Imarika Environment Brigade is an environment based community project geared at improving the environment and livelihoods of our people.

Our scope as of now is Airport ward. Our aim is to eradicate environmental degradation and empowering the minority.


That is why IEB focuses on protection and conservation of the aquatic environment.

🌊 Did you know? Half of the oxygen we breathe comes from the ocean! 🌱 Tiny ocean plants called phytoplankton produce at least 50% of the world's oxygen, making our oceans crucial for life on Earth.

Join us at the Blue Economy Innovation Summit 2024 to explore how we can protect and harness the power of our oceans for a sustainable future.

This year, we're shining a spotlight on Climate Change and Ocean Resilience. See you there!


Ecosystem- based adaptation.

Ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) goes beyond environmental protection – it safeguards people and communities too.

Healthy ecosystems provide:

💧 Reduced flooding
🌅 Mitigated droughts
🌊 Prevented landslides
💨 Improved air and water quality

Mobile uploads 17/12/2022
Photos from I.E.B's post 06/06/2022

Today, Imarika Environment Brigade participated in a clean up exercise at Saratoga, Airport ward, Changamwe to mark the World Environmental Day. The event was organized by Airport Environmental Coordination Centre (AECC) which is an umbrella organization that IEB is part of. We managed to slash grass, collect solid waste, and dispose it safely. Providing a clean and safe environment for Airport Ward residents is our main objective and we shall continue participating and organizing activities that are geared at conserving the environment of Airport Ward.


The ministry of environment just recently announced an increase in tree cover from 5% to 8%. This shows a forward trajectory and the dividends of concerted tree planting efforts by Environmental organizations throughout the country. As IEB, we are proud to be among the contributers of the 3% increase and will continue participating in tree planting activities to ensure that our motherland achieves it's 2030 tree cover target of 10%.

Trees are vital shields from the adverse impacts of environmental disasters such as floods, drought and famine, landslides, strong winds, tsunamis among others. The importance of trees and forest cover is felt ecologically, economically and socially.

It is therefore our duty as a society to continue participating in activities that help protect the integrity of the forest cover. As we celebrate the World Environmental Day of 2022, let's still remember that our environment is our investment and we shall reap it's profits in the future.

Environmental Day 2022
Environment Our Investment

Photos from I.E.B's post 12/12/2021

Our Community, Our Priority

Photos from I.E.B's post 12/12/2021

Today, Imarika Environment Brigade celebrated Jamhuri day in style. We visited Mintos Children's Home located in Mrang'a, Changamwe to mark our second Smiles & Memories event. The special home houses a group of orphaned girls who are under the watch of Madam Susan, their caretaker and mum. We were able to donate foodstuff, toiletries and other essentials to the home and on top of it celebrate the holiday with the girls.
Orphans aways feel marginalized due to lack of parental care during their development, as the community;we ought to instil a mentality of hope and courage in these children. This is exactly what IEB is doing and aims to continue doing. Thank you for your support in making the event successful.
Environment Our Investment.
& Memories 2


Our Community's welfare will always top our priority list. Any kind of assistance is welcomed.
Mark the date.


Photos from I.E.B's post 12/08/2021

Today, Imarika Environment Brigade marked the International Youth day by engaging with other youths in Changamwe to conduct a clean up activity. The activity was organised by KIOTA CBO in conjunction with the County government of Mombasa. In attendance were also other waste management groups such as Kipevu West Management Group and Kisumu ndogo waste Management Group.Waste management is one of our core objectives as IEB and it falls in the WAMAPRO programme in the Environment pillar.Today we were able to collect more than 50 sacks of both hazardous and non-hazardous waste preventing it from accumulating in the environment and causing long term impacts. Mombasa County is one of the leading waste producers in the country but also one in which waste management has poorly been handled. A tour around the city's environment leads you to many undesignated dump sites and clogged sewage tunnels. Alot of effort is supposed to be employed in order to curb this menace starting from the county government, businesses, local organizations and individuals in that order. Personal responsibility, public awareness, policy formulation and enforcement are some of the measures that need to be adhered to in order to achieve success. Our hunger to serve our people and provide for them a conducive environment remains the same.

Our Environment Our Investment.


Today marks the International mangrove day, mangroves are the leading natural carbon sinks; absorbing carbon dioxide 10 folds more than common trees. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas responsible for forming a blanket over the earth's atmosphere which traps heat and increases global warming. Mangroves are very vital in the environment as they reduce carbon emissions in the atmosphere thus reducing global warming and it's effects. Other than global warming reduction, mangroves act as buffer zones protecting the mainland from impacts of hurricanes, cyclones, tornadoes and other heavy storms. They also provide timber for construction, firewood and also have medicinal value. The environmental and socio-economic importance of this tree makes it a natural treasure hence there is need to protect it from degradation. Lately, mangroves have been facing threats such as over-harvesting, cutting them down and replacing them with commercial buildings. Alot of emphasis should be put in educating the masses on the importance of this tree species, there should be stricter policies on the manner of utilisation of this tree also. We need to have an environmentally responsible society if we're to prosper.

Our Environment Our Investment

Photos from I.E.B's post 08/06/2021

Today, Imarika Environment Brigade celebrated world's Oceans day by taking part in a beach clean-up activity at Mombasa Beach, Nyali.The event was hosted by Eco-Ethics International Kenya in conjunction with NEMA, World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), Kenya Life Saving Federation and Kenya Maritime Authority. The theme for this year's event is" the ocean life and livelihoods" . The ocean ecosystem consist of aquatic flora and fauna, corals, the shore organisms, sandy soils and rocks. This system is vital in human lives sustainance environmentally, socially and economically. The acquatic ecosystem is facing alot of pressure in the form of overfishing, pollution by either solid or liquid waste, sedimentation and oil spillage.
Given the importance of the oceans and the dangers that they face; it is imperative that we put concerted efforts in preserving the integrity of the marine ecosystem. Policy changes, education and campaigns, monitoring and enforcement should be implemented in order to help curb degradation of the marine environment. As has been our norm, we shall continue engaging in collaborative engagements in order to ensure that the welfare of our environment is taken care of.

Our Environment Our Investment.

Photos from I.E.B's post 05/06/2021

On Saturday 5th June, IEB marked the global environmental day in style. We conducted a used mask collection activity in Changamwe Sub-County in conjunction with Mombasa White Heroes; a local baseball team and Bwasty Boyz; a a local theatre group. This year's theme being ecosystem restoration, our aim was to curb both environmental degration and spread of Covid-19. We collected used masks from Mwisho Magongo to Mainland, Chaani, Kwahola and back to Mwisho wa Magongo at Bomu stadium. We were able to collect more than 3 bags of masks which were saved from polluting the environment. We also sensitized the locals on the importance of wearing masks correctly and disposing them safely; that is in designated dumping areas. IEB as an organization has the responsibility of helping the society tackle emerging problems and covid-19 being one of them we felt the need to address it. Covid-19 has had both positive and negative impacts on the environment with indiscriminate mask disposal being the number environmental menace. Masks are made of non-biodegradable materials which makes the soil unproductive and the surface filled with dirt.Furthermore, used masks are a health hazard to children or mentally unstable adults that may pick them and use or play with them exposing them to the deadly Covid-19.To maintain the agricultural productivity of the soil and aesthetic value of the environment and health of our people, proper measures should be put in place to ensure that there is safe mask disposal. IEB welcomes collaborative efforts and shall continue working with other stakeholders in order to ensure the health and safety of our community is improved.

Our Environment Our Investment


IEB family wishes all muslims around the world joy, safety,peace and tranquility as they celebrate Eid-ul-fitr.

Photos from I.E.B's post 24/04/2021

On Saturday, 24th April IEB organized a tree planting activity at St. Charles Lwanga Secondary School. The activity is under PAMOJA (Panda Miti Okoa Jamii) programme under our pillar of Environment. We were joined by Mombasa West Hockey Club and Mombasa White Heroes Baseball team. We planted more than 20 seedlings of more than five different species of fruit and wood trees thereby increasing biodiversity and also helping achieve vision 2030 objective of increasing tree cover by 10%. Our main objective is to conserve the environment and protect local natural resources and such activities amplify it. Our association with Mombasa White Heroes Baseball team and Mombasa West Hockey Club signifies our insistence on empowering the youth in the society by engaging them in productive activities.

Environment Our Investment

Photos from I.E.B's post 23/04/2021

On Thursday 22nd of April, IEB joined hands with other stakeholders in Mombasa County to do a beach clean up activity to mark International Earth Day. The activity themed 'save the planet', was conducted at Kenyatta Beach (Pirates) and Mombasa Beach.The event was organized by Boost to build project in conjunction with Technical University of Mombasa and Kenya methodist University. Beach boys and other volunteers also took part in the activity. More than 20 sacks of solid wastes were collected and a large amount of waste saved from draining into the ocean and causing harm to the aquatic environment. IEB shall continue engaging in collaborative work with stakeholders outside its boundaries with shared interest to ensure the well being of the environment of Mombasa County.

Environment Our Investment.


Today marks the International Earth Day, a day set aside to celebrate efforts geared environmental conservation. This year's theme is 'Restore Our Earth'. In this industrial era alot of emphasis has been put on developmental projects while putting the welfare of the environment at the periphery. Forests have been cleared to create space for buildings and settlements, rivers have been redirected, wild animals have been shifted (both consciously and unconsciously, poaching and game hunting, overfishing, soils and the air have been polluted due to the release of toxic substances into the environment. All the above mentioned factors have had detrimental impacts to both environmental and human health. It is high time that humans to enough effort to restore the environment to its natural state for the sake of both the present and future generations. This can be achieved by;
-Practicing forestation and reafforestation.
-Using fertilizers correctly.
-Practice proper farming methods.
-Enforcing wildlife protection policies.
-Ensuring environmental standards are considered in both industrial processes and developmental projects.
-Regulation of the size of fishing nets and enforcing other stringent measures to curb overfishing.
-Organizing protests, campaigns and sensitization activities that advocate for environmental protection and conservation.
All these measures should be enforced by all the stakeholders in a collaborative manner in order to ensure that they are effectively achieved.
Environment Our Investment

Photos from I.E.B's post 12/03/2021

Today morning, Imarika environment Brigade conducted a charitable activity at Mwijabu Primary special unit facility. The activity falls under our smiles and memories program which promotes our abjective of empowering the youth and the vulnerable in the society. We donated a few vital items including building blocks, balls, drawing books, masks and toys which will help improve their concentration and help their brains develop positively. We were also able to have a few sweet talks and happy moments with the children.Today's society has given a cold shoulder to mental health and more so children born with mental disability, as Imarika environment Brigade we are emphasizing on the need to spread love to the mentally challenged and the less fortunate in the society. We shall keep conducting such types of activities in the future in order to ensure the vulnerable in the society develop a sense of belonging and tackle from a positive perspective.

Environment Our Investment


Today marks the international wildlife day, the wild flora and fauna have been highly neglected in modern developmental projects thus leading to the diminishing numbers of wild animals and plants. Recently, focus has been shifted to the blue economy with insistence on utilization of ocean resources without a proper structure to conserve the scarce marine resources which are facing the danger of overexploitation hence extinction. The rhinoceros and elephants are still facing the danger of poaching and extinction. Modern development projects are encroaching wildlife habitat thus making it difficult for the wild animals to survive in the small space left. Wildlife play a vital role both economically and in the ecosystem thus their conservation should be a priority of any nation which is very much concerned about its development. Thus, we are encouraged to lobby behind wildlife conservation efforts, help in planting wild plants and forests which house the wildlife. Much Investment should be put in establishing conservancies, research centres and other wildlife related institutions.

Environment Our Investment

Photos from I.E.B's post 27/02/2021

Today morning, Imarika Environment Brigade joined other stakeholders in carrying out a clean up activity organized by the county government of Mombasa in conjunction with red cross in Changamwe, Mombasa. The event dubbed Mji Wetu Wajibu Wetu is a programme launched by the county government to rid Mombasa county of the perennial waste manace. There was cleaning, garbage collection and sensitization for those in attendance on the need for a clean and healthy environment. In line with our objective of ensuring clean and safe environment for the people of Mombasa county, we shall continue to participate in collaborative activities that help safeguard the integrity of our environment.

Our Environment Our Investment.

Photos from I.E.B's post 17/02/2021

Today morning, Imarika Environment Brigade held a sensitization session with Kazi mtaani youths at Changamwe Primary school. Changamwe Chief Mr.Makau gave the activity a go ahead but was absent due to unavoidable circumstances. This activity is under the waste management Programme (WAMAPRO) which is amongst a series of programmes that IEB run. The aim of this activity was to create environmental responsibility awareness amongst the youth who are the most active in the society and who will be the leaders of tomorrow. We were able to interact with the youths, passed on the vital information to them and received their opinions and grieviances too. It was noted that most of the youths lack PPEs fundamental in conducting such risky jobs, have no waste collection tools, there is also no clear waste disposal strategy. They also lack an Identification mark which would make them received well by community members. We shall continue to hold such sessions in the future and pass the information to the relevant authorities. We are pleased to be part of the National Hygiene Program through research and advocacy.

Our Environment Our Investment


Today marks the International Wetlands day. A wetland is an area, natural or man-made that is permanently or occasionally waterlogged with fresh or saline water. In Kenya we have six Ramsar sites designated as wetlands, they include; Tana river Delta, Lake Nakuru, Lake Baringo, Lake Bogoria, Lake Elementaita and Lake Naivasha. Other wetlands include Mwea Tebere, Yalla swamp and Ewaso Nyiro swamp. These ecosystems are of great environmental and socio-economic importance in that they create habitats for wildlife, provide food for both humans and animals, provide constructions materials, prevent flooding on the mainland, provide drinking water for both animals and man. Wetlands in Kenya face a myriad of dangers including overexploitation of their resources, encroachment by humans, loss of biodiversity and their destruction. Being of great importance to us, we should be at the fore-front in advocating for their conservation by planting trees(aforestation) and vegetation in degraded wetland areas, demonstrating against their destruction and protesting against their over exploitation.

Environment Our Investment


Remember to stay safe, Celebrate responsibly.


On Wednesday 23rd December, 2020, Tawala TV hosted Imarika Environment Brigade on their breakfast show to discuss on how to celebrate the festive season with the vulnerable in the society. Below is the interview. To watch the full interview please open the link that follows https://youtu.be/XAciFZOpgFM

Our Environment Our Investment

Photos from I.E.B's post 19/12/2020

On Thursday December 17, 2020, IEB participated in a tree planting activity organized by Equity bank Kenya at Magongo Primary school in Changamwe Mombasa. This is in line with our objective of increasing forest cover in Changamwe by 2% in the next one year and the nationwide objective of 10% by 2030. Equity aims to plant 35 million trees nationwide in 2021.
Other stakeholders that engaged in the event included KFS, KMTC , TVET , CDF and Magongo Primary School .Changamwe OCPD graced the ocassion. IEB is ready to work with Equity and any other organization or initiative geared at conserving the environment and biodiversity and increasing tree cover.

Our Environment, Our Investment

Photos from I.E.B's post 14/12/2020

Smiles and memories

Photos from I.E.B's post 13/12/2020

We promised, we delivered.
society's well being is our responsibility.

Photos from I.E.B's post 12/12/2020

On Saturday, 12th December, 2020 IEB hosted an event dubbed smiles and memories at the association of the Physically Disabled Kenya (APDK) centre in Portreitz. The event was facilitated by Mombasa cement company that sponsored the purchase of some items, David Wambua a retail stores owner donated some items, Changamwe Constituency CDF office which donated face masks and your generous contributions too.The event was graced by Mombasa White Heroes baseball team and Pwani Theatre Youth Group; our partners. In line with our objective of empowering the vulnerable in the society, we were able to provide food, entertainment and put a smile if not joy on the face of these beautiful souls. IEB shall from time to time conduct such charitable activities in order to give hope to the vulnerable and marginalized in the society. Thank you.

& memories

Photos from I.E.B's post 29/11/2020

The Eco-brigadiers

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Videos (show all)

On Wednesday 23rd December, 2020, Tawala TV hosted Imarika Environment Brigade on their breakfast show to discuss on how...


P. O. BOX 93535

Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday 08:00 - 17:00
Friday 08:00 - 17:00

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