Health by Nutrition

We empower individuals to achieve optimal wellness through personalized, science-based nutrition and lifestyle plans.

We address the root causes of health issues, guiding clients to restore balance, regain energy, and free from chronic conditions. Here in Health by nutrition we help to everyone who wants to establish their balanced diet and reach their goals with personal coach.


🌻We live in a world where it’s easy to spend on the latest supplements, vegan powders, trendy workout clothes, or that dream holiday—but what about the long-term investment in your health? 🧠💪
It’s tempting to focus on quick fixes—getting in shape for that big event, only to fall back into old habits once it's over. 😩
Do you remember to follow a "diet" for a friend wedding or beach holiday?
You deserve more than a temporary solution. Your health is your most valuable asset, and it’s time to treat it that way!
Don’t let late-night workouts or short-term diets dictate your well-being. 🚫
Listen to your body. Rest when you need it, and make small, sustainable changes that last a lifetime.
If you're ready to break the cycle and truly prioritize your health, I'm here to help.
Together, we can create a personalized plan that fits your life and leads to real, lasting results. 🌟
Start investing in YOU.
Your future self will thank you! 🙌


Recently I had many clients diagnosed with IBS. They shared that even if they follow an elimination diet their symptoms are coming back.
Can you resonate with it?

🔊According to research, the real issue lies in gut dysbiosis and bacterial overgrowth, which produce gas and toxins, leading to severe symptoms.

🧫 Testing and treating the root cause of IBS is key to long-term relief. While elimination diets may help manage symptoms temporarily, they don’t address the underlying problem.
"Diet in irritable bowel syndrome" published in PubMed reports:
"IBS patients suffer from intermittent abdominal pain/discomfort, altered bowel habits and abdominal bloating/distension. Patients believe that their symptoms are triggered by certain food items such as milk and milk products, wheat products, caffeine, cabbage, onion, peas, beans, hot spices, and fried and smoked food. Some IBS patients avoiding several foodstuffs, but there does not appear to be any difference between them and the general population regarding the intake of energy, carbohydrates, proteins and fats. However, one study found that 62% of IBS patients had either limited or excluded certain food items from their daily diet, and of these 12% were at risk of long-term nutritional deficiencies"

🔗Link to full article in the comments 👇

Let's focus on true healing and not just survival. 🧠



🌱 Recipe Hunt: What's Your Go-To? 🌱

As a functional nutritionist, I love diving into plant-based recipes to optimize gut health! But I’m curious—how do you find your culinary inspiration?

✨ Do you still love flipping through printed recipe books or have you gone digital with eBooks?

✨ Are you all about searching for specific ingredients, like "quinoa dinner ideas," or do you browse for general inspo like "healthy plant-based meals"?

✨ And when you find a recipe, do you follow it step by step, or do you use it more as a springboard for your own creative flair?

Personally, I’m all about browsing online for ideas and then mixing it up to suit my own taste.

I’d love to hear how you approach recipe hunting—let’s chat in the comments!

Photos from Health by Nutrition's post 04/08/2024

✨ Are You Tired of Diets That Don’t Last? Let’s Change That! ✨

If you’ve tried every quick-fix diet and ended up right back where you started, you’re not alone. It’s frustrating, and it can make you feel like giving up. But what if I told you that the problem isn’t with you—it’s with the approach?

Quick fixes and one-size-fits-all plans are rarely the answer. They might work for a while, but they’re not designed to last. What does work is a plan tailored specifically to you, your lifestyle, and your unique needs.

Please take a look at my client's success story. After years of struggling with diets that didn’t stick, he decided to try something different—a personalized approach. And the results speak for themselves: healthier weight, more energy, improved liver health, and, most importantly, lasting changes that feel good.

This is what happens when you ditch the cookie-cutter plans and choose a solution made just for you. No more quick fixes, no more frustration, just real, sustainable results.

Ready to start a journey that finally works? Let’s discuss how we can create a plan that’s yours—and yours alone.

👉 Drop a comment, "I AM READY", and I will send you the link for your private 1:1 chat to discuss your personal needs.

Your personalized path to lasting health starts here. 🌱

Photos from Health by Nutrition's post 23/07/2024

Lately, I have seen so many people with digestion problems. I thought I would share four game-changing digestion tips that automatically improve mood and hormones and enhance overall well-being.
Scroll the pictures in the post for the 4 game-changing tips to achieve better health.

If you are interested in gut health, stay with me and read a few exciting bits below:
Hormonal Balance and Diet:
A diet rich in diverse plant foods and low in processed foods supports hormonal balance by regulating insulin, cortisol, and s*x hormones. If you struggle with your hormones and gut health, drop me a message. (I am happy to help!)

Stress Management and Digestion:
Chronic stress can disrupt the gut barrier and microbiome, leading to digestive issues and hormonal imbalances. Stress management techniques like mindfulness and exercise can mitigate these effects.

Blood Sugar Regulation:
Stable blood sugar levels are crucial for hormonal balance and energy stability, directly impacting mood and digestive health. Balanced meals and regular physical activity are effective strategies.

Photos from Health by Nutrition's post 19/07/2024

📣Anna's Transformation Journey📣

When Anna first reached out, she was taking 125mg of levothyroxine daily and struggled with low energy levels. Her days were marked by the need for daily naps, difficulty getting out of bed in the morning, and a lack of energy to prepare meals. She frequently craved processed and sweet foods.

During our consultation, I advised Anna to investigate her gut health and cellular energy production through advanced professional tests. Although her blood count results were within the normal range, we were curious about what other labs might reveal.

The tests uncovered significant issues:
❕Dysbiosis and a fungal infection in her gut
❕Deficiencies in essential minerals such as selenium, zinc, magnesium, and chromium, which are critical for energy production

Strategic Plan:📝
We tailored her diet to address these deficiencies, focusing on incorporating the right foods to restore her mineral and vitamin levels.
Hormonal Balance:
The next step was implementing a hormonal diet plan to effectively balance her hormones.

It resulted in remarkable progress🎉🎉

With the optimized diet and improved nutrient intake, Anna experienced a significant boost in energy levels, eliminating the need for daily naps.

She began working out and quickly became a gym enthusiast.


Thyroid Health: Remarkably, within four months of balancing her minerals and vitamins, Anna's levothyroxine dosage was gradually reduced, and within five months, she achieved remission.
Anna's journey is a testament to the power of targeted nutritional and hormonal interventions. Her transformation showcases that achieving remission and a vibrant, energetic life is possible even with thyroid challenges.

You can read more about my other patient and his Levothyroxine remission. Link in the comments below.


Feeling Like You Can't Do This? You're Not Alone! 🌟

Imposter Syndrome affects many smart, educated professionals, making them doubt their skills and achievements. It's that nagging feeling of being a fraud despite evidence of success.
But guess what? You can overcome it!

🔹 Recognize Your Achievements: List your accomplishments and reflect on them.
🔹 Talk About It: Sharing your feelings with trusted colleagues can provide perspective.
🔹 Reframe Your Thoughts: Replace self-doubt with self-affirmation.
🔹 Seek Feedback: Constructive feedback helps you grow and confirms your capabilities.
🔹 Embrace Growth: Understand that learning and growing are part of everyone's journey.

Remember, you are worthy and capable! 💪✨


Food is not everything.

If you have to be strict with your food to see 👀the smallest results - this is a HUGE sigh that your environment and the signals you are sending to your body are not working well.

🔹low cellular hydration
🔹avoiding the sun and spending all day on screen
🔹poorly synchronized body clock
🔹ineffective mitochondria
🔹negative thoughts and perception
🔹where and when you eat
🔹your environment
🔹overexposure to chemicals
🔹lack of movement

Food is important - but it's not everything.
Even if you eat the healthiest food on the planet, you can still be unwell and hold extra weight ( if you don't fix the above👆).

Where do you start?

If you need extra help and guidance click on my bio link and book your 🆓call today


I would like to encourage you to do the same! Don't stress, stand on that body composition machine and get to understand your body better.
I recently assess my body and the results were pleasantly SURPRISING: despite being 36, my metabolic age was assessed at 21! I'm not only reassured about my health but also highlighted that there is something good I'm doing at the end 😂 I also was surprised about how many different features has that machine and showed the importance of body composition beyond just weight.

What you can expect to measure:
🔸bone % (super important if you are around 40 female)
🔸cellular integrity

🔹Fat mass - including both subcutaneous fat (under the skin) and visceral fat (around the organs)
🔹Muscle mass - the amount of muscle tissue in the body (each arm, each leg, core)
🔹Bone density - the strength and health of your bones
🔹Water content - the amount of water retained in the body, under the skin and around your cells

Why to do it?
🧩knowing your body fat% especially visceral fat, can help assess risks for conditions such as diabetes, heart disease and metabolic syndrome.
🧩it's more motivating to track muscle gain and fat loss rather than just weight loss
🧩instead of vague goal like "I want to lose weight", you can set SPECIFIC target such as " I want to reduce my visceral fat by 5%"

A lot of slim people can can visceral fat high.
Reducing visceral fat is crucial for improving overall health and preventing chronic diseases.
A study published in Diabetes care found that even modest reduction in visceral fat can significantly decrease the risk of metabolic diseases.

Understanding and improving your body composition is a powerful tool for achieving better health. By setting specific goals like reducing visceral fat or increasing muscle mass, you can make significant strides towards preventing chronic diseases and enhancing your overall well-being.


A Call for Fairness in Recognition!
In the world of marathons, each runner’s journey is unique and deserves to be celebrated. My client, a single mom and self-employed, recently achieved a monumental feat by completing her first marathon. This accomplishment is a testament to her unwavering dedication, which began years ago when she decided to transform her life through a plant-based diet and a commitment to physical fitness.

Back then, she never imagined running a marathon. Overweight and lacking confidence, she faced constant criticism about her body. But instead of succumbing to negativity, she made a life-changing decision to embrace a healthier lifestyle. With perseverance, she lost weight, started enjoying physical activity, and gradually built up her stamina. Her journey took her from struggling with self-esteem to completing a half marathon last year and a full marathon this year.

Her preparation was not just physical but also a mental battle. Balancing training with her responsibilities as a single mom and a business owner required immense dedication. She had to find time for training sessions in a schedule that often seemed to have no room for it. Her commitment to her training plan exceeded all expectations, leading to her triumphant marathon finish.

However, despite her incredible effort and determination, she and many others did not receive a finisher's medal. This oversight by the organizers is deeply disappointing and feels like a significant injustice.

It raises a crucial question: Are those who finish a marathon slower any less deserving of recognition than those who complete it faster?

Every marathon runner, regardless of their finish time, has put in tremendous effort and faced their own set of challenges. The true spirit of a marathon lies not just in the speed but in the journey and the determination it takes to cross the finish line.
Runners who finish in the later hours often put in as much, if not more, effort than those at the front. They endure longer periods of physical and mental strain.
Continue comments 👇

Photos from Health by Nutrition's post 14/05/2024

Did you know that regularly consuming too much salt can increase our risk of high blood pressure, leading to strokes and heart attacks?
It's time to shine the spotlight on salt awareness with 🧂
➡️Nearly 50% of children’s meals sold in the Out of Home (OOH) sector provide at least half of a child’s daily limit for salt– with some dishes containing more than a child’s entire day's worth of salt in just one meal!
➡️1 in 5 businesses do not disclose the salt content of their meals online 
➡️Worryingly, only 6 businesses are fully compliant with the government’s voluntary salt targets for children’s meals, set to be achieved by end of 2024  
➡️Call for clearer labelling on children’s menus and mandatory salt reduction targets across all food sectors, including OOH 

Remember that eating too much salt as a child can increase the risk of developing high blood pressure as an adult, and this increases the chance of having a future heart attack or stroke. However, as much as 85% of the salt we eat is already in the food we buy!


🫐Have you tried chia berry pudding already?🫐

You can boost your brainpower and support your digestive health with delicious chia pudding every day.

Packed with omega-3s for brain 🧠 nourishment, fiber for digestion🫐, and complete protein for energy🏃‍♀️, chia seeds are a must-have for vegans and vegetarians.

Plus, their soluble fiber keeps you feeling full and supports weight management.

🤍With essential micronutrients like calcium, iron, and magnesium, along with antioxidants to fight cell damage, chia pudding isn't just tasty—it's a powerhouse of nutrition!
Try it and let me know how you like it.
It's a brilliant option for breaking the fast due high fat content.


Family is where the heart finds its home.
From shared laughter to comforting hugs, the bonds we share with our loved ones are the threads that weave the fabric of our lives.
Studies show that spending quality time with family not only strengthens relationships but also enhances our mental and emotional well-being.
Whether it's a cozy movie night or an adventurous outdoor outing, cherish those moments of connection—they're the foundation of life. 💖

❤️ 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


Are you feeling out of sync with your body? As a functional nutritionist and former long-distance runner, I've experienced firsthand the impact of neglecting crucial signs from my own body. For years, I prioritized protein over other essential nutrients, believing it was the key to optimal performance. But when my body started waving red flags—missing periods, sluggishness, and a reliance on coffee—I knew something had to change.

I used to push through intense training sessions, fueled by the belief that more protein and less carbs were the answer. Trail running became my passion, with distances ranging from 20 to 50 kilometers. But as I pushed my body to its limits, it eventually pushed back, leading to a serious injury that required surgery.

That experience was a wake-up call. I realized that nutrition isn't just about fueling up before a race—it's a year-round commitment to supporting your body's needs. Sleep, carbs, fats, and proteins all play crucial roles in performance and recovery. Neglecting any of these components can have serious consequences.

Athletes, take note: your body is a finely tuned machine that requires proper care and maintenance. Sleep is not a luxury—it's a necessity for recovery and performance. Carbs and fats are your body's primary sources of energy, while proteins are essential for muscle repair and growth.

So, next time you lace up your running shoes or hit the gym, remember to fuel your body with a balanced diet rich in carbohydrates, healthy fats, and quality proteins.

Your performance and overall well-being depend on it.

And if you need a personal plan let's chat about it.
You can schedule a free call via my link

Photos from Health by Nutrition's post 12/04/2024

Commonly used words IBS. What is it? 🤔

🧫IBS is the most common functional gut disorder. Clinically it is linked to changes in gut microbiota, visceral hypersensitivity, altered gut motility, genetic variants, and dysfunction of the gut-brain axis.

Gut is our ‘outside inside’, the metabolic interface where two complex biological and chemical worlds interact in a dynamic, hybrid ecosystem, part human, part other. 
Its active barrier function enables it to play multiple roles sensing, defending, ingesting, detoxifying, and creating, such that gut impacts everything, and everything can impact the gut.

☎Get in touch if you want to learn the adaptive role of the gut, taking a holistic ecological perspective and focusing on the importance of digestion & absorption.

👩🏼‍💼I am fully qualified to help with digestion and improve your gut health by creating a protocol to support gut dysfunctions.


I am aware that we all have things to figure out.

However, it's important to understand how stimulating the adrenal glands can affect overall well-being.

When experiencing exhaustion and low mood, increasing intake of caffeine and sugar can exacerbate adrenal fatigue, dysfunction, or burnout, all of which stem from various factors such as traumatic experiences, overworking, chronic stress, and food sensitivities, leading to imbalances in cortisol production.
Elevated cortisol levels can disrupt neurotransmitter production like serotonin, affecting mood, and can also impact the immune system.

Encouraging natural approaches such as
🔸prioritizing quality sleep,
🔸spending time outdoors in the morning for sunlight exposure,
🔸scheduling relaxation and enjoyable activities,
🔸consuming fresh, nutritious foods,
🔸 setting boundaries with social media usage,
🔸 incorporating breathwork to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system can be beneficial in addressing adrenal health and overall well-being.

Let me know if this is helpful 😘


🥑Ever wondered about the buzz around plant-based diets? Let me break it down for you in simple terms!

So, here's the deal:
🍒Eating more plants – like fruits, veggies, grains, and beans – can be super beneficial, especially if you're looking to shed some pounds or just maintain a healthy weight.
❔Why? Well, plant-based foods are often lower in fat and cholesterol, which can help with weight loss and keep the pounds off in the long run.

But it's not just about weight – these foods are packed with fibre and water, which can make you feel full and satisfied without loading up on extra calories. Plus, they're rich in all sorts of good stuff your body loves, like vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Now, I get it, changing up your diet can seem daunting, but think of it as an adventure!
You don't have to go full-on vegan overnight – even just adding more plant-based meals to your routine can make a big difference.

So, whether you aim to slim down, boost your health, or try something new, incorporating more plants into your meals is a tasty and easy way to go.

Give it a try – your body will thank you! 🌱💪

Information on the graphic is based on the article from "The Benefits of Plant-Based Nutrition: Obesity & Weight" Management


☘I want to remind you that every step towards a better lifestyle should be enjoyable. Yes, change can be challenging. It might push us out of our comfort zones, making us feel a tad uncomfortable. But here's the thing: that discomfort is where the magic happens! ✨

We need to relish the process, savour every moment of growth, and find joy in the journey. Whether it's trying out a new workout routine, experimenting with nutritious recipes, or simply embracing a positive mindset shift, let's make it FUN! 🎉

Because when we enjoy what we're doing, we're more likely to stick with it. That's the secret sauce to long-lasting success! So, let's lace up those sneakers, grab those veggies, and dive headfirst into this adventure together. 💥

Remember, keeping our stamina up is crucial on this new journey. And what better way to do that than by enjoying every step of the way? Let's do this! 💫


☘️Marinating tofu is an excellent way to infuse it with flavour and make it more appealing to those who may find its natural taste bland. Read below why it is worth adding more tofu to your meals.

Health Benefits of Tofu:

🌸Rich Source of Protein: Tofu is an excellent source of plant-based protein, making it a valuable addition to vegetarian and vegan diets. It contains all nine essential amino acids necessary for optimal health.

🫀Heart Health: Tofu is low in saturated fat and cholesterol-free, which can contribute to heart health. It also contains isoflavones, a type of plant compound that may help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels.

🦷Bone Health: Tofu is a good source of calcium and magnesium, minerals essential for maintaining strong and healthy bones. Regular tofu consumption may help reduce the risk of osteoporosis and promote bone density.

💪Weight Management: Tofu is low in calories and rich in protein, making it a satisfying and nutritious option for those looking to manage their weight. Its high protein content can also help promote feelings of fullness and reduce overall calorie intake.

🩸Blood Sugar Regulation: Tofu has a low glycemic index, which means it has a minimal impact on blood sugar levels. Incorporating tofu into meals can help stabilize blood sugar levels, making it a suitable choice for individuals with diabetes or those aiming to prevent spikes in blood sugar.

🍜Tofu is incredibly versatile and can be used in various dishes, including stir-fries, salads, soups, sandwiches, and smoothies. Its neutral flavour allows it to absorb the flavours of marinades, sauces, and seasonings, making it a delicious and adaptable ingredient in both savoury and sweet recipes.

📣Marinating tofu for longer than 30 minutes significantly enhances its flavour and texture, making it a more enjoyable addition to plant-based meals.

Photos from Health by Nutrition's post 15/03/2024

Today, I want to share a powerful reminder that our bodies constantly communicate with us. Just like a trusted friend, they whisper clues about what they need to thrive. But are we really listening? 🤔

Please take a moment to think about it. How often do we push through exhaustion, ignore those nagging aches, or dismiss feelings of discomfort? We live in a fast-paced world where it's easy to prioritize everything else above our own well-being. But let me tell you, your body deserves to be heard. 🗣️

I recently caught up with a client who reminded me of the importance of tuning in and taking action. A month ago, she was feeling frustrated despite her healthy habits. We tweaked her diet, shifted her mindset around food, and incorporated personalized carb cycling based on her cycle. And guess what? The results speak for themselves! 🌟

But here's the thing – she waited two years before seeking help. Two years of feeling out of sync with her body, two years of pushing through the motions, two years of missed opportunities for realignment. Don't let this be you. Your body is your greatest asset, and it's never too late to prioritize your health and well-being. 💪

So, I encourage you to pause, take a deep breath, and listen. Listen to those subtle signals your body is sending you. And if something feels off, don't hesitate to reach out for support. Whether it's tweaking your diet, exploring stress management techniques, or simply giving yourself permission to rest – you deserve to feel your best every single day. ❤️

Remember, your body is speaking to you. Are you ready to listen?

Photos from Health by Nutrition's post 08/03/2024

🎉 Exciting News! 📣 Together with the best wishes for all WOMEN'S OUT THERE! 📢 SCROLL the slides as I want to share with you why is worthy to pursue your dreams and feel uncomfortable!

After a long journey, I'm thrilled to share that I've become a Senior Nutritionist registered with the Association for Nutritionists in the UK!

Starting with an MSc in chemistry 🧪with a focus on biochemistry, I initially worked in the laboratory🧫 setting. However, changing my professional path wasn't easy, especially in a new country.

In 2014 (made me realize that I have 10years anniversary this year!)I founded my own nutrition company and today, after years of hard work, I've achieved the title of RNutr Public Health.
(finally finished my portfolio, sent it over to AfN and got an email to confirm that my transfer from ANutr to RNutr was successful 🥳!)

Thank you to everyone who has supported me along the way – from course attendees to colleagues who mentored me.
Your encouragement and belief in me have been the driving force behind my success.

This is just the beginning, as I embark on a new project that's close to my heart.

Stay tuned for updates, and keep those fingers crossed! 🍏💫


Love experimenting with healthy recipes?🧇You will enjoy the almond flour waffles for a fiber-packed, energy-boosting breakfast!

🌱Incorporating almond flour into your meals adds a powerhouse of nutrition!

💪Rich in fiber
💪Healthy fats
💪Good source of proteins

Almond flour helps prevent sugar spikes in the body, keeping energy levels stable. Similarly, coconut flour offers similar benefits.

Try out the waffle recipe featuring almond flour for a delicious, energy-packed breakfast that leaves you feeling light and energized all day long!


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Our Story

Having completed my MSc in Food Science and Nutrition and MSc in Bio-Organic Chemistry at Heriot Watt University (Edinburgh), I founded my own company “Health by Nutrition” to help people develop healthier diets and lifestyles.

I am a full qualified Registered Nutritionist (Public Health) with the Association for Nutrition - the UK Voluntary Register of Nutritionists (UKVRN) (My REG.: 10979), active member of The American Nutrition Association and wealth of experience on helping people to become healthy, energised and fit, equipping them with knowledge and techniques to improve their life style. I communicate with people on a one to one basis, in groups and I also provide an online service which is accessed by clients in Europe, Canada and other parts of the world.

Some of my key areas of expertise include weight management, gastrointestinal diseases (Crohn's, Irritation bowel syndrome, celiac, ulcerative colitis, haemorrhoids, etc), any eating disorder, food allergy and food intolerance, thyroid problems, pregnancy and preconception, chronic fatigue, skin health, hormonal imbalances, auto-immune disease (including Hashimoto's Disease), bulimia nervosa, etc.

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Thursday 8am - 5pm
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Saturday 8am - 5pm

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