Jivamukti Yoga Luxembourg

Jivamukti Yoga Luxembourg
65, Avenue de la Faïencerie L-1510
LUXEMBOURG Instudio Classes and Online platform (https://jylondemand.uscreen.io)

First Official Jivamukti Yoga Studio in Luxembourg
Jivamukti Yoga Classes for all levels.

Photos from Jivamukti Yoga Luxembourg's post 01/09/2024

Yoga is the state where you are missing nothing, total and complete, feeling OK, the ocean of nectarine.
Shri Brahmananda Sarasvati


Most of us experience a life full of wonderful moments and difficult moments. But for many of us, even when we are most joyful, there is fear behind our joy. We fear that this moment will end, that ee won’t get what we need, that we will lose what we love, or that we will not be safe. Often, our biggest fear is the knowledge that one day our bodies will cease functioning. So even when we are surrounded by all the conditions for happiness, our joy is not complete.
But we have the power to look deeply at our fears, and then fear cannot control us. We can transform our fear. The practice of living fully in the present moment - what we call mindfulness- can give us the courage to face our fears and no longer be pushed and pulled around by them. To be mindful means to look deeply, to touch our true nature of interbeing and recognize that nothing is ever lost.

~Thich Nath Hanh: Fear


“All that matters is that you are making something you love, to the best of your ability, here and now.” Rick Rubin

There are many ways to bring in the benefits of meditation to everyday life, in addition to a daily practice within. One way is through creating art. Art offers us a deeper connection to ourselves and the inspiration that leads us to our creations sparks greater awareness, too. Art is a powerful vehicle for active meditation because it invites us to experience new levels of acceptance as we express our past, present, and future selves through the creative process.

Doing something like pottery where you can’t really do anything else at the same time, makes it a mindful exercise. You are singularly focused on it and, in that sense, it makes it like a meditation or mindfulness practice, because it becomes a singular focused activity.

Join Alexandra and Tiziana for a journey that combines yoga and a ceramic workshop.

When: Wednesday September 11th from 18.30 - 21.30
The event will take place in Bonnevoie (more details to come). The yoga class will take place outside.
What to bring: Your yoga mat (and any prop you would like for your practice) an apron for the workshop, your creativity!

What is included: Yoga Class, All the material for the ceramic workshop and firing of your object.
Price: 70€
Cancellation policy: 5 days before the workshop.
In case of bad weather conditions, the workshop will be rescheduled or you will be reimbursed.

Enrollments via [email protected] or [email protected]

About Tiziana Nardini:
Passionate about the arts, manual activities and colors, I love to work with clay, paper and wool and mix them without moderation. Settled in Luxembourg since 2005, I had the opportunity to immerse myself in the world of ceramics and to follow training courses and internships in Luxembourg and Belgium. From 2013 I created my creation workshop E/UND (www.eund.eu) and I therefore participated in several editions of the fair “Lët’z go local”, at the “Marché de créateur” of Mudam and at the marché du Musée de la Ville de Luxembourg.

Photos from Jivamukti Yoga Luxembourg's post 18/08/2024

Weekly schedule, commencing Monday August 19th

Photos from Jivamukti Yoga Luxembourg's post 11/08/2024

Weekly schedule, commencing Monday 12th August


New program with Bodhi and Martina!
FRIDAY 30TH AUGUST: 18:00-20:30 (50€)

Join Bodhi and Martina for this transformative Chakra Awakening Journey. Together, they will guide you through the seven chakras—our energetic centers—using asana, pranayama, bija mantras, and various meditation techniques and essential oils. .

The seven chakras represent the different facets of our lives and relationships, including those with ourselves, our homes, our truths, our sexuality, others, our higher selves, the earth, and the universe.

By activating these energetic centers intentionally and physically through yoga asana, you can deepen your relationships with your parents, families, partners, teachers, and yourself. This workshop aims to provide insights into the emotional, mental, and physical challenges we face, potentially shifting your perception and helping you discover your true nature.

SATURDAY 31ST AUGUST: 10:00-12:00 (50€)

Join us for “Heart Above Your Head,” a transformative Jivamukti yoga Master class in Luxembourg, led by the renowned Bodhi. This session invites you to open your heart, bend over backwards, and explore inversions, allowing your heart to rise above your head. Bodhi, with his unique style and global experience, guides you to truly let go and enjoy the practice. Enhancing this journey, Martina Rosso’s incredible voice will create a special chanting experience, deepening your connection with your heart. Don’t miss this unique blend of movement and sound, designed to elevate your yoga experience and inspire you to be in your ♥️ .

Price: 50 € each class


Enrollments via our website, Mindbody App or [email protected]

Cancellation Policy: 48h with credit back on Mindbody account (no refund).


We don’t set out to save the world; we set out to wonder how other people are doing and to reflect on how our actions affect other people’s hearts.

Pema Chodron, When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times


We want to be happy. We want our lives to mean something.
Nevertheless, happiness seems to be difficult to grasp and distant. Sometimes it is not available, sometimes it is simply unattainable. And once we have found it, we realize how quickly we can lose it again. Our path to ultimate happiness is usually paved with nagging voices of self-doubt and fears.
There are moments when these voices are momentarily silenced; other times they torment us.
Despite our pursuit of happiness, we find ourselves in a greater or lesser degree of dissatisfaction or even despair.

Why are the happiness and fulfillment we seek so difficult to achieve? Or why is it so challenging to attain the contentment we crave?

The Yoga philosophy, in this case Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra, answers this question in one word: kleshas. Klesha is a kind of agony which is inside our very being. Ambition and effort for success means klesha. The kleshas serve as a framework for understanding our discord between our desires and our lived experiences. They define the anatomy of what binds us, and they keep us from what we long for. The cause of this conflict is a fundamental misunderstanding of who we really are. This misunderstanding is leading to all the other suffering within and around us and will probably take longer than a lifetime to become comprehensible to us.

From August Focus of the Month:
The five obstacles by and from .yogastudio

Read the full Focus on website!


*Link in BIO*
Dear Friends,
As we embrace the energy of August, we are delighted to share a diverse selection of events and yoga classes at JYL aimed at enhancing your practice and fostering a deeper connection with nature.

Join Sophie and Magali for Yoga in The Forest: Asana, Pranayama & Meditation on Friday, August 2nd, from 18:30-20:00. Where? Bambesch Parking Laftreff. Find all info in the link in BIO!

We are so excited to host our dear friend Bodhi at the end of August! Bodhi will be teaching a special Masterclass on August 31st from 10:00 to 12:00. Bodhi will be accompanied by Martina Rosso’s incredible voice, creating a special chanting experience that will deepen your connection with your heart. More info in this newsletter!

And... we are so happy to announce that our dear friend and amazing teacher Mitch Burnett will be visiting us at JYL on Friday, September 20th, Saturday, September 21st, and Sunday, September 22nd! Save the date!

Teens classes will start again in September on Fridays with Magali! The ‘Teens Yoga’ classes provide a non-competitive environment for teenagers to explore asanas that can help build self-confidence and strength. With breathing and relaxation techniques, concentration can be improved and stress reduced. Connecting to their bodies in a loving way, while staying playful and fun, allows them to truly hear the messages of their own hearts and make choices that resonate with their personal values.

And last... there are spots left for the retreat in Formentera with Magali and Vici from October 19th to 26th! All info in this newsletter!

Thank you. Your presence and dedication light up our studio.

Alexandra, Magali, and the JYL Team





The ‘Teens Yoga’ classes provide a non-competitive environment for teenagers to explore asanas that can help build self-confidence and strength. With breathing and relaxation techniques, concentration can be improved as well as stress reduced. Connecting to their bodies in a loving way, while staying playful and fun allows them to truly hear the messages of their own heart and make choices that resonate with their personal values. Classes often revolve around a philosophical theme and may include discussion, journaling, or chanting of mantras.

Price: 180€ for the 8 classes

Enrollment via: [email protected] / 691135640



To be divided is to be tense; to be united is to be relaxed. To be divided is disloyalty; to be united is complete loyalty. To be divided is gross insecurity; to be united is unshakable security. To be divided is to be fragile in the face of life’s most important challenges; to be united is to win the goal in life whatever the challenges, whatever the obstacles.
In other words, practicing yoga means that health, security, creativity, insight, and spiritual awareness all grow together.

~ Eknath Easwaran: The Essence of the Bhagavad Gita


We are so happy that our dear friend Bodhi will be back at JYL on the 31st of August! He will teach a Jivamukti Masterclass together with the beautiful Martina Rosso from 10:00-12:00.

Join us for “Heart Above Your Head,” a transformative Jivamukti yoga Master class in Luxembourg, led by the renowned Bodhi. This session invites you to open your heart, bend over backwards, and explore inversions, allowing your heart to rise above your head. Bodhi, with his unique style and global experience, guides you to truly let go and enjoy the practice. Enhancing this journey, Martina Rosso’s incredible voice will create a special chanting experience, deepening your connection with your heart. Don’t miss this unique blend of movement and sound, designed to elevate your yoga experience and inspire you to be in your ♥️

Price: 50 €

Enrollments via our website, Mindbody App or [email protected]

Cancellation Policy: 48h with credit back on Mindbody account (no refund).

Photos from Jivamukti Yoga Luxembourg's post 21/07/2024

Weekly schedule, week commencing Monday July 22


Sun Salutation Jivamukti A


Through this evolution, we come to deeply appreciate the profound gift that life bestows upon us. Vritti activity can obscure our true essence, but by examining moments of peace and joy, we get a glimpse of the real Self, which is Sat-chit-ānanda, truth-knowledge-bliss. This glimpse could come in the form of a furry companion, looking at the stars, listening to the rain, a smile, or feeling the touch of the sun, akin to the bird on the lower branch. Thus, we undergo a wonderful change—the revelation of the ātman.

Through experience, we come to understand the essence of freedom and learn to trust in it. As the absence of thoughts becomes a consistent presence in our lives. As advised by Sri Patañjali in sutra 1.14 “Abhyāsa, meditative practice, becomes firmly and naturally established over a long period of time when, without interruption and with constant effort, reverent and dedicated energy and great love, one fixes one’s mind on the Self, the I-AM”, commentary by Sri Brahmananda Sarasvati.

With constant practice over a long period of time, you will notice that the present seems eternal.

~ Mayela Gonzales: Jivamukti Focus of the Month July 2024


We are so happy to announce that our dear friend and amazing teacher Emma Henry from London will be teaching at JYL on Friday 19th July & Saturday 20th July:


FRIDAY 19th July 18:30-20:30 & SATURDAY 20thJuly 10:00-12:00

Whether you’re a beginner, deciphering the difference between vrksasana (tree) and sirshasana (headstand) or an advanced yogi who can put both feet behind their head, the Jivamukti Open class welcomes you, as it is open to practitioners of all levels.
You work at your own pace, following the teacher’s verbal as well as hands-on guidance. Asana options will be provided for beginners, intermediate and advanced students.
A typical Open class incorporates the five tenets of Jivamukti Yoga:
shastra (scripture)
bhakti (devotion)
ahimsa (kindness)
nada (music)
dhyana (meditation)

Price: 50 € each class

Enrollments via our website, Mindbody App
or [email protected]

Cancellation Policy: 48h with credit back on Mindbody account (no refund).


SATURDAY 20th July 13:30-16:00

In this workshop, Emma will be giving you the tools and inspiration to confidently, creatively and intelligently devise yoga sequences for safe and inspiring classes. We will look at how to represent your vision as a yoga teacher or yoga student. Looking at all the skills needed dealing with a mixed level yoga class while meeting the needs of beginners and experienced students. We will play with finding confidence in public speaking, finding authenticity in your teaching style, discuss where to find inspiring themes and how to choose the fitting asana, chants and music that aligns with your intention. Although primarily aimed at yoga teachers, the ideas discussed will be relevant to anyone with a self-practice – or wondering how to build their own practice.
Please bring a workbook to take notes and a book that you find inspirational that brings joy to you

Price: 70 €

Enrollments via our website, Mindbody App
or [email protected]

Cancellation Policy: 48h with credit back on Mindbody account (no refund).

Photos from Jivamukti Yoga Luxembourg's post 15/07/2024

Weekly schedule commencing monday 15th july


Yoga in the Forest with Magali & Sophie: Asana, Pranayama & Meditation

Reconnect with nature through an immersive yoga experience in the forest. This unique class combines the physical postures of asana, the breath control of pranayama, and the tranquility of meditation to help you achieve a peaceful state of mind. Surrounded by the sights, sounds, and scents of the natural world, you’ll feel a sense of freedom and rejuvenation as you strengthen your body and calm your mind.

Class Highlights:
🌳 Nature Connection: The serene forest environment helps you reconnect with nature, reducing stress and promoting a sense of well-being. The Japanese practice of shinrin-yoku, or ‘forest bathing,’ has been shown to lower stress hormones, and combining this with yoga enhances these benefits.
🌲Grounding Experience: Fresh air, the sounds of birds and insects, and the feel of the earth beneath your feet bring you into the present moment. This grounding experience not only clears your mind but also fosters a deeper commitment to environmental preservation.
🌿 Holistic Wellness: Stepping away from screens, moving your body, and soaking up natural sunlight are powerful ways to reduce anxiety and improve your overall perspective. Practicing yoga outdoors ticks all these boxes, offering a holistic approach to wellness.

Location: Bambesch Parking Laftreff
What to Bring:
• Yoga mat
• Comfortable, layered clothing (extra layers can provide additional cushioning and support)

We will begin our practice as soon as we enter the natural space by walking mindfully and focusing on our breath. We will allow the sounds around us to help separate our mind from daily concerns, and practice releasing thoughts as they arise.

Join us for a transformative yoga session in the forest, where you can let go of your anxieties, uplift your spirit, and reconnect with the environment in a meaningful way.
All levels.

Enrollments via our website, Mindbody App
or [email protected]

In case the weather is not good, we will teach the class at the studio or you can have a credit for another class.

Photos from Jivamukti Yoga Luxembourg's post 08/07/2024

Weekly schedule, week commencing Monday July 8th


Yoga in the Forest with Magali & Sophie: Asana, Pranayama & Meditation

Reconnect with nature through an immersive yoga experience in the forest. This unique class combines the physical postures of asana, the breath control of pranayama, and the tranquility of meditation to help you achieve a peaceful state of mind. Surrounded by the sights, sounds, and scents of the natural world, you'll feel a sense of freedom and rejuvenation as you strengthen your body and calm your mind.

Class Highlights:
• Nature Connection: The serene forest environment helps you reconnect with nature, reducing stress and promoting a sense of well-being. The Japanese practice of shinrin-yoku, or ‘forest bathing,’ has been shown to lower stress hormones, and combining this with yoga enhances these benefits.
• Grounding Experience: Fresh air, the sounds of birds and insects, and the feel of the earth beneath your feet bring you into the present moment. This grounding experience not only clears your mind but also fosters a deeper commitment to environmental preservation.
• Holistic Wellness: Stepping away from screens, moving your body, and soaking up natural sunlight are powerful ways to reduce anxiety and improve your overall perspective. Practicing yoga outdoors ticks all these boxes, offering a holistic approach to wellness.
Location: Bambesch Parking Laftreff
What to Bring:
• Yoga mat
• Comfortable, layered clothing (extra layers can provide additional cushioning and support)

We will begin our practice as soon as we enter the natural space by walking mindfully and focusing on our breath. We will allow the sounds around us to help separate our mind from daily concerns, and practice releasing thoughts as they arise.

Join us for a transformative yoga session in the forest, where you can let go of your anxieties, uplift your spirit, and reconnect with the environment in a meaningful way.

Enrollments via our website, Mindbody App
or [email protected]

In case the weather is not good, we will teach the class at the studio or you can have a credit for another class.


Gillian is back at JYL!
Do you have a particular pose you’ve been working on for a while that you’d love some individual guidance on?
Or are you a complete beginner who’d like to start a yoga practice but don’t know where to start? Or maybe just in a bit of rut and looking to get off yoga autopilot?

If so come join us for an asana clinic where you will get a chance to figure out your pose, your breath and more.

This highly experienced teacher will meet your practice where it’s at and help you find a way to take it to the next level. So whether you’re an experienced Ashtangi looking to finish second series or a total beginner figuring out how to downdog, you will find what you need and more in our popular asana clinic.

Come join us and see for yourself .
No need to practice Ashtanga to attend; we welcome all styles.

Enrollments via our website, Mindbody App or [email protected]

Cancellation Policy: 48h with credit back on Mindbody account (no refund).


“When you open yourself to the continually changing, impermanent, dynamic nature of your own being and of reality, you increase your capacity to love and care about other people and your capacity to not be afraid.”

Pema Chödrön, Practicing Peace in Times of War: A Buddhist Perspective

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Our story

Jivamukti Yoga Luxembourg opened its doors on March 2019: you can find us in Avenue de la Faïencerie, 65.

Jivamukti Classes for all level practitioners.

Vidéos (voir toutes)

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“I Love Jivamukti Yoga” ❤️ Sharon Gannon reflecting at the last 300HR Teacher Training in November 2023.Explore this mag...
#Repost @jivamuktiyoga with @use.repost・・・* Immerse yourself in the transformative journey of Jivamukti Yoga’s 300HR Tea...
We have big news 🙌🏻! We are so happy to announce that our dear friend and vinyasa teacher Elisa will join Yoga Palais te...
#repost from KLARA PÜSKI YOGA Jivamukti This is what happens when you spend 48 hours with the crew of @yogapalais anothe...
The view from our studio is such an inspiration today!!! Because it is all about vibrations! 🎼🎼🎼✨✨ #luxembourcity #cityo...


65, Avenue De La Faïencerie

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