Shalhevet High School

Shalhevet School is a Modern Orthodox High School in Los Angeles.


Shalhevet’s Admission Season kicks off this coming Wednesday, Sep 4th, with a BBQ for prospective students! It’s a great opportunity to meet our incredible faculty and check out our campus at the same time. Click the link in our profile or below to RSVP - and reach out to our Director of Admission, Maya Cohen, for more details. See you there! 🔥


Shalhevet handed out fresh challah for all faculty, staff, and new student families for their first Shabbat of the ‘24-‘25 school year. What a great couple days we had on campus to kick things off - here’s to a wonderful year as we look forward to our first full week of school! 🔥 #20242025

Photos from Shalhevet High School's post 08/30/2024

Our new Seniors went straight from the first day of school into their Senior Retreat! After an all-school bbq they enjoyed an evening at Break Room LA with Ax Throwing, before returning back to Shalhevet for meaningful Torah learning and reflection with Rabbi Block. The fun continued with an all-nighter of games, bonding, an Oneg, and, of course, more food. The students woke up early for Netz Shacharit and closed things with a beautiful confidence activity with Rabbi Gormin. We’re so excited for the Class of 2025 and their role as leaders at Shalhevet this year. 🔥

Photos from Shalhevet High School's post 08/30/2024

Shalhevet had an incredible first day of school filled with our trademark Shali Ruach! The students and faculty were excited to kick off the 2024-2025 school year with an awesome welcome, all-school Davening, new faculty intros, a student video, and, of course, a delicious breakfast. The building was vibrant and the day of classes ended with an all-school bbq and Shali swag. Rabbi Block’s powerful D’var Torah in the morning set the tone for this year’s Firehawk theme of “FAMILY!” - and we’re looking forward to a wonderful school year of shared learning and fun. 🔥 #20242025

Photos from Shalhevet High School's post 08/28/2024

Orientations continued at Shalhevet as our sophomores, juniors, and seniors were back on campus! It was great catching up in-between the info meetings, locker distributions, and school photos. We’re now ready to go and couldn’t be more excited - first day of school is tomorrow! 🔥 #20242025

Photos from Shalhevet High School's post 08/28/2024

It was great to have our freshman parents on campus - joining the Class of 2028 - to close out Freshman Orientation. Rabbi Block kicked things off with some Torah before Principal Weslow and admin went over some introductory pieces on what to expect as the year gets going. On to schmoozing, and delicious food at our rooftop bbq. It all wrapped up with dessert and, of course, some Shali Swag! We’re excited for this year with these (new and returning) families - a huge thank you to Shalhevet Director of Admission, Maya Cohen, and her team, for leading this event. 🔥

Photos from Shalhevet High School's post 08/27/2024

Freshman Orientation at Shalhevet was a two day event filled with ice-breakers, Torah, art activities, beach time, and bonding - along with the necessary logistical and informational sessions. The Freshmen even got to experience their first Town Hall! We couldn’t be more excited for this group of new Firehawks and all the ruach they’re ready to bring starting on day one! Shout-out to 9th Grade Dean, Rabbi Broner - and the whole team - for making this orientation awesome! 🔥


The Shalhevet Faculty Family 2024-2025! 🔥❤️🙏🏽 #20242025

Photos from Shalhevet High School's post 08/23/2024

And it begins! Shalhevet just wrapped up its Faculty Orientation - 4 days filled with learning, exploring, bonding, and fun! There were department break-out meetings, a deep-dive into our summer reading, an overview of goals for the year, logistics, games, and so much more. We’re so excited - and ready! - for the 2024-2025 school year; Classes start on Thursday after student orientations. GO FIREHAWKS! 🔥 #20242025

Photos from Shalhevet High School's post 08/22/2024

Congratulations to Shalhevet alum Avi Halpert ‘23, on his commitment to play Division II basketball at Hawaii Pacific University in Honolulu. We are all so proud of all that he has accomplished and cannot wait to cheer him on and support him through this next chapter, playing for the Sharks - GO AVI! 🦈🔥🌺🏀

📷 cred: .elyaszadeh

Photos from Shalhevet High School's post 08/13/2024

Wishing all a meaningful fast🙏🏽 May we have eternal unity and merit to witness the rebuilding of ירושלים 🇮🇱. צום קל לכולם

Photos from Shalhevet High School's post 07/09/2024

Simchas on simchas🎉🎉


We are thrilled to announce that for the second year in a row Shalhevet students from our Advanced Gemara Shiur did incredibly well in the Yeshiva University/NCSY National Bekiut Program. Our students spent the year learning מסכת ראש השנה and took regular בחינות on different sections of the גמרא administered by YU/NCSY. This year Shalhevet SWEPT the “Amud Program” and received the 1st, 2nd, and the 3rd place awards! Mazel tov to Etan Lerner (1st), Ariel Shapiro, and Aliza Katz - along with Rabbi Schwarzberg and his entire shiur - for their התמדה and consistent commitment to Talmud Torah. ישר כחכם.


Another Shali and YULA Simcha 🙌🏽Mazel Tov to Benji Mansano and Audrey Gold (22’) on their engagement🎊🎉🍾


Shalhevet’s student newspaper, The Boiling Point, is excited to announce their leadership for the 2024-2025 school year: Sophie Katz is now BP Editor-in-Chief, with Benjy Kolieb as Web Editor-in-Chief! We couldn’t be more excited to have these two 11th-graders taking on these roles - and we’re looking forward to some great journalism in the coming year! Be sure to follow to stay up to date 🔥📰


TIKKUN LEIL SHAVUOT! In addition to our student and alumni programming tonight at Young Israel of Century City (check your emails for details), we are excited to share with you several opportunities throughout Shavuot to learn with our distinguished Shalhevet Rebbeim and Morot. This year our Limudei Kodesh faculty will be leading learning sessions at a variety of locations, covering a range of topics. We hope to see you there! Chag Sameach! 🔥

Photos from Shalhevet High School's post 06/11/2024

Mazal Tov to Shalhevet’s Rabbi Eli Broner and Dr. Sheila Keiter on their graduation from the first cohort of the Rabbi Jonathan Sacks Torah v’Chochmah Curriculum Program! This incredible initiative, which was co-led and designed by Shalhevet’s Dean of Academic Affairs, Rabbi David Stein, trained 25 educators from across North America in the fundamentals of curriculum design and the thought of Rabbi Sacks, so that educators would have the tools and support to design their own curriculum to meet the needs of individual classrooms within 18 different schools - from Mexico to LA, Toronto, New York, Florida, and many others. The cohort began with an inaugural conference last summer, and included mentorship and workshops throughout the year, culminating in a Zoom graduation featuring presentations from Lady Elaine Sacks (Rabbi Sacks’ wife), and Joanna Bennaroch, the global director of the Rabbi Sacks Legacy Foundation - along with presentations and reflections from Rabbi Stein and each of the cohort participants. The 9th grade Chumash curriculum created by Rabbi Broner and Dr. Keiter has already been piloted at Shalhevet, and will continue to make a lasting impact on our students and the amazing Limudei Kodesh learning at our school. Kol Hakavod! 🙌🏽🔥


Click the link below or in our bio to watch the Class of 2024 Graduation - the link goes live at 1:45 pm PDT! 🔥


The school year may now “officially” be over, but Rabbi Stein’s Advanced Gemara students still came to Shalhevet today for a special shiur in preparation for their siyum of the 3rd perek of Rosh Hashana! What an incredible testament to our students’ commitment - and achievement - in learning. 🔥


We are beyond grateful to our community for the support of our 2024 Charidy Campaign. Because of your generosity, we raised $550,603(!) in 36 hours - securing dollars that will be invested into our school, and our students.

Your support means the world to us. It allows Shalhevet to continue educating our students, nurturing the next generation of Jewish leaders, and strengthening our vibrant community.

Thank you to all those who contributed and to all who shared the link with your friends and family, your colleagues, neighbors and acquaintances, on social media, and the community at large. We are filled with gratitude - YOU DID IT!


Why Jewish Students Need Poland Trips Now More Than Ever

Many Jewish high schools bring their upperclassmen on an annual trip to Poland—bearing witness to the Holocaust’s horrors, discovering Jewish heritage, and facing history. But are Poland trips still relevant, or important? What’s the point of them, and should we rethink their purpose?

On the heels of Shalhevet’s Poland-Israel trip for seniors, Rabbi David Block is joined by Judaic Studies Faculty Rabbi Yagil Tsaidi and guidance counselor Gabriella Marcus to breakdown what these trips entail, what their goals are, and if they are achieving something worthwhile for Jewish students.

Go to the link in our bio or below to listen, and be sure to follow for future episodes -we look forward to even more great conversations on this podcast from Shalhevet High School that discusses, debates, and thinks about all things Modern Orthodoxy.

Photos from Shalhevet High School's post 05/31/2024

Students from Ruthie Skaist’s SAS Studio Art have put up their recyclable art installations throughout our campus. Each group of students was assigned a specific material - cardboard, egg cartons, paper towel/toilet paper rolls, or scrap paper. All of these items would have ended up in recycling or the trash, despite the fact that they are extremely reusable. The students were tasked with creating an installation that required some sort of repetitive approach to the material (1 small piece of cardboard cut in a triangle shape isn’t particularly striking, but 500 pieces are). They were allowed to use other materials to enhance their assigned recyclable - so paint, glue, and other details could be added.

The project has us all thinking about materialism, reusable items, and the scale of artwork that is possible and the impact it can make on the viewer and the space. And of course, it’s pushing everyone’s creative boundaries in the process.

It’s always wonderful to see the creativity that our Firehawks possess. Many thanks to Ruthie Skaist for her out-of-the-box (literally!) teaching, leadership, and guidance - and many thanks to our wonderful maintenance staff (Diego, Miguel, and Rhina, especially!) for directing so much of the raw materials our way! 🔥


A reminder to join us tonight as we celebrate another great year for Shalhevet - with a special tribute to long-time faculty, Joelle Keene. The festivities kick-off at 7:30 pm, see you there! 🔥



We’re immensely grateful for our supportive donors, including parents, alumni, grandparents, teachers, and faculty. Your generosity has driven our progress, helping us reach our goal of $450,000!

A generous matcher has provided a bonus round opportunity, doubling each additional dollar we receive. This amplifies the impact of every donation! This endeavor supports our students, community, and Shalhevet’s long-term future, helping us nurture a rich learning environment for all students. Let’s continue to build a brighter future for our community.

Give! Whether it’s $45, $450, or $4,500, your gift is greatly appreciated.

Share! Send texts, emails, messages and more to your contacts. Tell them about our upcoming campaign, and include our link: (link also in bio). Their support is critical, and you are the conduit.

For any questions, please contact Sanaz at (323) 930-9333 ext. 1420 or [email protected].

Your support means the world to us. It allows Shalhevet to continue educating our students, nurturing the next generation of Jewish leaders, and strengthening our vibrant community.


WE’RE AT 75% OF OUR GOAL!! Let’s keep this momentum going and take it up a notch as we close out our final day! 🔥 A huge thank you to all who have supported!

Our annual Charidy Campaign, raising dollars for our Tuition Assistance fund, is on and thanks to the incredible generosity of our matchers, every dollar you donate will be doubled - making your contribution even more impactful.

Shalhevet has launched a 36 hour, DOUBLE MATCH campaign to raise $450,000 for the continued success and growth of our school. Please join us as we unite to fuel a future of empowerment, engagement, and expression for Shalhevet. We are confident that with a strong collective effort we can reach our goal of $450,000, but we will not be able to do it without you!

Give! Whether it’s $45, $450, or $4,500, your gift is greatly appreciated.

Share! Send texts, emails, messages and more to your contacts. Tell them about our upcoming campaign, and include our link: (link also in bio). Their support is critical, and you are the conduit.

For any questions, please contact Sanaz at (323) 930-9333 ext. 1420 or [email protected].

Your support means the world to us. It allows Shalhevet to continue educating our students, nurturing the next generation of Jewish leaders, and strengthening our vibrant community.


We’re more than half-way there! Let’s keep this momentum going and take it up a notch as we head into this final day! 🔥 A huge thank you to all who have supported!

Our annual Charidy Campaign, raising dollars for our Tuition Assistance fund, is on and thanks to the incredible generosity of our matchers, every dollar you donate will be doubled - making your contribution even more impactful.

Shalhevet has launched a 36 hour, DOUBLE MATCH campaign to raise $450,000 for the continued success and growth of our school. Please join us as we unite to fuel a future of empowerment, engagement, and expression for Shalhevet. We are confident that with a strong collective effort we can reach our goal of $450,000, but we will not be able to do it without you!

Give! Whether it’s $45, $450, or $4,500, your gift is greatly appreciated.

Share! Send texts, emails, messages and more to your contacts. Tell them about our upcoming campaign, and include our link: (link also in bio). Their support is critical, and you are the conduit.

For any questions, please contact Sanaz at (323) 930-9333 ext. 1420 or [email protected].

Your support means the world to us. It allows Shalhevet to continue educating our students, nurturing the next generation of Jewish leaders, and strengthening our vibrant community.


Six hours in and we’ve hit 25% of our goal! Let’s keep this momentum going and take it up a notch! 🔥

Our annual Charidy Campaign, raising dollars for our Tuition Assistance fund, has kicked off and thanks to the incredible generosity of our matchers, every dollar you donate will be doubled - making your contribution even more impactful.

Shalhevet has launched a 36 hour, DOUBLE MATCH campaign to raise $450,000 for the continued success and growth of our school. Please join us as we unite to fuel a future of empowerment, engagement, and expression for Shalhevet. We are confident that with a strong collective effort we can reach our goal of $450,000, but we will not be able to do it without you!

Give! Whether it’s $45, $450, or $4,500, your gift is greatly appreciated.

Share! Send texts, emails, messages and more to your contacts. Tell them about our upcoming campaign, and include our link: (link also in bio). Their support is critical, and you are the conduit.

For any questions, please contact Sanaz at (323) 930-9333 ext. 1420 or [email protected].

Your support means the world to us. It allows Shalhevet to continue educating our students, nurturing the next generation of Jewish leaders, and strengthening our vibrant community.


We are NOW LIVE! Our annual Charidy Campaign, raising dollars for our Tuition Assistance fund, has kicked off Thanks to the incredible generosity of our matchers, every dollar you donate will be doubled, making your contribution even more impactful.

Shalhevet has launched a 36 hour, DOUBLE MATCH campaign to raise $450,000 for the continued success and growth of our school. Please join us as we unite to fuel a future of empowerment, engagement, and expression for Shalhevet. We are confident that with a strong collective effort we can reach our goal of $450,000, but we will not be able to do it without you!

Give! Whether it’s $45, $450, or $4,500, your gift is greatly appreciated.

Share! Send texts, emails, messages and more to your contacts. Tell them about our upcoming campaign, and include our link: (link also in bio). Their support is critical, and you are the conduit.

For any questions, please contact Sanaz at (323) 930-9333 ext. 1420 or [email protected].

Your support means the world to us. It allows Shalhevet to continue educating our students, nurturing the next generation of Jewish leaders, and strengthening our vibrant community.


Tomorrow, May 29th, Shalhevet launches a 36 hour, DOUBLE MATCH campaign to raise $450,000 for the continued success and growth of our school. Please join us as we unite to fuel a future of empowerment, engagement, and expression for Shalhevet. We are confident that with a strong collective effort we can reach our goal of $450,000, but we will not be able to do it without you - and thanks to the incredible generosity of our matchers, every dollar you donate will be doubled, making your contribution even more impactful.

Give! Whether it’s $45, $450, or $4,500, your gift is greatly appreciated.

Share! Send texts, emails, messages and more to your contacts. Tell them about our upcoming campaign, and include our link: (link also in bio). Their support is critical, and you are the conduit.

For any questions, please contact Sanaz at (323) 930-9333 ext. 1420 or [email protected].

Your support means the world to us. It allows Shalhevet to continue educating our students, nurturing the next generation of Jewish leaders, and strengthening our vibrant community.


Join us tomorrow evening - Wednesday, the 29th - as Shalhevet puts on a Choir Concert & Art Show! 6:00 pm on the 3rd floor to hear our Choirhawks and see a wonderful showcase of creativity from our Firehawks’ ‘23-‘24 school year. We look forward to seeing you there! 🎶🎨🎤

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Videos (show all)

Check out scenes from our first day of school! 🔥Shalhevet had an incredible first day of school filled with our trademar...
Shalhevet Basketball Coach Ryan Coleman and his son Grayson were featured by KTLA 5 in a profile spotlighting their rela...
We’re Shalhevet Firehawks! Mazal Tov and Welcome to the Class of 2028! 🔥 #shalhevet #firehawks #classof2028 #welcometosh...
Shalhevet came together at Morry’s Fireplace for a Schoolwide Seudah Shlishit. It was an evening filled with Shali Ruach...
Shalhevet’s 2023 Graduation was a beautiful event celebrating our newest Firehawk alumni - check out this highlight vide...
Check out this highlight video from the Shalhevet Drama Department’s 2023 production of “YOU’RE A GOOD MAN, CHARLIE BROW...





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