Lokahi Acupuncture

Top-rated acupuncture clinic in San Jose
Treating: Fertility|Pain|Stress|Digestion|Immune system

A Women-operated acupuncture clinic in Willow Glen, the heart of silicon valley. Individualized holistic treatment plans for:
Fertility|Pain|Stress|Digestion|Immune system

Promoting health, balance, and wellness through collaboration, trust, and empowerment


Discover the difference between neuromuscular and deep tissue massage:

🌿 Neuromuscular Massage: Aims to release tension and restore proper function to the affected muscle groups. Neuromuscular massage can effectively address chronic pain conditions, postural problems, and injuries by focusing on the relationship between the nervous system and muscles.

💆 Deep Tissue Massage: It is beneficial for releasing chronic muscle tension, breaking down scar tissue, and improving blood circulation. Deep tissue massage is often recommended for individuals with muscle injuries, chronic pain, or limited mobility.

Both techniques offer relief from muscle discomfort, yet their methods vary. Consult with a skilled therapist like Marty Howard at Lokahi for personalized care. Book your neuromuscular massage session Today (Link in bio)! 🌺


Experience the Healing Power of Moxa! ✨

Discover the wonders of moxibustion, a traditional Chinese therapy using moxa, an herb derived from mugwort. Moxa is known to invigorate the flow of Qi, promoting healing and balance within the body. It's especially beneficial for conditions like arthritis, digestive issues, menstrual cramps, and more. 🌿

For those with smell sensitivities, rest assured, we offer smokeless moxa for a comfortable treatment experience. Embrace the warmth and therapeutic effects of moxibustion for a revitalized sense of well-being!

Schedule an acupuncture appointment today if you are struggling with one of these issues! (Link in bio)


Feeling the effects of long hours at your desk on your posture?

Say hello to relief with Neuromuscular massage therapy! 🙌 This targeted form of massage is here to rescue your muscles and realign your body for optimal well-being.

This form of massage targets specific muscle groups to alleviate tension and promote proper alignment. Through a combination of precise pressure and focused manipulation, it aims to release trigger points, relax tight muscles, and improve blood circulation to the affected areas.

Meet our expert massage therapist, Marty Howard, available on Tuesdays and Thursdays to guide you on your journey to better posture and pain relief. Don't let desk discomfort hold you back—schedule your appointment today! (Link in Bio)

Photos from Lokahi Acupuncture's post 08/20/2024

Nature's Immunity Boosters! 🌿

Dive into these immune-boosting ice pops featuring a lineup of ingredients rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants known for their immune-supporting properties:

🍊 Citrus Fruits (Oranges, Lemons, Limes): Bursting with Vitamin C for immune function.
🥝 Kiwi: Packed with antioxidants and vitamins.
🍯 Honey: Harnessing natural antibacterial and antiviral properties.
🥛 Greek Yogurt: A probiotic powerhouse for gut health.
🥬 Spinach or Kale: A treasure trove of Vitamin C, beta carotene, and antioxidants.

You can find these fresh ingredients at your local grocery store or farmer’s market. Strengthening your immune system is vital, especially during busy summer and back-to-school seasons.

What we eat impacts our health significantly, so why not try incorporating these immune-boosting goodies into your diet today?


Embrace personalized care in a serene setting where familiarity meets tranquility. 🌿 Rediscover control and function without invasiveness or discomfort. With over two decades of expertise, we lead as the region's premier collaborative practice, guiding patients through diverse concerns daily.

Reclaim your well-being without compromises. Book your acupuncture appointment today! ✨


Regaining control of your health can be as easy as 3 simple steps. We help patients through this every day and have for over 20 years as the largest and most collaborative practice in the region. To start your healing journey, book your free 15-minute consultation today. Link in bio! 🌿


When deciding between Gua Sha and the Graston Technique, consider your specific needs and circumstances:

🌸 For Holistic Wellness and Skincare:
Gua Sha is a safe and preferred method. It offers versatile benefits, from muscle recovery to skin improvement. It’s also accessible and easy to practice at home, making it ideal for those seeking a gentle yet effective approach to wellness.

💪 For Targeted Muscle Recovery and Pain Relief:
The Graston Technique, essentially a more intense form of Gua Sha performed with a metal scraper, is better suited for athletes and those with chronic pain conditions. Its precision and effectiveness are unparalleled, but it’s best sought by professional practitioners due to its intensity.

Choose based on your goals and practitioner availability to lessen pain and boost well-being. Book a free 15-minute consultation with our specialists today for pain relief insights (link in bio)!


The lymphatic system doesn’t have an active pumping system, and it needs the body’s movement, breathing, intestinal activity, and muscle action to create flow and push the toxins out of the body.

Here are 6 ways to help create flow in your lymphatic system:

🌿 Stay hydrated: Keep the lymph fluid flowing smoothly by drinking plenty of water.
Exercise regularly: Stimulate lymphatic circulation with activities like walking, yoga, or rebounding.

🌿 Lymphatic massage: Reduce congestion with a lymphatic drainage massage from a trained therapist.

🌿 Dry brushing: Gently exfoliate the skin and stimulate lymphatic flow with a dry brush.

🌿 Herbal supplements: Support lymphatic function with herbs like dandelion root, cleavers, or echinacea.

🌿 Manage stress: Reduce stress levels and support lymphatic health with relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or yoga.

Incorporate these strategies into your routine to help alleviate lymphatic congestion and promote overall wellness. 🌟 Follow for more tips on enhancing your health and well-being!


Are you struggling with stress and anxiety?

Sometimes, the body needs simple movement. Summer is a great time to get moving by engaging in outdoor activities such as morning walks, yoga, or swimming. Embrace the warmth of the season and let your body lead the way to a calmer mind. 🌞



Acupuncture presents a compelling solution for managing dental pain by offering a multitude of advantages.

🦷 Pain Management: Acupuncture can help reduce discomfort in the jaw, teeth, and gums by targeting specific pressure points. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals who experience pain during routine dental procedures.

🦷 Reduced Anxiety: Many patients report feeling a sense of calm and relaxation after an acupuncture session. This can be a game-changer, especially for those with dental phobia. The calming effect of acupuncture can make your dental visit a more pleasant experience, allowing you to receive the care you need without the added stress.

Integrating acupuncture into your dental pain management regimen offers a gentle yet powerful avenue for relief. It boasts a spectrum of benefits that merit serious consideration for your upcoming dental appointment.

To learn more about how we can prepare you for your next dental visit, click the link in our bio to schedule a free 15-minute consultation today!


Kickstart your day with morning movement! 🌅

Whether it's a quick stretch, a refreshing walk, or a light exercise session, the benefits are immense:

✨ Enhanced Energy Levels: Morning movements, such as stretching or light exercise, can boost endorphins and circulation, providing a natural energy lift to start your day on a positive note.

✨ Increased Metabolism: Morning movement kickstarts your metabolism, helping you burn more calories throughout the day and maintain a healthy weight.

✨ Improved Focus and Mental Clarity: Morning movement can sharpen focus, enhance cognitive function, and set a productive tone for the day ahead.

✨ Better Mood and Reduced Stress: Physical activity in the morning releases serotonin and dopamine, promoting a sense of well-being, reducing stress levels, and improving overall mood.

✨ Enhanced Physical Health: Regular morning movement can contribute to improved cardiovascular health, muscle strength, flexibility, and overall physical well-being, setting the foundation for a healthy lifestyle.

✨ Better Sleep Quality: Establishing a morning movement routine can help regulate your sleep-wake cycle, leading to improved sleep quality and a more restful night's rest.

Dive into a healthier lifestyle starting today! For deeper health insights, visit our website for weekly blogs. Link in bio! 💪


🌟 Exciting News! 🌟

The voting for the Best of Silicon Valley is open!

At Lokahi, we cherish our vibrant community and the incredible individuals we have the honor of serving each day. Your nomination fills our hearts with gratitude, and we kindly ask for your valuable support in voting for us as the best acupuncture practice in Silicon Valley! 🙌 🥰

Copy and paste the link below, or click the link in our bio to vote!

https://www.metrosiliconvalley.com/best-of-ballot/ #//


From a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) standpoint, certain foods are believed to help with labor preparation. Here are some recommendations:

🌿 Dates: Dates are commonly recommended in TCM for their nourishing properties and potential to help with labor. They are believed to provide energy and strengthen the body, which can be beneficial during childbirth.

🌿 Black Sesame Seeds: According to TCM principles, black sesame seeds nourish the blood and promote circulation. Including them in your diet may help prepare your body for labor.

🌿 Bone Broth: Bone broth is rich in nutrients and minerals that can support the body's strength and vitality. In TCM, consuming warming foods like bone broth is thought to be beneficial for preparing the body for labor.

🌿 Sweet Potatoes: In TCM, sweet potatoes are considered nourishing and grounding foods. They are rich in vitamins and minerals that can support overall health and energy levels, which are essential during labor preparation.

Incorporating these foods into your diet, along with Acupuncture treatments, can help support your body as you prepare for labor. For more tips, follow us on our social media!


Discover the Benefits of Acupuncture for Labor Prep ✨

🤰🏽Encouraging Cervical Ripening: Research shows that acupuncture can aid in cervical ripening, paving the way for a smoother and more efficient labor process. By targeting specific points, acupuncture stimulates natural processes that prepare the cervix and pelvis for childbirth.

🤰🏽Reducing Labor Pain: Pain management is crucial for expectant mothers nearing delivery. Acupuncture offers relief during labor by triggering the release of endorphins— the body's natural painkillers— and reducing inflammation, promoting relaxation for a more comfortable experience.

🤰🏽Managing Stress and Anxiety: Anticipatory anxiety before labor can impact its progression. Acupuncture brings a calming effect, reducing stress and fostering well-being by harmonizing the body’s energy flow (Qi), leading to a more manageable and less stressful labor journey.

🤰🏽Supporting Optimal Positioning of the Baby: Regular acupuncture sessions before delivery can optimize the baby’s position for birth, a key aspect in preparing for a smooth labor process.

Prepare for labor by starting acupuncture sessions around 36 to 37 weeks of gestation. This timing allows for strategic intervention, focusing on cervical ripening, ideal fetal positioning, and readiness for labor.

Ready to explore how acupuncture can benefit you? Schedule your 15-minute FREE consultation with one of our fertility specialists today! 🌿


Embarking on a journey to good health is like walking the 'Great Way'—simple yet vital. Beware of detours into fad diets and deceptive health and wellness products promising quick fixes. It's crucial to remember that these shortcuts may ultimately harm our bodies.

Recognizing when our health is imbalanced acts as a cue to return to fundamentals: embracing self-care, upholding a balanced diet, and incorporating consistent exercise to enhance our overall well-being.🌿💪

Acupuncture rebalances energy flow (qi) for better health, addressing pain, fertility, immunity, and stress. Book a free 15-minute consultation with our acupuncturists today (Link in Bio)!


Providing Hope for Migraine Relief 🌿

Migraine headaches pose a complex challenge, often leading patients on a quest for effective treatments. While prescription medications may fall short, acupuncture offers a promising therapeutic solution.

Acupuncture treatment aims to:
🌟 Address symptoms during an attack
🌟 Restore the balance between episodes to prevent or reduce future attacks

In Chinese Medicine, personalized assessments and treatments are key. Your acupuncture pain specialist will tailor a unique plan based on your health history, symptoms, and physiological patterns. Find relief from migraines by scheduling an appointment with our pain specialist today. Take control of your journey towards pain-free days! 💫


Our approach to acupuncture treatments for children is centered on providing a comforting and reassuring experience for your little ones. 🌿💉

Here's what you and your child can expect during each session:

Initial Assessment: Upon entering the treatment room, the acupuncturist will conduct a comprehensive assessment of your child's health history, current symptoms, and specific concerns.

Gentle Procedure: The acupuncture process involves delicately inserting fine needles into specific body points. These needles are left in place briefly, causing minimal discomfort.

Comfortable Environment: Our acupuncture sessions for children take place in a serene and child-friendly setting to ensure a positive experience.

Meet our dedicated specialists, Qin Zhu L.Ac and Smriti Shamapant L.Ac, who have extensive experience in pediatric care. Schedule your FREE 15-minute consultation today to explore how we can enhance your family's health journey. 🌟


Unlock the secrets to radiant skin with Microneedling and facial acupuncture! ✨

These sought-after treatments revitalize your skin, boost collagen, and target concerns like fine lines, acne scars, and hyperpigmentation. 🌟 Post-treatment, delicate skin calls for a tailored skincare routine! Keep it effortless with these three essential steps for optimal results in the first two weeks after your facial!

Curious about pre or post-facial skincare? 🌸 Book a FREE 15-minute consultation with our Facial specialist, Smriti Shamapant L.Ac, for expert guidance and personalized tips! ✨


Here are five ways Dang Gui supports fertility:

🌺 Blood Tonic: Dang Gui is a revered Chinese herb known for its blood-tonifying properties, vital for addressing conditions related to blood deficiency that can influence menstruation and overall reproductive well-being.
🌺 Regulatory Properties: With harmonizing effects, Dang Gui is commonly used to regulate menstrual cycles, ease discomfort, and enhance hormonal balance, fostering an ideal reproductive environment.
🌺 Uterine Support: Esteemed for nourishing the uterus, this herb promotes women's health and fertility by creating a conducive environment for conception and reproductive vitality.
🌺 Emotional Balance: In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Dang Gui nurtures the body and emotional well-being, aiding in finding balance and harmony crucial for reproductive health.
🌺 Holistic Wellness: Integrating Dang Gui into holistic practices offers multifaceted benefits across physical, emotional, and spiritual realms, providing a comprehensive approach to female reproductive wellness.

Interested in the fertility benefits of Chinese herbs? Book your FREE 15-minute consultation with our Fertility acupuncturists today. Check the link in our bio! 🌟


Navigating stress and anxiety in men presents distinctive challenges influenced by societal norms and individual variations. Addressing these issues is crucial, as unmanaged stress can escalate into more severe health concerns. Acupuncture stands out as a proven method for alleviating stress and anxiety.

Take charge of your well-being today by scheduling an acupuncture appointment through the link in our bio! 🌿


🍉 Nourishing Watermelon Refresher perfect for summer! 🌞

Experience the soothing blend of cucumber, watermelon, and mint—key “yin” elements in Traditional Chinese Medicine, harmonizing your body’s warmth. Green tea elevates with antioxidants, enhancing health benefits, while lemon’s tangy twist aids digestion. Savor this refreshing mix for a delightful and nourishing treat! 🌿💧

Ingredients for 2 servings:
2 cups of cubed watermelon
1/2 cup of sliced cucumber
1 cup of brewed green tea
pinch of mint leaves
1 lemon
2 swirls of honey (Optional)

1. Prep the Ingredients: Cut the cucumber and watermelon discarding the watermelon’s seeds.
2. Brew the Tea: Brew a pot of green tea and let it cool to room temperature before refrigerating until cold. Alternatively, use pre-made green tea and chill.
3. Blend the Base: In a blender, combine the cucumber, watermelon, mint leaves, and a squeeze of lemon juice. Blend until smooth.
4. Incorporate the Tea: Add the chilled green tea to the blender and continue to blend until all ingredients are well combined.
5. Sweeten to Taste: Taste the mixture, and if needed, add honey for sweetness, blending again to incorporate.
6. Serve: Serve the beverage over ice, garnished with a sprig of mint and a slice of lemon for an extra refreshing touch.

Hope you enjoy this beverage. Follow us for more recipes! 🌿


🌿 Understanding male fertility is crucial in today's world, where couples seek holistic support on their parenthood journey. Traditional East Asian Medicine offers a holistic approach to enhancing male fertility with acupuncture and herbal remedies. 🌱💫

Got questions?
Let's dive in! Schedule a free 15-minute consult with our expert practitioners to explore TCM for male fertility support. Link in bio! 📆💬


Join Us at the 16th Annual Blossom Birth and Family Fair! 🌼💫

We are delighted to be part of this upcoming event hosted by . Whether you are expecting or have recently welcomed a new addition to your family, this event is an exceptional opportunity to connect with others and discover top providers to support you on your parenting journey, listen to inspiring guest speakers, and win exciting prizes!

📅 Event Details:
📍 Date: Saturday, June 22nd, 2024
🕚 Time: 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
🏫 Location: Oshman Family JCC, Building F, 3921 Fabian Way, Palo Alto

Join us for free ear seeds, pulse readings, and delightful treats. Gain valuable insights on the incredible benefits of acupuncture throughout every stage of your parenting journey.

This event is free for families. If you or someone you know would benefit, simply visit the link in our Bio to register. We look forward to welcoming you there! 🌸✨



Embrace the vibrant energy of summer while staying mindful of its potential health challenges. 🌿

Here are 4 tips for Summer Wellness:

☀️Stay Hydrated with Cooling Teas: Opt for cooling teas like chrysanthemum, green, or mint tea to help clear heat from your system and keep you feeling refreshed and hydrated during the hot summer months.

☀️Opt for Bitter Flavors: According to Chinese medicine, bitter-flavored foods should be included in your diet as they are believed to have a cooling effect on the body. Foods like bitter melon or bitter greens can help clear heat and promote balance.

☀️Avoid Hot and Spicy Foods: During the summer, it's advisable to avoid hot and spicy foods that can create excess heat in the body. Opt for lighter, easily digestible meals to support your digestive system and overall health.

☀️Try Acupuncture: This East Asian modality is known for clearing excess heat from the body, promoting a cooling effect that can enhance sleep, mood, and digestion throughout the summer season.

Are you curious about how else Lokahi can help you achieve your wellness goals? Schedule a free 15-minute consultation with one of our Acupuncturist today (Link in bio)


Learn more about one of our newest massage therapists Marty Howard LMT! 🌟

Marty is a distinguished neuromuscular massage therapist with a wealth of experience. He has honed his expertise in trigger point therapy, specializing in complex acute and chronic injuries and pain. His patient-centered approach involves thorough assessments to provide personalized care addressing the root cause of discomfort.

Working closely with Lokahi, Marty is committed to crafting comprehensive treatment plans that not only relieve pain but also promote rehabilitation and empowerment towards full recovery. Whether you’re facing chronic pain, recovering from an injury, or aiming to boost your overall physical well-being, he is here to guide you every step of the way.

Marty’s bookings are now open for Tuesday and Thursday! Click the link in the bio to schedule your appointment today! 🌿


YES! 🌟 Microneedling helps regulate sebum production, leading to fewer breakouts over time.

By stimulating collagen production, microneedling also aids in reducing acne scars and hyperpigmentation, resulting in smoother and more even skin texture.

Additionally, the tiny punctures created during the treatment allow for better absorption of skincare products, maximizing their effectiveness in combating acne.

Overall this treatment not only targets existing acne issues but also works towards preventing future flare-ups, giving you clearer, healthier skin. Don't miss out on our expert facial acupuncturist, Smriti Shamapant L.Ac, offering treatments every Sunday. ✨ Secure your spot now before they're gone (Link in bio)! 💆‍♀️


Discover the transformative power of Nanoneedling ✨

After just two treatments, say goodbye to fine lines, and wrinkles, and hello to a radiant glow like never before! 🌟 See the magic for yourself in the picture. Ready to experience these amazing results?

Book your facial appointment today with our specialist, Smriti Shamapant L.Ac, available every Sunday. Hurry, spots fill up fast! (Link in bio)


Arugula's peppery kick not only elevates your salads but also promotes liver health. 🍋 Paired with tangy lemon and luscious olive oil, this spring dish becomes a must-have on your dining table. The interplay of flavors offers a delightful contrast, creating a salad that's both delicious and nourishing for your liver. 💚 For more healthy recipes and tips, check out our blogs by clicking the link in our bio!

Photos from Lokahi Acupuncture's post 05/21/2024

Traditional East Asian Medicine describes the menstrual cycle as comprising four phases governed by specific Yin, Yang, Qi, and blood dynamics. 🌸

Swipe >>>
To uncover the acupuncture points tailored to each stage, empowering you to embrace a harmonious cycle and find relief from symptoms. Seeking holistic menstrual support? Connect with our fertility specialist for personalized care (Link in Bio)🌿

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Videos (show all)

Struggling to get pregnant? Acupuncture may be the answer you’ve been searching for🌼 Schedule a FREE 15-min consultation...
Fertility struggles can be tough to navigate, but don’t lose hope! Maya Abdominal Massage is a gentle and effective trea...
In East Asian medicine, the heart is like an emperor, governing the emotions and spirit. ❤️ It plays a vital role in our...
Can’t sleep? 😴 Acupuncture can help! Our acupuncturist Cathryn lists Some of our favorite points for treating insomnia. ...
We are offering a free opportunity to check in online. See you there!
Hi everyone! Greetings from my patio. Sharing a quick tip on a nutritious and easy meal idea to give your immune system ...
Fire Rooster fun at Lokahi - our new years party!
Such fun yesterday and last night. We had a photo shoot and finished up at The Table in Willow Glen. Great evening with ...




1688 Willow Street Ste. B
San Jose, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 7pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 6:30pm
Wednesday 7:30am - 5pm
Thursday 7:30am - 6:30pm
Friday 7:30am - 6pm
Saturday 8am - 2:30pm
Sunday 8am - 5pm

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