
TBanks is a Chicago based strength coach, fitness educator + space maker for community healing My goal is to motivate, to inspire.

Being fit is more than just achieving a certain look. It is a conscious decision to adopt a healthy lifestyle both mentally and physically.


✨Connect with me today or tomorrow for more details and to get your questions answered!✨

My 10 week intensive whole body wellness master class starts next week. Get PUMPED! Bringing in other wellness experts as well to hold a couple workshops. Make sure you head to the QR code for more information and sign up.

Photos from TBfit's post 03/20/2023

My life of gratitude & community❤️
Connect with me 🔗 Let’s reclaim fit💪🏾
(free consultation opportunity in my story, check it out!)

Photos from TBfit's post 03/06/2023

Move connected with TBanks
Link 🔗 with me to train for LIFE gains ☯️🔋😮‍💨💪🏾 at TBFit.

Comment below “I’m ready, let’s do this!” for programming options👇🏾👌🏾



🚨NEW PROGRAM ALERT NEW PROGRAM ALERT! The first TBFit Home Workout Guide is liiiiiive😍

TRANFORMERS!📢 Head over to the Reclaiming Fit App and get started 💪🏾 More to come folks, stay tuned…I’ve got a lot coming for you in these coming months🫶🏾
Feel healthy, free, and connected in your body withOUT compromising your budget or mental health in a toxic gym environment 💪🏾 Reclaiming Fit is a Black lgbtqia+ owned and operated app fitness and wellness app. This app center Black and Indigenous people of the global majority. Comment below if you’re interested 👇🏾


I love what I do and I’m really good at it. Im pumped to reach more and teach more with some exciting new things I’ve been working on…☺️


New TBFit program coming soon…stay tuned!!


Photos from TBfit's post 02/05/2023

Smiles, joy, and chaos. Lol


Squad goals 🔥 See y’all Sunday at the first Swish ***rbasketballclub meet up of the year!

📸 🔥🙏🏾

“The council” left@to right: .ishara .3.0.8

Photos from TBfit's post 01/12/2023

personalitT selfies

Photos from TBfit's post 12/09/2022

BG is home 🥺
[swipe through ❤️]

Been thinking a lot about my Black and brown q***r, trans, & non-binary friends since her release. Here’s a few shots I found in my photo library of us loving on each other. I just want to say I treasure the f*k out of each and every one of y’all in my life, pictured or not. You all literally complete me ❤️ and I love you.

BG - We see you. We cherish you. We love you!

Come celebrate with us Wednesday at 7pm with our Party Noire fam at Taylored

Mariame Kaba teaches us that hope is a discipline. We DID that - we got her home ❤️
(NOT b*den and his administration. she should have been home. FREE ALL CONVICTED OF 🌿POSSESSION!)



In just 12 hours, registration for the 6 week Reconnect challenge will be CLOSED.

Here’s a final reminder of everything you’re going to get:

✅ Access to The Reconnect 6 week program so you can reset your body to moving with more fluidity and healthy functionality

✅ Weekly group coaching calls to help personalize your plan

✅ A pdf guide to realignment so you can identify and remove the mental blocks and limiting beliefs holding you back from existing free in your body

✅ An easy guide to conscious eating so that you can incorporate balanced, wholesome, and affordable food choices and meal ideas into your week

✅ Your own App to get your body moving anywhere, anytime

✅ Discounted Monthly Coaching: Including Access To New Content

✅ The Exclusive Community To Hold You Accountable And Create Long Term Results

Time is running out to grab your spot as a founding member, saving over 90% of what the program is typically valued at.

📌 How do I claim one of the final remaining spots?

👇 Comment below with “I’m ready, let’s do this!”

You have just 12 hours to take action & grab this opportunity. ⏰

That is only if the remaining 4 spots aren’t claimed before the time’s up!

If you want to claim one of the few remaining spots, comment below with:

“I’m ready, let’s do this!”

Then hold tight for me to send you the sign up details straight into your messenger inbox.

The time is NOW for you to make a change.

👇 Comment “I’m ready, let’s do this!” below to reserve


🤯 11 out of 20 spots are already gone!

Spaces in the 6 week Reconnect challenge program are rapidly being snatched up, and registration closes in just 24 hours! ⏰

If you’re a BIPOC person in your mid 20s-30s 1)struggling with body pain/discomfort/trauma 2) having a hard time finding an affordable, accessible, relatable preventive health care options or 3) frustrated by the current mainstream fitness and wellness paradigm, this is your opportunity to reconnect to your body from an unrestricted and decolonized framework. Don’t miss out!

I shared this system with Say Say and the results they achieved moved me. (Read image testimonial 💕)

If you want to achieve these sorts of results in the next 6 weeks and beyond, comment below with:

“I’m ready, let’s do this!”👇

Then, hold tight for me to send you the sign up details straight into your messenger inbox.

Please act fast…

⏰ There are ONLY 9 spaces left! ⏰

Comment below NOW to reserve your space. 👇


📣 Alrighty I’ve gotta shut ya down!😩

Yep… ⏰ 48 HOURS LEFT ⏰

Time is running out to grab your spot on The Reconnect 6 week program.

And I’ve had a BUNCH of questions, so I wanna cover some important stuff real quick...

If you are still sitting on the fence, here is what you need to know...

👉 When does it start?
✅ On Monday July 18, 30 Founding Members of The Reconnect will kick off their journey working closely with me to reclaim access to healthy movement in their bodies withOUT dealing with toxic gym culture, heteronormatinve aesthetics centered standards for fitness, and financial limitations

👉 Who is it for?
✅ The Reconnect was designed to combat body trauma, pain, muscle weaknesses, and movement imbalances. This program is for BIPOC people who have tried fitness classes, gym trainers, workout dvds, and working out on their own - but still haven’t been able to feel strong and healthy in their bodies

👉 What’s included?
✅ You’ll get The Reconnect 6 week program, weekly group coaching calls, a pdf guide to realignment, a pdf guide to easy conscious eating, your own app, discounted monthly coaching, and an entry into a supportive community typically valued at $735.

👉 What equipment do I need?
✅ Nothing you need to go out and buy! Maybe just a few bath towels, a pillow or two, a chair, and a yoga mat (only if you already have one)

👉 How much time do I need?
✅ 30 min 3-5 times per week…that’s it!

👉 I’m not sure if a remote coaching plan is right for me
✅ Not to worry! You are not just a customer, you are my client for the entire 6 weeks. I take that very seriously…ask anyone I’ve ever worked with. We’ll have coaching calls once a week to help you stay on track…I’m taking care of you throughout this entire process and will guide you toward success! You have my word…And with all that’s offered in this 6 week program, I guarantee you’ll be glad you joined!

To grab one of the remaining spaces comment below with…

“I’m ready, let’s do this!”

Then hold tight for me to send you the sign up details straight into your messenger inbox.

But act fast… You’ve only got 48hrs before registration is closing!

👇 Comment below NOW to reserve your space.


How to feel healthy, free, and connected in your body without compromising your budget or mental health in a toxic gym environment!


Yesterday I revealed information about The Reconnect 6 week program for attaining a feeling of health, wholeness, and freedom in the body.

The response was AMAZING.

So here’s what’s going to happen…

I am looking for 30 bipoc mid 20-30 year olds who want to feel healthier and more connected in their bodies, are sick of carrying so much trauma, pain, tension, and weakness in their bodies, and are ready to take back control.

On Monday July 18, these founding members will start working closely with me to reconnect to their bodies. I got you every step of the way!

Does that sound exciting to you?

Would you LOVE to stop worrying about gym triggers and cost of functional movement training and start taking the right steps towards FINALLY feeling good in your body again?

Those 30 Founding Members will get:

✅ Access to The Reconnect 6 week program so that they can reset their bodies to moving with more fluidity and healthy functionality

👉 The program follows the Move Connected Method, which is a unique system to help you reclaim access to the range of movement your body has.. With the Move Connected method:

1) Workouts prioritize integrated movements and body awareness
2) Healthy strength gains are made when training intensity meets intentionality.
3) The program doesn't shoot for max effort until movements are mastered
4) Understanding of posture, positional strength, and correct movements patterns are the keys to training longevity. My “3Ps” are at the core of the program.
5) Part of the program is dedicated to fitness flow. Intuitive training>Movement creativity>Fitness Flow>Optimal physical well-being.
6) A trainer’s job is to give the client the tools to train self-sufficiently. I provide the tools for DIY fitness.

✅ Weekly group coaching calls to help personalize your plan

✅ A pdf guide to realignment so you can identify and remove the mental blocks and limiting beliefs holding you back from existing free in your body

✅ An easy guide to conscious eating so that you can incorporate balanced, wholesome, and affordable food choices and meal ideas into your week

✅ Your own App to get your body moving anywhere, anytime

✅ Discounted Monthly Coaching: Including Access To New Content

✅ The Exclusive Community To Hold You Accountable And Create Long Term Results

The best part is, you will get all of this for a huge discount as a founding member!

Interested in incorporating intentional movement practice back into your life from an unrestricted decolonial framework?

Comment below with “I’m ready, let’s do this!” & I will personally send you the details.

It’s that simple.

Just type “I’m ready, let’s do this!” below to secure your spot.

Living Connected,

PS: You may be thinking… What’s the catch? Well there is no catch. I’m simply looking to test out my new program and get some amazing testimonials before releasing it to the wider public at the price it deserves.

PPS: There are only 30 spots available as founding members for The Reconnect 6 week program, so if this sounds like you, don’t wait!


Are you a BIPOC person in your mid 20s-30s looking to incorporate intentional movement practice back into your life?

How are you supposed to feel healthy, whole, free, strong, and connected in your body when you feel a constant state of exhaustion and trauma existing in an anti-black white supremecist patriarchal capitalist world? 😱

“Is it actually possible to feel more connected in my body without dealing with toxic gym culture, heteronormatinve aesthetics centered standards for fitness, and financial limitations?! 🤯”

I bet you’ve given gym memberships, personal training, and old workout dvds a try... But nothing has quite worked for you, right?

And how do you even find the ⏰ TIME ⏰ to workout at a gym let alone commute there… if you work long hours at job that requires loads of your time and energy?

How do you justify spending money on cardio machines, kettlebells, dumbbells, etc if you barely use it?

😨 Why is it so nerve-racking to engage in physical activities with friends (ie camping, hiking, partying, protesting, etc)?

Is the constant battle to feel strong in my body really worth it?

Can you really get healthy and work toward optimal physical well-being without being triggered by toxic fitness culture?

🤔 And when should you stretch?

🤔 Should you push yourself in a workout if you haven’t done so in 6+ years? What if I’m stuck on how to get started?

🤔 Are 150min of cardio per week really required? How often?

🤔 What about proper rest and recovery?

Take a sec…and just BREATHE 😮‍💨

If any (or all) of the above questions run through your head… day after day… I might be able to help.

Hey, it's TBanks here… 👋

And, while I don't claim to know it all, I HAVE helped countless folks like you transform their body, mindset & life by creating a sustainable step by step action plan. 💪

And yet…

Not that long ago, I was in your shoes.

I spent the last 9 years reprogramming how my body moves. I overcame several debilitating stress induced injuries and chronic pain, and learned the hard way the value of moving intentionally.

Those days were rough.

I'd take a step forward only to take three more back. I was losing myself to the trauma stored in my body.

Anyways, if that's kinda how you feel right now...

Let me give you a road map, so that you stop hitting dead ends or getting lost on back roads, and instead take the fast lane to feeling strong and healthy that you can be proud of.

TRANSFORMER! Yeah….YOU! Let me help you get FREE in your body! 💪

👇 Here is what I’m proposing. 👇

I’ve had a TONNE of community folks reach out to me asking for my help.

So I had this dope idea to build a step by step plan to guide you from body achyness, tension, low energy, and dysfunctional movement to feeling comfortable and connected to your body again in just 6 weeks.

No fluff. No messing around, just a simple plan to take you from feeling blahhh 😕 to BAM💥 !

✅ If you are interested in claiming one of the 20 spots available, comment below with: *I’m ready, let’s do this!*

👉 More details to follow tomorrow in another post at 11:00am.

Living Connected




(if you know me, message me for further details)

Photos from TBfit's post 07/04/2022

🎶What time is it?!! 🗣APP LAUNCH TIME! It's a celebraaaaation🥳 What time is?! The time of my life!! It's almost out, scream and shout! 🎶



Workouts don't have to be so regimented that there's no space for fun! Get creative and find the joy again in moving your body 💕


TBFit app launches in July! Stay tuned💪🏾


to the track and field days! Grateful for all the lessons the sport has taught me. Definitely played a role in my coaching style today


I rarely spend time training my core. When we stay present and connected to our bodies when training, the core will always be engaged! If you don't feel activity in your mid section when you're working out, see a coach for support! I have some spots open, so feel free to reach out if you are in Chicago 🤘

The moment I committed training for health vs aesthetics, I not only increased my athleticm but also started seeing more detail in my muscularity...who woulda thunk?!

Photos from TBfit's post 04/27/2022

BACK to my workouts! I'm going to progress slowly back into strength training by starting with my signature program. HBH was a 90 day reconnect to self and journey back to health. This program was a comprehensive strength and cardio program that also served as a 90 day community wellness focus group. The group and I held ourselves accountable from November 2021 - end of January. It was quite the commitment but we all did it!! And came our mentally and physically stronger.

I'm starting back up with training in May and gonna do these HBH workouts again. I have all the workouts up on TBFit Patreon - if anybody wants to join me, shoot me a message!

Also, thinking about doing another program like this....any interest??

Photos from TBfit's post 04/25/2022

So ready to get back outside next week for training! No gym...never a problem 😁😉 Feel free to reach out for outdoor training options💪🏾


Exercise of the day: Push step to Split jerk press


1️⃣The ceiling is lava! Stay low on that push step to really feel your hips and thighs working the movement

2️⃣The split jerk is essentially a lunge. With any lunge variation, I tell folks that the feet should be on train tracks vs a tight rope. You ever feel like you're losing your balance when trying to hold a lunge? It's probably because you have tightrope feet! Spread your feet out and get grounded on those lunges

3️⃣Arm pits to ears on that overhead press. Really punch through the ceiling and act as if your holding up something heavy overhead. All about the power of intention folks - you don't need weights to feel the burn!

4️⃣Pre-engage the core - You shouldn't feel any lower back pain in that push step position. Create neutrality and stability in your lower spine by bracing that core. Pretend like someone is about to punch you in the stomach and feel how your belly hardens to protect itself. That's a pre-engaged core!

Want more individualized support? Message me for training options ✨


Just flow ✨ Back outside real soon folks!


Yall this is a new fav for me. The exercise works so many different areas - Try it out! Here's a few:

Hip mobility
Adductor (inner thigh) flexibility
Thoracic spine (middle back) rotational mobility
Core stabilization
Spinal control and awareness
Shoulder scapular stabilization


A throwback! My training goals may have shifted away from bodybuilding. But my heart is always with the sport. This is where I got my start. I started strength training at 11 years old with a pro bodybuilder who I looked up to. Functional strength and conditioning is my focus now, but I'll remember where I got my start!

Photos from TBfit's post 04/04/2022

This sums up my life the past couple weeks. >>>Swipe for cuteness 😸

Photos from TBfit's post 03/31/2022

to Fit + Lit. I definitely have missed hosting community wellness event throughout this pandemic. Looking forward to reconnecting in the great (naturally ventilated lol) outdoors this summer! Will start back up with small group training, and maybe even plan another larger community workout event. Stay tuned!

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

🚨NEW PROGRAM ALERT NEW PROGRAM ALERT! The first TBFit Home Workout Guide is liiiiiive😍TRANFORMERS!📢 Head over to the Rec...
Workouts don't have to be so regimented that there's no space for fun!  Get creative and find the joy again in moving yo...
Exercise of the day: Push step to Split jerk pressTips:1️⃣The ceiling is lava!  Stay low on that push step to really fee...
Just flow ✨ Back outside real soon folks! #Fitness2aT
Yall this is a new fav for me.  The exercise works so many different areas - Try it out! Here's a few:Hip mobility Adduc...
Bodybuilding.com Spokesmodel Search 2018
Any Avatar fans?! I give you, waterbending 🌊This is a great dynamic warm up for the whole body. Have fun with it! You’ll...
Ankle, knee, or hip pain or weakness? Try this series of exercises out. And remember, focus on body alignment before ram...
A favorite upper body and core move. Try this out!
Came up with this one thinking of healthy ways to ‘get up’ from a crossed legged sitting position. Inspired by variation...
Throwback to my little theybies out here putting in work at my new office! 😍Lolll yes, I really be calling Harrison Park...



415 W Huron Street (Leblon Fitness Club)
Chicago, IL

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This is a resource for anyone looking to exercise in a meaningful and body-positive way. Follow the Services tab at the top for opportunities for us to move together!