Fearless Living Institute

Intensive life coach training certification and programs designed to help you live the life your sou We are devoted to showing you how to Master Fear!

The only thing that is stopping you from ANYTHING! No more being stuck...ever! Home of the LifeCoachCertificationProgram.com
***Called the "Ivy League" of Life Coach Training***

Founder, Rhonda Britten, named "America's Favorite Life Coach," changed lives in over 600 episodes of life changing reality television, the first Life Coach on TV in the world, 4x bestselling author, Emmy Award-winner, Tedx speaker, Huffington Post contributor and more.



When I first started Fearless Living, I was haunted by other people’s opinions of me. The fear of being judged made me doubt myself, doubt my hard work, doubt that I even had a right to want more than I already had. (I can hear my grandmother now, “Just be grateful for what you have.”)

Let’s face it, how could I, Rhonda-alcoholic-suicide-survivor-3-DUIs-and-some-jail-time Britten, ever be thought of as anything but what I’d been.

The past was barreling down my consciousness, trying to strangle all my good attempts at setting myself free from its grip and trying to stop me from stepping into what I call the Freedom Zone: The place where you are free to be YOU!

I wanted to be me, as a teacher, as a Coach, as a woman. But when we’re on the way to our destiny, it is natural for all our fears to come up.

Hosting my first workshop at home—I had no money to rent a space—was when I was forced to confront my fear of being judged.

An hour before the group of about ten was about to arrive, I was walking through the house, making sure it was in tip-top shape. Everything looked good except when I got to the kitchen. The cracks in my 1950s kitchen floor tile were glaringly obvious.

I distinctly remember looking at that worn linoleum and thinking, “Look at those cracks. Look at this kitchen. Why would people want to learn from someone who has cracks in their kitchen floor?”

I had all these fears bubble up about being judged by my home, by my weight, by my looks, and by the fact that I didn’t have a PhD.

I had dreamed of that day for weeks, and I knew I couldn’t let the fear of being judged stop me from pursuing my newfound dream.

Fear of being judged can come through in everything we do.

And that’s why fear of being judged is our theme this month over on Fearless You!

Are you someone who doesn't put anything out unless you know it’s perfect?

Do you refuse to try something if you’re worried you won’t get perfect results?

Fear of being judged makes you think you need to be perfect, and that may be what’s stopping you from ever trying to begin with.

Meet me over at Fearless You!



🌿💫 How present can we truly be? It's a question that invites us to reflect on our ability to stay connected to ourselves amidst life's distractions.

Whether it's noticing the sensations in our body, acknowledging our emotions, or simply being aware of our thoughts, staying present means embracing the richness of our inner world.

Let's cultivate mindfulness and deepen our self-awareness, fostering a deeper connection with ourselves and with those around us. 🌟💖


Let's dive into some introspection!

Take a moment to freely write in your journal for at least 10 minutes, responding to this prompt.

💗 Afterwards, share any insights you've discovered below.

💗 Don't forget to TAG your favorite babes to join in the reflection, and spread the love by LIKING as many other comments as possible.

💗 Lets embrace fearlessness together!


Ready to conquer your fears and live boldly? Fearless Living offers exclusive membership benefits to help you thrive.

Gain access to empowering resources, coaching, and a vibrant community of like-minded individuals.

Don't wait—take the leap towards a fearless life!

Join now 👉 https://fearlessliving.org/fearless-you

Photos from Fearless Living Institute's post 07/25/2024

🎄 Welcome to Season 2.5 - The Holiday Edition - Episode 1 of Master Coach Mindset™ with Rhonda Britten! 🌟

Here are five essential tips to ensure you have a joyous and peaceful holiday season. Use these insights to clear your headspace, destress, and embrace your inner fearlessness.

What You Will Discover:
1️⃣ How to be gentle with yourself, even if you burn the turkey.
2️⃣ Learning to say no to ease family relations.
3️⃣ Strategies for managing irritation and stress.
4️⃣ Discovering your personal process to regain control.
5️⃣ Crafting an intention statement to stay in the flow.

Join us as we navigate through these tips to make your holidays brighter and more fulfilling! 🎁✨

Listen Now


When I started coaching back in 1995, the life coaching industry didn’t exist as it does today.

There was no mainstream form of life coaching back then—it was only known to high achievers and those with big pocketbooks. It was more like consulting than what I think of what coaching “should be”—supporting and lifting up someone’s soul. (That’s the coaching I do.)

Side note: I've been called the Original Life Coach and even, don’t laugh now, the Mother of Life Coaching, and in the press, I was named “America's Favorite Life Coach.” (I love that one!)

Since I coached my first client 29 years ago, the coaching industry has blown open its doors and become more accessible to more types of people, everyday people, people like you and me.

Plumbers hire coaches. Financial planners hire coaches. Teachers hire coaches. C-suite executives hire coaches. Moms hire coaches. Artists hire coaches. I have a coach.

And more people are becoming coaches. That’s good. The world needs coaches.

But here’s the tough thing: Most coaching programs have zero mentoring as part of their training. The coaches-in-training never have anyone listen to a session or get feedback. That’s the fast, cheap way to train coaches. And because there’s low overhead, no mentors to pay, it’s way more profitable for those companies.

But that’s not how I train coaches. It’s not how my Life Coach Certification Program (LCCP) is designed. (We mentor the crap out of you. 🤣)

Because mentoring is key to mastery!

And mentoring WILL be happening in my Master Coach Mentor Program, my latest program to share all I know about coaching to any coach, any therapist, any wellness practitioner!

There’s a lot of fear out in the world today. Every day it seems to get worse. But fear doesn’t have to suck the life force out of you, or your clients.

If you’re a coach, therapist, or wellness practitioner, the Master Coach Mentor Program is an incredible opportunity to put an extra spark back into your coaching business!

If you want to connect on the phone for a few minutes to determine if it's a fit for you, DM me! Let's talk!

If you’re not a coach, and you love helping people, (the world definitely needs you), check out Life Coach Certification Program (LCCP). It provides the only training in the world that helps people break through their core fear (and every problem has its origin in fear.)

Hiring a coach or becoming a coach or upleveling your coaching is a game-changer. Depending on where you are in your life, do one or all three!

It’s time to get fearless. The world can’t wait another minute.



If you want to connect on the phone for a few minutes to determine if it's a fit for you, DM me! Let's talk!


Transform your mindset and embrace fearlessness with Fearless Living's membership. 🌈

Dive into personalized resources, expert guidance, and a supportive community dedicated to your growth. Ready to live boldly?

Join us now and start your fearless journey.
👉 https://fearlessliving.org/fearless-you

Photos from Fearless Living Institute's post 07/18/2024

🎙️ Calling all coaches ready to level up! 🌟 Dive deep into the Eight Coaching Skills I explore in detail in Season 2 of Master Coach Mindset. It's time to redefine coaching, ignite your confidence, and amplify your impact.

Welcome to Season 2, Episode 18 of Master Coach Mindset™ with Rhonda Britten. In today’s episode, I bring together the key insights from our exploration of these Eight Coaching Skills. Grab your pen because you won't want to miss a moment! 📝

Listen Now


Keeping secrets in a relationship can slowly erode trust and turn a healthy bond toxic.

It's crucial to distinguish between privacy, which supports individual identity and boundaries, and secrecy, which fosters mistrust.

Yes, you deserve privacy to nurture your personal space within a relationship. However, secrecy creates barriers and hinders true connection.

Discover more about navigating privacy and secrecy in relationships in my latest blog post.

📖 https://fearlessliving.org/privacy-vs-secrecy-how-to-recognize-the-difference/


I spent most of my life talking about freedom without truly understanding its meaning. ⁠ ⁠
Back then, I thought it meant doing whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. But now I realize true freedom is about being called to something and having the support to pursue it. ⁠ ⁠

That's the freedom I seek and advocate for. 🌟

Ready to discover your own path to freedom? ⁠ ⁠

Join me in exploring more at https://fearlessliving.org/ ✨ ⁠ ⁠


Ready to conquer your fears and live boldly? Fearless Living offers exclusive membership benefits to help you thrive. Gain access to empowering resources, coaching, and a vibrant community of like-minded individuals.

Don't wait—take the leap towards a fearless life!
Join now 👉 https://fearlessliving.org/fearless-you


🌿💖 Real intimacy and connection with ourselves often means facing feelings we'd rather avoid. It's okay to get quiet, to feel vulnerable, and to acknowledge those challenging emotions.

Staying present in those moments, even when it's difficult, is where true growth begins.

Let's embrace the journey of self-discovery with compassion and courage, nurturing a deeper connection within ourselves and with others. 🌟

Photos from Fearless Living Institute's post 07/11/2024

🌟 Encourage rather than discourage. Empower instead of disempower. 🌟

Imagine a dream so seemingly far-fetched that it could easily dissuade anyone from taking a step forward.

Yet, your Client with this impossible dream is ablaze with hope and endless possibilities. Discover how dreams, though initially intangible, are vibrant and full of purpose, waiting to be realized.

Embrace the power of dreams with your clients and watch them ignite with passion. 🔥


💭💔 Reflecting on a journey of self-discovery: there was a time when I avoided feeling, afraid of what emotions might reveal.

I sought control over others to protect my self-image, shielding myself from vulnerability. But true growth came when I embraced my feelings, allowing myself to be vulnerable and open.

It's a reminder that authentic self-acceptance begins with understanding and embracing all parts of ourselves.

Let's nurture compassion for our journey and honor the courage it takes to feel deeply. 🌟💖


🌿💖 True intimacy begins with embracing your inner journey—being present with your emotions and thoughts, and nurturing curiosity about your own process.

It's about extending that same curiosity to others, understanding their unique paths and experiences.

Ultimately, true intimacy is knowing that you have the ability to care for yourself, while also creating a space where others feel seen and heard.

Embrace the beauty of deep connections rooted in authenticity and self-awareness.


We start in two days...


Discover your fearless self with Fearless Living's transformative membership! 🌟 Embrace personal growth, overcome fears, and unlock your true potential. Join our supportive community today and start living fearlessly.

Learn more 👉 https://fearlessliving.org/fearless-you


Have you ever felt a deep longing for something more in your life, Rhonda?

A yearning that goes beyond the mundane and touches the very core of your being?

If the answer is yes, your soul may be calling you toward a more profound connection to something bigger than you so you can experience the spiritual freedom you can only get when you say yes to your soul’s desire.

After years of fighting and loving and denying my desire to embrace a more spiritually-led life, I’ve surrendered to the fact that I’m just plain better with that “something bigger” leading the way.

Call him God or Higher Self or the Divine or The Field or Source or Universal Light…Any or all of those will do because I don’t care what you call God; he doesn’t care either.

You could even call it your intuition because, let’s face it, where does your intuition come from? Exactly. It comes from something within you that encompasses more than you.

Here’s what I know…

Having God in my corner––being able to reach out to him, feel His embrace in the dark times, hear his voice when I feel so alone––has made me more courageous, more whole, more myself.

And because I’ve cultivated my relationship with the Divine...

I have healthier, more loving relationships.
I have the courage to speak up and be heard and seen.
I have the insight to take the right action at the right time.
I have clarity of purpose, so I have meaning in my life.
I’m living MY life, not anyone else’s, so I have zero regrets, zero guilt, and zero anxiety.

Does that sound like something you’d like more of?

If you want to feel closer to your Higher Self, become more attuned to hear the still, small voice, or feel more embraced and supported in this crazy, upside-down world, join me for Fearless Spirit.

Together, we will tap into the higher part of our beings so we can connect to something bigger than me and you.

We’ll be doing soul work and some human work too.

And I will be there with you every step of the way to answer your questions, listen to your fears, and help you embrace the next happy place in your life.

Our transformative 4-session program, "Fearless Spirit: How to Live in Spiritual Truth While Living in Human Reality," is designed to help you honor the call and set your soul free.

We’re going to be talking about…

Powerful Mantras: My favorite mantras will empower you daily, grounding and focusing your mind and spirit.
5-Step Prayer Formula: Establish a profound connection to the Divine and experience lasting peace of mind. And learn how to trust yourself to pray from your CORE.

Overcoming Common Mindsets: Break free from comparison, perfectionism, feelings of unworthiness, and procrastination.
Each week, you'll receive a new tool for your spiritual toolkit, empowering you to stay centered and act from your Higher Self, even when the world seems to be crashing down.

Rest assured, you’re in good hands.

I’ve been doing “spiritual” work since I was 12 years old, and I’ve studied with many of today’s masters so if this calls to you take advantage of this opportunity.

Don't wait to start your journey towards spiritual freedom and empowerment. Sign up now and transform your life with your soul leading the way.

Give up the hustle and settle into your Soul.

We begin on Tuesday, July 9th at 5 pm PT.

Here’s to your Fearless Spirit! Let it FLY...



🌟 Ever wondered how often you reveal the second layer of yourself? It's in these moments that people truly get to know you—your passions, dreams, and quirks.

Equally important is our curiosity about others. How open are you to discovering someone beyond their surface?

Let's embrace deeper connections by unveiling more of ourselves and cultivating genuine curiosity about each other's stories.

Together, let's foster meaningful relationships built on understanding and authenticity! 💬💫

Photos from Fearless Living Institute's post 07/04/2024

🎙️ Ever find yourself freezing in the middle of a Coaching Session? 🤔 Getting tongue-tied or feeling like a beginner? This week’s episode answers these questions and more!

We're also diving deep into Part 2 of a crucial element for permanent change: the ability to take risks. Knowing the "choice points" and coaching clients to develop the skills for risk-taking is key to becoming a more effective Coach.

Join us for Season 2, Episode 16 of Master Coach Mindset™ with Rhonda Britten and explore these essential coaching insights! 🌟

Listen Now:


🌟 Sharing your feelings and thoughts isn't just about communication—it's about revealing the essence of who you are.

By expressing your inner world, you invite others into your journey of growth and self-discovery. Embrace the power of vulnerability and authenticity in your interactions.

Each conversation becomes an opportunity to deepen connections and foster understanding.

Let's celebrate the beauty of sharing our true selves with the world! 💬💖


Unlocking the Power of Intimate Relationships: Moving Beyond Facts💭💬

In a world of surface-level connections, let's dive deeper. Relationships often revolve around facts—what we do, our hobbies—but true intimacy lies beyond mere details.

It's about understanding emotions, dreams, fears—the essence of who we are. Let's ask questions that unveil the heart behind the facts.

Let's embrace vulnerability and authenticity in our connections, bridging the gap between knowing and truly understanding. Let's make conversations meaningful again. 🌟💖

Photos from Fearless Living Institute's post 06/29/2024

Ready to conquer your fears and unlock your full potential?

Fearless You is a transformative program that empowers you to face your fears and live with confidence and purpose. With expert coaching, practical tools, and a community of supportive peers, you'll learn to navigate life's challenges and embrace your true self.

Whether you're dealing with fear of failure, rejection, or uncertainty, Fearless You provides the strategies and support to help you thrive.

Join the program today and take the first step towards a fearless, empowered life.


I will not let my mind overshadow my heart, making me believe, even for a second, that I am unworthy, not enough, a failure, or a loser.


Photos from Fearless Living Institute's post 06/27/2024

🚀 Risk is the reason we coach. Risk is the path to changing lives. Risk is at the heart of all movement forward and the key to compassionate, powerful decisions.

Do you know how to stretch your comfort zone? Each risk carries emotional attachments that must be broken to carve a new path and a new way of being.

🎙️ Welcome to Season 2, Episode 15 of Master Coach Mindset™ with Rhonda Britten!

Join us and transform your coaching approach today!
🔗 https://fearlessliving.org/speak-to-acknowledge-risk-part-1/


There will be people and situations in your life that feel 'more difficult' to transcend. Remember, it's all part of the journey. ⁠

Embrace the challenge and grow through it. ⁠


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Be Fearless!

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Videos (show all)

Stay Present and Connected_ Embracing Mindfulness in Daily Life
Unlocking Personal Freedom_ Discovering Your True Calling
Unlocking Intimacy_ Embracing Vulnerability and Connection
How to Overcome Emotional Suppression and Reclaim Your Feelings
Discovering True Intimacy_ Embracing Your Inner Journey (1)
Revealing Your True Self_ The Importance of Second Layer Communication
Revealing My Thoughts and Feelings_ Unveiling Who I Am
Unlocking the Power of Intimate Relationships_ Moving Beyond Facts
Unlocking the Power Within_ Overcoming Self-Doubt and Embracing Worthiness
Transcending Difficult Relationships_ A Guide to Overcoming Triggering Situations
Feeling Supported by the Universe_ Finding Strength in Tough Times
Reconnecting with Source_ Spiritual Basics to Realign with the Universe




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