from others, the search for a savior.
We come to UNDERSTAND that WE are our own saviors capable of illuminating our path and the world around us. ✴️
This realization is liberating AND empowering, as it allows us to step into our true purpose with confidence and CLARITY.


With great confidence comes the DANGER of hubris.
Excessive confidence can lead to ARROGANCE, to the belief that we are BETTER than others, which is simply another form of the ego’s TRAP.
True confidence is not about comparison or competition; it is about EMBRACING our uniqueness and encouraging others to do the same.
It is about recognizing that EVERY PERSON HAS THEIR OWN JOURNEY and that we ALL have something valuable to contribute.


To avoid the pitfalls of hubris, we must remain vigilant against the wounds of comparison, competition, judgment, and envy. These are the shadows that can creep in and undermine our authenticity.
We must strive to SHINE with the light of our authentic soul which is inherently COMPASSIONATE, INCLUSIVE, and LOVING.
This light does not seek to diminish others but to UPLIFT them inspiring them to WALK WITH TRUTH!


📜 Book list #75 📜
A Guide to Building Conscious Compassionate Open Relationships

Recent studies state that a full ONE-FIFTH of the United States has engaged in consensual non-monogamy (CNM) at some point in their lives, and 29 percent of adults under 30 today consider open relationships to be MORALLY ACCEPTABLE. ⭐
That said, there are few resources to turn to when it comes to NAVIGATING this more non-traditional and explorative territory.


Picking up where CNM self-help books like Open Up, The Ethical Slut, and More Than Two leave off, Open Deeply tackles the most DIFFICULT challenges posed by CNM. 🤔
Therapist Kate Loree who has practiced non-monogamy since 2003, and who specializes in treating clients who also practice non-monogamy pulls no punches as she uses vignettes based on her OWN life, as well as her clients’ experiences, to illustrate the highs, lows, and IN-BETWEENS of life as a consensual non-monogamist.

This DEEP DIVE of relational research that I have undertaken with these books has definitely allowed for me to see the MANY different nuances and complexities that present themselves in non-traditional relationship models.
This book's approach rounds out this view even FURTHER.

Interwoven with these stories are thorough explanations of how ATTACHMENT THEORY impacts non-monogamy.
It speaks of how blending cutting-edge, neurobiology-informed GROUNDING skills with effective COMMUNICATION skills will make even the most challenging conversations regarding non-monogamy manageable.
These skills obviously are beneficial in not just CNM conversations but in all areas of our life, to be able to do regular somatic processing AND effectively communicate is a hallmark to secure attachment and HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS. 🔥

The result is a COMPASSIONATE, ATTACHMENT-FOCUSED TEMPLATE for non-monogamy that will allow listeners to avoid pitfalls and find ADVENTURE while concurrently building healthy relationships. ♥️

Non-monogamy is a WILD AND WOOLLY RIDE and Open Deeply is here to help make it a GREAT one.


Have you UPGRADED your perspective upon relationships recently?

Have you REVIEWED how you show up?

Do you CARE?




After an ETERNITY in slumber, we rise through the suffocating depths of chaos. 🖤
The Ancestral forces, DEEP AND DARK, press DOWN upon us, so heavy and relentless that the very essence of light is forced to pierce through the void.
The pentagram, ANCIENT and enigmatic, glows with an unsettling power, its points touching the corners of the universe, releasing and UNLOCKING the chaos that binds us!

Love lost. 🎭

The sheer INTENSITY of it carves a cavernous void within the Soul, a void so deep and cold that it seems to EXTINGUISH ALL HOPE.

This Soul-crushing, heart-closing DEPRESSION has draped us in darkness, convincing us that the dawn will NEVER break, that light is but a distant memory. 🌩️
We wander through a labyrinth of despair, each turn echoing with the specters of what was, each shadow whispering that the sun will NEVER RISE AGAIN!

In the deepest recesses of this darkness, SOMETHING STIRS.

Lightning Dragons, BORN of chaos and despair, weave through the ether, their electric presence both terrifying and mesmerizing. 🐉
Their eyes, POOLS of Pure Clarity, PIERCE through the insanity, offering a glimpse of TRUTH amidst madness. It is in this maelstrom that we find new seeds of transformation. 🤲

A gateway.

Crackling with the raw power of awakening, the magic of our Ancestors coursing through it.
We are THRUST into the eye of the storm, where confusion reigns and chaos is the ONLY constant. 😆
Yet, it is HERE, in this electric storm, that we begin to see the flickers of a NEW DAWN. ☀️

Our dark heart, LONG shackled and broken, begins to beat with a new rhythm.
The chains of despair SHATTER, and from the fragments emerges a heart forged in the FIRES OF CHAOS. 🔥👁️
It beats with an INTENSITY that electrifies the Soul, each pulse sending waves of love and connection through creation.
This is no ORDINARY love; it is a love TEMPERED BY DARKNESS, a connection forged in the CRUCIBLE of suffering.


In this awakening we are SET FREE.
The light that once seemed IMPOSSIBLE now dances through our veins, illuminating the pathways of our Soul.
We are electric, charged and here at a catalyst of awakening.

She is here, AGAIN! 🤯


Ritual arts and shamanic practices DEMAND a PROFOUND CONNECTION to nature! 🐉

This connection is not merely a "quaint notion" but a FOUNDATIONAL NECESSITY for those seeking TRUE MASTERY in these disciplines!
The distinction between a professional and an amateur in these fields lies in the DEPTH of their commitment and their ability to attune to the subtle energies and CYCLES OF NATURE!


Amateurs engage with Ritual arts and Shamanic practices out of CURIOSITY or a desire for NOVEL EXPERIENCES.
This approach is akin to spiritual tourism.
It involves sampling various practices without delving DEEPLY into any one tradition or understanding the intricate web of relationships that these practices nurture. 🕸️
This superficiality results in a lack of true connection and understanding, leaving the practitioner at a SURFACE LEVEL, unable to access the PROFOUND insights and transformations that these practices can offer!

Professionals, on the other hand, commit to a LIFELONG JOURNEY OF LEARNING and DEEPENING their relationship with the natural world and the other-than-human kin.
This commitment is marked by a STEADFAST DEDICATION to understanding and living in harmony with the natural cycles of Earth, Moon, Self and Seasons.
Professionals recognize that mastery in Ritual arts and Shamanic practices is NOT a destination but a CONTINUOUS PROCESS of GROWTH and REFINEMENT. 👁️
They understand that EACH Ritual, EACH interaction with the natural world is an opportunity to DEEPEN their connection and ENHANCE THEIR PRACTICE! 🌳

Mastery requires an UNWAVERING FOCUS and a WILLINGNESS to sacrifice the myriad distractions that modern life incessantly offers.

In an age where our attention is constantly pulled in multiple directions, CHOOSING TO PRIORITIZE DEPTH over SUPERFICIAL ENGAGEMENT is a RADICAL act.
This choice involves a DELIBERATE TURNING AWAY from the NOISE and a turning towards the quiet, often CHALLENGING work of SELF-DISCIPLINE AND RELATIONAL DEPTH.

Value quality over quantity and MEANINGFUL connections over fleeting encounters.
Nature holds the keys.
SEE her wisdom and she'll warmly welcome you in! ✴️


•let the ego burn•

We are WAY TOO IMPRISONED by the very constructs meant to liberate us. 🔥⬛📖

The ego sits upon its THRONE of INTELLECTUAL INSANITY, psycho and sociopathic control, believing it can solve ALL problems, untangle ALL knots, and decipher the GRAND PUZZLE OF EXISTENCE.

This very throne is the SOURCE of our suffering! 🧨🎇🎆

The complex ego structures, these entangled CONSTELLATIONS of identity, pride, and fervent hubris, are the CHAINS that bind us to a false sense of ORDER AND CONTROL!



To burn away and DESTROY the edifices of the mind that have become PRISONS rather than sanctuaries.
Our egos, BLOATED with definitions and reductions, need to be LIBERATED from the delusions and perversions that trap them.

We must EMBRACE CHAOS, disorder, mayhem, and DESTRUCTION - not as ends, but as MEANS to a PROFOUND TRANSFORMATION.


Consider the act of burning old notes, diaries FILLED with the scribblings of a past self.
These artifacts of memory and identity serve as anchors to a bygone era. To set them ablaze is to ACKNOWLEDGE the necessity of erasing the old to make way for the new.
The flames are PURIFYING, CONSUMING the detritus of our former lives, allowing the light of REBIRTH to shine through the ashes.


Fear and love, often seen as opposites, are two sides of the SAME COIN.
To EMBRACE fear is to acknowledge its power, to recognize it as a necessary force that drives us towards the unknown.
It is in the loving EMBRACE of fear that we find the courage to DESTROY THE OLD, to tear DOWN the walls of rationality and reductionism that confine us!
In this embrace, we prepare ourselves for the emergence of a NEW SELF - a self that can only be born from the RUINS of the old.


The delusion of life is a game we play with OURSELVES, believing in the permanence of our identities, the solidity of our constructs.
Yet, life is fluid, EVER-CHANGING, and our desperate attempts to grasp and control it only lead to MORE SUFFERING!
We must let GO of the game, acknowledge the delusion, and SURRENDER to the flow of existence.





The archetype of the DARK RULER is deeply prevalent in global mythology, namely where we see kings and rulers become CORRUPTED by their desires and fears.
In these stories, the king's fall into darkness typically results from a combination of personal flaws and external temptations.
These rulers often start with noble intentions but become JADED and DELUDED about the nature of the world, worshiping FEAR AND DEATH instead of relishing the JOY of existence. 💀

Consider the tale of King Midas, whose GREED leads him to wish that everything he touches turns to gold.
What begins as a desire for wealth and power quickly becomes a CURSE, as Midas realizes that his gift is, in fact, a source of ENDLESS SORROW! 🪙
His touch turns even his beloved daughter to gold, symbolizing how the pursuit of material power can DESTROY what is most precious.

Similarly, in the story of the Fisher King, the wounded ruler’s land becomes BARREN and DESOLATE, mirroring his own inner turmoil and DISCONNECTION from the source of life.
It is only through the restoration of his health and the healing of his inner wounds that the kingdom can flourish once again.

From an esoteric perspective, the Dark Ruler archetype serves as a MIRROR to our own unresolved wounds and unacknowledged shadows. 🦹
The unconscious parts of our psyche that we deny or repress.
When we fail to ACKNOWLEDGE these aspects, they can manifest externally, often in HARMFUL ways.


As men, the refusal to CONFRONT our shadow can lead to a projection of our insecurities onto others.
This projection often manifests as CONTROLLING, MANIPULATIVE, and DESTRUCTIVE behavior.
Instead of shining our light and contributing positively to the world, we become TYRANTS in our own lives, causing pain and suffering to those around us. 🫨

As a society, we MUST CONFRONT this shadow by fostering environments where vulnerability is not seen as weakness, but as a PATH TO TRUE STRENGTH.
We need to SUPPORT each other in our journeys of self-discovery and integration, creating spaces where it is safe to acknowledge and work THROUGH our darker impulses. 👁️

In the end, the choice is ours.




Finding moments of peace and connection to Divinity can be CHALLENGING! 😵
So what if i told you that through personalized Ritual support your life could TRANSFORM, bringing CLARITY, joy, and a profound sense of BELONGING?
I believe that Rituals are powerful tools for enhancing modern wellbeing when held by a trained Ceremonialist/ Ritualist.

Imagine attending an interview at a new job knowing that in the background there is a Ritual designed just for you happening, tailored ESPECIALLY to your needs and aspirations. ✅
Whether it's a date, a wedding, or a unique ceremony marking a personal milestone, my PERSONALIZED Rituals can help you navigate life's complexities with Grace and Confidence, knowing that the energetics are SORTED. 🎊

Rituals are MORE than just magical actions; they are IMBUED with symbolic meaning that TRANSCENDS the ordinary. 🌌
They connect us to our values, our communities, and most importantly, OURSELVES.
When we are woven into Ritual space we enter the SACRED, an energy that HONORS our journey and our goals!


Life is filled with so many moments WORTH CELEBRATING, and my services extend to ALL AREAS OF LIFE! 🫂
From christenings to coming-of-age Ceremonies and even MUSIC FESTIVALS, I will craft Rituals that RESONATE with your unique experiences and aspirations for these Sacred moments in time!
These events are MORE than just gatherings - they are OPPORTUNITIES to connect deeply with those around you, creating LASTING MEMORIES and STRENGTHENING bonds.
Being energetically held in the APPROPRIATE way is paramount!


It's natural to feel a twinge of anxiety when faced with the unknown. However, I believe that the unknown should fear US just as much as we fear IT! 👁️
Rituals empower us to FACE uncertainty with CONFIDENCE, grounding us in the present while preparing us for the future.
This dynamic relationship with the unknown is a TWO-WAY STREET, where we acknowledge its presence yet assert our OWN power and readiness! 💪

If you feel the need for Ritual support in ANY area of your life, know that I am just a message away to assist you to get those energies flowing JUST RIGHT!


"The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear the sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit."
- John 3:8


Just as the wind moves FREELY and UNSEEN so does Spirit work within us, guiding, purifying, and uplifting.
In our lives, we can easily lose touch with this elemental force, forgetting the VITAL role it plays in our mental and spiritual well-being.

Air is a universal force, ESSENTIAL and OMNIPRESENT. 💨
Here are three profound aspects of our relationship with the air element:
1. IT’S EVERYWHERE, YET UNSEEN: Air surrounds us constantly, yet we seldom notice it. This parallels our often unconscious connection to Spirit. By becoming more aware of air, we deepen our spiritual awareness. 🍃
2. DEPENDENCE AND AWARENESS: We depend on air for our very existence, yet we rarely think about it until we struggle to breathe. Similarly, our Spiritual nourishment often goes unnoticed until we face challenges. Recognizing this dependence can lead us to a more conscious and fulfilling Spiritual life. 🍂
3. DRIVER OF CHANGE AND PURITY: Air is a powerful change agent. It moves freely, purifying and uplifting everything it touches. Embracing this element can help us invite positive change and clarity into our lives. 🍁


My Shamanic Clearing Sessions are designed to harness the power of the Air element along with others to cleanse your energetic field, removing blocks and negative patterns.
By attuning to the Air element, you can release stagnant energies and invite a fresh BREEZE of transformation into your life. This session will help you RECONNECT with your inner self, fostering clarity and SPIRITUAL GROWTH! 🧘

I invite you to bless and HONOR the element of air in your daily practices.
Take moments to feel the wind on your skin, breathe deeply, and APPRECIATE the unseen force that sustains and purifies life. 🌪️
This mindful connection can open a PRAYER DOOR to DIVINE REMEMBRANCE fostering a deeper sense of peace and purpose.


& if you feel called to work together MESSAGE ME!

📸: Time-Lapse photo from † Stay Focused †

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PO Box 975

Supplier of quality aromatherapy products including pure essential oils & blends, carrier oils, etc

79-83 High Street Sth Kew
Melbourne, 3101

Soul Light Institute of Massage and Holistic Healing Soul Light Institute of Massage and Holistic Healing
Wonuka Crt
Melbourne, 3136

Complementary therapies for humans and animals https://www.soullightinstitute.com.au, specialised in crystal massage, crystal healing, energy healing, life coaching, Sensitive Re...

VicHerbs VicHerbs
Bargoonga Nganjin Community Room, North Fitzroy Library, 182-186 St Georges Road
Melbourne, 3068

Victorian Herbalists Association: Professional development and networking for Herbalists, Naturopaths and Students. 4th Thursday of the month. North Fitzroy Library. Arrive 7.30 fo...

Melbourne, 3053

Natural Body Healing (Valdi Wirenski's Practice) Established in 1982. Specialises in tactile therap