Carrie Murphy, Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs

Carrie Murphy is a Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine. All are welcome. ALL ARE WELCOME.

At her practices in Shorewood, Downtown Milwaukee and Wilmette, Carrie specializes in internal integrative medicine. Her main focus is to help patients maximize vitality while minimizing the number of medicines and surgeries they have to undergo. Carrie also enjoys practicing the highest form of medicine: prevention. Patients who feel that the stresses of life are beginning to have an impact on their well-being benefit greatly from Chinese medicine.

Identifying with what's True dismantles the ego's controlling momentum and frees Soul expression! 06/27/2024

What Kay said

Identifying with what's True dismantles the ego's controlling momentum and frees Soul expression! A revealing universal human question has been being asked repeatedly in sessions recently: "I know what I need to do--WHY is it SO HARD to just do it, and co...


So excited to be back on Changing Platforms Podcast! Alka asks the best questions and I hope I was helpful. Also, there are a few GREAT songs woohooo

Ep110: Navigating Health, Aging, and Community: Insights from Dr. Carrie Murphy on Changing Platforms.

How do we face the illnesses life throws our way? In a world where health concerns can feel isolating, returning guest ( ) Dr. Carrie Murphy, Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs, brings a ray of hope and solidarity. Discover how to navigate the complexities of illness, support loved ones, and why ‘support in, complain out’ might be the mantra we all need. Listen to our heart-to-heart on this week’s Changing Platforms coming soon.


Monthly Education: BRPT Wauwatosa West
2900 N 117th Street
Tuesday May 7 @ 6:30pm

I am SO EXCITED to host the next 2 months of conversations. Please consider joining me in May as we sit with Dr Carrie Murphy and start our discussions about peri-menopause and menopause. Carrie is my care provider... and upon meeting her I was so impressed with her knowledge of the human body. Her integrative approach to acupuncture and Chinese medicine has greatly supported my nervous system, helped me boost my HRV, and manage my colitis symptoms. For years we have shared clients addressing migraine headaches, low back pain, and chronic conditions of all sorts. Carrie has the desire to help support women understand more about menopause, the unique changes it brings into our lives, but also the CONSISTENT challenges it brings to women. Many of us find significant challenges that go way beyond the talked about hot flashes. Changes in our mood. Changes in our affect, many times feeling more sad and depressed and overwhelmed. Changes in our weight... feeling betrayed by this body that moves us through our day. I would encourage you to listen to her podcast interview on Spotify. I just listened myself and it is a small reflection of some very insightful conversations we have also had in our treatment sessions together. I trust and value this woman so much. Check out her clinical website at and her discussion about menopause at

For this discussion I am going to ask that you email me at [email protected] to register. Carrie is hoping to have a general head count as well as a list of some questions or conversations you would like to focus on. Send those my way and I will forward on.

Cannot wait to sit and learn and support one another. Please feel free to invite and bring anyone you know could benefit from this as well. See you in May!

Jes Davies, PT, CFMT, CSCS, CMTPT, 500eRYT

Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine for Menstrual Health 11/15/2023

Looking forward to leading this in-person workshop on Chinese medicine and menstrual health. Want to learn more? Details below. Please share with anyone it may serve.

Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine for Menstrual Health Join us for this wonderful experience!


This weather brings such a mix of emotions - melancholy, coziness, grief, anticipation. Fall is of course its own season, but here in the midwest it carries the feeling of transition from the blaze of summer to the dark quiet of winter. And transition means change and change scares us! The next few weeks I will be focusing my treatments on easing the transition by embracing what is. Looking so forward to seeing you walking in the door.


I opened my office in Milwaukee 15 years ago today, after 5 years of practicing in Chicago. Thank you Milwaukee for all the love! I have learned so much working with you all, and it has been an honor treating all the generations of your families over the years. Im all in for going strong for another 15! or 20! Who's with me?


I am teaching an 8-hour CEU class on creative herb solutions for all us solo practitioners with patent pharmacies. It should be fun! And the eLotus Pass makes it free with Evergreen herbs purchase! I use Evergreen herbs and have for my whole career, they are great. Want to join? Questions? AMA

Practicing — WTFopause 08/04/2023

I had the GREAT PLEASURE of interviewing my mentor, the brilliant and wise Frank Scott for a wide ranging conversation on Chinese Medicine, life transitions, aging, how to make good choices, and becoming more yourself over time. If you are a person in a human body, this is for you. If you miss having frank Scott to guide you, here he is again

Practicing — WTFopause Practicing Together Yoga, Meditation, Bodywork, and Breathwork You can’t outrun or out-think or out-yoga wtfopause but omg it helps to take a moment and stretch and breathe and pause together. Interview with a Master AcupuncturistProfessor and Senior Practitioner of Chinese Medicine Frank Scott di...

Feeling Dismissed? How to Spot ‘Medical Gaslighting’ and What to Do About It. 07/11/2023

I notice this so often - most of my doctors will assume that whatever I am complaining of isn't really going on. Even though I am a healthy, mentally vigorous person on no medications, and there is no reason to suspect me of hypochondria or drug-seeking. I tend to reject proposed interventions, if anything. And yet when I say - something is off here, they say no it isnt. This is VERY REAL and while I have the chutzpah and training to argue for myself, not everyone does.

Feeling Dismissed? How to Spot ‘Medical Gaslighting’ and What to Do About It. Experts share tips on advocating for yourself in a health care setting.


A lot of new visitors to the page in the last week - welcome! If you have any questions, please post them here. If you have a question, I am sure many other less brave people do too!


*** OUT NOW ***
Dr. Carrie Murphy caught my attention with her website: I just had to get her on Changing Platforms and talk more about all things related to health, well-being, and especially the menopause. As well as sharing insights into her specialty, integrative internal Chinese medicine, Carrie shares so much wisdom on how to live a happier and healthier life. As Carrie says the topic of menopause is relatable to not only women but people of all genders; there is something for everyone to learn and take away from this episode. Tune in now.

Click on link to listen:


We are live! Check out my interview on the Changing Platforms Podcast on Spotify: (

This week on Changing Platforms, I had the pleasure of talking with Dr. Carrie Murphy, who not only specializes in integrative internal medicine but also created the website: YES! We are talking about the menopause, I cannot wait to share this episode with you. Keep a lookout; it’s dropping on Spotify very soon.


How are you doing with your meditation practice between Zoom Zen meetings? Here is a GORGEOUS new app with tons of guided meditation and meditative music to get you into the headspace. Enjoy!



This morning I launched the newest section of wtfopause: practicing! With an interview and three excellent practices w my favorite yoga teacher ever, hot genius Catherine la O'. Yay! Enjoy!

Practicing — WTFopause Practicing Together Yoga, Meditation, and Breathwork You can’t outrun or out-think or out-yoga wtfopause but omg it helps to take a moment and stretch and breathe and pause together. Interview with a YogiHot genius Catherine la O’ guides us through how yoga can help us navigate wtfopause with re...


I am happy to share my new project! It's a resource for people going through perimenopause and menopause who are like what the f**k?! Because this transition is a doozy - but we don't have to go in blind, or do it alone. Enjoy!

WTFopause Featured Posts Mar 24, 2026 Perimenopause, Menopause, WTFopause Mar 24, 2026 Everyone thinks hot flashes and night sweats are the main sign of perimenopause and menopause, and they are major, but you might develop twelve other symptoms before the hot flashes come along. That creates a lot of anxiety...


How are you sleeping lately? I've been a great sleeper for most of my life, but hormone fluctuations changed that dramatically for me. So I put my decades of work helping women sleep better to the test on myself, and I am sleeping so well again. If this is a problem for you, let me know! We can do a zoom consult and create a 6-week back to sleep plan. Or maybe two weeks I dont know it might happen fast :)


Fellow practitioners - I am thrilled and HONORED to have been invited to teach an all-day CEU event with eLotus in September. If your herb practice has become stagnant, overwhelming, or uninspired, come and spend the day with me playing around with herbs and rediscover joy! We are going to get creative, get back to basics, and get our patients on a protocol they can actually deal with, take, and benefit from! I will also talk about how to stock a functioning base pharmacy based on your location and specialty so you aren't losing money. It is going to be lively and you are going to like it. I hope you will come!


If your New Year's resolution involves eating less meat, for the sake of our fellow sentient beings, the environment, or your own health, check out ma po tofu. Mapo tofu dishes use a smaller amount of meat as a way to flavor the whole dish, the way your grandmother put a bit of bacon in the beans. These more traditional ways of eating are gentler on you and on the land, and very delicious too.


At most medical schools, OBGYNs receive LESS THAN TWO HOURS of training on managing menopause, and a majority of surveyed OBGYNs report that they do not feel comfortable managing menopause. No wonder women are not receiving the care we need at this time of transition. No wonder my OBGYN said such dumb things to me. I received more than two hours of training, and I have been treating it for two decades, and now I am going through it and learning even more! If you are thoroughly unsatisfied with the answers you are getting, let's talk. Ask me a question here or book a Zoom consult. Menopause is a healthy transition and while it is a little bumpy - like puberty in reverse - it doesn't have to be terrible and you don't have to do it alone.


988 is the new phone number that recently went live providing free and confidential support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress. Staff are available 24/7.
Please share this post!

call ot text 988


Let's not do that thing where we spend the holidays absolutely bashing our livers in and eating fondue at every meal and then spend half of january on some self-hating fad diet and then be depressed for three months because it all failed. Let's do the thing where we go for walks, drink some water, have some wine, do some yoga and eat a cookie because there is so much beauty and enjoyment in life and in being thoughtful with choices. And hey you know, acupuncture is really helpful at being present enough in your body to know whether it is cookie time or yoga time, so ring my bell.

Book Now — Carrie Murphy, LAc, DACM 10/12/2022

I am back from Nepal, feeling refreshed and inspired. You can schedule appointments online at

Book Now — Carrie Murphy, LAc, DACM


Win a free acupuncture treatment! I’m raising funds to supply a school for orphans with all the supplies they need for a year. Donate any amount and let me know you did, and I’ll put your name in a hat for a drawing for a free treatment! Help me do some real good. More info and link to donate below. (short video, Solid Roots origins)

Donation link:

"Solid Roots" ~ Creating a brighter future for the children of Nepal 09/04/2022

I have the extraordinary opportunity to spend my birthday this year in Nepal. Part of the trip is service to a school for orphaned children. Please watch this three minute video and if you have ever wanted to do something for me or give me the perfect gift, make a donation at the link in comments. We have a matching grant! Your gift immediately doubles. Please join me in providing a year of school supplies for these children in such urgent need. Make a direct difference. I am handing every penny raised directly to them myself.

"Solid Roots" ~ Creating a brighter future for the children of Nepal To learn more: contribute: join the Nepal ...


It is HIGHLY ADVISABLE that you have herbal antivirals on hand. The main thing now is to be able to quickly reduce viral load in the event of an exposure or positive test. You should have one bottle of HERBAL AVR on hand for each member of your family. I can arrange for it to be shipped for you or you can stop at my office to pick it up. Once you have covid, getting what you need becomes extremely complicated and exhausting and overwhelming. Try not to get sick, wear a mask, but PLAN AHEAD. Ibuprofen, cough syrup, rest and herbal antivirals will get otherwise healthy, fully vaccinated people through this.


Good morning! The first day of bleeding is the first day of your period, DAY 1. The first day of your next period is both DAY 1 and Day 28 or whatever of your previous cycle. If you have a perfect, 4-week, 28-day menstrual cycle, and everything is going smoothly, and you are of reproductive age and have a uterus, you will ovulate on day 14. Some people will have a little cramp and or some discharge on that day. On a paper calendar, keep track of each DAY 1, and make a little note about any ovulation feelings you might get, and what day they happen. If you have been keeping a tracker using an app, write down your last two years of Day 1s and delete the app. That is no longer information that is safe to share. Ask questions below or PM me.

How Often Can You Be Infected With the Coronavirus? 05/20/2022

This virus isn't going away any time soon. Let's work on maximizing your immune system, and having anti-virals on hand in the event of an exposure. We will be doing this for a long time, but there is a way forward.

How Often Can You Be Infected With the Coronavirus? The spread of the Omicron variant has given scientists an unsettling answer: repeatedly, sometimes within months.

Her Rash Wouldn’t Go Away, and the Itch Was Ruining Her Life 05/11/2022

Do you know what is not, in actual fact, rare at all? Food allergies and sensitivities. This kind of breathless reporting on the "medical mystery" of someone with a food allergy makes things WORSE. Get tested for food allergies and sensitivities, it is a blood test, it is easy. Dont take 9 goddamn rounds of prednisones and immune suppressants during a goddamn pandemic before you check and see if you are no longer digesting something well. Chances are, you arent.

Her Rash Wouldn’t Go Away, and the Itch Was Ruining Her Life Nights were a particular torment, and nothing but steroids seemed to help. What could be causing this?

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Be Well

ALL ARE WELCOME. At her practice in Downtown Milwaukee, Carrie specializes in internal integrative medicine. Her main focus is to help patients maximize vitality while minimizing the number of medicines they take and surgeries they undergo. Carrie also enjoys practicing the highest form of medicine: prevention. Patients who feel that the stresses of life are beginning to have an impact on their well-being benefit greatly from the key therapeutics of Chinese medicine: nutrition, meditation, exercise, massage, acupuncture, and plant medicinals.

Videos (show all)

FAQ: My doctor wants me to take some meds, but I've heard they aren't the answer. What should I do?
FAQ: My doctor wants me to take some meds. I read they are bad for you. What should I do?
FAQ: I'm so angry and scared and freaked out, how do I handle it?
Frequently Asked Questions: How can I stop feeling SO STRESSED OUT?
Introducing my new video series, Frequently Asked Questions! Today on FAQ: how much water am I supposed to be drinking?




316 Milwaukee Street #314
Milwaukee, WI

Opening Hours

Tuesday 12pm - 8pm
Wednesday 8am - 2pm
Thursday 12pm - 8pm
Friday 12pm - 8pm
Saturday 8am - 2pm

Other Acupuncture in Milwaukee (show all)
Hundred Grasses Acupuncture Hundred Grasses Acupuncture
316 N Milwaukee Street, Suite 446
Milwaukee, 53202

Cultivate healing - through acupuncture, herbal medicine, whole food nutrition and meditation.

Milwaukee Community Acupuncture Milwaukee Community Acupuncture
435 E Lincoln Avenue Fl 2
Milwaukee, 53207

Offering up affordable and accessible acupuncture, seven days a week. Founded by Olive Crane & Amy Severinsen

Orchid Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Orchid Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture
4433 N. Oakland Avenue
Milwaukee, 53211

We offer holistic hormonal and reproductive healthcare including acupuncture, massage, Chinese herbal medicine, nutrition, and bodywork for the greater Milwaukee area.

Ace Acupuncture Clinic of Milwaukee Ace Acupuncture Clinic of Milwaukee
8412 W Capitol Drive
Milwaukee, 53222

"Highest Success, Least Sessions" !

North Cape Acupuncture of Milwaukee North Cape Acupuncture of Milwaukee
1845 N Farwell Avenue, Ste 207
Milwaukee, 53202

Begin Your Healing Journey With Us Today. Milwaukee location: 1845 N Farwell Ave Ste 207 Visit our web site for more information!

Veteran Sanctuary Veteran Sanctuary
4611 W National Avenue
Milwaukee, 53214

Alternative Healing for Veterans and their families with Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

MKE MindBody Wellness MKE MindBody Wellness
3174 S Howell Avenue
Milwaukee, 53207

We are a holistic health practice dedicated to decreasing the number of people taking medications due to stress and imbalanced lifestyles.

Acupuncture & Holistic Health Associates Acupuncture & Holistic Health Associates
500 W Silver Spring Drive Ste K205
Milwaukee, 53217

Milwaukee's #1 Acupuncture Clinic! Try Acupuncture: $29 Online Special [includes: Evaluation, Exam, Treatment, and Orientation]

Earth Medicine & TCM Bodywork Earth Medicine & TCM Bodywork
4629 North Port Washington Drive
Milwaukee, 53212

Welcome to Yourself. ✨Research•Restore•Renew✨ Acupuncture, Massage, Nutritional/Herbal Remedies

Acupuncture Healthwise Acupuncture Healthwise
130 W Bruce Street
Milwaukee, 53204

Dr.Zhou’s Acupuncture and Wellness Center Dr.Zhou’s Acupuncture and Wellness Center
4601 N Oakland Avenue
Milwaukee, 53211

Dr. Zhou’s Acupuncture and Wellness Clinic was established in October 1996. Over the past 30+ years, Dr. Zhou has successfully developed a very reputable clinic where he helped tho...

Blue Skies Holistic Care Blue Skies Holistic Care
9205 West Center Street
Milwaukee, 53222

Why heal symptoms when you can heal the root of your disease as well? When you choose to heal, KeleMarie is here for you. Utilizing a medical system based on thousands of years of ...