Kundalini Projects

Journeying through heart & truth in Kundalini Ta**ra and Shamanic Practitioner. Sacred Path & Life.


Hey Melbourne friends august 17 & 18th I’ll be moving the last things your help is reallllllly appreciated for fridge washing max 4 pieces heavy please 2 hours 🙏🏽 pm me 🥰🤩


Hey friends august 17 & 18th I’ll be moving the last things your help is reallllllly appreciated please 🙏🏽 pm me 🥰🤩 dinner my shout !


It’s a brand new day 🌞 any helping hands moving would be amazing please 🌞


Where would I rather be living on country the land of free or in Melbourne faced with life’s adversity among society .. 🤔


Hey my 4,000 plus friends minus overseas friends who can really be a helping hand today and tomorrow to help move please ?! 😁🤩call me pm me thank you 😊 🌞


Hola Soul Fam please require moving sat sun extra hands I’m grateful for ! 😋🤩🥳pm me


Hey Soul Fam . Really needing TEAM ‼️ hands on to help me move next weekend please ! Lifting hands . Litl packing involved . Truck loading . Please pm to assist 🥰


The world is our home to share we all belong together in peace harmony unity in community race colour culture in freedom in love


Who are my solid warrior spirit friends ? I have a task !


There’s a lot going on ! 🤩it’s all exciting, push pull traversing,feel the flows listen to the silence in your heart


Hunting and fishing shelter upskill I seek friends in the know and experience Pm Dm


One space has become available for kayak expedition 8-10th Lake Eildon PM me




Where ever you are in the world know that you are loved 💙✨🌞and everything will be ok


Ixchel Luna Sun is creating 'T'- Ceremonial Tea Space Offering
CONFEST is Unity, community and freedom of expression, self awareness, connection with self, with others, and with Our Mother Earth.

T is a ceremonial space and invites all wanderers, free spirits, all like minded community, to flow in and take a seat and be served T in ceremonial silence.

Grounding into your T and opening your heart to the meanderings that occur in T space, connection, communication, collaboration, laughing, dancing, giggling, smiles, hugs, singing, oracle readings, warmth and community vibes, peace and love, kindness and compassion.

The purpose of ’T ‘space and tea ceremony is to create space and time for host and old and new friends to connect and relate in 'injoy togetherness..

This space allows you to reset, relax, slow down and gain inner peace, even come to meditate in this space, we have an Altar and cushions for you to quietly meditate, bring your shawl.

The traditional tea ceremony birthed from Japan, is very important in Japanese culture because it used to be practiced only by the elite Zen Monks and Noble Warlords for most of history.

T space’s Medicine, teaches us mutual respect, honouring ritual and practise, humility, humbleness, integrity, gratitude, selflessness, selfless service, compassion, love, kindness, connecting to others, the witnessing and observing the floors movements, listening to the silence, deeper self awareness.

Blessings from Our T Space Community, we look forward to serving you T in Our sacred space here at T at this years 2024 CONFEST gathering.
(Please be mindful that while T is being served there is silence but once your cup is full and recieved you cup and blessed it to your heart, communication is free flowing like water. "We like to do things with litl' tradition around here" ; )


In a SELFLESS SERVICE in serving T

Thu, Mar 28, 2024 – Tue, Apr 2, 2024

This CREW CONFEST PASS will allow early access to CONFEST to help set up and assist in pack down and depart 3rd April. This is for Selfless service during CONFEST on a roster flow with all other crew, to serve T to Our people and Injoy togetherness in community if this sounds like something that you would be interested in please reach out and PM me ASAP to get you approved and early access.
Must have own car and be able to take some decor to CONFEST. Your renumeration is a ticket to CONFEST and early access, it's a selfless exercise, task, mission, offering, with greater rewards and gifts. 💙🤩😇🙏🏽🫵🖖👏🙌😁🥰🥳


More life more blessings more love more peace more unity


Please pray for me universe 🙏🏽🥲 send healing vibes my way


Valentine’s Day ! 12feb -25th feb
2 return flights Mel to tas! Pm URGENT SALE


Any friends in or close by st kilda have a spare room please for a Swedish sister flying in tonight pm Dm me ASAP 😘


If you want to know thyself even more. step into your power - highest self - soul purpose. Find your Medicine as an earth walker. SHAMANIC RETREAT


Men and Women to meet each other in the sacred ‘unity ‘unified’ dance is a beautiful sacredness is an honour and a privilege holding safe container for each other


Stop chasing unavailable men woman don’t chase we rise in our own power


I am here to recieve I’ve given enough


Your mind body soul spirit energy is a sacred space.honour yourself. You choose to invite to your sacred space who honours all your being


Vulnerability is your greatest asset so is boundary creating & exercising


We are strong women of authentic power let today be your rise into owning it


To all my sister women out there experiencing toxic masculinity. Own & stand in your power notice the first red flag 🚩 that is enough to remove yourself!


I am the f**king mountain

Trials and tribulations in wanting to succeed in life to build more than one empire many empires fit for an Empress ! In her own Kingdom. Because that is where I come from and born into and what I know and want to create ‘! .

I am abundantly creative I will not stop never! I’m aligned and get excited to create knowing that I forfill my hearts desires, with my retreats making a difference in someone’s life, they are packed with punch of motivation, influence, inspiration, for you to choose to show up for self . I care . I reflect. I am determined . Devoted. Committed. Consistent. Reliable. I care for your existence . Because your here journeying with me on this timeline too . That is super special . I want you to thrive shine illuminate and be playful in it all too and I will celebrate you and this with you as I celebrate myself .

‘ 20 spaces in the class only one books I still show up ! It’s never how many but who . ‘

Many times I didn’t know any different learning the challenging ways, hard lessons, hard knocks, I made mistakes learning, please forgive me

Nearly drowned a few times in life but the water she calls me, her and I are sacred and one together she is mana force like me
I’ve drawn my own blood
Fallen out of my pram split my face in three places with scars to show
Been stuck under a raft
Ambushing of tyrant water
Jumped out of plane solo backwards and free fell for 5 seconds, it was a lifetime of holding my breath too scared to breath I could have chosen to die in that moment when my parachute 🪂 failed I had time to pull the emergency one but I didn’t need it the training I had recieved put me auto correct pilot to rescue the parachute 🪂 and rescue self to return to mother earth

Driven in the wilderness to deliberately get lost
Pushed the car to empty petrol showing my determination to understand ‘trust’ and beyond to see how I would get out of that situation
Kayaked in lightening storms and camped in them too to feel vulnerable, raw and alive !
Ridden motorbike 13 hrs straight from Chiang Mai to bkk for 1 workshop I was delivering, less than 24 hrs ridden back to Chiang Mai ( method to madness but dedication and commitment

I’ve never wanted to die before my natural time

Ive known my worth here on this planet and consistently educate others this very important existence to worthy it too, as well as their own worth

I have so much sacred to gift this world
And I will not waste precious time in this pursuit of happiness and soul alignment in my soul purpose

Having to break a cycle of generational conditioning I’m happy I exist in this time and now to transmute and educate consciousness and release all that bu****it
That was never mine to begin with

I’ve spent my whole life honouring my existence and deconditioning the birth structure it’s been a challenge tough hard difficult and I’ve cried and pounded my fists on Mother Earth asking ‘why this way why that … ‘

We are chosen for all the right reasons beyond one

Because life has nearly been taken away from me a few times, to me life and everything is sacred

I found my voice early in life through experiencing trauma knowing what fight flight response meant I expressed all this in my Art, my journey as long as I can remember my whole life had been the confusing greatest downfall of my rise above into the greatest epic impeccable triumphants and ‘ the greatest life, it begins each day ‘

I’ve surprised myself life times conquering self and licking many wounds and rising above childhood and teenage trauma. Believe it or not, I’m grateful for those experiences, they have arrived me at authenticity, authentic power, feeling superhuman and knowing there is such a greatness in personal potential rising through and from suffering - from ‘ feel the fear and do it anyway ‘ (book - Susan Jeffers)

I am resilient as f@@@ strong as a Shaka Zulu warrior of course it’s in the blood it runs deep in my veins the wild primal woman free and kindred spirited never to be tamed or caged

I choose to not live in fear of all this world throws at me I confront head on staring it in the face down the barrel and trust what I need to know is All that I need to know

I have walked with my head held high at every sacrament and sacrifice and rising out of suffering and the achieved moments and earnt proud feathers of every achieved universal task

My heart open to embrace this world as I collectively have a duty of care and owning that duty of care of course I am responsible and accountable like the rest of us in a collective contribution and footprint

I talk my own way I am my own way
I don’t want it any other way

I trust and surrender that this Queen journey prizes me the greatest Women I arrive and stand to be
This day . I can say yes I’m proud of the woman I am today . She knows triumphant she knows survival she’s knows frustration sadness anger happiness joy love and peace and kindness and compassion my warm friendly heart and exercises healthy boundaries and meanders in wanderlust she’s the f**king mountain and her own empire kingdom as she so chooses and pleases she’s Kali Kali Kali for those who are much closer in my presence know my gentle soft deer🦌 softness my emotional intelligence my intellect who loves stimulating conversation and also loves and lives solo silence in the wilderness

With deepest integrity for Mother Nature and all her medicinal gifts and gratitude and always all day everyday doing the work to show up for self ! In deepest immersion of life and conviction to be sovereign until the day I die

I’ve stood strong and tall and not cowered and nipped every zero tolerance I have experienced in the bud inspiring influencing others to exercise suit

I was not put on this earth to be quiet it dimmed lights or weak or to live as a victim from my up bringing or from any circumstances, my vulnerability I first time share here today is and will be my greatest asset

To pick myself up each time I had fallen or was pushed down a resilience inside me grew , made of steel and thick skin but also sensitive is my true nature it gave me coping skills, it mirrored reflection to work through anything and problem solve. Wiser the student knowledged the teacher .

what did that teach me I’d ask myself what can I take from that experience to deepen my understanding of self

I didn’t dare feel sorry for myself or wanted to ever share my sad f**king stories

They would shock you and make you cry
I am self made and born this way

I was once afraid to be seen

Fearful of being judged not making friends blended in or more like adapted I’m the chameleon I fit in anywhere I belonged everywhere but noone and nowhere

I knew I was my own kind my whole life not a kind with a name or label or type I never wanted that kind of belonging to fit in somewhere I just wanted to be me and to be liked and loved for me as I was and who I am with everyone and everywhere . Acceptance. Like the rest of us .

I know my kind heart I know my love is truly deeper than the ocean

I know my gifts my skills and my warm heart and deep soul I know I am enough just to wake up in the morning and to go to sleep at night. all that is in my existence is enough, all that I am humbly grateful

I’m still that litl’ kid in the playground wanting to play with my friends

And that’s all that matters is that I know thyself in this life time

Give some love to a friend today, reach out to a friend or family and let them know your thinking of them and offer support in a loving caring nurturing way 🙏🏽💙🪶🦅🪷💗

Be yourself be you just be

You are the Mountain too


I am the f**king mountain

Trials and tribulations in wanting to succeed in life to build more than one empire many empires fit for an Empress ! In her own Kingdom. Because that is where I come from and born into and what I know and want to create ‘! .

I am abundantly creative I will not stop never! I’m aligned and get excited to create knowing that I forfill my hearts desires, with my retreats making a difference in someone’s life, they are packed with punch of motivation, influence, inspiration, for you to choose to show up for self . I care . I reflect. I am determined . Devoted. Committed. Consistent. Reliable. I care for your existence . Because your here journeying with me on this timeline too . That is super special . I want you to thrive shine illuminate and be playful in it all too and I will celebrate you and this with you as I celebrate myself .

‘ 20 spaces in the class only one books I still show up ! It’s never how many but who . ‘

Many times I didn’t know any different learning the challenging ways, hard lessons, hard knocks, I made mistakes learning, please forgive me

Nearly drowned a few times in life but the water she calls me, her and I are sacred and one together she is mana force like me
I’ve drawn my own blood
Fallen out of my pram split my face in three places with scars to show
Been stuck under a raft
Ambushing of tyrant water
Jumped out of plane solo backwards and free fell for 5 seconds, it was a lifetime of holding my breath too scared to breath I could have chosen to die in that moment when my parachute 🪂 failed I had time to pull the emergency one but I didn’t need it the training I had recieved put me auto correct pilot to rescue the parachute 🪂 and rescue self to return to mother earth

Driven in the wilderness to deliberately get lost
Pushed the car to empty petrol showing my determination to understand ‘trust’ and beyond to see how I would get out of that situation
Kayaked in lightening storms and camped in them too to feel vulnerable, raw and alive !
Ridden motorbike 13 hrs straight from Chiang Mai to bkk for 1 workshop I was delivering, less than 24 hrs ridden back to Chiang Mai ( method to madness but dedication and commitment

I’ve never wanted to die before my natural time

Ive known my worth here on this planet and consistently educate others this very important existence to worthy it too, as well as their own worth

I have so much sacred to gift this world
And I will not waste precious time in this pursuit of happiness and soul alignment in my soul purpose

Having to break a cycle of generational conditioning I’m happy I exist in this time and now to transmute and educate consciousness and release all that bu****it
That was never mine to begin with

I’ve spent my whole life honouring my existence and deconditioning the birth structure it’s been a challenge tough hard difficult and I’ve cried and pounded my fists on Mother Earth asking ‘why this way why that … ‘

We are chosen for all the right reasons beyond one

Because life has nearly been taken away from me a few times, to me life and everything is sacred

I found my voice early in life through experiencing trauma knowing what fight flight response meant I expressed all this in my Art, my journey as long as I can remember my whole life had been the confusing greatest downfall of my rise above into the greatest epic impeccable triumphants and ‘ the greatest life, it begins each day ‘

I’ve surprised myself life times conquering self and licking many wounds and rising above childhood and teenage trauma. Believe it or not, I’m grateful for those experiences, they have arrived me at authenticity, authentic power, feeling superhuman and knowing there is such a greatness in personal potential rising through and from suffering - from ‘ feel the fear and do it anyway ‘ (book - Susan Jeffers)

I am resilient as f@@@ strong as a Shaka Zulu warrior of course it’s in the blood it runs deep in my veins the wild primal woman free and kindred spirited never to be tamed or caged

I choose to not live in fear of all this world throws at me I confront head on staring it in the face down the barrel and trust what I need to know is All that I need to know

I have walked with my head held high at every sacrament and sacrifice and rising out of suffering and the achieved moments and earnt proud feathers of every achieved universal task

My heart open to embrace this world as I collectively have a duty of care and owning that duty of care of course I am responsible and accountable like the rest of us in a collective contribution and footprint

I talk my own way I am my own way
I don’t want it any other way

I trust and surrender that this Queen journey prizes me the greatest Women I arrive and stand to be
This day . I can say yes I’m proud of the woman I am today . She knows triumphant she knows survival she’s knows frustration sadness anger happiness joy love and peace and kindness and compassion my warm friendly heart and exercises healthy boundaries and meanders in wanderlust she’s the f**king mountain and her own empire kingdom as she so chooses and pleases she’s Kali Kali Kali for those who are much closer in my presence know my gentle soft deer🦌 softness my emotional intelligence my intellect who loves stimulating conversation and also loves and lives solo silence in the wilderness

With deepest integrity for Mother Nature and all her medicinal gifts and gratitude and always all day everyday doing the work to show up for self ! In deepest immersion of life and conviction to be sovereign until the day I die

I’ve stood strong and tall and not cowered and nipped every zero tolerance I have experienced in the bud inspiring influencing others to exercise suit

I was not put on this earth to be quiet it dimmed lights or weak or to live as a victim from my up bringing or from any circumstances, my vulnerability I first time share here today is and will be my greatest asset

To pick myself up each time I had fallen or was pushed down a resilience inside me grew , made of steel and thick skin but also sensitive is my true nature it gave me coping skills, it mirrored reflection to work through anything and problem solve. Wiser the student knowledged the teacher .

what did that teach me I’d ask myself what can I take from that experience to deepen my understanding of self

I didn’t dare feel sorry for myself or wanted to ever share my sad f**king stories

They would shock you and make you cry
I am self made and born this way

I was once afraid to be seen

Fearful of being judged not making friends blended in or more like adapted I’m the chameleon I fit in anywhere I belonged everywhere but noone and nowhere

I knew I was my own kind my whole life not a kind with a name or label or type I never wanted that kind of belonging to fit in somewhere I just wanted to be me and to be liked and loved for me as I was and who I am with everyone and everywhere . Acceptance. Like the rest of us .

I know my kind heart I know my love is truly deeper than the ocean

I know my gifts my skills and my warm heart and deep soul I know I am enough just to wake up in the morning and to go to sleep at night. all that is in my existence is enough, all that I am humbly grateful

I’m still that litl’ kid in the playground wanting to play with my friends

And that’s all that matters is that I know thyself in this life time

Give some love to a friend today, reach out to a friend or family and let them know your thinking of them and offer support in a loving caring nurturing way 🙏🏽💙🪶🦅🪷💗
Be yourself be you just be

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Melbourne, VIC

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm
Sunday 9am - 5pm

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