Michelle Clinard, Self-Healing Educator & Coach

I teach self-healing and cycle-breaking so you can stop feeling stuck, improve your healing outcomes, get regulated, and transform your life.

Michelle Clinard is a Self-Healing Educator, Coach, and Trauma-informed Energy Practitioner specializing in deep healing from past trauma, conditioning, stress, emotions, or survival patterns that keep you feeling stuck in old outcomes no matter how hard you try to heal or self-improve. Michelle helps self-healers who can no longer tolerate staying where they are in their health or lives generate

Photos from Michelle Clinard, Self-Healing Educator & Coach's post 09/04/2024

I finally got my designs over Printify so I wanted to share some examples of the designs and products available...

There are some fun, fall-inspired designs to check out, as well as cat, dog, chakra, and witchy designs. I hope you enjoy them!

Please give a like or share if you like something, or follow the link in the comments to order your new tee, tote, sticker, mug, flag, or hoodie - every type of support is helpful and appreciated ❤



My wonder is not 'childlike'...my silliness and whimsy are old and battle worn, indeed.

I EARNED IT, I've nurtured and protected it for so long.

I've had people ask me "How do you continue to trust and love and find beauty and wonder in the world after experiencing [fill in the blank]?"

My answer to that question is a 3-part answer:




My Wonder is Ancient.

Photos from Michelle Clinard, Self-Healing Educator & Coach's post 09/03/2024
Photos from Michelle Clinard, Self-Healing Educator & Coach's post 08/30/2024

Check out what's coming to the Self-Healing Support Membership in September!

September is all about Supporting Healing Stress, Overwhelm, and Anxiety

➡2 live healing sessions focused on healing stress, survival stress held in the body causing anxiety, PTSD, and more
➡ 2 live healing sessions focused on healing stress, survival stress held in the body causing anxiety, PTSD, and more
➡ An intuitive, healing activating message from your Amygdala
➡ How to Self-Soothe workshop and worksheet to help you create more effective ways to reduce and recover from stress, overwhelm, and anxiety

Use the QR code to Access More Information about the SHS Membership and to Sign Up, or visit michelleclinard.com


Please enjoy this throwback to 13 years ago when my eldest cat, Miu (pronounced Me-you), used to ride my kiddo's rocking horse...

The rocking horse had button in its ear you could push to make it whinney but it would whinney on its own quite frequently, I have to assume out of either enjoyment that the cat was riding it or to get our attention...maybe both lol

It's a memory that makes my heart smile...

Has anything made your heart smile this week? Or is there something that makes your heart smile when you think of it or see something that reminds you? Tell me in the comments, I'd love to know!


An intuitive message from your Amygdala is coming this September 2024 to the Self-Healing Support Membership to activate healing from chronic stress, anxiety, and overwhelm!

Join the Self-Healing Support Membership to access intuitive body messages, 2 Live Emotional Energy Healing Support Sessions, a growing library of healing & self-care resources, and access to a mentor for support and guidance EVERY MONTH!

Learn more and Sign up using the QR code on the image or visit michelleclinard.com

Photos from Michelle Clinard, Self-Healing Educator & Coach's post 08/29/2024

If you're ready to get out of your own way, this workshop will help you break through all the subconscious crap that causes setbacks, self-sabotage, and feeling stuck.

Let's identify the invisible barriers that are your nervous system and subconscious mind trying to protect you from disappointment, failure, rejection, and other deeply held fears so that you can break down those invisibly, but VERY REAL, barriers to creating the health, life, and relationships you've been trying so hard to create!

Let me help you create more of what you want, LET'S DO THIS TOGETHER!

Photos from Michelle Clinard, Self-Healing Educator & Coach's post 08/28/2024

Like my new t-shirt?

I sure do! But, admittedly, I'm a bit partial to the design because I designed it...

I've included my inspiration for the design in pic 2, that's Loki "helping" me with work by laying across my shoulders rather adorably, but intrusively. I feel that I captured his personality well!

I also wanted to mention that this shirt, and soon-to-be others, are available for purchase via Printify...I'll put the link in the comments in case you're a cat lady in need of a fun t-shirt to represent this election season.


If you're seeking nervous system regulation practices with a goal or expectation of being 100% regulated 100% of the time, to avoid feeling emotions, or bypass uncomfortable feelings ...

Then you'll likely struggle to maintain your NS regulation practice!

If the benefits of NS regulation feel fleeting...
If you feel like it's not working for you...
If you feel like you're having setbacks in progress...
If you feel like something's missing that's preventing you from successfully regulating...

Join my Nervous System Regulation Workshop to:
😻 fill in the blanks about NS regulation
😻 receive guidance & insight about what is/isn't working
😻 learn what it takes to successfully regulate
😻 learn what regulation looks like in real life
😻 learn the difference between being regulated and self-soothing
😻 learn & practice somatic regulation techniques

If you're currently trying to get regulated or are curious about NS regulation, this workshop is right for you!

Sign up now for my Nervous System Regulation Workshop on September 21, 2024 at 1pm ET online from the comfort of wherever you are!

DM me the word 'REGULATION' to receive a registration link, or visit michelleclinard.com

Photos from Michelle Clinard, Self-Healing Educator & Coach's post 08/22/2024

My day in images...

Pic #1 of my derpy, beautiful, liquid black cat Loki is how I started my day

Pic #2 of my new t-shirt that just arrived brought a little joy to my day (and the design is my artistic creation in print, so a-woohoo to it turning out as awesome as I imagined!)

Happy Thursday 😺

Overcoming Limiting Beliefs 08/21/2024

Are you sick of struggling to create what you want?

That invisible barrier holding you back is real and you can remove blocks or barriers by addressing your subconscious beliefs...

Subconscious beliefs are not what we *THINK*, it's what we subconsciously believe to be true about ourselves, what we do/do not deserve, the world, and our place/role in the world.

By identifying what's under the surface driving our thoughts, feelings, actions, and outcomes we can create MORE of WHAT WE WANT.

If you're in a repetitive pattern of struggling with physical or emotional health, emotional regulation, physical health, achieving your goals, finding your purpose, shifting habits, or making improvements to your health/life/relationships...

OVERCOMING LIMITING BELIEFS will provide insight to shift the narrative about yourself, help you navigate resistance faster and with greater ease, restore a sense of flow where you've felt stuck, and help clear any unprocessed emotions that have been weighing you down.

It's time for you to BE SUPPORTED to get you where you want to be so you don't have to keep struggling to get there on your own. You'll be AMAZED at what you can accomplish on your own AFTER breaking free from the subconscious blocks you KNOW EXIST but can't see!

No one can see all the subconscious information we carry with us, that's how human beings work! But you can commit to working with someone who can help you see under the surface to make it easier to navigate beyond it!

Let's work together to identify and overcome the invisible boulder in your way!

📌 1st session Saturday Sept 7th from 11a - 3p ET online from wherever you are...
📌 4 follow-up sessions (these are the +'s!) to be scheduled at the 1st workshop to support you
📌 8 hours of support for only $150


Click the LINK IN COMMENTS to LEARN MORE and SIGN UP, or DM me the word 'BREAKTHROUGH' to chat about whether or not this workshop is a good fit for what you need to get you where you want to be.

Overcoming Limiting Beliefs Overcoming Limiting Beliefs to get your body/nervous system on board with the thing you WANT MOST


Don't forget to Sign Up for the Overcoming Limiting Beliefs+ Workshop to break free from the invisible but very real barriers holding you back from experiencing the life, health, and relationships you desire and deserve!

This workshop is coming up soon, September 7th from 11a-3p ET online from the comfort of wherever you are...

You'll want to attend live to get the most from this workshop where we'll identify the limiting beliefs driving the self-sabotage, stuckness, and other uncomfortable patterns that make it hard to create the outcomes you want no matter how hard you try.

It's time to break through! Now's the time, let's do this together!

DM me with 'BREAKTHROUGH' to get the registration link, or visit my website michelleclinard.com


Self-sabotage is a sign that your nervous system feels uncertain or unsafe about creating or getting EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT...

It sounds counterintuitive but it's how our human bodies and brains are wired to function for our protection and survival...and You Can Learn how to work WITH your nervous system to support ease of change, healing, growth, improvements, achieving your goals, and break the cycle of self-sabotage.

DM me 'SELF-SABOTAGE' to learn more about opportunities to learn this life-changing skill!


A stop in St. Louis, Missouri (pronounced Misery by Paul without ever missing a beat! 😆)


Come learn how to self-soothe and calm more effectively in this Self-Soothing Workshop to support regulation, calming, relaxation, and recovery from the inevitable uncomfortable feelings and sensations associated with being human...

You can't escape discomfort, but you can certainly learn how to navigate it more effectively so you can recover and feel better faster when stress, overwhelm, anxiety, triggers, or dysregulation happen.

Sign up now and save the date - Sept 12 at 730pm ET online from the comfort of wherever you are!

DM or comment with 'CALM' for a link to register!


Mark your calendars for Sept 12 at 730pm ET for the Self-Soothing Workshop where we'll explore ways to calm & self-soothe in moments you experience stress, anxiety, overwhelm, or triggers so you can recover faster and better than ever from life’s ups, downs, and discomforts!

What the workshop covers:

✔How our automatic self-soothing responses may be holding us back
✔Identify current ways of self-soothing and how effective they are for recovery
✔The meaning of discomfort/stress
✔The reason we struggle and get stuck
✔Why our automatic responses or old ways to cope/soothe aren't always effective
✔Practice new ways of effective self-soothing
✔A private FB group for ongoing support in your self-soothing practice so you never have to get stuck in discomfort again

What you'll get from this workshop:

✔️Clarity and self-awareness around what is and is not helpful for bouncing back from stress, overwhelm, or anxiety
✔️Understanding the basics of the nervous system's role in stress, anxiety, discomfort
✔️New tools to help calm and soothe yourself
✔️More confidence in your ability to recover and navigate stressful moments

If you can no longer tolerate staying stuck in cycles of emotional or physical discomfort or stress/overwhelm and are ready to feel more in control of how you feel... This is the right workshop for you!

Sign up link in the comments, or DM me with 'SELF-SOOTHE' for the link!

Overcoming Limiting Beliefs Workshop 08/11/2024

Join us September 7th from 11-3 pm ET online from the comfort of wherever you are to identify the invisible blocks preventing you from experiencing the health, life, relationships, joy, success, and connection you desire...

It's so frustrating to try so hard to create the outcomes you want when there are invisible, but very REAL, barriers holding you back...

If you're ready for an AHA moment and a sense of relief, safety, and flow to return to your body and mind...the Overcoming Limiting Beliefs+ Workshop is right for you.

We'll identify a struggle or issue, the associated limiting belief, repattern a new belief into your body/brain, and practice supporting this shift after the workshop so you have a clear path to overcome limitations and create more of what you want for yourself!

What does the '+' stand for? There will be four weekly support calls to support the implementation of what you learn in the workshop with simple daily practice that you'll do as you go through your day - the ongoing support is the plus! Plus, no extra time you don't have is necessary for this practical self-care you'll learn and practice between support calls!

The Overcoming Limiting Beliefs+ Workshop is one you'll want to attend live to get the most benefit from it. It's being offered at the lowest price it will ever be, so you'll want to take advantage of the low pioneer offer price!

Learn more about the Workshop in this video...
Sign up for the workshop with the link in the comments...
DM me to chat about whether this workshop is right for you if you aren't sure...

Overcoming Limiting Beliefs Workshop Overcoming Limiting Beliefs Workshop is coming soon! On Sept 7th we kick things off with a 4-hour workshop to identify an issue and corresponding limiting su...


September is full of Healing and Self-Care Support Workshops!

Sept 7th is the Overcoming Limiting Beliefs+ Workshop starting at 11am ET to get your body/nervous system on board with the thing you WANT MOST. This Workshop is a trial run of a future group healing + coaching program, the + means ongoing support to help you implement what you learn in the Workshop. I'm estimating a 4 hour initial workshop PLUS a minimum of 4 weekly support calls to follow. This 8 hour workshop is at the lowest price it may ever be at $150...

Sept 12th at 730pm ET is the Self-Soothing Support Workshop to identify old and NEW ways of self-soothing and calming to help you recover faster and more effectively from stress, emotions, triggers, and other discomfort. This workshop is $20 to attend.

Sept 21st at 1pm ET is the Nervous System Regulation Workshop to provide a clear path to getting regulated. This workshop is ideal for those who are curious about, interested in, or struggling with nervous system regulation. There will be some discussion, some education, and some practice involved in this workshop.

There's more that's not yet scheduled but I hope to fit it into Sept (or Oct at the latest!), which includes the How to Meet Your Needs Workshop AND the Intro to Healthy Boundaries Workshop...stay tuned for more deets on these

If you would like more information on these Educational and Healing Supportive Workshops, please DM me for a registration link and/or info.

I look forward to seeing you in class!


I have two last-minute openings for Private 1:1 Healing Sessions on Thurs Aug 8, 2024
during the POWERFUL LION’S GATE ENERGY for manifesting change & healing

One opening is at 2pm ET and the other is at 8pm ET...
If you want to schedule a session, here’s a GREAT opportunity to do so...
DM me with ‘SESSION’ for details and to schedule!

Photos from Michelle Clinard, Self-Healing Educator & Coach's post 08/02/2024

What do you wake up wanting Every. Single. Day?

➡️ Do you ever wonder why it feels so hard to get it, create it, or EXPERIENCE IT?

➡️ Do you get sick of cycling through struggles, setbacks, feeling stuck, or other repetitive patterns that seem to BLOCK you no matter how much you do or how hard you try?

➡️ Can you no longer tolerate being where you are instead of WHERE YOU WANT TO BE?

➡️ Are you ready to identify the root cause and break the stuck-cycle so you can experience the life, health, or relationship outcomes you desire?

It's time to Overcome the Limiting Subconscious Beliefs to rewrite your story in your own words, instead of living your story as told by the experiences, people, and pain of the past.

If YOU'RE READY, I'm ready!

Join my live healing support workshop, Overcoming Limiting Beliefs, online Sat Sept 7th to get your body/nervous system on board with the thing you WANT MOST...

This is about getting your body to match your desires/desired outcome...
And getting your body to match the mindset shift you're trying to make...
And getting your body energies to match the energy of what you WANT MORE OF instead of what you already have or want LESS of...
And it's about getting you results (I'm intentionally not saying 'manifesting' bc it's so cliche and most people struggle to magically, easily manifest with GOOD REASON, and no fault of your own!)

Use the QR Code in the images to sign up, or DM me with a 🥨 to get the link!


LISTEN to Your Body: the BASIC Needs Masterclass introduces you to applied somatics that will help you reconnect with your body, increase your self-awareness, improve your ability to recover from discomfort, and connect you to your true power to influence how you feel and function.

It all begins with supporting our Basic Human Needs with attention and new responses as you go through the day...and it ends with your own body becoming your #1 self-care tool.

All human beings already listen to their body's signals about our basic needs for hunger, thirst, rest, elimination, and safety/security...

But do you ever miss or delay your response? This is a conditioned response to the signals and a NEW response opens up doors to NEW experiences, like less discomfort and faster recovery from discomfort and more.

New responses is where the HEALING and IMPROVED OUTCOMES AND EXPERIENCES happen!

When you learn to listen and respond in new ways, you'll improve how you feel while also supporting your body's natural healing and regulating systems to help you get out of survival mode and set yourself up to thrive!

This simple, somatic self-care practice is the path from where you are to where you want to be in your health, life, and relationships...

Access the masterclass, self-assessment worksheet, and 10-day listen to your body challenge completely free today!


Photos from Michelle Clinard, Self-Healing Educator & Coach's post 07/31/2024

The August Intuitive Healing Message from your Body is from your EYES...

Your EYES want you to see yourself beyond your trauma/survival patterns.
You are NOT your Anxiety, Triggers, or Self-sabotaging behaviors.
You are NOT your Mistrust, Disconnection, or any other survival/coping-learned patterns you have.

Your authentic self is a valuable, worthy, amazing human being whose potential is greater than your imagination and your protective survival patterns will let you see.

Deep down, there is fear of being seen, vulnerable, 'too much', disliked, rejected, hated, or harmed...based on past experiences when it didn't feel safe to shine your light, so you dimmed your light to cope and survive.

At the time, it was necessary...but the world needs your light to shine, it needs your authentic expression of self!

But it is possible to help your body's protective survival systems feel safe to seek and be your most authentic self...

For the full message from your body, PLUS ongoing emotional healing and somatic self-care support, JOIN the SELF-HEALING SUPPORT MEMBERSHIP using the QR code on the last image of this post (or link in my bio).

If you want to learn more about healing your past, finding your purpose/authentic self, or overcoming fear/limitations holding you back to reclaim your SELF, healing, life, and relationships...DM me with ⚡⚡⚡ to learn what it takes to get you from where you are to where you WANT TO BE!

Photos from Michelle Clinard, Self-Healing Educator & Coach's post 07/30/2024

Attention Self-Healers and Cycle-Breakers!

If you can no longer tolerate staying where you are and are ready to break free from the patterns, habits, and self-sabotage blocking you from the health, life, and relationship outcomes you work so hard to create...

Then you won't want to miss out on the Self-Healing Support Membership Content this August!

2 Live Somatic Energy Healing Sessions focused on healing and breaking the individual and family patterns that keep you stuck and struggling
An informative Cycle-Breaking Workshop teaching what it takes to break the limiting patterns and cycles to create to outcomes.
A Cycle-Breakers Worksheet to identify the patterns of coping and surviving that once helped you but are now working against you to empower you to make new choices and get the right support for breaking free and breaking through.
An Intuitive Healing Message from your Body to activate healing from within plus simple guided action to integrate the healing on all levels - body, mind, and spirit.
Plus access to a growing library of healing sessions and healing support resources, and access to a supportive coach/healer for guidance to get you past your stuck-points, struggles, and setbacks.

Learn more about the Self-Healing Support Membership and access the Sign Up form, the LINK is in my BIO

and don't forget to enter code 'FREETRIAL' at checkout for the first month free!
[after the first month, the SHS Membership is $33/month and you may cancel anytime]

Photos from Michelle Clinard, Self-Healing Educator & Coach's post 07/28/2024

sighting in Valencia, Spain overlooking what appears to be the Palau de les Arts Reina Sofía ...
(Improv in the absence of stickers)

Photos from Michelle Clinard, Self-Healing Educator & Coach's post 07/26/2024

If you can no longer tolerate staying where you are and want to talk about getting real results without so much struggle, stuckness, and setbacks...let's chat about what it takes to reclaim your health, life, relationships, and more!

Use the QR code in the images, or find the LINK in my BIO


When I started my healing journey, it was because the physical pain and symptoms had become overwhelming and unbearable.

I was looking for physical relief as a result of my healing efforts so much that I missed the huge and early impact my efforts had on improving my emotional symptoms.

I had severe chronic anxiety and panic attacks that required me to plan around it to function in my day-to-day life... This way of managing my anxiety was okay, but if I'm real...this way had my anxiety managing me and it also impacted those closest to me at times.

I wasn't even the first person to notice the significant improvement in my anxiety, my partner noticed first and brought it to my attention!

I was so focused on what I thought healing *should* look like for me that I missed it altogether.

This is one of many reasons why we need support to heal, change, and improve...
To help us identify our needs, focus on the actions aligned with what we need/want, and see our efforts and progress from a different perspective, one that's often blocked from our view by the pain or obstacles we're trying to overcome.

Support comes in a variety of ways...if you would like to learn more about getting the support you need, DM me or comment with 🦁


I'm a day late sharing this, but yesterday was my 18th wedding anniversary.

I can't believe I've been married for 18 years and in a relationship with the same person for 22.

I never imagined this milestone possible for me until I met someone willing to have difficult conversations about safety, healing, and feeling seen in healthy relationships.

I came into this relationship full of self-sabotaging behaviors, emotionally dysregulated and reactive, co-dependent, and with my walls up (probably my foot in the door in case I needed to escape, too, if I'm to be completely honest).

It took me a while to figure out that a lot of these problematic behaviors and emotional patterns were because relationships didn't feel safe to me.

In more recent years I’ve been able to form an incredibly deep connection with this wonderful human whom I’ve known for more than 20 years but feel like I’m getting to know a whole new side of him that’s been there all along but I couldn’t see or experience it through my survival stress from the past.

It’s taken more than just healing emotions or talking through my past issues to overcome such immense blocks and barriers I had to joy, love, connection, and relationships…

It took getting to the root causes, the most deeply rooted wounds, fears, and pain I carried in my body. Then supporting a shift in the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors associated with them…

It took ongoing practice with plenty of failures and setbacks, the commitment to doing it over and over even when it felt uncomfortable or didn’t seem like it was working…

It took identifying old patterns of coping and feeling safe and developing NEW ways to cope with discomfort and restore safety and regulation in my body AND mind…
These are things I can teach you…if you are ready for a BIG change in yourself, your relationships, your relationship WITH YOURSELF, your health, or any aspect of your life.

If you can no longer tolerate where or how things are and are ready for something new…let’s chat.

DM me if you want to learn more about what it takes and what resources are available.


Image of cursive text "Jeremy Bearimy" (from the TV show 'The Good Place' with blue background.

The path to healing and improvement is more like a Jeremy Bearimy than a straight line.

Try to keep that in mind as you work toward that goal, even if you're not progressing in a straight line - you're still progressing!

I know all too well what it feels like when navigating those dips and curves. It feels like progress lost, like a setback, and like you may never get where you want to be...

The most helpful thing you can do in response to these feelings or to the dips and curves you encounter is to remind yourself that the reality is that it is still progress no matter how it feels...the feeling is not your FULL reality, it's temporary.

Remind yourself of this a thousand times if you need to...then take action to soothe and calm yourself (a walk, focusing on breathing, hugs from someone...whatever works to calm and soothe you).

YOU get to choose the story of you and your healing journey...the automatic one is the discomfort and fear talking, choose to reiterate a NEW story in your mind to get you back on track and recover faster from any unpleasant feelings that crop up in response to the experiences.

Keep in mind that if you still struggle after trying this, you may need more support.

If you are making an effort to heal, self-care, self-soothe, or self-improve then I assure you that you're doing ENOUGH...

Let's chat about your struggles and goals anytime to identify resources that will help you get from where you are to where you want to be! LINK in BIO

Photos from Michelle Clinard, Self-Healing Educator & Coach's post 07/22/2024

Here are some pictures from our family vacation:
The beautifully lit up circle in Centro Madrid Spain...
And my COVIDcation face after spending the day getting medical attention. I hope I looked as "can't be arsed" as much as I feel...

I'm in Spain with mi familia and we've all contracted Covid-19, so we're making the best of a really crappy situation.

In the past, I would have taken this way more personally. I would have believed the story and meaning my mind created about such a crappy situation...

It would have sounded a lot like "NOTHING ever goes right", "This ALWAYS happens to me", "I knew we SHOULD HAVE (fill in the blank)", "We just aren't even allowed to have any fun", or "This is what I get, I don't deserve nice things".

I've done a lot of self-healing work to dig up my old stories and beliefs and create new ones through practice. I've also done a lot of somatic healing work to repattern trauma, survival stress, and limiting beliefs that kept me unintentionally playing out thoughts, feelings, stories, and behaviors that led me right back into more old pain and limitation patterns.

I'm holding a workshop soon to help others identify a limiting belief, repattern it, learn how to break the cycles with practice, and gain a lot of self-awareness and insight into the WHY things are the way they are.

If you want to learn more about it, I'll put the link in the comments...

Meanwhile, I'm graciously accepting any offers of well-wishes and/or healing support for me and my family dealing with covid on vacation instead of just enjoying ourselves...I kinda can't wait to be in my own bed 😴😷🫠

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About Me & My Work

Hi, I’m Michelle. I am as practical as I am intuitive...or is it the other way around? Either way, my approach is practical and intuitive. My passion is learning about and understanding anatomy and physiology, and how past pain, trauma, coping mechanisms, and conditioning affect them. My approach to healing, growth, and transformation is one of wholeness. You are not *just* your arm, foot, or heart. You are not *just* your thoughts or feelings, even thought they are shaping your reality. You are not *just* your pain or what happened to you.

You are a dynamically functioning, multi-faceted being! Much of our issues, symptoms, pain, illness, and stuck patterns (in life, relationship, health, and more) are inter-related to your past experiences, conditioning, fears, and other subconscious factors that are still operating under the radar. It’s like the iceberg analogy you’ve likely heard before - that you only see a some of the iceberg, the largest part is submerged under the surface...but is still exists and is part of the whole iceberg. Well, your subconscious bits are part of the whole you, and they are creating the majority of what you experience in your reality. Are you ready for a higher level of self-awareness that allows your body to heal more effectively? Are you ready to disrupt old, limiting patterns and FEEL BETTER? Are you willing to tend to your needs in a way that supports your whole self? If so, you are in the right place and I’m going to show you how to make this happen and empower you with tools to continue on your own.

My whole purpose here (on this page and in the world) is to empower you, facilitate deep healing, and help you discover how amazing and powerful you truly are. I am here to help you unpack your old pain, story, conditioning, or limitations...then guide you toward new outcomes and possibilities. Let’s unpack your past pain and limitations, rediscover your REAL story under everything the world has written upon you, and put some empowering tools in your toolbox. You are in the right place for healing or coaching sessions that address the whole you, for learning self-care that activates self-healing, and for taking back your personal power!

Everyone is welcome here - be sure to download your free RESET technique and look for additional resources, such as videos or downloadables on my website www.MichelleClinard.com. You can find a lot of these resources, as well as offers, training, and more on this FB page or for a more private conversation focused on providing womxn a space for healing, growth, and introspection - you are invited to join the Womxn’s Healing Collective group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/874396239560410/

Videos (show all)

I'm rocking my new Aldi kicks today... feeling cute for tonight's live Healing Support Session inside the Self-Healing S...
two definitions of self-healing1. your body's natural ability to heal2. the effort you make to heal some aspect of your ...
To know me is to know I love cats, we have four...this is Pocky. She is the supervisor of all humans 😺
To know me is to know that I love cats, so here's another one! This is Miu (pronounced Me-you)
Disrupting Anxiety Patterns by 'Listening to Your Body'
Self-Healing Support Membership for all the self-healers out there wanting or needing something to heal or improve in th...
learn more about my Self-Healing Support Membership or join now use promotional code SELFHEAL3 to get the first 3 months...
#stitch with @Dr.Nicole LePera I love this affirming mantra Dr. Nicole LePera shared... but I feel compelled to share th...
I want you to get to know me better in 2024, so to know me is to know I love cats 😻introducing... Our youngest cat, Fibo...
sign of healing.. you're saying what you need to say even if you are scared or reluctant to do so... you're giving yours...
crying in one way the human nervous system regulates itself. if you cry often and notice yourself crying less frequently...
what healing looks like irlbecause healing is a subtle body process (nervous system, subconscious mind, emotions and emo...


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Ann McKenzie-Whole Life Expansion Guide Ann McKenzie-Whole Life Expansion Guide
Cary, 27513

I offer meditations, energy healing, wedding ceremonies & alkaline diet classes to reduce inflammation. Arbonne Consultant (Vegan Skin Care &Nutrition)

The Carolinas Center The Carolinas Center
1350 Browning Road
Cary, 29210

The Carolinas Center promotes innovation and excellence in advanced illness at the end of life throug

Cary Healthcare Associates Cary Healthcare Associates
301 Ashville Avenue Suite 111
Cary, 27518

Board-Certified Family Physicians, providing holistic, wellness-centered care.

Meridian Acupuncture of Cary Meridian Acupuncture of Cary
Cary, 27511

This a peaceful haven where people come to heal, have their pain relieved, increase fertility, and restore their balance.

Moonshadow Medical Massage Moonshadow Medical Massage
501 Pinner Weald Way #102
Cary, 27513

Pain Relief and Injury Recovery Specialists

Preston Chiropractic & Acupuncture Preston Chiropractic & Acupuncture
151 Quarrystone Cir, Ste 116
Cary, 27519

Preston Chiropractic and Acupuncture is a full service wellness office offering Chiropractic Care, Acupuncture, Physiotherapy, Dry Needling, Supplements, and Herbs.

Nirvelli Med Spa Nirvelli Med Spa
151 Quarrystone Circle, Suite 116
Cary, 27519

Nirvelli Med Spa offers a variety of relaxing massages and refreshing facials. Our spa also offers Laser Hair Removal, Waxing, CryoPen, Keravive Hair Treatment, Skin Tightening, an...