Project Chance - Creating Hope for Abused and Neglected Children Everywhere

Project Chance - Creating Hope for Abused and Neglected Children Everywhere

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Project Chance - Creating Hope for Abused and Neglected Children Everywhere, 7801 Phoenix Avenue, El Paso, TX.


As a parent, you are in the best position to watch and protect your own children, your childrens’ friends, and other children you know. By learning the signs of abuse, you can help a child by responding to any suspicions you might have.


► Be a nurturing parent!
► Help a friend, neighbor, or relative who is having trouble with family.
► Educate parents you know about healthy child development or healthy parenting.
► Get involved – advocate for services that help families.
► Volunteer at a local child maltreatment prevention program.
► Help develop parenting resources at your local library.
► Ask for help for yourself.
► Empathize with other parents - DON'T JUDGE!
► Offer your support to parents in your community.


Our wish this holiday season is for all kids to remain happy and safe while enjoying the magic of the holidays! ❄️⛄🌟

Here are a few reminders as you celebrate the season:

- Be prepared to enforce your child’s boundaries.
- Don’t let household rules get thrown out in the midst of holiday madness.
- Remember that it’s okay to say no.
- Be prepared to speak up.
- Know where your kids are and who they’re with, even in a family environment.

The adults that surround a child create the protective environments that keep them safe, no matter the time of year!


Watch your children even closer than usual as relatives visit for the holidays. Do not force your children to hug or kiss anyone when they do not want to.

I believe that the insidious focus on using our bodies to make others feel good is doing great damage to children, both male and female. Forcing a screaming toddler or a sulky 6-year-old to be embraced by someone who potentially elevates their blood pressure and makes their skin crawl is not the way to instill manners and thoughtfulness.

By teaching our children that they get to choose whom they hug, we are empowering them to be in charge of their own bodies rather than encouraging them to prioritize an adult’s (or another child’s) feelings above their own comfort and safety. Allow your children to set their own boundaries in terms of physical affection. This is an excellent practice to help safeguard them from becoming victims of s*xual abuse.


The NEW Stewards of Children® is coming in Spring of 2024!

This NEW (and a FREE) Training for a NEW Generation will help us better meet the needs of children in our shared mission of child s*xual abuse prevention.

Keep an eye out for upcoming Eventbrite training registrations!!

We hope that you feel as excited as we do to deliver the NEW Stewards of Children!

Keeping Kids Safe During the Holidays 11/22/2023

Stress can increase during the holidays, even in the most loving of families, and that can put some children in danger of abuse.

With children home from school, holiday travel, seasonal shopping and expenses that come with that, parents could get frazzled quicker than usual. What is typically a great and joyful time for kids can get devastating when parents or caregivers overcome stress by becoming abusive.

Project C.H.A.N.C.E. reminds adults to keep their cool this winter.

Keeping Kids Safe During the Holidays The holidays are a joyous time for adults and kids alike. But amidst the celebration, we’d like to let you in on an often-unknown secret surrounding this time of year. During the holidays, when visitors abound, schedules get hectic, and parents are often overwhelmed, all types of child abuse incre...

Safeguarding Children Online: The Importance of Monitoring Internet and Social Media Usage - Child Rescue Coalition 10/23/2023

Monitoring children's internet and social media usage is a vital component of keeping them safe online.

By establishing clear guidelines, maintaining open communication, and using monitoring tools appropriately, you can strike a balance between ensuring your kids are safe online and respecting their privacy.

Privacy is important, especially for older teens, but it doesn’t supersede parents’ responsibility to keep them safe online.

Get more practical tips for doing so, tailored to different age groups, on Child Rescue Coalition’s blog.

Safeguarding Children Online: The Importance of Monitoring Internet and Social Media Usage - Child Rescue Coalition With more kids online than ever, it's important for parents to begin monitoring internet and social media use. Here's a breakdown by age!


Breaking the cycle, one parent at a time. We love this story! 💙

“When he was born I took him see his grandfather. I brought him to the construction site where he worked, so they could meet. But my dad didn’t even make an effort. It was the same thing I remembered from my childhood. Never once do I remember: ‘Oh, let’s go to the water park.’ He’d spend all his money on friends and girls. And when he did come home he was always screaming, always hitting. For every little thing: if we didn’t brush our teeth, if we didn’t help out enough around the house. He treated my mom bad too. I tried to stop it. When I got older people would have to physically separate us. The anger is in me too. It comes from the inside. I’ll start to get mad, and suddenly it’s all over me. But whenever that starts to happen, I think: ‘I’m not going to be him. I’m not going to be him.’ I’ll walk away and calm down. Then I’ll come back and apologize. I’ll say: ‘What you did was wrong. But it was also wrong for me to speak that way. And I promise not to be like that again.’ I try to show him respect. Even though he’s a kid, he deserves the same respect as any person— even more, actually. Because an old person knows what’s going on, and he doesn’t. I always say goodnight with a kiss. And I just try to be as patient as I can. Always, always, always. I can read the way he is. Like, he doesn’t need to tell me if something is bothering him. Because I can see it in his face. He’s a super kind boy. I haven’t noticed any anger in him at all. Not at all. Sometimes I worry, that I need to push him a little harder to be tougher. Because he’s just so kind--- I mean, look at him. Look at him.”


Bundles of Hope Donation Drive

To benefit UMC SANE Department and Survivors of Sexual Assault

Hosted by Project C.H.A.N.C.E. and El Paso Centennial Lions Club

Runs from June 1st - June 30th

Please feel free to contact me directly for more information or to coordinate a pickup.

Thank you in advance for your donations.

Priscilla Monarez


No means no. Anything besides a clear, heartfelt yes = stop and clarify consent.


We thank you for your support throughout the year. We couldn’t do the work we do without the involvement of our community. We are grateful to everyone who has touched our lives as we work to break the cycle of child abuse.

Happy Thanksgiving from everyone at Project C.H.A.N.C.E. to you and yours!

Have a happy, safe, and healthy holiday.


Today is World Kindness Day

This photo was taken in 2017 at Project C.H.A.N.C.E.'s March Against Child Abuse in Austin. We were all so moved by this quiet, powerful moment. While thousands of people poured onto Capitol grounds for the March for Science, just as this march was kicking off, our much smaller Austin's 3rd Annual March Against Child Abuse and Resource Fair reached the Capitol.

This is what happened when the children from one march met the children from another march. Our Project C.H.A.N.C.E. kids handed flowers to science kids. The science kids put the flowers in test tubes full of water and handed them back to the PC kids.

A beautiful moment of unity between the purest hearts of our tomorrow!. ❤️

Kindness- spread it around- IT’S FREE!!



Happy Halloween!!

Don’t expect kids to “perform” for you.
Don’t expect kids to have to ask for their treat.
It took a lot for some little ones (and older ones too) to get out of their comfort zone and participate.

😎💫💯🍫🍭🍬🎃 TrickOrTreat


Happy Mother's Day!💐

To all the mother's and caregivers who support, guide, nurture, protect and love the children we serve... thank you! Enjoy your special day!✨


Be a hero. Know the signs.


Wishing you a day full of peace, joy and happiness!

Happy Easter!🐰💐


April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month

Parenting is one of the toughest and most important jobs that many are ill-prepared for. We all have a stake in ensuring that parents have the support and resources they need to be successful. No child in our community should ever feel the pain of abuse and neglect,.

Our entire community plays a role in helping families find the strength they need to raise healthy and productive children.

Get to know your neighbors, help a family under stress and learn how to recognize the signs of child abuse and neglect. Trust your instincts and report your concern. You could be the difference in the health and well-being of a child. Remember, child abuse is preventable.

Every voice raised for an abused child matters. Even simple actions, like posting something on Facebook or sending out a tweet, can make a huge difference in raising awareness about child abuse. We encourage you to get involved in protecting children and preventing abuse.

DON'T LET THE CHILDREN OF OUR COMMUNITY DOWN! Please change your profile picture to a blue ribbon and ask your friends and family to do the same.

Let's help turn Facebook BLUE in April!


Surveillance video shows mother dumping newborn in New Mexico dumpster 01/13/2022

It is always very surprising to learn how many people are unaware of what the Safe Haven Law. In Texas it is known as the Baby Moses Law.

Along with hospitals and emergency medical centers, fire stations are designated “safe havens,” where parents are legally allowed to leave their infants without fear of prosecution. It’s a system designed to give an option to overwhelmed parents who know they can’t care for an infant: Instead of abandoning their child in a field, a bathroom stall or a trash bin, they can leave the baby in a safe place and walk away — no questions asked.

Every state has a law that allows this, but the first was passed in Texas nearly 20 years ago.

To learn more about the Safe Haven Law in your state, click on the following link:

Surveillance video shows mother dumping newborn in New Mexico dumpster Hobbs Police investigators gave an update on the case after an 18-year-old was arrested after admitting to police she put her newborn in a trash bag and in a dumpster Friday afternoon.


The holidays can be harsh—especially for children in already fragile households. With parents spending more time with their children while they’re out of school for the winter break, there’s an increased chance of physical or s*xual abuse during the holidays,

If you have children that are at home more and you’ve got perpetrators that are family members, there could be more s*xual abuse during this time because of the ability of the perpetrators to be with the children. What tends to happen is when the kids go back to school in the winter, in January, there are more reports of s*xual abuse, just because of what’s happened during the holidays.

Parents should also be cognizant of the possibility of losing their temper, especially when alcohol is involved. If you’ve got people that have had too many drinks and they have a hangover the next day, then maybe they’re hot-tempered with their children. Make sure that you’re aware of your own shortcomings and realize that it’s not a crime to ask for help and realize that you (may) need somebody else to take the kids for just a little while so you can re-center yourself.

Along with the added chance of child abuse occurring, domestic abuse also rises during the holidays. There can be more alcohol around, there can be other substances around that may not be around (typically throughout the year). Usually, abuse occurs when there’s other triggers.

So, be aware that the holidays may not be the most joyful time of the year for everyone. For the victims of child abuse or domestic violence, there is no “holiday break.” During this time of heightened stress, it is crucial that all members of the community come together and stand up for the children who cannot stand up for themselves. Remember, if you see something, say something – especially during the holidays!



For most child abuse survivors, holiday gatherings usually mean facing painful memories, feelings of anxiety, or a chance of repeated harm.

Sexual abuse increases during the holidays ; kids are often left with babysitters, there’s is lots of drinking , guests in the home, and parents are often distracted. Here are some tips to better protect your child from s*xual abuse:

* Talk to your child. Discuss boundaries with your child. Teach them that their body is their own and no one has a right to touch their body or take pictures of them without permission. Let them know it’s okay to say no to unwanted hugs, kisses, or other affection. Tell them to talk to you or another Safe Adult if anyone crosses their personal boundaries. Learn more about the Safety Rules and how kids can use them to stay safe. The key is to communicate regularly about abuse and safety.

* Limit alone time. 80% of s*xual abuse occurs in one child – one adult situations. If you limit the opportunity, you will better protect your child. If you do need to leave your child alone with someone, let the person with them know you may pop in to check on them. Keeping those times “observable and interruptible” is the safer way to manage alone time. This goes for alone time with other youth also, as 30% of all child s*xual abuse is perpetrated by other youth.

* Be alert. Often adults see indicators of abuse, but disregard the signs because the possible perpetrator is someone they know and trust. The sad reality is, that is exactly who we need to be watching. 90% of s*xual abuse occurs by someone the child knows and trusts. No one is exempt, not even the closest, most beloved family member.

Simple safety tips, self-care strategies, and the support of loved ones can sometimes make all the difference.

Most importantly listen when your children tell you they are not comfortable around someone.



Along with seasonal cheer, the holidays also can mean increased frustration and stress for parents — factors that can increase the chances of child abuse or neglect.

When you feel like you are at your wit's end, PLEASE take a ‘timeout. Do not take those frustrations out on your child or the child you may be caring for. Simply place the child in a safe area, such as a crib, and walk away for a few minutes. Gather your thoughts and then go deal with the situation.

Parents aren't the only ones who can note this advice. If you see a parent who is dealing with stress, who may have just lost his/her job or is facing insurmountable challenges, offer to take care of the child for a few minutes or even hours. We need to take a time out to remember all of the children who are abused and neglected year round.

The following are some simple tips to help you prevent an anger fueled outburst.

►It's normal for infants to cry for as much as two to four hours a day. Make sure they're not wet, hungry or tired. If the crying becomes too much, take a timeout.

►Distract toddlers from tantrums by redirecting their attention to something else. , or put them in timeout so everyone can calm down. Believe me, I too can get frustrated, but I always remember that these are children and children sometimes don’t know how to redirect their frustrations, so it’s up to us as the adults to help them do so. Tickle them or give them a great big bear hug and tell them you love them. Let them jump and or run around outside. I do this all the time with my granddaughters.

►Never scold or punish a child for having an accident during potty training, which for some children can take more than a year to complete. Please be patient and encouraging. Accidents can happen. Avoid punishing, scolding or shaming.

Don’t second guess yourself and don’t wait for someone else to report the abuse. If you witness or even suspect abuse or maltreatment, call Texas Department of Family and Protective Services at 800-252-5400 and then proceed to call the police to request a welfare check. If you feel that a child is in immediate danger, call 911!


Tomorrow’s the night…

3rd Annual “Silent No More” Candlelight Vigil

When: October 23, 2021
Time: 7 pm - 8:30 pm
Where: Crime Victims’ Memorial Pavilion (Yucca Park)




We have a goal of raising $2,500 that will allow us to continue funding our child s*xual abuse prevention programs.

With as little as $10, you can help protect TEN children from abuse. Will you please help us continue our mission of preventing abuse by making a small donation?

Project C.H.A.N.C.E.. is a grassroots, nonprofit organization that was formed in 2013. Our nonprofit is 100% volunteer run by survivor-volunteers. We believe in having survivors as leaders within the organization to ensure that programs and services align with the needs of victims/survivors.

Click on this link to make a donation today!!

A heartfelt thank you to all who have made a donation!




Our 3rd annual “Silent No More” Candlelight Vigil will take place on Saturday, October 23rd at the Crime Victims' Memorial Pavillion (Yucca Park).

The Vigil will be held in memory of those who lost their life to domestic violence in El Paso last year and to hear inspiring stories of courage and hope from survivors.

We would like to have a minimum of 20 volunteers as they will help read out the names of the victims lost to abuse in Texas last year. People of all ages are welcomed to volunteer.

If you would like to volunteer one hour of your time to this very important Cause, please email us at [email protected].

Thank you.

R. Kelly convicted of racketeering and s*x trafficking by a federal jury in New York 09/28/2021

Today, due to the incredible bravery of his victims, R. Kelly's true identity as a s*x trafficker and child predator was confirmed after a decades-long pattern of abuse.

This conviction is justice for all of those R. Kelly chose to violate, groom, and exploit for his benefit and serves as a tragic reminder of all of the countless victims - now brave survivors - he has left behind in his path of systemic child exploitation.

R. Kelly convicted of racketeering and s*x trafficking by a federal jury in New York Jurors have found R&B singer R. Kelly guilty of racketeering, including acts of bribery and s*xual exploitation of a child, along with separate charges of s*x trafficking.


Breathe …..


Happy first day of school to all El Paso students, teachers, staff, and families! Wishing you a great start to the 2021-22 school year!


There are many reasons children do not disclose being s*xually abused, including:

🔹Threats of bodily harm (to the child and/or the child’s family)
🔹Fear of being removed from the home
🔹Fear of not being believed
🔹Shame or guilt

For years, adults thought that teaching kids about body-safety was all we needed to do to keep children safe from s*xual abuse. But the research shows us something quite different. Asking a child to be on the look-out for potentially dangerous adults, and then expecting that child to tell if anything abusive happens to them, is unrealistic.

If the abuser is someone the child or the family cares about, the child may worry about getting that person in trouble. Children often believe that the s*xual abuse was their own fault and may not disclose for fear of getting in trouble themselves. Very young children may not have the language skills to communicate about the abuse or may not understand that the actions of the perpetrator are abusive, particularly if the s*xual abuse is made into a game.

As I’ve said at all of my speaking engagements, the responsibility of keeping children safe from s*xual abuse must fall firmly on the shoulders of adults. It is an adult’s job to create safer environments where children can learn, play and grow; and an adult’s job to spot potential dangers that could indicate someone may pose a risk to the safety of a child. But how do we know what to look for? Would you know the warning signs of a child who is being s*xually abused? Or of an adult that wanted to harm a child?

Visit our website and take proactive steps to help protect your children.

How to identify a pe*****le:*****le.html

Good Touch//Bad Touch

Recognize the Signs


Temperatures are rising....make sure your children get plenty of liquids to stay healthy and active this summer.

Children are much more prone to dehydration than adults because their bodies don't cool down as efficiently, and they are never more at risk than during the heat of summer.

Keep your kids safe!

Digital Dangers PSA 06/16/2021

Did you know 1 in 5 children who touch a digital device will be s*xually solicited online?

Digital Dangers PSA This June, in honor of National Internet Safety Month, Lauren’s Kids has produced the Digital Dangers public service announcement to highlight the ever-growi...


Triple digit weather all this week!

Please keep your loved ones and those around you safe and hydrated.

✅. Find air conditioning.
✅. Avoid strenuous activities.
✅. Wear light clothing.
✅. Check on family members and neighbors.
✅. Drink plenty of fluids.
✅. Watch for heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke.
✅ NEVER leave people or pets in a closed car

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7801 Phoenix Avenue
El Paso, TX

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

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