Embodied Wellbeing

Offering customized acupuncture alongside with lifestyle and diet advice in Vancouver. Customized acupuncture treatment in Vancouver, B.C.

Supporting your road to recovery and maintenance of optimum health.

Acupuncture for Stress and Trauma: A Bottom-Up Approach - My Rest | Vancouver Acupuncture and Wellness Studio 07/22/2024

Acupuncture for Stress and Trauma: A Bottom-Up Approach - My Rest | Vancouver Acupuncture and Wellness Studio Acupuncture is a powerful treatment for stress and trauma, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Cupping and Acupuncture in Vancouver: A Dynamic Duo for Holistic Healing - My Rest | Vancouver Acupuncture and Wellness Studio 06/18/2024

Cupping and Acupuncture in Vancouver: A Dynamic Duo for Holistic Healing - My Rest | Vancouver Acupuncture and Wellness Studio If you are looking for cupping treatments, book your appointment at My Rest today!

Pain: Considering Complementary Approaches (eBook) 02/20/2024

Pain: Considering Complementary Approaches (eBook) We have collected our information on pain into an eBook you can download to your computer or mobile device.


The Importance of Being Present

Hey everyone! Today, we want to talk about the amazing and life-changing power of being present in the moment. ⏰📌

In this fast-paced world, it's so tempting to constantly be thinking about the past or worrying about the future. But we often forget to simply be in the here and now. 🌸🌼

Why is being present so important, you ask? Well, here are a few reasons: 🤔

Maximizing Enjoyment: When we fully immerse ourselves in the present moment, we get to experience life to its fullest, appreciating the little things that make us truly happy. 🌞🌙

Improved Relationships: By being present with our loved ones, we show them that they are valued and important to us. It allows for deeper connections and meaningful interactions. 💑👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

Reduced Stress: Constantly worrying about what's ahead or dwelling on the past can lead to anxiety. By focusing on the present moment, we can reduce stress and find a sense of calm. 🌊🧘‍♀️

Remember, life happens in the now, not in the past or future. So let's embrace the present and make every moment count! ✨✌️


The Impact of Loneliness and Isolation on Our Health - My Rest | Vancouver Acupuncture and Wellness Studio 06/08/2023

The Impact of Loneliness and Isolation on Our Health - My Rest | Vancouver Acupuncture and Wellness Studio Loneliness can be tough, but you don't have to face it alone. Our health services provide a safe and supportive environment.

How To Know If You're Suffering From TMJ Disorder And How Acupuncture Can Help - My Rest | Vancouver Acupuncture and Wellness Studio 02/01/2023

How To Know If You're Suffering From TMJ Disorder And How Acupuncture Can Help - My Rest | Vancouver Acupuncture and Wellness Studio Acupuncture can treat TMJ disorders. If you're looking for a way to tackle your TMJ disorder, give acupuncture a try and see for yourself.


Choice follows awareness.

Those who come to somatic awareness are encouraged to deepen into sensations and felt sense of their life; to listen to what is being called forth from the deeper waters. We are led to see how and where we tighten against life and how and where we allow ourselves to receive the gift of energy. We’re asked to connect this new aliveness to our current issues and see if they’re congruent or dissonant. We may say we’ve been introduced to what has always been in our heart or to a gut feeling.

Join Registered Clinical Counsellor Carly Belzberg and myself for this free community offering. Find out more and register: https://embodiedwellbeing.ca/events/


we operate in an open concept space where you can bring a friend or partner for some self-care at the same time. What better way to connect while focusing on health goals together?


With the holiday season coming to a close, it's easy to rush back into a busy routine. Hopefully, the spaciousness and quiet has served as a chance to pause and consider how you'll move into the year ahead. What kind of changes could bring about more ease and harmony into your life?

Carly Belzberg and I are hosting our fourth community check-in. We welcome you into a relaxed environment to share in conversational dialogue. Each time, we offer body based learning in how to awaken and creatively resource your nervous system. Contact me directly to register or sign up: https://myrest.janeapp.com/?fbclid=IwAR2DHn2zI3FuuHuSOysq12crDrFzjltt6T6LpeftkZTlzFduTNfOSWdZOoI #/discipline/10/treatment/60

Wishing you Health and Joy In the Year Ahead!


Registered Clinic Counselor .belzberg and I still have space available in our free community offer being hosted at 4:30-5:30pm tomorrow. Before the holiday season takes over, considering gifting yourself a moment of reflection on how you can take care of yourself. We will be doing a brief dive into the following topics:

● Resourcing yourself through means which are internal and external to you during times of stress.
● Introducing the idea of connection with your body's sensations as an internal resource.

We will explore through group dialogue, writing and movement exercise.

Find more information on the event: https://fb.me/e/3vooovzNF

Contact to register or sign up here: https://myrest.janeapp.com/ #/staff_member/9


I recently had the good fortune of spending a weekend in Austin, TX studying with Jaime Chaves. Leveling up with Orthopedic Acupuncture focused on the neck and upper limb with skillful palpation and gentle needling technique.

It's handy to have an additional lens to view a problem through. Orthopedic Acupuncture uses acupuncture points located at trigger points to help relieve pain and restore the function of muscles.

Liminal Space - Sound Therapy & Acupuncture 11/16/2022

and I have one space left in our evening sound therapy and acupuncture session tonight at 7:30pm. If you can't make it this time around, we have another event in store for you on December 7th.

Tickets qualify for acupuncture insurance coverage.

One last ticket is available at the following link ---> https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/nesting-refuge-sound-healing-acupuncture-tickets-450323699307

Join us in December with a ticket at--->

Liminal Space - Sound Therapy & Acupuncture An evening meditative sound healing and acupuncture experience. Quiet the mind and body for a deeply needed rest.


The abundance of summer has receded, inviting us into contemplation and quiet during the fall months. Chinese Medicine views the body as a microcosm mirroring the larger macrocosm of the world around us. During the change of seasons, we can experience this relationship in a prominent way. Like the fall leaves, learn to let go whether it is a physical or emotional holding. Perhaps there is a sense of grief to acknowledge and give space to.

Join Certified Sound Therapy Practitioner May Globus of and Registered Acupuncturist Ala Wroblewska for an evening of slowing down and turning inwards.

This event is for you if you:

-Are looking for support while in transition in your life.
-Are looking for rooting into your nesting state.
-Feeling overwhelmed and wishing for a nervous system reset.

Tickets qualify for acupuncture insurance coverage and are available at the following link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/nesting-refuge-sound-healing-acupuncture-tickets-450323699307

Photos from Embodied Wellbeing's post 10/21/2022

The quieter or more yin portion of the year can be a challenging time as we contend with the shorter days that are often grey. Finding inspiration to move beyond your comfort zone can be difficult to come in contact with. A sense of nesting and turning inwards can take over. Registered Clinic Counsellor, Carly Belzberg and I invite you to 5 free evenings to explore what’s alive for you during this time.

Each one-hour event will invite 8 participants to share about themselves before we dive into 1-2 experiential body-based exercises (movement, breathwork, exploring sound, short games, visualizations) and art exploration around a unique theme. Opportunities to reflect in partnered and group settings will present themselves throughout. All participation is optional.

o Connect with others. We are wired to be social and yet live closed off from others in many ways. Being in the presence of others while we move through transformative processes allows access to an entirely new dimension of self-reflection that is woven in with a sense of belonging.
o Learn about yourself through experiential exercises. Simple exercise can offer profound insight into how you operate in the world.
o Equip yourself with tools that support you in regulating your nervous system for moments of overwhelm.

Join us at our upcoming events:
Saturday November, 12th 4:30pm-5:30pm
We’ll be taking a look at the value of personal risk taking and leaning into our growth edges.
Saturday December, 3rd 4:30pm-5:30pm
We will be exploring the idea of gifting yourself internal and external resources during this busy time of year.

Register at the link: https://myrest.janeapp.com/?fbclid=IwAR2DHn2zI3FuuHuSOysq12crDrFzjltt6T6LpeftkZTlzFduTNfOSWdZOoI #/discipline/10/treatment/60


It's easy to underestimate the power that breathwork can have on the state of your body and mind. Pick one style that appeals to you and try it on for 6 weeks. I often recommend a slow breath into the belly and a loud, satiated sigh out on repeat for those dealing with ongoing stress and insomnia.


Stop by to say hi at tomorrow! We're featuring Chinese herbal medicinal tea, tinctures and roll-on moxa. We'll be answering your questions and offering prize giveaways. Four legged fur friends are welcome to come by for a snack !


There are several ideas that are currently used to explain the effectiveness of acupuncture. Research is ongoing to understand this better.

Following the discovery of neurons and then neurotransmitters in the late nineteenth and mid-twentieth century, in the nineteen-nineties, pioneering work by Geoffrey Burnstock was finally accepted as showing that purinergic signalling is how different neurons communicate with each other, involving the key nucleotide adenosine and the compound adenosine triphosphate (ATP). You may have heard of ATP, it is essentially the main form of energy currency in the body.

Both of these substances are purines, they are present in all bodily tissues and they function as a co-transmitter for all nerves.

->These signaling substances (ATP and adenosine) have been shown to elevate with acupuncture as the tissue is put under stress from being needled and manipulated.
->They then bind to receptors that send the signal to the spinal cord and brain.
->The brain stem regulates functions vital to our daily life: digestion, breathing, heart rate. The higher brain modulates pain in the body.

At the end of the day, the goal of acupuncture and Chinese Medicine is to improve the self-regulation of your body in the most non-invasive way possible.


Cupping has been used for hundreds of years as a natural means of promoting healing and wellness. It’s been used to treat muscle pain and tension, colds and flus, and other health issues, all the way back to ancient Egyptian times—proof that this is a tried-and-true method!

Interested in trying cupping? Contact My Rest today!


Unearthing old wounds and trauma can be destabilizing. Acupuncture is a bottom up type of therapy. You don't have to do the heavy lifting of talking and processing for the work to be impactful. Sharing your story is optional.

Change is created in your nervous system by working directly with your body and bypassing the brain. Taking a deep rest during an acupuncture treatment can inform your brain that you are indeed capable of feeling safe enough in your body.
People leave feeling lighter, more peaceful and resilient.

Photos from MyRest Acupuncture Studio's post 08/29/2022

It's wonderful to collaborate with others in hosting community offerings. I love hearing what is cooking in the lives of our participants.


Awareness of the physical goings on in your body is a great source of information. Inspired by animals around us that are so good at being in their bodies, will be slowing right down in a restorative yoga class tomorrow morning.

Are you new to restorative yoga? Here's some information that might be helpful in painting a picture:

Restorative yoga is best practiced in warm, dark, quiet and safe spaces.
The right temperature keeps the attention from going into thoughts of “I’m too hot, I’m too cold.”
The dark allows for a soft face, and eyes especially.
Quiet - again so the senses can turn inward.
And safe - meaning that there is someone who is staying present and has their attention on the group so that they can rest without disturbances.

We'll be topping this off with acupuncture to help the mind relax during the extended rest at the end of the practice. If this is sounding like a yes in your body, click the link to purchase your ticket: https://events.humanitix.com/animal-lounge-restorative-yoga-and-acupuncture

For those with extended health benefits, you'll receive a receipt to claim this for acupuncture benefits.

Why a workout is good for your gut bacteria 08/27/2022

Through the lens of Chinese Medicine, the gut and healthy digestion are central to your health. In general, we enjoy too rich of a diet and are under exercised. It's fascinating to see what is being discovered about gut microbes and the links being made between a healthy digestive system and exercise.

"Exercise seems to be affecting our gut microbes, by increasing bacterial communities that produce short chain fatty acids (SCFAs)", says Jeffrey Woods, a professor of kinesiology and community health at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and who studies the effects of exercise on the human body.

"Short chain fatty acids are a type of fatty acids that are primarily produced by microbes and have been shown to modify our metabolism, immunity and other physiological processes," adds Jacob Allen, an assistant professor of exercise physiology at the University of Illionis who works alongside Woods."

Why a workout is good for your gut bacteria The rich microbiota flourishing inside us may play a far greater role in the way exercise improves our health than previously thought.

7 Benefits of Restorative Yoga - My Rest | Vancouver Acupuncture and Wellness Studio 08/18/2022

We're only 10 days away from our special event featuring restorative yoga and acupuncture! Read on about why you won't want to miss out on this rejuvenating Sunday morning: https://myrest.ca/7-benefits-of-restorative-yoga/

Check out the event at: https://events.humanitix.com/animal-lounge-restorative-yoga-and-acupuncture

There are still a few spaces left for next week's sound healing and acupuncture event as well! https://events.humanitix.com/summer-s-end-sound-journey

Ticket costs can be covered by extended health insurance.

7 Benefits of Restorative Yoga - My Rest | Vancouver Acupuncture and Wellness Studio Restorative yoga is a gentle, slow-paced form of yoga that focuses on the deep stretching of your muscles.


Sharing about a recent patient who exercises regularly and has a steady yoga practice. They came in complaining of low back pain that was brought on during their last yoga session. Treatment was focused on the low back and hip muscles. I also included some acupuncture to target distal fascia and support circulation. Upon coming in a week later, they reported an 80% improvement and this week we targeted the residual pain through the low back and hip again.

Muscles seizing up during a workout or while sleeping are a common complaint that can often be resolved fairly quickly with acupuncture!

Theda Phoenix - Sound Journey Music 08/03/2022

If you're wondering what you're in for if you attend the sound healing and acupuncture event on August 25th, plug your headphones in, relax your spine, close your eyes and take a listen to Theda. During this in person event, you'll be pulled in by the resonance of the crystal bowls and Theda's voice. Together with acupuncture, you'll be tapping in for the rest and healing you've been dreaming of!


Buy your ticket at the following link: https://events.humanitix.com/summer-s-end-sound-journey/tickets

Theda Phoenix - Sound Journey Music Recorded at Sound Therapy Arts TVListen on headphones for best experience...Theda Phoenix is a singer, songwriter and intuitive song and sound channel. She c...

Animal Lounge: Restorative Yoga & Acupuncture, Vancouver, Sun 28th Aug 2022, 10:00 am - 11:30 am PDT | Humanitix 07/31/2022

Shake off the week and stretch yourself into relaxation. Offering an animal inspired Restorative Yoga and Acupuncture session on Sunday August 28th at 10am. Details in the link:

Animal Lounge: Restorative Yoga & Acupuncture, Vancouver, Sun 28th Aug 2022, 10:00 am - 11:30 am PDT | Humanitix Join us for a lazy Sunday morning stretch, the ultimate muscle and mind melt. Inspired by the movements of animals around us, Niki Brown will guide a 45 minute Restorative Yoga class that will invite slow and deep stretches held over elongated periods of time while your body is supported by bolsters...


A friendly reminder, small actions can make a big impact.

Saw this recently and it melted my heart. In a world that seems to grow less tolerant as each day passes on it feels particularly resonant. Sending all of you some love and acceptance today ❤️


Stretch, drink water and get acupuncture!

Learning about fascia can help you manage your pain better. To begin with, it's the wrapping that encases everything in your body; muscles, blood vessels, organs. Fascia is a connective tissue that runs throughout your body. If the fascia was to disappear, your bones would lose their ability to hold your shape.

✸ Fascia can make up 20% of your body weight
✸ Releases a chemical when it is stretched to relax surrounding tissue.
✸ Has been shown to be directly impacted by stress.
✸ Up to 70% of healthy fascia is stored water.
✸ Fascia glides to help with easeful movement in your body.
✸ Consistent stretching is deeply impactful on fascia, helping to maintain its moisture content and ability to move.
✸ Acupuncture has been shown to affect the fascia as the cell releases a chemical messenger to surrounding tissue encouraging it to relax.
✸Fascia travels in pockets across large parts of your body which helps explain why placing needles in the fascia of your feet and hands will impact your back pain or digestion.

Theda Phoenix - Sound Journey Music 07/11/2022

Our July hypnosis and acupuncture event at My Rest is sold out! We have a new event coming up on the evening of August 25th.

I'm pleased to be working with Theda Phoenix again, offering a sound healing journey alongside acupuncture. Theda's divine musical talents help settle the body, mind and spirit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqQtM02OPa4

Tickets and more information are available at the following link: https://events.humanitix.com/summer-s-end-sound-journey

Theda Phoenix - Sound Journey Music Recorded at Sound Therapy Arts TVListen on headphones for best experience...Theda Phoenix is a singer, songwriter and intuitive song and sound channel. She c...

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Have you been curious as to why some therapists are targeting your fascia instead of the muscle tissue?  Fascia is a sup...
Transforming Anxiety & Stress at The Haven
Ants to the Rescue



3456 Main Street
Vancouver, BC

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 2pm
Tuesday 9am - 2pm
Wednesday 2pm - 7pm
Saturday 10am - 3pm
Sunday 10am - 1pm

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Acupuncture | Cupping | Guasha | Tuina | Diet Therapy in Vancouver, BC ☯️