MiningWatch Canada

Protecting communities, water and wildlife from the impacts of irresponsible mining policies and practices.

MiningWatch Canada is a pan-Canadian initiative supported by environmental, social justice, Aboriginal and labour organisations from across the country. It addresses the urgent need for a co-ordinated public interest response to the threats to public health, water and air quality, fish and wildlife habitat and community interests posed by irresponsible mineral policies and practices in Canada and around the world.

Photos from MiningWatch Canada's post 09/11/2024

TODAY: Communities in the call on the government for immediate relocation away from gold mine

📢 Press Release:

Today, rural communities from the Dominican Republic are in their third day of protests, marching over 100 KM to Santo Domingo to demand relocation from the Pueblo Viejo gold mine. For nearly a decade, 450 families have endured health issues, contaminated water, and environmental damage. Despite a 2018 government census identifying families for relocation, progress has been slow. The communities presented their demands to President Luis Abinader and key ministers, highlighting the urgent need for action to ensure their safety and dignity.


Europe is set to open new mines across the continent in coming years. Mining rules in Europe are outdated, and that puts communities at risk from mine waste, according to recent legal analysis from Transport & Environment (T&E).

The group says mines in the EU should be designed, managed and closed in line with Safety First Guidelines, which were written by Earthworks, MiningWatch Canada and London Mining Network, along with other experts. They have been endorsed by over 150 frontline communities, Tribal governments, environmental and human rights organizations, academics and experts.


The International Council on Mining and Metals’ New Indigenous Peoples and Mining Position Statement Risks Doing More Harm Than Good - Earthworks 09/09/2024

An important new post from Earthworks pans the ICMM's updated Position Statement on Indigenous Peoples. Thing is, ICMM are smart people, so if their position creates confusion and risks further violations of Indigenous Peoples’ rights, that's unlikely to be accidental.
"A new mining trade association statement on mining and Indigenous Peoples fails to advance Indigenous rights and creates unnecessary confusion, risking further violations of Indigenous Peoples’ rights worldwide. The statement comes as demand for energy transition minerals, which are used in EV batteries and other renewable energy technologies, is skyrocketing. More than half of energy transition minerals worldwide are on Indigenous Peoples’ lands."

The International Council on Mining and Metals’ New Indigenous Peoples and Mining Position Statement Risks Doing More Harm Than Good - Earthworks A new mining trade association statement on mining and Indigenous Peoples fails to advance Indigenous rights and creates unnecessary confusion, risking

There are numerous problems here, minister Streicker - The Yukon Star 08/19/2024

"Why would anyone allow a heap leach facility to be built on the side of a hill in the Yukon, where we have unpredictable amounts of snow, rain and permafrost?"
- Open letter to Yukon Energy, Mines and Resources Minister John Streicker

There are numerous problems here, minister Streicker - The Yukon Star Ed. note: this is an open letter to Energy, Mines and Resources Minister John Streicker.  Dublin Gulch – how I loved that place. Sixty-five years ago, I walked from Elsa …


'Critical Minerals'—a solution or a problem?

Attend an online Q&A with experts (including BC Mining Law Reform network Co-chairs Jamie Kneen and Nikki Skuce) to learn about the true impact of mining these resources on the environment and communities.
Register here -->

Misión Internacional #Colombia: Frenemos las demandas de las transnacionales/ #StopISDS 08/09/2024

📽️Stop ISDS: International Mission to Colombia

Video highlights how the claims that transnational firms, inc Canadian mining companies, have made against Colombia and the threat of lawsuits are endangering vulnerable peoples and ecosystems

Misión Internacional #Colombia: Frenemos las demandas de las transnacionales/ #StopISDS **English below**La Misión Internacional lanza el vídeo de su experiencia en Colombia el año 2023, en rechazo al abuso ...

5 things to know about Mount Polley mine disaster, 10 years on | The Narwhal 08/04/2024

5 things to know about Mount Polley mine disaster, 10 years on | The Narwhal On the tenth anniversary of Canada’s worst mine waste disaster, Imperial Metals is seeking to expand the same tailings dam that failed at its Mount Polley mine


Well worth a read!

"Imperial Metals has never been fined or faced legal repercussions for the tailings dam failure. Many questions remain about the company’s compliance with regulations. And the company, with provincial environment ministry permits in hand, is still pumping wastewater from Mount Polley into Quesnel Lake.

Imperial Metals is now seeking to expand the Mount Polley mine pit and extend the life of the mine into 2031."

Photos from MiningWatch Canada's post 07/31/2024


MiningWatch Canada, avec le London Mining Network(Royaume-Uni), ainsi que l'organisation suisse pour la responsabilité des entreprises ASK - Arbeitsgruppe Schweiz Kolumbien et Mères au front publie aujourd’hui un nouveau rapport au sujet des activités de Glencore au Canada et à l’international.

L'approbation par le gouvernement fédéral de la vente des activités charbonnières de Teck Resources à Glencore - annoncée sans avertissement près de trois mois avant la date limite - a été assortie de conditions vagues qui, selon le gouvernement, garantiraient aux Canadiens la protection de leur portefeuille et de l'environnement.

Notre rapport Une mauvaise affaire pour le Canada, pour sa part, s'appuie sur des informations publiques afin de mettre en lumière la longue histoire de Glencore : promesses environnementales non tenues, pratiques anti-climat et autres pratiques ESG controversées, violations des droits humains, et même, activités illégales.

Pour lire le communiqué -
Pour consulter le rapport complet -


🎙️🇪🇨🇨🇦 En marzo de 2024, el presidente ecuatoriano Daniel Noboa asistió a la Convención Mundial de Minería y Exploración en Canadá, donde anunció la firma de varios acuerdos de libre comercio, mismos que permitirán a las empresas mineras canadienses afianzarse aún más en el territorio, en un contexto nacional de crisis de seguridad. Este nuevo acuerdo entre y corre el riesgo de exacerbar los conflictos socioambientales y de tener efectos devastadores para las poblaciones locales. Este programa retoma los testimonios de dos y activistas por la que dan su posicionamiento ante este acuerdo en el webinar "¿Qué está en juego en las negociaciones comerciales entre Canadá con Ecuador? Las protecciones de los inversores frente a los derechos de las comunidades y la naturaleza” organizado por , Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives y MiningWatch Canada el 4 de abril de 2024.

- F***y Kaekat, miembra de la y de la organización Mujeres Amazónicas Defensoras de la Selva
- Hortencia Zhagüi, Escuela de Mujeres de Agroecología Kimsakocha y Sistemas de Agua Comunitarios de Victoria del Portete y Tarqui

Una producción del Comité para los Derechos Humanos en América Latina ( ) en colaboración con ALER - Junio de 2024



Photos from MiningWatch Canada's post 07/22/2024

New report drops today: A Bad Deal for Canada

Press release:
Full report:

A new report gives cause for concern over Teck's July 4 sale of Elk Valley Resources (EVR) and its massive B.C. coal mines to the Swiss-based mining giant Glencore, based on Glencore’s poor ESG record, involving significant corruption, climate failings, and environmental and human rights violations.

The federal government’s approval of the sale of Teck Resources’ coal operation to Glencore – announced without warning nearly three months before its deadline – came with vague conditions the government claimed would assure Canadians their wallets and the environment would be protected.

But A Bad Deal for Canada – a report by MiningWatch Canada, the London Mining Network, and the Swiss corporate responsibility organization ASK – uses public information to highlight Glencore’s long history of failed environmental promises, anti-climate and other controversial ESG practices, human rights violations, and even illegal activity.

Cyanide Use in Gold Mining - Earthworks 07/19/2024

What with recent cyanide spills at gold mines in Côte d'Ivoire and the Yukon, here's a very helpful reference from Earthworks.

Cyanide Use in Gold Mining - Earthworks Today's hardrock mining industry too often spills cyanide, endangering the environment, wildlife and humans.

Panama’s reckless gamble with foreign investments 07/19/2024

It must be pointed out that the irregularities and even illegality of these mining operations clearly illustrate the illegitimate and abusive nature of arbitration regimes - not to mention the behaviour of these (Canadian) mining companies.

The article reaches precisely the wrong conclusion. "[S]wift and amicable resolution" can only mean reinstating the mining licences, regardless of their legality or legitimacy. Panama has no option but to fight, and hope for reason from the arbitrators.

Panama’s reckless gamble with foreign investments Panama faces arbitration claims arising out of recent measures affecting foreign-owned investments in mining and other sectors, which are worth substantially more than half of its GDP.


🎤Press conference in Panama City yesterday

Organizations Ask the Canadian Embassy in Panama to Uphold Human Rights Commitments in Panama and Implement Voices at Risk guidelines to protect the rights of environmental defenders who have been criminalized and investigated in Panama due to the protests against the imposition of Cobre Panama mine owned by Canadian mining company First Quantum Minerals
Read their statement here ➡️


Malgré un rejet par le BAPE, le gouvernement Trudeau vient d’approuver la destruction de 37 cours d’eau, dont des lacs, pour permettre à l’entreprise Minerai de fer Québec d’y déverser des centaines de millions de tonnes de résidus miniers au cours des prochaines années.

«Plusieurs groupes environnementaux ont critiqué le projet de destruction de cours d’eau pour répondre aux besoins de l’industrie minière. La Coalition Pour que le Québec ait Meilleure MINE, Eau Secours, la Fondation Rivières et MiningWatch Canada avaient d’ailleurs demandé au fédéral de fermer la porte à l’utilisation de plans d’eau pour le stockage de résidus miniers.

C’est un dangereux précédent, a déclaré en entrevue le directeur général de la Fondation Rivières, André Bélanger.»

Pour lire l'article complet

Crédit photo 📸 Jacques Boissinot Archives La Presse canadienne

Yukon officials grilled over possible cyanide contamination after mining landslide 06/29/2024

This method of extracting gold has been banned in a number of jurisdictions internationally. Now Yukoners are learning why.

Yukon officials grilled over possible cyanide contamination after mining landslide Yukon government officials are facing tough questions after a landslide at an open pit gold mine potentially released highly toxic cyanide into the environment. A civil engineering consultant who says he advised on the project has called the situation a ‘catastrophe.’

Legal petition will require answers from Ottawa on B.C. mine takeover 06/26/2024

"The financial risk to taxpayers will increase exponentially if ownership of these mines passes from Canadian owned Teck Resources to Glencore, a foreign entity that has publicly declared its intention to spin-off the mines within two years of the sale going through,” Brennan says. “We want to know how Ottawa is factoring that risk into its decision making, and what it’s doing to make sure polluters, not taxpayers, pay.”

Legal petition will require answers from Ottawa on B.C. mine takeover For immediate release: June 18 2024 View in your browser Photo: Garth Lenz / ILCP RaveFor immediate release June 18, 2024Legal petition will require answers from Ottawa on B.C. mine takeover Qukin ʔamakʔis / Fernie, B.C. — The federal government will be requi


📢 Ecuadorian Indigenous Organizations issue statement denying agreement with Canadian mining company Solaris Resources ahead of its AGM on Monday❗️

Read our joint press release:


Impossible to see because of Meta ban blocking news in Canada, but powerful video by AJ+Français on the crimes tied to Canadian mining companies operating in Africa.

Canadian mining companies want Argentina's minerals 06/12/2024

"Canadian mining companies and the federal government are eager to extract critical minerals domestically and around the world. For the transnational mining industry, more concerned with profit than anything else, Milei’s Argentina appears to be a lucrative opportunity, as long as he is able to bulldoze his opponents in government and popular movements."

Canadian mining companies want Argentina's minerals Since taking office in December 2023, Argentina’s libertarian president Javier Milei has pushed a wide-ranging deregulation of the country’s mineral industry. In these efforts, he has the support of the world’s leading capitalists, including Elon Musk, whom Milei claims called him after his el...

Canada: No Ecuador Trade Deal Without Human Rights, Consultation and Consent 06/05/2024

Have you signed on yet?

Tell Canada to ensure trade and investment do not sacrifice human rights and the environment in Ecuador.

TAKE ACTION by signing Amnesty International Canada's petition>>

Canada: No Ecuador Trade Deal Without Human Rights, Consultation and Consent Tell Canada to ensure trade and investment do not sacrifice human rights and the environment in Ecuador.

Denison completes field testing in-situ recovery at Midwest uranium project - Canadian Mining Journal 06/04/2024

This is very worrying. In-situ has never been tried in northern Saskatchewan, and there is a very high level of hydrological connectivity in the Shield rock around the Athabasca sandstone. The landscape is basically saturated with water...

Denison completes field testing in-situ recovery at Midwest uranium project - Canadian Mining Journal Denison Mines (TSX: DML; NIYSE: DNN) says it has completed the inaugural in-situ recovery (ISR) field test program at the Midwest uranium […]

Overconsumption of transition minerals will cost us the earth - Publish What You Pay 06/03/2024

The world is scrambling for the critical minerals needed for the clean energy transition. Last week at the OECD Minerals Forum in Paris, representatives from government, business, and civil society discussed how to source them responsibly. But to avoid a repeat of past injustices and ensure a just energy transition, imposing strict sustainability requirements is not enough. Rich countries must curb their relentless production and consumption of critical minerals, argue Beverly Besmanos and Alejandro González.

Overconsumption of transition minerals will cost us the earth - Publish What You Pay The world is scrambling for the critical minerals needed for the clean energy transition. Last week at the OECD Minerals Forum in Paris, representatives from government, business, and civil society discussed how to source them responsibly. But to avoid a repeat of past injustices and ensure a just e...

‘It’s a barbarity’: why are hundreds of families asking to be moved away from this Dominican Republic goldmine? 05/21/2024

"Communities around the Pueblo Viejo mine complain of serious health problems and a diminished environment and have spent years campaigning to be relocated."
--> Read the latest on Barrick Gold's Pueblo Viejo mine in the Guardian here.

‘It’s a barbarity’: why are hundreds of families asking to be moved away from this Dominican Republic goldmine? Communities around the Pueblo Viejo mine complain of serious health problems and a diminished environment and have spent years campaigning to be relocated

Environmental defenders paid the price during Panama’s historic mining protests – report 05/16/2024

Environmental defenders paid the price during Panama’s historic mining protests – report Panama is still trying to understand the extent of the violence that took place during the massive, nationwide protests last year. Groups from all corners of the country, from teacher unions to hospital workers to Indigenous communities, were targeted by law enforcement while speaking out against po...


Call on Minister of International Commerce and Economic Development, Mary Ng, to:
📌withdraw all government support to First Quantum Minerals
📌respect the Panamanian Supreme Court ruling that declared the contract unconstitutional
📌respect the will of Panamanians who say “Panama is worth more without mining!"
Take action now!

-Agissez: Exigez que le Canada retire tout soutien commercial à First Quantum Minerals!


LIVE / EN VIVO! Español abajo

Report launch: Criminalization of Protestors during the First Quantum Protests in Panama (Oct - Nov 2023)

This is a bilingual webinar between English and Spanish. Simultaneous interpretation is available by registering on Zoom —>

Lanzamiento de reporte: Criminalización durante las protestas contra First Quantum en Panamá

Este evento es un evento bilingüe con interpretación simultánea en español e inglés a través de Zoom —>


Barrick Gold’s Lack of Transparency Disappoints but Doesn’t Surprise

Communities impacted by Barrick Gold’s operations in Argentina, along with their allies in 🇺🇸& 🇨🇦, were taken aback by the firm’s actions to restrict participation in its 2024 AGM

📸: Sara Palmer


TODAY: As First Quantum Minerals’ shareholders meet, Panamanian organizations launch a new report revealing serious human rights violations against protestors during last year’s historic protests against the Canadian company’s Cobre Panamá mine. The report details excessive use of force by the police against protestors, hundreds of reported injuries and four deaths, more than 1500 cases of arbitrary detention, and ongoing criminalization against movement leaders.

➡️ Press release –
➡️ Executive summary in English –
➡️ Full report in Spanish –á

The report was commissioned by the Fundación para el Desarrollo Integral, Comunitario y Conservación de Ecosistemas en Panamá (FUNDICCEP) and the Red Nacional en Defensa del Agua - Panamá, with the support of Panamá Vale Más Sin Minería, Earthworks and MiningWatch Canada. Researched and written by Rekha Chandiramani and Ana Teresa Benjamín M.

Photo: National protests in Panama in 2023 against First Quantum Minerals. Credit: Olmedo Carrasquilla Aguila, Colectivo Voces Ecológicas and Radio Temblor Internacional.

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Our Story

MiningWatch Canada is a pan-Canadian initiative supported by environmental, social justice, Aboriginal and labour organisations from across the country. It was created in 1999 to address the urgent need for a co-ordinated public interest response to the threats to public health, water and air quality, fish and wildlife habitat and community interests posed by irresponsible mineral policies and practices in Canada and around the world.

Videos (show all)

Report Launch | Lanzamiento de Reporte: Criminalization during First Quantum Protests in Panama
What’s at stake in Canada’s trade negotiations with Ecuador? | ¿Qué está en juego en las negociaciones de libre comercio...
Canada's Ambassador to Turkey denies company responsible for tragic spill at the Çöpler gold mine is Canadian. SSR Minin...
The Canadian Ambassador denies that the company responsible for tragic spill at the Çöpler gold mine in Turkey is Canadi...
Virtual Press Conference (Santa Marta 5)
Segunda parte: Auditoria Ciudadana Ya | Second half - Stop Corporate Lawsuits
Webinario: Auditoría Ciudadana Ya | Webinar: Stop Corporate Lawsuits
Canada Closed its Doors to Justice for Mariano Abarca - What's next?
Explotación de litio en México: ¿Interés público o extractivismo transnacional?  / Lithium mining in Mexico: Public inte...
Will Canadian Mining Destroy the Amazon?
Press Conference Summit Guatemala  /Conferencia de Presa Cumbre Guatemala
Moratorium on deep seabed mining


4 Florence Street, Suite 210
Ottawa, ON

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