Bruno Dalledone - The Health Coach

Bruno Dalledone - The Health Coach

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I specialize in Online Coaching for Fat Loss and as such this page is aimed at providing useful FREE content to aid you in your journey.

Photos from Bruno Dalledone - The Health Coach's post 02/05/2024

Gents, if you’re feeling motivated to rethink your gym routine but are unsure what that reimagining looks like, I’d love to introduce you to a client who exemplifies this perfectly. Meet Dan; a clear embodiment of transformation and determination. He was caught in the gym grind, doing the same few exercises every time he hit the gym. Does this sound like you? 💡

With some changes to his approach, he dropped an impressive 7kg! More importantly, he’s not just healthier, but stronger too. And can we add confident to this list too? Check. ✔️

When Dan came to me, asking for a new perspective and a fresh training plan, we decided to put old habits in their rearview. It certainly wasn’t the easiest, but it was worth it. Dan’s energy, strength, and the glow of his new-found confidence knocks people off their feet!

If you’re feeling stuck in your fitness journey, know this: Dan was in your shoes. Understand that everyone starts somewhere, and every transformation begins the moment you decide to make a difference.

Are you ready for the change? If you’re prompted by Dan’s journey and want to break away from the monotony in your workouts, write “Info” in the comments.

Let’s get you on that path to transformation!💪💬

Photos from Bruno Dalledone - The Health Coach's post 27/03/2024

I’ve been a coach for the past 8 years.

I work primarily with CEO’s and entrepreneurs 

These guys are my people because…

I have been a businessman since I was 19, and I know how important it is to make the right first impression.

I’ve been to important meetings and conferences feeling a million bucks and know how much of a difference that made…

I’ve also been to them feeling like I wasn’t showcasing my best.

Feeling less than your best in those first important meetings sets the tone for the rest of the relationship.

I’ve always been interested in business and understand the difference that feeling like you belong in the space you occupy can have on your ability to perform and make the tough decision when you need to. Leading is hard. Being a role model is hard.

Loads of responsibility for everything around you.

That’s why I care about them.

And that’s why I’m on a mission to serve Entrepreneurs and CEO’s better than any other coach in the world.

Tag a friend in Business who deserves some FREE support.


If you’re new around here, my name is Bruno

And I’ve been a coach for 8 years. 

I live in London, England.

With my soon-to-be-wife Hannah.

I love watching the UFC, 

hanging out with the boys 


generally just being a nerd (Star Wars, Star Trek, Marvel, 80’s action movies)

And if we haven’t spoken before…

Consider this an open invitation to slide into my DMs…

And chat about What the best Star Wars film is for you or your favourite Arnie film…

Photos from Bruno Dalledone - The Health Coach's post 19/03/2024

High powered Brain function is an important part of having a busy life!

Making sure you’re getting enough water in - at least 3L is massively important to keep your brain at its peak!

Sleeping goes without saying. If you don’t allow your brain time to repair and recover, its ability to stay in tip top shape is massively reduced!
Getting 7-9h of good quality sleep is key!

And out of left field, we have training. It’s rare people think about being alert after training, and perhaps in the moment you might not be, but exercise as part of your routine will help you burn off some excess pent up energy and sleep better.

All good things for the high performer looking to think clearly when it’s crunch time!

Photos from Bruno Dalledone - The Health Coach's post 15/03/2024

As the holy month of Ramadan is upon us, let’s talk about some tips to keep our health in check while we fast. Did you know that training in the morning could be your secret weapon this Ramadan? 🌙💪

When you train in the morning, you’re using the energy from your Suhoor meal, which means you’re less likely to feel sluggish later in the day. Plus, it’s a great way to kickstart your metabolism and keep your energy levels steady throughout the day.
Now, I know what you’re thinking. “But I’m not a morning person!”. But once you get into the habit, trust me, it gets easier.

And if you’re not up for training, consider going into a maintenance phase. This means you’re not pushing your body too hard, but you’re still keeping active and healthy. It’s all about finding that balance.

So, what do you think? Are you going to try training in the morning this Ramadan? Or maybe you’re considering going into a maintenance phase? Let me know in the comments! I’d love to hear your thoughts. And remember, there’s no right or wrong answer here. It’s all about what works best for you.


I need your help!

I’m creating a course on How To Finally Stop Yo-Yo Dieting. As I try to make sure I don’t miss anything that you’d like to know, if you have 2 minutes, please click here to submit your number 1 question about diet and nutrition!

Anything, even if you think it’s silly, will be a massive help!

There’s a bonus for you for helping!

Please click the link

I Need Your Help I'm putting the finishing touches on a new course called "How To Finally Stop The Yo-Yo Diet Cycle For Life" and want to make sure that I don't leave anything out.

Photos from Bruno Dalledone - The Health Coach's post 08/02/2023

Refer a Friend February
Share this post to your story for a free workout.
Any questions, message me

Photos from Bruno Dalledone - The Health Coach's post 19/06/2022

Socialising on Prep with The Health Coach

It’s easy to get caught in the day to day of it and not think ahead, bank some calories and then get caught short!

This is what happened here, so I had to manage to pack a lot of volume (quantity) in at lunch with increased fat and fibre content to keep hunger at bay for hours.

Breakfast >> 3x Coffees (black)

Lunch >> Chicken Salad with Satay Dressing

Dinner >> BBQ with friends >> Chicken Sausages and Asparagus Spears + 2L bottle of diet Fanta

In-person Coaching:
Online Coaching:


The goal post always moves!

Having an initial goal is very important; it gives you direction and a path forward, But the original goal is never the end goal.

As you take steps to progress towards that initial goal, you realise it’s not actually the end point, but simply a checkpoint along the way.

The true end goal is always just out of reach, because the true goal is always your full potential, and if you’re always pushing for more progress there is always more potential at the end of the barrel.

Having a path to take is important, but remember setbacks happen (as it was the case with this prep for me), things don’t always work out how you want them to and the goal post will move. This is normal and good. It shows how you are developing and changing, which is the prerequisite to growth of any kind!

Photos from Bruno Dalledone - The Health Coach's post 17/06/2022

Full Day of Eating with The Health Coach

At the moment my meals are fairly consistent to keep variables to a minimum. Although there are slight daily variations depending on work schedule.

Currently just focusing on Protein, fibre and overall calories.

Protein - >160g
Fibre - between 27-35g

If this is helpful, please comment and like and save the post.

This is really to give you guys an idea of how to work your daily nutrition, realising that my goals and my targets are different than yours!

Bits you might not know - Psyllum Husk + Greens Powder is money where it comes to hunger management (although don’t make the mistake I made; buy flavoured greens powder)!

Cookie Dough Carb Killa has 7g of fibre, which coupled with 20g of protein, makes it very handy for hunger management.

I am also currently doing between 4-6L of water per day.

In person coaching
Online coaching


WOW! What a day!!

As a ‘gym-floor’ trainer, a lot of the people I talk to will say something along the lines of “I know what I’m doing”, and then proceed to stay plateaued for months.

Einstein said “Any fool can know, the point is to understand”

And the pursuit of more knowledge, and in turn practical application of that knowledge is what this weekend was all about for me!

I was surrounded by inspiring people, being taught by two of the best coaches in the country and came out of it with a new perspective on my coaching process.

Thanks to everyone that made Saturday awesome! And a huge thank you to .best_ and Cristina

Photos from Bruno Dalledone - The Health Coach's post 06/05/2022

Finishing off a few bits for my Glute Workshop Presentation .londonstpauls this Monday and Tuesday.

DM me for more info, and I look forward to seeing you there!


The Comeback is here!

In 2019 I got in the best shape of my life for a photoshoot.
Those of you who know me, know I have struggled with my weight for most of my life and having something in the diary gave me the focus to finally achieve I look I was happy with… kinda.

I know I could’ve given more time and been leaner.

Now I truly believe that leadership stems from the actions you take and by being a role model to others, in this case in particular to my clients.

It’s not enough to spend ££ in education if you don’t apply it, and you should always live what you preach.

Só as I honestly believe that any coach with his salt should have a coach of their own, I asked to help me get there. I’ve been working with him since just before Xmas, and it has been exciting to have a guy who is at the top of his field mentoring and supporting me.

The Comeback is an attempt to document my journey to my next photoshoot on July 22nd.

Follow me along by subscribing to my YouTube Channel - Bruno Dalledone


💥Client Spotlight💥

Alex has been a treat to work with! She had an initial goal of getting her pre-baby weight and I can say that she is well and truly on her way to getting there.

Most people have vague goals that they never actually Perdue because it means a change to their lifestyle.

It takes an enormous amount of courage to admit to yourself that maybe it’s time for a change.

As a coach it’s my job to make that transition less complicated and less painful.

Alex has still been able to go out with friends, enjoy a glass of wine and with a busy social schedule, fit in meals out. To top it all off, she’s a busy working mum, who has limited time to actually get to the gym.

A huge congrats to an amazing lady!!


Photos from Bruno Dalledone - The Health Coach's post 21/05/2021

A month into the gyms being open your motivation might be flagging...

Many of my clients first come to me telling me they need more motivation. ⁠⁠
Without realising that motivation ISN'T the key. 🤯⁠⁠
To succeed in anything, you need to be consistent. ⁠⁠
Consistency has many facets:⁠⁠
- Habits⁠⁠
- Daily Routine ⁠⁠
- Extrinsic incentives ⁠⁠
My aim is to help you become more consistent so you can achieve your goals.⁠⁠

Turn on your notifications, so you don't miss anything!!


Lockdown Goo Away!⁠⁠
📹 Understand why you should be exercising to lose weight in this quick video 📹⁠⁠


Lockdown Goo Away!

📹 Understand why you should be exercising to lose weight in this quick video 📹

Timeline photos 04/05/2021

The Importance of failing!

In this photo I had just lost all of my rounds in my Jiu-Jitsu competition. I was disappointed, down and angry at myself.

However - after I had walked away and thought about it, I realised that I needed to fail in order to learn that I wasn't good enough.. YET!

Most people see failing as a bad thing.

In reality, you learn from the losses and failure far more than you do from the wins.

Don't get discouraged if you put yourself out there and it doesn't workout!

Re-group, re-assess and go again.

Photos from Bruno Dalledone - The Health Coach's post 03/05/2021
Timeline photos 01/05/2021

Client spotlight:

Rochelle before & after

Photos from Bruno Dalledone - The Health Coach's post 30/04/2021

Unless you have properly dieted, you won't realise how many unnecessary calories you are consuming!

Dieting is a numbers game and most people don't realise that you can have really tasty, big meals just by making small changes to the recipe.

Here are some food swaps I use to keep my calories lower - allowing me to enjoy some more high calorie treats from time to time!

These swaps will be a lifesaver if you are in a high calorie deficit and need volume to keep you fuller for longer!

Comment below any other foods you would like a lower calorie version of!

Photos from Bruno Dalledone - The Health Coach's post 28/04/2021

Exercise more? Eat less? Both?⁠

Eating less and exercising more both have the same outcome...

Creating a Calorie deficit!

Exercising and moving more helps the process along and allows you to diet in a more realistic and sustainable way! - Remember consistency is key so this is crucial to helping you stick to your diet and limitations!

Timeline photos 27/04/2021

Gyms have been opened now for a couple of weeks, and the excitement and novelty has worn off.

It is officially back to the grind!

What then is the best way to achieve your goals?

A bespoke program, that takes YOU, YOUR life and YOUR goals into account!

DM me to get started!

Photos from Bruno Dalledone - The Health Coach's post 26/04/2021

A Body Transformation is far more than just getting a rocking body!

It represents a growth and betterment of who you are.

Success is a transferable skill, and all the lessons you have to learn during a body transformation can be applied to other aspects of your life.

Discipline, commitment, work ethic, etc.

All these things are key for success in every aspect of life, and learning to them in one aspect of your life is proof that you can do them in other aspects fo your life too.


Trust me when I say I know how you feel!

When I ask more of you, it’s from a place of understanding.

I’ve been through the journey. It wasn’t straight forward. There were ups and there were down. It was emotional at times.

But if Fat Bruno managed to do part of the journey while working in a bakery, surrounded by cookies, cakes and sausage rolls, I know you can too.

How do you want your journey to go this year?

📸 -

Photos from Bruno Dalledone - The Health Coach's post 12/04/2021

Everything starts in YOUR mind!

Your mindset towards things, and how you identify with them play a HUGE role in your decision making process, and the rate and intensity to which you action those decision.

You have to believe on a gut level, with an unshakable commitment to yourself that you can achieve any and all goals you set, and yet be open minded enough to know that when you take a hit or you hit a hurdle, this is just going to make your win that much sweeter!

"What you think is what you say,
What you say is what you do,
And what you do becomes your legacy." -

What do you want your legacy to be?

Photos from Bruno Dalledone - The Health Coach's post 10/04/2021

Everyone thinks they're right!

In truth, there is only your perspective (that's mine)!

The experiences you live through and the things you learn shape the way you see things, making you see objective facts through your subjective lens.

This means that very few people will ever have the exact same opinion or view on any one thing.

In the fitness industry this is reflected in how many different diets there are, and how many 'Best Workouts' there are.

Having something work for you doesn't mean it is best for someone else.

It doesn't even make it the best for you. It makes it the one that worked for you.

Being able to remove yourself from a situation and look at things with a broader perspective can and will increase the number of lenses you have to look at life through, making you a more well-rounded individual, better capable of dealing with the BS that comes your way 😉

Timeline photos 06/04/2021

Taking Control!

Taking control of your journey is something that people don't actually like to do!

It means taking responsibility for the wins AND the losses.

People don't like to admit failure; they see it as a sign of weakness.

Start taking control of your life by making conscious decisions, and holding yourself accountable.

Review progress and make adjustments.

Start by deciding to actively live, instead of passively mumbling through life!

Be the owner of your life!

Photos from Bruno Dalledone - The Health Coach's post 05/04/2021

Feeling like we have to be perfect at everything we do can be hugely detrimental.

Sure, getting things right is great and it feels amazing, but many people avoid going out of their comfort zone because they don't want to 'fail'.

Is it failing though? If something doesn't go your way, was it a waste of time, or did you learn something along the process?

I have a philosophy I live by:

"You only fail when you quit" -

It's an important saying because, even with every stumble, hurdle and out-right screw up I've had, I've ALWAYS learnt something that meant the next time things worked out better.

What have you learnt recently? Comment below :)

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Videos (show all)

The goal post always moves!Having an initial goal is very important; it gives you direction and a path forward, But the ...
Lockdown Goo Away!⁠⁠⁠⁠📹 Understand why you should be exercising to lose weight in this quick video 📹⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠#lockdownweigh...
Lockdown Goo Away!📹 Understand why you should be exercising to lose weight in this quick video 📹
Are you tired of bouncing from diet to diet and not actually making sustainable progress??This is what you need to make ...
This is one reason why you're not achieving your fitness goals!!The risk of you NOT achieving it isn't high enough to ma...



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