Cara Dodson Wellness

Check out my wellness packages!

Providing clients with 1:1 guidance, support & accountability to create lasting, healthier lifestyle changes, which further empower them to make independent health choices on their own.


Ladies, it’s the TYPE, and not the actual carb itself, that matters. 💪🏼

Choosing the right kind of carbohydrates to support your metabolism really doesn’t (and shouldn’t) be tricky.

In today’s world, carbohydrates are the enemy. They bloat, they irritate, they ignite weight gain, and they cause every single problem known to mankind…

BUT. In all reality, carbohydrates are one of the most important contributors to health and wellness. Which is unfortunately, something our diet culture doesn’t tell us.

Carbohydrates are typically made up of glucose molecules. Which means that they are they body’s primary and main desired source of energy.

What I see across the board is women forgetting the fact that we need energy and fuel to survive and function. And this means we need CARBS. Period.

However, the TYPE of carb really matters for our health and wellness. Carbs can either hurt or help us, so choosing the right type that’s supportive and promotes health really matters.

This means choosing carbs that…

✔️Are easily digestible
✔️Are easily usable by the body
✔️Are full of nutrients
✔️Support metabolic functioning
✔️Lower inflammation
✔️Support metabolic functioning
✔️Support thyroid, liver and gut functioning

And trust me, believe it or not, there actually ARE carbohydrates that do all of these things!

These carbs might include…
☀️Maple syrup
☀️Ripe fruits and fruit juices
☀️Rooted vegetables
☀️Sprouted organic grains
☀️Raw or quality dairy products
☀️Sprouted sourdough bread (within reason)

Do you struggle with consuming carbs? If so, what’s your story?


Cara Dodson Wellness has been keeping a little secretttttttt. 🤭Excited to announce a new little member coming to the health family this upcoming January! 🥰

Photos from Cara Dodson Wellness's post 02/19/2024

Your thyroid requires not only the right kinds of foods but the right kind of TIME to consume foods.

When I first see clients, their meal timing is ALL over the place. They’ll either be eating every hour or every five to six hours. It’s one of my goals during the first couple months to set them up with a proper, consistent meal timing routine in order to set their thyroid (aka hormone king) up for success.

You see, the thyroid likes consistency. In fact, it NEEDS it.

Ups & downs in blood sugar contribute to hormonal imbalance, insulin resistance & increased cortisol levels.


So this means that balancing your blood sugar & properly meal timing consistently throughout the day is KEY for optimal health. Likewise, maintaining optimal thyroid health is KEY for blood sugar balance. They work together to support the body as a whole.

Blood sugar dysregulation can be an extremely inflammatory process for the body. If blood sugar is consistently high, it triggers the insulin response, which can lead to inflammation & damages the thyroid. If blood sugar is consistently low, it triggers the release of stress hormones in the body, which initiates inflammation & damages the thyroid.

When we have low active thyroid hormone (T3), we can’t utilize glucose properly. Meaning that our cells don’t get glucose as fast, which leads to a slower metabolism & spike in stress hormones. This additionally stresses the thyroid even MORE & reduces the release of thyroid hormone.

Insulin resistance impacts the thyroid due to inhibiting the conversion of T3 to T4 in the body. It also stimulates Reverse T3 hormone, which is responsible for slowing the metabolism down in the body. We want ample amounts of active T3, which is responsible for boosting the metabolism UP!

Some of the best ways to support thyroid health is to eat consistently and with the right foods.
Eat within 30-60 minutes of waking
Eat a protein + carb at every meal
Eat every 3-4 hours during the day
Balance macros according to your unique body type

How have you supported your thyroid?


Are you REALLY estrogen dominant?👇🏼

Although highly associated with being a “female hormone”, estrogen is actually a stress hormone.

Both men & women produce estrogen (mainly in the te**es & ovaries); however, estrogen can be produced in various other places in the body. Aromatase, which is an enzyme that produces estrogen under the androgens, is found in SEVERAL parts of the body:
Fat cells
Breast/uterine tissue
Muscle tissue
Liver & pancreas

So all in all, technically can be produced in excess if detoxification & hormonal balance isn’t properly supported.

As a body becomes less & less resilient to stress, aromatase becomes more & more present and active in the body.

Rather than using the proper pathways to manage stress, the body has poor resilience & uses adaptive pathways instead to maintain bodily functioning; therefore, producing additional hormones to compensate such as cortisol, adrenaline, parathyroid, FSH, prolactin, serotonin, growth hormone…just one of the reasons why looking at the WHOLE picture contributes to understanding/identifying estrogen dominance.

People ask me all the time: does stress create estrogen dominance? The answer is a big fat YES! Reason being is because it reduces resilience, increases aromatase, and triggers the production of estrogen in various places of the body, not just the blood.

This is primarily the reason why estrogen is a stress hormone: it’s produced MORE under stress! Supporting estrogen elimination & hormonal balance can assist with estrogen dominance.
Balance blood sugar every 3-4 hours to support liver/thyroid functioning
Ensure at least 1-3 bowel movements daily
Eat ENOUGH for your unique body
Support progesterone production
Reduce internal & external stressors
Stimulate vagus nerve daily
Ensure adequate mineral consumption

Feel like you’re still stuck with inflammation & estrogen dominance symptoms? Click the link in my bio & let’s get chatting!

Photos from Cara Dodson Wellness's post 02/02/2024

Do you use laxatives to have a p**p?😬💩

In 2022, the average amount spent on laxatives was 1.77 BILLION in the USA. WILD, right?

The use of laxatives to have “normal bowel movements” has significantly grown. Rather than relying on the body’s natural way of elimination, people are relying on taking daily doses of laxatives to p**p.

Friends, although not having a naturally induced BM is common in today’s world, it’s NOT NORMAL. Nor should anyone think it is.

When the body is malnourished, under external or internal stress, not eating the right types of foods, or has a slow metabolic functioning, digestion takes a back burner. This is because in these cases, stress hormones are running high in the body, which slow digestion and bowel motility.

Taking laxatives is NOT the answer. In fact, it can only cause issues in the long run (swipe to see the cons!).

Start supporting your gut health and digestion at a root cause by…
working with a PRACTITIONER to address root-cause metabolic issues
addressing macromineral deficiencies and food sensitivities
supporting proper hydration
addressing mineral deficiencies
supporting digestion
tapping into stress management
practicing grounding outside
removing triggering foods
eating enough bioavailable protein

Looking for answers? Want to dive deeper into your constipation issues? Let’s chat.

Click the link in my bio for a free consult!

Photos from Cara Dodson Wellness's post 01/29/2024

Having a proper quantity & quality sleep encourages a supported metabolism.

When the body is in a state of stress, it releases stress hormones (cortisol & adrenaline) into the body which inhibit melatonin production and significantly reduce sleep.

Sure, you can run on minimal sleep, but you sure won’t have the best day & cellular metabolic functioning. Optimally, one should aim for getting anywhere from 7-9 hours of quality, uninterrupted sleep each night. By doing this, the body is able to relax, rejuvenate, and minimize the need for stress hormone production.

It’s ALL about the stress, my friends.

Stress has been KNOWN to contribute to:
😑Low digestive functioning
😬Poor mental health & nervous system functioning
😬Low vagal tone (see previous posts)
😬Dysregulated hormones
😬Sluggish metabolism
😬Low thyroid & liver functioning
Burned out adrenals

Sounds fun, right?

So how does one sustainably support proper sleep? By supporting the metabolism! The metabolism is the one factor in the body that links itself to literally everything. By supporting overall energy production/utilization, and supporting proper brain/hormone production, release & balance, the metabolism takes the role as the main player towards quality sleep.

If you’re someone who always struggle with sleep, swipe left to see alternatives to enhancing your sleep quality & quantity at a cellular level.


Exhausted ALL the time?😴🥱👇🏼

Although this might be common in todays world, it’s NOT NORMAL.

Having a steady flow of energy all day is a sign of metabolic health. Our bodies should be able to wake up feeling well-rested, energized and have a consistent flow of energy the entire day.

Energy is created by providing fuel (food) for our cells. These cells then take that fuel and utilize it to make APT (energy) so that the body can easily perform all of its functions without fail, consistently every day.

Now, what we often forget is that this process literally can’t run on thin air.

In a world full of go go go, endless to-do lists, frequently missing meals, getting caught up in your work life, or just having a busy schedule, it’s SO EASY to forget to provide the needed fuel for the body.

The body requires a TON of fuel to function - meaning a ton of food to function. And not just any food - NOURISHING, ABSORBABLE & USABLE FOOD.

Clients come to me all the time with this lack of energy, whether it be upon waking and/or in the afternoon. And after analyzing their food intake, it’s very clear that they are not eating ENOUGH of these right foods. There’s no consistency in their meals. There’s no plan for nourishment. And there’s just not enough there to support macro/mineral needs.

This is why in my practice I ALWAYS address a client’s nutritional intake. It’s literally one of the most important foundations for supporting the body, its functions, and decreasing all those “red alert” signs from the body.

You might think I’m crazy, but nourishment is actually one of the most FORGOTTEN factors when it comes to metabolic health.

We’re either too busy, want things too fast, don’t have patience with ourselves, or don’t know how to make nourishment sustainable.

If you’re someone struggling with finding energy, it’s time to schedule a FREE consultation with me. You’re going to learn just how easy living a thriving, energetic life can be. 🙌🏼

Do you struggle with energy? Share your experience below!

Photos from Cara Dodson Wellness's post 01/08/2024

So many women are focused on how many calories they eat each day. TOO focused, in my opinion.

We have lost sight of nourishing and supporting our bodies through nutrient dense nutrients.

You see, what we put into our body matters in general and for our hormones. It can either support us or harm us. The decision is up to you.

For example…

Choosing to either eat a store-bought, prepackaged dinner OR a rotisserie chicken with roasted vegetables and pressure cooked quinoa
Choosing to eat pizza and french fries OR a homemade burrito bowl with all the fresh toppings
Choosing to have hot chocolate for breakfast OR eggs, sourdough, and fresh fruit
Choosing to have Blue Bunny ice cream OR protein packed brownie

Some meals are more nourishing than others, we know this.

But what I can’t stand is when people get so concerned over the “extra calories” they end up choosing a “lite” lean cuisine or ice cream brand with 50+ ingredients over a dense, home cooked meal, with only five ingredients.

One is CLEARLY more nourishing than the other. And your hormones are going to be able to tell.

Our society today has manipulated us into its sly branding techniques.

Something “looks healthier” but in all reality, it’s not. This is why I always encourage clients to empower themselves by looking at the back of the ingredients list. Just because something is “lite”, gluten free, or dairy free doesn’t mean that it’s healthy.

It’s the same with gluten free foods, and it literally KILLS me that a company would promote a “healthy food” only really be interested in making the $$.

RETHINK you diet. RETHINK your nutrients. RETHINK your calories. And FOCUS MORE on nourishment.

Your body will thank you.

Guidance? Let’s chat! I’m ALL about sustainable living and getting clients to feel fabulous while also eating the max amount of deliciousness. Schedule your free consult by clicking the link in my bio!


LIMITED TIME ONLY!🥰 Kicking off the new year by offering 10% OFF Signature 1:1 Services at Cara Dodson Wellness!

Comment below or send me a DM for more juicy details!

Like or share with friends! 😍 Let's make this year the HEALTHIEST one yet!

Photos from Cara Dodson Wellness's post 01/05/2024

Our hormones NEED consistency in order to become balanced.🥳

Why? Because your body LIKES safety.

You can't expect your hormones to change or align in the way they should if you're constantly in and out of healthy habits. This only creates unwanted stress and havoc on the body.

No, you don't have to be perfect, but be consistent. It'll change your hormones, life and better your mindset towards health.

Do you struggle with hormonal issues? Let's chat. Offering FREE nutrition consults by clicking the link in my bio.

Photos from Cara Dodson Wellness's post 12/19/2023

Ladies, let’s DO THIS in 2024!💪🏼

So many times I see women just give up and accept symptoms or issues they’re experiencing.

Whether it’s one of these listed in the slides above or another that maybe you have personally experienced, negative health symptoms might be common but NOT normal.

Don’t just accept your symptoms; rather, either find a root cause for them OR work with someone who can help you find that root cause.

Find freedom in your everyday life this upcoming year.

Make CHANGE happen, rather than acceptance.

Be the person you WANT to be and don’t just talk or think about it.

Strive for the better and optimal you.

I don't know about you, but my 2024 is going to look quite beautiful. Who’s with me!?

What kinds of things has someone or your MD told you are “normal”? Share your experience below and what you’re going to change in the upcoming year!

Photos from Cara Dodson Wellness's post 12/15/2023


In my personal opinion, the craze with vitamin D lately is a little TOO much of an obsession.

Although it IS such an important nutrient, it’s not as important as any other mineral or vitamin out there. In fact, when we are lacking in other minerals, our body can’t make vitamin D.

What I can’t stand is when clients have low blood levels of vitamin d and their MD just prescribes a 5,000 IU of vitamin D3. Sure, SOMEtimes it can be supportive, but in most cases, supplementing with vitamin D is NOT going to solve the issue of why vitamin D is low in the first place.

More than most times, when clients come to me with low blood levels of vitamin D, it’s due to lack of nutrient-density in their food, vitamin + mineral deficiencies, inflammation, and stress. And although we don’t want to hear it, supplementing with vitamin D is NOT going to fix those problems.

Our bodies go through phases when vitamin D levels are up and down, so we naturally will have lower levels during seasons of the year.

In my personal opinion, when it comes to supporting vitamin D levels, it is WAY more effective to consume nutrient dense foods that contain vitamin D, get outside in the sun as much as possible, and to remineralize the body with bioavailable nutrients.

My favorite foods that contain vitamin d:

Wild caught salmon/wild salmon roe
Wild caught sardines
Cod liver oil
Oysters + wild caught shrimp
Pasture raised egg yolks

Have you ever been told to supplement with vitamin D? Share your experience below OR snag a free consult by clicking the link in my bio!

Photos from Cara Dodson Wellness's post 12/11/2023


Don't know where to start when it comes to balancing your hormones?

I find that starting with the basics can often be helpful when it comes to supporting hormonal functioning. Rather than getting caught up in diet culture, start taking slow and steady steps towards CHANGE, not perfection.

If you're struggling with hormonal imbalances, pick one of the four tips below and implement to the best of your ability.

1. Remove all of the inflammatory oils from your diet and start adding in more stable ones. Doing this will support each and every single cell in the body while also providing essential vitamins and minerals needed for optimal hormone functioning.

2. Reduce inflammatory foods and add in more stable foods into the diet. As easy as that might sound, it can actually be a huge challenge for some. Start taking away those ultra-processed foods, store-made cookies, cakes and pastries, friend foods etc. and add in more nourishing, nutrient-dense foods to support ample mineral and nutrient intake. Makes SUCH a difference when it comes to lowering inflammation and supporting hormonal functioning.

3. Eat a raw carrot salad daily. Doing this will assist the liver in properly detoxifying and removing any excess estrogens laying around in the gut. Yep, do it every single day!

4. Balance your blood sugar at every single meal. This touches every single cell in the body, so it is REALLY important to support blood sugar ALL the time. Not only will it reduce inflammation in the body, but also allow the cells to become nourished, fueled for balance, and able to function as they should for hormonal balance.

Which tip are YOU committing to?

Have questions? Let's chat! Schedule your FREE consult by clicking the link in my bio! Would love to guide and empower you back into optimal health and wellness.


I don’t know who needs to hear this but…you HAVE to stop demonizing sugar and carbs for your blood sugar regulation issues. 🤦🏼‍♀️

Oftentimes, clients will do all the right things, eat all the right foods, and STILL have whacky blood sugar levels.

Interestingly enough, blood sugar dysregulation isn’t always due to food imbalances. It can actually be caused by LIFE imbalances.

Why? Because how we show up to ourselves means a lot for our blood sugar.

When we’re so tired, exhausted from work or life, stressed out of our minds, running on a go go go schedule, and don’t give ourselves a break to just breathe, you can bet that your blood sugar will be dysregulated.

A life such as the one described above is a life running on cortisol. And because of that, this type of life means a life running on a blood sugar roller coaster, damaging everything in its pathway and causing more havoc than good.

Like food and nutrition, how we live will ALSO dictate how our blood sugar will respond and regulate.

If we choose to live a life full of nourishment, fulfillment, rest, quality sleep, simplicity, boundaries and balance, our body and blood sugar will reflect in a way full of these qualities.

However, if we are living a stressed, unfulfilling, rushed and malnourished life, our body and blood sugar will also reflect in a way full of these qualities.

In order to find absolute balance in blood sugar balancing, you have to take a peek at the whole picture and stop blaming carbs, sugar, or insulin. **sorry but not sorry** 😘

Start taking back control of your life and start living a life full of balance! Snag that free chat by clicking the link in my bio!

Photos from Cara Dodson Wellness's post 11/20/2023

Struggle with the holidays?👇🏼

I get it, holidays come once a year, so it’s hard not to enjoy all the aspects of food + deliciousness and binge on everything you see/drink. But what happens if I told you you CAN enjoy food + drink while also NOT binging?

Sounds pretty sweet, right? Here are some tips to stay nourished,
enjoy foods + feel GOOD about eating. Minus the binge.

1. Be sure to eat a nourishing breakfast! Set your body up success FIRST thing in the morning to avoid unnecessary cravings. Although you might feel tempted to skip a meal to "save the extra calories", aim for a nutrient-dense breakfast and not just a protein bar.

2. Get enough protein. Protein will keep your cells full, satisfied & happy so that you're unlikely to have cravings and over-eat on the extras.

3. Stay hydrated with minerals + vitamins. Nourish those cells with lots of potassium, the right type of sodium and vitamin C to support ample hydration needed for adequate adrenal functioning. Doing this lowers the need for stress hormone output and keeps the body feeling full, satisfied and able to digest all of the food you're ingesting.

4. Enjoy a treat - or two! Life is too short to restrict sweets during wonderful times of the year. Period. Restricting sweets will ONLY lead to binge eating later on in the day. Enjoy the portion of sweet treats and don't stress over it!

5. Eat slowly. Doing this enhances digestion and absorption of foods once it hits the GI tract. Plus, it also allows the body to feel fuller faster and for longer periods of time, which can help lower binge eating later on in the day.

6. Balance that blood sugar. KEY for curving the cravings and having a healthy control over your food intake. When possible, pair those proteins + carbs every time you eat.

In my practice, we believe in balance. Restriction is definitely not an option, minus the obvious food allergies & sensitivities. Humans were meant to enjoy community, food & connection. When we are stressing too much about eating, our body can't absorb + utilize what we ingest; leading to deficiencies, binge eating, and honestly, a sad body.

What's your favorite way to support your body during the holidays?

Photos from Cara Dodson Wellness's post 11/06/2023

Blood sugar is one of the most important contributors to a woman’s health. It influences EVERY single cell and how we uptake + use nutrients.

Blood sugar can be easily dysregulated if not consistently supported. It might lead to symptoms like…

Intense cravings
Always feeling hungry or full
Irregular cycles
Mood swings
Tired or fatigue
Weight gain
Skin issues

So what can throw blood sugar levels off? Here’s a few reasons…

- Unbalanced nutrition
- Lacking certain core macronutrients at meals
- Proportions of macros are wrong
- Meal timing is off
- Micronutrient deficiency (zinc, potassium, magnesium)
- Stress in general
- Stress in physical ways like blood sugar crashes
- Stress in emotional/environmental ways
- Sleep disruption (one night makes a significant difference in blood sugar)
- Over-exercising or under exercising (we want to find a balance)

Supporting our blood sugar every single day can significantly improve our metabolism, hormones, thyroid and overall health. Since it touches every one of our cells, its impact is HUGE on every organ system.

Although regulating proper blood sugar might seem difficult or challenging, it really doesn’t have to be! There are simple, sustainable and effective ways + strategies to support optimal blood sugar levels on the daily…MINUS the restriction and diets we’re always told to go on.

Do you struggle with blood sugar dysregulation? Let’s chat in a FREE consult by clicking the link in my bio! Let’s support that blood sugar and get your THRIVING!


Is it REALLY a sugar addiction? Or is your body just starved for nutrients?👇🏼🍩

I’ll just jump to the chase - odds are, you don’t have a sugar addiction. And what a relief, right?

In this day and age, so many women experience excessive cravings for sweets and sugar. This craving usually ends up turning into a vicious cycle of binge eating sweets and then restricting sweets.

Sound familiar?

When clients come to me with excessive cravings for sweets, we immediately address caloric intake and nutrient density.

🤔What types of foods are they consuming?
🤔Are they eating enough of the right foods?
🤔Are they getting enough protein?
🤔Are they overexercising?
🤔Are they stressed?
🤔Are they sleeping well at night?
🤔Are they balancing their blood sugar at every meal?
🤔Are they supporting self care and rest?

You see, when the body is obsessively craving sugar, it’s because it’s not getting what it needs internally. It’s starved for nutrients, it’s drained, it’s tired, and it’s looking for quick, easy and usable energy to make it through the day.

Ladies, you most certainly DON’T have a sugar addition. Instead, what you might be lacking is a strategic way to approach food, nutrition and lifestyle.

In my practice, I strive to educate clients more about their bodies, how they work, and provide detailed guidance/protocols to help them obtain the nourishment they need in both nutrition and lifestyle. To BEAT those cravings and support the body in the way it was intended.

Have you ever had excessive cravings for sweets?! Share you experience below!👇🏼

Photos from Cara Dodson Wellness's post 10/27/2023

Are you tired of the diet fads too?

More than most times, when we think of weight loss, we think of diet regiments, constantly killing it at the gym to burn calories, and cutting out everything delicious & satisfying.

To me, that sounds exhausting.

Little do we know it but a lot of the "healthy" practices we've been told about dieting and health are actually HINDERING our weight loss. Things like...

- excessive PUFA intake
- not consuming enough animal protein
- artificial sweeteners and preservatives
- restricting essential food groups
- too much cardio
- living in a stressed world
- having a negative mindset
- not having enough boundaries

What if I told you there was an easy way to lose weight without restriction, dieting and stress? An easy way to gain confidence in yourself & body? An easy way to support your hormones? And an easy way to live the life you want without ever feeling bad for eating tasty foods that satisfy you?

Sounds unreal, I know, but guess what…it is possible & realistic.

Here in my practice, there are NO DIETS, NO DIET FOODS, and NO RESTRICTIONS.

Solely finding what works for you & your body in relation to balance, performance levels, personal goals, and current chapter in life. We focus on what makes you feel GOOD in a lasting way; rather than put restrictions on the joys of life.

Sounds good, right?

NOW is the time to start saying YES to making your life optimal. No more stress, no more dieting, and no more struggling. Click the link in my bio to schedule your FREE health consultation and let’s get started.


Do you have high cholesterol? Has your MD immediately wanted to put you on statins?

Too often I see this in my practice - women coming to me with high cholesterol levels and the very first thing their MD says is to go on statins...

Keep reading if you want to know why taking statins should NOT be your first option when it comes to lowering cholesterol.

You see, we need to understand cholesterol and its role in the body. Cholesterol is a substance the body produces to repair damage to blood vessels/cells. It’s manufactured by the liver & in most human cells.

Cholesterol plays vital roles in our body & is needed for optimal cellular functioning. It’s a potent, wonderful, antioxidant substance that fights against free-radical damage in the blood vessels and in the blood.

However, like all fats, this magical substance can be damaged by exposure to high temperatures & oxygen. Damaged cholesterol can be found in substances such as powdered eggs, powdered milk, or in meats & fats that have been cooked at very high temperatures and have gone rancid.

When a client comes to me with high serum cholesterol levels, we immediately start supporting the THYROID. This is because when a thyroid is sluggish, it literally cannot convert cholesterol into hormones, bile acids, and vitamin D.

In simplest terms, high cholesterol levels are a signal from your body. It’s trying to tell you that something is OFF & unbalanced.

This is why taking a root cause approach can significantly improve cholesterol levels & overall health. Whereas, fearing & putting bandaids on cholesterol will only bring about havoc.

If you're someone who has been told by their MD that their cholesterol levels are too high and to take statins because of it, let’s chat! Click the link in my bio for a FREE consult with action steps to support your thyroid functioning.

*Not medical advise: for education + inspiration only*😘

Photos from Cara Dodson Wellness's post 10/09/2023

Things I WISH I would have known about my blood sugar for my hormones...

Blood sugar is often one of those things that go overlooked in regards to nutrition. And unfortunately, there’s a lot of confusion surrounding the significance of balancing blood sugar.

Here are four thing I WISH I would I’m have known about my blood sugar…

1. There’s more to blood sugar than just pairing proteins and carbs. Although this is an extremely important food practice, there is so much more to maintaining optimal sugar levels both in the blood and cells. Lifestyle practices, targeted foods, and minerals all play a role in what our blood sugar is going to look like in the body.

2. Consuming protein by itself won’t resolve insulin resistance. Protein lowers blood sugar levels. Dipping into low blood sugar negatively impacts our metabolism, thyroid, and liver. When the body senses a low blood sugar, it signals a release for stress hormones, which block progesterone receptor functioning.

3. Consuming ample amounts of ripe fruits increases insulin sensitivity. I used to think fruit was the bad guy, but in reality, it’s actually blood sugar supportive! Fruit is packed with potassium, which helps the body’s ability to uptake insulin + glucose properly into the cell.

4. Not all proteins and carbs are creative equal. Yep, the right type and quality foods matters for our blood sugar! The body responds best to quality, nutrient-dense and easily digested foods.

The ultimate goal is managing blood sugar is to find BALANCE for your unique body. This means listening to symptoms and dying not to hyper focus on a one-size-fits-all number.

By properly managing blood sugar levels (not too high or too low), the body is able to regulate itself in the proper way. It feels safe enough to utilize energy properly. And it fuels our metabolism, thyroid, and liver functioning.

What have you learned in your blood sugar journey?

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Videos (show all)

Think you’re not doing enough or spending enough for your health?Truth is, you actually DON’T have to spend more on bein...
🚩PLEASE don’t do this if you’re struggling with higher blood cholesterol levels.🚩👇🏼Clients are always asking if they sho...
WHY am I constantly craving sugar, candy bars, coffee and nut butters?! 🍭😵‍💫👇🏼If you’re already one of my clients, you’l...
Chick that save button because THESE FIVE things will ignite insulin issues!👇🏼🚩Skipping breakfast🚩Consuming naked carbs ...
🚩High cholesterol? DON’T DO THIS!🚩We’re told to give up all deliciousness when we’re told we have high cholesterol. But ...
Truth: I’m not a fan of New Year’s resolutions.🤯Why?Because more than most times, we either screw up, tell ourselves we ...


Frederick, MD

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Tuesday 8am - 4pm
Wednesday 8am - 4pm
Thursday 8am - 4pm
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Saturday 8am - 4pm
Sunday 8am - 4pm

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Kelci Miller is a NASM CPT, CNC & K-State Human Nutrition Alumni providing tips for Fitness & Health

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We are dedicated to helping women find their true path to sustainable recovery. As long time members of the recovery community we understand that the barriers are many and varied a...

Hydrolux_medspa Hydrolux_medspa

IV HYDRATION, CBD and wellness services.

Wellness Coach - Sonia Bastante Dorsey Wellness Coach - Sonia Bastante Dorsey

Self-care! Connect with yourself and only focus on what is important and matters to you