Amitola Essence

Holistic Gift and Therapy Store open by appointment only - contact Tanya on 0422909417


🌲⭐️🌲 It’s the Festive Season 🌲⭐️🌲

My presence on social media has been sparse, not because I don’t care, simply because I have been busy with a change in direction for Amitola.

It’s still holistic, still has its passion for colours, energy, crystals and communication with cards.

But.. it has evolved into a more visual creative kind of therapy base business.

Amitola has evolved in a way I never imagined, I simply allowed the flow of direction to take its path rather that trying to direct it.. and where it lead me has been simply inspiring,

I’m not going to go into too much detail now but you will see an update of my website and of services provided in the new year.

I hope your 2022 has treated you well and if it has been challenging then maybe try letting go of your oars and simply allow yourself to drift to uncharted waters. You never know where you may journey too 😉

⭐️🌲 Wishing you peace, love and laughter.

"My love and thoughts are with you during the Christmas season and the promise of hope it brings."

From my heart to yours, I thank you for your continued support ❤️


Wow .. just Wow !
Thank you so much to everyone who made a special trip to the market today.
It was wonderful to see you all .. I feel truly blessed for your support 💜

Photos from Amitola Essence's post 02/12/2022

⭐️🎄⭐️ Market day has arrived ..

And along with it is 50% off everything !!

We are at One Tree Hill Country Market
Today 8:30 - 12:30

Hope to see you here 🤗


⭐️🎄⭐️ 50% off SALE ⭐️🎄⭐️
This Saturday at
One Tree Hill Market
⭐️ Diffusers ⭐️ Essential Oils ⭐️ Candles ⭐️ Oracle Cards ⭐️Crystal Bracelets


🤩 ⭐️ 🤩 IT’S SALE TIME 🤩 ⭐️ 🤩

As you may be aware my presence on social media has been quite rare of late, reason being that I have been very busy with being busy 😉

Amitola has flowed in a direction of more therapy base and individual support, therefore I have had little time to nurture the shop side of things.

This is a good thing .. it brings a Sale 🙌🏻

I need to clear some stock to make way for new creative style tools 🙃 and what better time to make a bargain available than Christmas.

⭐️⭐️ I am having a one day sale of 50% off

Yep .. 50% .. that’s off all the following

⭐️ Essential Oils
⭐️ Diffusers
⭐️ Oracle Cards
⭐️ Candles
⭐️ Crystal Bracelets

The sale will take place at the
One Tree Hill Country Market
Blacktop Rd One Tree Hill
Saturday 3rd Dec
8:30am - 12.30pm

🙋‍♀️ If you would like me to put something aside so you can be first in then please text me on 0422909417 with your request.
PLEASE DONT REQUEST THROUGH FB as mentioned, I have been very busy and your request may slip through the net. Texting will guarantee I can see it. 😉

In the new year I will be back to being more active and keeping you in the loop with all changes that have taken place. Amitola website will be updated also to reflect what our services have grown to become.

I am looking forward to being at a market again and I hope to see you there.

With gratitude


We shall remember them ❤️


🌿🌸 What a beautiful day today is 🌸🌿

It’s a day where the sun is shining, the birds are chirping and the energy feels clean, crisp and refreshing… anyone else feel this today?

It’s so clique I know .. but it truly feels wonderful.

I am ready and waiting for a client of mine to turn up today. And I want to give a shout out to her for all that she brings to our sessions.
She spreads kindness, is creative, inspiring and prepared to turn up.. not just to our sessions but to her everydays 😉

You know who you are and you are part of a piece that makes my today wonderful.

I’m grateful for you 🌸


From my new book ‘LIFE’

Photos from Amitola Essence's post 12/08/2022

💛🐤 Gratitude and Kindness 🐤💛

I was blessed with a gift today and it filled my heart with much gratitude.

A hand painted rock made by Rhonda from Crafty Murras.

What a treasure to keep and hold to fill my heart with the warmest of memories for my budgie that flew to new adventures over the rainbow bridge.

Thank you Ronnie for your kindness that you continue to spread far and wide. You ‘rock drop’ your rocks with beautiful sentiments and pictures to bring a smile to whomever may find them. You expect nothing in return other than kindness be spread to the unsuspecting.

My heart is full 💛🐤💛


Love the skin your in, and love it with all your heart 💜


Think about it, you have EARNED this face.
Every line, a laugh shared.
Every wrinkle, a year survived.
Every age spot, a day that the sun shone on you.

Some women believe that as they age, they LOSE their looks. Oh my friends how wrong this is.
A beautiful young women is a happy accident of nature but a beautiful older woman?
She is a work of art.

The Japanese have a practice whereby they fill any broken objects with gold, believing that something which is broken has earned its beauty and should be celebrated and decorated rather than discarded.

I feel this way about women.

It took a long time to find out who you really truly are. A long time. The acceptance that old age brings is freeing. It brings with it peace and happiness.
Everyone knows, happiness looks good on us all.

Your body has been changing since the day you were born and will continue till the day you depart. Ride with it, accept it, embrace it. Be amazed by it.
Allow your face to represent your life, your stories, your joys.

Why choose to be an older woman fervently chasing youth, when you could be that older women who knows what she is worth and has earned every minute of her hard-won self-acceptance.

The trick with ageing successfully my friend, is to pay as little attention to it as possible.

Donna Ashworth
From ‘To The Women’

Beautiful art by Autumn Skye ART

Photos from Amitola Essence's post 19/06/2022

There has been a wonderful team at Amitola and not all of them human.

🐤 Bubbles - aka Pumpkin was a feathered member of our team and it is with a heavy heart that I inform you of his passing.

He was more than a bird, he had a personality bigger than the universe, he spoke more than me and he was a bigger part of Amitola than Amitola itself.

He chose his name Bubbles but his alias was Pumpkin and he was a therapy bird. He would sit on the shoulders of many clients, ease their anxieties as he entertained them with his affectionate words of ‘I love you’ and ‘your my best friend’ along with a huge vocabulary he had that he shared without a filter.

Pumpkin had his own little community of feathered friends who would gather in their own friendship circle.

He was a happy bird who bought so much to my world helping me through many challenges.

He was my first greet every morning and my last every evening and he has blessed me with so much love, connection and an appreciation of his healing abilities.

Soar over that Rainbow Bridge knowing you were loved not just by me .. but by all who met you.

I love you Pumpkin.. your my best friend too 💛


For all those who feel like they don’t fit in .. find your people .. find your right cup of tea 🙏🏼

Find your right cup of tea.

There will always be someone in this life who just doesn’t like you, no matter how hard you try to please them.
There will always be something that you say, or do, which causes offence or division.
Whether you meant to or not.
There will always be someone who finds fault in you, your life or your words.
You may never find out why, please don’t waste your precious time trying to.

You can’t be everyone’s cup of tea.

Then there will be those who like you on impact.
A little fizz of energy that passes between you.
Silently, unseen, bonding.
Those people will not only like you but they will like you fiercely.
They are your people.
Whatever spare time you have, spend it on them.

You can’t be everyone’s cup of tea, but you can be someone’s first sip of a cold drink on a sunny day…

Or a warming hot chocolate when you come in from the rain
or the pop of a long awaited champagne cork
or a stiff shot of tequila when things go awry

Find your people,
love them hard.

Donna Ashworth

Timeline photos 29/05/2022

May you walk gently through this world and know it’s beauty all the days of your life 🙏🏼

“May the sun bring you new energy by day,
may the moon softly restore you by night,
may the rain wash away your worries,
may the breeze blow new strength into your being,
may you walk gently through the world and know it's beauty all the days of your life.”
― Apache Blessing

"This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; in its place is something that you have left behind...let it be something good."


Whatever you do .. Be You 🌸


I’m a day late .. but isn’t Mothers Day Everyday 🤷‍♀️

There are many roles we reflect on this Mother’s Day ..
you do not have to be a mum to accept the right to embrace this day as your reflection day and to honour yourself for what you bring to others.

You may be a mother figure, a fur baby parent, you may be a mum, a grandmother, a person who fills the role no matter gender or title.

To all who nurture, care, love and respect others and share with them the kind of bond that this quote reflects ..

🌼a person who can take the place of all others.. but whose place no one can take

I wish you a day of reflection, of filling your heart with love and appreciation for all that you do and for all that has been done before you that imprinted your example of what Mothers Day may mean to you.

🕯 I burn a candle today for all the mothers who are sharing their day from above and who continue to guide us with their wisdom and love

🙏🏼 I send love to all who may find this day difficult.. and for those who reflect on those above my heart is with yours 💜

🌸 Blessings 🌸


🔮Oracle Card Insight
~ bought to you by the Angels and Ancestors Oracle by Kyle Gray

🌿 Why not sit with the image first before reading on .. what do you sense or feel, how does the image resonate for you?
Take your time, focus on your breaths, on your own personal thoughts or insights..
And when you have created your own interpretation then read the message below.
Does it align with yours?
Does it offer a different perspective?
Do you resonate?

I would love for you to comment your own insights below so others can scroll through the comments and build an even bigger perspective on how much information one card can offer ..

And.. if you would like to know more about Cards or wish to purchase your own deck, then make contact with me.. I love to chat all things cards and can do my best to match you up with a deck to fit your personal desires.

Blessings to you all 🙏🏼

~ trust your talents in changing times.

The energies around you are changing at this time, and although it may not always be comfortable, you are equipped with all that you need to survive this shift. You are being presented with opportunities to reach spaces you have never encountered before, and this can make you feel on edge, but be open to the shifts occurring, because they are really the answers to your prayers.

The experience of being hunted or threatened is now behind you and you are being invited to come out from your den and reveal your glory and talents. Call upon fox spirit medicine to help you be seen for who you are and trust in your talents in order to be the best you can be in these changing times.

Photos from Amitola Essence's post 29/04/2022

⭐️ Todays the Day ⭐️

The Mother’s Day market arranged by Rotary Club of Mawson Lakes Inc, SA, Australia is happening today.

The courts are a buzz with stall holders being here bright and early to set up ready to welcome you to this wonderful market.

Opens at 10am but the atmosphere is a buzz with excitement ready to welcome you.

I hope to see you here

Ingle Farm Rec Centre from 10-2pm


🔮Oracle Card Insight
~ bought to you by the Light Seers Tarot by Chris-Anne

🌿 Why not sit with the image first before reading on .. what do you sense or feel, how does the image resonate for you?
Take your time, focus on your breaths, on your own personal thoughts or insights..
And when you have created your own interpretation then read the message below.
Does it align with yours?
Does it offer a different perspective?
Do you resonate?

I would love for you to comment your own insights below so others can scroll through the comments and build an even bigger perspective on how much information one card can offer ..

Blessings to you all 🙏🏼

3 of Pentacles

Working with others gifts us with the opportunity to learn from one another and to blend energies to create something totally new. Look for conscious collaborators - as mentors, apprentices, or both!

Co-creating together for the good of the whole powerful magic, and this teamwork and community card calls you forth to add your unique essence to the bigger picture.

If you are having trouble with others, seek to align goals in order to cultivate peaceful unions. Mutually beneficial relationships place equal importance on each persons novel wisdom and way of being in the world, regardless of the relational hierarchy.

When life’s paths are entwined, strive to create harmonic states as you weave your way in and out of others days. Welcome people in your heart, and open doors of possibility that didn’t exist before.

🌿 There is no limit to what you can manifest together.


🌸🌿 Community Event 🌿🌸
Saturday 30th April
10am - 2pm

It’s only 2 more days away..

A Huge Mothers Day Market bought to you by Rotary Club of Mawson Lakes Inc, SA, Australia

At: Ingle Farm Community Centre

Amitola will be there with Crystals, Essential Oils, Diffusers, Oracle Cards, gifts and advice on all things Holistic and Colours

I’m looking forward to the community spirit that these events always promote.

Hope to see you there.


♥️ We will Remember them ♥️

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.


🌸 Mothers Day Market Community Event

I am pleased to have been given the opportunity for a stall in the Rotary Club of Mawson Lakes Inc, SA, Australia Mothers Day Market

Amitola will have Crystals, Essential Oils, Oracle Cards and gifts.

I look forward to hopefully seeing you there and having the opportunity to chat all things wellness with you.

🌸Save the date:

When : Saturday April 30th
Where: Ingle Farm Recreation Centre
Time: 10am - 2pm

Please don’t hesitate to make contact with Tanya for any queries or special orders you would like me to bring on the day.
Ph: 0422909417


Save the date ☝️



Come along to see amazing Stall Holders and tasty Food Trucks, enjoy the fun and treat your beautiful mother, grandmother, dog mum, mother to be and/or mum figure in your life. 🌹

💻 Facebook Event:

This community organised market is proudly run by the local Rotary Club of Mawson Lakes, here to serve the community. All profits go back into local community projects. ✅

Any questions please contact the Rotary Club of Mawson Lakes Inc, page or email: [email protected]


I am so excited to be dusting my market stall pants off and to be participating in this Mothers Day Market.
I look forward to seeing some familiar faces there along with meeting some new ones.



Come along to see amazing Stall Holders and tasty Food Trucks, enjoy the fun and treat your beautiful mother, grandmother, dog mum, mother to be and/or mum figure in your life. 🌹

💻 Facebook Event:

This community organised market is proudly run by the local Rotary Club of Mawson Lakes, here to serve the community. All profits go back into local community projects. ✅

Any questions please contact the Rotary Club of Mawson Lakes Inc, page or email: [email protected]


🐰 Easter Blessings 🐰

However you are spending your long weekend, or whoever you are spending it with, may it be full of everything that brings joy to your heart. 💛


🙏🏼 Postcards from Spirit 🙏🏼
~ Colette Baron-Reid Oracle Deck

Today I have pulled a card from the above deck to share. I feel that this card will really touch the hearts of some particular people who may feel deeply connected to its message .. and for others it can come for advice you may feel valuable for someone you know.

Either way, I invite you to sit with its message, feel it’s essence and know that if you find yourself coming full circle with your right mindset and dedication you will find yourself placed in the reality of the dream you imagined would one day come true. 💜

Sent with blessings … 🙏🏼

💜 Dearest you
Isn’t it amazing how things seem to come around again, full circle, in ways you could not have possibly planned?
You wonder how a dream could die, only to be resurrected years later when you are really ready. You thought it was time back then, but your wisdom knows better than your small self, whose desires are unmet.

Now here you are with a new opportunity to do things from a different, more mature perspective. We want you to trust in this new opportunity for rebirth, you will be called in two different directions, and the one that is unfamiliar will be the right one.

In the unknown spaces, the uncharted places of infinite potential, we are waiting to guide you into your fullest life. Big bounty will come if you remain in the present.

You have come full circle and now you can see that everything changes, is made new, and is given hope.
Loving you … always


Dear mum

We have spent 3 years missing you, remembering you and loving you just the same.

Your memory has walked beside me everyday for 3 years now .. and I am so grateful for your company.

I still need you and I look for your signs when I ask for them, and even when I don’t.

I’m going to have a cuppa with you today and maybe even a piece of chocolate cream cake.

I won’t be sad .. I will just be remembering and filling my heart with all the things you taught me.

I love you more 💕

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🙏🏼 Postcards from Spirit 🙏🏼    ~ Colette Baron-Reid Oracle DeckToday I have pulled a card from the above deck to share. ...
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