Lifecare Oak Park Physiotherapy & Pilates

Oak Park Physio & Pilates part of it's local community since 1984. Joining Lifecare allows us to ev

LifeCare is Australia's largest provider of allied health, physiotherapy and sports medicine services with over 242 allied health professionals and 38 practices throughout New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria and Western Australia. LifeCare offers the highest standard of services with an integrated and multi-disciplinary approach to health management. Being part of the LifeCare network enables ou


Recognise,remove & refer. If in doubt, sit them out. Hear from our physio Phong about concussion and the role of physiotherapy to return to sport.

If you are looking for a concussion assessment and a safe graded return to sport contact us at 9300 2122 and book an initial consultation.


You might have seen that Matilda’s star Sam Kerr ruptured her ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) at a training camp recently. Your ACL is a ligament in your knee that is a core stabiliser which works by limiting how far forward the femur can move compared to the tibia. Rupturing an ACL is a common, and often career-ending sports injury for professional and amateur athletes alike. It is usually a non-contact injury occurring during a sudden change of direction. In terms of treatment, most people opt for surgery to repair their ACL using a tendon graft from either their hamstring or patella tendon. However, some people have synthetic grafts or grafts from a donor.

Recently, more and more people are opting for a non-surgical route. Australian researchers, developed the ‘Cross Bracing Protocol’ to be used with certain types of tears. It is thought that bracing the knee at 90 degrees and progressively straightening it over 12 weeks may allow the ACL to repair itself. This is radically different from the primarily operative approach that we are all so used to. However, regardless of which intervention you choose, physiotherapy is what gets you back to doing what you love. #:~:text=Conclusion%3A%20After%20management%20of%20acute,needed%20to%20inform%20clinical%20practice.

$35 physio consults, last 2 weeks 25/10/2023

$35 physio consults, last 2 weeks -

$35 physio consults, last 2 weeks

What is low back pain | Lifecare 26/01/2022

Bed rest? That's a big no no.
Modern research has shown that active movement and exercise leads to a faster recovery.

Find out more in this great article written by Eric Coleman from Lifecare Prahran.

Book an appointment with one of our qualified physiotherapist to assess, treat and manage your pains.
124 Snell Grove
Oak Park, Victoria 3046
Phone: 03 9300 2122
Email:[email protected]

What is low back pain | Lifecare Authored by Eric Coleman at Lifecare Prahran Back pain is such a common condition that it is actually the leading cause of disability worldwide. People’s


Time to hit snooze- The impacts of poor sleep

How many hours do I need to have enough sleep?
How can I fall asleep faster?

Ky Wynne wrote a fantastig blog on this very overlooked topic.

Book an appointment with one of our qualified physiotherapist to assess, treat and manage your pains.
124 Snell Grove
Oak Park, Victoria 3046
Phone: 03 9300 2122
Email:[email protected]


The Truth about Osteoarthritis

A summarised but detailed blog regarding the truths of osteoarthritis written by physiotherapist Olivia Clarke.

If you have any concerns regarding osteoarthritis,
Book an appointment with one of our qualified physiotherapist to assess, treat and manage your symptoms
124 Snell Grove
Oak Park, Victoria 3046
Phone: 03 9300 2122
Email:[email protected]

Lifecare australia: Lunge Variations 05/01/2022

5 Lunge variations to keep you active at home!
Benefits of lunging
◾ Improves lower body strength
◾ Improves balance
◾ Improves lower body flexibility

Consult your physiotherapist if you have any aches or pains before commencing these exercises

Lifecare australia: Lunge Variations How do you do Lunge Variations correctly and safely? Watch on!

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome AKA Runner’s Knee – What Is It? | Lifecare 29/12/2021

Knee Pain

◾Are they painful when you are running?

◾Do you have pain climbing up and down stairs?

◾Do your knees hurt when you stand up after watching a movie?

If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, and are wondering why? Click on the link.

The very knowledgable Ghislene Goh, Physiotherapist at LifeCare Cockburn wrote a nice little regarding knee pain.

If you have any knee pain, it is critical to determine the cause and management plan that is individualised to your specific experience.

Book an appointment with one of our qualified physiotherapist to assess, treat and manage your pains.
124 Snell Grove
Oak Park, Victoria 3046
Phone: 03 9300 2122
Email:[email protected]

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome AKA Runner’s Knee – What Is It? | Lifecare Runner’s knee (otherwise known as Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome) got its nickname for a good reason; it’s common amongst runners.


Working from Home
Some love it. Some hate it. Each have their differences, pros and cons. But one thing may remain similar.
Prolonged sitting!

Prolonged sitting(or standing) may be affecting you one way or another.

It may contribute to your aches and pains.

"It is my job. I have to sit""
Yes, it is. But we might be able to find some strategies for you to mitigate the prolonged time in one position.

Click on the blog for some good and general tips to overcome long times at the desk.

Book an appointment with one of our qualified physiotherapist to assess, treat and manage your pains.
124 Snell Grove
Oak Park, Victoria 3046
Phone: 03 9300 2122
Email:[email protected]

Common Overuse Injuries "Weekend Warriors" | Lifecare 15/12/2021

Weekend Warrior

How can you prepare yourself for your first(And not last!) run in a long time?

Read this informative blog on some tips and tricks to prepare yourself.

Book an appointment with one of our qualified physiotherapist to help you get ready for your run, or assess, treat and manage any of your pains.
124 Snell Grove
Oak Park, Victoria 3046
Phone: 03 9300 2122
Email:[email protected]

Common Overuse Injuries "Weekend Warriors" | Lifecare Is a “Fun Run” any Fun?

Cervical Headaches | Lifecare 08/12/2021

Neck pain and headaches

Many of our head and facial nerves are connected with our neck joints. So it is not surprising to see headaches accompanied with neck pain. But headaches(just like neck pain) can be due to various reasons.
Identifying those reasons is a real art and science.

Book an appointment with one of our qualified physiotherapist to assess, treat and manage your pains.
124 Snell Grove
Oak Park, Victoria 3046
Phone: 03 9300 2122
Email:[email protected]

Cervical Headaches | Lifecare Cervical headaches are one of the types of headaches people experience and between 15-20% of all headaches are thought be cervical in origin.

Carpal Tunnel | Lifecare 01/12/2021

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
You were diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. And your physio has given you a pretty good explanation of what it is. But it was a long day, bit of an information overload and you were just too focused on honing that perfect exercise technique.
Fear not. This little blog briefly describes what Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is.

Book an appointment with one of our qualified physiotherapist to assess, treat and manage your pains.
124 Snell Grove
Oak Park, Victoria 3046
Phone: 03 9300 2122
Email:[email protected]

Carpal Tunnel | Lifecare WHAT IS IT? The carpal tunnel is a tunnel between the wrist bones and the flexor retinaculum (a band of connective tissue). Through this tunnel passes the majority of the tendons of the hand, vessels and the median nerve.

Can Driving Be A Pain In The Neck? | Lifecare 20/10/2021

Driving, a pain in the neck.
Who loves driving long hours, in the cold, with rain and heavy traffic? No one. Add to the list of prolonged sitting, and you have yourself a big list of things you don't want.
Whilst lifting and hard labour may be perceived as being higher risk to injury, truck driving, or prolonged sitting may just be as bad.

Click on the link to find out more!

Book an appointment with one of our qualified physiotherapist to assess, treat and manage your pains.
124 Snell Grove
Oak Park, Victoria 3046
Phone: 03 9300 2122
Email:[email protected]

Can Driving Be A Pain In The Neck? | Lifecare What’s the worse job for back and neck pain; TRUCK DRIVING. This may surprise many people who thought that jobs involving lifting or hard labour would be the worse. The problems with truck driving, in particular long distance truck driving are a combination of the worse things for your back. The w...

Why Should I Exercise As I Get Older? | Lifecare 13/10/2021

Benefits of exercising as we get older?

◾️Reduces the risk of developing dementia (significantly more so than ‘mental activity’ such as crosswords or Sudoku).
◾️Improves balance and bone mineral density, reducing the risk of fractures.
◾️Reduces the risk of falls and injuries from falls such as fractured hips and other bones.
◾️Maintains mobility and delays the requirements of a walking aid as we age.
◾️Maintains muscle strength for daily tasks
◾️Helps manage stress, improves mood and helps manage feelings of depression.
◾️Helps to regulate sleep...

and more! See a short summary of benefits in the blog.

Talk to your GP or book an appointment with one of our qualified physiotherapist to assess and help establish an exercise program that is tailored to your needs
124 Snell Grove
Oak Park, Victoria 3046
Phone: 03 9300 2122
Email:[email protected]

Why Should I Exercise As I Get Older? | Lifecare Exercise is the single best thing you can do for your health!

Why Do Joints Click | Lifecare 06/10/2021

Why do joints click?
Are my joints out of place and needs to be put back in?
Does my spine need to be realigned?
The hard answer is No
So why do joints make noise?
Air pressure- It is like when you try to open a new jar of pickles, and have to use a knife to jam inside the lid, releasing pressure, it creates a noise. A very similar phenomenon happens when health practitioners "manipulate"your joints.
But why does it feel so good?
Click on the article and find out more!

Book an appointment with one of our qualified physiotherapist to assess, treat and manage your pains.
124 Snell Grove
Oak Park, Victoria 3046
Phone: 03 9300 2122
Email:[email protected]

Why Do Joints Click | Lifecare Manipulation of joints has been used as a treatment for back and neck pain for hundreds of years. Yet, most people do not understand what actually happens with a manipulation and how this affects joints.

Shoulder Pain | Lifecare 29/09/2021

Shoulder Pain
We use our arms everyday
Not only is it painful, but it affects our ability to be active in our sports, our social lives, our daily activities and negatively impact our quality of life.
But it doesn't have to stay this way.

Shoulder pain can be managed by a physiotherapist using variety of treatment techniques such as exercise prescription, manual therapy and education.

Book an appointment with one of our qualified physiotherapist to assess, treat and manage your pains.
124 Snell Grove
Oak Park, Victoria 3046
Phone: 03 9300 2122
Email:[email protected]

Shoulder Pain | Lifecare What is it? Shoulder pain can present as discomfort experienced in the joint itself, into the top of the arm or down to the elbow

Sciatica | Lifecare 22/09/2021

Do I have it?
What is it?
What can I do about it?
How can we help you?
Let us help by answering some of your questions

Book an appointment with one of our qualified physiotherapist to assess, treat and manage your pains.
124 Snell Grove
Oak Park, Victoria 3046
Phone: 03 9300 2122
Email: Email:[email protected]

Sciatica | Lifecare “Sciatica” has quickly become a broad term that people use to describe any pain at the back of the thigh and is commonly overused. Even though pain at the back of thigh can be due to the Sciatic nerve, the reality is that pain in this area is often due to a number of other causes such as pain di...

Pilates | Lifecare 15/09/2021

What is it?
How did it start?
What is involved?

An extensive read for our die-hard pilates fans and new members wishing to learn about pilates.

We at Lifecare Oak Park provide clinical exercise classes, which include a variety of pilates equipment and techniques.

Speak to your physiotherapist and book in an initial pilates assessment. We will work together to determine and plan towards your goals
124 Snell Grove
Oak Park, Victoria 3046
Phone: 03 9300 2122
Email: Email:[email protected]

Pilates | Lifecare The Pilates method of exercise offers a focused, well-controlled physical program for the whole body.

Knee Osteoarthritis | Lifecare 08/09/2021

Knee Osteoarthritis
What is it?
What do I look for?
What can be done?

Have your questions answered in this handy little blog.

Extensive research, including the guidelines by the Royal Australian College of General strongly recommend exercise to be part of the treatment of osteoarthritis in both the knees and hips

Book an appointment with one of our qualified physiotherapist to assess, treat and manage your symptoms.
124 Snell Grove
Oak Park, Victoria 3046
Phone: 03 9300 2122
Email: Email:[email protected]

Knee Osteoarthritis | Lifecare This condition refers to degeneration of the knee joint surfaces and often a loss of space between the thigh and shin bones.

Lifecare Oak Park | Lifecare 01/09/2021

Heel Pain
During these unprecedented times, with not much to do, more and more of us are going out for long walks to get some fresh air.

Heel pain can be a debilitating and painful experience.

Our physiotherapists are equipped to help you free your feet!

Book an appointment with one of our qualified podiatrist or physiotherapist to assess, treat and manage your pains.
Book an appointment with one of our qualified physiotherapist to assess, treat and manage your pains.
124 Snell Grove
Oak Park, Victoria 3046
Phone: 03 9300 2122
Email: Email:[email protected]

Lifecare Oak Park | Lifecare At Lifecare Oak Park we provide physiotherapy services to help you get better, feel better and stay better. Our dedicated and experienced team help keep the residents of Oak Park, Pascoe Vale, Glenroy, Strathmore Heights, Strathmore and Gowanbrae healthy and pain free.

Back Pain: Exercise Or Rest? | Lifecare 25/08/2021


How does Physiotherapy treatment help back pain sufferers?

This blog dives into the facts and fiction of back pain and the roles of exercise:

Book an appointment with one of our qualified physiotherapist to assess, treat and manage your pains.
124 Snell Grove
Oak Park, Victoria 3046
Phone: 03 9300 2122
Email: Email:[email protected]

Back Pain: Exercise Or Rest? | Lifecare Research conducted in 1987 by Dr Gordon Waddell in one of the most prestigious journals of spinal research, Spine, suggested there is little doubt that rest, and in particular prolonged bed rest is harmful in the treatment of low back pain.

Acute Back Pain | Lifecare 18/08/2021

Acute Back Pain
The most widespread, common, and potentially disabling injury in modern society.

It is also one of the most misunderstood.

Here is a nice little read of acute back pain with some little tips and tricks.

But every back pain is different. An individualised management plan by your physiotherapist may be more effective in keeping you happy and moving.

Book an appointment with one of our qualified physiotherapist to assess, treat and manage your pains.
124 Snell Grove
Oak Park, Victoria 3046
Phone: 03 9300 2122
Email: Email:[email protected]

Acute Back Pain | Lifecare Back pain is probably the most widespread, common, and potentially disabling injury in modern society. It is also one of the most misunderstood.


Welcome to our newest member Phong!
Phong has completed his Master of Physiotherapy following his Bachelor of Exercise Science(Sports Practice).
He has worked with a variety of sporting populations and is currently working with a soccer club outside the clinic.

Phong is passionate in empowering people and helping them achieve their potential.

Fun facts!
-He is trilingual. In addition to English, he also speaks Vietnamese and German!
-He has represented Australia in Taekwondo. Ask him about his favourite country he competed in

He is available for physiotherapy appointments and clinical exercise.
To book your appointment with Phong head to our website at or call us at 9300 2122.

124 Snell Grove
Oak Park, Victoria 3046
Email: [email protected]


Lifecare remains open during the 7-day "circuit breaker" lockdown. We are still here to provide you with your essential physiotherapy care.
We continue to follow Covid-safe protocols.
If you have any questions please call 93002122.

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Videos (show all)

Back Exercise
Meet Eileen
Experiencing Achilles tendon pain? Check out this quick and effective exercise to help!



124 Snell Grv
Melbourne, VIC

Opening Hours

Monday 8:30am - 7pm
Tuesday 8am - 4pm
Wednesday 9am - 7:30pm
Thursday 8:30am - 7pm
Friday 8:30am - 7pm
Saturday 8:30am - 12pm

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