William Penn - Harmony Lodge No. 52 F&AM

William Penn – Harmony Lodge No. 52 meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm EST in the Masonic Temple on 1 North Broad Street

William Penn – Harmony Lodge No. 52
meets on the first TUESDAY of each month at 7:00pm EST
in Ionic Hall at the Masonic Temple. Dinner is typically served prior to the meeting at 6:00pm. Please inform the secretary if you plan on attending and require a meal if you are not a regular at our meetings.

Photos from William Penn - Harmony Lodge No. 52 F&AM's post 07/22/2024

7/21 - Masonic Picnic at Burholme Park

We hope everyone is having a fantastic summer so far! We were blessed to have some beautiful weather for a bbq hosted by Lodge 2 and 81! Tons of food and good fellowship.

We also had foam sword fighting, firsbee, and co****le! So much fun! Thank you Lodge 2 and 81 for hosting this amazing get together!

We are still on break and will be returning in September! See you all again soon!


CANCELLED - 6/29 Ritual & Coffee with Lodge 2

Next one will be August 24th @ 11am

Photos from William Penn - Harmony Lodge No. 52 F&AM's post 06/23/2024

6/23 - Masonic Golf outing
@ Camden Co. Driving Range!

With the nice shade, cold drinks, and some golfballs, we spent a good couple hours enjoying the game this morning. Bro. Justin from Elkins Lodge 271 joined us and brought his kids who were absolute naturals!

What a great time!

Photos from William Penn - Harmony Lodge No. 52 F&AM's post 06/23/2024

6/21 - Prince Hall Master mason of the Year Award Banquet!

Prince hall freemasons had a banquet celebrating and recognizing the hard work of special masons in each lodge of the first district.

William Penn Harmony was represented by Jonathan Yu-Sen Liu, WM and Bro. Matt Taft. Also in attendance was Jon Liu’s Boss and co-worker, members of Prince Hall lodges.

It was a wonderful and festive event! Thank you for having us!



Tomorrow’s 6/22 Mt. Moriah Restoration has been CANCELLED due to excessive heat warning.

Thank you ans travel safe!


6/13 - Esoteric Night!
@ The Philly Typewriter

Another big thank you to the brothers who joined us for Esoteric Night this past thursday where we talked about resonance, vibration, and crystals.

No, not any healing ability the crystals have, but rather the special piezoelectric and triboluminescence characteristics that we use in science and technology like the quartz watches, accelerometers, trigger lighters and more!

We also talked about religious and spiritual connections to different frequencies from around the world and in things like music theory.

So much fun!

Photos from William Penn - Harmony Lodge No. 52 F&AM's post 06/12/2024

6/8 - Mt. Moriah Cemetery Restoration Event!

Another restoration event at Mount Moriah Cemetery , this time sponsored by our lodge!

It was a beautiful day with awesome weather. Thank you everyone who came out to support this effort!

We got to weed-whack and clear a tremendous amount of overgrowth, reset some headstones, and also cleaned off the grave of Bro. Thomas Kittera, a past grand master from our lodge!


5/30 Masonic Trap shooting night!

Light turn out but we had a good time breaking clays!
Some visitors from Mitchell Lodge No. 81.

Photos from William Penn - Harmony Lodge No. 52 F&AM's post 05/18/2024

5/18 - Blood Donation Party Bus!
Ed Bidman Memorial Blood Drive for School supplies
@ the Tacony Masonic Temple.

It was so nice to see so many familiar faces during the Tacony Blood Donation event today. William Penn Harmony was represented with three donors, Bill Rhoda, Christy C, and Jonathan Liu, WM. (Bro. Justin happened to be in line with us.) Thank you all for coming out to support our local blood donation!

So many free snacks!
Thank you Miller-Keystone Blood Center

Photos from William Penn - Harmony Lodge No. 52 F&AM's post 05/18/2024

5/16 - Esoteric Night

We had another wonderful wonderful turnout at the Philly typewriter this evening for our Esoteric Night with pizza and drinks!

The topic this evening was Dimenstional Correspondance, where we touched back on an older topic, Sacred Geometry, and dove deep into the mathmatical concepts of fractals, dimensions, and ancient judae Kabala and and Tesseract dimensional travel.

Thank you to the new faces from Elkins Lodge 271 that attended our event this evening. We gained some amazing deep knowledge thanks to Bro. Michael Milord and his presentation.

Thank you all for coming out!


5/7 - May Stated Meeting
Lodge 2 and delegations from Prince Hall and Lithuania

We joined Lodge 2 for a visitation from Prince Hall and the Grand Lodge of Lithuania. Where Lodge 2 provided a program from Mr. Benjamin Franklin himself and presentation from Bro. Jonathan Teysko about how his mother lodge is run in the south of Spain. It was good to see a lodge room completely filled!

Beyond that, we had voted on two new candidates, Alexander Perry and Kyle Darby. Both were approved to be initiated into freemasonry.

Join us for our Extra meeting, May 21st, for the initiation of our newest candidate, Patrick Ferrell.

Photos from William Penn - Harmony Lodge No. 52 F&AM's post 05/12/2024

5/4 - Mount Moriah Restoration
Volunteer event with William Elkins Lodge No. 271

An awesome team from District D mowing grass, digging up and restoring headstones. Some of these headstones have been knocked over and buried for decades. Our district has been working diligently to restore a large portion of the cemetery grave by grave.

WPH 52 was represented by Jonathan Yu-Sen Liu, WM and our lodge will be hosting the next big district wide restoration event June 8th from 9am-1pm. Please join us!

Mt. Moriah had been abandoned for many years but many of our past fellow brethern had been buried there. Including Thomas Kittera, a Right Worshipful Grand Master from our own Harmony Lodge No. 52 serving from 1826-1828.

Photos from William Penn - Harmony Lodge No. 52 F&AM's post 04/29/2024

4/26 - 4/29 - Masonic Spring Campout 2024!

We had an amazing camping event at French Creek State Park with lots of big bonfires, hikes, kayaking, shooting, fishing, and big bowls of Chili!

We also had visitors from Lodge 2, Mitchell Lodge 81, and a local stray cat whom we befreiended with hotdogs!

Hiking: Hopewell Furnace & Lake
Shooting: French Creek public shooting range

Thank you everyone for a wonderful weekend!

A very big thank you to Bro. Davis Gray and his fiancé Anna for organizing this event!

Photos from William Penn - Harmony Lodge No. 52 F&AM's post 04/15/2024

4/14 - Home Cooked Heroes (volunteering)
Gift of Life - Howie’s house

We had a great team putting dinner together for the Gift of Life - Howie’s house last night with an incredible menu! With our team of 5, we served about 30 people.

Gift of life is a facility housing people who are about to give or recieve organ transplants, or are recovering from the procedure and their families. The Home-Cooked Heroes program provides a home cooked meal for these organ-transplant patients.

App - Brazilian cheese puffs
App - Taiwanese sweet potato balls
Entree - Miso Salmon + rice + seaweed salad
Entree - Ratatouille
Dessert - blueberry clafouti (custard)
Dessert - vanilla ice cream

So many people came to thank us for such a unique meal.

Thank you to Bro. Mike, Alex, Malak, Christy, and Bro. Jonathan WM, for preparing this awesome meal!

Photos from William Penn - Harmony Lodge No. 52 F&AM's post 04/14/2024

4/13 - Regional Ritual Competition - District D
& Masonic gun range trip!

The District D degree team put in some awesome work during today’s ritual competition displaying the new EA & FC combo degree ritual! Our lodge was represented by Jonathan Liu, WM as the guide. We’ve been practicing for several months and it shows! Great work you guys!

We then had lunch at a pizza shop that just so happened to be adorned with masonic symbolism!

Then a bunch of our degree team got together and went to the near by Gun range and had a great time!
Brother Justin brought his 13 year old son, and Jon Liu was able to instruct him on a wide variety of pistols.

Photos from William Penn - Harmony Lodge No. 52 F&AM's post 04/12/2024

4/11 - Esoteric Night

We had a wonderful turnout at the Philly typewriter this evening for our Esoteric Night with pizza and drinks!

The topic this evening was Mentalism, where we discussed meditation, spiritual focus, lucid dreaming, and other deep mental phenomenons. We’ve also discussed the correlation and influences from a variety of religions like Christianity, Judaism, and tibetan buddhism.

There were many new faces that attended our event this evening. We gained some amazing deep knowledge thanks to Bro. Michael Milord and his presentation.

Thank you all for coming out!


4/3 - Philadelphia Rainbow
Installation of Officers

Lodge 52 was represented by Jonathan Yu-Sen Liu, WM, Bill Rhoda, and Len Juliani, PDDGM, in support of Philadelphia Rainbow for the Installation of Officers.

It is wonderful to see these girls rise through the ranks and keep these traditions alive. Thank you for having us Taralyn Shinn and IORG Philadelphia Rainbow!

Photos from William Penn - Harmony Lodge No. 52 F&AM's post 04/03/2024

4/2 - Stated Meeting

A quick thank you to everyone who attended stated meeting last night. It was a very productive meeting and we got a lot done. It is these types of important discussions that improves our lodge and places us in a better position for the future.

I hope you all enjoyed the WWI doughboy helmet. We raised close to $160 for Hope for the Heroes.

Great job to Bro. Michael Milord for his presentation on Sacred Geometry in Lodge 2. Because our speaker was out sick, we were allowed to support Bro. Milord by traveling to Egyptian Hall to view his presentation.

Our lodge was visited by Bro. Ephrain Rivera, Bro. Herb Manar, and my friend Andrew Thompson. We also got cool masonic tater pins from the Most Worshipful Master of Idaho who was visiting Lodge 2.

Photos from William Penn - Harmony Lodge No. 52 F&AM's post 03/30/2024

3/29 - Whiskey & Cigar Night!


3/28 - NE Demolay District Visitation

Officers of District D visited our local chapter NE Demolay during their March Stated meeting.

WPH Lodge 52 was also acknowledged for supporting these young men through our donations and contributions. The supporter plaque was received by our Wosrhipful Master, Jonathan Yu-Sen Liu, supported by our Junior Warden, Justin Shellenberger and our DDGM, Jim Clancy.

Thank you for a delightful evening.



District D Trap shooting has been postponed to next Thursday April 4th.

We will be having a district visitation to NE Demolay tonight instead.

Thank you!

Photos from William Penn - Harmony Lodge No. 52 F&AM's post 03/25/2024

3/25 - Cobbs Creek Clean up!

Our lodge was represented by our WM, Jonathan Liu and his friend Neda at the corner of 63rd and Market to help clean up our local river and parks. It was a beautiful day!

In collaboration with the Cobbs Creek Ambassadors (Andrew in the pic) we hauled over 100 pounds of trash and carpets out of the creek-bed. A few others were also present but had to leave early.

Thank you for making our communities a little cleaner

Photos from William Penn - Harmony Lodge No. 52 F&AM's post 03/24/2024

March 2024 Extra Meeting:

Thank you to all the brothers and visitors we had at this past Tuesday night’s March Extra meeting

The main program was a wonderful tour of the Masonic Temple Museum with the help of Bro. Mike Comfort and Bro. Mike McKee which ended up also becoming a tour of the hidden parts of the Masonic Temple!

We were given a tour of the Grand Master’s conference room and office, a peak into the various hidden entrances around the temple, and a walk through the entire roof afea ABOVE the halls!
(Unfortunately, pictures were not allowed for that area)

What an amazing experience!

Thank you again for coming out.

See you at the next event!

Photos from William Penn - Harmony Lodge No. 52 F&AM's post 03/07/2024

March 2024 Stated Meeting:

Thank you to all the brothers and visitors we had at last night’s March Stated meeting. We had some outstanding turnout this month.

The main program was a wonderful presentation by Taralyn Shinn and her daughters, Victoria and Amelia, about the Philadelphia Rainbow Girls. We learned an incredible amount about all the fun, competative, and charitable events held by the Rainbow Girls. They will also be holding an installation of officers Wednesday, April 3rd at 6pm in the Tacony Masonic temple. Please come out to support them!

We were also pleased to witness the presentation of the Lewis jewel to Bro. Mike Welch by his Father, Bro. Alexander Welch. The history, symbolism, and significance of this jewel was presented by Bro. leonard Juliani.

We then finished the evening with some wonderful fellowship at Fergie’s Irish Pub after our stated meeting.

I would also like to highlight that all three of our internet inquirers were in attendance and our brothers got to know them a lot better.

See you at the next event!


WPH Lodge 52 representing at a Cobbs Creek Clean-up volunteering event this past Sunday!

We worked with the Cobbs Creek Ambassadors picking up trash and debris along the Cobbs creek park and roadway. We picked up 7 full bags of trash from the creek and surrounding walkway at the intersection of Cobbs Creek Pkwy and Woodland Ave. Thank you all for coming out and helping us make our communities a little cleaner!

Photos from William Penn - Harmony Lodge No. 52 F&AM's post 02/21/2024

Extra meeting Presentation:
Historical Relics from the Masonic Temple Archive
By Bro. Mike Laskowski, Archivist

Our lodge had the pleasure of displaying some of the historical artifacts relevant to our masonic lodge. Some items to note:

*Petition to the Grand Lodge of PA - for the creation of a new Lodge, Harmony Lodge No. 52, dated 1790.

*List of new members - the first members ever for our lodge, dated 1792.

*the golden sword of Sir Abram Hess - held by our worshipful master, Jonathan Yu-Sen Liu

Stay tuned to see our new upcoming events!


Working on a secret masonic project for our lodge.

Details to be announced at a later date.
Thank you brothers for coming out to support this effort!

And a big thank you to the Philly Typewriter for letting us use their space and awesome typewriters!


Congrats to the District Deputy Grand Master of Masonic District D, Jim Clancy!


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