InSpirational YOGA

Reconnect to the Spirit within through Therapeutic, Restorative, Chair, Vinyasa Flow, Iyengar & Partner Yoga, Meditation, Lakeside Classes & Retreat Days

Kelly is the founder of InSpirational Yoga (from the root "In Spirit")
Advanced Yoga Teacher YTT500
Advanced Certification in Therapeutic Yoga and Yoga Psychology

Yoga is not about being bendy, it’s about remembering who we are when all the outside noise disappears. Yoga’s physical postures lead us to that quiet space within so we can discover our deepest desires & our purpose for being alive.

Happy Supermoon Blue Moon!
What energy have you been holding onto that you want to release? Take a minute right now & shake it out! You won't believe how good it feels!
As we start shifting into fall energy, how can we be more intentional about bringing more balance, peace & joy into our life?
Well... come to YOGA of course!! lol
I invite you to join us Thursday's at 5pm for our Fall YOGA
Sept 12th - Dec 12th at 464 Ferndale N Barrie.
REGISTER early to save your spot In Person or Virtual e-transfer $235 to [email protected]
Click the event link for all the details.

Send a message to learn more


Mark your calendar for our next
Women’s Drum Circle
Monday July 15th


There is a reason why walking amongst nature is most people’s best advice when depression strikes.
Because walking in nature is a return to ‘home’.

You are not a lover of nature, or a fan of nature, you ‘are’ nature.

You are as much nature as the trees in your garden and the bees on your picnic.

You were designed to live your days out in the wild with your fellow creatures and plants but progress, humanity, had different plans for us all.

And so we exist day-to-day, in our homes, but never ‘home’.

The quickest route back to self, to inner peace, is bare feet on grass, arms around trees, head in the clouds and heart in a forest.

Put your bones in water, whenever you can, smell each flower you see and crumble dirt between your tired-of-typing fingers.

You are nature, go home once in a while.

It will bring you much you didn’t even know you were missing.

~ Donna Ashworth, “You Are Nature”

Art by Josephine Klerks, “Among Moss and Stars”


Who's up for a DRUM CIRCLE?
Such a beautiful way for women to connect through music, movement & joy! Come try something new! No experience or drum needed!
To register e-transfer suggested offering of $25 pay what you can. [email protected]
Click the event for details. 🎶🪘🎶

Send a message to learn more


Oh, I resonate with this so deeply! Myself & 2 friends connected hands to wrap our arms around a huge tree on our walk the other day! I’m a proud tree hugging, moon gazing, garden loving, heart centred intuitive yogi & I love it! 😆🌳💜🙏🏽🌕🌸

Own It~
"Own the fact that you are different
Own that you are a deep feeler and thinker
Own that you're tuned into a different frequency
Own the fact that you sense things others don't
Own the fact that you want to talk about angels,
energy, miracles and spirituality
Own that you're done having meaningless conversations
Own that you're done holding yourself back
Own that you crave freedom to feel the now
It's ok if your family don't get you.
It's ok if your friends don't join you
It's ok if the world judges you
It's ok that you want to dance barefoot upon the earth
and endlessly gaze at the stars
It's ok that you cry over sunsets and chase moonbeams
It's wonderful in fact. It's beautiful
You have come a long way to be who you are
So own it. Own all of it. Love all of you
The world needs you to be exactly as you are
You hold the balance in this crazy world"
- Eryka Stanton


This!! I have gotten through the most difficult times of my life because of this. 💞


You must believe in the magic.
Even on the dreariest of days, when light is scarce.
You must leave space in your heart for the good stuff to thrive.
Let it in. Look for it.
Send it an invitation and pull out a chair at your table. Beautiful moments are everywhere, waiting to be seen. And each time you see one, amongst the mire, you’re reminding every cell in your body that life is so much more than days in a week and chores on a list.
It is a patchwork kaleidoscope of absolutely everything. And you are a fascinating, complicated part, of that art.

Donna Ashworth
From ‘Wild Hope’;
US: (signed)

Art by the wonderful Angela Ferreira - Magic Paintings


I’m so grateful for all that Mother Earth endlessly offers. I am going for a nature walk then out in my garden to tend to her today! Have you ever hugged a tree or walked in the grass with bare feet? You won’t believe how amazing & grounding it feels! I’d love to hear your experience.

Today is World Earth Day…🌎


We exist on a 4.5 billion year old rock, floating in an unfathomable expanse of nothing-ness, you and I.
We are magnetically held in place by an invisible force, along with 8 billion other people.
Every single thing that exists on this rock is without doubt a work of art, so intricately crafted, we will never truly discover the scope of wonder within.
We are made of the same elements as everything that naturally surrounds us, just shaken up differently and oh so magnificently.
Look at us, my friends.
We are breathtaking.
Our breath alone, is breathtaking.
Everything you are doing right now - reading, feeling, understanding, is fascinatingly complex.
And yet we spend our days worrying about things that will not survive.
Things that are of no significance at all, big-picture.
Walk around your world today with awe in your eyes and really see what you are living.
Every aspect of this life is nothing short of astonishing.
And this rock we are clinging to with ease, is astounding.
Eyes open, reach out, breathe deep, take it all in.
This rock, our home, will know each of us for only a heartbeat in its timeline.
Leave only love.
Live with only gratitude.
Look with only wonder.

There is much to wonder at.

Donna Ashworth

This poem is the last page in Wild Hope

Image by Jordan Singh on Pixabay


Nature’s healing power.

"We need to remember and recall that our own thrival depends on weaving ourselves back into relationship with our community — the wild community of rooted, winged, four legged, scaled, dark, soft, teeth filled, stormy, tender and green.

Too often we look to humans and only humans for our health, our sanity, our sense of connection and community — having learnt to believe that it is only among man that we will find wisdom, grace, medicine and friendship.

Yet I believe much of our health and happiness relies on our connections to the more than human, to the health of the soil, to worm, the soft fungi, the robins song, the lichen, the entanglement of roots, the reaching ivy and the medicine of weeds.

The earth’s wellbeing, along with our own mental and physical health has declined hugely due to the great many steps we have taken to disentangle ourselves from our wildness and our more than human community."

~ Brigit Anna Mcneill
Brigit Anna McNeill

Art: Mia Charro
Mia Charro


Women are the heart and spine of a pulsating earth at the center of the universe.
We are the mothers, the grandmothers, the great-grandmothers, the creative minds in a universe which often fails to see the contributions we make. We are the homemakers, the nurturers, the artisans of the magical weave which blankets all of life.
We are the cooks, the maids, the CEO's the entrepreneurs, the poets, the dancers, the singers, the song. We nurse the babies and teach them to stand, to walk and to flourish.
We are the listening ear, the wisdom bearers, the backbone to the family.

We are the shoulders of countless men who long for comfort, support or just a dose of tenderness.
We are the goddesses who in the blink of an eye can captivate with a smile or a touch.
We are the warriors who attempt to bring reason in a society often run by angry men.
We are the inspiration, the strength, the fortitude when others are waning.
We are the whispers in the wind who pray for those we love and many we don't.
We are nurses and caretakers who kiss the wounds and heal the hurts, who parent the parents when their time in the sun is setting. We are the inventors, the bridge to what is yet to come. We are the roots which flourish even in a drought. We light the world with love and feed those who hunger and thirst for nourishment.
Women are spinners and weavers; we are the ones who spin the threads and weave them into meaning and pattern.
We create those threads out of our own substance, pulling the strong, fine fibers out of our own hearts and wombs.
It’s time to make some new threads... time to strengthen the frayed wild edges of our own being and then weave ourselves back into the fabric of our culture.
Once we know the patterns for weaving the world; we can piece them together again.
Women can heal and remake the world.

This is what women do.

We are women, beautiful, bold, bodacious, bombastic, b***y, brilliant and bountiful in our resilience.
We are the vine which bears the fruit and seeds all of earth, the light which ignites the universe.
Much love and respect for you all.... on this day and every day.

( ✍️ Ariaa Jaeger )



I don’t know about you, but I’m loving this spring-like weather!
We have had a wonderful winter session & I’m excited to move into a new season of yoga with you on Thursday’s 5pm March 21st - June 20th! We will be off May 30th. Northwest Inited church 464 Ferndale Rd Barrie. Click the event below for more details.

To register please e-transfer $220 to Kelly at [email protected]




Without this extra day once every four years, we would eventually lose our seasons as we know them. This day exists solely to keep us in track with the sun and I love that thought. Chasing light to stay right. Whatever you do today, look for the light. And whilst we are doing that perhaps we can take a little leap in the direction of the sun too. Reach for something shiny you’ve been afraid to feel deserving of. It’s all about the light, this life. It’s all about staying with the light…

Donna Ashworth

Art by the amazing Catrin Welz-Stein

(Thank you all for your lovely well wishes yesterday on my paperback launch 🌱☀️ Sunday Times bestseller


I was told in a million different ways when growing up that the present moment was not enough . . .

that heaven was a far away place experienced only after death and only available if I lived a good life...

that tomorrow will always be better, holding open the possibility of hope and the sense that something is not quite right now...

that if I eat this or do that, I will look better and people will like me more..

that if I study hard enough, I will be respected and valued tomorrow more than I am today...

that sometime later I will meet my perfect lover and live happily ever after...

that feelings arising now are bad and should be changed or avoided, so that better feelings can come later...

that the past is who I am and the future is who I will become – there seemed like no place for the present to be what or who I am...

that, if I got a job and worked hard and made lots of money, I would become happy later and have more value as a human being...

that if I change the way I am and how I behave, more people will love, acknowledge and accept me...

that if I take this medication, drink this drink or eat this food, the next moment will feel better...

I have been filled with these lies my whole life.

This moment holds it all – everything is here, including thoughts of the past and future.
I have everything I need.
Everything is perfectly in place – the good, the bad and the neutral.

To want more than what is isn’t even possible anyway, because “more” is a thought happening now.

I am what I am right now. I am however I show up.
There is nothing to improve upon. The very notion of improving would merely lead me back into chasing the false promises of future, which have never satisfied.

I know that I am happy because I am breathing, thinking, feeling and that I am aware.
This is enough. Totally enough. Perfect actually.

Dear world, take your lies somewhere else.
I have lost interest in them.

( ✍️ Scott Kiloby )


This brought happy tears to my eyes.


7 THINGS THAT AFFECT YOUR VIBRATION FREQUENCY from the point of view of quantum physics.

Vibration in quantum physics means everything is energy. We are vibrant beings on certain frequencies. Every vibration is equivalent to a feeling and in the world "Vibrational", there are only two species of vibrations, positive and negative. Any feeling makes you broadcast a vibration that can be positive or negative.

⚜️ 1.- * THOUGHTS *
Every thought emits a frequency to the universe and this frequency goes back to origin, so in the case, if you have negative thoughts, discouragement, sadness, anger, fear, all this comes back to you. This is why it is so important that you take care of the quality of your thoughts and learn how to cultivate more positive thoughts.

⚜️ 2. - * THE COMPANIES *
The people around you directly influence your vibration frequency. If you surround yourself with happy, positive and determined people, you will also enter this vibration. Now, if you surround yourself with people complaining, gossiping and pessimist, be careful! Indeed, they can reduce your frequency and therefore prevent you from using the law of attraction in your favor.

⚜️ 3. - * THE MUSIC *
Music is very powerful. If you only listen to music that talks about death, betrayal, sadness, abandonment, all this will interfere with what you are feeling. Pay attention to the lyrics of the music you listen to, it could reduce your vibration frequency. And Remember: you attract exactly what you feel in your life.

When you look at programs that deal with misfortunes, dead, betrayals, etc. Your brain accepts this as a reality and releases a whole chemistry into your body, which affects your vibration frequency. Look at things that do you feel good and helps you vibrate at a higher frequency.

⚜️ 5. - * THE ATMOSPHERE *
Whether it's at home or at work, if you spend a lot of time in a messy and dirty environment, it will also affect your vibration frequency. Improve what surrounds you, organize and clean your environment. Show the universe that you are fit to receive much more. Take care of what you already have!

⚜️ 6. - * THE WORD *
If you claim or speak wrong about things and people, it affects your vibration frequency. To keep your frequency high, it is essential to eliminate the habit of complaining and bad talking about others. So avoid drama and bullying. Assume your responsibility for the choices of your life!

⚜️ 7. - * GRATITUDE *
Gratitude positively affects your vibration frequency. This is a habit you should integrate now into your life. Start to thank for everything, for the good things and what you consider to be bad, thank you for all the experiences you've experienced. Gratitude opens the door for good things to happen positively in your life.

( ✍️ Jojan Hendriks )


Beautiful night of mantra music with Lotus Sound. They’re coming back to Soul Set in Midland April 23rd if anyone wants to join us. 💞


Come join us tomorrow Thursday’s 5pm
NO CLASS for 2 of the weeks Dates TBA
Northwest United Church 464 Ferndale Dr N upstairs (down from Livingston)
TO REGISTER Email $165 to Kelly at [email protected]

Please confirm whether you’ll be coming
IN PERSON (as spaces are limited) or VIRTUALLY (which includes a replay)
Kelly is passionate about supporting mental & physically wellness so we can live an inspired life full of joy!

Certified Yoga Teacher since 2002 YTT500
Advanced Yoga Psychology Certification Therapeutic Yoga Specialist
Specializing in Therapeutic & Restorative Yoga, Meditation, Yoga Psychology for mental wellness & physical abundance.


Wishing you a warm & wonderful Christmas from our heart & home to yours. 🎄♥️🎅🏾


Finding a moment of peace in the midst of transition. It’s all about the moments.


What a fun time last night drumming, dancing & singing by the water!! Thanks for bringing your beautiful essence to the experience ladies! We have another one Sunday evening in Barrie if you’d like to join us!! 🌅🪘🌓

Photos from DailyOM's post 08/30/2023

Happy Summer Solstice, International Yoga Day & Honouring National Indigenous Day today & always. 🙏🏽💖

Happy Summer Solstice ☀️

As the sun spirals its longest dance,
cleanse us.
As nature shows bounty and fertility
bless us.
Let all things live with loving intent
and fulfil their truest destiny ..

~ Alison Williams ~

Artist Credit : Kyoko Yamaji


This Friday we will be celebrating the longest light of the year with Summer Solstice coming up next week!
We welcome you to join our heart centred group of women 7-9pm in Perkinsfield

Connect to the deepest part of yourself, elevate your energy & let the drumming transform you!
It's a beautiful time to create more light & new beginnings in our lives
especially with the New Moon energy surrounding us!

To Register e-transfer suggested offering of $25 to [email protected]
Please include email address & indicate if you need a drum.


NEXT ONE IS MAY 5th Full Moon with a Lunar Eclipse!!
To save your spot, e-transfer $25 to [email protected] More details coming (same as previous circles below). You can click any Drum Circle event.


OUR APRIL 5th DRUM CIRCLE IS FULL!! NEXT ONE FRIDAY APRIL 21st on the eve of Earth Day in the New Moon energy.
We also only have a couple spots left for YOGA in Barrie or you can join Virtually with a recording.
I am so grateful for all the interest in these beautiful gatherings!!
It warms my heart that so many women are wanting to connect & learn drumming! My desire is to continue building a community where we can come together regularly to move through the cycles of life with flow & gratitude. To raise our own vibration & contribute to the collective. Last circle we were gifted 3 drums, purchased 2 more & were able to donate $100 to Sick Kids!!
I have so many beautiful stories of blessings around this drum circle. It seems to have a little sparkle of magic. ✨
If you feel called to join us April 21st, we would love to have you. You might want to register early so you don't miss out! $25 by e-transfer to [email protected] or $195 for the Spring Yoga Session
Message me for more details.

Want your practice to be the top-listed Clinic in Barrie?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Had to much fun in our drum circle this week!!
Women’s drum circle in the garden. Pure joy! 🌸🪘🎶
Drumming in the garden
Women's Drumming Circle around the Bonfire next Monday August 22nd in Wyevale or Virtually!! 7-9:15pm 🔥Suggested offerin...
Bunny meditation!! Sometimes just taking a moment to connect with nature & animals is such a wonderful reset. I love  se...
Back in our happy place!! Yay! There’s just something about water that just soothes ma soul! 💦
What a difference a few days can make at the beach. We’re standing on what used to be the water. Cool pods of snow freez...
Reconnecting to Joy Retreat
Sharing some exciting things going on in my world right now! I’m back in school taking my Advanced Yoga Training special...
I know this week has been frustrating with changes again & many people are having a lot of feelings & that’s ok. We can ...
Alternate Nostril Breathing




D. Freer & Associates #102-115 Bell Farm Road
Barrie, ON

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