Mount Vernon Place UMC

A Reconciling Congregation and LGBTQAI+ Inclusive Community Gracious God, help us to see what you are doing in your kingdom, and enable us to be part of it.

We welcome ALL PEOPLE into the life of this church, and celebrate and give thanks for our diversity of race, ethnicity, citizenship, gender, sexual orientation, age, physical and mental ability, faith background, economic status, appearance, marital condition, political persuasion, education, and life experience. We hope you will join us as we continue to discover how we can most faithfully includ

This Week With MVP: Young Adult Walk & Talk, Start Reading for Beyond the Book with Pastor Donna, and more... 07/24/2024

This Week With MVP: Young Adult Walk & Talk, Start Reading for Beyond the Book with Pastor Donna, and more...

This Week With MVP: Young Adult Walk & Talk, Start Reading for Beyond the Book with Pastor Donna, and more... SAVE THE DATE & RSVP for Our Upcoming "Dream, Plan, Lead" Gathering! Young Adult Walk & Talk On the Mall Thursday, July 25 *NEW TIME* 7:00-8:30pm  All Young Adults (20s and 30s) are invited to join


Welcome to Sunday Worship with Mount Vernon Place United Methodist Church!

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CCLI Copyright Coverage: 2722586
CCLI Stream Coverage License: 20371813
OneLicense: A-733801

Worship with Us @ 11:00am! 07/21/2024

Worship with Us at 11:00am!

Lessons From the Abbey || Worshipful Work
John 13:3-5, 12-15 & 1 Corinthians 12:4-11

St. Columba arrived on the tiny island of Iona, Scotland, in 563 AD, and it’s been a vibrant place of worship ever since with hundreds of pilgrims still making the long journey to immerse themselves in community, worship, and work. God speaks clearly on Iona—sometimes in the most unexpected ways—with lessons for how we might live more fully and faithfully today, ways we are exploring in our summer worship series, "Lessons from the Abbey."

This weekend, our sermon focuses on how God shows up in our work—the work we are paid to do, the ordinary tasks we must do, and the places where we offer our gifts in hopes of making a difference to others.

Lee Hardy writes, “…through work we realize ourselves as image-bearers of God; through work we participate in God’s ongoing creative activity; through work we follow Christ in his example of redemptive suffering for the sake of others; through work we serve God himself as we serve those with whom he identifies.”

How might we apply this wisdom to all of our work—tasks big and small, paid and unpaid, seemingly significant and those often deemed insignificant?

Worship with Us @ 11:00am! Lessons From the Abbey || Worshipful Work Worship || Sunday, July 21 || 11:00am   Worshipful Work John 13:3-5, 12-15 & 1 Corinthians 12:4-11  Rev. Dr. Donna Claycomb Sokol, Pastor || Preaching This W

This Week With MVP: Join Us in the Fellowship Hall for Worship, "Get Connected" Postponed, Start Reading for Beyond the Book with Pastor Donna, and more... 07/17/2024

This Week With MVP: Join Us in the Fellowship Hall for Worship, "Get Connected" Postponed, Start Reading for Beyond the Book with Pastor Donna, and more...

This Week With MVP: Join Us in the Fellowship Hall for Worship, "Get Connected" Postponed, Start Reading for Beyond the Book with Pastor Donna, and more... SAVE THE DATE & RSVP for Our Upcoming "Dream, Plan, Lead" Gathering! Young Adult Walk & Talk On the Mall Thursday, July 25 *NEW TIME* 7:00-8:30pm  All Young Adults (20s and 30s) are invited to join

Worship with Us @ 11:00am! 07/14/2024

Worship With Us at 11:00am

Lessons from the Abbey || Nothing Wasted
Psalm 24 & Genesis 26-2:4a

St. Columba first arrived on the tiny island of Iona, Scotland, in 563 AD, and it’s been a vibrant place of worship ever since. While monastic life ceased with the start of the Protestant Reformation in 1560, hundreds of pilgrims still make the long journey to Iona by train, bus, and ferry to immerse themselves in community, worship, and work in this thin space where heaven and earth seemingly collide. God speaks clearly on Iona—sometimes in the most unexpected ways—with lessons for how we might live more fully and faithfully today. Join us this summer as we explore lessons from the abbey in hopes of finding ourselves more readily available to embrace and nurture the gifts of hospitality, community, creation care, and worshipful work together.

This morning, our sermon focuses on communal practices of environmental stewardship that can make a lasting impact for generations to come. Together we will look at scriptures describing the goodness of creation and ponder how we might embrace creation care as a spiritual practice. We will also celebrate the sacrament of baptism and enjoy the gift of community.

Worship with Us @ 11:00am! Lessons From the Abbey || Nothing Wasted Worship || Sunday, July 14 || 11:00am   Nothing Wasted Psalm 24 & Genesis 1:26-2:4a Rev. Christine Browder || Preaching This Week's Worship Bulletin Join Us In



As planned, Jazz on the Steps WILL happen RAIN OR SHINE!

As we anticipate RAIN, you are invited to JOIN US in the Atrium!

VALIDATED PARKING IS AVAILABLE: You may park beneath the 901 K Street office building that is connected to the historic church building. The parking entrance is located off 10th Street NW just passed the edge of the Henley Park Hotel. Parking is available on the B3 and B4 levels of the garage. Please bring your parking ticket inside to be validated.

This FRIDAY from 6:00-8:00

You are invited to Jazz on the Steps and we are excited to welcome you for FREE hotdogs, cold drinks, and cool jazz! Jeff Antoniuk and his fellow jazz musicians will be performing. Bring a friend and come join the fun on the front steps!

Comment Below AND Share on your story to LET US KNOW you are coming and message us for more information!

This Week With MVP: Jazz on the Steps, Greeter Training, Serve with Christ House, and more... 07/10/2024

This Week With MVP: Jazz on the Steps, Greeter Training, Serve with Christ House, and more...

This Week With MVP: Jazz on the Steps, Greeter Training, Serve with Christ House, and more... Start Reading for Beyond the Book with Pastor Donna Today! Jazz on the Steps Friday, July 12 6:00-8:00pm You are invited to Jazz on the Steps, one of MVP's major opportunities to meet and fellowsh


This FRIDAY from 6:00-8:00

You are invited to Jazz on the Steps and we are excited to welcome you for FREE hotdogs, cold drinks, and cool jazz! Jeff Antoniuk and his fellow jazz musicians will be performing. Bring a friend and come join the fun on the front steps!

Comment Below AND Share on your story to LET US KNOW you are coming and message us for more information!

Photos from Mount Vernon Place UMC's post 07/07/2024

We are set up AND ready to welcome you to WORSHIP IN THE FELLOWSHIP HALL! Worship STARTS at 11:00am, but the coffee is brewing and you are invited to come and join us for some pre-worship coffee and community too! We cannot wait to see you and welcome you to MVP this morning!

(NOTE: if you are planning to come by car, please plan to park in our parking garage—entrance on 10th street NW—as many of the street parking around the church is already blocked off for the upcoming NATO Summit this week).

Worship with Us @ 11:00am! 07/07/2024

Worship With Us at 11:00am

Lessons From the Abbey || Holy Hospitality
Mark 6:1-13

St. Columba first arrived on the tiny island of Iona, Scotland, in 563 AD, transforming it into a vibrant place of worship. While monastic life ceased with the start of the Protestant Reformation in 1560, hundreds of pilgrims continue to make the long journey to Iona by train, bus, and ferry to immerse themselves in community, worship, and work in this thin space where heaven and earth seemingly collide. God speaks clearly on Iona—sometimes in the most unexpected ways—instilling wisdom for how we might live more fully and faithfully today.

Join us this morning as our new series, Lessons from the Abbey, begins with pondering how we might embrace and nurture the gift of holy hospitality wherever we are.

Worship with Us @ 11:00am! Lessons From the Abbey || Holy Hospitality Worship || Sunday, July 7 || 11:00am   Holy Hospitality Mark 6:1-13 Rev. Dr. Donna Claycomb Sokol, Pastor|| Preaching This Week's Worship Bulletin Join Us In

This Week With MVP: Hebrews Bible Study Starts TONIGHT, New Worship Series Begins on Sunday, Check-Out Our Upcoming Opportunities to Nurture Spiritual Depth, and more... 07/03/2024

This Week With MVP: Hebrews Bible Study Starts TONIGHT, New Worship Series Begins on Sunday, Check-Out Our Upcoming Opportunities to Nurture Spiritual Depth, and more...

This Week With MVP: Hebrews Bible Study Starts TONIGHT, New Worship Series Begins on Sunday, Check-Out Our Upcoming Opportunities to Nurture Spiritual Depth, and more... SAVE THE DATE for Summer Jazz on the Steps Exploring Hebrews & Other Epistles 6-Week Reading Challenge Wednesday Evenings July 3-August 7 7:00-8:15pm All who are seeking to deepen their faith are in


Sunday Worship!

Worship with Us @ 11:00am! 06/30/2024

Worship with Us at 11:00am!

What If...? || What If...Jesus is Still Healing People?
Psalm 130 and Mark 5:21-43

Walking on water. Giving sight to the blind. Parting a sea. Many of the stories in the Bible can appear too good to be true. But what if God is still actively at work in our lives and the world around us, calling us by name, and inviting us to live into a reality that is more wondrous than what we currently see or believe?

This week we will explore several miracles, one that interrupts another, and wrestle with how we might participate in our own healing alongside Jesus.

Join us this morning as we ponder how we might be called to change through Jesus' healing acts in the world—as we are beckoned to be part of the miracle.

Worship with Us @ 11:00am! What If...? || What If...Jesus is Still Healing People? Worship || Sunday, June 30 || 11:00am   What If...Jesus Is Still Healing People? Psalm 130 and Mark 5:21-43 Lee J. Schriber, Minister of Engagem

This Week With MVP: Young Adult Walk & Talk, Check-Out Our Upcoming Opportunities to Nurture Spiritual Depth, and more... 06/26/2024

This Week With MVP: Young Adult Walk & Talk, Check-Out Our Upcoming Opportunities to Nurture Spiritual Depth, and more...

This Week With MVP: Young Adult Walk & Talk, Check-Out Our Upcoming Opportunities to Nurture Spiritual Depth, and more... SAVE THE DATE for Summer Jazz on the Steps Young Adult Walk & Talk On the Mall Thursday, June 27 6:30-8:00pm  All Young Adults (20s and 30s) are invited to join other young adults from the MVP comm

Worship with Us @ 11:00am! 06/23/2024

Worship With Us at 11:00am!

What If…? || What If Jesus is Still Calming Storms
Psalm 9:9-20 and Mark 4:35-41

Walking on water. Giving sight to the blind. Parting a sea. Many of the stories in the Bible can appear too good to be true. But what if God is still actively at work in our lives and the world around us, calling us by name, and inviting us to live into a reality that is more wondrous than what we currently see or believe?

This week we will hear a familiar account of Jesus calming a storm by rebuking the wind and commanding the sea to be still—all before inviting the disciples to examine their faith and their fear.

Do we have faith to believe Jesus still has the power to calm storms today? If so, what role do we play in the process? Join us this morning as we ponder these questions and more in hopes of seeing how Jesus is still calming storms—and beckoning us to be part of the miracle.

Worship with Us @ 11:00am! What If..? || What If...Jesus is Still Calming Storms? Worship || Sunday, June 23 || 11:00am   What If...Jesus Is Still Calming Storms? Psalm 9:9-20 and Mark 4:35-41 Rev. Dr. Donna Claycomb Sokol, Pas

This Week With MVP: Happy Juneteenth, Check-Out Our Upcoming Opportunities to Nurture Spiritual Depth, Racial Justice Reading Group, and more... 06/19/2024

This Week With MVP: Happy Juneteenth, Check-Out Our Upcoming Opportunities to Nurture Spiritual Depth, Racial Justice Reading Group, and more...

This Week With MVP: Happy Juneteenth, Check-Out Our Upcoming Opportunities to Nurture Spiritual Depth, Racial Justice Reading Group, and more... SAVE THE DATE for Summer Jazz on the Steps Racial Justice Reading Group Tuesday, June 25 7:00-8:15pm  Whether you have read a dozen books about race and racism or none before, you are invited to jo

Photos from Mount Vernon Place UMC's post 06/16/2024

We give thanks for a BEAUTIFUL collaborative and intergenerational Vacation Bible School retreat weekend with our friends ! Thank you to all of the volunteers and participants (from MVP, Dumbarton, and ) who brought this experience to life! We are especially grateful to for the amazing “Just Like Me” curriculum and our community partners at ! We will be singing and remembering that we are beloved just like we are, that we need our people, and that we have something to share! Thanks be to God!


Worship With Us at 11:00am!

What If…? || What If...God Can Still Use Faith the Size of a Mustard Seed?

2 Corinthians 5:6-17 and Mark 4:26-34

Walking on water. Giving sight to the blind. Parting a sea. Many of the stories in the Bible can appear too good to be true. But what if God is still actively at work in our lives and the world around us, calling us by name, and inviting us to live into a reality that is more wondrous than what we currently see or believe?

Last Sunday we witnessed four young people profess their faith in Jesus and join the church. What happens now? Is their work finished? Or is it just beginning? What if the answer to both questions is "yes?"

Join us this Sunday as we ponder how the smallest amount of faith might be enough to guide us as long as our focus is on pleasing God--something that might feel like an impossible task but is actually an incredible privilege.

This Week With MVP: Just Like Me VBS Retreat with Dumbarton UMC, Grow in Faith, Serve Like Jesus, and more... 06/12/2024

This Week With MVP: Just Like Me VBS Retreat with Dumbarton UMC, Grow in Faith, Serve Like Jesus, and more...

This Week With MVP: Just Like Me VBS Retreat with Dumbarton UMC, Grow in Faith, Serve Like Jesus, and more... SAVE THE DATE for Summer Jazz on the Steps "Just Like Me" Vacation Bible School Weekend Retreat Last Chance to Register! Friday, June 14, Saturday June 15, & Sunday, June 16 You are invited to make

Worship with Us @ 11:00am! 06/09/2024

Worship With Us at 11:00am || What If...?

What If God is Still Beckoning Us to Not Lose Heart?
Psalm 138 & 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1

Walking on water. Giving sight to the blind. Parting a sea. Many of the stories in the Bible can appear too good to be true. But what if God is still actively at work in our lives and the world around us, calling us by name, and inviting us to live into a reality that is more wondrous than what we currently see or believe?

Join us this morning as we examine a beloved Psalm and the words of Paul before pondering what it might look like for us to not lose heart, but instead give thanks to God with our whole hearts.

It's also Confirmation Sunday, and we have the joy of welcoming four youth who will profess their faith in Jesus and join the church! Your presence will be a tangible show of support as these individuals take their next step in their journey of faith.

Worship with Us @ 11:00am! What If..? || What if...God is is Still Beckoning Us to Not Lose Heart? Worship || Sunday, June 9 || 11:00am   What If...God is Still Beckoning Us to Not Lose Heart? Psalm 138 and 2 Corinthians 4:13-


Happy Pride!

This Week With MVP: Beyond the Book with Pastor Donna, March in the Pride Parade with MVP, Confirmation Sunday, and more... 06/05/2024

This Week With MVP: Beyond the Book with Pastor Donna, March in the Pride Parade with MVP, Confirmation Sunday, and more...

This Week With MVP: Beyond the Book with Pastor Donna, March in the Pride Parade with MVP, Confirmation Sunday, and more... Register Today for the "Just Like Me" VBS Retreat! Beyond the Book with Pastor Donna Thursday, June 6 7:00-8:00pm Beyond the Book is a small group of MVPers who enjoy reading and discussing differen

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Videos (show all)

Worship With MVP || 11:00am || Mount Vernon Place UMC || CCLI #2722586 || CCLI Stream #20371813 || OneLicense #A-733801
Worship With MVP || 11:00am || Mount Vernon Place UMC || CCLI #2722586 || CCLI Stream #20371813 || OneLicense #A-733801
Worship With MVP || 11:00am || Mount Vernon Place UMC || CCLI #2722586 || CCLI Stream #20371813 || OneLicense #A-733801
Sunday Worship!
Worship With MVP || 11:00am || Mount Vernon Place UMC || CCLI #2722586 || CCLI Stream #20371813 || OneLicense #A-733801
Worship With MVP || 11:00am || Mount Vernon Place UMC || CCLI #2722586 || CCLI Stream #20371813 || OneLicense #A-733801
Worship With MVP || 11:00am || Mount Vernon Place UMC || CCLI #2722586 || CCLI Stream #20371813 || OneLicense #A-733801
Worship With MVP || 11:00am || Mount Vernon Place UMC || CCLI #2722586 || CCLI Stream #20371813 || OneLicense #A-733801
Worship With MVP || 11:00am || Mount Vernon Place UMC || CCLI #2722586 || CCLI Stream #20371813 || OneLicense #A-733801
Worship With MVP || 11:00am || Mount Vernon Place UMC || CCLI #2722586 || CCLI Stream #20371813 || OneLicense #A-733801
MVP Choir || Sunday, May 5 || Child of God by Mark A. Miller



900 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Washington D.C., DC

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