Jeremy Grace Yoga and Fitness

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Jeremy Grace Yoga and Fitness, Yoga studio, Winston-Salem, NC.



Monday vibes...

Already feeling the “I got this” energy for this week. Conversations, shifts of energy, enormous changes, and life blessings hit me yesterday and it was really welcoming to really sit with what was showing up and process the emotions from a healthy mindset.
These are obviously shifting times and there is absolutely no need to dwell on things that are not in my/your control.

My intention this week in my actions, offerings, energy, and classes is patience. Patience with myself. Patience with new. Patience with change. Patience with my shifts. Patience with progress. Patience with transition. Patience with being in patience:)

Stepping into it all…

𝐼’𝑣𝑒 𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑑 𝑚𝑦 𝑎𝑣𝑎𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑔𝑢𝑖𝑑𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑝𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑒𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 1𝑥1 𝑠𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 - in person or virtually. Not sure of this is for you? Let’s see. These are for those seeking shifts in their lives related to their mind, body, or spiritual health. People don’t tend to sign up for sessions with me because it’s easy…they do because it uncomfortable, it’s challenging, and it’s a moment of “inconvenience” in their daily life.
Those are my people. Willing to do the work and know it’s time for real sustainable change.

What are you working on this week?

Much love and gratitude for you Wild Ones patiently ready to work on you


𝘓𝘦𝘵 𝘮𝘦 𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘢 𝘴𝘦𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘵 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘺𝘰𝘶...

It's not about finding someone who won't fight with you or challenge you. It is about being with someone who will still be standing there wiping the tears away, holding you in their arms after life knocks you down. The one who holds you accountable to your words, actions, and goals. The one who shows up beside you, in front of you, and behind you no matter how hard life gets.

One of the intentional points in the upcoming 𝘌𝘔𝘗𝘖𝘞𝘌𝘙𝘌𝘋 𝘔𝘈𝘚𝘊𝘜𝘓𝘐𝘕𝘌 workshop is about showing up in your relationship with a conscious, sacred, authentic awareness. It takes work but that work is always worth it 🔆 (link in bio)

Thank you for being my person and the light in my dark. I love that you are my person and that I am yours. Whatever challenges are faced, new beginnings for us to grow with, and life’s ebbs and flows-
I am grateful that you’ve shown me that we will approach them together….better together. ❤️

Tag your person and
show them some ❤️

Truth. Action. Intention.

Much love and gratitude
Wild Ones




Focus on what you can control and detach and let go of what you cannot.

So what is within our control? Our own opinions, attitudes, aspirations, dreams, desires, and goals. We control how are our time is priorities, what information we consume, how productive we are, what we eat, the number of hours we choose to sleep, and who we choose to spend time with.

What is outside of our control is everything else. The family and body you were born into, how life’s events unfolded, how people treat you, the weather, the economy, and interactions with other humans.

Trying to control what isn’t within our control will only drain our energy, vibe, and mental health. What you can control is how you interpret a situation, how you react to it, and how you respond to the situation.

The truth is - Even though you might not like the situation you are in, you can choose to accept it, change it, or leave it. Once you learn to accept what is or change what is, and focus on what you can control, you will experience shifts in all areas of your life.

What’s one thing you can’t control that you need to let go of?
Leave a note, tag a 💛, or share a ⚡️.

Much love and gratitude to you Wild Ones doing the work and trusting what is in your control 💛⚡️🤙🏼

📸: ✨


ʟᴏᴠɪɴɢ ᴛʜɪs ʟɪғᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ʟɪᴠɪɴɢ ᴍʏ ᴛʀᴜᴛʜ🤙🏼

It has taken quite a bit of effort, sacrifice, and discomfort to understand that my living my purpose and individuality would ultimately equal living my truth. I am guiding others from a vulnerable, aware, and a wildly grounded space on and off my mat. I no longer seek validation from other people because I recognize my self-worth. I’ve set boundaries, surrendered, detached, been broken, abandoned, and continue to see life from a “why not me” versus a “why me” frequency. There is healing there. There is love here (Gracias mi amor❤️❤️). There are lessons and teachings there…you don’t need to be ready for it - you just have to take a single step in an unfamiliar direction…

⚡️This is my practice. This is my teaching. This is my work. This is my yoga.⚡️

Here are my upcoming new workshops, yoga trainings, and series classes.
So energized to share these with you✨
𝘼𝙧𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙮 𝙩𝙤 𝙩𝙖𝙠𝙚 𝙖 𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙥? ⬅️

Feb 15th - 7:30p
Wildlight Wellness Collective]]]

The journey begins…Feb 25th - 6:30p
Wildlight Wellness Collective]]]

Mar 24th-April 7th - 7:30p
Wildlight Wellness Collective]]]

Mar 26th - 11a & 5p
Wildlight Wellness Collective]]]

Much love and gratitude to you Wild Ones loving and living your truth and stepping into you. 💛⚡️🤙🏼



“When I actively seek the humor or lightness in situations that are beyond my control, I offer myself a non-attached moment of peace.”

It’s been a week (maybe longer)…but I’m still smiling!

If you find yourself forcing control lately - try loosening your grip. The world will not always bend to your will, which means it’s time to embrace a little flexibility on your end. Pause. Take a breath. Think of one thing you are grateful for. One thing that is good in your life. Give yourself a break.
I know I’ve needed to.

Grateful and thankful as always for my❤️‍🔥 continuing to remind me about what important, priorities, detaching, enjoying, where we are going in life, and remembering who the fu$k I am.

Who got you smiling today? Tag your partner in smile😁

With Grace Wild Ones 🤙🏼⚡️💛



I want you to win.
I support you.
I hope you get what you deserve.
I think you are pretty awesome.
I have faith in this process for you.
I believe in who you are.
I know this is not always an easy time for you.
I see you.
I will continue to show up.
I just wanted share that.

➡️Tag a friend who needs this reminder, who needs to know they are not alone, who is someone you are keeping in your thoughts. 💛

Much love, Grace, and gratitude Wild Ones🤙🏼⚡️✨



Reading more and more into the subjects of energy, consciousness, and awareness as a way to serve myself deeper and others I am connecting with. In these readings, I ran across an amazing breakdown of some of insights I’ve been working on. Read this below. It’s powerful. Leave a “⚡️” to affirm.

“Anything that annoys you is for teaching you patience.
Anyone who abandons you is for teaching you how to stand up on your own two feet.
Anything that angers you is for teaching you forgiveness and compassion.
Anything that has power over you is for teaching you how to take your power back.
Anything you hate is for teaching you unconditional love.
Anything you fear is for teaching you courage to overcome your fear.
Anything you can’t control is for teaching you how to let go and trust the Universe.” - Jackson Kiddard

All of these lessons. All the things we resist, that we breakdown over, that humble the hell out of us, that we think are our responsibility, are here to be our teachers, our guides, and our tests. They are here to help us grow and shift as humans. .

Which point spoke to you more? Care to share?💛
I have begun to open up guidance consultations for those who are ready to get out of there own way, align to their physical awareness, and sacred reverence. Leave an “I am ready” for that communication ⚡️

Much love, Grace, and gratitude to you Wild Ones working on you and growing each and every day



I trust myself. I trust what’s next. I trust the timing of my life. I trust that I was built for what has happened in my life only to be healed today and to grow stronger tomorrow. I trust. Oh I trust.
I am stepping into...
-my heart
-my truth
-my relationship
-my faith
-my peace
-my wild
-my soul
-my unknown
-my power
-my present
-my drive
-my growth
-my path
-my tribe
-my light
-my darkness
-my purpose
-my vulnerability
-my practice
-my energy
-my love

I see the man I can be once I dare to but I love the man I already am. I believe in me. I trust. I am not alone.
So here I stand...ready to step in.

What are you stepping into? Are you ready to recommit to you? 💛

Much love, grace, and gratitude to you Wild Ones stepping in and trusting 💛⚡️🤙🏼



Every day.

As long as I stay in my purpose I’ll never stumble. I will know what to do. When I shift my alignment from that - I will wander - maybe not lost…but off course.

What is purpose then?

I’ve found that when we recognize what makes us authentically happy and gives us a sense of awareness of who we truly are we can align with with our purpose. This naturally shifts us into serving others in the most real and powerful way. Serving has always felt like purpose to me. Whether it’s helping others, leaning a hand, being in community, or just doing what needs done - without attachment.

This is why I love teaching, why I love guiding, why I love learning, why I love what I get to do.

With a new YTT program approaching at - the messages of purpose and non-attachment continue to surface. It is not up to me - nor do emphasize the “expected results” of the program. That has been a challenge in the past as I want everyone to win so to speak. These studies and practices are offerings to transformation. It’s not up to me on how everything turns out. My purpose - my work is done in love and Grace.

Do you know your purpose? Do you feel that fire within burning? Are you ready to explore a different path to you?
Let’s start there and see what happens when we show up.

Maybe it’s not a yoga training but something else. Let’s connect here. There are many paths to explore in this thing we call life. Let’s get to work.

Much grace, love, and gratitude Wild Ones💛🤙🏼⚡️


Wishing you all a very Mindful, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

Taking time this season to really love this one Wild life and see all the blessings in it.

This holiday, I gave myself the gift of expecting less and appreciating more and doing so has brought more joy and contentment.

A couple holiday reflections:

Be kind - we are all struggling.
Be patient - we don’t always say the right things and we make mistakes.
Be courageous - know what you desire and go for it.
Be humble - nothing is promised forever
Be generous - giving is the gift
Be real - I miss my Ella
Be active - life, love, communication, etc
Be good - well…or great
Be well - excess of anything is not going to end well
Be festive - celebrate this life

Thank you to this ❤️‍🔥 for being my “present” - your love is the gift for me and my love is my gift to you. ❤️‍🔥

Wishing you all much grace, love, and gratitude to you all - near and far. …

📸 ✨



I am the author of my story. So I trust this next chapter of my life because I am writing the book.

My why is that at end of my life, before I am about to pass on that I know in my deepest parts of my soul that I did what I came here to do and shared my love, my light, and my grace with the world. When I look at what I’ve “ written” so far, I am happy seeing so many blank pages ahead. I don’t have a single guarantee of what’s going to happen at the end. But I do know how I will be showing up and stepping into life each and every day to fill each new page with as much living as I can.

People will judge, ridicule, talk about you behind your back, steal, lie, and disrespect your “book” - so keep writing…keep experiencing…keep living it all. I/you/we can’t control what others do but we can control how we respond or not.
Remember - Your story is worth reading.

Take the chance. Write your life like you are the hero of your own story! Live this life. Appreciate the ebbs and flows. Leave the world a little better than you found it.

I’ll be sharing more about these new “chapters” as we close out the year as I am feeling called to really open it all up more.

How’s your “book” coming along? I’d love to read it💛

Sharing this with much love, Grace, and gratitude for all of you Wild Ones putting together your own best selling, masterpiece of a book. ⚡️💛🤙🏼

Photos from Jeremy Grace Yoga and Fitness's post 12/09/2021


I’ll remember today for sure. No matter your age, you always need your mom.

Today gave me a chance to see my mother in her element…teaching.
I know today wasn’t easy for her…stepping into something brand new a few months ago and wildly different than her decades of teaching mastery in the arts. Having to be guided by me throughout this process, I’m sure there were a couple moments of “ok son” but she showed up as she always does….open to what’s happening, ready for it, willing to try something new, doing something that challenges her, going against what society expects of someone of that “wisdom level” to physically do, smiling through adversity, and being a “yoga mom” to the room.

Thank you mom for all the life teachings, moments in this training, memories forever, and for all of the little things you do to leave the world better than you found it.

Congratulations Yoga Teacher❤️

My Thoughts….

It’s never too late.
You’re never too old.
Tomorrow is not promised.
Talk yourself into doing something good for your mind, body, and spirit.
Experience comes from doing.
Stop telling people what they can’t do because you’re too afraid to try.
Live your life because…well…
You are worth it!

Tag a mom. Leave a 💛. Reach out to a loved one and let them know they are loved. This life is precious…live it.

Much love, Grace, and gratitude Wild Ones💛🤙🏼⚡️



I get to do this…

This weekend brought up a considerable amount of emotions. Assisting in the launch of La Luz & Co, Wildlight’s Three Year Anniversary, completing the final session of the Wildlight YTT before a week of finals and graduation, and moving tomorrow….there are a couple of things occurring simultaneously 👀

What I am grateful for is that I asked for it all and I see all of these incredible changes as gifts, reminders, and blessings of things in life that I get to do. I repeat…I get to do them.

Lately, I have been in a real vulnerable and emotional place. So many changes, shifts, transformations, sacrifices, choices, and blessings.

I get to do them all….and I have remembered this weekend why nothing in life is promised.

Everything in life takes work, love, nurturing, trust, faith, intention, accountability, communication, help, guidance, vision, Wildness, values, intuition, and practice.

I/you/we get to do this life.

What are you grateful that you get to do?

I would love to hear your “get to do.”

Congratulations Pamela, Bita, and the La Luz Team for the successful opening!💛💛

Wildlight YTTs - this is your week✨

Much Love, Grace, and Gratitude
Wild Ones

Thank you for the 📸 ✨



When I tell you I love you, I don’t say it out of habit or to make conversation, I say it to remind you that you are my person, and that I am yours.

I love you because you…

Test me.
Challenge me.
Know my weaknesses.
Understand me.
Hold me.
Know what I fear.
Trust me.
Hear me.
Know your faith.
Feel me.
Light me.
Know this life is to be lived.

I love you because you are you.

Te amo mucho mi corazon y mi Luz ❤️‍🔥



Happily letting it go...

I have faith in my happiness right now. My happiness is my barometer of whether I am being true to my inner nature; of who I really am. I have been experiencing a tremendous amount of firsts recently. Some planned. Others unplanned. The constant variable I keep encountering is “control.” I once believed that in order for something to work, I must control the process to ensure the desired outcome is achieved. But that attachment to the achievement clouded my decision making because I was staying on a target and out of the flow with what else might show up during this experience that could be a better outcome.

I’ve learned that I don’t know what’s next all the time. I don’t need to be right. I don’t have all the answers. That I will make mistakes. That I am both a student and a teacher. That there is real power in selflessly serving others. That change is growth. That showing up is what you do. That not having a plan sometimes can be an amazing plan. That I can ask for what I want, let it go, and trust the magic of life. That I can set intentions for amazing and know it’ll show up in some form when I am ready to receive it. That love is a healing light. And, that I am not alone and have help, guidance, support, love, and a Wild community.

What can you let go of today? Need help - just ask💛

Much love, Grace, and gratitude to you Wild ones, you life warriors making a difference in the world every day.



You are in this LIFE because you are strong enough to live it.
Because you are strong enough to MOVE though it
To THRIVE in it.
To LIGHT a path for others to see it.
To SHOW others they have the strength to live this life too!

We are all stronger than we think.
I/you/we have survived all of life’s challenges to this present moment.

Don’t give up. Don’t settle. Don’t dim your light. Don’t hide your magic. Don’t burn yourself out.

I feel tested. I am challenged in this life. This message is for me too!
When the next challenge comes (and it’s coming), take a deep breath, look up, and take a step….then another. It may teach you something about you. It may show you your strength.

You’re stronger then you know….
Leave a comment. Tag a friend.
Leave a 💪

Much love, Grace, and gratitude Wild Ones 🤙🏼💛⚡️



Unless you learn to first embrace that darkness within yourself, you can never pursue this light of self-love and joy in a healthy & balanced way.

The more our darkness is avoided, the more it grows within us, waiting like a like a time 💣 to blow at any unexpected and reactive moment.

As a guide - the most common question I get is “why am I so angry all the time and does that make me less of a yogi?” In short - no. But a different question to ask yourself is - “why am I experiencing this anger?” or “what can I learn from what I allow to make me angry?”

We are sometimes taught to look at life through the lens of love, peace, joy, harmony, and compassion while completely ignoring or condemning the darker shadow of anger, vengeance, control, fear, shame, competitiveness, jealousy.

To seek only one side of the spectrum
only positions ourselves to avoid everything uncomfortable within us and around us instead of facing it with honesty, vulnerability, and courage.
Taking time to turn inward with Shadow Self may help you to embrace these disconnected parts of yourself, creating more balanced mind, body, and spiritual approach to our daily lives.

So this is me….dark & light - giving you permission (that you never needed) to be, to feel, to trust, to share, to know that you are all of it. And to go forward in the direction to authentically know is you. Perfectly imperfect and enough.

If this hits…Drop a message. Send a DM. Tag a friend. Ask for help. Maybe all the above…

Much love, Grace, and gratitude Wild Ones. I see you. I am with you. All in.



When we can stay present in a listening moment - we are still, and we stay put there—which can be challenging of the commotion-filled activity of life.

In this practice of yoga, listening is one of the most valuable skills we can sharpen as both student and teacher. We train our listening ear so that we can enhance the mind’s ability to truly pay attention, become aware, and in the process, the ability to soften into the present experience.

The art of listening requires a break from the “chatter.” It is important that on or off the mat, we practice noticing when and if we are in sensory overload. In recognizing those moments (and they will come) take a pause to rest in stillness so that you can carry that stillness, that space, with us into our connections and conversations.

This art of listening asks that we bring a wakeful, noticing presence that isn’t just waiting for our turn to talk - we can’t be in a hurry to go next. The power of listening isn’t in its ability to prove our point or to protect our fragile egos. Instead, it’s in being present at this very moment; So we may find that what transpires in that holding of space for one another. This is part of the yoga practice. This is connection.

What to find to be the most valuable part of being seen and heard by another? How do you practice listening?

Thank you for LISTENING✨

Much love, Grace, and gratitude Wild Ones. Keep going 🤙🏼⚡️💛




“Just for today, I release all anger.
Just for today, I release all worry.
Today, I am grateful.
Today, I live each moment fully in the present. I do my work honestly.
Today, I am kind to all that has life.”

Today I am grateful for all that this life has shown me, offered me, & taught me.

Thank you to all of you. ✨

Much love, Grace, and gratitude to you Wild Ones doing the work. 💛⚡️🤙🏼



SOMETIMES you are the problem.

SOMETIMES the overwhelm is real.

SOMETIMES you are the negative one.

SOMETIMES you are the bad attitude.

SOMETIMES you are the complainer.

SOMETIMES you are the reason it’s not working.

SOMETIMES you are why you are stuck.

SOMETIMES it is your fault.

SOMETIMES your communication is bad.

SOMETIMES you are judging someone.

SOMETIMES you need to just own when you are just checked out.


That doesn’t make you a bad person.
It makes you human.

Take some accountability for you. Admit when you are wrong. Own your bu****it. Accept when you don’t know. Stop copying the crazy. Quit displaying your false life and just authentically be you.

All of those SOMETIMES are opportunities for you to grow, to learn, and to shift.

Life is hard. Take a breath and keep living the real. Do better. Be better. You are human; not just sometimes…all the time.
So be a good human. We get to do this.

Leave a 💛 if this resonates with you.

Much love, Grace, and gratitude to you Wild Ones doing the work 🤙🏼⚡️💛



A message and some questions to consider on this day. 💛

“For a human being who hungers for truth, what is most beautiful is that which is most truthful. If the road to truth means having to learn what is untrue and to face unconsciousness and obstacles within ourselves, the lover of truth gladly accepts the challenge. Each time we expose and face that which is untrue, we are that much closer to what is true.”

– M. Caplan

What is true?

What is untrue?

Why am I feeling/doing/saying/thinking this?

Do I need to admit any mistakes?

Am I owning my strengths? My weaknesses?

Am I judging others? Am I judging myself?

Can I be humbly wrong? Can I be humbly right?

Reflect on your answers or skip over them.

Although this inner truth process can be difficult and challenging at times, you’ll find, with time, that it’s worth it because you are worth it. As the message says…the truth shall set you free.

Tag a friend, share, or leave a sign in the comments that you received this.

Much grace, love, and gratitude for you Wild Ones doing the work


Who you are is the person you need to become…

Give up
Give in
Or give it all you got…

This pic embodies the calm before the “give it what I got” storm. I have been told for much of my life what I can’t do, or what I’m not ready for, or that it will never happen because of this or that. Are those my limitations or theirs?
I choose to give it all that I got and work towards becoming the person I need to become.

Growth isn’t as likely to occur if you live a life that you give up on or give in to consistently. Be bold, be Wild, and regularly do things that are a little scary, but allow you to grow, to grow into the person that you need to become. Don’t give up. Don’t give in to not being you.

What person do you choose to be? You? Choose you…you are enough.

Stepping into leading a YTT Orientation and Welcome Weekend at this week. These experiences have been some of my greatest teachings to guide and witness a “yogic transformation” in every human that steps onto this path. Yoga, like life, is messy. It’s a mess that I am willing able to continue to explore and give this life all I got.

Much love, Grace, and gratitude Wild Ones🤙🏼💛⚡️



You must take a step back to see the whole picture as even the smallest step in the right direction can be the greatest step towards your greatest life.

I love what I do, and that gets me through the rough times that I don’t enjoy. When things get tough, I remember that my choices led me to this point and every step was a step chosen to take. I chose the step. Which also means I get to choose a reset step.

When was the last time you “reset?” When was the last time you looked at your “big picture?”

As a person who has a “I got this” mentality even when the waves are crashing, it is important to pause, and take a reset step to gather, ground and take inventory of the life scenario you are in.

I have learned lately that in order to offer what I offer, I need to reset.

My reset:
✅Go out into nature.
✅Get wet.
✅Step onto the yoga mat.
✅Gratitude lists and journal.
✅Get away with my Luz.
✅Meditate on contentment.
✅Unplug, unplug, and unplug.
✅Grab a book and just read.
✅Cook a new recipe.
✅Diagram progress.
✅Talk to strangers.

What’s on your list? Anything to add here?

Take time for a reset step humans. Enjoy the journey…not just fixate on the destination.

Much love, Grace, and gratitude Wild Ones🤙🏼💛⚡️



Be willing to do the work you ask others to do…
and try to do it with a smile….

I learned at a very young age to never ask someone to do something you wouldn’t do. Even if I’ve hired or asked for help with a move, project, renovation…I am always doing the work too. That takes a little self motivation flow..which takes self effort.

How I define self motivation flow is it’s a mental state in which someone is fully immersed, with energized focus and done with grateful enjoyment, in a particular activity.

I love to work. I don’t need inspiration to get to it. Sometimes though, I do hit a wall when the work loses intention, purpose, focus, or steers away from the vision (also I get tired too).
So what then?

Maybe quit and give up?

Hell no!!

Here are some ideas on how to continue being self motivated:

1️⃣ Know why you are doing the work.
2️⃣ Know the goal.
3️⃣ Know what makes this fun.
4️⃣ Know that you “get” to do this.
5️⃣ Know what you need to learn.
6️⃣ Know when to ask for help.
7️⃣ Know what drives you.
8️⃣ Know the reward.

What would you add? What part of this do you struggle with the most? Leave a comment or DM to discuss.

Self motivation is one of the hardest skills to learn, but it’s critical to the success of any adventure in life you embark on. “The more we love what we are doing, the less we call it work.”

Much love, Grace, and gratitude Wild Ones 🤙🏼💛⚡️

Thank you
for the 📸


Leave a 💛 if you what you are going through is growing you. .

Remember - these moments are a choice between “why me” or “try me.” Run away or stand in the fire. Growth or giving up.

Life is all a test with many lessons along the way. This is the time where you can look at every obstacle, issue, areas of chaos in your life and ask where you can grow from this experience. Storms don’t last. The light will shine through the clouds.

Instead of feeling like you are always challenged-try challenging yourself to get going and get through this.

What will you do in the next 30 days to grow is some aspect of your life?
Care to share?✨
There is a free consultation session tab in my bio link as a reminder that you are not alone. Growth is hard. So is what you are going through.

I believe in you!!

Always with much love, grace, and gratitude Wild Ones 🤙🏼⚡️💛



Who would you be if you weren’t afraid to live fully.
Who would you be if you weren’t afraid to love vulnerably?
Who would you be if you weren’t afraid of the parts of you that feel unknown, uncertain, or unclear?
Who would you be if you weren’t afraid to step into your authentic truth?

You would be you…

It’s time to ReWild. It’s time to live, to love, to be, the embrace, to flow, to trust, to flourish, to howl, to play, to invite, to release, to connect, to center, & to thrive

The time is now to really be you…
really who you are…

“Into The Wild” excursions, retreats, and workshops coming this fall.

Leave a “💛” or “I’m in” if you are ready to explore what this adventure can be for you.

Much love and gratitude Wild Ones


P B & J

“Find your tribe and love them hard!”

When you find the humans who not only accept your Wild but celebrate it with acceptance of their own, be grateful and cherish them because those crazy weirdos are your tribe!

I love these two. Pamela my partner and Bita my dear friend. I wouldn’t be where I am now without either of you. Thank you for changing my life. ❤️‍🔥❤️

Cheers to this journey with much grace, gratitude, and love…

“Find your tribe and love them hard!”



“Don’t stumble over something behind you.” Move forward. Realize that your past is not your future. This was the a lesson observed last night on the mat. These obstacles (or big rock pictured here) are not blocking the path; they are the path. I am grateful for these opportunities of raw truth and vulnerability while teaching but most importantly, I'm grateful for my community of amazing Wild humans. This last month has been a challenge. Not in the sense of struggle or issue, but more from witness of a new viewpoint of experiences and shifts.

The intention of this post is to remind us all that the past is the past. The present is now and that’s what we can impact. The future will be here and it’s what we do now that will impact what we see later. Choose wisely. Don’t copy someone else’s story. Write your own. Don’t stumble over something behind you. That’s not where you are going. .

What is your “stumble” story that runs through your head keeping you in the past? How are you allowing it stay rent free in your mind?
Let’s share…💛 DM, comment, or tag a friend who needs the reminder ✨

Much grace and gratitude Wild Ones

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Winston-Salem, NC

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 8pm
Tuesday 6am - 8pm
Wednesday 9am - 8pm
Thursday 9am - 8pm
Friday 9am - 7pm
Saturday 8am - 12pm
Sunday 8am - 9pm

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